Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1895, p. 2

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it Co The A Ho J rood 11 fibop for A To Crop for Jos GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY to lUoltob refers to leg Jo A ft Eva lH AMI WITH Era la Printed all at Homo HI SKI lis nit rtf to J 1 JIarrU hit dunged and wonderfully Improved In ft Mr J A McLaren Hid Tig Court we ok a by a not be- or but on Hit of llw alleged qualification of convicting If Alt that Mr J A hit to bo arbitrator for City of Toronto under terms of act the tarn act Mr J J ay Tilt 11 III rctptttf to Toronto University of ad mini at rati vo rightly or wrongly attributed to the of Toronto would not adorn the of book- In a livery It that intent Ontario Joint Act In- of tnlltpntn by name of Ontario liberal As chelation stock of object of the Is to and flcncrally to of tht Liberal party up l ho will fan of light Ontario Government hat ordered a now for county town of mw election will bo July Mr lleinlnp of It will bo that In vloufl election North Day for York J tough to remedy the foeta in con- tin of that ayiteui ft too ofteo performed In a merely check a la Hamilton called to wind up with tbt that been on for years A proper audit would tht firet year should for a next of Manitoba has reply in of that Province lo tbt order on tht school by authorities log to comply therewith Premier J Lowest Intimates Hewing order knowledge of all tht at and tella over Coo cell that would to a to the whole to tht Ontario statttbat about reply moderate yet and a iciptuifou It ft further staled that a opinion prtvUls o thai tht Is not In a position present to bring down any feasibly Royal hinted at will prove ft way of trouble and remove hi a aenutioQ was created our at Ottawa latt members of and Committee of ten dered their a emplaln that I torn manner In which art treated it evident tot to oompoecdof Ucsud Protestants and the for mar art to divorces from con port ait as with their In A4 tht abatrad right which lbs baa to with or reports of any Its committee art of opinion that this ft a right which should cot on any perusal or religious grounds or or whim but where ape careful study of facts or which has produced fort tit It can shown that that reported contrary to ribU Julio of cats lit members Divorce art Hon Hurts A Prgasoo HI- and Read It ficatt would In a body would lbs IIovtu Publlo haft on uniform ptoaitlon Monday and It was a retrograde when In York An amendment to Act Is pro by Topper Iltiltopobllabor any coirs on Day diatri be of newt In ordinary way by In on tht Day will not an off net under It appears his decided on knowing whether Federal Govern JiuUstcd the to for Premier in order him respecting the remedial school order or If lit did on his own motion Mr McCarthy has given notice of a of ho Intends to ask In Parliament with this object In view from Ottawa to Montreal under date of Juno Mb slates that If A Ward txtf P for Kait Durban Is an applicant for people of district urg ing claim upon Government for This Is a novel court for an applicant for to ThoQueillon now all over country Is Will fill up vacant chairs by a lot of defeated and j1IUclansf or will ceo to it that Hit touch with aplrlt and wollv At Act was patted laal sen Ion of lb Ontario tabulation prohibiting between tht of two and sixteen years of being kept In county or homes for tht which Oti Day Mr J- J up at York County In Home a short removal of all children be ages to proper homes fifr Kelso has a number of bright little ones for whom Is anxious to And suitable places with re families to Mm at Parliament buildings To will attention Of course Dili new order will some kicking will for of children to removo them frota company of old people Mils Millard Is a month In city Mr and Mrs Dr Illuarl gone lo Warsaw Large from la vlaltlng at Mayor was visiting friends in Aurora last llunday liulro Jwkjwn to yesterday Miss Keith to Toronto last flaturday for a few day Miss Montgomery was with Mrs J week Mr of Toronto tpftnl with Mr Cant Mrs of Aurora a Mr J Mr and Mrs gone to How York on a trip Alderman daughter from flu Is homo on a Wall Mrs mother of Mrs Ii hero on a months Mies attended the at Mrs Martin and children havo gone to Toronto to spend ft month with her patents Mrs and child gone to Toronto for a months her former home Mrs of Dt of Mrs J Is hero on a for a month or two Mr and Mrs fitopbtnson of Picker ing were tho of Mr aovtral days last wek Canon Fa comb In laying of a corner stone at yesterday afternoon Mr and Mrs John and daughter spent at Mr Mr P and wife from Brampton have moved to taken a on Quud fit Mr of Xing and bis sister of Toronto spent with their slater Mrs Goo J Deputy Sheriff at Mario spent over with Chief his broth daw Mr Manning accompanied by Manning and drove to Mr VanKormanj family of Toronto move to Cedars their summer on Lake Weston Thus Mrs and wera at on last attending funeral of formers slater Mr Carpenter of form of aunt of Mrs ftbertonvlaltwltb her for two or throe months Mr who has offered blm tell for has been pointed by to King circuit wider Iter Mr Large Johnson and daughter aleo Ufa May Lemon of were at Mr- Wallaces over Bun- day Mra J fa for a week Mrs Jackson afent Id tht Oily with relatives while the attending as a dtttgtU from Bradford muting Mr Clark a pupil of when lata Mr was beadmaster and town day calling on friends Mr took a caravan to and wUl camp with for soma days En preserving shadows of got a death of broiber at Pa only at- day before him quit hopeful Mrs McKay lefl morning to lend the following vers on tbf final draft of the tot it Methodist Washington goes lo John Look to Bradford j Bar to and j bain Bar to Island Bar to to Qootaarlllt spent a days with their J Mr on ft In the now by Mr with a old re Idea art pleated to thai John of an of High School suovxrfed la obtaining defect of A at the 1nlTerstly Toronto at Ibt exam mlnlriry this year and has been to ROACHS Dominion Day will ice a treat crowd At the Monster Celebration in Motion Park and work ii being to lo hart In readiness Quccniyille Band Is to be here again a good Siring Band Boat race and Karnes of description are to take place for prices Excursions from various points on Lake Dinner and supper on the grounds No charged The day will conclude with a grand lEon of the grounds and buildings Hie proprietor promises tbe best teen In of country HOPE ITEMS The Annual Garden of Hope Mcthoditt Church will be held of next week Rev of Newmarket is expected to deliver a Keys and will also be present A good program will be furnished con silting of music and solos And all possible will be done to make the party a Mr Hoover of Newmarket occupied the pulpit here last Sabbath and preached an earnest and practical discourse from ros LANDING Messrs Luck and Keg Tate of Toronto took A run up on Satur day on their bikes Mia Woodcock of Newmarket spent over Sunday here the of Mrs Watson The river is the lowest it has been for years at this time the year A number took in the Garden Party Bank and express themselves highly pleased Only another week when the good mother will have the full assistance of her urchins Geo Washington preaches to the Chosen Friends next Sunday evening A crowded house is looked for as it is also his farewell sermon A great crowd is anticipated here at picnic Thursday MOUNT PLEASANT DeputyReeve was in To ronto last week attending County Council Mr Johnson of Scott Tp and Mr were visiting friends here last Sunday Mrs Hopkins of Toronto is ing her sister Mia Stephens Messrs Win Mahoncy and J Stephens have relumed from their turn at the Normal School Mr Williams and sitter accom panied by a lady friend visited at Mr Irwin Hamiltons over Sunday Mr ft Shaw received a severe kick from a horse one day last week Mr Alex Mitchell wife and mother attended camp meeting on Sundays Mr S Shaw and wife attend ed the Excursion to on Tuesday ST ITEMS Mr John Lewis and bride moved into their new house on the last week Miss of Newmarket was the of Mrs on Sunday Mrs J is attending her sister Mrs of Holt who is very low with Inflammation the lungs Miss Sarah Dyke who had her back fractured last November is not able to walk yet Mrs Wm Bell and Iwo daughters of Newmarket were visiting at Alma Grange last Friday Mc Arthur has raised bis barn some eight or ten and is putting a stone foundation under it The Tigers a junior foot ball team went to Snowball Saturday The result was three to one in favor of the Tigers A Public Library is about to be organized by the Royal Templars of Temperance The contract for erection of the new Baptist Church has been let to Mr While of Nobleton Great improvements have lately been made at Johns church are sorry to chronicle the death of eldest son of Mr and Mrs John who passed away last Saturday morning of scarlet fever Deceased was a bright little fellow of about ten summers Our band had call to play at Bol ton on Dominion Day but bad to decline having previously engag ed by the Mass Meeting Committee to play on that day Mr John Button of the Queens Hotel got his shoulder dislocated last Tuesday at the opening of the new Tent of Knights of the Maccabees of the World were the proceeds of the garden party held at Mr Walkers residence on Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies of Cor Methodist Church Schomberg brass band rendered choice music during the evening While Mr Gibson and family out driving last Monday evening the horse took fright at some timbers lying the tide of th road at the north end of the village and shying very suddenly precipitated tbe buggy and horse the em- was injured beyond a few slight the was considerably damaged- Seventy horns and cattle ate killed near by a I of grey flies Our friends arc to congratulated on their well merited The teameeting on Wed nesday evening was an agreeable many as the weather was threatening necessitating acbangc of front from Mr beau tiful grove to the hall The menu of the entertainment was all that could bo desired and band out did their rendition of selections Intellectu al part of the entertainment was Indeed an agreeable- surprise The Largo family was large to deed as well at thought Miss was happy Mrs and Mr OBrien eloquent and appreciative Mfis Jean Toronto nobly sus tained popular expectation in her literary compositions evincing care training natural expression and beauty conception Mr Henry of the line who 10 bad hit leg broken on ultimo It pro gressing favorably MOUNT ALBERT A number of our young folks vent to the lake Ian for a pleas ant trip and they got it They hired a yatch and went to On the way home It a keeping them hours on water finally landing near balds Point The men had to wade to shore carrying the ladies who had to wait In the cold till the men walked lo Sutton for their There was a grand invitation party at Mr on Monday night Birth The wife of Mr Harrison of a fine boy Mrs died on Tuesday after a short illness Mr got his collar bone broken While driving down the hill with a load of lumber the axle broke throning him to the ground Mr A Toiler had a- narrow escape on Tuesday He went 10 separate a couple of entire that had broken loose and to the ground Had he not been dragged out he would have been trampled to death SHARON All those having and friends interred in the Children of Peace burying ground at Sharon are invited attend a bee on Saturday June for the pur pose of cleaning up and improving the grounds generally The members of St James Church arc agitating a garden party to be held in the near future Some good talent has already been secured A few of our boys left on Tuesday for Camp at Niagara Quite a number from here expect to attend the Temperance picnic on Saturday near Newmarket If the weather is favorable there well likely be a gathering Mr and Mrs Thorpe of fonis- fit spent Sunday at Mr Abb Will- sons Irwin has gone to wick where he may spend most of the summer Mis Kenton is tiling friends in Miss Evelyn of Aurora was calling upon friends last week The Garden Party under the aus pices of the Methodist will be on Monday evening next June instead of Thursday of this week Every arrangement for a successful party being made and a good time may be looked for in attendance See bills had the raising of his new barn on Thursday last When completed it will add greatly to appearance of place The continued dry weather making many wish for rain The grain crop will be short in the straw We notice in last weeks Era that Wideawake refers to the correspond ent of this place about the being so busy and must be very slow while those on the street were just the We are under the impression that Wideawake was just a little off when he was willing those items as he cannot find any such statement by us in these columns of June Perhaps the news that a young lady only a few rods away had been kissed by a cow was too much for him You never heard of such a state of affair at Glcnville r Gravel haulers can to placing the he can find on the load for a cushion on the It put ting on a brown appearance The general cry is for a nice shower of rain The meadows arc to short that looks as If It would have to bo cut with tbe and carried off la a hand basket Before the cold snap In May the prospect for a bay crop was seldom It as if the Dairymens As sociation and Board of Trade had not been of much benefit to the cheese trade this year A King Plowmans Association was held here recently The accounts show a balance on hand of about prospects arc good for the coming match which will be held near on the Nov King Union Sabbath School will hold a TeaParty in Mr Rams- dens grove on Saturday June Ketticby Is to be there and ad- 1 arc promised by Revs Prosier and others Tea from 10 Service In ihc grove on the following Sunday at and pm AURORA A fivemile bicycle handicap race will be held on Yongc street on Friday evening stalling and finishing at the Queens hotel The cheese factory has constantly gained since Its opening a month ago until Monday last when the quantity of milk was so large that Mr House had to return a quantity to the send ers Mr Benjamin Willis of George street met a bad a few day He was driving to hit son In accompanied by his little grand daughter and having 10 pats through an opening in the ftnee a rail caught In one of the wheels and upset the catriage throning both Mr Willis and the little girl out on a pair of harrows which were In the field Mr Willis had two of his ribs broken besides sustaining several bruises He is recovering rapidly and will coon be able to ride out The little gill escaped with but flight injury Two serious accidents occurred at the Agricultural Works on Friday last Mr Lubbock was engaged in culling a heavy piece of iron when a splinter of the iron flew and struck him In the eye penetrat ing fully an inch and causing him most Intense He was con veyed to Toronto where a specialist removed the splinter It was thought at first that he would lose the sight of his eye but there some hopes that he wilt retain it The second accident was that of J Wilcox Along with Mr M hi was doing some work at the old Wilkinson Foundry which Messrs Sons have rented On corning down stairs he had the misfortune to step into a hole at the bottom of the stairs which was only partially covered He was thrown violently forward bruising his side and injuring his knee Both men are old employee in the work and it is somewhat singular that they should both have met with an accident on the same day A very pleasant event took place at tbe residence of Mr Victoria street Tuesday morning the being the marriage of bis fourth daughter Miss GertiudeOugh to Mr- Geo- T Boles of New York City formerly a resident of this Rev Jos of Toronto officiating The wedding was attended by some relatives of the bride and groom After partaking of a dainty wedding breakfast married couple accompanied by father and mother of the groom left by noon train for their home In New York amid the welt wishes of the assembled guesis and friends The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents as a token of the esteem in which she was held The guests present on the above occasion were Mr and Mrs Boles of father and mother of the groom Mr and Mrs Smith of Illinois uncle and aunt of the bride Mis- Vm of Hamilton sisterinlaw of the bride Mr and Mis A Kerr and Miss Bertha Ough of Mr and Mis John Misses Morton and Miss of Toronto Your correspondent joins the town people in wishing the married couple a long and happy life Wed- very large well The Band Lawn Parly on night last week was enjoyable affair There was a attendance and the did taking in altogether a little oyer Our band boys her aie kept busy parties They were out to the third last Saturday night Mr Fred Wahoi lias put a neat woven wire fence for his lane He ft also putting a stone foundation under his stable and driving house- Mr W Fox of the con has been beautifying bis yard fence and other fixlogt by a liberal supply of paint J has placed a new straight tail fence around his young orchard which looks verv neat Mr Joseph Baker has fenced off a yard in front of his house with wire making quite an improvement to tbe looks of the place A little further on see still another change Mr Geo Williams lane he hat made a complete move of it so that it comes more direct from ibe building to the road instead of an angle as formerly Very likely could we sec all over the district there would be numbers of other improvement that we now know nothing about Mr Mount is in very poor health and it unable to work Fall wheat in general will be short In straw The cold map in May stunted it It has been out In head tome and it will not seem long till the click of the harvester wilt be heard The toads have now been put in repair and are good shape A new arrival at Mr A Grangers a daughter Plenty of these times Band football and choir Mrs Barbara Smiths formerly Webster from near hat been visiting at her old aid other Our Ottawa iU Era Jobs School its ppcirQCfl In tho sisas The reply which miio lo tho remodUm has Intern ia of that Qemnmut to order Is what sad doit which oiio an- a rtsalt It well selOod down biro thai by try to carry order which too hastily mado It now sold that was called under led- fug It bo thai trench portion of Cabinet baa trig to do with any soch cow sro sod with upon expediency of Catoa and are so committed Id to legis lation thai dolus can ex traordinary politic will bo discredited however lei afraid than of some French rlalng tbo noose and la an the ether day opinion upon Manitobas answer I do hot bo that la Mr Blftoo motion frnpUe any part at It shows that Mr and Ms are of tho of their and tea totting to tear an Government hi not to many that Roman Catholics have bad to to no and no oppression As I argued before Dominion tew been lo work well As to by Do minion I think It a grave and how far Government own In matter I Lave CO lelitattoa Is to render affective any Act a the Dominion no to the action of Iho Govtmictat I thins flat wi bur of In tie fleets will to from Trench li IhM la ranch French mat ter They will Inrttt taken by the tbo Is still divided In matter There every to believe that the Government nearly declined to do anything farther than to Then the French mcrabcre by J end Order wee In whoa bo bo sold wm by no betide Por trial weeks been palling down foundation for pedestal Sir John A to bo creotvd on Par liament to eland at Central a poililcn with that by of hie which lifts its bud Into the of Iho Ircti Immediately to Iho It Is now pro- pod that shell bo on Dominion Day having been to iho Aitlit Mr to hare erection with at once two In connection with the on Friday John Jhompwa and ether vote loba given to With to rlrst It will Into- retting to recall that Blr cost that of John and In the jo amounts nrgtd that and had for Iho kit of Mr who had rnents nor Finance Minister denied that bad been heavy They simply la Ihonnotokl clrcamilancos Premiers death With rcgsrdto Iho grant to Thomp son the similar action by the Parliament was In granting to en of a year 10 bo paid for of years For this grant a of the voted great balk of pariy The of ten the Iho old would cot thought to a The episode was retinae members cut of nine who For ytsts years tors like members of have voted against every Dill This do from and moll res ground that are has become so to the that the votes on Bills now a matter of form Only la each is and alter that the motion and carried with Mr Speaker merely repealing words On Bat other day open a bill tome bad arisen In to tome who that particular bill moiled in throwing oat Divorce Gemini Divorce re- this t Canada placed upon Parliament Including doty grant divorces For Itoman to pari Its was not to bo tolerated any longer of tho nine reigned and what will bo remains to bo lit Pass other day upon Mr bill de claring that members who to upon Itailway pastes should not receive their vote was taken further Dill received In Its sup port votes sgalnst a very good showing for Us first appearance Par liament Tho consisted of ell Liberals with els from Ministerial side including Col Opposition leaders voted yes and leaders Kay Mr Is kept days management Mario Canal from crlltelsm A point which was brought oat on Friday sad the laid much upon ic had in Ibclr contract with Government for of Lock a provision which gave them oorn- control of work and rojnd It doting the contract was being filled for this which gave that the work lock additional to that which bed for was net to have been done A Company had com pleled fact was however that the harrying forward Cast It vet decided to has construction ami tie power pipes jo on work asked for bat Ikon pat in by wars Ryan it tot work sod other off Tot look fortsslaass tk Co rvr lot so Cosiaay the sonttsct at pipes Ceo- Bridge and Eogincerlof Company of teodued for bat By in at in bis Friday distinctly slated under cross ftenlnatlon that lo of Company contract for tbt mala work no have to carry oat works except with the consent sod by arrangement with Ryan Company This case reminds one of block salt was called for the natarlhlog of which Mr Unlock deserves tho credit Id under a similar tract contractor Mr lolled otter contractors W per cent on slooouqU of for privilege getting Into Ibe a8ber1foityfo QgJ L I ajAiKi Until wo will and evory ftvdclo in our Great i Dont it filiiEWS J IN mm DOT MUSLINS NEW STRAW MAT LADIES VESTS RIBBONS out and Clothing Boat Stock of Reliable- Clothing north of Toronto and at smaller prices than other stores THE K NEWMARKET St Thomas June The mtir- and Welter were hinted tins in the pretence of about persons CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE CorYongeGerrard Sts TORONTO ONT la II I t ft 11 Six Acres Clover FIRST CROP FOR SALE ON THE FIELD soa sax ijjij A- For JERSEY BULL Kill ALL JOHN WA8LRY Hiss of ie It iA In the boroa ho dor of one at tor a ctaiis the ilea lo lor AT THE- Furniture AMD House Special FOR CASH A SPECIALTY calls to at JOHN MILLARD NEWMARKET The Lodge Order of is meeting Mrs William fell in to river at nd drowned George from hone and killed The County Council of put force the Toneni land titles in the county Port Perry vat the other day fine4 and com by Magistrate for ildiog a bi cycle on the Charlea Green little daughter run by a trolley cax at atd received Injuries Ihit arc feared to be fatal tctGttlf of Tlio Alto At ihinl4ccc of the iter at or it ntrJOi Mr cit or York to Tomb jo axe Hilt of slrFfAacU ml iltter it fiih tat tt lAUurrcdatKiwruikti IHJrazat Joce fcU h Anxra Std7rt19dst lit- it lit faU St 10x1 i tot la at a Sm wi cm till to I Heavy Draft r and Carriage iv tnn IM 10 IfOltsV racti in Dfaui Holt 15 IfJlGcVa Kct4Ick lltrairv8t4RM9ThrsVldr Ktturaf rf W I A ft I CLE A I June Weddings Your wedding table will be com plete when you one of those nice ornamented Cake that we Every body says that we make he finest north of Toronto We not only the for the money but also the qxuutivy A great jump in our Bread last week Our HomeMade Bread still Leads Give our a trial Ices is new in Newmarket Nothing on a warm day Choicest Confectionery and always in stock and lower than the Our Grocery stock is complete with nothing but good linw BROS Main St BOOTS SHOES YLTKi- J MAM ar- aaj In High of Justice QUEENS ifcjj iM lit iiJk a ifcttc Milt to tf tit at it lo lli63Jhay ital il- licrcoa siioaccat a tick a faMruth a rinx rctt all In uiCaqatif Vlvlaa ncnLafiTcCa Li lAi OfcrJi tot worth 175 worth- W Chill he frS worth nearly Doagola north at Chilirtaa for and Boy Boot either Fit and t WLoai at oar profit da cot Wo want roc CROCKERY GLASSWARE DINNER BETS TOILET SETS BERRY SETS LEMONADE lines for HARVEST Wo ilgl Spot Gash for W iritis ICC a smith Main SJAU Ui t t M is FOUND Orfcercatatetl Cor ti ttXHU0Ut4 A ewsoafSei era lo le tie m J sues lie win to frtlo lo awtoraaJiobita lao wt to a order hi ito it ftbll47rlta Oa ail of li lb of U as it tcl to icildicr 1 LUtutraiBrliu at M DO YOUR PARI 1 miss Lima DAVISON tlre4 ftua IT fci 1cjI ebl IXeUi of Is Nature will lhn do jour art is to secure ire We have them a SEEDS GARDEN SEE FIELD the inoit rcliaWe Loading Drug Store J

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