Newmarket Era, 28 Jun 1895, p. 4

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from lb Triumphal to Attention lo author and oar HA lbs kswo it I lb lot propria this meal day Weak and Nervous fflionovcr ha 1ccn weak ened by It should ho built up tWit About two year 1 of bowel I to I fill Ion and In which lots of afcopand vlog no appailt I Vory Thin end veak u4foodfliirirllhllhgiwUn- flt kindly in to try it I 1acOndftfCectCuohUo lam now mil I end I Wnld not my for Mm KHU Toronto Only True Purifier Pills Whats the time If you have a Cough It fa iliac you were taking RED SPRUCE auM till OLD ASTHMA oil of Die 1Mb it it Lot ajQB4 KRRltY A MONTH It GRAYS SYRUP of TAKE fc Jill to HOI J AT IM DISEASED LUNGS BY TAKING Cherry Pectoral 1- 1 mi of hn to I to I I I fir lUUAIW I Cherry Pectoral Htchctt ytJVOflda g and Seas Canal was opened with pomp and by the German Emper or and naval of all the powers on Thursday of last wteic County The Junction Tribune voted York County Council great big want whole Ion a the editor following A which bo from orty way to Board by wold I of offlco aboold bo throoyat one member to retire a would traniaot of York mora ox and far mora tbio forty or iocs who work fa hand At preterit per diem allowance aod mlU ago of for at Council and- commute probably to flvo or its per year For or toe- that bo much better by Board of luce inch I hare That tile County Council made it the yttcm of managing the York Roads by after the death of the late Mr Stokes roust be to all the chamber Under former management the Council bad paid off the original debt of and had a On the demise of the late engineer cer tain County Councillors wanted to have a finger in the pie and the scheme of Road devised and executed and to make gilded the partial removal gates As a net result the management have failed and York instead of being a source of revenue present a deficit in two years of over fact is the entrust the control of thousands of public funds and the management of vast interests to men as councillors to whom they would not think of entrusting own pri vate funds or interests The fault is with the voter No doubt as the Tribune contends out County Coun cils are too large and the proposition of placing in the hands of n Hoard of three Trustees on a three years term of the matters of Town Line Roads and Bridges management of Jails Court Houses and Industrial Homes- looking after Registry offices equali sation of County assessments and other duties now Imposed by atatute would be found lo out an ob jectionable and as close a corpora tion as the most ardent monopolist could No no let the legis lature abolish IJepulyUccvca will reduce County to where they will be satisfactorily work able cost of indemnity will be les sened and greater efficiency secured Some people object to this on the ground that In waiters of finance some municipalities are much larger than others and as they more county rates to pay should have cor responding representation but this looks more plausible its theory than in fact in our own County Council has shown that Reeves representing the smaller muni cipalities as a arc the strongest supporters of economy in municipal government It is Just as burden- for the ratepayers of North to bear dollar county rate as it is for the rate payers of York Township just as heavy on the people of on Maikbam hence the reeve of the smaller municipality is quite as anxious as the representative of the larger that the taxbill be kept within given bounds No we are not favor of three trustees running the whole county machinery the cost of election the improbability of selecting three unbiased men capable of being with interests of tentimes so vitally sectional or of being acquainted with all parts of the couoty renders the scheme objection able but a from each municipality every part of the county can a voice and all the varied interests can be presented and con sidered especially in the equalization of Assessments and appropriations made for local improvements To our mind one representative from each municipality is a long way in advance of the trustee scheme for contains Iota of dravlpgj for as Im portant as fa matter fa authority for following Itmi A calf on Warm of Booth Norwich a A calf ilka that pw who rammer How Ihi hooia ihr two rond I ihit It to will it fcQ trill oibtog Cornell On lo par for of Cooncll each who lo Jit Toronto of ho Toronto With ill for Id ho Legist loroiopuWloncoi then to oioato for Tin Ottawa of Intl Tbo flrat afnolnUd by tbsOnUrioaownmanttO of Ottawa and Into charge In la look Ihla fn Normal olud oomplalobtokdownUkonbyihoObrlillan At of Ex- Toronto a to the the notion of York abolishing Oily Council should do away fa and that bo filraa notlooof the of lease en Aug ku to of County A has boon In fionato to en Boards Trade to bo formed fn Towns and Village of undor In- and privileges of mombtra bill will of Hoard and allow to again now in band Tut small boy will rajolco lo hear that ho can about tblrly package of tiro crackers for a to Do- Day with My oh Thirty ago It was considered country plates to ft any wonder therefore lo our grandfather talk of the opportunities for loo the boys of to day enjoy I It appeal our County at Ha sorelon made a special of to East York Society Iba from account of the weather year ago when a riolant did or COO to North York building special the would The mtmber from are pot so afraid of precedents now wo with tho wtloo Ben Mo rolttcoin Cilhollc la who bold to do with heir with lodriftt the of St ften oVJeolIo o per coot 10 ihIr ihtlf bat who QtruLxi foil mp1ito U6 doing In In to OOniuniti Lu4tbtLfouvhtL4li iii aW4 to ihiuMfottHlU ia las ttoulb y t4KfiUi 1tyUrlU SO lt tr- relic til or IttiApcerloatfuisjyior Of fltTaUlatilxg tfciauxattixlkvlt ivk of IV4- favCdfCa It t- UK mi Cot Id viewed by They which to plcturi IUL1 tll4 Iq vMch lOarm would h4V4 qqIlo ft volf of until tho Privy ox to voU lo tho I oomu to to tout thty up to ifift A book Cfcd4 by lioor- will be It oq- llavCiDfbdAdOoHriKd a Rivti l4dijc tcvwci the of A of cd drclopccni Mill bo with be4lrjt4d40t02r4plif to will to bo pabliiLut Tnc id fol lowing of a think worth A to Mowholbir Mm fccoteold from or till Ho pot way bulbil t April ho AfWf rimftlo- At GO per And for ho could in field At time of dialog la the urtAgo would on end that try and out of too ho will not by tolling At At it wiling IS til per luV for Bool wt Itrra profit- on tho of Alport Arthur And Uoolrcol ho pi lb WngoxttIfolyrAniinerVcd Tilt hHl to of for raoysotiapropor vm ho motion bo Mr vu strong bat a dlvtiion lo will go to count to open for men to a nolo of of on report or of money fi tho S3 of tho Act to A of Aooldtot In Ibt omul wAyt doci fool hit bond In of petto la At of of bio roth bolnTltodia woraut to la Amutlng to to that be potbed And until faerdtptb Al point ho wit for could Ho In fitting to woo And now forooa to death of of of Ladoga perpolaato memory of tbo foil raemotAhlooocaelon will It will bo of And It provided by V bright will block wolgbtag oyer flfO torn and will bo about opproachod by olx otoptr width monument all ojI and will ho plad la plootyoltlmofor day whoa Hon Root Dr Hon John deliver toltablo for from ptftf of to Ah Important caloulatod very to ooot announced Star by Sir J Enoch for it that of lth and twitch ore Ito con- own automatically by iho of to each tote- phono to now profMea for of connection had by that may an It to a no matter how high tbo and Of an oxditoga much Jti ayiiome that can at from per coot leu than rates depending on conditloim to llfncrant of tbo Church Toronto With in put two thoutand In have and all ran ft two IntUnota Tho can location o a clergymen cannot bo to bo a failure It and no dluatU faction than found lo other wbero other of It might bo added that this frequent over many a In favor a pat op with tbo at till term ct4zornlcLothaovfdoaco of Mr llngwood tho GommlttHol and too It you can the uxd Podaral thaooAttvoclIouof a oror Canal a to Toronto that of why rati Almoat Jn middle of cantl approaching lock from of And work villi la that lookt fraud IrHtwoaro to for official of the com- ibo kticb a at ax tor company Tba Toy Anal mako of 10 bo a parly to Wed to a Trunk It sometimes better to permit public to have their own than to life a theory that every person is a public enemy The Chicago Hews tells a of a young woman who entered a tram with a poodle clasped tenderly in her arms Madam the conductor at he punched her ticket very sorry but you cant have your in this car It the rules shall hold him In my lap all the way she replied and he will not dis turb any one That makes no said the conductor couldnt allow my own dog here must ride in the baggage can fasten him all right for you Dont you touch my dug said the young woman excitedly will to no And with indignant tread she marched to the car lied her and return ed About fifty miles farther on when the conduct she asked him Will you tall if my do is all tight I am veiy Sony the con ductor politely but you tied him to a trunk and be was thrown off it the last station A countryman going into a court of juttfee noticed two lawyers at the bar who being employed on opposiu sides of the issue not to wrangle and contradict each other frequently while at ame time each bestowed the of brother on his opponent The simple observed to another person neat him that there seemed to be no brotherly lore between the two Yhy said the other you underiUnd the matter are merely brothersinlaw Ob then replied the country man I presume they minted to two and In this the old saying holds good that best when vhA76TO5j2r a WW so vox proa men tint in a yoroonooriheVromtef I tbo Ttkeahtatnifaailiicctpod in end pinch of Mil of VjQOlHfOj A flaTor wit ltd a of tboctpr And Ainlivlltitt Hill ebeoAtoDen In or It btwt or mini memory lyOfDOl Add ngUkat i tint ArtdVionaetboeiiioitittani Tto and ondorenc and you can To big warn A bond rod tho roan I tbii etetbinx lor men a wimIi wltb tod Fee tho of ibat It by honey or Oft of itlod effect And to Itcuholo Now Han of It cant for life of me ice fiow can be and fond of His I ram of suddenly by his finger through the of the Dunk Social Club which he mi fastening conspic uous on his vest before the mir ror By the way I want you to clean he leather of my regalia for the parade next month and won at raf fle want to hang it on my watch chain Timet Mhs Matilda Elliott of Ham ilton carbolic acid by mistake and died from the effects RAILWAY ruts a a 5 s a I a ay T1 a HAIR FOR SALB- Apply to TO Mil flrttlaj DAVID LLOYD tor Reotfortt A sir loQtiel its as ffiS GROOME Of the success of Burdock lies Jo its specific curative power over every of tho body Liver tho Blood the Bowels the Stomach tho Kidneys tho Skin tho Bladder in oil parts of the human system regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it all diseases or other parts of the system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinato Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all Irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that iho BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD Sunlight losll r ingle Til flcicrtl Cbofth axa WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN two I to for a Cento Is mvio In twin bar obovo for wlfoof convenience for it Is by our peculiar or of work it is at tho largest vorlcs wotM for In It everywhere for Comfort t moolb- Addicts or oil Ool SPECIAL COURSE Ail at GREATLY REDUCED RATES Judo Jul- NIMMO HARRISON COLLEGE A TORONTO FOB OR TO RENT IK SUBSCRIBE NOW Jy FOR THE Hnteajttatiomall Bo t Coort uended oyfl A with which f4i void sought for or for la wo two Mali ilicb op for or Wihr Mhtwt for or uo Hirer EailUVPtAtlri t A fown Com- will da wltli EXEMPTION OF TAXES ii Wcttr t Cor to Acknpvledged by everybody to be by long odds the BEST LOCAL PAPER THE COUNTY OE YORK Balance of S3 Cash with order for Address l g jackson Era OfhcHi Newmarket Out YOUR- PART Nature will Ihen do rst of your part Is to secure trie prom compr for v atUmcta of fecta for a xol aay alaU We have them in all varieties FLOWER SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS FIELD SEEDS From the most rehaWc Seed Growers and Plants i MsffloioiGaLS ok to AND SHOi JACKON si ltd OF NEWMARKET OK PASTURE Ceo Kt J CASH Building aterial OOMS TO RENT df it Wt Wo hive up with cur to f InTho High of Justice The Leading Drug Store All Colon fcicii m was ti ffandla ir FOR SALE ARM FOR QUEEKB BENCH ifcojt all t ttJ lte lb8owtta ibo 111 of f apt O lb- JlVf KUi wJfs Iff Block ar two Id it viler The population of Foil ft only of over the year one of the largest rank bum In Mtrkhaw rafswl on the Pike at About Mr Pikes attended trot mo IloodO to it n4 u moo do you knew power to do ooa pot oto promvt it All JcgiUl lite eta b0 Society Register lea He 1 loo foil I III Profit- UooolAiu7tEvf7 A llfvQfil lit A Ul A IO Wio Into Pneumatics o Ail be firctlfoircpirLd to Wo will fcivo fiidpo t the very I and ft THE WM CaNE SONS Lid TO FARMERS KWtti I 4iUoaidc4Ucrrruo if about soft ffctir la Alio a urn aw ib Ul A Id Id fcorflbrTQCdy AIM A la will for Tuuill At i If fit via to fit ILfAftl FARM IT Cos aHcEuiOwUUutvy TIMS IS A BARGAINS WU I SALE web meg 1 El V a IttkMifor ttUco VfU iMlflyV flrtt of I ft ibl Kit of tb lb iriib4 iiJ bo tMt to 0 or M cci Ad VaU Uozi IfaMitrd K Vrt J err KuijrKvefiluidyoubV lodOtllkl a DRIVER BIIAHOK n48 Ml and Vtw tWAj A frl to Ubu dltiOCat lUtBf tb Ltd lVa to w jl w to Alb Ml If we jo Ay JiM I- I a iuttVi ii 1 to All He VcitLVedctl njti ad Taiwdlfl KaMvritEffr fed it FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS DUNN COPYRIGHTS A fticsjj col Low l ijircivi Vilv 4Vru tt lit JO to ft Bog J to TO VJctdlA tit TO RENT tf lUi Klcf- I Kit A KCCi II 13ACIC4 fill CO Apt J Residence For Sale ipiIATD-4UinisfockL3vnft- ca J Jit VltCUHf BEST FRIEND aiul Repairs AUNUKY J Blacksmith Goal FOR SALE 1 lAi en AH DO to tvi av FOR SALE v tie I JVLIUiV A J I

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