Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1895, p. 2

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A J Hi NEWMARKET ERA JUNE Morton Morton to to a WlddlCcL WtoHdThomu A to JE1S AMD Willi Em in Printed nil At Homo HO FRIDAY JUNE Our Toronto Despatch Era Jim Of of vpIio If ft router ad a Church op In which will It flfo occurred Mil iomh of JCav hat and link Jul A Wr Oliver which bit fill Ho Ho la lM TO Sni col Toron to ihi to ever June ftmtc a of Bunk Iho border night by blading teller I Link of If ho Allin Hi Am- pluto Jlmiliorj rolgbl filler common 1 of llwnab look down And too I In iho KfogcUn lb I of In city on ISLcirno Hit ho1bilof ndooency It hi lo point I Hot go I to- rntcibt4iiimod So I wo ftnd Hit of ad or to past week cor- haw many phases of iho ManiloUa scho in circles Hit it it difficult to form any definite opinion the slid Saturday last the reading public were gravely assured thai a Ministerial crisis imminent that Quebec members had held a caucus and reached a conclusion to demand suggested remedial legislation cion And further that three lead ing members the Cabinet that Province bad their of their w resign in case the Premier did nut accede thereto On the same day the corresponded of Toronto announced that members from Ontario and Columbia up any legislation on this session and declared that the impression was growing Hut any leg islation that may be the Manitoba issue will not he carried to its final stage but will be allowed to stand after the reading for a year as a notice of motion the authorities of the Prairie Province of the nature of relief which should be enacted The of this week the rumor was a fall session would beheld to consider the final passage of a remedial hill Hut next day were told that Ministers would no hoar to this proposal and again there was talk a Cabinet crisis when the Premier hinted that possibly dissolution of parliament and a general might intervene unless more moderate counsels pre vailed This intimation we were told had effect of lessening pre vailing asperity among the French then a letter has appeared over the of Mr Martin In reply to the kind of legislation Hon- Mr had said the Roman Catholic minority of Manitoba be satisfied with accepting the Min isters proposal and declaring his conviction that there should be no difficulty in obtaining by friendly overture the good offices of the Manitoba Government and thus to furnish prompt and practical solu tion of this vexed question which after all appears to have bad its origin to a great extent in a mis understanding That our readers may be able Jo comprehend the full import of whit Mr Martin means in the foregoing extract we may say that he refers to Hon Mr Ouimet having stated that all the minority in Manitoba wanted be at liberty to add to the secular education re quired in the public schools such liglous teachings as would meet their religious views And to this Mr Martin says fats ban School J prior to liQ wan ownapl iLc u to ClhoWc lo JiiatDreM they to nut bo with bldlUoQ i they be od I Am would to difficulty la witboat any idrt It no looks as if a settlement may be reached without federal legisla tion and if so the firebund has agitated ioKica1 circles for some months will be removed from the live issues of the day Tux to Toronto hit Tho K4t in lbs of st tod utal cow lo bo to frttitt of to sod Its Of lub trip fiibUib to cut ftid Succt bo ptoductivt of uoril or van- kbit cor ibU tad coo- iOUnU Of to up GbrlttttQ which wSvortlitdclrowhtro In ft Look In How tho low to sod find It oil It li for homo nd tides of wordo 4 tbo World on report j a and foWlgnquolsltODtfdIcllonsry of school ohooW lo and would bo well the organ Irt North Out strong for editor ftppctrt to Mo coat and up Ilotayj voleoof people vote of akloin fn free and then It I Clod is loudly for and school from the to for rosjottly of It matt mo docreod It old lumber and Of medley thought and malt bo and Into the only to bo admired by arnl to know of of tho aud dreary Oh a veto of I S3 to wot last Friday House of Commons on motion for tbo reduction la war Liberal it was a but do- to watt of losder his been tiled to form a new Ministry London cablegram of atatos Ih4th04nnocneod following heads taraod Foreign Lord First of Ur A J for tbo Colonics Jot Cham berlain Chancellor of tho KxchoQocr First Lord of the Admiralty Mr J that to France hat Loon asked to accept the foreign port received with of 32fi oily dedicated by It author Dean to P Thorold who for thirty yaarabaa burden of with honor and with untold benefit toothed The title Of author In viz Mho Niagara book Is a of art and Is a to In work author eels forth that bis deal go and la if rtcordi tradlttons and man torching history of Niagara the Vary Iter usuuuL per formed In each a manner ai to present to of facta and contribution to church history of and wiition easy and IU will bo read with at a work of literary Wo congratulate tbo on ai an author Ho baa to church by this work to public A tumor weighing four pounds was cut from the breast a nine old bone Jos Thompson VS recently came across two cases of tuberculosis in Jersey cattle near Mr furniture dealer Mount Albert and also Mr Valentine Brooks contractor of the same place have each made an as signment for the benefit of their credi tors Mr Arthur one of Bradfords most popular young men died on the tost after a long illness Arthur was a clever laerosie player and took a great interest in Mr Abe a on the wayfrcijjht was badly burned on Saturday 4fiernoon while handling a demijohn of sulphuric acid at Orillia station The vessel burst and the acid flew burnltfgMi face hands and urns badly- The wedding of Mr and Mils at Ottawa was hardly finished it was that the had a wife already went back to her Is willing for fishing is better at the Narrows this than it been for years and roan are to be seen over there each even ing catling the fly On a recant tvening upwards of one- liundred were caught by one gentleman June aOn Tuesday week John Cake owing to to walk from Mill er to home in this town On Sundav afternoon his body was la the woods on the two from here Ills thought he was at and be had not been He had been dead for several days r J fel Upon Oliver la homo vacation of weeks Toronto Wit Eastwood of la visiting Mr James of Toronto fa with noclt Toronto pent a at homo week Lush from Toronto hat Mrs John for a few days Mr of Toronto vftlllog at Mr last week Albert Thompson and two Barrio and Mr and of lo town Mr and baby from apendfog a cookie of weeks with her aunt Mrs A fowyooDg people went to Aurora evening with Major and had a very ntoa of market was fitowatt Of last week Walton of Now York of Mr It of homo on a visit tilt Mu and Mrs been In for pail from and will boons of our residents III Courts sit Jn Mr Kdgariamoto ox of High calling on frfenda In Town last Mrs and daughter this with J her slater Mfn bad 4 birthday pail on aftornoon There ware 81 present and bad big and two children aro homo on visit lo her mother at Mr Kir tons Trent and Jack- Ak were Iho Oily ot week for tbo Fall In Wo notice by Signal that a boy bun nnanlmoualy of Anatomy by of University Owing to a atari of her driver Maud received a bad knock on her head with buggy top which pat her under for a of Clark of Mr Miami who not been homo for seven Is here on a month visit long with her thrco child If slater Ida who spent couple Of with her Mr J MoMollcn returned from on Monday bo had for lb to or four on account Iho Illness of mother Mrs Win formerly of flt Paralysis of brain fa and is not expected to recover M who appesra In fiatordaya Qfobt at head of year In of Modern Honor Wit of Toron to University a daughter of J Kdgar P for West Ontario tolbo front when they can all beat men of All honor to On tho first appear a letter from P A Joordan law of Mr of tbla town It la not advcrlttttcent any unto aa na aro likely to any remuneration lbcrcfor but it appear in tbopubllc Mr apent two years In locality whereof ho writes and hi letter worthy of of lhto Ellen Cody daoghler of Alderman Cody of this who last ahc4 in the KIndjgaTtcn of Normal Toronto and taught there put year now been appointed by the Minis ter of Education as First in school la to bo upon her preferment and It for High of which It an waa a reunion of family at Iitt week Muira and Elmer upon Friday and remainder till Monday evening Amos and with and returned on Saturday nlght also fr Ifooy a friend of AH above aro employed 4ttbo Provincial Miss also 4 Mr la homo from city for acooplo of Capt Mclnnis of launched his vessel here Tuesday Her old name been cast aside for the new name in me mory of the captains native isle of Scotland The bottle of wine was broken by the captains daughter Miss Lilly Mclnnis It is intended to have vessel to by July 1 The bylaws raise for Public school improvements and for street and sidewalks were at the polls The county meeting of meets here this week About delegates will be attendance The rural arc badly in need of rain The hay crop now be yond recovery and is a great failure Other crops art standing he drought fairly well A demijohn of sulphuric acid burst in the freight house on Mon day Luckily no one was Injured On evening while one of the boom sticks wis being placed position to launching the Wound one the workmen was struck on the right aide of the fact by nick pinning his head between the allele and the bottom of boat lib Injuries painful were not serious Bale HOW ati KESWICK The chief topic of conversation the School Excursion on No better op portunity could bo afforded or cheap days Tic prize been painted no freight li to be curled on trip ihc boat to bo very enjoyable Good muilc and loll of singing The boat Icavei Wharf Roh Point at and to get at Every convenience for the com fort of the party be provided at Park MOUNT PLEASANT The Garden Party under the of the Church a decided flddrcssci were given by He- Iadvgcn of Mt Albeit McKay of Sunderland and Sturgeon villc Orchestra and enlivened proceed- choice of The proceed after paying amounted to School section No 5 held heir annual on Friday last at Point Everybody teemed to enjoy themselves Immensely MUs Sadie of visited with Annie Stephens one day last week srork is now order of the day Haying toon be the yield will be very light Mr Geo Hamilton jr of North Toronto Is visiting friends here for a few days SHARON The annual Garden Party of St James Church Is announced to take in Meeting House here on evening of next promises to be the best ever held A grand musical and entertainment will be given In which following among others will take part Mrs of Toronto Miss Georgia Mr of Newmarket and Messrs J and Martin Mr J I Graham is the musical director Addresses be cxpeclcd by of Bradford and the Incumbent Rev Mr The Hat will enliven the proceedings wiili choice selections ice cream etc Preparations be made fur a big crowd St James Choir went to last Sabbath to assist In the anni versary Holland Landing choir very ably filled the vacancy here Miss of Bond Head visiting her Mr Mrs Fisher of Toronto is guest at Col Rev Mr Washington performed several christenings tn this Tuesday It is hoped that there will be a good turnout to the bee on Saturday afternoon to improve the burying grounds the Children of Peace A very severe hail storm passed over on Wednesday breaking a many panes of glass but we have not heard of any serious damage KETiXEBY Our band left last Saturday in gay order for Temperance near Newmarket also a good num ber of other rigs from this vicinity The Band attended a parly ax Snowball on Thursday night of last week and report having been well taken care of while there Rev Robinson to succeed Mr Sirangway at Methodist minister here Mr was very popular Mr If Proctor has re fitted his shingle machinery His mono appears to be Try try again Bush fires have delroycd a con quantity of valuable timber on 6ih con Mr Marth narrow ly having his raw- mil I des troyed by bush fires Mrs and son of J Rams- den attended Christian Conference at also made a visit to relatives at Stouffvillc and Richmond Hill en roule and say they had a good time Miss Annie Cleland paid a visit to her lister Mrs Win at Aurora of Stouff- came back with Mis and ton and is making a wo or three weeks visit rn bit locality Mr John T Elliott has been kid up with an attack of inflammation A big turn out is looked for at the Union Tea Party tomorrow fn Kb grove The band boys called on their way home from the New market at Mr and Mrs John on the Town and them They are a newly married couple and had only moved into their new home a few days ly It is very provoking to raise gos lings till are almost feathered out and then have the owls or some other wild animals make a breakfast of them arose one morning lately to find there were two missing and one badly wounded Mr Winter and Mhs Bessie Winter of Toronto Kansas have been visiting in this vicinity Mrs Lynch of Atliston was visiting at her brothers Mr George Blackburn The Indian families moved last Monday morning We think person that wrote staling that spring crops never looked more promising must have been viewing the surrounding country through a telescope with a magnify ing attachment Cropt very un even and should we even get plenty of moisture from now on there will not be more than half or twothirds of an average crop The Band went to Glenville Monday last to supply They report good time Elder preach his fare well sermon Sabbatii morning at am in ibe grove Rev Mr at p to and Elder in evening to fe3a The of Mrs Huff vras horsewhipped at a crowd of for wife OLBNYIfLB Tfc a tits Us vtj vita abasSv Im win ik ear before Sobs iinoloaTrelUw3ooIt4hto fcU HOLT rain did a great deal of good on Wednesday Drawing grave li all the go Mr WiUlitnsorvftom Vandorf was visiting at Mr on Sun- Haying has commenced Is home for a while Jane is visiting at her mother get ready for a charivari Albert has got a summer resort Our hits hiving a tttUt of daring put 1 of Iho ravf ho reply to re Jibl order and Of hue 1M0 Qttlog to hue divided And flodi ft All of and It do I I living In dally lion bU llfo might cot which to Mi head Ho It to bo to mild Ho ho to a bill log of to Ihloko thus far fa by dimiii to other ate to lets which will satisfy their In their ova As It Isocrtiln for thorn to go afUr all of a ago death to end of tho aatbat wJll Id what critical fcffdlra land thai a tonwi15 to had Whether this bo or bo out in a day or two If fa best policy will to to ft at coco and II wilh publication of report which and bit fall log bow Federal acting iho and alio tit that kit of Imperial Privy CooooJI aaartauHof to that Vaoghao ftnd of has ly complicate for iho had that Privy oil bad that a right which Manitoba Minority bad tun taken away Upon ground appeal might favor of Initiation bat Iro such Ho has Iho only which On- to Ontario to justify Interfertoco complication hero Ood of July and may In altering of With a ttrong man at head of affairs to woold to whether look or other And If divi sion and ditford which result Ibis to a fond tho effects or which will bo felt for yssra to tho wilt politicians who for aooght to It Thou si of Is whlUwathfog Hon Mr regard lothoCorran Ihtro a clearer est of and only to the fcaliomlolog acooal for him main points of two may bo stated At of work dccldod as ho now to giro a contractor contract for svpplyfng Mod to carry on of under of This meant every wo will aay who at work paid to Bt Xylols abontjl a day had to pay As though that was not this contract wai aflat wards to inclodo workmin sQch as pick and aio men thoOoTerouenl paid a day to ho paid only 1 a day to them ft to been known with aoch an arrangement ft wocld bo for contractors lateral to got as many men at work at Prom outset to two a plot to crowd tho work bun of men for whocn there wis net to do This of things went on for a of months upon of April of was called to it and ho of bis Department to Into way on at same tome men from work and abont ICO At that ft was sospctod by Deputy MInlJtorthal other yet within mil few La chocks to bo Si for of to that time only bad paid to Bt pay hating boon shrewdly kept back for month of that data for fear tho of For of this of cannot shWdhlmaeli from ao If may bo behalf wtlh regard to a whoa tho On May It charged and contractor aid a Com- by to mike a loll What cm bo offered flow of this fa a stowing further to Mr if lbs Urn lbs i of we for nloaa surely of a froi than hundred dollar of was paid BtLosli Minister was knowingly and knowingly favoring a actor who ft a of lbs Minister of Vcti and heavy to of which or a a Atlantic and lake flapcrior Company ii a wild to a ttom to men Id Canada dollar fn It Hot It Is projeotod by Mr Armstrong of and John way and this shrewd around tho ond committed and to a policy which orrery flntnclal man In country Mr Armttongo sterling of wot bonds promising to English Investor thai intcrctt for SO ycara by tbo Then returning to Canada Mr will In lbs hands of Coyernmont thoW0 thloamonnt Mr has fro- to allow at rato of It according nation that out of iMs and will pay direction of Mr Company tbo per interest upon Iho English Investors It ft ha of principal and will bo eaten up and of 20 As has not least likelihood of being end of will they will no farther and which will bo absolutely wortbtces Mr pro- announces Inten tion of suing altogether 1000000 bonds and Is ho will ore of Canadian guaranteeing fntercil on in a way aa will biro lo float another portion of this four millions offot all this will bo credit of of Canada through mud and to minoooofldeocoof in Canadian Mr that ho had not at all of tho and Superior but had Mr Armstrongs Hon a of getting a loan at a of Iban ordinarily pay Buch an adcniulon as probably never by any Mr and certain it lc do Minister In has boon to weak as to allow to to and credit of Canada lo bo way by rail- way spectator j July we will noil any and in our at J A it IN NEW PARASOLS NEW DUBLIN NEW STRAW MATS LADIES VESTS RIBBONS CORSETS r See our and Boys Clothing the Best Stock of Reliable Clothing north of Toronto and at smaller prices than other stores THE ma by Mr WellmiD white in a field pawed Hie boards off a well tell in and was drowned CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor Yongo 6orrard Sts TORONTO 0NT streu otter Boil- nits to If to Six Acres Clover FIRST CROP FOR SALE ON TUB Iff It J Dittos u AT TUB Lending Furniture AND Undertaking House FOR CASH A SPECIALTY colls to st fltrl JOHN NEWMARKET Ten Days before moving our no opposite the American Hotel r Cotton for Prints for Apron Gingham yard wide Dress Goods Ginghams Flannelette Shuts Mens Drawer Mens Sox Mens Pants Mens Suits r i up up 5 25c 75c 53 go up A L pi til CO I 1 GROCERIES lbs Bright Sugar for lbs- No Granulated Sugar for Canned Tomatoes Corn and Peas for lb Box Soda Biscuits lb Ginger Snaps for Cheese Newmarket Dairy and Table Salt in sacks per lb perfectly pure The in the LUNDY OB 1 Mil CLE A I K A J RAKK f AIIIKNrf Jil Wei ASTRAY of TWO Kiht It to will tttiftiiffiiinp to war SAL iD Km A ROACHS POINT J or tiitOwll- or a lb jlLBVGoi It Ccc4dUo to idi Jitj Uuck it Towa At Bcfffllle Co Mrrcln4 linker tbt elite Sic Tomb CO fi UtdUvfl Beau All PUBLIC NOTICE ivJ lit UcicuiccuHUr- I TEAOHraNTEB I Wt la iho CI Just iv41n nap and cow akd- U1 I Ill Fishing Boating TWO GOOD FARMSYoRElif lilt Every for boll Oil a via till to Jltlow en I AH en application NEIL It- sSJ BOOTS SHOES Tan tot worth tJ woilh price- Werent trto t worth Job line tir or Ccarw t ice Jj Wo rooru fcrct to rti-c- EflSODSTOTRAVEL l lrta Salary and THE NATIONAL LISTS HOLLAND LANDING J Lit art till icr tilth lt i3il rilif to lvviUEt June Weddings Your jtt when nice ly iiil lJy c finest of Toronto ii1 only give he quality o money hut alio quantity in cur lift On Ice Ctciiii i nil Ices tan in a day Chocit Con feci J in linn v ilh BROS GLASSWARE TOILET SETS BERRY SETS SET And lines HARVEST Ac Spot Cash Ihi lirecr lid iri Town- It A SMITH dr Main oiulISrMthj Sis f Ultra IK tali 4 to Lj South End Tannery IB JERSEY BULL VMi fiusiit J It JU1IN Jin

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