Newmarket Era, 2 Aug 1895, p. 4

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Tired Sleepless la condition wUch wwti sfiray strength Wood bo and enriched by Hoods And condition will ibo or three I wis to poor I not at nd Mile- I did not any good I reed abool decided to try It 10 fool Utter and Jo a I ell bid Id lira than 1ki In my la tho Only Blood lo o today lit RDM to get only Hood Do not bo lo buy and WHOM WHS of How Golden Lord fa fear nob Horn 9 A boat iTiornOnOi taken by inarch from to lb when WO find to ilia itlboujb only day o Jn marching Bo aponl In perfecting lbi of and Jo letting np nd wo Had fee i lb an year And bait after on tbi border of Ibo promfctd land Then to own Deuteronomy called upon tbem fa of to go take poiteailoD without cither or merit Dai then failed they Hiked that men bo Hie land and to report what Accordingly a was and charged explicitly ibli doty ii related Opening virus of After forty lb ay returned baa kept many out of they bad known how Canaan bo they have been delay Half oar from lick of knowledge Lit not fear tho nor adopt It but boldly on Lord aide Jo till In tho way of people Ho ill hin drance 10 revival and million work wont enemy they did not mighty Helper many to day who do not except tho Word of ftV Of ASSOCIATION In or Count says it is Terrible to the Troth of Aatertlon Oyer- Two Both and Family That Only Death End Ufa Again the Bound Health ran Lire is truly it burden to those not blessed with a full of health and strength but when a strong man brought to the verge of almost when doctors fall and there is apparently nothing left to do but wait the dread summons that comes but all the case assumes an aspect of extreme sadness In such a condition this did Mr George Mule of the Township of North find himself and recently hearing in- cldently that he bad recovered health and strength a reporter was sent to Investigate When seen Mr Utile expressed a willingness to stale the of Mi case and his story Is as follows I Ayr and Liver Iroiililfi ftttl tr rait tlll Are the Best irmllcliie I New VrkMry AVERS PILLS WorMo Aver Websters it cm Cover to Cover Standard Hit fiiirinCtirtufl all cum other WA Mo tort I J A villi tho to finds or of lot in catliig irroiiijiJclaatJoD or yet for lit A4 ft oilier volume fr tfu fttobULriLcrijtrHcrurui Fourteen were killed by explosion of boiler in a mil at Suez Tall is a good crop and Unity an avenge one which were largely sown have picked up wonderfully and a good yield- are also looking remark ably welt Some early sown fields of coin look but sown is itchy and uneven Alub fttlltfld CO Oct t u I J J Ltll E Ajfcow ftirLiJPvwecrdlCuttLnrodif iu i tc of loiUQtlr M Kite lit DUf- Jui ibiinUij Ur Mil Cur forth If ia or U imUftor fclortct lb flKlPAlflto Bold oc fcocouot of IU fltd of tit In l f The Cheese Market was a little and firmer lat week Prices from to higher than the previous ranging from to fine Junes tine of the dur ing the past week is that the prices offered at the cheese markets in I he Western pair of Ontario have been of a cent higher than those offered in Ontario It is difficult to account for this higher value for Western goods as ilicy more to get to the seaboard It may be due to better keeping quality of the Western goods which are stored largely fox future markets- However the system of making and the conditions arc the same all over Ontario Cheese made in Western Ontario arc known in England as This term indicates the highest standard of Canadian cheese and may have something to do with the comparatively high prices dairymen in this part of the province have always obtained for their cheese Last season all the buyers in West ern Ontario agreed to purchase cheese only on llrt basis of each cheese weighing lb more than the weight on the box This plan is be- int continued this and no doubt will largely account for the in creased value of Western cheese as compared with the make have been holding their Junes this year somewhat longer than usual expecting thai prices would up- By doing they have forced the buyers who have orders to fill to raise a little on their limits but have not realised much more than they would had they sold at the usual time In fact had the been willing to sell when the cheese were ready for shipping they might realized from J to more than present prices for the first half of June make The butter market has recently as sumed a much brighter outlook than it ha had for sometime Prices for fine creamery butter have not ad vanced very much but there seems to be a belter demand and more en quiring for fine goods- Prices range from to cents for fine creamery though as far as we can learn there has not been very much going for ward from Western Ontario this sea son In fact the bulk of our Sum mer creamery butter is made in Oitario and Quebec and there fore is only a passim felt in the butler market at this season of the year by majority of Western dairy men Winter butlermaking in connection with cheese I as been more largely to the West Toe finicr and brighter tone widen the butler market to be grad ually taking on would indi cate that the it the Winer creameries the corning season more than they nave been for sometime The dry weather has a very great scarcity of Winters feed in many of the country Therefore the chances that the Winter daily move ment will be made extended this sea son are very On one or two of the sections where Winter dairying has been largely carried on for several years very unfavorable reports of the hay crop have been received It is likely therefore that the make of the Winter butter in some of the old fac tories wilt be considerably decreased the corning season One redeeming feature of the situa tion is that the prospects are favor able for a good corn crop Where the dairymen depends upon the corn crop end the for the bulk of his Winters feed the shortage of other feeds will not effect him much and he will be able to keep bis cows through the Winter and make a profit out of hern at the same time 13T in trying to change the yjor of her eyelashes with occasioned the loss of both eyes India every resident must under penalty of fine have bis name written up at the entrance to his Y As a result of the general election in New South the Government hat a majority Includ ing the Labor of thirtysix The Free Trade party will be strong in the new House A young lad named Barton was sent to reformatory for two years from Parry Sound about a month ago The other day his mother who has been ill for some time died broken belted over thn of boy The general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway ha received very favorable report as to the condition of the crops in to tit with fitt hot oven Some four years ago Mr Little from a severe attack of la grippe which left his lower limbs partially paralyzed He called in one of the best physicians of county who appeared to do all that lay iu his power for the relief of Mr Little but to no avail For two and a half years he suffered the most intense pain and was confined to his bed for the greater part of the time The doctor was puzzled with case and as he seemed to obtain no relief he changed doctors for a period The second doctor did no better than the other and Mr Little returned to the one he had first call ed in Finally desparing of ever obtaining relief he told physician that he did not see any further use of taking his medicines and he should die if he did not obtain relief in a short time He had wasted away to Utile more than a mere skeleton and was an object of pity by his neighbors and felt himself a bur den to his family His wife and- family had given up hope and his neighbors all thought it was merely a question of time when Mr Littles death would relieve his sufferings White his limbs were partially para lyzed he could use them sufficient to hobble about the house and door yard but if he undertook to walk to the he would be confined to after His limbs grew numb and cold- During the holiest summer days he was obliged to sit with his feet and legs in a hot oven wrapped up in flannels and hot clothes until the skin would come in scales Mr Little that his physician was doing all that could be done and has nothing but kindly feelings for the treatment he received at his hands but he is certain that the doctor had no hope of his recovery He had tried an advertised mineral water taking in all seven gallons of it but he failed to obtain relief After suffering for two and a half years Mr in the of read of a case similar to his own that had been cured by the use of Or Williams Pink Pills Grasping at this last hope he sent for a few boxes and began taking them the second box all used Mr Little was satisfied that he had found a remedy that would cure him of his exceedingly painful and mysterous ailment Mr Little continued the use of the Pink Pills for several months and was able to get out and do light work about his farm which he had not been able to do for over two years He con tinued taking Pink Pills a while long- when he was fully recovered and was able to do any of the hardest work on his farmland in the winter- lime almost steadily at saw- lodging and woodchopping During the past fall he says he was frequent ly caught in heavy rain storms hin away from home but he had so far re covered that his have not brought any had results During the very cold weather of the present winter he was hauling wood to Wind sor a distance of fifteen miles He looks at as if he had hardly seen a sck day in his life time Mr Little feels deeply grateful to Dr Williams Pink Pills and claims that his complete recovery is entirely due to the use of the pills He gives his testimony for the benefit of who may be similarity afflicted Mr Littles wife who was present at the interview corroborated Mr Littles testimony and believes he owes bis entire recovery to the use of Pink Pells The entire family look upon the husband arid father as one rescued from the grave by the timely use of Pink Pills On enquiry among Mr Littles neighbors we find that he is a mm of undoubted veracity He has lived in Essex county all his lifetime and on his present farm in Colchester North about four years He is the of the Edgar Mills Sunday school and bis case is known In that district to be disputed His neighbors looked upon his cure a a most miraculous his death hav ing been expected among for many months before he began the use of Pink Pills era i mi A- I boy grew up a A circulating of editor nd of unknown number of and of daring yew loot boon in every of earth tho for from Ipswich Id end ft freeman of Water town In hi clerk of Ml Doctor of Another Civil War no liv ing in Hamilton and known to of tod fair On II I Hailing blood of Hamilton and Lir- old hill town of Mara ho wan and lvo lug lines which In family of father King ft- Hastings Puritan and Uthof from their na tive aborts had now In wjldcnirti ft potent by lrdl religion and of tlili iriEctoh Thrilling of Indian warfvro rd peril not a old which mother related to her ton by tho of Tito and Kjptoil of William both In prow and voracloos reader which hid Hi habitation In hit waa early thoroughly explored an of Itollln Ancient in tight vol- omen which was read from lo ond by flaiedhairt child ho but eight old A edition of which fell wilhln by htm not long after bat not all a and third reading were given to It until ho began to grasp tho Influence of this and of ao read JJunyant may yet rhythmical later which have mado wide and favorably known on both of the Atlantic whether a lecturer preach author or For four generation W Im mediate had been preacher that wa not before bo wat eighteen ho graduated from farm and and entered work using and pen and press in from that day to slightly above the medium alio bat a powerful yet ayeUtnatfo voice capable of thousands and he has traveled hun dreds of of on both of tho and apokoa of times chief tic of America Britain In highways and byway theatres tents churches wharves or wherever be find willing to to words of truth Avoiding dispute about dead Ml creed but the Bible no Master but and no name but he ha found among religious nearly til and Immense audience have walled on hi ministry Two things probably that bay Mr popular attention more than anything else are familiar by inn wit ten by him about we meet beyond river Where surge cease to roll and lecture on the of the known a Will Old Book Standi Over two and threequarter million copies of addrtEi been circulated every of the world and ion- aoming more than sixty ton of paper making ft has said probably widely tractate on Christian evidence day of Christ- Lord Shaftetbory the English wrote of It I consider It one of time When Mr Moody for hi great duriog th at In It this lecture which held first place and throe hundred Christian workers him a half copies or in six different language and of being a to to Ferris Wheel d- probably flluitratcs the author characteristically forcible English better than anything from his pen that might be named Mr Hasting mm torn On of October he was to Harriett Parnett of who by her earnest and gift contributed more other element to In life GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY rati At hotel Kin In to J ilo lit for It road Coo A It on mo 2nd Jo Palmer Weil lownlloV io Fred plank Plow Co Chat Road oho repair 2nd I J Walton J Hall for mow ihoraULog John of In black bill ahoIIIng atone from Davit It It Weaver John clatro Moved by J Cherry by It I ha l road machine from for Cherry Stoke fUja Lemon Car Moved by A by It machine In Ibo Lake Carried Moved by It acoondtd by that dl to Alex land formerly by lockup for a confederation of Carried by Cherry by Mo- thai no or icoonnlaloln future by tbla coancll for any hit been ordered by council or thereof Moved by by that by oooncll granting Jam a Dell month for Voter Moved by A by tbo clerk bo to notify Alex Vllkloton and Garrett Brown to fill In Ibo vraihoat below dam at SchomUrg Oct 1Mb next a to Board of Health of of King met at Hotel and bill of Imp- color amoanUng to bill tor of John child not by the Board neither that of Patrick Tracy for digging grave for child Next Meeting of council will be held at Kctllaby Slat next when i r 2 I a i I J I a r it jV Of marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies In Us specific power over every organ of the body Liver Blood the Bowels the Stomach tho Kidneys tho Skin the Bladder in fact oil parts of human system regulated purified end restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility end air irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD ROACHS POINT SUMMER RESORT Colli wood July A terrible accident occurred here to day Robert milkcollect or for foreman cheese factory had delivered his last can on his homeward route and was return ing home along Ontario street When he reached the railway cross ing the noon train was corning down the track A vduih waved hand to who pulled up but liii horse became fidgety and just before the train dashed put started across the rail The engine missed the which escaped entirely but caught the waggon midway carrying it down the fifty yards where it struck the twitchpost smashing the waggon atoms and throwing sixty feet The poor man was taken to the hospital On examin ation it was found that his leg was broken in two places and bis bead and arm badly cut He died at four oclock liiis having never r gained consciousness A wash looks Lara to attack il fxl tiouawt- iff ca Sunlight Soap lit lxk la avViU u i3 tf7 winin spiffs Hit- aVf til Hire Mary had a little lamb it followed her each day ill put her bloomers on and then it away The trouble between Indian settler in the vicinity of Hole has become so that Federal troops are to be forward ed for the protection of life and properly resident of were on Tuesday upon hear ing lhat one of their Mr had dropped dead Deceased was out the bush with one or two digging a spade when he was noticed to fall for ward on the ground and expired In a few momenta He had not enjoyed the year Heart the I it supposed have been the provinces and Hay bowlcsuae of death Deceased who In Ontario fa about yearaof aue a one child Charles Rankin StrocoeCo lost two barns by fire last week Tramps the supposed cause Loss Insurance ifailu re and The monument erected by the Canadian Government per petuate the memory of the British soldiers who fell at Iane was unveiled on Thursday More than two thousand people were present and a number of patriotic were delivered Vawcouvcr July The steamer Mia from Hong Kong brings newt of the at tack made on the foreign missions In China a few weeks ao Cbuog King correspondent of the Cbina Daily tells the story follows A riot occurred at the premises of the Canadian Methodist Mission their and chapel befog and turned Although the was kept a bay for an hour or two and aLhough soldiers barracks were about five minute walk away no attention was paid to the requests for assistance After resting for the night the snob again the next day and when the day was ending nothing remained of the eleven pieces of worship of Protestant Roman Catholic mis- lions Wires Con U fat flOLD AT DRUG THREE TvO d It Him llb in to hold Ilk U4Ml4C4 UL U4 the CO iLv bet LAKE JERSEY BULL Beooo4 fl PERSONS TO ft V EL r tot Salary Expenses putt THE NATIONAL C V iti 1 PICNIC GROUNDS J Fishing Bathing BOATS FOR HIRE Every accommodation for man and beast both All information furnished on to 8w23 HAIR A THOMPSON Krrt fanner TRY OUR pails tubs Clothespins Washboards- fefe fJI TO OP FOR BALE OK TO I T AND SHOP Applf lo ACRES OF TQltcDtoathaefh of En burr IS Building OOMS TO RENT ttro to mi TJOUSEANDIOT is or to KAVAUAOII in All Color Ikpairing up a in with oar fihoj of of ell kinds FOR SALE I ft vvA a IJANFOHU ltOtilK CO MONEY TO LOAN Atttaivsrccal DAVID for AQ4aTluv tiuM of Mar laKUceuift of atd Dora AacocUiloa Toronto Lot With fv firea Truing up Putting on Iter Forks or Tolirig Compute WOK SALE CHEAP at DANK Two tf tub Tito into All alio 1 I before anohcr Wo are ftUo prepared lo to order toy of Wheel desired Wo will in at of the very pattern Call it THE CANE SONS MFG CO Ltd NEWMARKET E E GROOME House EOTAL Altcntlva paid to all trace of tit Wood ittztfc4 aid KAlaornloIos fUUttua loaiBOo3od WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN or A wm VA to POLITICAL SPECIAL COURSE Id all GREATLY RATES JQ Jul rflrea It Tcscberf HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE COB South End Tannery TO FARMERS FOR SALE Lot oa to FARM FOR THIS IS A BARGAIN farther GlhNKV or Br ivtt I J In lit ill toy to VtiH lo TO RENT THE WHOLE FAMILY READS THE A- dtp Father Mother They read the the Stories the every line in the paper Then interested matters they send it to in the Town will certify distant relatives numerous post- Tallow fed Grandmother Children The Weekly the pub lication in It has the home news which no oilier piper jjives Wot I of Kir good a good ard it of wheal aid acrci Fall A its J Residence For Sale J cm IcrnV fct ViciofU it to J TWO GOOD FARMS TO RKHT lt7 fcilfcl Hun -t- to lit koiaa Kara hi I Wc it t Tfo lit with flow The is read by several Keck of people every And All fore An of some account in this paper is there all I Society Register If moot of tit hi A Ibiconlti Ft alttfcUeHicrivliy A IT A ill Uocdhva Id ASrd tb VJty A lo 4touirrUltUi A Uocdfty Id lit A Jd In of Subscribe for the Era in the Era W A FOR ALE OR TO Alii day f jbL j Wocdy U1 Friday PtftO tUfcu QMday Ealfbt tfalurdayirTaii wumcdAj Si5 Temper UaJl day lftawbzuoQlb- ait at for ifc QirUUjntcry at it DRIVER A OS HAS fail cow IlIHMISd and rf la A In I lid Tube tie al it aOcUTto its tioiib FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS IrSl COPYRIGHTS ft a A CAN I A A fcjw lo CV- la Kit BEST FRIEND sale caada WORK- ft- fur at Cijisxtanjciwmf 1 two Vaia J ISM UP With U if Cycled La after wib lit iikt vtck it tie ai aro at a itUr wht 1 way EXEMPTION OF TAXES At w Water at to a Goal FOR SALE tq Creditors I 1 Utl9CMp aflcthir krkvtdU4 to to tarJK cf it of t aaj Stove and Repairs or Its day to i J- if tf Joit i full i ar a nd f if till al If I iMUt clitic I iU It tatttdJof Aid iaA I It iT I tf tt tat rcln4 lib July It It lOiCt all ti warp fc CfUlHCK ASTRAY- In I La r iaij Wild tiler All lli- ilfOJ JL

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