Newmarket Era , June 21, 1895, p. 3

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y2St j U NEWMARKET ERA JUNE 21 OK IK lKf7VG00U The Agricultural Sickly Mhitiko It be of Ann will l4ftor to morrow at for tut Luilnctt Of In of meeting tVe of Tim under fiotj mi will bo Ho Judge hfti Ibul Aim It of lUnry Of ho marl 10 Mercer for jar for bigamy Mould it for hit to At the hM ho vera or luroUry ft- Trull Saturday Mr Alkrl boy merely injured by off ifay JnjElit Mr Ames- OniMcr- ally two or Hum Ml about not lolli but Injuring lili m now 01 TMNtnAlf wine lime Mr Jm nnoyc4 by bin each Jfo lo4lcli end A On lilt fclg but bowling It It Mid bit J ox Kit off Hi c r while hit bfto on Mr bo bin Arob- tolling by thigh dlld Oil Jiff In bo IU la Arclilo liMviuittcd bo tlioV ht tlmo It iyc J oh bloyolt and if lift bo to of bo In Vt of liking tbo will to acidly fiCJ and and now four to of in front 4ro 4ml will Ibo lnbHc Camp The Volumceis ii- to depot JUuU by at to go Into not of llioMnbor bey o fiOtll of Joined by tlio of The It of VJOMltOn Adjutant It Comjny Jog r SrcfAt Silfci tbo ceo j4td Jblog Gakdkm The St Tatty night of great Band tbo A named Nor man ton of William Ota not given la old and for Church Sun day ftttor will la atoning J who by tbo pat but bo bat wcro largo and in telling up ihc for tbo In tba put for of and and Matron per 176 and tba MO or The and Ladder Co bit changed night Of to tbo first Vcjnuday Id on of band tba Hall on Friday Tiro rang aftor caHct to that not re for btll being oat of pfaw I The of Hit en at rollout A Terry mark filnclalr Cor A- Vootcn IJKIS fcltf Iluiica iliUit a tot of W Obit VARY The many friends of J forincrly of Old to ditli of of tbo Mr- who dtvl lift 139 Avfl Ohio day Jit l5ftgcd yura Knland kiK to vy united to A in Cleveland alnco Jo I iWic ivifo to mourn kind hue iiii 1 he to Toronto for In J BARING SALE moving Hoiit Atntrlun Call and a AtOUt fiflY ateomMtd at to lUv J K- to Many given to hi vrbkb young bold- left by Irafn for customary Aftor of Choir to at JJun church about north of Tito Km tbcm long and Court No Canadian of elected following for tbo entiling term J V J If If V ft J A J wishing for to lay Tbo Hand and a of from to ptenfoat Land ing yottrday Another at Mr orchard next al of our Afaabu In litl ay to Mr Tborc baa boon of for pic ii Eg train ovcnlng going Into turned a cor into A obargo of from I toy a by Mayer at yesterday morning School tronoo end Rout to OTAtnt Board defraying all In Hon the op I lb High on of alto In Toronto of Bond of t ft tendon ft bop to fit fl4 toliid comctbtoa ftod ft dm within ho wt hit the aid ha think ft blue fcUo od ftdd highly on nU from Bond to About a quarter to Intlvo morning an alarm of from firomen promptly from all of and hauling out of Kail ld bo bad atroo of any tfboro foiprortlon that It ft alarm baited for or minutes to to do but 4t tbo whfttlo to blow down Town And that Iho taking Of bow In A mm Town Hall end If aln fit All tcjtolandtbo flro appliance f that on thing atftfnotvry I would not commit Ho wilt bo tending W tboCouiKll The for Earlier evening III Jail flalurday night by Town Council under which l at levari oclock etch JHtur- Jay and night prcoodin a holiday Into Hon day In order that public thoroughly give onactlng In full J That from and after coming Into iMalJyLaw every hop with Id corporation do by Ontario Act shall from and after boor of oclock In until flvooolock of following or of poraona convicted of AyjAw any Ctfovs Rp crop agonl of It Kto- remarks with ftvtucptfoM well nicely andhao appearance of of ell looked more The damaged the and cot over half crop it for fruit the and ant 4t Aurora for that I Spring no Injury from end are fully op to theawrago Fell wheat It in at by Ibe frort under crop moatly variolic ffone bo nice email fruit We follow ing f com the of Jane J Jib Mr Colin Campbell hot laid op for the pan time or four with -itie- patted away and itc 4 man of and not only by ail but all who Inn tho moil Implicit Id and In to with Mo the Campbell a on the farm known fiSmij lb Yarmouth Whin fc bo town- thirty he Mi one an active and biding rotmUr AtKiroett caw him one of If to Hit a year or mi with and dibter Hit are of UdaMare Wood- Bpr4 It with the rc end with mpalby of tbo family ho hate to don dictate of An got P at fcoa on morning of hit year Hit were brought to Button on Monday by hit ton widow funeral took place from largely attended fcorA on of nod Hat a landed In Canada In 1st and aettlod where bo bat bun a rutdeot Mr took a part In Government rf Town- hfp County baa for long 4 period and to con nected with at bo bat elated Councillor be held ether fn the of until the year 16914 period or forty waa for Reave for yoarj tight of which vera In and daring the performed tbt duller of the year be made a of Peace aid per foratd largo of the work pertain log lo that la of be a Unfortunately he with a of in year from the of however bo in a Largo degree to enable him to to of for a period of In band of affliction again tiled on and with more atroke of which he did not entirely reor or Being that be to retire fiom of active menial end physical labor Since he enjoyed fair degree of health and remained un changed to ibo morning of death He and wife had gone on a to their In They had there a week Mr Ego wall the morning of the at a to faith a etnialion wblob until the morning whoa bo expired to mauled fn the year lie came W Canada bad he lived four he would bate bean married flfywri bad Ave toot one of dead four aurvfviog mm of Donald livicRoo tbo arkdale sd John P Ego Jo politic a member of A A A U patted lo the great majority another of early one who bad for yean a moat and affaire to Ike behalf of wide circle of moot evening paced Ion any or holiday It not bo an offence net for or bread driiiVB icecream and lunches ore pro- fitod by for keeping but toll any other at tor by Act ahall intoforco on day of Juno 1695 I An a of County of than loo dollar nor more than ten and of prosecution and in payment of tueh and within time limited for payment tbvroot by taoh to Iin- In Town or the County for a of twenty day in defining rnorectukrly a violation of tbo At are followo Hhoti means any of a building booth or where goodaaro or offered for retail but not only carried on that of a hotel lattrn Itouto or nor any under licence or fermented Ibiuor id aold by for on Cloud ineeiiinot Open for of providing that nothing in or in an under authority thereof ahall bo doomed b render unlawful tho thop after hour appointed for thereof of who were in iop before the tor of during therein Any local council may by bylaw re- that during whole or iart of year all or any clamor albeit within tbo municipality hall bo remain on of any day of and during any time or between of in the afternoon of any day and five of clock In forenoon of day ho follows If any application received by or pro- to a local council praying for patting a bylaw theclotinjf of any or titoabi Within tbo municipality council lo that application is by not in number of occupier of within muni cipality and belonging to the clatter each of to which application relator the council within one month after the receipt or premutation of a bylaw giving effect to application and all W plication to be cloud during tho perl of year and at times and mentioned in that behalf In applica tion a application and requiring all one within municipality belonging too or in the cation lo be during the period Lacrosse The Friday drew a croud bad the blot of play for Aral Itio ma bat after Ibat were It The Art goal by their talked load got down to The ding of IboUldland I Hill The play hero ant Friday- a8bertMftj89fe Iho iCAth Business A Town Council on of all momlera being except Deputy and Councillor Elmer The Mayor that the meeting called an offer to an Industry hi tho of Light Foyer Company Mr the Council fn reference to opinion of Council lo favor of the offer upon tbo oompaoy entering Into to employ and In therewith logWeacon tract for lighting the of for ycara with at the ralo of per At Certain with to b Ibo forcgoldg opinion ftpubllomeetlng called laat Friday to matter not too there viae good at tendance being over half fall Mayor matter and on the legality of the action conditions of offer being looked a honor Finally a resolution rnovvl by Mr and by Mr en dorsing action of Council which Wit by largo majority of meeting Nothing haffxcd since la agreed that ft bo a good thing for the town to bring company hero of the Co move very The company town to grant COO tovardt moving ex- and building a bridge Tim othy tt to give from lo without Xhcra other In connection With Light A Co which mako deal a Council la trying to make rcotl tallifactory arrangemtnti Ink Summer to day day In year Very dry and dotty New moon to Lawns badly Jlay will boa abort crop Dig drop In wheat yesterday Day the Otis of July Full committee meeting topflight fi nth Dominion Day a week from Monday colt Friday for lb at Mil Friday Mew PA I Special Lines Mens Tan Boon Oith for 150 and Ladies Low Shoc3 worth for 3rd Childs Spring Heel Buttoned worth for cents New SkoeSo ifimVi rr OF- We are prepared to offer the Greatest Bargains in Youths and Boys Heady- Mads Suits in the County The goods are all First- Class Stock with the best trimmings and guaranteed not to rip We are not selling Ten Dollar Sails for Five but will you goods cheaper house in the trade If you want good goods at the lowest price call and we will show hem to you Town aud lb at the I ta put on record J fifnlrb WmUrar do Itotd ihteta and Jat- to lion of at f of cverchtffofort4oivallrwat referred to Jl v Com one It that It at oaf TLocoinmaaloalkafrotaJba Cltrkcr tbo Co to to tho Karty tMfd ilioIlrfaH Com alio loiUticlcd fcato farm printed loboaced apjIjIrKfif WaUr three Pieces of Heavy Ginghams Warranted Fast Colors for lie yard HOSIERY All Prices in Black and Tans Something New in Silk Lovely Goods in Black just received A BRUNTON U Hastes Old MONTGOMERY in ny OriDpplylaJ ilitll tti of uy to any floa fxoBUy or or put lol In tit lot to bind lodging in oror fiiiiclo to for by or of arte from or or for or any for uu on or or or it to any or at of each or flCllingfi either witbfn or lo of in mo for by or with a 1 to person employe- or on or on or by toy or nothing bo wbojoto- ever open after hour ap pointed by bylaw for closing of hopi an for of a hop IIiUq under toy bylaw to any fln penalty or paniibmeot baa been by agoot or of inch agent or bo flno or it ho were Where of a shop la charged with an offence agatott any bylaw bo information duly laid by to any other per- oq ba the actual offcd before Court at for hearing charge and of tha baa boon of that ho of bylaw and that in qaoaltoa without ledge or or wUfol I any fine or other ball bo of bo UaUo to fln or therefor at if tie Skb Cheap yittj Mo a The only one that is ilb the is the blacksmith Mils Christie Winch attended the closing exercises of College in on Monday and Tuesday Mr Walker attended Christian Conference last week Rev Mr Reynolds and family are attending Camp in ridge A union picnic is to be held at Jacksons today Friday in which our school is taking part Quite a number of bicyclists passed through the village ibis week Miss Buchanan of is stay ing in the village Mrs C Wilson of Pickering is visiting with her daughter Mrs Neil Mr and Mrs Johnson of New market were in the village on Mon day Mr S is visiting in the The farmers in this vicinity a very light crop of hay Quite a large number from litre went to Mount Pleasant on Tuesday evening to a garden party under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church there Mr I many el Brown preached in Ihc Methodist Church Sunday morn ing and all were particularly well satisfied with his discourse delivered in his quaint style He has the faculty of miking a vivid and a per manent impression Church was crowded to hear Mr Chantler He was on this circuit at one time and the number out on Sunday evening showed the esteem in which the gentleman is held What a fine bill the of Excursion have out- They came from the establishment and the reputation the house lo both quality and price The dale of the July Tuesday to town Park Everybody Mr and Mrs were visiting at Aurora Sunday at Mr Wm The the delegate from heie to Christian Church Conference at S Spugue Elijah Prosier and Walker Some it the best Conference they ever attended Elder Saul is visiting at his brothers this week Absent from the body present the Lord will be Mr next At the Hay of Confer ence a resolution was adopted interference in the Manitoba School Question June John undergoing a icntence of one year honestealing escaped from the Jail this afternoon He scaled the wall by using a ladder that had been left in the yard Robert Hamilton and Nellie a Toronto couple who were tramping to Hamilton were found mysteriously poisoned on the Shore road near irAC Park on Sunday night died a few mo- merits after they were fust discovered Tottenham June This vill age has been today swept by a ter rible fire- About oclock this after noon a broke out in foundry in the southeasterly part of the village and as a strong south westerly wind was blowing at the time the flames spread rapidly to wards the east and north Every thing being so dry fires simultaneously in dozens of plicci so that while the fire engine was doing good work in one direction scores of places elsewhere were in flames which spread so rapidly that citizens could do little more than helplessly look on Albert Rich mond Victoria and Mill streets east were swept on both sides together with a considerable portion of Queen street south About buildings were burned Including the foundry Mercers store Potters block Lyons shop Verney and Cos furniture rooms drug and the Methodist Chuich The loss is es timated at mount of in surance not yet AUandale sent down a fire engine which did good work A large number of Bee- ton and citizens came over with a quantity of hole which was badly needed also some volun teers from the camp in came on a special train and all citireni and soldiers srorked like Trojans and to their unsparing efforts may be attrib uted the that even to much of the town was saved We ate handling ibis car Collin wood Meal Hams arc without exception fioctl we handled and and This Company have not been in operation very long hut since the have commenced ihey have gained an excellent lion They a number of best meat Smokery as you know the Danes demands price on the British Market We haw Cooked Hams every day Our Coffee is ihc finest in town If you are of a good cup of Coffee you should try it Our Grocery Slock is compile with freshest Goods TEAS 1 where shine in Mixed Black and Japans We receive very encouraging remarks our Made Bread Even the most prejudiced people are compelled 10 say is best Our sales increasing every week We have a Syrup left We have a number of Lard Tubs we are selling cheap Pure Jersey Ice- Cream and Ice- Cream Soda give us A CALL A ROBERTSON Leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner 1895 NO its cost as a fertilizer lie only safe way to use a Strong Poison PRO Jacks kept for hire foe so cart Disturbance ll I Next to Atkinsons Store When can have a light weigh Coal or Veil that will be both Cool and Denny and you can hive one or both for very little Alio Suitings in Farcy Halifax the Cheapest Ecu Wearing you buy MY Call and see as ilnX twit 3b pair of joa eta I of charge a Safety a flottrtiuittuiwwowwuiipJbVu ttitt at tut lifjj lMM iff flWfl iJf til a J a a 15 a A a CO a CO CO HO 10 1 a a to 5 IS a a LI a Sign Red Boo rips in goods here IS Invite your attention to thfii til a Q4lYtt4tlirt 0 Oil 0 on a a till flciiO a IS a a I J a a 0 I i if a CO j on a a Deck j-aI- 0 a yti a Their Manager J long been known in Trade inity an in the You will not be disarmed if you to tt the the a the TeaoM4 lbs for from this Finest India Tea at lb the most flavored China and Young at lb Alio in Coffees they excel for a fragrant cop try their Java and Mocha Mend it cannot fr of Their will surprise you warranted jiuie DAVISON

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