Newmarket Era, 14 Jun 1895, p. 3

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NEWMARKET ERA JUNE- a WHAT IS OH IN ft TOWN Hook lobo band at for ton Hit or Time for which lk Jul Monday Ob I oat font Accident A named Hodge from Holland mi In bit If a goo battel thumb Injcrcd badly hill of jfitbooofctd to amputated Mcikodit Church- molding and by Ibt men of China At to to wboteiliUd In jirovJtlont W School Regular meeting look orenlng- Ircsent Dr Aoeouoti to Tbo bill J for noil and fifing at MM to Committer roll an ayeago of la OddFellow Hell lonlgbl Somebody ft job and ft horn or cow lo pa In ft tender for cutting omttry la The Icaoi lo a return watch won by I to can claim no honor for of fouler teamIncluding Colly pliyol ft J ji bo on May won by airtight to tctl on An old man named from Vtoirn- at ImI Moadfty Ho but bo waa only ft few when JIo wandered to ho fttfo ho to remaining and ran a again During apt bo oat Iwoor Ibrto ftnd ft which up to he lo return 1 Homo for but after ft WW he to inevitable wis back to for burial by friends A few ladies and gentlemen vtalted laal Monday and to hear of Mil don bad to but obaeco Mr Miller waa o bo la and fttiawarod all A or Individual of milk luted with llio wore Mr A per Mr cent and Mr Chat per The IdeutLepardapent whole of Monday at the Factory and wad that In and of ft Factory the in The for month coring AraVoUes and inaketbUwwk will avcraga Pay Up of the Northern Union called upon lo pay ft Wo fa caatcd by wllb at Down Cotlt The Im provement During weak front IncMIng Mr ftnd Mr Ilka all other In town look by abould not bo though Sr Pauls CfiURCJf IS A of Toronto will audi Owing to to- thli Lord Toronto not bo lo held tbo Confirmation till with tho with tin Son- day In to be able to he when Ibo Confirmation takoftaoe i L A mcciitig of took place at Hit laat evening In the new regulation read oier and Inwardly Librarian wee to hate painted placed over front on trance there JKtle call for Look eight each evening and on night given the librarian to clow libra at those will not of If each veiling A alio tttacbod the to book when The ttsuHr meet- lko at of Jm Lot St In era to attend Oh Bail Ann Granger charged with bigamy rut on and remanded for alw remanded for t In ordered the appointment for for In North York Albert end A Mo Donald dollop A a Browni Day your renjemente to to trenail on the let of and ace the Mitch and Newmarket for S20 cop will be worth going milts to to nothing of the y 00 big A child belonging to Mr after Monday or made a ron to the but tripping In tome way he fell and nearly A doctor wai vary the Mayor other day for to animal and fined He whipped his In front of Central andoowplalnt to the The man did rtntaot ike day bo treat ed Jiuo Mutt pre of A Water poll fill Excursion a Teach era Meeting on It to bold the Kxctiraion I Metbcdltl on or aboot of Jaly to tome point on Lake fJlmcoe andaComtoltUa Appointed to complete anangcmcalo The Senior received an Invitation from Alblettca fit to play in that city week and In day following Although It for boy a to at they to take la trip later In the This Great interest being taken the of tin Mid- land for 1931 and From all report the people art getting together a of pleyeri and one of the ever bore may expected Mr J of will referee game which la called for oclock the team by home twin will bo Coal j Point ttojio Weld K Coot re J Field Montgomery ONell Manning j Ont- tde Statistics The Post- General Jteport for tbo year end ing June rooelvcd other day f torn which wo gather the following Information of focal Intcreat OMf of io by a individual down town tail biyoid endurance no made Had tinned from an ordinary tramp ho have placed tbe In half lo look after taoralitbonldnotlol the a ro- of Up to The funeral of an largely being wonted A number of people New wore preeent by of counrel and advice by Mr Height and after which the remain wore grate Pino Orchard burying ground dont know the To Nun reporter that at the County Council bat If be knew anything boundaries of he ought lo know- Weil not form of IhtCODotyof York neither doea county Join any part of Counly of Victoria the reporter who the matter fo most have teen of the on tho Warden like trip tbo a sssS Cohikrehc- Tie ill of Hi But of ppolDtmt Into on Tact making following cv J J t Row Drown am J J Morgan Jtov if el Bond J J Moore R fltruw6 at Klnj Jiiftti It A r a not fcbtve VEhV Saw The remains of Mr It were brought by night from to Mr- ibo Oft fiunidy iho of Air tad Go of hit ho to bit room In nut found hiving ffulToctfd by It If When ho into room bo Up to bo jrti In order to bit bible wKopen but bun turnod off in Ho If turd it on eo3 jot the body found re bed- For wtD62 eg ho nit On iiU walked to If wet very hind end femllf erodwp w in op Maccabees Lodge etundod et took for In welcoming brotbrta to he feci tbtt tbo raenibereblp of order nod the Ho exptoloed the Iheiieue with a thrift ion of the noble character hero kit of vro let worthy for the bo die loenfully lor our end let not our we then drawn from text In which refuted to receive hie brethren bit brother tula with The pointed cat thai the the fraternal work for the welfare of bat mart forge i tbe doty of working to gtthtr to bring their to He at And oototr not bo to even Ik the Mighty of end earth for villi grtt you a brother end you will cot but aide by aide with you wfll HI td by kindly have led by Utter way c S I rf S I What Nicer hot dry i of end a rain Cell on A end at Houses ok arc receipt of work entitled Counly and County of from we take tho upon Am of This fa appeal the In tending poor to jail in taking decent cere of than end Aid ihty ere distributed of charge and more general In are given for the by York in taking of the dcnliUlo on merely groundffbut on gionoda of Oo en average tiki of this do not much for of they did before Homo and people got very faro compered with comfortable ac commodation which they now enjoy other took care of their do poor we not bo imposed wo now by not only our own Homo hot giving to going from door to door for We would know then not worthy could treat Potato for dry The only nay to a potion Hanaro of For eae at Store only a Christian Church Childrens Hay Hie a greet morning church packed to excelled all of evergreens dotted with white met the eye at every tarn platform with flowera while the ever green in the the galea ajar by a dove wet very aitlitlo There elao a pyramid of flowera which to ad vantage while hanging and made the appear If they ware Intended for dtcoraUona The program was appropriate throughout and was over by the Mr- A fa manner which that ha well for the The by the letter than nana children who the program cut than on The eddice welcome by particularly good At the program the pat tor who fa President of the Confaunoe pro duced the which won year and he that for credit of the school and Town that the child- tin would have a liberal on be- fialfof the Homo Fonda The then taken op which amounted to nearly The dlvtrafon from the enjoyed by young and old Conference in at week fo of there will be no trvicc morning but the craning Andrew of Aurora pro to the There wIU bo no prtvachlcj at the King church neat The worth league provided an at Moot ing the Choir tang Iwo throe end dackion con tributed a duet end en literary part ably by Radio Walton and Mr conduct meet log next Tub Sounds re- in Co No have drilling on the Market evenloge lately According to the will gointoCampet for It a that Now- market will leave by a- train but op writing marching have not been received by Allan who has got the Co up to regulation numhor hut of absence from Camp drill Domestic Water pot the Into rccldcno4thIawck Amos J l and Daniel of Mr to bo today of very weather more than doubled dally water Hot on Council for a If In month of Juno aod declaring Hit fa done bay will not the Time la only May and of end of In Juno fa Itocn 14 merchant bo are about tbo Inthotorn office ra for by the Tallinn of York in Convention Aurora month folio Mr J A fleejirctaMr Hots Kelty end I and Terry and XUompion IT or ate the elected last evening for P J a Mr J Warren Hoover V Annie Holler John Held Murray Meeting The Ex- of North York School Atcoolatlon of olCoora of the and eacli and all the Parlor of IhoMelhodlil market on Batorday of Jane p for ant touching and at fall It hoped that there will bo a attendance In wo might add that County received very few return from Sunday in tent lo bo filled beginning of month TO Mew A Straw 1 anford BARGAIN Morton Park on Wednesday a bang for Bumrair on Like which for general appearance and preis not hy any of a pencil flvJbcaolifut taken the of May making ft for qd It to will lion wilt set ttlth for and that or two alrciy Ice cold water or attraction tbe ara to Rush For Sacen Doom tad Mr Thomas a a doing to one of on Ontario flrftitQ wore oat for pratilleo Hit Friday night Mr Jar bat arm la a bad and of taken Friday at Cane Factory Town out Monday Board at Barrio Mr It Angr A farmer from bridge 1A ahootd or a an aahain Stntimtt J Ed aold to ft for formed and to yard tba other day yard oloco it up Btabici ling afiow vary bird tQpkkool jail lb it offered with aod well fcapl Booh ftd ftro on way to itpA A ftabUg parly to tho landing alght Holiday tho river They ry tbo wo mured aOnmtroai talking of following the Band to Party tut night Mr BtaUard at the and firm AHU1 llKHUyu owp annual Nor lb York on Too day Int weather delightful for participat ed in iho trip a he train of flretctiie with irmoktr and at del left Hill at ft- with about 0 addltfoni lolog various to till train completely fill of happy and jrtUi held for train and to tbaoke of duo for very that annoyed by nor onduttor to r to got away from inevitable grumbler Only when train Wharf tho now composite and the paddlewheel steamer Vjin were moored to and off for with tbo in load trip Iho Irtifl fine on tho water with ibo over varying which Ittoll along the route made boat ride charging Leaving wliarfonthoroulotikcn we ini4 Hay Port wo through locks from Lake Itostoan Ihen Wfndermero was rejichod to which Societys ex two years ago thenco wo half put p It was a grand and all on board who did not dine on boat or with wet of to noturoe now for a dinner at Mr and to which was done After dining parties rocky precipices or wended way through woody In of and bled away to and about bays and or pleupro or seeking bathing this way allotted for soon patted and at tho shrill of sltamcr to waro that the boor for bear Id another bill wo bad bidden genial manager of at and wo off It was hot on land bat on water the and the homo and hearty laogbtar onallsldM ovidoocs of aaiuractlon Lots of little aOoqairfdoathoroototowMehwe like but On Meskokft wharf the train was In coaches during oar boat having been swept oat and water tanks ropleaiihad Wo allude to thli particularly by way of attention of employees to make agroublo trip made In good time will not for to mention tbo of the pursers and other cm steamers and also Mr A general manager the Cay accompanied the party oo boats and through lbs mora than ordinary and Gingham Warranted Fast Color 36 inch Factory Cotton 10c American Print Parasols Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hobo Extra Fine Wool Mens Dollar Overalls Cranky Shirting worth cents tor Ladies Ribbed Vests TOKIO PONGEE PRICES lie We are prepared to offer Greatest Bargains in Mens and Boys Ready- Mads Baits in the County The goods are all FirstClass Stock with Hie best trimmings and guaranteed not to rip LATEST AMERICAN FABRIC FROM NEW YORK IM IS- tons Old At a of tbo on night to held their annual slononor about 17th of and a tibial was to Park and report to ft meeting of Brigade A foil attendanoe tbat muting The formers a theio to fool that financial clouds riling off tfrolf farms and that of breathing A dial of grain has ban coming lb t flf days and a bath for trbtat a quotation op to hero 3iy io km paid A of of Workmen and met at villi to hold a grand picnic at Holland Landing Park on of this month of tho Grand Officers do llnr addrctsea and to bo en Uvoiiod by bind rauic Committees It Is hoped that will caolal to Arrivo Park abost 11 and bring their Hot and will bo of ball and are oxpoclod In afltrooa cordially to admiuioa will bo charged to grounds The rict of Soot of at a of and In rupecl showod that Wat Among tho a to bold a or which now It Is to in Mr Williams and a general invitation all ho to a in to own grob bat hot cold waUr will bo Ho admUslon will bo charged to a bo to defray Bands ud local organization thus a grand V A f f- We arc handling this year the Meat Harm and Bacon are without exception the Mean we ever handled for mildness and sweetness This Company haye not been in operation very long but since they have commenced they have gained an excellent lion They imported a number of Denmarks meatC as you Mark a know the Danes Meats demands the We have Cooked every day and Smoker highest price on the British Our Sensation Blend Coffee is the finest in town If you are fond of a good cup of Coffee you should try it Our Grocery Stock is complete with the freshest Coeds is the line where we thine in Mixed Black and Japans We receive very encouraging remarks about our Bread Even the roost prejudiced people are compelled to say it is the best Our sales increasing every week We have little Syrup left number of Lard Tubs which We have a number of Lard Tubs which we arc idling cheap Pure Jersey Ice- Cream and IceCream Soda GIVE US A CALL A ROBERTSON Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner be so When you can have a light weigh Coat or Vest that will be both Cool and Dressy and you can have one or both for very little money Also Summer Suitings in Fancy Patterns and Halifax Tweeds the Cheapest and Best Wearing goods you can buy Next to Atkinsons Store Newmarket MY TAILOR Dont forget I Insert free of charge Patent Safety Pocket in each pair Trousers CATARRH OP HEAD OP THE EARS OP OP TUB STOMACH BRONCHIAL No Bell The familiar dingdong tiled to oar si wu log so off tried to loaci the toomlcg awing ws talk or all Ibrw Mtukolu Jiasepb ire od toft with lot for Iho are sad reiVlnj ftnd lb to tin y It ftflor srlvi4 at no ftootdeat to max lbs A While tunics to with in he with iU may VIc8t jail it lad rijtDUoallr ih oat of la two ti cat owpioM fcn of moid- without iKlr TV lr ffyWTofi Jo Oct soap by sad will bill is i- IS CO on w iii ica Wool per lb wlx ISO 1 J is sw 1 I CO on OH a J a HI a OH a SON a a a a a J We are not selling Ten Dollar Suits for Five but will slioiv you goods cheaper than any house iyi the trade If you want good goods at the lowest price call and we will show them J you to 1095 1805 DO MIXING REQUIRED worth Its cost as a fertilizer file only safe way to use a Strong Poison FOR BY JAS PROP kept for hire i Ms Week YheY American Silver a ken at par SLAUG O Call and see us Bed Boot lO All rips in goods sold here sewed free Invite your tipecial attention to their TEAS this Their Manager J Davison long been known in Vicinity an in the Tot Trade You will not be disappointed if expect to get the Tea or lbs for from this store the lie it Finest India Tea at Young Hyson at sec- per lb Alio in Coffees they excel for Mocha licnd it cannot be equalled most a for perfect flavored China fragrant fullness cup their Java and of Tbeii Coffee will surprise you warranted perfectly pure

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