Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1895, p. 1

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THE NEWMARKET Friday GEO no K1T Vol i with Snip rnis I till ccscj I J AND tent outside of North York paid in advance CAPITAL RE5T p cm A 7KAKHAOTEJ1 Interest on Deposits DRAFT ISSUED I Newmarket Ont Friday June 21 Terms Strictly in Advance I within or at end of year I KG Ah I i JjAltUltTKUAo to Loan on ood ir for To otitic 1 7 Honey Co OKWCKIHvIttoa Court Money to Main T BT fft a for lli J A J ttTDAHT It to A 4 GREEK Oil and General Jobbing Work promptly attended to Give a Call I j I p 1 1 I- I A O In4on for of J I VltMlUcdAlf A ltctcrtntr A lo Main THE Liu York Co- A Mill Iftlu fitter I told on MTntoUiloo- IUt6 to ttlcdtd to and rf- Union J AT ftltljoFolOracc jNtiUHAKCK UlIcd All ItAiciGD INSURANCE of Iht and A of CO 1MJKKLY CANADIAN COMPANY TOOLS PAINTS CHURCH VARHISUKS GLASS AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN OPAQUK WINDOW CORNICE FORKS SPADES AND AN ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE J A ALLAN CO lor Telephone Ho MAIN STREET Jacks for Hire NEW A Ft K Papers WITH A trade is increas- Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in town which we war ranted to be as represented Satisfaction guaranteed in ever sale In oar Jewelry Department always lead Repairing De partment- All work done promptly and neatly at rca- prices nil ATKIM and Optica St y f NEWMARKET The Designs MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES Ill Foreign Granites Marble find and A call kmhA I vAhAv Of n Ittiy In II wJllfUlvo r Die do not any Office to outdo in tins line chher in or price If you want any kind of done see what work and terms you can get at the before you order Our promptness is pro verbial t TuvOi OAPITAIj AND FUNDS- DOLLARS to Match STARK Ofliqo Ml AND i lAitii its ytAj titer J- fcOUOII Life WS3 Au IciictKlloCdLidaorcr BONUS YEAR HUT IT COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE LARGEST AND BEST OF THE p All HUNT J A lentil- 1 he Profit tea SOUTH Of UOllONfO iO IS iO BUY CO MAIM ST SOUTH WD I MANNING SON OYLE f r MRS 6 Main CAUL 0dulriihTHIdV JMIOS MR A C0WCE11T BARITONE la Vft to T V VOOTiEN- DISEASED LUNGS BY TAKING Pectoral I a ttttk 4 I It who iiir ljn I tare CM I tfctralfltd to After I I lit flcli41 I turf 4 A r Ayers Cherry Pectoral Card fjldlacalfon li ihfl filler fioort ted Of com BctlhriOI dot fir fioFtryfieU I to ib I vof I it Ao4 la 10 of king VtUo4nlwtMclUiio Vtti my Id t Id thtt Lira tic 1 TUB FINEST TURNOUT VKUHOHd IWtcd tor Women end oil who are babies derive great benefit from Scotts prepara tion serves two purposes It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive a constructive food that pro motes the making of healthy It Is a wonder- PRIVATE MONEYS tissue and bone is a kit to remedy lor VrSiftSK Throat Wutlft of Own Young Doctor set the door of his office open and listened for a moment to chorus of laughter and that came the hall horn the Hit had visitor eh course they were the auxflfary there and he determined to join them He sure of Ms welcome for just now he was person of special in their minds The ladfci of place were to hold a bazaar in aid of the new hospital he had heart on and the to have an important part in the lit Louise Dal- tor was their leader and had aucrnbled to discuss ways and means with her The young doctor went to door of and stood there looking in to tall and broad- he almost filled the Yet for the moment no one noticed his coining so entirely occupied were they with their busi ness The room was thronged with girls in bright raiment all very much in earnest after the gay and light-heart- manner of girls and all talking at once Soon Aurora Fleming saw the doctor and came and stood before Mm a wee morsel of humanity not so high as his shoulder I am very touch obliged to Doctor she said with a vain attempt to appear solemn You have given inspiration that will make our bazaar a suc cess Liitcn girls We will have a tableau She looked around expectantly as ifvailing for the others to applaud her suggestion but silently availed an explanation Why dont you know what a tableau is she in a pitying tone Vell I didnt know myself until I saw the doctor standing here It is the easiest thing in the world and will produce a tremendous effect Queen just re turned from one of her great victories you know She is standing in triumph At her feet is a captive the has taken in battle with her own hands and has bound with Thats all what have I to do with it the doctor asked in amused bewilder ment How have I given you that brilliant inspiration How dense everybody is I Dont you understand I will Ik Xtnobia and you must hi my prisonerofwar I The idea of such a taking such a captive and binding hirn in chains was delightfully absurd Everybody the doctor included laughed and clapped hands As usual Louise was he first to stop laughing It wouldnt do at all she said in her sharp way Impossible Why everybody would remember that Queen was goodlook ing do at all There was an instant of astounded silence then all the girls began chat tering at the tops of their voices about whatever came first to their tongues anything to pretend that nothing shocking had happened But their lovingkindness could not hide the fact Louise spoke Aurora had been sparkling with glee it her little bit of nonsense now the sparkle had all died out of her She tried bravely to hide her wound but they all knew that she had been hurt Such a wanton cruel hurt Louise was the only one capable of inflicting it Auroras friends never mentioned and seldom thought of her lack of beauty She was so good and she was such capital company homely face was always lighted up with such bright intelligence they all loved her so enthusiastically tbit her crooked nose and freckled lace and brickcolored hair did not matter in the least Undoubtedly they mattered to her in her secret heart She had the good sense not to be unhappy about them but no young girl is ever quite reconciled to being ugly and no ugly girt likes to be taunted with her ugliness Even a jest on that topic Is painful a taunt unendurable Louise hid seemed to give her trifling words the full force of a malicious taunt That was her Somehow by look or lone or turn of manner she contrived to make a poisoned arrow of her lightest jest Probably she put more poison she intended on the tips of her She did not think of herself as malicious but took pride in her sincerity Doctor somewhat relieved tkc general distress by clos ing door and going back to his office He sat down resolutely at his desk He had work to do and he meant to do it but he simply sat there thinking tod evidently his 1 thoughts were not agreeable Most Gracious Majesty Victoria CROWNED JUNE 20TH With one exception the longest crowned monarch of history Long Live tub Queen M he the to their wayder There are plenty of pleasant truths to be spoken about girt to good and wholesome as Aurora Fleming why not try some of them no your boasted way Is to carefully pick out the one little bit of truth that is going to Is it the truth or its bitter ness lo others that charms you Louise He went away abruptly Louise heard htm leave the house She was lad he was gone for she could go on with her work She was in the least impressed by the little sermon he had inflicted upon her She did not mind any bodys very much That was her way also She needed stronger medicine than could be administered in any sermon The doctor had gone to keep an appointment He had not far to go so lie walked instead of driving but he had no time to spare having be stowed to much of it in the last hallhour Otherwise he would certainly have lingered to join the group of auxiliary girls that he passed on his way As it was he hurried by them with only a pleasant word of greeting Hut he could help hearing scraps of their conversation before they suspecied his presence He smiled thinking that ought certainly to approve of their talk for beyond doubt they were speaking precise ly what was in their minds They had left Aurora Fleming at her home and now free from th restraint of her were talking with great animation Nothing in this world will ever do any good but some of her own medicine and well have to give it to her l That was the first thing the doctor heard he came near them It re called to sharply what he had just been saying to bis sister that he was almost startled But how are we ever to do it gills I positively dont believe I can go through with it We must go through with it all of us this very night If ever any body deserved punishment At this moment the doctor passed them and there was an instant of dis mayed silence But the that going at such a rate he could not have heard enough to mike him suspicious He guessed at what he had not beard however and shrewdly decided that he not appear at Mrs house until late that evening Mrs general Enchief of the bazaar movement had called a special meeting of the Girls Auxiliary Society at her home that night In order that she might hear iheirreports and make informal suggestions In all such invitations was included as a matter of course for was the animating spirit of the whole enterprise When the time for the special meeting arrived most of the out He the door ajar again and watched them They still tried o keep up the appearance of but there wis a painful air of make about all their efforts When they were gone the doctor crossed the hall and entered the lit- tingroom again This time bis man ner was ominously and bis face was stern He had determined to talk to his sister in true elder brother style- Louise busily arrang ing papers was to all appearances as serene as tt nothing hid gone The girls seemed out of sorts they went away said the doc tor I they were tired calmly I never knew Aurora Fleming to cry for weariness and she certainly had tears in her eyes when I saw her Just now Nontehce I thought Rosy Hew ing bad more strength of mind than to cry for a thing like that I She ought to know by this time it is my way to speak what is in my mind Probably she does ft is a won der if she doesnt I All the same you cut her lo the- heart filed away tame papers and checked some memoranda in her note book no reply in words but the her silence much It implied the of calm to I wonder now you would feel time bet brother exclaimed Suppe some of the gills bid the bad manners to say the things to you that yon are all the time saying to them 1 I almost wish they would try it His sister paused in her work and looked up at with a sort of toler ant Is it bad manners to speak the truth she asked You wouldnt have me anything else would you I despise a hypocrite I try to speak the exact truth and to say precisely what is in rny mind That is my way It is not my fault if the truth hurl sometimes Your way I Your mind The truth I her brother exclaimed It it quite possible to mend bad ways and I advise you lo set about it be fore speaking exactly what is in your mind it might be as welt to make sure that the right thing is there to be spoken Louise did not reply The Golden Rule would be an ex cellent thing to keep in your mind with the other things the doc tor continued still severely A pity you did not find it before speak ing about Auroras lack of beauty were already assembled In Mis parlor She observed that some of them seemed rather excited perhaps in rather belter spirits than usual Louise was the last to come in and to the surprise of all she came alone She explained that her brother was detained at the last moment but would certainly come later in the evening Oddly enough the as sembled girls appeared distinctly glad of his temporary absence A little sigh of relief rippled through the room and miles and whispers were exchanged I It will be so much easier with out him Mr I from one of the whispers near her But Louise Grace exclaimed in a tone of sharp dis approval You dont mean to say that you came here alone Why not asked in cool surprise Oh nothing only it is late and it is so far from your house to ours and you have to the theatres and the clubrooms dont consider it pOper to come si far alone in the evening Every breath in the room seemed suspended for a moment Louise hid an feeling that every pair of eyes were watching her She was angry at the words and all his attention did not make her anger less 1 can manage my own affairs she declared indignantly That was nothing short of impertinence l Grace Mrs exclaim ed in horror turning upon her daughter What can you mean by such rudeness I am amazed Now mother I You know it is only my way I know nothing of the kind And if it were your way I should do ray best to get you out of it For my part I think Louise was brave Jo come so far alone rather than miss the meetiog I suppose that is so never thought of that Grace confessed with apparent contrition Now girbf about the said Mrs eager to change Ihe subject I dont wish to dictate but I do hope you will make it a milked of the affair With to much musical talent at command can be no difficulty about it We count on you Louise for at least one selection the piano and one or two tongs Louise who was proud of her sing ing and playing smiled complacently at this suggestion Of course we must have music iitd Olive Moore But Louise turning to her with an air of the most candid peaking do be careful your not to at tempt anything too brilliant Some tiroes do you know your execution is a little like capital And do select a song suitable to your voice said Bess Dull not to high you know When you get upon high lhee is the least possible suggestion of piracy And you ting a do try to Ait tome expression into it I advised Vou dont do that you know And when to play Helen Minor began But the got no further for Mrs interrupted her by rapping sharply on table with a paperknife The good lady had listened in speechless amazement to this out break of rudeness What had come to all ihese wellbred well mannered girls Never before sure had they been of such behav iour What does all this mean she demanded severely I did not believe one of you capable of such conduct and here you are all I do believe every one of you would be have just as outrageously if I would permit it I Have you no consider ation for your friend feelings You have mortified her beyond measure already Truly Louise appeared overwhelm ed with mortification anger Her serene complacency had quite deserted her and the hot with blusher trembling with indignation and shrinking with humiliation For shame girls It is too bad The protest came from Aurora Fleming who had been taken into the confidence of her champions The smart of her own recent wound made her pitiful and she put a friendly arm Louise ycu have no right he angry with the girls lor speaking the exact truth you know They were only saying just was in their minds Anjtt Trevor said this in a rather weak and faltering tone She was almost in tears over the distress of her friend So were the rest of them for that matter the punishment had been harder to inflict lhan they had foreseen But having begun they must go on to the bitter end Undoubtedly Louise understood the full morning of it all now but the understanding made her no more under the discipline I will not sing 1 will not play she declared vehemently while pas sionate tears ran down her cheeks You must accept my resignation Mm I shall have nothing whatever to do with the bazaar Pay no attention to what she says Mrs said Doctor as he stepped in from the door where he bad witnessed a part of this extraordinary scene She will play and she will sing and she will work as hard as ever for the bazaar he went on and more that in a week she will have forgiven every one of these friendly doctors for administering to her a libera dose of her own medi cine Oh that was it was it said Mrs in sudden enlightenment Then she whispered confidentially to the doctor Perhaps it was necessary all or it was a critical case Companion SUTTON The saw mill at the of the d business We hear that Mr made a large sale of lumber to Mr Recsor of Markham this week A lacrosse club was organized last evening when was chosen President Stuaridge Hon President Walmslcy Set Treat J On Saturday June first lime five years the green diamond was by ihe sounds a struggle for championship the two contending teams of and The game commenced at pro- with men on team and for Siloam After the second innings the ninth man for ap peared For local country learns a pretty good game was played there being four whitewashes shared equally by each team After a hotly contest- game of five innings ihe score stood Siloam so The game was an interesting one the resounding cheers from the spectators of sides shewed that it was not lost on them Quality in RESPONSIBILITY MATTER I EATON SECRETARY p A Of ZEPHYR The likelihood of a brass hand in our village is the topic of Conversa tion A few of Zephyr orchestra visited Baldwin of Div a week ago last Tuesday evening and rendered a few selections The annual from here to Jacksons Point took place on day the On Saturday evening a football match was played between ihe seniors and juniors of this place which result ed in tie each cam scoring goal Some time ago Mr Albert Welter of and Miss Elizabeth Mar shal of the 3rd line discovered thai they had two minds with but a single thought so on Wednesday the at the residence of the brides father they were made one by the Rev Mr Curry HOLLAND LANDING We are sorry hear Mr James Gray is so seriously ill with Utile or no hope of recovery He is at his daughters Mrs A of Second Street Mrs had til fortune to lose a very valuable cow Ibis week There was quite a shooting watch here on Tuesday a man a and a hen were the participants The man and the hen from their respeclive ends of Ihe blunder- bus and the woman fortunately barely escaped being shot A large number boarded the ex cursion train to Muskoka but nearly all were from Queensville Sharon and St We notice our senior minister Rev Geo Washington goes to We are pleased to hear that Mr Taylor is much belter Dame rumor is busy arranging her report of June weddings Much despatch neces sary as June it passing By present indications there will be no special attractions here on Do minion Day An old fashioned pic nic should be arranged or June 13 About eleven oclock today when a thunderstorm was passing Over the city struck ihe Mackenzie Tower oyer the Western Departmental Block The lightning entered the window of the designingroom of the architects in the Tower room situated on the fourth floor Two or three were at work in centre of ihe One of them was brown below ihe table with the shock The others vrere with plaster from the roof but none of them are badly Injured The room was a wreck The plaster was torn from the walls and the lock stripped of the doors The current travelled downwards to the basement of the building where Breton chief clerk of the was at his desk Breton is still lying uncon scious the shock he sustained but it Is expected ibat he will toon ttcotcr Year by year as the number cheese factories in this country in creases and as the competition for the dairy markets of the worloVbecomcs keener the demand for a finer quality of goods becomes greater and the need of more care and attention on Ihe part of everyone connected with Ihe business becomes of the utmost importance Unless everyone connected with the industry the cheese maker who makes the cheese the patron who supplies milk and ihe shipper who handles the when mad is doing his utmost to perform hi share of his work in the best way the highest perfection cannot be attained in the quality of the product duties of patron of the cheese factory are just as important as ihose of other factories with business They am important because ihe patron has control of ihe cow which produces the milk and be cause he also has control of the from the lime it is from cow until it is placed on milk wagon for deliverance at the factory or in other words during time when it is most susceptible to injury from taiols and fowl odors A great many patrons of cheese fictories fail to realize the importance of their duties and look upon cheese maker only as ihe one who is responsible for the quality of cheese at the factory True the responsibility of the maker is great but it must be remembered thai however skillful ihe maker may he must have a pure flavored and suitable raw product to begin with or he make a firstclass article of cheese The duties of ihe patron thou important arc net very onerous if given a little application can be without nwh difficulty During the warm season care is necessary in preserving the mill a pure condition The most import ant duties devolving upon the patron may be specified as follows 1 Absolute cleanliness All cans and milking utensils should washed luke warm water using and then thoroughly sterilized by boiling water to kill the germ Sunlight is an antidote for germ life and therefore all vessels when washed should be placed where the direct rays of the sun will reach them a All milk should be trained as soon as the milking it done It is always necessary to remove lump of and other impurities right away before ihey become dissolved in the milk A thorough aeration the immediately after milking is absolute ly necessary It will allow the ani mal beat to escape and put atmo sphere produces bad odors in the can be done by dipping or through some aerator and allowing Ihe air to pass through milk or by forcing air into the milk by means of an pump or by an invert ed vessel so arranged as to the air with the milk After a thorough aeration ami cooling the milk should be to keep over where the air is pure and stirred occasionally during the evening The patrons of Cheese factories when the sour whey is returned in the milk cans should give care to removing the whey from the milk cans and to thoroughly cleaning the cans as soon as milk wagon returns from the factory If the sour whey is left for a lime in the cans or till night at bat been done many places it will be almost Impossible to remove the effects of the sour whey and gel can in a fit condition for receiving electing milk tS- James Graham of Bay shot and killed his ton Irving by accident Lindsay town council has granted towards building an insolation hospital in that town Captain V A flnt I ever found llil do BcoUV COBB Core it la only Children I9M it Blot HAULS trill Blood i Sic CO

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