Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1895, p. 3

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yjaff a I NEWMARKET ERA JriVj Oil IN Pauls Church Key will termor next ChickStA between Jo pro- tVIr Afternoon wen to A Bio Stable Mr to build upon bit properly of CO lionet Mr Geo It tbt lutvc rcjautvlby towtf to think or mitt given litem the tit to tin res cadi giving ft to ft of ftlr bed Tin Market Product Market of but only a few at an opening Ho alter oclock Halter wrnmcnl up to for ft bat bid ilorMlo The annual meet of ActocttUo ntxl to bo lb of Amerloi and hero ftt tomorrow by n4 Jilieyftc6 lo by ftt ftn4 to Waterloo ftt It over mllei from bore- St will bold ft on of Mayor on Juno bo ttitefully llloiiifnttod ft of to in an accident of He- and cool will bo by In An ft frubmont ton Hand bit kindly to and Mctijodiqt A lire ftttoudaooo preaching morale ftfidlhoairaaonby ry appropriate ftud In ft ftn HottScui4fty wlU bo by of of IMcndji ftodOYtDlpg P At Monday ftUotod for Mr School Accord log report County to tho In which author- pay ftro at 5M Toronto tt4 44j bo by a Procter noon asputor Ilia Back Mr hen bid day ft ft foot Ho wo another at JntiaJi to trap or gutt tho Market No lest thin of ffcro at Iho Market on of In How market flrtt offered end It cold at 7 lCJCtbt cold ftt running from 7 to t nut Hoard li on tor wlitoU and ladle a to to tako ft trip to Point on of Mayor of port I IbiiMvouUoiiof Juno told at while for other Id make owing lo dry wathor ftnd keener for Id hit hid a Everybody ft making tip Mi or hoc mind how to Monday Annual tUlt Fair to bo ft Much nUrctt In tbo and tho aio both well ftnd wilt bo with much not Jntuoit of Matches for alco to bo given tot ft Mat of ftio thou to ma or part In tripping fcutmlo tueb ft varied program at well rofreehmenle no a big crowd Decoration At intimated the of market Cemetery will on wilt form on Market Bqaaro At and proud to tho- City of dead lioaded by Hand On tho ceremony it It that onoor bo hour put Ifttortlili year frs many objected to going out lo tho boat did not llketoloio Clio time It li hoped that tbiio objections there will largo ftltendance of ftnd Iba generally wilt be low their labor making at IraUivoon Hourly all tbo the ground been cot tbo patt two week a and ncidiy night Cemetery very mat caretaker proving that the right right Rates The art offering Holiday ihort may will on and If on da at alnglafaro on for a faro ftnd third ft llokad lAtnod On mom- log whan waj to giro a of by Jail out Mr on Huron breaking It and tht ft J held until help from Mr her with wreck to Mr for kindly caring for AN for Tomb Clerks new a the foot Main air cot la now and Mr of all old material alio vtrLjti in will bo ftt once Wo had of at plana for Mr wk and we that when completed will rank the lowijp will be eiLepttonaUy In ftnd reflecting credit upon the architect to brick work has to while Iho carpenter work In of Tho Cant Co of building from the aita baa but the will now with all The call mated coat la ifA SVHOAV took Mr Tillman of In the that floaneei ware getting greatly bo- hind Only fiftva to boon paid on grant of to the Prorln- which paid rip amounting to art and there arotboot fid for- After it lo all In York to up ft col for Work oil third and to draft and bring of to matter It alto to hold nail Annual Coo- A number of gentleman wtroteloct4to part on tho pro gram and Wfc with them A resolution of tho thoKxoeotlvo toward Mr P tiPr of King In of companion oh the Marsh day Mr of ftgo to and in with J H ftnd to Holland back of for of botanical flwera they exceedingly and thereof by the pro tor to other Icaoliera but their iboy their wfty Mr who wall with topography of that amotion though ho bid not covered that part of marah tho direction In they to go to find their way but In this bo by other two they parted and teacher In Ihoory tht clearing in rear of Mr form- to they left their Mr found that had not arrived and procuring drinking water ho atartcd In pur- but got no track of tit tut Knowing how easy It la to get In the ho tor aailatanco and it Agreed that toon Iboy had their topper go with him taking the Ron along It was fjolto a joke on other men to find guide In which they had loit eating when they ftrcived but it a relit to Mr to all bid quite an experience which tboy will not forget Homo ft man in and It dead body waa found The firat thunder- of ay after noon by hall at town ftnd of were Urge at Mr atom mtMurod which waa fully lb ret In About a mile North of town tht did damage Mr morning that tomato and ubbgo ftnd great ly Injured broken In waa the hall ho for many Mr J next farm quantity that foil from the root ao that gather up by Mectiko On tail week In and wart withdrawn In Upper Canada and a union mooting held In body of the New market ranch J In the chair Bell tnd tor All look devotional Iter Or- General delivered a addict a working of in Word year circulated In tranalatod Into tho mother of all apoVan all of fit related In ft manner Fret Sallora KelM China and colporteur work wort allots plained After with to Dr for an boar the of Branch lib report that hero latt year for work officer Mr J Mr Oliver It I A Terry and W fltarr A to Dr for lib from real lift awakening a deeper for work that being doao by Why Fay Your Face On a hot warm weather when you can get Oil for each from A- a A Short Crop At atravUriy crop trrnlra WO that iVottsd off patch Ittt not than one hundred Kuan Up lThc hive a a grttjokton ftyoong fellow thai tba by off ft lit wao to the man out that burglar only one through ft window Badly Hurt While walking on at bit en night week Mr fell hit area foot to tbo ground bat being an old man It la going hard with Mm and fat been under cart for Sunday la Day In Iho Yttloua Sunday fkbooltof the world In the and School a will of A ftnd will conduct in School at p and J McKay and J In Needed Alterations that and Water placed that atop gait In water main near tbo If American Hotel It linearly recom mendation la weak point In our IVotoo Then that Ilro Alarm on north In front of to bump tome other head Excursion all New New New Prints Straw New Large this cut or buy and for and The quality of our goods will ha maintained at the Highest Gude We carry a full assortment in every line Sugar Tea Coffees Peels Nun Canned Goods Spices Baking Ponders Cbmtfei plain and fancy Butter Coltoleoe Ham Bacon Vinegars Coal Oil c GO ito tirly Methodist diet will Vedncclay 17th of July train lo leaving Aurora at 7 oclock and tail ride to Ho art being make tbt the baa tut bold Everybody that aland la most complete Dlmooo aftordfoi every and option for fltblng tit good Largo and hotel accommodation Look out for On the Last Fiiday morning found a couple of trampi In ft car at depot and obtaining of instable limy marched to the Lock Up Half an hour ftftor they ftpatod before Jackaon on ft charge of ptaided of any went there to awhile on ana and given half hour to leave Town op on a atranger at north end rather on man night at leaving Town without pay ing bit bill Word to fttid ho toon brought tbo wan back Being ho glad to at until ho returned to uto further trouble JfV Al a The Our lowns- no Men of of tr I u lowing record of for week June to Wedntidfty Friday W0W to DEI Pieces of s OF- 4 We are prepared to offer the Greatest Bargains in Mens Youths and Boys Ready- and guaranteed not to rip Mads Suits in the County The goods an FirstClass Stock with the best trimmings Warranted for lie yard All in Black and Tans GOODS Something Nov in Silk in Black received We are not selling Ten Dollar Suits for Five but show you goods cheaper titan any house in the trade If you want good goods at the lowest price call and we will show them to you A hie lavtofj Old Stand a The Band making preparation yoiterday to at the la Hit night A big It will be vat Two mora loidtof Mr J ware lot Morton on Tooadfty fa an ftrlfele he ocj it hut lit alio often buy a what ho It ftdverlUed Regular muting of Company of down ha I evening ft credit to them The importance of having vtella ftnd periodically and thoroughly cleaned fruontly a to dirty cleaning up of again and on the Town a at appearftnoe compared many that let their teed and tht they can be Factory baa made chute on each of four Monday a Cloahg vtn held In afternooQ new barn of Mr ArrafUjOOD St ahoirg fine one Mr mower cut off a on long on tut lit hay field tttt other hit bamboo ftnd flsblog white he In bad wakt be dont want to gel fob ftt Huron bridge ft crib to pro- teel warm dog- again Two pet dofti ft tioit Tuesday Oat turned Up MM rnorotng but the tbtr till Wednesday OK Picnic On Saturday ft grand union wm held lo Williams Grove under the of North York of the forenoon to arrive from all Iho riding- It had been a r- crowds different localities to in poecIon headed by their band to demo dual making It unpkiwnt bad to abandoned and Lloyd town however ft part of crowd and headed by their flt band of plow drawn by ft gaily QueeotvOU band arrive at ft little Co with their rig ftiao with tod banting Over people wero present tbo ftlternoon ftcnongat whom wt noticed reprove Pint Brad ford Ktltteby had Invited kindred aocieltt and of Aurora tod I and of market An aboodaoco of wit by following and wtrt called to were Caoo and WC P Shank of King I Mr J Newmarket UuariAJ Holland of Aurora AUoCtUuu and OBrien of Hunter of Parry of town J Walton Grand Grand Worthy Toronto Bona wart by of aocleVUa invited and Walton ftnd of Grand lire of on had of managed It in ft manner that forth Ike affair much enjoyed by prceont and it gratified at of At the League Monday evening a ftWftitod Mr Chat whole aboot lo enter On behalf of flarah read following Draft We of Methodist Church Newmarket SttUt to to our ftt your from but wo your depaitnro wo ftro ftnd that you no- other duty a broad field to labor In and a great wore to do to which wo believe you art called During about flvo ycare you much In each and every you have flllid with earneatceia and and to i pre to yoa our datamation of your work While you have tho enjoyed a marked both In and In spirituality and white wo regret your and lost we heartily with you succeic Kindly accept tbia Commentary a alight token of appreciation your labors among and wo prty for showers of both upon of your Ifc and wotrutt that many may bo to Cbrlat inenlilily Daring the rcdJn of address Mr IS made Commentary on in leieral volumes Mr Belfry a very reply thanking the for such a gift and them that their would never forgotten lite In Total I fivct ftycrtgo of nearly day trains aro not taking more thin which shown that town about of water every day li street watering year than over before which ftcoounla for mnch of Thttntnthftt has contract bis the other day and rod which not feat than fortunately there I no lack of arietta well water but wod- la suffering In wo mention that ft storm Is browing for Council to face in giving on tract year at per week withoot asking for lenders of our citizens had fttt ftrrangeoicnts mads to ft new sprinkler and was prepared to do work for a The now Summer Beverage ft preparation from wild cherry and healthful and thirst better than any known drink ftnd very cheap For tilt At the School jeaieMay there were candidate and JO trying the School papers Cut Mr cut by circolar saw on ft pall lathe at Canes Factory but fort It was only ft wound- The School children happy to day leal day of study Town pupils have eight of snd rural seven woeVs My oh my What will the mothers do Lacrosse In the championship natch hero afternoon between and the exciting It anticipated Following will bo players Goal Point ft Manning Cover VanaJeklo ii K flhuo FSDoyle J Lyons 3rd Homo Montgomery J J Craig A Inside J i had been a tit one ftnd wbUc be endeavored to do his duly at the same Hint felt that ho Indcht to Its than they to bin Mah Killed When the wen were counted at Camp on Friday week It found that Bait bad 7 mora than full plicoont and those were borne by the A pus was written for the volunteer In uniform and given to man Our Informant ft not quite sure It Is soppoiM that passenger train had on Friday evening and two brothers named who without to walk home by of rail way track rather than slay In city where they When got to they were over taken by a freight train and they made up their minds to ft ride they did by hanging between cars When arrived at Amort where they eipocted to get off It saver slacked lis speed but brother named Jacob not realizing danger whtcb was jumped from the on aide of the track as pasting station Ho fell upon hie face and fractured lbs bait of as both lower Jaw- After the train agent red on the track and on rumination found man unconscious Ho procured and every thing for man but he died on afternoon train took water ftt when the alighted in and talked back to Aurora On tht the man Coroner was notified and found that train bands were not of men being track of which ex OUR Stock Of Granite It all blame and ftn 1 not nice and will I ft wd Jumping A- Bleu a J from the w while In The The Yearly Meeting of Friends Is I wjSoji at Congregational Church New market and gathering will continue till ovening For this meeting has held at and the Friends hero feel high ly at opportunity of tslning both the brotherhood and sitter Lehman is flvcretry of and be that Canadian and 8 from the applied for will undone lo make them fool at homo and citlisnl the gives them a cardial welcome A preliminary meeting and commenced day morning John It Clerk presiding pro gram Is ai follows ariru pit Gib Friday ft in tf for prayer and praise Electing Meeting for of Home Committee Gib Saturday a Prayer and meeting 1000 Meeting or Meeting of P Cm a Prayer and for Worship ii ii lit Monday a Meeting of and Elders Prayer and meeting Meeting for 780 pm it of meeting Meeting for tj p in Closing Prayer muting Day flojjday muling for Worship will bo in Rations Church and of lt Friends florfoty will preach In other churches In Town announcements of which will made by hand bate no thai cub muting during the gitbcr- lug Hill ycxylargily ftttscdoJ Ink We are handling ibis the Meat and Titty arc exception the fine ever for mildness and This Company have not been in operation very long but since have commenced they have gained an excellent reputa tion They imported a number of Denmarks best meat and Smokers as you know the Danes Meals demands the highest price on the Market We have Cooked Hams every day Oat Sensation Wend Coffee is the in town If you are fond of a good cup of Coffee yon should it Our Grocery Slock is compete the freshest Good this is the lice where wc thine in Mixed and Japans We receive very encouraging rt marks our Home Made Even the most prejudiced people are compelled to say it is the best Our sales increasing every week We have a little Maple Syrup left have a number of Tubs which are selling Pare Jersey IceCream and leeCream Soda GIVE us a call SON Grocer nd TIG worth Its cost as a The only safe way to use a Strong Poison BY J AS PROP Jacks kept for hire King Council at Lock Monday is How will It to year colore Volflntotrt return home lornrrow tint be in VrcUtton his ft ppcr6nc luytr is a boy and a team of horses fell through a bridge at Hay The men were hurt one horse was killed Markets per QtrOU a l r J re i t too WHY be so I 4 l I I on w OH WW Oil Oil on CO J6W 11 on CM 11 When can Lave a light Cost or Vcsi that will both Cool and and you can have one or both very little money Also Summer Suiting and Cheapest and can buy Halifax Tweeds the licit Weutax Special Lines Mens Tan for 5150 Ladies Shoes worth Ji Childs Spring Heel for 69 to Atkinsons Store IV1Y 11 forget each of I free of a Patent Safety Pocket IXttkXa per WlWUatpcrtuttel WLcrtMt4l Wheat per Pdirbuitct Us lUypUa- fTtT I I I I lill lilt 1 111 I If I a on A 01 on CO a Ptl OH a on a If a a ICO 11 a on a a 10 a Oil upon blood made l QKV UUUI SCOTTS flUBHTER i Mills June Dudley Moore oged i of Moore pi this wu drowned rooenmj pay ing with toy 4 eldest It A wis killed on of bit by the cart The comet store of new at will be on Red Boot 4 AH in lined free

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