Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1895, p. 1

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LYMAN HOUSE nit And wo flUBSCFlIBERB YORK In papers tent outside of Nona York unless paid advance Vol XL V No I Single Copies Cents Newmarket Friday June 28 J horn on locality if- I Co Court Diet- Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year a A OEMEnJX TRANSACTS Allowed on at suns DRAFTS ISSUED CO tics WOODCOCK Main f P J Mi if a a or of York tin A I It to Kaivofitroughing and General Jobbing Work promptly attended to Give a Call A f0UMKIirjYAhtAt4 el J 4l J for A J LEAD1WQ a A for York fttUoUoo fcalti rehire AUOTIOMKKIt toll ifl MUifitlrlon aLI rani to A lAiKTKK JijfLlutuK A- WOOD fi Car1 tiO J rf J rife AflHurilceuiUinu1l JO AY HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS READY MIXED PAINTS CHURCHES VARNISHES GLASS AND PUTTY AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS RAKES HOES FORKS SPADES AND FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OP PENCE WIRE A W ALLAN lor Mas icy- Han Is Repairs Telephone No MAIN STREET Jacksfor Hire JMBUKAKOK for of a t Ao41eoHltlTor6 FIRE of til Waterloo And the A of fflvcrpcotf IW AY life CO CANADIAN COMPANY low -OAPITAIi- AND 14000000 DOLLARS IBS Papers WITH Spectacle trade fa inoreas- Cheapest Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in town which we war ranted to be as represented Satisfaction guaranteed in every sale In oar Jewelry Department always lead Repairing All done promptly and neatly at rea- prices mm Jeweller Main Si NEWMARKET NEWMARKET MARBLEWORKS Latest iJJEAO STONES Canadian and Foreign Granites 1 end Maxble If VAHZAHT Of Id fill 1Mb Oftlc nl poiJllvelr We do not any lo outdo In this line cither in style price If you want any kind of Printing done sec what work and terms you can get at the Office before you order Our promptness is pro Vi in Why wo fttlk Id It not lb light our In And jel My hurt brewing With ft At timet no nultuirhftt va do The no tread drur door ot to chew our portion wo tried to with All work together for good To Lord wo Vonu4not to To And tartly Hit abounding Juno IMS A tor Oh l Wo STARK Centra A A held at Holland Landing Park on afternoon of last The ncarhcr the of Band wa cheerful and the attendance was almost a to consideing the notice During the afternoon an exciting game of Football played between the Landing and Bradford boyi re sulting In favor of the home team by to A Cricket Match was also played between Newmarket and Bradford but lime did not allow for more than one innings resulting in a of for Newmarket and for ford Between and oclock District Deputy Grand Master Irwin called the to order at the villion and complimented the various lodges of the District upon the large rep preterit He regretted however to announce that the prominent to deliver addresses were to be present on account of the cession of the Supreme Lodge at Chicago ex tending several days longer than ex pected but he was to an nounce the Supreme had given permission to the Granf Lodges to authorise ficiary Certificates Speeches then followed by S Graham of Bradford Geo llams of Newmarket and P Cole of Sutton interspersed tongs and music Mr P Cole referred in glow ing terms to the progress of the Order which started in In Pennsylvania with members and a members on the 1st of April last and basal- ready four Grand in Canada The Order in Ontario was organized at St in and on the 1st of April last had members in good standing The gocd which the Order has accomplish ed in York District was commented upon as well as the general benefit of life insurance to the and orphans of working men white the low assessment made it easy for such to keep the wolf from the door in case the breadwinner was taken from them Songs followed by Messrs Ceo Williams of Newmarket Graham and Snow of Bradford Martin Taylor and Wffloughby of Holland Landing It was about halfpast five when the Band played God Save the Queen and the crowd dispersed feeling that the afternoon bad been very pleasantly spent An for I twice 1OllCilg fcUuulr a T Life AND TAKE YOUR But it will cost you nothing to examine the largest prettiest and best STOCK Of Am over i I r OP VO BOY lJJAIM ST SOUTH CURED BY TAKING btieranllbEilt IcifllrlMaput I TO for lJufti Lf idrtied EEA Lottie lay IU Free from Eruptions is ifcn out vrt etULr the fcM Worth A3 AT Armstrong Arthur Baker- Michael Weston Belfry C Newmarket Bennett Botbavon Black Nownaarkei Toronto Peter Pino Orchard Brown David Sutton Weat Brown Schombcrg William Nowmarket Parley A Cherry James ColoW West Joseph Newmarket Richard Button West Aurora Dougherty Ego Angus Sutton West John Flint George fltouffvillo Gibbons Newmarket David Button Edwin John Aurora Henry William Button West Howard Stephen Newmarket A J Hunter Jag J MDLcraonvillo Jackson George Hiram Johnson I Aurora Lewis Thomas Lloyd Thomas Aurora Lloyd Newmarket Charles Aurora Joseph Newmarket John Isaac Keswick May Nelson Pino Orchard Jamea Button West William Newmarket Roachs Point Robert Vivian McDonald Donald Button West A King Crock Millard Joseph Morrison Qoo Aurora Morton Friend Bclbaven Morton John Keswick Morton Neil Bclbaven Norman Robert Oldham William Mount Albert Park Samuel Button West James Landing Pearson James J Newmarket John Aurora Joel William- Powell Geo Henry Power William Toronto William ficbombcrg Elijah Keswick John Keswicks John Albert David Wilfrid Roc- Benjamin Newmarket Rid kit Archibald Baldwin A Roach Martin Bandera Thomas Sutton Ellis Bhuttleworth Albert Stewart Ternperanovillo Blokes Anderson Bcbomberg Henry Button West VanNorraan David Keswick VanNorman Walton Jacob Kettkby Wheeler Edward James Newmarket Charles Newmarket Wright John Vachell Young William Yule Andrew Aurora J MANNING SON LIVER MRS II SIMPSON Main rrcrOi I I A NO WIR A CONCERT BARITONE Uclbo4Iit VlclU La Out fYifll J A fill lUKUcr THE FINEST TURNOUT Vvw iff VKIlHOHfl All i The incessant wasting a con- only be overcome by a powerful concentrated nourish ment like Scotts Emulsion If this wasting is checked and system is supplied with strength to- combat the disease there is hope Of recovery gfttAMLlBHKOlSar PRIVATE MONEYS I iwa of Oil with lo- does more to cure Co pi wj vita than any other known It is for all of and Lungt CooiCoUtBnw IS Editor Nttcmctttt Era Due the of vftlcble tr doulvtUsi at ibis to bitter lhIrowo circaroiiiDci or Id of to for firal chit opening or the of fftmUiet fioch will to ltd to in on the horn of to Imported and hay floor foUtow pot tad turn to the of wid half of lb ibooo and not a email part bo In land not and town em from ft of finwt and ai to Id nay via Toronto aad I taw hitb any nay to bo to of taat and ftrtilt of been by and la fiat open for A baa been to com- If M computed will put Ibis part of direct oation Toronto of of vbicli futon of Iowa for parou Id vie of ft fc readily tun by ruua that to an with a capital Ida Crowtt Etttiro In let a I IntoimattoQ InUial ia of a good location- mot addrutod to lUv A Jonrdan PO or mo in mo la InUrLi of North Boyd John William Forrest Alex A Mount Albert Sutton For tome time the on the 2nd and 3rd concession of hive been misting gram from their barns to keep a sharp lookout On Monday night Walton the and con caught Jest Davis lot eight coo- his field from the bam to the road a big of grain on bit back The thief wat ordered to halt but hi moved faster till the click of a gun cap warned him to be careful and he surrendered On Tuesday morning he brought be fore Geo J and com milled to stand fall trial at the neat court of competent About Six yean aw he was with a and being guilty tut to year in the provincial at but after about a petition in favor of hit release tent to the Justice and he Has allowed bis liberty The probabilities are that he may have now to spend the of bis life within the trilled en- at the City KABUB BOOT liwgrttt Blood tbftoomtxfon elf Chattanooga an I tut Kldwy IS BHUiOUH on a piaran It tan dm- SUTTON There a luge gathering at be Point on Saturday Not Only TO the crowd up Zephyr but A bast- bill match between Sutton and Ccdardalc the Utter winning by three run Last Tuesday afternoon Mr John Etans brought a load of porkers to town and delivered safety at the station On his return the horses became frightened- and unfortunate ly one of the lines broie which laced the animals beyond control Evans in the attempt to save himself jumped from the wagon but In to doing tell under a wheel result ing In a fracture of both bones of one leg Herald On Saturday night Prof Kent gave his wcltknown practical lecture on electricity The house was crowded to the doors and everything was a success The Shamrocks of lhi place have organised a Football team It is needless to mention that the of this place is doing a lush ing business because when a pcreon peeps in and tees forty pairs of hands that Is enough Eli had a bee haul ing stone on Saturday He intends putting a foundation under his barn The painting of the Public School has much improved its looks and the nice row of maples the front just sets the grounds off i 1 m 1 ip STOUFFVIIXE The M Society held a pic nic in Grove Lake On Thursday afternoon last Rev of the Un ited States visited at the home of his father this week The next party to Mussel- lake will require to engage the services of a cop to guard their provisions On Tuesday evening a large num ber assembled at Musselmans Lake for a farewell hour with Miss Proud- lock previous to her departure for England About oclock Thursday night last an alarm was rang for a fire at Mr Gordon caused by a lamp upsetting upstairs The neigh bors who first reached the fie suc ceeded in getting all the furniture out and by that lime the hand fire engine was on the spot and with the assistance of the pail brigade did excellent work and succeeded in ex tinguisbing the fire but not the roof and the inside of the house were almost completely destroyed KING CITY Nearly people witnessed two exciting games of football here on Saturday The first match was To ronto Scots vs King City Stars the game in a draw The sec and match was between the Scots the King City Rovers The Rovers are a team but were less fortunate than their sister club the winning by 3 to The Stars dinned the Scots at hotel The Toronto are fine fellows and apparently enjoyed their outing occurrence took place at June it being no len than a golden wed ding The couple were Mr and wife both being in good health bidding fair to see several years yet About do child ren stand- children and greatgrand children besides a number of friends gathered to celebrate the occasion which so few are spared to see After a sumptuous tea the Rev R- read the address after a well filled was presented lo the aged AURORA Mr and Mrs Terry Keswick were the guests of Mr Wm Watson last Saturday Mr Geo Russell is the first to have green peas fit for use grown north of the this year Mr Walter Webb of has moved to town and has rented Mr J FlumerfeUs residence on Tyler street Last Saturday evening while Wal ter Johnson son of Mr John- ion attending to the horse Ibe animal very severely in the face The wound was so large that it required stitches to it The large belt which drives the dynamos at the electric light power house broke Saturday evening and be fore the machinery could be stopped considerable damage had been done The town was without electric lights either on the streets or in the stores from Saturday evening until Wednes day evening The Association his decided to introduce the measure ment This means that if a thirsty tout wants a big drink he gets one and pays for it In future he will call for a pony and pay fire cents while a glass will cost him ten Price cards will be got out and the system will be force by Dominion Day The Aarora Cycling Club have their rooms now located over Mr drug store on street The rooms been cimloed and handsomely fitted up It is their intention to close at reasonable hours each night in tbt week arid not allow them opened on Sunday The League Church for holding a service specially Intend ed for aged people on Sundiy mom- tog the lost The pastor will young people of the League will auoply carriages for any who are un able to walk to the church and will provide easy chairs for the comfort of those who are weakly and Infirm At a special meeting of the Coun cil last Monday evening a petition signed by Mr Norman and others was presented praying the Council to pass Ihe Curfew and a second petition signed by Rev Mr Weaver and others praying the Council cot to pass the ByLaw A third petition was presented signed by Daville and others ask the Council a ByLaw prohibiting all persons between the ages of and being on the streets after nine oclock without proper guardianship Ofcourse petition was only presented as a bur lesque On behalf of the By Law the councillors were addressed by Mrs Johnson and Messrs Holland Norman- and Phillips against By- Law Rey Weaver and Mr Wm Rowland The clerk laid before the committee replies from the clerks the various municipalities where ihe ByLaw was in force Pour out of the five staled that it was doing good work After listening to speak ers for nearly three hours the council adjourned at until next Mon day evening when ihe of the By- Law will be known Bird fire last Day LANARK COUIilY ARK ABLE CUBE RE- Taken with BJHmi Fever Effects which Brought the He for Other Sufferer Falls ftetcrd Mr N Barton who lives about a mile from the village of Merrickyille is one of the best known farmers in the township of Montague Up to ihe ipiing of Ms Barton had always enjoyed best of health At that time however he was taken with a bilious fever the effects of which left him a terribly weak ened condition When the time came around to begin spring oper ations on the farm he found himself loo weak to take any part in the work and notwithstanding that he was treated by an excellent physician he was constantly growing weaker and his condition not only alarmed himself but friends Having read so much concerning Dr Wil liams Pink Fills he determined to give them a trial and without con sulting his physician he began their use He only used one box and not feeling better be discontinued the use of the pills This is where he now admits he made a serious mistake as he not only fell back to his former weakness but worse lhan before He could now do no work of any kind and the least exertion left him almost help less Life was a to him and he was on the point of his gained a a day case up as hopeless whin a friend strongly urged him to again the use of Dr Williams Fink Pills He agreed to do so and by the time he had used three boxes there was a marvellous change in his and he fell like a new man He still continued to use this lifesaving medicine with astonishing results During his illness he bad fallen in weight to 135 but he soon in creased to pounds In fact- as he says the increase averaged about a pound a day while he was taking the pills He is now able to do any kind of work on farm and it is needless to say mat he is a believer in the efficacy of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills but looses no sound abroad their praise with the result that others in this locality have benefited by experience and advice- To those who are weak easily tired nervous or whose blood is out of condition Dr Williams Pills come as a boon cur ing when all other medicines fail and restoring those who give them a fair trial to a full measure of health a strength They will be found an cure for St Vilus dance locomotor ataxia par- iciatica the after effects of la grippe loss of appetite headache dizziness chronic erysipelas scrofula etc They are also a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system correcting suppressions and all forms of female weakness In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry overwork of any nature Dr Williams Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the mark and wrapper printed in red ink and may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr Williams Medicine Company Brock- or Schenectady at cents a box or six boxes for A Michigan sheriff travelled into Ohio after a man and captured him and in order to prevent his prisoner spending his money reckless ly the officer took from him Pawing through Indiana on the home ward trip a brilliant to the prisoner He hired a lawyer and began caaia proceeding to get his money back and as the sheriff bad no requisition papers were good was locked up In and the former Selkirk had a Friday There Is a revolution in Ma- and the rebels have defeat ed Turkish troops At Midland two children named were Sat urday the girl losing her life in an at tempt to save her brother A 50 horse power boiler in a harness factory in Pall River Masi exploded demolishing the killing several of employees The man who not ad vertise in summer is like the man who docs not sprinkle his lawn in dry weather ESS The Wstation at Cheltenham was burned last week A spark from a locomotive did the mischief The annual jicnic of S No King was held in Mr lawn on Saturday last and was most decided success Arthur Hughes of jumped from a moving Goderich ex cursion train on Saturday and re ceived injuries lhal will lay him up for three months Two Philadelphia volunteers played at a duel with rifles at their One rifle was loaded and they didnt know it Robert Cum- aged is dead John Spencer the man was charged with fire to block Owen Sound was sent to Kingston Peni tentiary for fourteen years It is a curious fact that the man who thinks advertising doesnt pay is the one who is most ready to talk about a libel suit if a paper pub lishes something he doesnt like A of Martin Luther was unveiled at market Germany last week Prince Frederick represented the Emperor and made a speech We take the following from the Bradford A car load of live stock was shipped from Allan- dale to Toronto last Thursday While en route and previous to reach ing Bradford pigs and cow were suffocated with ihe heat touring the most peac years the world has soldi who are withdrawn from productive occupations to pose as soldiers The pay equipments food and clothing of these men cost ihe worlds lax- payers nearly a year Honesty is only Lest policy but it is absolutely necessary to final success Carelessness is ccstliest habit a person can fall into and trickery while it may seem to succeed a time must cost mo than it comes to in the end Henry Johnson a retired farmer died in Stouffyille early month leaving in land in the village of StoutT in It and in lot Matkham be sides in cash and other personally He devised it to his wife and children Woodstock June lyMcNtil and Henderson two men sentenced last week the former three imprisonment for robbing an l-yer- soil store and confined here in j ill their removal to Kington Penitentiary and the Central Prion respectively escaped this afternoon Chatham June as John aged employee Stephen mill while shovelling grain alone ir the elevator ihis morning in some way got into ihe bio and was carried by the running grain clear ihrougl the When ihe was ver- life was extinct Deceased leaves a wife and four children sty The rumor in circulation Melville Kester of Mongolia had killed and another man fatally ijur- at a barn raising near Tuesday proves to be Both were injured but not serious v A scaffolding gave way and they fell nearly 40 feet Kester had four broken A very sad accident was that on the farm Mr con of by which his year old son Henry lost his lift The young fellow was putting the horses in the barn when one wheeled and kicked him in the He died from his injuries on Monday On Monday children be longing to Mr Grey who resides lot con were pay ing wiib matches on the read in front of ihe house Anna sged six had her clothes catch fire aodimlsnt- ran blaring to the house a distance of rods Members Ihe fanny quickly put her under ihe pump but she was so badly burned lhat she died in a few hours Last week an incident occur red showing how cruelly one can ireat another A turned bis yearling colt into a field with an old horse lo another person Late in the after noon a passerby noticed the colt lying in fence corner while the horse was biting it When ihey were separated it was discovered that youngster had been bitten about a hundred places and was in a horrible condition lhat it had to be shot Toronto June The first champion- lacrosse of the season on the Junction grounds was played this the home team Aurora resulting a victory for lb former by f first In minutes and alter 5 bard play the ball was put into goal for tbo third time by A Dawson fl

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