That Tiffed Peeling danger It da condition and will to It ft that blood Mid Impure HOODS make rich red Wood en end to vigor to and health and vitality to part of ho body positively Makes the Weak Strong I Lome ol a Conic and hire I had A In In of bid or many and no loi l John lo Only True Blood Purifier In ana the John all John very dty lid Our Lord word by Miry to to Him in ap pointment of a II mo or appwrano of apcotid In formally wVf Not amiling time pointed and rcocMntf from great to work anJ tola condition woe and Id reward Inherited Church fa to men for to flock In other lo control condition of It to and under Koldftnco and Council of the County of York WARDEN J Eio Oko-Eajuh- UfO ibvTiAi J John r J Kclbsycn J A Ml Albert J fiUU J Bitter John it K Hoods Pills War from Cover com in by Dd fifflflcftfrtf A 1111 lrgxd for for to for tcrso coinnrentntlvo or rotUl uiM ft cicUtiny lyl volume A if o 0000000000 WITH HO IHCOHVENlCftCE CHEAP MAIL fi lit I IrrVlUfUt I KlMOSf WT Years Crays Syrup Red Spruce KKHRY Watsom A CO J f When Hon Mr Foster Introduced bill last to amend the Superannuation Act he cxpTaJned thai fti provisions lo the Council upon therccorn- of the Treasury Hoard to decrease or modify the chmes of civil to which superannuation should apply It also extended the time of service from ten to fifteen before those entitled under the Act to superannuation could be placed on this retired list The kill likewise proposed another important amendment applicable to abatement A previous amendment to the origi nal Act became law in under which employees entering the service after that date paid into the super annuation fund an abatement of lhrccanda half per cent of llieir salaries Instead of wo per cent By present kill it was designed to the three per cent rc applicable to the whole service and this together with the six per cent interest allowed by the Govern ment will cany the whole burden of superannuation Hon Mr pointed out that the fea ture of the kill introduced by the Minister of Finance was object inaunucli as it gave powers 10 the which should alone be exer cised under express statutory law It a departure from the general rule and as such would naturally be view- with suspicion Mr McMullcn member for 1 Wellington Charged Hon Mr Foster with forestalling the bill of winch he had given notice some time ago He called the atten tion of the House to the gross abuses which I ad grown up out of the exist- in superannuation system for which the present and previous administra tions were responsible Men were superannuated just to make room for political favorites Referring to Mr Fosters bill Mr is report ed as observing Hfiho tho giving power to add fletlcioos lo orvi Actually performed were of wit on Hat who hid not irvd Itn had actually only coven No half tho now would Iho approval Iho country won on drawing In pensions of which waa ft to country If the above remarks by Mr Mullen be true if dozens of men arc improperly placed on the superannua tion list drawing upon the public treasury for pensions not legitimately earned under the provisions of the statute governing the fund it is high time the whole system was abolished The bill was read a first time but when it comes up for a second read ing a spirited debate is anticipated Jut Vaogaftn George High Maple Whitchurch York J Hill Toronto Henry Can Aurora A North Toronto J ADtltd Arnold A J 3 J JI noaa J J Victoria Mod soil a Aurora Cole on Holland Landing Richmond fiPuffvilo Art Iogiloy II John ion Wcaton P Toronto John Bolton a A J at- a Tut lui of Michigan now Of A bill and Ihtl tody lo pro- u ban or If lOBikidt of fffr Oliver Kns- The to IhU wintry of the Hon Hit Oliver of not of lilt try lot of In of the of Vm Wold AltwaqMMMwl Cm- carefully over trial of and Welter to execute fit on Juno or tho murder former Thirty Ycrto of HANDS JUOKKS OUT Or WITH Man Hon Foot of Wfoa If to Ilfco After anl rn now at the foot Of hill of life having attained the year of my age and never dur ing that have I made a more willingly and than now My tortured by fur upwards of thirty caused and there arc lliouiands enduring a like Miction that need not if would but heed experience and themselves of the proper mean of relief affected my ino wwwjrw ship and to my legs and arras and hat to j jnany sufferers I spared neither trial trouble or expense m aome that had ft fair and impartial trial and ho coca no reason whatever why ft trial granted only hopo for thing alleviate the pain Trie had mc so helpless that I was unable to put on coat and my hands and wrists were twitted out of accord now is commutation their shape There teemed not the icnunco to or which shadow of a hope of relief and very hat applied for from Deputy naturally I became discoursed and Miniliter In view of disheartened and time after time is highly have I given up in despair While alio that commutation will bo rnt- J Arizona years I heard of and law will probably bo allow I sent for to eourco trial I John closely and by the time the fourth monument in Dominion box was the had greatly look on and I much improved lost la lha of an immense My friends having witnessed the CO ft ji tun HOW AT is one thing that a woman can do better than anybody in the world She can iron a worn out handkerchief so that every one of its rxged holes will be hidden sight will only apiear to view when her husband who is a lakes that identical handker chief out of when half way through the sermon and calmly un folds it eyes of whole con gregation UK TO VliilK A to intorporalo Ibo Caoadian has in and of Tut Bill by defeated Hit webin veto of to political on lth aides of IhaJIonu It Ottawa that of an additional if to la Federal parliament to acnoanti almost to a certainty Co CO uluolia through each tattle tie a km of tie to It Icuautlr jxtr All cured la Hi opoo aiCamp tt kaioaUa lor the of or Bycopa- li it a for UrUca fiaHiLulil 13 La d all HI colitis a at cat pioojpUUJloftHevU kldaa ila iH4Jl It Tux Militia to that Her would not iiMn of the Canadian Militia up the of present leave of aticnco dot the tiovcrnmeut capiat any the law to permit of thtafpoiotfneat of a the Toronto of the Empire of of which had made the book not been author ltd by the Department thirty for la Bo the filar of Hearty two occupied a platform and general groups around- Ills by of Cabinet Mlolttera per for m- ceremony of unveiling from a number of men The elande high of Sir John placed a canopy Upon the top a female Canada retting ft and bearing a horn of plenty Supporting figure from below children armdnarcD anting confederate whole On each of the canopy arobion Incident in Canadian At tho ooeat Board of theflepatatoBchooIa In Ottawa and on the report of School White the Ontario Government appoint a and report up on manner It being allied that too many text In of the com a the teach and at Father Foley to act ono of the commits ton era and led Mr- Cheney a olio to tender bit leaving Wm third man aathoaoleappotnt- od Of other gentlemen will bo appointed aod the made action Government no vriaebottllci aa was by of two of the oat of the on present with In Manitoba we think action of tho Arcblblehop only complied with the of the Board of Truitwa and their All receiving eld molt bo to fiovernment World respecting between ooonctla which to by via appointment of a board of arbitration to whom all rnnnldpaUtlea bo referred Board to to of one arbitrator appointed by andno by of the cor por It a annoooad that the Ontario baa the following Commlulon to look Into the of loll the J J A Don Campbell Dun das and Campbell Brant At all the toll rods of country In tLe tto- Hamilton it to n the province would Lava by bavtcg oca of Com from York and In Aldington The Turkish Government has the of the full will lie given for the outrageous behavior of the Turkish gendarmes at Moosb New York June So far no lew than persons are known to have died at a result of the heated term and more than persons have been prostrated and taken to different hospitals of the city A good many of these taken to the different public Institutions will not mob to put on rntcoat wonderful effect upon my body could not help admiring the Fink Pills and being to leave for the I gave the remaining wo boxes to them Unfortunately I neglected idling another for nearly it year after returning to part and I It that t me Pink Pills were of the necessaries of fc List spring I procured a few have been raking them since with a salts factory am Now I feel free from pain or of Joints I have a slight numbness of feet and half way the lent but am com that these pills I remove this Although well advanced in years I am able and do miles a day- Far rheumatism WtPianu Pink nently above all other medicines ac cording to my experience and I urge a trial on all suffering from this malady The above is an unvarnished state ment of facts as told the recently by Mr George Selleck an esteemed resident of Millers Corners and no one hearing the earnest mm- of its recital could fail to be con vinced of Mr sincerity But if this were not enough hundreds of witnesses could be summoned if kneed be to prove the truth of every stated Mr Angus Buchanan the well known druggist and popular reeve of speaks of Williams Pink Pills as one of the most popular remedies a sale among customers and giving general satisfaction- neura1gia par tial paralysis locomotor ataxia ner vous headache nervous prostratiob and diseases depending on humors in the blood such as scrofula chronic all disappear before fair treatment with Williams recover The death list for day is one of longest on record- Ten people were carried off the streets dead and eleven more arc in a precarious condition it frtaljnua iS 0 eta aaya tiAVHO I twit For Croatia CUBE la lea It fa Only 0 glow to paJe and compkaioru aad build up and renew the Sold dealer or postpaid at 50c a box or boxes for by Wil- Medicine Co Brock rie On or Schenectady per- to A June a A trol ley car foil pit their way lo Onondaga jumped trade and down an embank- roent at oclock Sunday morning Out of to only five without The car a rate of ia the tore from the txocti and over landing root cUeofwaier GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY lowiuTiIp mil fcfOoajolBnUioaoa and wi lb Mr who ordered in Boll bo lo Thai tor pari 1 bo aerotwd lo Manor lo lb John to lo citato SI con bo re to Thai half of half of lot cod bo to John In lieu of J J That as owner on pari lot con and Mortal tenant That of bo reread to Thai John Hamilton bo for I- a of at 100 That bo at lo J In of lot con Porter bo aa Mary and that bo bo as for two li aero lota In Albert at and thai of A Cany to by tenant lo lot cod for aero at bo lennl lo citato lot con W al that Hooter citato be reduced by amoont That Mr Wm Jr bo tenant to con and that to crated tenant on aald to Joint owner on lot half lal eon That bo ten lot eon I hair 3 to bo as tea- ant lo ftowlaod con aero at and thai ho bo traced from to asserted owner on aald lot owner and Albert as bo erased from aiaeu Iota and lit cod aod Chat IK at and Jot lot HO lit coo to Jot- citato at That bo tor fl-K- lot con at bo from auctnvent of John and adjourned Die of Hut Council day on adjournment of of of and and Com revived from It railway J bill and ra hp valuation reported yer bally In an to on Town and KM to t4ace for to ISO In JIM Walker roof varlooi On motion following appointed road ovcrMr4 vis of rorlgned Aaron la of J J Ilea of J In Men J rtiigni la Ilea of J JA Colo In llM Goo Arnold rcifgned John iu of rcilgaed W J In lloa of Frank A J- Ktltlng- lon do 3d to mot in AH of and confirmed Treat ro lot lit con Alea claim 3 and otheraaikJogaldtoMra Arnold ordered follow for of 2rfr Arnold and Alex Tate On Clerk was to on J and throodayaoa Jordan In No fi IritroJacfrd a ByLaw to grant and for year read a lit CoancU ruolvod into Com on tho tamo Mr In tho Com and reported with ByLaw finally adoptod On motion to oertaln taxes agilnit Council to mat In A man to the first girl who will ride down the main of the town in bloomers a e3WrK g I 4O100 Id Of tho marvelous of Burdock Blood In its specific curative power over every organ of body Liver Blood tho the Stomach Kidneys Skin gladder In fast ell pacts of human system regulated purified to perfect natural this medicine Thus it CURES disease of other parti of system Dyspepsia tbn Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism or General Debility and all the system by Bed Blood or dis ordered action of Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of warrant that is BEST SPRING FOR YOUNG OR OLD SUBSCRIBE NOW a J FOR AYER Dr n p No Other Medicine THOROUGH nick leme of Well Doctor Ko I Irtd lha Ml la Hi aM effect ai It FOR SAWS A to Mtr of oal FOR SALE Acknowledged by everybody to be by long odds the BEST LOCAL PAPER IN THE COUNTY OP YORK Balance of lEz Cash with order FOR I Iftto Proof a OOlco a CO MONEY TO fc DAVID LLOYD for aUuioiDt Cooratcr Wr A fort- follow Comuotei Hit Of ted 6R00ME House G JACKSON Era Office Newmarket Ont to all Bit- WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN laalbi for a MtolpoiUc4lUiac- to wr of for political Drawer SPECIAL COURSE la Ilook and It at GREATLY REDUCED RATES ft 1 TRY OUR PAILS TUBS CLOTHFSPIKS AUt VASIIARn3 OF NEWMARKET o J Building REPAIRS Wc flilVi up a car of Mr AND SHOP ToUrcaUiIatrNtwKUkU a TO to iif ACRES OF Con OOMi TO RENT bit LOT- a 1 Mar Jooa Jut NIMMO HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE a South End Tannery TO In rf All tiling J lUfiitlDgudh New Tires and i3 USE FOR SALE at Co lit F ARM FOR SALE Tiie Cushion Tiro into Ail ahoold fca acotr arc to make atlftcf Wo will a the Call and aw ft THE CAME SONS MFG CO Lid ir col Milt t3 l lrfla DUN wtnz sodden by of SHOFrfDIIIlKV J 1KB ifWt3 Tallow Is IS Skirt Bone VOW ftfW to 4o la4 wly 1 Tli K Company tii Society full I AO Atb Id FARM FOR SALE THIS IS A BARGAIN OR SALE A in J la Moia from lo yet no to that Celebrated Fea bon at corded For giving and SHAM to FARMERS nil for Id tie Ca 1 eta at li tor J aye fiiy err Kaitctylfvcrjr iu WUiiy O DRIVER SHAH OS Ml iM Vta A VliaV0 I lit Is tit- J Icl to O I p WARM TO It IS f it to ow-i- For Sale itft iMrt4 to it u otaKcy FOR TWENTYFIVE I3UNN YEARS COPYRIGHTS coisiikvittttjiij llai fata 14 J lletvcr Welti r I- Li ril5ri la Pi ICuiLu THE BEST FRIEND HI CANADA fcJ J Vkccrifcbf fob Sale OR TO RENT OF NEWMARKET lworvUi ttij a WORK all lr and Furnace Repairs DO year to vipu4 tol- vita il IMfcUtraritKr fittJ JiiLrT ur week a i art Two EXEMPTION OF TAXKS o w i 3