Newmarket Era, 21 Jun 1895, p. 4

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In Advanced Years Mood to by l bate lor of llf A of tod in lit Hood led to ft now thfl ftb tcl TlDLflrUfrcfrom or for 1 I loan 111 DT tooth Of Jn tLofuoatOf ftiltjLLtHofiiriltnlt Of An J ft Do Only flruQ Blood Purifier lii today TRUSS 1 1 iy ptosis Willi HO WlTliOUTRUSS VfrVf I Websters Coyer Cover Kurt W villi irtJlnuiii- Quo Great AuthAftty J lift iter A Colic For yd Odd ilia word for Of defini tion for la yd for ft lUmf I Parties 63 Go and rd Qolfloa Go tcidj all utloc II narrative order otcsIi And lib Infer cam day on which Ha raited up recorded the owning of oar end lha a period of nearly and yet JoiUfled fn concluding lib way wrlto tho of In aro rtoro of day fair of of LordiUacbfig daring forty one to do to upon Ufa character tborork btr Ho had for for that fa fllmply of of world fa Ilia Is Ion wikh God nt forth for Ifct fa it Word of of that bo Jo an by fjplrlt or Jlo Opened mind that might and lha JcoaCbrli and Ho with con- Then win world of tin ard of and of and of ibaH ceo our LIVE flAVKD Anaemia and Central Debility Had to Verga of no of Pink a JMo Fit Prat A patgrAph in the Pro aomo time ago aimply that Mfsi Sophie Ottawa bad cd from a illness by anaemia general awakened more usual and Among her fUttves nd So much to indeed that the paper found it Intcreitiiig to the faintly enjoy a chat with on the of her after she had ot no yean considered Irrecoverably a vie dm of tbfa terribly enervating And dangerous Mrs is very Intelligent of Mr Joseph wall paper and jialnt find es tablishment at Hank Sophie ihe whilom invalid between life and death is a promising young of UK WHITK from that Milton man who pli4 In closer wlio made a fortune out It and foil it at rented In that city Into a Neat Tan American Confetti of Stall Mlohtand It announced Pavilion Toronto from Ml to trill bo by ilia leading of continent It will bo a gathering approves of Mr bill public and that II that appear to to at nothing mora than a to fat berth with ft retiring end of UjfnKftdattofHarlford Coiw a Toay her Mr la In oxwtlcnt although mutt that feeble I lady li author Undo Cabin for of limitary any elnlo volume CO Mo HAVING liSKS UP ALL NIGHT M Willi if you not want to i be buy f OLD STANDARD RRMEDY Grays Syrup of P fc Red Spruce Gum Cough Cure In the Sold where a bottle KertHY Co Ax aayt In almost family thra unlucky who la known to Iho community on black Wohavoaomo our What a terrible aflllction I An mainliBr In rnind or we dont which anyway of Canadian a In Toronto h fv davaa0dccidoi to form a protec tion and a for tho of A provision in to to Ilia oreaiilaHonbiDgrctpontibla for wilful or our noil down at Jo of wriUog During put five yean have worth of lead and worth of penr In lb3 any of thtm ara In wo don know fijKtkcr of tbo or the Premier to able to SKIN dizziness THE HtN at The County Council has decided to have the people the question we have a poor house or not by a vote At Account civil how had bun Mr had an lit that contract for earth oscvalion bad been a yard and waa in created to ctntt tho nnwaterlu from from per yard to CT wrought iron by a ton from f25 a thousand to and the from 7loi yard T11 Toronto DotJ country pay for avary and Under iho fctad of limitation Canada were bills for for table 210 for pillow for aiindanco at for aoup turMO for ice for knives for nail and for one crumb nd auwr and hundred of In Auditor ltd to if of by chance pay for Ihttr own while atOtUwa toy on a one yean She Ei under the nuns W St Jean school on ago she fell and rapidly away The of her disease ap peared to be a profound mystery to the they tveic called in one after other Despair family a they looked upon the once beautiful spirited laying day in and day vecji and months on her couch simply vonith ing and they even to raise a smile to her lips Each bug medical man gravely told the parents to prepare for the However Mrs ii not one of those women who give up in pair while there is still hope as her own words denote It was a imihlf lime she raid We had been told and again that nothing could be done to save Sophie and had almost been forced by appearances to it- I have now to that but for Dr Wil liams rink Pills she would have been in her grave instead of attend ing school every day the liveliest of It this the poor girl was coming to rnc three or four times day exclaiming Oh ma I have such a I cannot aland the of il This vcnt on for a time weeks in fact until we look at it in very serious light Wc hail every oeuy ii the city Called in hut with result Sophie got worse and worse Her ice and yellow wliUe as your She was 1st less and apathetic and she could iot false her hand to her A leading doctor forced her to take a certain kind of powder which seemed to be taking the from her Her skin became hot parched her eyes sink into her ad and the lay on couch as one dead lakirg no interest things going on around her- Then it was we became confirmed the popular belief that she was to die It was agonizing to look at her but we became partially resigned to the fale that appeared to be over taking us She was watched day and night but we could detect no change unless for the All hope had gone I had read of the cores by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and about this time I noticed a description published in the somewhat similar to Sophies case Something seemed to and W l trill and no iTiabio thank I did I sent for some Da Arc anbil acd and IJcAf- matt ititb a Jtliau a in J to In dr i tid I lu SO Cure f il lo or ttfJt JUtai4lu It I4 ft tfaclii I- fciii ati JU Out Jo remedy a a- tttEaltc lo Mr Ottawa under data of to and royal trouble in that city aa follows Saparato wlU go on This mornlog Hon Goo W- Utnttltr of J Toronto of and Dr P 8 of Klnjj at to act In of of and Mr Principal of Modal who at the re quest of gcntltmeo with Mr WiUUm A of the Toronto who aytnSnli with and Mr will wmif lh was de- a breach of lha Parliament for of the lioutt to aovpl a put from a rail- way not a eluding and for bill tin ted la Lot ta w to in aQlrmattva Coin mention on abta nolo Toronto Star Kolody bill fo lha a radical would prevail Iba a thaa will a and bean giving them to at a tunc Before vc saw an and gradually increased ihe dose from one lo two and then to three at regular intervals was incredible note the change Her color came back a look in her general health and gave us ill new inter it in her fore the fourth box was Sop lie was able lo be up And again and a further fully restored health or rather snatch ed from the brink of the grave To William Pink Pills is due all the credit for had slopped doctors medicine and her these following the dirtcions around the box My daughters lile was saved by Pink Pills and no one knows belter than her mother wish to tell everyone of the cure as it is almost impossible lo believe that the poor thing that lay there and the happy rosychecked girl who goes regularly to her classes are one and the person in such a roar short space time and you may be sure I am advising ailing neighbors to use this wonderful medi cine Just as reporter was leaving Miss returned from school was ihe picture of grace health and beauty her lithe physique de noting health in every movement while her face showed warm ruddy glow of health She- cor roborated all her raoiher hart said be sides adding some new Happiness now in that home misery held awy long and rem fAith in Dr Williams which do for other weak and girls what they did for her daughter June The of County Council were in extreme up to of the Then one of council tote nd ihey bad like for year pail their Hew bad under gone a change and the were to vote oul the of antiquity the of the princi ple of tho began to fear for dot at the debate finally leeching its climax when the of the opinion of the County- found In vote of to favor of all toll- galea in York County result as a complete to Hill vrbo expected his would meet the fate accorded resolutions to the same end past yean On July the present leases or the expire If In the Interim the City Council to abolish market feci save those collected at the Cattle Market the wilt be cancelled fn Ihosc municipalities the councils of which arc wilting to assume the responsibility the running through or alongside their municipality In the of any municipality to do Oils the In such municipalities will be from month to month until application stall have been made the en tennet-Gavcrnorin- Council compelling ihern to do so DEFICIT Trie present deficit on roads account it in the neighborhood of According to the last equalized assessment the proportion of litis to be assumed by each mu nicipality is follows K King Jin 2764 Vaughan York Toronto Holland landing 5860 Village 16199 Richmond Hill 12454 Weston Wood bridge Sutton 7351 The text of tint motion aa intro duced by Hill and seconded Cane lias follows Whereas It appears from the state ment made by the that the roads account is to the extent of over Be It resolved that the present method of raising a revenue for the maintenance York roads be discon tinued and that the council decide to abandon the said tothe municipalities through which and alongside which said roads run at the expiration of the present toll and that future this council main tain all bridges upon the reeds except the bridge over the Rogue and also assume ihe Indebtedness of road p RKVVe HILLS STKOKd WORDS Introducing his motion Hill spoke ahouly but jwintedl Toll- gates were introduced he td as a public tax when the Shoreroad and I avenues df iPO-t- ii i tltcgrovrlh and of ihe city and had so the original conditions lie toll were no loKCf public tax as not mora than a ihird of the rulcprym of tic county now through the tolls The receipts were falling away and the deficit ts annually growing with no of any Reeve Slater of the resolution He looked upon it as a deeplaid from which someone expected to reap a benefit Aurora Reeve Rams- den and Deputy- Reeve Woodcock of Newmarket would vote for the resolution of said a glance at the present deficit made nervous If the present system of maintaining the roads was continued ihe county would soon be bankrupt DeputyReeve of said they had miles of the Kings ton road which he thought was not a leading road in their town ship The was in by almost every member of the Coun cil the strongest opposition emanat ing from the representatives of ham and The yeas and nays arc at follows Yeas Ash Hull Cane Davit Hill Juhnsin McDonald Mc- Peregrine Ramsden Ros Sylyese Wallace Woodcock S I JSryson Cluster Cowan High Haines Jawrie Rector Scott Slater Warden Stokes did not vote A communication was received from the East York Agricultural Society asking for a special grant of soo to assist in paying for the new buildings erected list year Mr president of the society laid claims the society before the council stating that the day chosen for lha holding of the annual fair last year was very unlavorable owing to rain and the receipts fell behind The request was granted more than aoo Ho had Inspected work and he spoke ho ft man of practical knowledge and ex- In the building The Council decided not to pay ihe bill until more satisfactory particulars arc Elver- -v- The Board of Auditors presented a dealing with the question of he Sheriff and city constables The attention of Council was called to the of granting un necessary remands more vicinity of the City of Toronto cabs arc hired to convey to and from the jail The Committee report ed recommending the following grants to High Schools In the county and the County Treasurer was authorised to pay tame 350 Richmond Hill Newmar ket i Aurora Toron to Junction Mr School Inspector proposes establishing circulating lib raries among the schools at a very slight The report of the Industrial Home Comothaloners wis adopted The Legislation Committee were Instructed to present a petition to the Legislative Assembly at its next ses sion asking that an act be passed to compel the plaintiffs against the coun ty In all cases to give security for cost- It was also decided on motion of Mr Lucas that Council petition the Ontario Legislature Its next cession to amend the act respecting Coroners so that may receive payment for their time I Ell or The County concluded ils Session Saturday The most incident of the day as the mat passage of the bylaw abolishing Oil The division Hit was Yeas Ash an Ball Cane Chester Cowicion Davidson I avis Guardhouse Moulding Hill Johnson Johnson Liwrence McDonald McKcnzic Pears Peregrine Richardson Ross Sylvester Tremayne Wallace Woodcock Nays Arnold Baker L Baker High Haines McCallum ley Scott Slater These are the clauses in the by law A bridges now existing upon any of the roads hereinbefore mentioned except the bridge over ihe Rouge River shall remain the property of and be maintained by the municipal corporation of the County of York In the same manner and to the same extent as the other county bridges within said count The municipal corporation of the County of York shall remain liable for and existing debt over draft due in respect of York roads account of the said corporation and the minor aforesaid shall not be called upon to pay any portion of the said existing debt or overdraft and except to the ex- lent of respective proportions of the county rate necessary lo pay such Indebtedness of overdraft based upon the equalized assessment of such minor municipal it its This by law not take effect or be in force unless and until the muni cipal corporation of the City of To ronto shall pass a bylaw and execute an with this corporation for the abolition of all market fees in the of Toronto except the fees collected at the cattle market not take or be in force until the local municipalities have assented thereto jus in the ab sence of such assent until the same shall have been approved of by the The leases of the upon the said roads In renewed to such persons as may be approved of by the County Commissioners for a term cot exceeding twelve months from the day of June and a clause shall be in alt leases of ihe said that the same may at the option of this corporation be terminated by giving the lessees a vnitten notice the in tention of this corporation to ter minate the same at the expiration of one month from the day of the ser vice of such upon the lessee Mr Davis moved that in event any municipal corporation refuting to assume control of the toll roads in their municipalities the Warden and County Commissioners be instructed to take steps lo compel to do so fcklra re have seen for a long while struck Saturday Dressed In a shirt with a cowboy and with Michaels team and with bells on the and bugle In his hand he and his drove up and down village for an hour the crowd pulled up in front Of ihe Franklin and with a glib tongue and a few quavers handed early purchasers as a bail In for his worthless nostrums was amusing to sec sharp intelligent wen in ordinary nlank down half dollars for pillbox of cobred scented and dollar Mils a small the expect ation of getting a small fortune thrown In with the purchase The ikets of the smalt boy was reached Mexican Congo beans six for ten common horse beans coated with scented grease It takes a sharp man to beat a fakir own but there are lots of foolish people willing to try Hair store color tha hair and also it W ssjsr A little than tiro yean began to Turn and fall outAf- ter the use of one of AVers Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and coated falling out An occasional application has since kept tho hair in good condition used Vigor for three yeais and It has restored hair which was becoming natural color- L J Ayeivs Hair a do -S- a PlUa cure Tuesday last Rev Manly Ben ton lha Jioats Futile to give re- whit ho did or which tho Auditor- report ho re Ibo tresnry She that ho had ton in tod on lurtdon homo In oil leclaring ond llrxs it- Ibis sol for his more than good many farmer titer nil year and tss Recently hardly a week has toss ed without one or more canines sent into the land of for gel fulness by poisoning John Smith of Innbfil lost a valuable mare on Saturday lie pur his team in the stable on Albert reel to feed not that they were standing over a cistern One through tbe covering of the cistern and was drowned disturbing ihe Salyation lad named Arthur Stevenson lias been fined SECOND DAY The County Council was again in session today the principal business being the presentation reports standing committees Commit- tee on County Property ported that the of St occurred by the Toronto Railway is in a tin litis factory Condition and it was resolved that hereafter no franchise be given any railway to build in the centre of a road it nust be at the side The Highland Creek bridge was highly praised and S- reported to be in a fa condi tion Attention was drawn to a com from Georgian Day Power and Aqueduct Company re Scarletts road an the diversion of the bridge thereon It was decided thai the Warden Evans Hull and High to be to meet ihe company and make arrangments providing com- puw deposits a sum ilie county authorities sufficient to pay cost of the committee An account of for repairs to the Court House was considered exorbitant- Reeve Hill saving he defied anyone to thai work done worth IK Id list Friday Hon Kj- ator tbo on bur to- to ibo protective duty on thus articles on the of the storage past flvo an rortuco would to acd cools a gaJlon spirits and a added to pri ons rats of doty a would to moxe Ho Ibat differ tacks doty spirit a gallon 1 a gallon im ported was profit Oil was lha ttclie doty time diverting aid do Into IcorJilog On ihs was defeated by a Of success of Burdock Blood Bitters Ilea lo Its specific to power over every organ of the body Liver Blood Bowels Stomach Kidneys Skin Bladder In fact all pasta of human system arc reflated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus It CURES all diseases affecting or other parts of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all Irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant assertion that is BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD SUBSCRIBE NOW 1 j FOR THE- HAIR FOR SALE- Goal FOR SALE Acknowledged by everybody to be by long odds the BEST LOCAL PAPER ririrvWv Balance of V7 onKAfkl FOR I ft KA IKk hoc TO DAVID LLOYD tut Itklu AflAflH r Mir it od of lit for Cash with order Address- G- JACKSON Era Office Ont GROOME House o to all Mi vie door Mot thorite cbool WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN OH for a en to fccirttK to vftlat f tor fall Oct- SPECIAL COURSE All il a GREATLY fiEDUDEO RATES d July HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE A GTS Mir South End Tannery TO FHIHBSi BUTCHERS utdJctdhttttitid to Cub ted yon balk on WELLING AND SHOP OP Clothespiis AMI Building Material To Neves irk to E JACKHOX tTOUSBTOLET OF PASTURE Toiinra6 birr- 19 Can J TO 11 lfW 1 to ICYGLE PAIR Wc op in with fiSop or find r to All Colors Airing fir J Willi Now TirH or LOT for io Reel la FOR SALE to ARM FOR SALKr Hindi Dan Tito Mb AH Wheels aid to Wo ore oeo w riftto lo order We will hive Iho jilin Coll ori it THE WM CANE SONS MFC CO Lib Wiit lid Aloallcoteo Weinrtt rr JOIIH i Skirt Bone lo toon have in H night Co Bed ion Oct who Wo Lued by ill tot I for Bit f by Lce4o fthc all in a porlQer Ifooij PI 11 with vfco fcpi Register led I- Kxtry lit A JrOTbettO Court MCb Alb J- A V W lo laoalb Atrd in A la Hit lit Monday irk a A td lo Of Moidtj lKJOMlVHnrEYfrr y KTf viirkd sL5fiJ lo If all To Of lit lid at ik f For STYLE and SHAPE to Ladies Dresses I A tea It ii ifl and conforming to Skirt bo wit vlifaool corded MiSSMW lldlflji Dry FARM FOR SALE TiilS IS A BARGAIN foitkef to IT OK 13111 la to fctD i bio fe frlcltcra I TO Its litli ft liuOy la il if 13 loQicjioitarixca lii J Residence For Sale HI l kou fii QnlilLabsrr ttrttlli its l W DRIVER Now ftrd ft tied tfk A FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS DUNNS POW fieri2Cd hit jr Ii to lata for il CAN COPYRIGHTS A W lirtt I 10 THECOOJCS BEST FRIEND IK CANADA L WORK on acd til ivl rr and Furnace Repairs DO all jojr I toow Ifa a Ut JOHN fit VltcrUtft to W po Sale OR TO MAIS of lx W ilioJI Vala J tJ all for aia lki I wick oll Itt jvuU at ll way J UK exemption or taxes Aid lo I I

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