ERA AUG and A bo fall Toronto lflf ArmlUc Hoar -I-T- I DUX AMD BRIGHTER WITH EACH Printed Ml Homo CIS AUG Our Toronto Bra OH ray thai tin hit Monday In Heed lit rum that cats It for hearing Hit day Kir Oliver attend in with caw Morgan on Monday chargd criminal J Morgan at crimin al Court ft lot bains from Wood of Weston lit lot jail for that lit of Ring of fa suburbs Of A to Printing Company for of lljfio corner Jordan andUelioda to cost and Mr Alei Millard will rt store tlore tod coal A O of Hit worth jjonday flclioolt of lb Church ft oa our of Maritime The of York In ho position of without a County It Id or Franca lo day In On until John of ad- to Hid general from to tplnt by falling from load of engaged In homing on and At firtCar- Injuries not aopptod lo to of a Mm Arndlt Taylor of a fitreot Tom day engaged in akin a bath Taylor In a of health for two An tnutotlly nutnUf of look iIaco In bo month total number being eleuji t diphtheria and many from cholera Infantum and cholera would raoro free and or thirty member of the parliament continued to the Government the price of their gelling the ought for r burlesque on If evil It to people will coon come 10 feci that pailiainenUry enter public for personal win a of IbfngitobcdeplorecvRnd 01 only calculated to degrade parliament but to destroy the freedom of our And of government by he people for the people The independ ence of parliament his claim party and the liberty of the people largely depend upon this principle being recognized and acted upon of the recent session of Federal Parliament tbc member for York Mr Mulock inlio- a bill providing for members of parliament from and Uing free passes on railways to attend their duties while at the same time taking mileage from the public treasury lo reimburse for an indemnity ntver incurred Of comae the lull was defeated not on its merits but passes in the pockets of members already used and the certain of an additional pull on the public treasury over and above the sessional allowance Selfishness predominated in a direct violation of a great prin ciple of good government vie the independence of parliament To our mind this pass system from a public point of view is in defensible Railway wield a powerful influence whether it be exercised along the line of securing bonuses from the Government fa vorable railway legislation incompa tible with public interests or in curing charters padded with extra ordinary privileges and powers So potent is their influence when they knock at the dor of parliament the peoples arc often of consideration Under such circumstances ho can public con fidence be inspired in the integrity of Parliament How can wo expect our representatives to exercise a healthy influence upon the Govern ment the day or resist the pressure to concede undue privileges when every member is annually bribed by the railway corporations through the pass The electorate should remember the men who allowed sel fishness to override duty when an other election comes round and send others to represent them who have a higher sense of public duty than ap pears to have inspired those who voted against a bill having for its ob ject a clean parliament The loo of appointing members of Parliament or of Pro vincial legislatures to vacant public offices of emolument is also wrong in principle and calculated very serious ly to militate against the of parliament is a public scandal that wen are allowed to sit vote to our halls of to day who never again to their constituents an account of their for when parliament dissolves they are to receive favorable berths in the public service On the House Register they stand the ac credited representatives of the people but in reality their respective con- Practi cally they are no longer independent representative of public opinion but are for ihe Govern- iflent henchmen moving around amongst member to work the Govern- interest These officeseekers with promised solicited and hoped for are not even as in- is if tliey actually se cured their jipri and till in lUc Hoi Public would be Hue a of of the elite be wen and in ao2olatlol A Montreal la rtponiibc for the lut that the of the it to succeed Sir Mackenzie as leader of the in the House of Hi to down rout ho r by up In nl cutiloly In touch 111 Do- mi Iho ply JltfrUb ftopt lair In fjat Con would on lo iflp- Iho to Hon Mr- Id Hit Aril pH ho Ihtlr and it it Of other tht jOiVr of bo llciioewt1tlyjunt re- tarn It there In lit Ice tod hy will you til I know it fiowtll It and salary to kotpihtirfoll from door It likely ibtt Hon Mr will hit portfolio and In In Cabinet and I of of Ontario trill ho flllldbyChfttJutttooaftrtdUh bid tho And with In for wo will a very Government Kill I think will and I may nil you that I do not Hon John hat any to of parly and r who had information went it ill and tat J ir no longer and think that Hon Mr with a to lilt credit would go to country leader of and to hit Do think ho would to en tbt Ottawa I I have to would not Much tlte Conservative patty which has or less depress since the recent Ministerial un pleasantness at would desire to unite their forces before is recalled January next it docs not seem probable that the old Ontario veteran would his well- earned sinecure for the perplexities the Dominion papers of the party treat the matter as if there was nothing in it but gossip I ELM VALE Till place It about one mile and a quarter of Harriet Glover in a months vacation Mr John left for the on last fhe crops are very fair around thli vicinity Oatt arc short but well headed ST ITEMS The Mints Mathews are their at Mr M and family are back to the Model Farm for fire or six Mr and lironden were her brother Mr AJ last week- Mrs John of Evergreen Valley the guest of Mia A Dyke last Mr had field of thocktrit week Hie Mines Miti Net Miss Ella where visiting at Alma Grange last Friday Mr J Cook of was visiting old friends on Sunday- Tho crops in this vicinity are look ing somewhat better they did beforo the rains although some pieces too far gone before the rains Hie crop will light un less on low land where it looks as if ilicy would be an average harvest is in full Mast and some oats will soon he ready a large number the Sunday School on Sunday Mr ft of the Township Sec retary conducted the School Ow ing to there being no Mr has consented to help and find supplies until some one can be found to permanently take the posi tion School next Sunday at am Quito a on Tuesday A number of visitors in the village this week- Mr Agnes of is with Mr Jese Mrs Hash and family of Toronto are spending a few days visiting friends and In this neighbor hood Mr George Arnold spent Monday in the city At iho tale on Friday arti cle was sold Mr and Mia are spending few weeks visiting with Mrs Darius Mann Mr Frank of Chatham is spending hit vacation The crop is ripening very fill and promises to be an avenge crop Stmc fall wheat hat been threshed in ihls neighborhood District Cooed met In Aurora Jaly There Special The Inquiry into the cats of the death of Mrs A Smith the wife of James Smith a farmer living near Bradford was resumed hero today of District an alt aliyc Arthur Jokes lb Bite TO Ibat or at Lit and firm lor Home IIojm to In At iLo Grand of at vat not only re Grand wilLout tot by and the Tut ChhlioH Guardian organ of of throws down to both political par- Ins tariff notation la not of prima Importance that it It a minor fust and affirm lhat within the next fivaycara and loi of that too embodied and two policies via- prohibition of tbo liquor aod of aid to yoa hear complain aloot to la of Giy War den filr apon Hon Minister of in Toronto on to lay of as of lb tatod to tbt lhat In treat had avary grata thing and with tzwptlofl eta potato stay little provision daring most or and and to soma oitont soason also though this far Lava tomawUt and provided for tot fj tt to by a gro or allow to financial aid wilt enquiry giving a answer A very murder was enacted Montreal Tuesday wheu Uauier a ctgarwakej- shot a your named with whoci lie was Jntimate is KESWICK There was a very large ion at the Christian Ian Sunday and Elder sermon was by all The Quarterly Meciinx in con nection with the takes place in the here next Sunday morning com mencing at A attend ance is anticipated Owing lo the very cold and wet weather the lawn social in connection willi ihe Sons of Temperance was not very largely attended The program and everything that was billed for was carried out J he Hand cannot be given too much praise for coming about nine miles in an open rig on a night such as Tuesday was As provisions were made for over and there were only half lhat number present there will he a social on Sat- evening in the lodgeroom The could not have made satisfactory with clerk of the weather as this is the second time it has been and cold on the night of their social There is moro trouble brewing over the 1st of July celebration at Hamil tons Summonses are issued in con nection with taking the nuts off certain buggies The trick is not ap preciated ROACHS POINT Morton Park continues to be the centre of There were in attendance at ihe Sunday School last Sunday and the collection on be half of Provincial work amount ed to Mr and Mrs Ross Mr and Mrs Miss May and others from Newmarket were guests at Morion Park last Sunday There was a Song Service at the Cook camp adjoining Morion on Sunday evening Mr Ruts Starr of Toronto was the guest of Mr at Morton Park over Sunday The great Christian CampMeet ing opens at Morton Park Thursday August Friday is Prohibition Day closing with a Chalk Talk by Elder at p Satur day services at a in and a Next Sunday will be a big day Mr Elmer will take charge of the Sunday School at a Preach ing at p and Begin ning on Sunday morning Mr A of Orono will sing at each service in Pavilion Sunday School conference on Monday after noon and addresses in the evening Tuesday is Missionary Day and p to Wednesday is Endeavor Day addresses at a and p m Among the distinguished speakers to lake part dining the CampMeeting are Revs J and Connibear from ihe United Slates and Mr J Dates M A of Kingston Thp campers at Thomes had quite a of accidents one day last week The driving horse got frightened at a bike and broke a wheel In the afternoon the steam yacht look a parly to ihe mouth of the Holland River on a fishing lour when the anchor was and the propelling apparatus got langled in the weeds The ladles were taken ashore and the men stayed on board all night The row boat broke loose and drifting ashore was badly damag ed The men managed to get the yacht loose in the morning The heavy rains and winds have made camping voiy uncomfort able for those in tents- Mr ft wife and child of Aurora are at Mr Mr Friend Morton has decided put leo building lots into the market for summer residences off the old Morton homestead facing Cooks Hay It is a very desirable location and already six lots are picked up Building have commenced Fred Lloyd and broke the record for ibis season last week They caught a lunge On the whole fishing has been poor for the many were taken during close season Miss of Aurora along with her cousin Miss Maggie of Toronto Is visiting with the latter father Mr A Love Mies Clara Hill Is visiting friends In The Band iho villager last Saturday evening Their music was very much Miss Pearson and Miss Brown of Toronto and Miss of Brad ford arc visiting wilh Mies Marjoiic Pearson Mist Jennie Doan Toronto Is the guest of Miss Miss Nellie Milne has returned Aurora feeling benefited by the change Mill of Toronto is trending a few days with her The Rev L McLean former of Presbyterian Church a couple of days last week visiting old friends in this vicinity What has became of the scribe News from here of late is like some farmers hay iather scarce The garden party at residence of John Moore on Tuesday evening July under the auspices of the Band was a decided success low admis sion bringing out a large and fashion able crowd The boys realised a trifle over To the young ladies whoso willingly came forward and assisted them at the cooking and also at the tables the Band tenders their most sincere thanks and private picnics pais through here daily for Lake A large number arc going from here to the Christian CampMeeting at Morton Park which is now going on The Band to Mr John on Tuesday evening lo play for Ihe Keswick garden parly They veiy highly of the reception given them Mis Henry is spending a couple of weeks at Morion Park en joying Lake balmy Murphy and daughter from Washington who arc spending the heated season at their summer residence Lake Simcoe and Miss MoniROintry were visiting iih their cousin Mr A one day latt week to of tho Sit on In galotd in iho Prohibition by of Flint ftt ft will bo gold for Jo that all props con- to to- Hon favorable to prohibition and also advised that each In J hi sterna of a flrstxlata team daring Fall and Alto that rerldtnt of ho lopicKhTtmporanotstrmoct lotnlly of a slight doling past tba bring dot to of to pay their quarterly dees regularly And urged reparation to pat forth avtry effort to They alio that vfrit each In tho District at at tatly a date a view to op to greater dlllganco In fallen They alio repotted very of two or tbreo new In District organising of Corps no at vim alio the mora of next bo held In Rich mond In October S3bertiBheif8 Johnson aod a jury and resulted in the complete exoneration of Dr Fred erick Stephenson from he ground- less charge laid him It Is made perfectly clear the evidence given and by the report of John Coven and fiiogbam that the immediate cause of death was Brighta of the kidneys and that the operation performed on woman by Dr Stephenson after a careful diagnosis of her condition and in consultation Dr of Bond Head was the only measure In which lay any hope of saving her life The jury after Dr Johnstons careful review of the evidence were but a very few minutes in coming to their conclusion and their finding was Mi Mary A Smith came to her death from natural causes the ail ment which carried her off being disease and that her death was In no way attributable to ihe treatment received at the hands of Dr W We are hound to make the warm ones cannot endure dull or dull in and how busy we Wo see Heros how wo will crowd with oagor buyers Profit on those Linos must vanish Ml IJGENTRAL Sts TORONTO ONT it to A MOUNT ALBERT Church of Inland been open ed here by Rev- Mr Little Mr- Walton met with an unfor tunate accident when milking her cow The animal tod broke her arm The family a grand conceit here on night It was rather cool for the garden party at Mr A Jones on night Mrs is home for a few days with her mother Quite a number of young men wheeled to the Point on Sunday Mr has an add ition to his family a daughter came to on Saturday Miss A to her Mia Elliot Little Charlie Lepard and a boy named Johnson were in bathing Thursday when Charlie thought he would see how long he could slay under water He went down but not come He was in minute about one hour to being him to hut life tone Mrs has the sympathy of the community in her It should be a warning 10 this common practice The Presbyterian Church in Mount Albert has been nndergoing repairs during the Ian weeks besides beauti fying and their edifice A well proportioned alcove for the choir is rear and with paper and paint inside and out they may be pleased with the appearance of their church home The reopening vices were conducted by the Bey Mr of Oxbridge A very pleasant time was spent in the church at Hart man on Tuesday night July under the of the League of that place An excellent program of speeches by the pastor Geo Washington Re Dewey and expastor Rev J H by the inimitable Rams- den and another young lady Music by the and the celebrated Old ham band At the close Mr John Crone on behalf the L present ed Rev Mr with a purse of money as a token of appreciation or during the past year Mr feelingly and appropriately replied The land of lynx be of Iho tho of Qihlng Hid rolnorl whoxhllli no rich at and which only of Ihtlr wtlllh Xho Mrlcbathtc toll tacb of growth is Ik only gives lands largo as under as dell and as or Her art well plump and of Mo for Ilea In this In- J air to port Ibtt can givt tho of atones to dtilrtd all of this land on Its lift fiUlflg owns without any or or Its odors ftt If of every tljtr is and lift io to IL that it end fstetsolhotUr far tOthtHorlh that her long days art always aofar to that ordinary productions of mhi and land of whto dark rugged shares at ever angler may his lino without a at This la land of far atrtttblag grand with grandeur of touch tht hanging clouds and wealth of no fgnru can I natural homo of tho for whom a rapid art walling witting that wonderful which to machinery could with a mil lion and cranks and waters laughing all while they work and whin work dons bo not hut any of the I strength In their toll waters as and pure as light jtwtllad or as man drank and are crowned with i to and that fancies the matt bats from crystal aia before the God What possibilities of and joy lit fa the homes of now Ontario What of makes to man who wants for Bon sbt toiler and amply for bis labor world that not is 4 hid Thy la wealth of heart rather than of or form But men will bear of this and men of brawny arms will com to att and will to thtt and wall wad will lay thou art rains And the Do minion have uo and ahall say whit I Live joined lei man pat by It J- my No 1 Millards Block TO RENT I occcpled j Mens price 150 reduced to Mens Suite price i ro go Summer Coals Suite 11 Odd Veils Mens Fine Straw Hals worth at Hoys Fine Sinters ChiMi Sailors Mens Fedora Hats Mens Kid Lace now Gem have it yards very heavy Grey Cotto 55 II If 250 J 149 will save dollars DRY pair of How at 507 Cotton Hose at worth more money pair Childrens Silk and Lisle Gloves at regular it at the f or SI We Shoes at old notwithstanding the Our present Stock is heavy and want money for it pieces Dotted Muslin reduced Cloth Slippers good Summer inches wide Black Henrietta lovely at Cream Cream Serge ail wool Prints reduced to Cream Crcpon price at ft 2- 8c ISC AT TDK Leading Piirnitiivc AND Undertaking Mouse FOR GASH A SPECIALTY calls attended to at attended The elevators of Woods Milling cowboy in Manitoba will aod will ut ajtjJtxMe about Parte of Michigan were visit ed with a July frost Some stables and outbuild ings on the Cover en ranch in Columbia were destroyed by Are and two horses were burned A Barlow ft Montreal coal merchant who defrauded his patrons out of portion of every toad fined five hundred i While digging for the water- extension on Collins street Ed Houghton unearth ed it piece of bone of the tooth of one the mammoths of old It Is solid and heavy as sion and on cutting the outer enamel the inside was found to be white as Ivory The tooth found in ft peculiar almost as hard as sock The has excited fnteteet and it I to search for In the JyaQBO Honor July A frightful accident in which soldiers perish- fid has occurred on the railway run- from this place to A train of twentythree can was convey ing to this city 400 Japanese soldiers who were returning from China where they had taken part in the military operation A heavy storm was raging and as the rain was run ning along the sea wall on which the tracks Approaching ihe city tit laid an Immense sea leaped over the wall separating the train and derailing the engine and eleven cars which plung ed the wall into the bay Most of the men In them were drowned like rats In a trap The accident occur red at about one oclock in the morn ing and the night was pitch tea was running so high that it was impossible to render any assist ance to the men in the cars that had gone overboard even had means been at hand to do so Some of the men who managed to get out of the while they were in the water were dashed to death against the wall Gravenhunt postoffice was robbed of about The and and the Premier Sir Mac kenzie aimed In Winnipeg Sunday At Hamilton ft of name unknown stepped off ft car fell and died shortly after being picked up Alexandria Logen the young tain who was Injured while driving off the pier at Grimsby on Saiujday died Sunday morning A carpenter named George Brown of Ont wis and instantly kilted by the Grand Trunk express early Tuesday after noon- rIK tin s4 tfijU fcVtV a- a tOOAliT V J JOHN Mat tilt iho Powell of a wo Walton of a 173 Tito on tho hy Itor fJordca or To- daoabter of the lata J- At ho W ttfortffltrcMb I to tar Vho Tomb Maw Mrafi4 ilret of J- la fillet for In Toronto ilooday her coed tor ItateHs Aral to MQftS forty to John toho of wheat ibaxtllkiftOwacoocclol of Jobs Into It 41 J oiCfadfOTcJ ft ST- will and Veto fi3berii8iiciis Ktjclieot ASTRAY tay4 boat tie cot ac Any Icfrtni fill SEeoutora Notiee IN Etc all id per trepilAi to nil lftt whodlcca day f ilc day iLtlcUfcx duly iiilM- soy M 1Mb day of to regard be 00 aa Adixiciitfca MORTaAE SALE OF A Id Bit two wtJcb will it lkQ JltcJ Town 111 York 111 Kill August IKS la Its It talo it Hi iJ v4 or Tcrlta Sfim iS t tea resets no It on T St taUtfj lifted I I I V7 at I 10 olt Every Parasol reduced and the Stock is large Table worth at at Kid Shoes Button Pebble Shoes worth rt at Ladies Oxfords Toe newest style and turn sole 150 Ladies Oifoids patent leather lovely stock 115 America made Lace Shot the newest Shoe made Hoys Strong ShocJ Misses Strong Shoes i here will be Bargains here come before Saturday if you can NEWMARKET THE 1st Aug CHINA In Order to raive this amount the most IM ALL OF GOODS Never before have such been offered to people of Newmarket and vicinity will found a partial of the Many to be had the piece Suits for Tweed ip 1 CO worth it Boy 11 Very Fine Tweed piece Suite for These Suits are in all sizes from to Tweed piece Suits for 11 IS CO ii All sizes from 32 inches Short Tweed Suits for 75 worth A 1 All Sires from 31 to inches Pants Mens Tweed Suits for Vests Pants Cotton Socks for 5 50 5 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO My 1 mm Cotton Underwear Working for Pieces Canadian Tweed for and joe worth and In consequence of the great advance in the price of leather Boots and Shoes have advanced to jo cent but are selling a great many lines for less money than they can be manufactured for today Mens Boots Sewed or Pegged Buff Sewed and Riveted it Pegged Fine Laced Boots Boys Laced Boots I I m CO SO worth 2 Ladies Laced Boots 11 Kid Boots Pebble Button Boots Kid Oxfords a a a Childrens Strong Laced Boots Buff Pebble Button Boots 1 CO CO 65 5 1 5 5 So 5 5 Co 5 CO I his great lull continue for the balance this If everything is not exactly as advertised refund the iiTly some of the goods undoubtedly be out the fun IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF OF 1 it KltftlttUiUftta ajJt it ft Special General of all lines and more particularly Misses Childrens and Mens Ox fords at down Come in and see Darwin We must clear them out You Can Save Monoy A for of Sets left at 5So White J piece Dinner Pointed Toilet Tea Saucers and a lot of Plates lines at from to per alio a Bonis from up A nice Set Tumb lers Jug and Tray for worth PUUIT FRUIT lave any j Quantity at are getting Steele io for the Fruit and Pickling Nothing but Pure Spices kept Our Tea or 1 lb- for ico is all fight- do it For a cup of choke try our a map Our Cream Powder 1 cans for ell Afi irit Cat will mila if t-siOrtl- JWOOliCOCK Oil S TIIE SURROGATE COURT OP OP What is the Ill tie Cvlip ll Stfr ll- s I t Yet luUlt I iter Juan Wtlicufcb wi i Court iitr to t cr ei Jtir AkM- J l J- nit Next to Post Office That our leads above all others increase was loaves above any previous wccV HomeMade in quality It is uipmng the BROS Alain St T