Newmarket Era, 26 Jul 1895, p. 4

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Weak Tired Nervous Women who sown to worn oat will find fa jmrlflcd Wood nd by end following It from ft well known minor tot complaint ana kidney trouble bat ft celt of but received op no A friend atvltcd to itcodaiJMrrHIndX to mo It I Jim KM tbuft from my mo nil MM lit Toronto Ontario Only True Blood In ill no uncoil Jlrtuir till rt to Cancan Golden Iboa And tallica lor good By Horn with It it flloilwUndcorernly Tim toll up Mb proration of lb la of who com cat fc mob Into ood WflllirolKdjifcUon filkd iMttK oar no In torn oto rtiil Ibno ond out or For of Ibl l wtt of hue ond on Jon Wo thill litft On hit Iff Why Join Church 0fc9 lhlilfolcou help to who for end no I or It huh to household of ftlth lit church tin help you Ill Ml fii Its Victoria who on winning lido for occur- of lion mii lor I for on CO J oliu Jamil CANCER OH THE LIP AVERS 1 uhoiff for yean icKUi in or icl a tic if Lal During of parliament ftnl the member for West foniirlo Mr J introduced bill to lite Criminal Code so at to provide that director or officers or of any rail way company to which any advance or loan or of public money been granted by Parlia ment and while any part of subsidy is a subsisting claim the Government not directly or indirectly contribute toward election funds in moving for the second reading this bill Mr pointcd out that the principle of pro hibiting beneficiaries of public works from contributing to election funds is embodied in Section of Criminal Code of That was an amendment which the late Sir John Thompson adopted on the suggestion of the leader of the Op- in the year it was included in the Code when it was consolidated the low yea As a result of the operation of this law every one who has a contract with the Government Is prohibited from contributing directly or indirectly to the election expenses of any candi date and proposed by bill include contractors and officers of railway companies which receive subsidies from Parliament also The House however rejected the bill In vain the member for West Ontario point ed out Parliament is called upon to vote subsidies in favor- of certain railways those benefited have a direct interest in their in fluence fell by contributing money to wards the election of men who vote these subsidies and in favor of candi dates supporting the Administration of the day by whose these subsidies are distribut ed but it was no use arguing The value of these con ions had been leslcd in contests of the past and the vantage ground it afforded in prospect of future help power ful under the present aspect of the political to its in fluence and power and as a con sequence the hill received thereby th con tinuance a pernicious practice and allowing for miM politicians bribe she people their own money It is not a sign in the political realm when measures of litis kind fail to find a place on the statute book A Kill ALMOST umOARAMrH A lioffercr for how of for fi tuly AffKtw The editor of the Nazi in com pany with Mr Jury of well known of fury visited the home Samuel Wood In the Township of Darlington for the purpose of ascer taining the of another of those remarkable cures happily brought about the use of Pry Williams Pink Pills for Pale People It was Mrs Wood who had thus been released from suffering and when the newspaper man made known his mis she Mid I can you a bright testimony in favor of Dr Will iams Pink Pills for I believe that if they did not save y life they at til events released from untold mis ery Some three years ago dyspepsia came upon too In a severe form with one of the local doctors for more than a but all the lime was mowing steadily worse The medicine I took cost a dollar a bottle and expenditure was worse than for did no Then rny husband thought as worse il would be better try something else they felt that unless a change fi came was doomed to live through the terrors of a dyspeptic life Sometimes I would be fairly doubled up with the pain and it seemed f a knife was cutting into me I then tried a number of medicines recommended for dyspepsia but none them brought the hoped for relief We had so often read of remarkable cores achieved by Dr WilliamV Pink Pillar that I determined to give a rial I got a supply and before the second box was gone I found myself gelling belter I con tinued Ihe use of pills until I had taken eleven boxes when I was fully recovered This Is a couple of years ago and I have nor the least sign of dyspepsia Mrs Wood further said that her husband bad been a victim of kidney trouble for a long time and had taken a great deal medicine for lis cure but to no avail When It as seen that Pink Pills were doing his wife so much good Mr Wood determined to and they acted like a charrn as he now entirely free from his com plaint and he attributes all to the use Pink Pills and would not be out them irrihe house Jury informed the Nan that Pink Pills have an enor mous salt They have handled Pink Pills for years and say that can not recall a single instance in which a customer came back and said they were not perfectly satisfied with the results This is certainly a remark able record but then Dr Williams JULY to Introjotlsjr o Ig1UI patio ho onlrnprcEon 014 hop for of l nfnilm MMorborifldcnottntioa In Yliorfidoy by W r h7n to Op toIo rtor of Mr li lj Hod Mr Cabtotl Mlntt for only of a typo- Tha story that fiyriominlns for got from boons of lo Ills relnt and then oat 1 11 Hyp- for 7vi- aJiyiTotC3 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I Ihifirca or II OlUfttfUtf to M hij loili tad by oil by At I of la try milts boor oltilot Tut ft In TJiopttly In hit proved Itulf to fultltol od OOrrapt Ihot It It to oitiilDg Vt4m Fun- oil of firry- ml dhbiod to for to on Both ft QoYtfnmtnl wholo of pi ft It I ft loading op ill WDrge woo on oar CO With on4 rooklnjtfco for o ft flritolott boon In wt Ira the tod kicking rop with Angttt ond ohlof medicine and cures when other medicines foil Dr Williams Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the firms trade and printed in red and had of all or direct by by Dr Williams Medicine Company Out or Schenectady at 1ox or tVLH M J A0KNtotht report of loit lottUr to ilitfr to letter tod pick 1 of cbtvlog church i IfooDtov ti 1 of 1 colli 0 ploio Al- IS money re lit lit t tfc luilubrAtfb iLolJtvWir Mllb each Louie si J if pvdr r lit Arlcbtul to tii It n pcfiOftoDtlf cd A from Worth Bay lo on County Town It will Iho Bay l with to hear at the of Tml- was to fchitd Iht hot iota for and for Bay Utter thtrsforeogafo victory hta by ft Majority tight only Tho Mayor Dial acme have and Mill claim a Jm to At tUotion Longford Hon- wot by tclAiisvlon- Tug wot prorogued on Monday And In of feet Iutoo f to bo a Qtobt tie in will to ftfov rnootbt not tho United hot blnlod ho wilt ho be- comoaeondldiioor that tlatomooli two bit old Army The irkhun of P for Kit Work th following gtotto of Aldtrtntorrttildsvod Toronto hit coot lit at a on to to to after next toll of Jomtt Row IK for It Ho of to Cad ida Ho Nor lb Wellington In from to and ogtlo from to 1871 Ho wot of and a widow two coot and four to thttrtoai Tux Arlt to and latt Million hit jiODipbUlform to The principal obtngot which in form for of Jlldfng Ho All now dlisrlct lowniWp or In with of and only Inlbt month of All now tho roado etc making of and ft In tho of Hit twtlon IS All and ftp plication for mutt made to of faeroaftu by will forwarded dlrtotly from Toronto It to ibo following officer of any auoclatloo or comity may by and jro of or it alio or prevent of trafficking In or rncrchandiio on exhibition thereof and toy perron who alter such and viola tho tamo shall to to bo moved by or Of attoclatlonoriicLy and tbt penally by next preceding of any or all llndt of and oil garni of at of holding I tit exhibition or fair or thereof permitting Ibo hal all claim to any tentative grant daring year It shall not to carry on any tttalt of tpttd and tbt the daring appointment for holding any bib It on by any or town holding exhibition or Ato In to participate Legislative grant tho act matt bo carefully the that prater and Itprcity and that the tCc ftiion milk arc rim perfect hue quite a of our vrlio ate to yield the n a little or hi o lihkcrtam off the it to the The of theio arc of the those where diirlOA rot been made a ipcl- At a tux in cectlont where the a of there It much cully the milk just as it comet from the cow The patron who understand the dairy business Is not with the rnflV He that the Inspector fs liable be called in at any lime and that if he is fined a time wo the profits from the but- soon he eaten up Hot so patron who is for the first time If he Is Inclined to dishonesty He ima gines he Is little too thread to be continues a little Wrier to do a little till suddenly looms up at the the that the patron Is summoned found iulllrftiid fined Very often will conclude that the cheese does not and will not patronize It any lodger- It would belief for the business if all such would come the same con clusion As rule in the older dairy who tamper wilh milk are among who dont under stand ihe fltti principles of tucceviful They keep a fewtctubby cora arc badly fed and cared or and because they do not milk as veil at their neighbor are tempted to make up for own neglect by adding water or by taking of the cream- when a patron of a new cheese factory Is fined lor tampering with milk of ihe law it an excuse for to doing In this age of christian and ethical culture il not be neceitary to compel a man to be He surely the milk lent to a factory is pooled together it it dishonest to supply deteriorated milk io that factory as to take under cover of night grain from a neighbors July 2nd Inspector Millar visited the factory In Huron County and prosecuted three patrons for deteriorated milk and John Mar quit of pleaded guilty before Mayor Ilolmei of Clinton and vrerc fined the former Ihe tatter alo of was to Police Magistrate he pleaded guilty and was finid and be cheese markets this took a decided drop The week previous H8tfi cc St 5 is a 1 ROACHS POINT Of the success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative power over every organ of the body Liver tho Blood Bowels Stomach the Kidneys Skin the Bladder in fact all parts of the human system regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it CURES all diseases affecting or other parts of the system Dyspepsia Constipa- Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sorc3 Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that is the BE8T SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OH OLD SUMMER RESORT PICNIC GROUNDS Fishing Boating Bathing FOR HID for both man and All information application to OI furnished on and were freely for fust of June make while list week 8 were about oners for the came foods J be majority of the did not cell at the higher fruits conse quently were inclined to hold their goods when the drop came Whether they were wise in so doing remains to be seen I Out HAIR FOR SALE- to TRY OUR pails tubs fetaliAfEftSQnB f OF OvO JWKLLIKG AND SHOP- If- 0aTtJni4lttisivco3ptt4 fc I LET gQ ACRES OK Ceo tut Building Material 111 J EfiASf TO RENT- We op ripirlrficnt In with oar tctXh Sitae foe tar of 1I ft a in All Colors Killing lit BR Use Sunlight a Soap Soap In the World you have to Rub or Saves your clothes wonderfully loo Its Pure TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD Vhcoi 1clllcg dibits AND LOT Etta io la Ito JA3 KAVAirAQH W FOR SALE- Converting Vito into All VIiKls before c-M- to to Jjirtd Vo hue a At the very litail THE SONS MFC CO iiucLu A PiJechip to SO Teres be ACA3IWJKIU Wrappers Per E E GROOME 13 bo w Church Hit 4 ud cut4 lo I svaloo Out frldtlfUiaC4wp- -r- liUic lid UiffccUiW Jit t CsiiiyUlL lo ill l Ii Ltd r Itfl rHs tw or ItiistUiwo to the tad ftt tbo of the Sir Joint Ityt6iQii JUtiUx from of the tiovcronitut or litem all read of It now out ibfcl IrlLutt of iff lion ftforiiifd or irid m wmloglcotA to unit oat ifcV Mil it ftbd Jloota Com Feb of P ftt web a 177 CO ISO ytrdfttoilln i CO fcJj tifji JJ The Hon Mr ftocouGced lo tkll Id that Mill ftl of to daring ftrd Weald remove embargo ftllotihti If no fvjt-d- CURE PUT a itlcij fcii out of led of ftfitoa froji iVt Ill of Ab J ftt4 bill for IbMi question of ftllovl lo under our fttifff Hod the Wei de rive revenue of jh only vioueof CO per lira He by Of duties tod bttr dcrivit ft of to on OM7 Into would find lb of ftrftQCDtoi To It obtrt4 ad of ftod It by a ftnd ft bat Hi by ftoi per ft4 all ptr jJoittSoo ricDOrtd ftnd WM by ir or etc ft 4pLi duv eod ft iy ilobtWO will bur ft of per booed cent of fcei lirfiiM le voftid fcilnlvwro dtt How ft got ft Home I began 10 at age of twelve A few years later I com menced The habit upon till I imoking a Urge of ihe lime except when I was At the church abandoned filthy habit of chewing tobicco- I stilt cigar Just at this I met a who a with lovi look well see a of the You are and taking the cigar from my mouth threw into the Hiat the last cigar ever I emancipated from tvotte than Egyptian bondage I now deposited the hid been to long tqunderng in the Bank for Saving I will tell the boys what did with It and they will how and bow inexpedient it Is to commence bablt of tobacco I found a very for f were two acres land IreM a good guden fine money drawn upon to pur chase the place and It mine My smoking was moderate com pared with that of only six tig a day at cents each equal to 50 per ftt per cent inter far fiiysevcn years amounts tost fortune of This ha fnr lbs education of my children with Bibwince for 1 imj A OCU ft by xl is Led AT RAYED- situs or Itf ftboat lie lOib HEAD OF Wo fctltrft red 1 ftd ft iclrtd fftty All fcttfKe ft otroi A j lu ftftr 10 will oe ibiuikfcU pet lL 14 MIM l- or ftCd 1 Jig It tut or JERSEY BULL iVAeiKY- PERSOHS TO TRAVEL irit i lo vol beta it to red villi Improved bead snd a hind t of and ficito tw fl THE WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN ft wtol IviC- rem to CO to voicfnotcd vIdo of cr POLITICAL FARM FOR SALE r J silof THIS IS A 0Hi0 ok Vlltis a let Is of a ict THE WHOLE FAMILY It A Father They locals Stories the Advertisements every lire in the paper A to tonics Sod to lilt Lin A ARM TO A si 3I cyi 1 d ict4 lo bo to f J or Residence For Sale ritllAT SPECIAL COURSE In iAk4cl2 fciortbiLdTdtzrtvtr lTbicuubJutttl RATES ilr Juca ted fcr Tteit HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE A South End Tannery TO f iirttutd iiy J Mother I Then they it to relative interested in Town numerous post- will Weekly is ihs pub lication in existence It has the home news Grandmother which rO other Children Take NoticeThe is I j read by several of people every week And All An in this piper is there of some account for the Kit a Register A A A I J loTteSHtuifktt I la i KcrfiiU3lcriy A Ld lo AofOr4JtJ4iib ibiactlj V fittrt lfiiU dy ADinriMBrtf I Coin KttiUVyKrayilnhJiyDUtt 0rcLird4 cry isjjy QlaIcKitir fjr rrtlftr AliLI wLiiy iff i 4f re iqiirli t J sr I J Advertise in he NEWMARKET FARMERS iwQalvl Cca it S DRIVER BtlAROK Hah low to alt FOR TVENTYFIVE YEARS QC g l 1 trcrti to It POWDER FRIEND JM CAM ADA Wfor Ik WORK Vi Siove and Furnace Repairs Kit TWO GOOD FARMS TO RKHT 4 ICO crt4 Lot I fasrest Kit mrn lit ScHOjtfke OR TO RENT lit THE OF it IjIH iTJA Kit I i Vaiitalktt li up iEiLft wuttlrciiSUrfillii J li j fcitilca l EXEMPTION OF TAXES Goal a FOR SALE itKNNK FARMS FOR PHK llaiuIYlesKS- La half hilUoi a acres East lot acres halves lots Kin too King acres ot and con King Herts Wit of lot a of At Of 4 I as sa 1 eta I

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