ssasssssss Only w-wviftti-sv- ffiSffi vv S ass puf- i P and thoroughly res iblc buildingup medicine nerve tonic vHalizcr and If Purifier Before the people today find which stands preeminently above all other medicines It hag won its hold upon the hearts the people by Us own absolute intrinsic merit It is not what we say but what Hoods Sarsapanlla f does that tells the story Hoods Cures Even when nit other prescriptions ml thnrtrz old out and villi Wo two or in- It ton r mend IirtiAflH Hoods Jolf urfittr Golden nor thy win he jrtur pitted aid lb pattern God Uotiit And bit lb of Ills of From WtiJUr bid lfafV Art te toy la pin la Ibli ihlili ft cbllGy to IntoxIoMti wllh fa lb 1 bo ftUHntr go fir for It i only ho who lion ftota nd wordi hi ftllltudo oirrd how wo would borf to ftdd pot I Do How It my l- It through In lopuUkoof will for on wIid Wo check will A ihat ho Council till fur tho tencfl to over and explanation of lha of tha Mr no to th Minis trill dodo and it an ApCrl wo ia all thing to introduced Into commerce and a to be found for If or to old one borrow of modern aire to the deroand though oinc of the mtatthiivt language ftre lealoui of have bud fn It Until recently the bicycle not conuined in Eogllih nd it tightly pronounced by sickle or be Ubllibed auihorJred by In the French language for tame had a bard time In becoming established It called a ft last word being comment- applied to machine which we call a safety bicycle But the word veto a contraction of one ihcolhcrf come Into very common and lo supplant the It fa raticb Engliih bicyclers the word wheel- The French alto have a of unknown etymology which they apply to he bicycle- The when the bicycle came Into uie set about making a name for It which should be purely German They call ft a or travelling wheel and form they have sine Into or Imply wheel The and Spaniards fob lowed much in the same path that Ihc French did nd divide their loyally between vclocifcro cicleilaor the Chinese must have a name for ilie wheel They employ their usual figurative style of speech and call It a or foreign or flying machine The Fie or people of Teutonic speech who are purifying their language of foreign terms have bad the utmost difficulty in settling upon a word for this ma chine Some called it a some a some a but the real scholars among them in sisted thai It should called by a word of pure Flemish origin which described it The word is krsil In spite of their loyally to their native it is that even the most conservative Flemish wheel men never use this word when riding over a rough road J GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY mm fVA The patience of hearers have been vast those days wot thy vine of today remark ed to sWuM to Mr Gladilono for two whereat they would not listen so a sermon for hall an hour his answer dai We rosy Heaven that we not to listen to Mr Gladstone twice every Sunday But In time when thero were no newspapers and were scanty the church was iho place weot- merely to The preacher was a earned man who set forth learning before bit and or Indeed slept A but wicked old gentle man once laid The preacher look for hit teat He beloved sleep so I And we fear that did sleep but whether they slept not- they wero obliged to come to church cite they were fined ft shilling for Dont show off Dont monopollre the ocean Dont be afraid of the water Dont about Dont get broiled by un Dont chew gum in Iho water Dont bathe in ft bicycle suit Dont pretend you saw ft shark Dont dive In iwo feel of water Dont go in with a full stomach Dont try to cross he Atlantic Dont wear a tight bathing suit Dont slay under too long Dont slay In after you get chill Dont foot with ft In the water Dont push anybody in the water Dout wear jewelry Dont be in Into a boat Dont Imagine everybody Is looking at you Dont drink too much you come out Dont go in swimming more than once day New York Vow you CURED BY TAKING J Klntton Hon Mr wfthivx by bit wnnl of motion id to lull for fOncr by fluke Mr ltayt cone Her ill AVERS pari 1 la J Jin i it J- illi a a to iff Mi ft IU- I ro i from ImpHoiis ever 111 Mid 10 lio MS A JUfi SKIN THE HIN is by too- AT a DOME FITS- Jut 41v fcl flVuiU if buildings were burned at las Friday A half of die village of in many person perished vilUjCS suffered also QukijECj July f A rircadful ac- occurred Grains road station at a today A pilgrim from was being run ivo The section stopped Gains road to crois an up train the folloirinx section ran into the rear of it the engine plowing through the Pullman and firstclass cars were fcilcd and about Hounded Oct iuf tf tit ib liroob it lilowcf tilftieAcbUattior Dr jttT- dfjrbUclo tut It iJtJ Toronto ton is rld of being by Hi French f ij26 inlUniiQ bit torn of com rnltllng jIdo to afraid of So Aril wort lot on lb third reading of ibo Toronto JlMnllton Mr for York ot pat of faro lo two per lie at line a portion of tbo Vandcrbllt which two to How this branch bo On a tbo motion by lo We to in that wtmU for York voted tor motion Ifialo who baa lately from a trip to Central America wbltbtr bo fortho In hi most entitled Boa in luuoof for fJr on trip were ffomnttl a too of Henry Lord of Philadelphia The of trio on and of arrival at and porta aro graphically The article i by iltnttra- from of Ijvvjqc and inlrc ting Tut gifts the in connection viib final daring political at Ibe Capitol what bo taicwn- to bo bit aUroojtit card If tbo dont bring In a Do and go to tha devil to a mild The latter the to bo In by to bo political lyby On bat a Bcotcb blood Eobfr and entered upon conflict a not to In Booth for llLea u4 rliA la Aral Bold of or tetalout4 ix4- fciortctoi of fiiUiIiiio fKwiKdJitart Or ttetltUHiaXToara UUiitg id i jua it lUlotiLourittLoKaiTOhutSOurM Jill cow raced i a IU friCoidlty io ij 1 t atd of laooJUutj rtM the time In bar worth fir and wide difference that a large Is lift to pay of and till leave a profit The ten cent Ktanfng If more eilvir cola have Am- United a Dry The of well voro on the of aid to their of coiru have been tent to the them and ex Ibe in Europe axdienttotJUeonotry for Tot SftttaUt lbs ullbjr In to luy fi osu Wbllslba may to cd not lb Itnop will ft lha tad lixMD ILj sill 1U Dlvil si Its l lf fcDJ ibkl lb ritwi will otf Id lia o to A for WHICH RAVE A at Whwi cr Woalbs About to Her Ik Only Way la Can bo no people on Hie continent of today than the the picturesque viltsge of situated on the river and the to not so much its climate as in ths wise taken by its in warding off disease by 9 timely use of proper medicine The greatest Dr Williams Pink Pills and many ore the in regard to their virtues your correspondent on Monday last called at the residence of Mr and Mrs and interviewed their daughter Miss a handsome young lady of years who is known to be very low and has been restored to health by the use of she said I suf fered a great deal but I am so thank that am once more restored heahh You have no idea what it is to be to near the portals and eel that everything in lifes future is about to slip from your grasp and an early grave your doom I was taker ill four years ago with troubles peculiar to my sex and which has many a young woman 10 her doom an early grave I have taken fn all about twenty boxes of Pink Pills and am only too glad to let the world know what these wonderful little pel lets have done for me hoping that tome other unfortunate young woman may be benefitted as I was- When sixteen years of ege I began to grow pale and weak and many thought I was going into decline I became subject to fainting spells and times would become unconscious My strength gradually decreased and became so emaciated that I was simply a living skeleton My blood seemed to turn to water and face was the color of a corpse I had tried different kinds of medicines but they did me no good I was at last con fined to my room for several months and hope of my recovery was given up At last a friend strongly urged the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and after using a few boxes I began to grow slightly stronger I continued their use till I had used about twelve boxes when I found msself restored to health I now quit using the pills and for six months never felt better in my life Then I began to feel that I was not regular as I should be and to feci the old tired feeling once more coming on- Once more I resorted to Pink Pills and by the time I had used six boxes found my strength fully restored I keep a box by me and occasionally when I feel any symptoms of a of the old trouble I take a few and I am all right again I cannot find words of sufficient weight to my ap preciation of the wonderful curative qualities of Dr Williams Pink Pills and sincerely hope that who are afflicted as I was will give them a trial and- 1 am certain they will find renew ed facts above related are Impor tant to parents as there are many Sou budding woman- whose condition Is to say the least more critical than their parents imagine- Their complexion js pale and waxy in appearance palpitation headaches of breath on the slightest exercise other distress ing symptoms which invariably lead lo a premature grave unless prompt are taken to bring about a nat ure condition health In this no remedy yet discovered can the place of Dr Pink Pills which the Mood strength and rtnore glow of health to pate and cheeks arc cure trouble peculiar Treat your as though were of some importance if would have them manly and selfre liant Ik careful of Utile courtesies You expect your hoy to he fnl llioUjfhtfiil aid kind first set him the example If you would have your make you confidant take an active in terest in all He does dont be loo critical and ask for his and opinions at all times Dont keep your boys in ignorance of the things they should know It is not the wholesome truth but the unwholesome way in which it is ac quired that ruins many a young man Dont act as though your boy amounted to nothing nor be con tinually making comparisons him and tome neighbors ton to his nothing will dishearten him quicker Dont think that anything is good enough for the boys and that they dont care for nice things have the rooms up as nicely aj possible let them understand that Ihey to be in order and she result will justify your pains Purnish your boy with good whole some reading matter Have him read to and with you Discuss him what you read and draw out his opinions and thoughts on the subject Help him think early for himself Make home a pleasant place tee to it that lite boys dont have to go anywhere else to secure proper free dom and companionship Take to tuern feel com fortable and contented and they will not want to spend their evenings away from home Pick your sons associates- See to to it that he has no friends whom you know nothing about Take an interest in all his troubles and pleas and have feel perfectly free to invite his friends to the house lake a little pains to make htm and his friends comfortable and happy lie will slow to appreciate The voter lists for this viflsge are now printed Knight of nccabeos attended Divine service at the Congregational church last Sunday Tent now numbers about members One of our local papers stated last week From present appearances hay will be hay next winter And not did he expect it would be A bill was lost in our market two or three weeks ago and was found by Mrs Anderson of who aeturned it to the owner Mr ihos Smith of Newmarket bas taken the place of Mr W at the Old Drug Store here The latter left for Hay City and other point last week At the Canadian team was beaten by the Englishmen in the Cup match but it won the Prise- Dr of Huron was yesterday presented with a silver- handled umbrella in Ottawa by bis fellow- liberals among whom he is very popular Yokohama July Seven Idred Chinese attacked Is land of Formosa on July Two hundred of them were kilted and many were captured On the Japa nese side the loss was eleven men lire new known as acetylene Is now in ft practical in Philadelphia A company has been formed in that to manufactuie the article and his obtained control of lhoncceruy rights to do so An exhibition of the new gat was given the other night at tho residence of Mr who is of the gentlemen composing the company What the guests taw was a cylinder in the cellar three or four feet long and about four inches in diameter containing about cubic feet of the under considerable enure It held what was laid to equivalent to cubic feet of city gas cylinder was connect ed with pipe system of the city gas bring cut off A large number of onefoot burners were lighted and the whole appear ed to be brilliantly illuminated al though iho number of burners was actually lets than would ordinarily be employed In the dining room there was a cluster of six or eight in the sitting room three made the apart ment as light oi day and in the par lor four electric paled their Ineffectual before four gas burners supplied with acetylene The lamest the burners was not rnurh larger than the blue part of a bats wing burner flame supplied with city gar but It was white and the part was almost gulsluble There was no doubt illuminating valuo of acety lene and the were informed by Mr Joseph A Vincent that carbide could be produced at such low cost as to compete with city gas at sixteen cents per thousand cubic feet calculation he said was the of tests made by distinguished scientists favorable conditions The gas could be furnished to consumers from ftcenlral nation or served in cylinders to isolated The candle power Of the flames by measurement Is fiftysfx and it Is quite certain that in every nay it is superior to city gas It is said to contain ninetythree per cent of car bon Every one of the many people present pronounced t a wonderful Invention LI I a Kg The Dominion of Canada with a population of nearly from Newfoundland to the wild frontier of the unexplored North west Territories has had less than five murders for each of her popu lation during the past ten years Michigan with about habitants nearly every one within gun shot of a school house and a church has had murders to of her population during the same period- sit ten years Cana da has tried saj people for the of murder Michigan with less than half the population has tried people for the crime during the same Canada In ten years has fortynine people for murder Michigan hanged none Under he Michigan of punishing murder the stale has during ten at a great expense to herself preserved ihe worthless lives of rsa convicted murderers As an offset has the untimely end of over more victims of the crime ibsii have been murdered It ratio of than Ave lo population during the bad prevailed a if- StIi3rfr ROACHS POINT Cm Of marvelous success of Burdock In its specific curative power over every organ of the Tho Liver Blood theBowels ths Stomach Kidneys tho Skin Bladder In fact all parts of the human system ore regelated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this mcdicinc Thus it all diseases or other parts of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Sore Scrofula Rheumatism or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood v ordered of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the that is the BE8T SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD SUMMER RESORT Parisian SitoiLirxERB Outside one of the big Paris stores there were lately grouped a lady a nursemaid with a baby in her and an in of police In the execution of his The lady had Just been given into custody on a charge of un lawful sampling of the counters She was protesting her innocence- in the most eloquent and terms The too far gone for words but she sobbed fn a highly effective manner upon the babys shoulder The great heart of the people that stood around was stirred It found anon against the inspector Abused in deed he might have been had be not shrewdly and suddenly proofed bis prisoner For under neath she was all over proof flutter ing with fans ond fancy articles fes tooned with lace and ribbons and fal lals of all sorts and hung around with natty boots and neat umbrellas It was a sight to give the abusers A certain revulsion of feeling a favor of const luted authority be gan to set in But when constituted authority proceeded to uncloak the nursemaid also and she in her agita tion let baby fall of execra tion arose from the crowd For the baby fell upon its head and stove it The inspector had to go down upon iris knees and pick up frag ments that fractured skull and show them around Then there arose another tort of roar Fragments of wax they The very baby was a shoplift Pall Mall July Communi cation by telephone between London and Dublin was opened lodav A SUNLIGHT The clear brings with it gladnc3 and ri flowed en ergy and Sunlight Soap It Milts Hem Booh for S3 Scott St if rappers fjwKi i I in iScii Homo from Cover u of Oi Warmly of xi JuQuon liviiOUtLIl MOOtJ mm which word Mtrht So or flcflci- Uod to p eBgjift PEtSOiSTO TRAVEL tc1witi Salary 1 THE NATIONAL PICNIC GROUNDS Fishing Boating Bathing BOATS FOR Hill Every accommodation for man and beast both EST All information on application to 0 Oat HAIR A THOU Owttr or W FOR SALE ME ft jo OP NEWMARKET SALE OK TO AND 3H0P- TRY OUR pails Clotiiespihs ahd Building Material REPAIRS gQ OF Coo bar a IS J- DOOMS TO RENT i ih hi Jl VohiYO op a in with our Machine for lb Wicycltj of ftl f Vhll4 root All Colon New op Putting or He Cor- is 3orocto to Re at JAS lit I HONEY TO At tr Iiri I7 DAVID LLOYD for A JMiTtU fUgtL-MUfij- Alto for 0vlM 4 Oiofor Ifturiatit E c Wheals into o All Whh 13 another Wo also VictMt to order any Wo will Harij WhwJ at lL Call and THE CANE SONS MFG CO Ltd NEWMARKET to all of licit WCSJlcUb and tfoorHorlficftto WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN a rfliii to a 10 voiucitaan4 FOR SALE to 8U i la A Cifatt1l Atlco lUla FARM FOR SALE IT CnaT THIS IS A BARGAIN For to OH ilia OR SAL THE WHOLE FAMILY READS THE It A SPECIAL COURSE ipktfi GREATLY RATES a Jitj f Jul iVvs HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE YO fcl South End Tannery Vlija Alio 1cj IfcB ut to rin i or i- VliariaSiTucaio TO RENT They read the Locals every line in the Stories the paper the Then they send it interested in the Town matters ill certify to relative numerous Grandfather Grandmother Children The ion in We existence ly is It I the bestread pub- the home no other paper gives And All lo kept la Society or W- itcifJiLLoi woutb JtnitoTtQriAj in Ita A if la A la Lit A In la XL Of tVTEFery r cc4y AtGf ur lOClfai j p Itil- t j to week Advertisers by several lake Notice- thousands of The Em people every fore An advertisement of some account this is there Subscribe for the En A Advertise in the Era NEWMARKET FARMERS- A TrcrotClHfrkrhIfir 1 1 J O DRIVER Alt OK HAS iafiU4 ft4 Li cow to fillUUlXQ ftDd U in A A YEARS BEST FRIEND sale Canada T AUNDRY WORK Fuller JOHKKCLUBIKJl the to cotrcl ted vS rori2iMMM to Applj J Heymarket Residence For Sal re s w TWO GOOD FARMS TO Cm IK- Soafb V- Hunt to It J to 3 RENT OF OUT MAIS belli with two ItOiUfi Vj V4I4I with W if 1 JllSttc4 tip With hAtl lbrobt if lib itae the will fil EXEMPTION OF TAXES to I If U QLANCY COPYRIGHTS Panai tad l to fill ailiilaji Ml r iiiii ill ftix Stove and Furnace Repairs obi a Goal FOR SALE 11 FARMS FOR SALE lit iotioiki elite acres half con too half lot a con acres half lot con K teres Kast halves lots aces lot 2nd con lot 2nd King i in lha con of irk Cf Hi i I