Newmarket Era , August 2, 1895, p. 3

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J Tig weeks WHAT OH IK TOWN I rah of City fiilo Wo I I The the Co ma widened la turnout tor noil at oclock MORK a nun at for and him and It It tint lesion on ly of Caught While Mr New too of tending loiomt Town on young thought ho ft during by line but Mr Nowlon In to If It If Church The Settle till- nod Goo A of who will A blot of tbo Service Ah AroMKiVCanl White an tbo at tatty Hal ilia to tbo In to which attention colic en Italy unintentional A crowd of people moving down oclock of opinion flaying Chief of 111 A Toronto all hit of ltd who Paui CllUJtcif- con tegtloo high ftpprtclfttcd on of high wm gcod and of Irftlolog A I Whats There ft Ittipartio Kn to II ft two of Jog of tcb1t of It Hill unknown to whto r long I It a Toronto 1 broken op Again Wilton of Worth got word tbit hit Dear Morton Park on Jit to VintltM- ftnd ho tklppod fccforo ho coald bo bat oil In York ftnd adjoining counties decrlptlon of mm wlh In tight of from of loot do ft Mm wit IrUd for drowning child In I year The liava for net week t Point and will fcny to to anybody loin than by tilting Corp mil no of O Hunter and know ft or two provlcuily Jt It tho Intention of promoter to ft ftt tbo Point for dky to oil tiro Dell Do Motion ftnd art progrctilng In Mr hot bit brick- and th will very Meadi on John Jit bo ready for John born You have to look wbtlbor It It a or tltbtt ft a foil it nd llio in natylo luting contract for lAtoon It will fintit building In Town by Town now on It At tbtiiiornlDgigrylooIttt Hart of two In molt In patched to tbo Kelt pulpit will bo occupied In morning by Mr of Vallty and in nlng lbtrt lo at Camp Muling At meeting on of ga an in Tbo P Town invited and a laro CtfOVontloo AMV The Corps will bo neat by and of Toronto who will con duct a under autplcei Solvation Army and will ting ard Tbo Rand of female who arc through of Wile Among them tbecclorel it well alto Mil who bit been biro on at ft Wale her Band will at7i0 tbta return to Halt the ftitivftl will bo held Copt White Lao ft Where ippearod bava They will output Holland Landing eight following come horn Opt farowdltd on Sunday and will week for new The officer will ar for Sunday next air angvaeott art fully completed for the annual the RiigadtotakopaofOn in ol which Mayor ft Proclamation forlb ftbot dot a Wilton Park New York an I be a for veriootreitont It it lb only El- cunionHjutb and Bummer than return ticket namely only uioliujf Cil mil carry the party and of two and whilo lioin t the Park affords ampb nine lor plCDitfkiiig bath beating etc ample t Prk and hot t of clurgo alio Water and biraiuuujitutl who do not to bivbott can got a din at II ill fur a A Into will at rain leu Saturday net ft great to Into In the game at It vat ox peeled that of Toronto and would play a fine match How the are trying to git them to come ftnothtf day In the lib and a rnatchat Rtoofvlllt and team iron by lo9 In Midland far ft record to I a play hire on of an exciting match may be looked forward Draw to play off J Mr George until ft for the whole of KdoxCo In Toronto on Monday of of brain Mr for torn tart carried on drug with and after ft time removed to Into Later on out ftndocpti4 position of for above named Arm tak ing Horde took place on from depot on arrival of th body Toronto and Wat largely attended tangoing ft taken from RerrloOa- remember lit worked at Ktlmana before going to ft follow In with Walter at Urate Rand Newmarket over 20 Maiikr the meeting of Town Council on Tuesday evening Mated levy for the amount to firm In bad favorably but work w not folly Sufficient tlgnaturci had Leon obtained to warrant tho Council In carrying out propoied ftrrongementt ftnd Clerk Instructed to telcgrftph Company to that otfect Mayor and Deputy kayo been ftp tainted to carry out all tbo on of corporation How that matter It Anally are at liberty firm to their Canadian In It have a In Toronto aod alio contract for work In Dundee On removing to Hew all Canadian work will be done hero Tbo Arm ft very ttrong financially and the now onttrprli will bo a great to place- Cbicbkt A mulch played In Bradford other day market and home team of by runs on flat at follow 2nd fnnfag Raker 0 14 Rlckord Dudley ranoot 0 Campbell bBcott Hoe not col Garrett 1 8 lKvrbaarrelt Extra Inning 2nd Inning J Mo- flick 14 0 b Dudley Campbell fi not out 1 Dudley Vllklnron run tot 18 Carroll not out taker not out Dudley did not bat 0 7 W of the of tit yt With no out- tide do Rradford enjoy more than market They ro a lot of follows and undetttand I10W to tbo Town Couooll met on Present Mayor Deputy Coon and Following posted J A IV Allan Co supplies for Road Bridge Com Win Roll work for It A Com pulling In water A repairing Fire Benjamin A Co supplies I re- to the Market A Palerman we fronted a of hit dog been Mayor Retvo and Deputy a to arrange details otto carrying out of arrange with A Co and the Office Co of adjourjitd all lh- of rctd ftftd Council roust Minutes from r following Mils were ordered P Aolrows J Hunt ley J Introduced bylaw for loan of it fl a lo sloven rctulsrlr aad adopted On motion to Improvements to under Corn and alio JO ro repairs to He Mite wo On motion Lbo 1st Deputy tod Coun cillor a of suffered and Ronno ro of con adjourned to meet In Aug RBlKWiiis Warren gave Alarm a new coat paint on Wednesday Mr Runnoy bat just bung a new at the en trance to hit and tho front hat had an extra of paint Mr II have added Incandclcent lighta to Mr Stephen ft Improving street by tear building and removing ft to roar of bit premises Mr J took another load of to Morton and an other it to follow today Mr Woods on street baa been by a now coat also Mrs- LotalrMt Mr it potting In ft Water and a new paper next month HI hot bad ft now coating and Out by band of Mr Boll Hewitt bo nod Union school this Davison Co sport a new sign A new sign alto adorns Lot of tbo Royal Hotel one of nicest kept lawns in Town new lettering window looks fino retires a manner too chilly to bo It ft to bo hoped that will make a showing Cricket A game of cricket played at on Thursday or test week which very close Newmarket be ing by one too and two wickets at follow lit Innings lower and Rey nolds 18 Armstrong Roddy Reynolds Armstrong not out Montgomery b Armstrong fc rf a 1 Rot Curtis Rinns fiS Newmarket King ii ftt Toronto wharf at where the steamer wilt Ingfrtbt psity will leave WtltOu Park at reach ing Toronto at pm and the Wilt return to Newmarket about affording a daya at trifling For years Rrlgadt has felt that It not patronise at bo wo hope will not be on 1Mb lost Ills true thai had few calls for their of tat for wblci wo may tbsnVful bit always ready and of Ihe by M ratu or avtry to fix a day of In return for lifted If tbo Council is of keeping up a it just weans ibst much in Let ft grocd rally make have union b Armstrong Armstrong lb 1 Ill Innings 2nd Goffer tonnrpp 11 Cods I Dudley Dudley 63 Montgomery Moot Montgomery not Out to Mitt Ella visiting in City Harry It friends at Whitby Mr Willis It holiday ftt Jefferson Toronto is sister Mr Dr Mr J a week with friends at Mr A spent el of days In this week Mr Oscar of Is hit holidays at home Is spending a couple of woefcs at Rraccbridg Mies Eva It tifilirg sier Mrs Darker in City Miss and her Marjory Morton Park Mr and Mrj Win aro a couple of ftt Mist it a days visiting with friends at Mr Walt gone to to take charge of a there Mr and of A con Nelson of elder of Mr A is born on ft short visit Mr Piper and family bait taken at Point for few week Miss Rattle left on evening for Toronto to spend a of months Mr lit liatcliff hat gone to Hunts to accept ft all The Rand ft valuable Mis i of Manilla of Mrs Is here on a visit for ft days Mrs J of Ottawa It at wlib Mr and Mrs J A Allan Mies Florence of Toronto Is visiting at for a few days Her accompanied her Wlddifield is for a Alalia will leave it ft few day Mr on of Mr hat been at Mr of Rtrrie by ft frltcd through To a en en route for City Mr RutUr returned to Toronto a fer days with bis Mr Wait Mr ftnd loft to of Toronto Whitby Pickering- Mr of who with Rich tor a nf Lao goto XLtPlftyterIlojd Camp up on spending four on laka Rrookvlllo Miss J Grow Newmarket art from City ft Rots ford Mrs of Mrs A hoi fcon speeding ft low with Mrs Dstld Mitchell AD Rt of Newmarket and Rev Ay of Aurora at Point of weekt of Toronto sister from are making a short visit at Dr Rogers Mr Prank Kelly bury thlt week from n trip to Bond home hit brother Mr Win Kelly Mr J Toronto father of Mrs Dr who hot spirit last at Callfornlo here on ft visit Mr and Sirs attended In Toronto on Monday alw Mrs Vllson Mr of Toronto actora- by her daughter Mrs A Henry and two children Mr and Other friends in Town week From versatile pea of Roy our readers Ibis weak with a charming of Ills letter li worth read ing from a more point of and family of To art Waiting with Mr for On way np Mr ton was token ill and his life paired of TWO doctors wtrt In fttttnd ftnoo but Utile slowly proving Mr In Town ft couple of days this hunting op old Ho a rctldcnt hero fcQ year and and others Ho looks beady and world to liavo used him fairly well A trio of consisting of Mr J Lord of Nov market and and It Cunningham of caught flno salmon trout with troll in Dike on were on board Mr steam launch Minnow A capping party of about left last Friday for Von on the river and Ave were to leave for time place- following among Iho of Ktttlebyj Aurora Miss Caldwell of Newmarket and Webb of Kirn vat and Meiers Dr Webb and friend A- and J Walton to the Cleveland Poif a Newmarket boy and his friend Dr of Cleveland bad a thrilling were In ft party which encounter id serious difficulty on reef early one craft stuck on a rock ft heavy was on and captain two of to row four lotristt In a yawl to Middle Island two away Their consisted ft stiff morning their The sail ore to have relarned to tho Island In a short time but never came Lick and gentlemen were fore to remain on for more than only other on tho land was the old according to of vari ety and not to bo It morning oclock keeper had the ho could toward a breakfast that Dr along aunny of ft log noise in a of cloi by head Ho looked and taw ft hug which was then fort ably coils and ready for a taring Tho big snake a and then an effort to it falkd for it get away That little die- party from reclining on logo and ground and they baton a hunt which wat ft success if stories told may taken without silt snakes are said to have killed and is to the wounded it would be to tlio there it will the When ratllesnsks and ae big around a well developed arm and so long that become a burden to thorn it it no that no a keeper live on an m uncomfortably populated claim to enjoyed their nine forced on Middle Island immensely They were off In a mall soil boat in the afternoon at oclock by a deacon Kellys Island Church to drift by and tbo condition of affui Ho agreed to transport to Kjllyt In which was readily paid En for they slopped at yacht and got clothing Tbo doctors mind are oat date of all Hams Bacon Etc Fancy and Plain A Big All at Clone Cut Prices Four Corner Figaros represent tho Number of lbs of Sugar we are soiling for in Four Qualities viz lbs Granulated a Extra Light Light Yellow Blight yellow Those values re presents the Whole- sale Prices in Mont real and Toronto laid down in ill BUMMER CLEARING SALE Duckings Lawns Fancy Muslins Ceylon Flannels Prints a special lino All guaranteed to be Marked less than Wholesale Prices Now is your time to get a Summer Suit or Fancy Trousers A few Choice Patterns left and wish to clear them out Winter Goods- Next to I Sotc Dont go to ihu Exhibition you bavc the PATENT SAFETY POCKET which is fofcguaid Pick pockets soon be I Grey Grey Flannel While Flannel Sheeting AH Wool Tweeds cents for Factories or not in it COME TO Jobbing mm What everyone says must be true If you anything and go to lbs No Granulated Sugar for 100 36 in Factory Cotton per yard 3c All Wool Double Width Dress Serge Pure Linen Towelling Grey Flannel lOo and a much better one at We advise you to purchase Woollens vance in prices at the Mills is over per cent LOU- as ad- A Always til POWIiKR Ik I V it -c- tJii i ijfi at once in the iiic of Foreign and Fruits Wc a A CI Joh Plums io vn buy ir every Cheapest Twine on the or That Wacfc reputation Blend is the iinc our Our rivivysHvJi- ill lift in Oat July An accident occurred hero today vilifch resulted in the instant death of a lad f sixteen years of aye named James from Dr home who was iu employ of Mr Wilson slipped from a load of hay and fell between the horses which became frightened and began to run After going a short distance the load upset and the unfortunate boy was crushed death by the wheels FALL TERM BEGINS SEPT 3RD J J W A BOARDING SCHOOL Of iliotnmo of tot kU In AH Commercial Subjects ShortHand TypeWriting nit Muriel 3 Vocal Instrumental Music Alii nun bave our employ a Good PROP rS- Jacks for hire purpose of Bigger Values than Ever at OPPOSITE NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL GIVE A CALL- A Toronto At I Floor per Itjo tcr titithcl Kjtficr iotco Apple -p- It wo i per i If lb MODERATE for apply to Uoiiesa FJstliz Jul Toronto t Pot Sir Caron is acting Premie during Mr MckielioweHs visit to the Northwest Reduced on hay shipped from Manitoba to Ontario have been by the T Drowning accidents are numerous At Ottawa three sons of Mr and a son of Rev Mr Win field were in a sailboat and drowned a named and at Chatham small drownvd while NEWMARKET arrived a large stock of Mens I k I Qt per build JUFt tea per lb 4fi per lb tit iviiiji AND China W ever and must be at as our motto Returns Special attention Riven Great Clearing Sale of Summer Dress Goods Prints hem sets per yard up from 5 els per yard up Drives In Grey Cotton Shirtings are determined to GROCERY DEPARTMENT The noit in the Home Groceriei arriving Special given to this Goods Delivered on Shortest Notice Orders taken by Telephone At the Now ill 9MLM A 11103 SPRING MEDICINE AND WILL NO Call and see us additions to nock this Fiicti low for buy and sett for Cash under The tocdi il be at the carry a assortment in line Coffee Fruit Goals 1ovdtu plain and Butter lard Cottolece Ham Vfnejart Coal Oil c Bed Boot I All rip here 11 Young and jiiU fc3 J e L 1

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