Newmarket Era, 26 Jul 1895, p. 2

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ft NEWMARKET ERA J n2 r v A- I Dons A BlndwTwtQo OrtcsrUsA WiMIAtld MlUHrttt WITH Era Horn HA wtfin FRIDAY Oil Toronto ft for Urn it J Ain If do op Major tit a interfere Hh to Ike erf to- par too- of at destroyed llfl 4 hi left for pin In Ii lo to to I Horn Air Tito on Mo of Alloc to ltd llul MboMo other i Autonomy In a recent in daily we find following on the Manitoba school iue the mailer licreally loan issue and the Province which has done to much Wo- fc to magnify will for Manitoba in such a way will he no excuse for mistaking its from Quebec acting with Ontario Liberals should heed the Quiet warring of the S pally organ in this Province The of these of next January the will demand of their to know exactly where he stands on ihit llon of Provincial As the Qhbt very properly observes The people ate not making any demonstrations are very much in earnest the seme ihat the school legislation Manitoba of did remove and stale connection to the minority who favor legisla tion may possibly be regarded as a grievance a grievance which the Government and may have powr to inasmuch he school substituted for the old church and state order of things is has been twice by the people of Province since its en actment it would be an interference with the autonomy of Manitoba to enforce the Remedial Order of the Ottawa ivy Council and the coun try could afford to lose dozens of such men as Anders Car on and met or even and his leading supporters in Quebec rather than at tempt to legislation tfn the Prairie Province to which so decided a majority are opposed- If an honor can be reached satisfactory lo ihe Province all very well but short of Ihi the Federal hand must be stayed and Provincial rights sustained Quebec must not be allowed to dictate to Manitoba Ihrouh the Federal Government a to ialmn- Tin appointed at 4f ft ft ilt and part of in of W0tn term of on lit of July tfcrnl from OiUm that ht for woo lojcibflr In honor to ft ronrktmpJi tan Qioni AxiliipobHo lo Arpertwa WlTicy on Very olio wamaalUa well S3 ftt ft off bo moduli loftiiilop on dollnr CTiUxolotDOt lb up lo ftnd olchtjiri cull od lb with nil ctnlfftvlrif a ratjorlXf bundled Tin nomUr of wiled too tilna largo o or who Bommer nardrobu bo partloularly for iiuvji and ft JoUio lb flldato 8eoH tool ft proved villi bo Hay wliu aubflidy wft wtad In and lreoiIt waxed Home very feljf fe- Err 1 ijUglo to a a of on days Li Mr of Glean liftilog failed to go in to An Ma on ft not Ml now to and It ft will hold mitt of political to Mi It him ft ho hint to This fluid the of County ot to bo Wsntwortb Judge Mao- of Thunder May has in and llanilfOD lo la Hay It called and largo for who completing vrftrdrobea will bo particularly pleated with number for never dainty and appropriate yaar loo per copy Address Pali Co Toronto i 1Mb if lis Editor I ws log lor a Dominion con- lo take what left 1liK of Mr lite dltOi left lown ho will job to Ling The by Co- Park York lo richly laden with reading for and dog Tt contains many hairtonotn grtvjDaJnalractlfaandpracllosilartCclei camping doff- A flarnplo copy will bo roo of AhOUatvn that Governor and Lady accompanied by Dominion Sit Rod Hon of Ibo Interior left capital yeitorday for at of the exhibition next week at Daly to bo absent In theKorthWefittnd and Indian on lavt Hen fetatcd be or John bad rcwiyed nypayinehl lor tber the fiji at Private of won prJieo It oltbeH It JL A told and two hundred end fifty It Mecca of til Well done Ik now at Ottawa Premier will leave the next Mid ft In very he cover lift the bli own tweet of Monday Unlock fa Id touch North York every qtinHoa to of touch tbe bet part of tbii extract le but pert la to flavor He ltd to tact lift dig lie prt JJib yoiBuii ltd to of tiJaiugUA itmit o mi GoriAcdt t Oregon Territory United bad a recently right In A of tbobcit Perry in tbat Territory recently a novel ver dict It and disorderly conduct and Iho verdict reed MlAMi find defendant cot guilty but find court guilty of the offence charg ed defendant and cue be evened him vtae tendered judge btitxeo arretted for Friday called of Ho nee of Com- to of Controller of of the iurejjrd to end in Ad mini ration Tapper defend ed Controller by not occupy Ins tbe not to be in the initial on of public policy If at bill were Controller would cither it or retire If ere the if Why do In an out of doubt bjut lea- I ii being net I to 4 Word has come from hake of the drowning of five all of one family named Beech Dr Morre and Mr J lidgir six driving horses to England on Milton adopted the cur- T Railroad have cars of from the quarry to bo a ft Hamilton etreet A windmill has placed in to pump water ftllie Indians wound are complaining ihat Celling on Like going on- Two Gravtnburat t building over the water fell a into tile water They none their John of aceicly injured by a bull animal he tried to lum it into fitd but on He ArcbQorlogrpl ft of Midland ra In V la Point Xllarenotfayliltlng Meade ft Mr and vcro vWllog in Toronto let for trip to the Canadian He wfti I on He for it villi Toronto on fa from on ft holiday Watte Mi Mr ardc of Toronto at Mr eftMrt Barclay went to Toronto for IT Jobo former ly of la her on ft WI Mile II wee the of Alma Dale at day A of enjoyed at Monday after- noon Mr and Monday from a abort at Mr up at camp on the abore of Lake film coo Mr and vleiling on lake Millard drove a loidlolbePlayter camp for the day of it with Mr It A returned Monday from a few with In Toronto and over in Mr- Clarke P waa put with at Mm- of Cleland been the paal flocl Queen editor of always at and dur ing camping Mr arrow of King In Town Mr Prospect Ave Mr and Mr It Morris over Bun- day at Villa and daughter of wire with lire on fail Jennie on Mon day to a month vacation vritb her at Mr and Mre and children of are for a of at Mr Win Mr It Karl of Montreal wai Mr I Park Avenne a couple tbli week MraAHx baa been unwell for acooploof weeks and baa lately confined to her room Mr of and aunt of Mr wae at over Sunday Col- and Holland wero of Mr Oliver daring vlelt here the Band J Wilson and daughter and are days with at Lake Walker ton baa bun flatting for two at father Mr Cody fiboroiorfit flret tbo week Mica Richmond Hill In Town on Friday calling on old friend- day chiefly with Mr Herbert Caldwell it father Caldwell and Ml Bt week accompanied by two children Mr ft visit for ibo firet lime fn twelfo Ma le living at fiebeatotady and expect to noil Ella that had a very enjoyable vialt with Mr and Belief and took in delights of Coney Wend bathing with them BCody who la enjoylo her fn North Dakota write they are having a good deal of rain there ihe went and crop are looking better then have Mr It- flprage of Winnipeg I beg to renew my for one more year feeling confident tbat I could not up and feel happy without from the old County of York of all In Eat Abofefiil in view of continued favorable crop A the improve in farm lend P It largely kit year now are in Manitoba Hit rttnulo points to tho were In favor Colombia of lite are vrry and the de to lumber trade there greatly improved and to be generally The market are Manitoba dairy Jut There no nee in any thing but choice creamery bolter to If the mining in Columbia once a it would quite a help to the a3 dairy end trad in again will be the the at- largely wdk hat few are going out lately Shipment of bolter and in tote now going aaitnatd Thru pre parted lately Till I ft new feature Iq dairy trade here ae hire lofoie Lai it- a of In butter gone y tcalu Leg Ica4 are lower btghtr with W a to U ie ely in uiad HOLLAND LANDING Mr Gray about Mist Chapman of Toronto few weVi with their Mrt Ben Smith I AURORA An ratio about one oclock Wednesday mornfng to bum tbe freight and grain belonging to Grand Trunk It was plainly on fire for wain there were three pieces of oily burning on the till the couth of the building This the third building that has that and of the towo during the last week but the other two were totally consumed place situated mile and a Quarter weal of Vivian and also one mil a and a quarter south of Shrub mount camnerB have returned from the Lake and report a very time Minnie of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks at home- Mr Woodcock Vivian was visiting at Mr John Mr John was visaing- his brother last week The farmers in this vicinity have commenced harvesting and the buzz and click of the hinders are heard We regret to announce the death of Mrs Megan of the old est residents of place Mrs Melch has into their house There was a housewarming on Monday night the The echo of merriment surrounded the mount- ST NORTH Stephenson Sc Sons arc busy threshing clover and report a very gooo yield of seed Miss Ella Smaller of Newmarket was the guest of Mrs C last week Mr and Mrs Proctor were visitinfi friends at Oxbridge last week Mr and Mrs Powell Mt Albert were visiilng his brother Mr Richard Powell this week Two boys while strolling over the old Bar wick place last Sunday were badly frightened by seeing what they supposed to a wild cat Several have been out hunting it with guns and dogs since but failing to secure the animal have concluded that it was persons large Thomas cat they saw Mrs and Mrs Isaac Proctor of Richmond Hill are visiting at Mr Geo Wilsons this week We occasionally hear statements like this I wonder why such and such an item was not in he paper this week If you want this to be a newsy column please give the cor respondent a word occasionally and then he wont forget you- ROACHS POINT Sunday was a day for camp ers It commenced to lain about oclock a m and didnt clear up till It was a great soaking but will do immense Rood to the crops The and Wilsons struck tent in McCarls lawn last week The rain rather upset arrangements at Morion Park on Sunday at tended the Sunday School but collection for Provincial work was postponed till next Sunday when School will be conducted at oclock and preaching by Elder at three Addresses of welcome at p m by Morton Esq and Eld are 10 be followed by responses from Mr Angus Williams and Hid of Newmarket Praise service at p led by Rev Percy Grand Illumination at Friday Aug is Prohibition Day sermon at a ro by Rev address by J Walton Esq of paper by Mrs Percy of Stouffyille Chalk Talk in ihe even ing by Rev Titos of Little Britain See programs for better an nouncements J Dales Esq A of Kings ton and Rev P Fletcher of were at Morion last week Arrangements for the CampMeeting commencing on Aug are fully completed and a large gathering is anticipated No less than attended the Bible Class at Editors Camp on Sun day evening It was led by P Moore the Provincial SS President Rev Addison of Toronto Rev Dr Campbell of Mr Wood Deer Park and Mr of Newmarket took an active part in the discussions Messrs of Newmarket and Thompson of Aurora expect to com plete their cottage at Orchard Reach this week There was an Excursion from to Morton Park on Monday The familiar faces of Mr and Mrs Alex Simp son and Mr Sep Nasb were board There were a couple of ac cidents on the Lake Shore last week White in bathing Mr Moore of Ac ton got a fcad gash in his foot from a broken bottle which some one had carelessly thrown In the Hater and a young lady at the Plaster hurt her knee while getting over a jail fence Rev Mr of as sisted Rev Mr ftell both the musical and of ser vices in St Church last Sun day he in the morning and the Rector at night the rain at lth frciylco alio two son are pend ing a IrJi li The annual trip of the Jersey Lily Party took place last Tuesday to his picturesque spot on Mr Ben Manning in Ms kind end genial way the boys In Ms stylish fourinhand which was great ly appreciated fun boys were never lacking consisting of songs slumpspeeches banjo solos c The of Mr Ellis Jr tendered In his usual amiable and manner The- party ex- considerable rough weather in trying to row across toBello Owing to cool heads an obituary Item was saved from Iho Era S3bertischeifji MOUNT ALBERT Mr A from Ux- Is calling on friends Mr Armstrong Is slaying with Mr Mr ley is camping at Jacksons Point Miss Mainprise and Allan ail for England on the jth of August- The 10 the Point on Monday last was a grand about on board Piper has- got a fine new piano Mr from the landing Was In the village on Tuesday- Mtal J Dakota Is stay ing with hit rfrlevMsa Steeper Quite a number of our young men have gone to Minnesota for the har appreciated the much needed rain on Sunday except those living in canvas has commenced in earnest Is busy News like hay is very scarce- but when gathered Is not worth nearly much OS hay Judging from the large quantities of milk passing through our village every morning the factory must be kept busy While boring In a well on one of Mr Drapers farms last week a vein was struck at a depth of about thirty feet which proved to be strong enough to produce a two inch flow out of be top of the ground The CampMeeting at Jacksons Point Is being fairly represented from Ihis neighborhood Great preparations are being made for the Christian at Morion Park next week A few things we would like to know When the Sunday School room is lo bo bricked and the sheds and fences built If everybody is going 10 the social at the Lake on Tuesday evening the village cows are not allow- Wo are bound to make the warm buoy ones cannot endure dull or dull Look in and how wo aro how wo will crowd with oagor buyers Profits 0 those Linos must vanish Mens Pants price reduced to Gents tec what we have it aooo yards very heavy Grey Ccttcn will save dollars The Sons of Temperance entertain ment on Wednesday night of last week was patronized by a full house and was a success in every respect Mr and Mrs Isaac of Richmond Hill visited two or three days this locality last week The Young Lions and on Jfuesday evening last week and had a tussle with the football Rich side got a goal and felt jubilant The return match was played last Wednes day but could not wait for the result Hiss Terr is home from the city for a lime Fall wheat is all cut and a large portion drawn in- Bailey fast and some of it will be cut week Our showers are bo small and far between that they are worth record ing We not a nice sprinkle on Sun day last enough lo keep the dust down Eirewas seen issuing from the roof of the cheese factory one day week but by the timely arrival of bucket brigade it was got out Sparks from the chimney of engine is suppos ed to be cause Mr Campbell our cheesemaker is turning out a firstclass article and a is being for home consumption cd on roads When the next bo held If Bethel Sunday School Intend having a garden party 1 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor Yongo Garrard Sts TORONTO ONT other licit J fitatj in test I A 50 Mens Suits price 11 6oo 55 to ip Summer Coats CoaisandVesu 11 Odd Vests ji Mens Fine Stiar Hals DRY pair of at 507 CottonHoeat more money pair Childrens Silk and Lisle Glove at regular it at or by the web SI We arc telling Shoes at old trie big advance but our present Stock is heavy and the money for it pieces Dotted reduced Cloth Slippers good Summer Goods Black lovely at Cream Rorth 50c at Cream Serge all wool a 1 Boys Fine Straps 35c Sailors Mens Fedora Hats Mens Kid Lace Boots now Prims reduced to Cream price Every Parasol reduced Slock is large Table Linen worth at si Ladies Kid Shoes Button Pebble Shoes worth 30c Ladies Oxfords Razor Toe very 25c newest style and luin 150 Ladies Oxfords patent leather at and the America made Lice newest Shoe Boys Strong Shoes Mines Strong Shoes TO There will be Bargains here come before Saturday if you can tr j No 1 Millards Block TO RENT Mel j Li J03KilMlLLAHU AT TUB- Furniture jO CO NEWMARKET V AND KESWICK Keswick Division Sons of Temper ance is a live and prosperous lion lie members delight in offering people of community an op portunity of meeting together in pleas ant social intercourse To end a grand lawn fete will be held oh Mr John beautiful lawn next Tuesday evening An en joyable program has been arranged and will consist of choruses and inslumental selections local talent and accomplished visitors Queens- ville Brass- Band has also been en gaged The bill of fare will include icecream and watermelons both of the finest flavor Keswick and extends a special invitation to the numerous campers on ihe shores of the lake Mrs Roe Young of this place met with a serious accident on Monday night In corning out of Mr Mortons door she missed one step and fell breaking the bone An she is quite an aged woman it i feared ihe hone cannot be set or even if set it cannot knit As she is widely and greatly respected much sympathy is felt for her her suffering being intense The Methodists of Circuit intend holding a CampMeeting on farm near Jacksons Point beginning July and lasting one week Patties from a distance are lo take their own refresh as nothing will be allowed on the grounds for sale Two evange lists are to conduct the services to- Rclher the pastor Rev Mr Mar- lain There is to be no preaching service in Methodist Church here next Sunday on account of the Camp- Meeting Up to date ihe man Holmes charged with ihe murder of children in Toronto- is now credited with having committed eight murders The of Monday says It Mrs Connor and her child are dead as now seems almost certain the list of murders with which Holmes is charged numbers eight vis P ihe three children ihe two and Mrs Connor and child and there is a plausible theory for the crime in each cast Pretzel was murdered to gel the money from Ihe insurance company into the possession of Mrs ihe children were killed to re move three heirs to the property and make the securing of the properly just that much easier the Williams girls were killed to get con trol of worth of real estate in Fort Worth Texas and Mrs Connor and ber girt were made away vnlh Jo get rid of a woman who knew too much and a child whose keeping would be troublesome and might necessitate an ol her mothers fate Black Flags in Formosa corn the Japanese troops to retreat after a stubborn battle Dr Albert Tracy who died la Westfield Mass born In Aurora and was a graduate Victoria The dues and pro bates for the estate of ihe late Allen of have fust tjuwd- The succession due amount to and lite probate to in til The state was salued at about a half l Undcrtakiug House FOR GASH By thk 1st of Aug CHINA i In Order to raise this amount ve Hie most A SPECIALTY fghl at fitrcot Hi ALL LINES OF GOODS before have such offered 10 the jcoplc of 2nd vicinity will be found a I of the to be IJojV in Suits for 1 a Mr Unity J Ufa A VhlCcriqKh lo Tho Tomb en it Must Circle Orchard ftftd II i J II Very Fine piece for These Suits are in all from 23 to J S0ASH0X8B f AH order will ASTRAY Kb OF YEARLING rt3 AM ibitituliy n TO S3 tinea of TotilJ to ftticqulrda lb I Sot ito tf ikt f led my held If ttHLOQADd Ji of lha lb laic forcsilJ tot AdixbUtrMcrt MORTaAOE SALE OF A FARM Km Tweed piece Suits for II II CD All itj lo inches Short Suits for a CO CD CO Special General Clearing Sate of Ml lints and particularly Lid Its Childrens awl Mens Ox- fords array prices Corns ia and them clear them out- You Can Save Money Sires from inches J on Mens Tfittd for Vests Seeks or Cotton Work in Underwear Shirts for for 5 50 111 ih CO 5 5 I 75 Pieces Canadian Tweed for and 5CC and In of in of Ltathtr and Shoes have advanced to per cent but we are a many lines for money than they can for Mens or CO worth 1 Huff and ivied 5 i Pegged fo It Hoots 4 Boys Laced Beats It ii i So Ladies 1 it 11 CO Kid I CO i 1 Pebble I Co Kid Oxfords I CO a Childrtns 1 I CO This great sale will for the of this inmb If is will the money- as some of the goods be cleared out the tint IN THE SURROGATE COURT TUB OF ttUetk Power fio fcdccd Site Hut tics at It licit ii Ay In gyrcLtli i7i orient Lxia en OR SAUE Two it ONTARIO DAME llAt r- M J WOODCOCK a A few of Dinner Sets left Pas 175 While Tea and els j and lot Plate odd lines at from per alio a job line nice Lemonade Set Tumb lers Jug 2nd Tray for PRUIT JAftS hive any Quantity Trices at arc getting our for ihe Fruit Preserving Pickling Nothing but Pure Srices stpt Tea or lbs for rco ii right do drink il For a cup of choice a imp Powder lb cars for els Main and IStMthy SIS to Creditors Of iDeooaaad till I it it ll A i Mil II itu HI ISA lle WD iTtt IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK- fc it t4- too VCOULLOUOII TORSE MID to THE tr tl to vVJ lLvr sUw lb v cUltLt ibiutJtrirfcaSilJiw rl4 del IJtIOG STORE Net Post Jt J I

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