Newmarket Era , August 9, 1895, p. 1

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i 3 HE NEWMARKET BRA Friday J lyHAlT GEO JACKSON at REACHED ut Medium In ItioCoantx- NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCE- I AND AD l No papers tent outside of North York unlets paid advance Vol Single Copies Cents Each J Newmarket Friday August 9 Terms Strictly in Advance within 3 or at end of year BUD Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED it od ft lir I King float ktiOui We JUutxUr WOODCOCK Main and ft J ftp for or At YOUR NEIGHBORS KETTLE j When you can Buy a Large 12 Quart Granite for X DISH OVAL AND ROUND FLY TRAPS WIRE SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS- CO t on iho Depot A Mafn Street Newmarket 9 mi Ho to8 pH dr ItieeMJy A JJ VlttOlKtdAlrftrlMunHtftrttlnK is here soon be WAX A A fciMNit UCTJUNKKH for York Co 10 County of told aUo lugger iiouvily lo J AUKNTVUU LOAN Alt titcck ln farm INSURANCE lLft a ln LIFE CO CANADIAN COMPANY iiiia 1A4V AND FUNDS- DOLLARS over Grey Flannels Grey Flannel Sheeting White Flannel Sheeting AH Wool Heavy Tweeds cents for Cents Factories or not in it 10 HARDWARE MECHANICS READY MIXED PAINTS CHURCHES OILS VARNISHES GLASS AND PUTTY BARREL AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLES- RAKES HOPS FORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF FENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN GO Agents for MasseyHuns Repair STREET Telephone No Jacks for Hire 1OMMiH t j In MY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST BONUS YEAR will Htf AIMiisurinirduilitB In tit- I HUNT J A LA It- STOCK OF STOVE NORTH OF TORONTO SEE TO SHE TO BOY HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH J MANNING SON- SIMPSON Mam f J HtMI duatcribiiLT ejus w woorrEN IS At MR BARITONE iftuiiji ctuKh better of jltklii OR THE TURNOUT la VtllHOSdUVtliY A o T Spectacle trade increas ing evert week Wlvjf We have ihe Cheapest Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in town which we war ranted to be as represented Sails faction guaranteed in every sale In our Jewelry Department we always lead Repairing De partment- All work done promptly and neatly at t rea- so noble prices Jeweller Optican Main St NEWMARKET If or Don VtUrlnar Abortion of ftfcd fit any Office outdo cither in style or price in not alio line If you want any kind of Printing done sec what work and terms you can get at the before you order Our promptness is pro- Vt verbial PERSONS TO THAVEL WAN7KO86ver4 od to for Salary and Expanses pc If lccrco- THE Omaha AVERS Hair color to iLo and Uo It oat lira SepvcVi I A Utile two years ago began to turn gray and fail out Af ter Itio Of of Hair Vigor ray hair was restored to Ha original color and ceased falling out An occasional application baa hair In good condition lira If P I used Vigor for years and it has restored was fat becoming gray back to Us natural J ftYEIVS Sick gmulsion lor i3 J PRIVATE MONEYS Ira is Oil ado easy of digestion and To this added f Lime and Soda old In the digestion potency of It a re- flesh producer persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly combination is ioit one fftconlift mtrit In conditions waiting It has Jd of the medical pro for btt 4op5tt4oat of mi ft fottn to be In With Ifchot On aortic would IT 1 t to porch doer you cllne4 Willi And tf well Itljiinibtdf Iho tfil Jc iron your ibtrtf If cell lit young a ttufite tip nitroAolMRyatllockfttiftMIcOt Tito cloven Hut Lis whto to oat Ad of JlroocciciiMutoly III by Whoa draws With o iitk homo com t Loun4 4i3ej whto you fttfib In your crclr I ho Untied With td relator from And work do1 tic What a name and what a place cried Fred Shackle- as lie rolled rath er climbed from ihe great four- horse thai bad brought him- mother and sister and a toad of from lie faraway railway it at ion What did you expect his mother when be had at listed her to alight its just bat I expected with a laugh but I cant help ex- claiming over it It was Not a town not a village Just a collec tion of rough log cabins clustered about a big taw mill On all side what to the city bred Shackles iecrned stupendous mountains with lowering pines now hoary headed from the new fallen snow Cloie behind ibe mill a mountain torrent leaped from freedom down a declivity to find itself and compelled to turn the ponderous that kept screeching saws eating their ihe immense pine logs making them into lumber The din was unearthly and Fred boylike could scarcely wait to help unload and carry the goods the cabin which was to be their winter home ere rushing off to investigate thing Some litoe before a firm of brok ers in New called Snide Co had come into possession of a vast tract of pine land in Perm The only drawback was that the pine grew very high up on the mountains and was hard to get at The firm had not put much money into ir but were determined to make a lot out of it Early in August John Gruff who was one of the Co got two or three experienced lumbermen to go with and look ground over and see what could be done They found matters even worse than they had expected There was only one place where a saw mill could be and worked to advan tage and the mountains where the best pine stood were too steep and high for any of the usual modes of logging Mr- Gruff was at his wits end They couldnt use horses they couldnt make a because there were two ravines to cross What could they do A was spent in the and John Gruff was to give up all hope of getting at the limber when Silas Shackle one of the lumbermen suggested building a shoot such as is the West The very thing cried Gruff en- and the hour bad let Shackle the contract for its construction In less than a week a hundred men were at work on mountain culling down and squaring the togs on which the shoot was to be built surveying the route clearing off and levelling the ground for it bed etc etc- No lime was wasted for the work must be completed by first of December so it was hurried as fast as doing it well allow The shoot was to be three miles long six feet wide and ihe sides four feet ItVil be built of hewn logs and and securely with iron The first and a half were very sleep the next mile moderately so while last half mile was only whit one would call a good hill for There were two ravines to where a great deal of the work end secure But Mr Shackle under stood his business and so all went well By the time specified in the contract the woik done and the first log went down into the valley John Gruff bid been on th spot since early in November- and so con vinced was be that the slide would Finding everything worked as he expected he offered Silas the general manager which he promptly accepted Shackle was a good business man whom repeated misfortune had kept poor He had a wife and two children a boy of and and owned a home in the edge of Pittsburgh over which hung a black cloud in the shape of a mortgage He had expected Gruff to offer him this situation and had written to Ills wife about it- She him to accept arid fotthcr that she rent their house to her brother and she and the children come and spend the winter in camp Mr was with the idea but wr6lc Per a faithful account of the loneliness and foils she expect in the way of surround ings and was wild to go for he bad been for chafing over his confinement to reboot didnt like the plan at alb She was a dainty lady who loved to go to church and Sunday School and who was the pet of both teachers and mates How could she endure a whole long win ter with no panics or no but maybe some Norwegian or Ger man children Mrs Shackle smiled at her lilllc girls objections but decided lo go as it would enable them to save en ough to pay off the dreadful mortgage So one clear bright day about the middle of December saw their ar rival as I have described at ville so called from the broken at tempts of some of the foreign work men to pronounce the word shoot The log cabin was a novelty to all but it was warm and snug and they would be very comfortable in the two large rooms with what necessary fur niture they had brought from home The little was in a long oddly shaped valley from which the mountains broke ihe force of the wind but the snow lay banked high on every side The stream escap ing from ihe bondage of the mill formed a wide pond in the lower end of the Valley and then ran on to join its sister rivers far below This pond promised fine skating and steep sides of were toboggan slides All this Fred noted that first day and lie said lo his father as listened to the roar of a big log corning down the shoot Ill slide there some day on my toboggan Fred said Mr Shackle in the sternest tone ho had ever used to ihe- son he loved so dearly lor heavens sake doni for an instant harbor so mad and foolhardy an idea The boy made no reply but an ex- the father always dreaded jo sec settled about his mouth an ex pression of sullen obstinacy that al ways meant rnischitf Now before I go any farther let me tell you something about Fred Shackle He was city born and bred His father was much from home and thus the was not much looked though the mother did what she could He went to a ward school and associated with who ever came along good bad or in- different- He was wilh all this an good boy yet jetting into many a scrape because of one dis agreeable trait be possessed This was mulish obstinacy a determina tion to do whatever was opposed objected to by no matter whom The surest way lo gel him to do a thing was to tell him not to He never argued or made a simply wailed until ethers has dropped subject or forgotten and then went on an did it at no nutter what trouble or suffering to himself You can easily understand able trait is was and syhit a sorrow it was to hi parents They had learned of saying Ions to him and when he proposed some loolhardy project he was usually encouraged to proceed and thus left all dciire for it In the instance mentioned Mr Shackle re cognised ihe mistake he bad made on ihe instant but ihe madness of the project bad taken him by sur prise arid he hid before he thought Bui he said no more inwardly praying the dear God 10 look after ihe foolish lad and far once send common sense to his aid Fred never mcniiorcd the subject again and the father forgot it after a while in the press ol business Not so Fred There was not a day but he of ir and he used to spend perched on a high rock on one side of ih slide 110 logs go rushing down the valley Their passage down the first half of way was very swift but the lower part not be ing so their progress was slower Yet sometimes they would strike the Jog heap with such force as to split into hundreds of slivers Fred had no desire to be killed he spent much time studying how 10 avoid the log heap for the more he thought of it the more determined he was to some day go down the slide There was no chance for a lime for every hour in the day the logs were roaring and lie quite enough try it at So he watted keeping determination with his sullen per stance No up on the mountain some three miles back among the tall pines was a long three winced cabin called the lumbermens camp Tliis was where the choppers and team iters lived won cut ifce limber and hauled it to the shoot and their horses were kept in an adjoining log A few miles back in the woods was Camp No a and in these two places lived about a hundred These men bad begun their winters work the first of Dec working hard and steadily all through the month While others were enjoying Christmas festivities they chopped and away but when New Years day drew boll- was day To this the manager Mr could offer objection so an was tent to the valley people to spend the day at Camp No and preparation begun for their reception and entertainment Mrs Shackle had hesitated at first about going but ihe families were decent folks and she feared it would cause rouble if she refused Fred to go and showed much delight she at last consented- On the thy before several teams and were sent down for use and bright and early New Years morning saw all hands on the way It Was only six miles to the camp by the footway but fully fifteen by the road which tcamamuit follow The day fine the sleighing did and ride not the least enjoy able event of the day Fred Shackle went of the first loads that started and he hoped his mother and were enjoying the ride as much as he did Camp was reached in due time and a regu lar jollification continued all day The dinner was a feast fit for a king for the were men who thorough ly iheir ait Bear meat and venison took the place chickens and turkeys usual on such occasions but in no other respect was anything lacking After dinner Fred sneaked away to carry out his never forgotten scheme He had his to boggan along hidden in the bottom of the sleigh for the time he had hoped and planned for at last For several days no logs had been sent down from the mountain in order to give the mill hands a chance to clear away accumulation of brok en timber which had grown so great as to a hindrance in their work This work had been accomplished the day before and now nothing lay between the mouth of the shoot and the smooth ice of the pond but a in its of soft snow Here was a chance of a lifetime thought foolish Fred as he seated himself on bis to boggan and made himself fast with for the descent His heart almost failed as he looked down sleep slide worn smooth as glass by the passage of the logs but ihe demon of obstinacy urged on No one was in sight as he at last pushed himself off and it was too late for any possible change of Down down gaining in velocity al ways until he was conscious of but two things a terrible pressure on his chest that make him think he was dying and the roar of a thousand thunders in his ears The blood rushed from his nostrils and when at last his speed slackened on lesser he was almost in sensible a dually he recovered however until presently he was himself and could look about him The sides of the shoot prevented him from seeing anything close by but the valley lay outspread before like a map He was beginning to enjoy the swift ride when he saw two little girls play ing in the snow directly before the mouth of the shoot He knew one was by her red cloak and he had wondered all day why none of his folks were on the mountain He watched them with no anxiety at first for of course he thought they would hear him coming and get out of the way He could not know that the rushing sound that filled his ears went no further than the thick walls of the He was still with wonderful swiftness and at last real ized unless he could make the children hear him one or both would be kilted or seriously injured for the toboggan would strike them square ly- He never knew how dearly he loved that sweet liitle sister until in anguish of that moment Like a Hash it went through his mind that was a punishment for his wicked disobedience and he shrieked and despairingly Hi knew be a success that he had the saw mill and house for the workmen I near they declared in favor of a built before the long 1 trough completed tested they heard him fur paused n their play and looked around every where save towards the shoot wmch knew idle because of the mens holiday Oh prayed poor Fred that precious child- Never rnind I deserve anjlhingbut Just then he reached the mouth of the shoo felt a and knew no more The next he was conscious of was a terrible pain in his head and leg and hearing a voice saying and poor thing With a mighty effort he opened his eyes screaming Oh Have I kill ed her No no answered his mother and the smoothed his hair tenderly Milly is all right It was Barrow the pony you struck Be quiet now for you are hurt- But he could not be quiet until he had seen Mill and convinced him self of her Then his heart gave grateful thanks God for his goodness and he bote the pain of his broken leg with exceeding pa tience he found the reason his folks did not go on the mountain the unexpected arrival of his aunt uncle and couyn from Pittsburg Fred suffered too much to their visit The lesson was a bard one but it cured him and it was a much happier family returned home in the with money enough to pay off the CLOYJTk ROOT ted clear tin lo iho carta eta CO el Seotli Mr SAVED LIFE Ik Per I or Kidney It eiCtfli 5 Dreg CURE it rota a Heart It lLa beat Cough Cure oca cui a dm ii CO eta A Outfits j WjPl ONE OF Ontarios most points for a holiday Art Prat Few there arc who do not enjoy a brief respite from business and its exacting demands during the heated term To many it is a delight to bid adieu to the everyday scenes and their families hie away lo some lake side resort or picturesque forest camp ing ground in search summer health and recreation For several years the has been favored with a cordial invitation from the editor of the Era to spend his holidays at Mr Jackson s lakeside camp on Cooks Bay Lake This year having arranged matters so as to accept kindly repeated invitation the editor his family left for the point on of July with The route is by way of Toronto to on the Northern RR thence by stage to Belle across the bay to Roachs Point by steamer then a row of a mile to Lakeside Camp a total trip of some ninety miles With the delightful surroundings and the hearty welcome accorded by Mr and Mrs Jackson and family we were immediately assured thai the outing would beat once thorough ly enjoyable and beneficial The camp is situated on a leading road running the county along the shores of lake a few feet from a lovely sandy beach where bathers may safely wade out or yards The shore is lined with glassy banks and fine evergreens the bay affords splendid fishing the campers being successful daily in landing by trolling or rock while there is broad expanse for rowing and tailing The climate is delightful and seems around the lake and bays to partake of less of the extremes of temperature experienced in the centres of copula tion campers have lh advantage- hero of daily mail delivered by the obliging postman at each camp door also of visits of the baker and the butcher and occasional vend ors of fruit and vegetables This section though it lias only been popular as a camping for about a decade is by no means a locality lis beauties scenery and its fine farm ing lands attracted settlers many years ago Belle and the lower por tion of Cooks Bay in the vicinity of the Holland and Jersey rivers were a quarter of a century ago the location of extensive saw mills With reference to the earlier days Mr one of the oldest settlers gives many interesting Some twenty years ago Mr Dodge the then lumber king of Ontario spent an immense sum in a fine residence and grounds at Roachs Point known yet as An expensive wharf was built a pleasure steamer purchased and a fiftyacre deer park enclosed with rustic palings so care fully built that for the most it still stands erect and in good repair is now owned by the families of the Osiers and Toronto and is their Summer home J Edgar il P and Toron to people also have fine residences at Point Although place is almost deserted during the Winter months a neat English Church is sus- ERA REPORTERS OUR ORCHARDS rale of taxation this year will be a mills S3 Hay is bringing a ton at Peel county The rate of taxation for Collingwood is mills Guelph is to have electric street cars running by 1st Sept 1 water of Georgian Bay is 3 inches loser than last year The Bolt Works Swansea slatted up with from to hands The price of hay in last week was for hay and for old Gilbert has been fined and costs for breach of Medical Act at It is the number of tourists in Muskoxa this season will be double that of last year beat Bradford in a at the Score championship lacrosse match former fait Thursday The bicycle of Khedive of Egypt is a gorgeous machine al most entirely covered with plaiing John Foster was paid icooso in cash by China for his services as adviser during the peace negotiations with Japan Fifteen extra carpenters and the same number of laborers have been recently added to the force at the CPR shops at Toronto Junc tion Mr Morrison late Schombcrg who started the dent a McCarthy organ in Colling- is how running a at Cookstown The feature in drygoods trade last week was advance of onehalf cent in various lines of Can adian liekings and shirtings A verdict of wilful murder has been found by Coroners jury against Robert Coombes boy who murdered his mother Nathaniel ihe younger is held ac cessory The line between Toronto and Hamilton will be double tracked and trains will make run in minutes One of ihe direct ors promises that the line will be completed this year Mr James Watson Mills had a calf struck by ligMning during a thunderstorm fast week It was grazing in a field back the barn when struck The worth from to 20 Steer clear of the man with aces and he ripening years of lire thy pockets roll be full of collat eral of while ihosiV that mind not these commandment arc partaking of the lunch that is free water a The large woollen mill owned and oper ated by Mr William was partly destroyed by fireihis afternoon The machinery will prove a total loss water and the damage to the building is heavy biennial was Supreme Court of the Independent the jdYi Order of Foresters held in End list week all the officers were reelected except the Supreme SJdlSbtei Collins of To- l was appointed to that iMsiiion A despatch from TienTsui thai Japan is delaying for a new commercial treaty with China awaiting re sult of the British elections in the hops lhat the new Government of Great Britain will support against Russia A horse recently sold at seventyfive There was only one bid offered moat of those present declaring that with hay at price they were horses In fact farmer would have on of his unless things charged ii it was impossible to scute hay at any figure The Department C Bell is beloved by all A few hundred yards Fast of the Point a very pretty new park has been opened this year by Mr Neil Morton and it bears the name of its founder Morton Park is destined become a highly popular resort Were the tourist to travel in any direction in Canada no more at tractive spot could he select for a sojourn than the picturesque shores of f ake Whether j search of a restful retreat or a landscape which yields readily to the pa Intels here he will find endless facili ties and resources upon which to draw The em prise of Mr Morton has given and visitors lo ihe j park many advantages A number of modern and commodious cottages have been erected to rent there is a splendid pavilion where Sunday and weekday services are held there is a good boarding- house store special picnic dining grounds boat and bouses The grounds are free parties and there is no finer place for miles for Sunday- School and society picnics Careful discipline is preserved and dancing and other questionable amusements are prohibited The Annual Camp- Meeting of the Christian Churches in Ontario opens at the Park this after noon with an attractive program for a week On each side of Mr Jacksons camp are numerous other from Newmarket Aurora Toronto and other points In addition to ibe Sunday services at Roachs and Motion Park there are Methodist and Christian Churches at Keswick all wiihin easy reach various On Sun day evening the campers gather at one or other of their headquarters and form a Urge Bible class for the study of the Sunday School lesson The Summer residents campers and boarders are very loath at ibe end of the season to leave the beauties and healthgiving attractions of this which is one of Ontarios finest forest encircled By lacking bit tars Was Our host has so enamored with the location lhat he baa pur chased a couple of lots and will forth with erect a Summer of and attractive desgn- nearly two weeks we spent at delightful point was The boating bathing Hik ing pony ride quiet and leisurely each contributed quota of pleasure and screwed in received a from Prof Slender direct or of Experimental reference to crops in British Columbia in which il is staged the grain crops are well advanced and promise an abundant harvest the hay Crop is heavy and the yield of fruit above the average The Canadian War Cry of a dale supplies the following facis regarding women who have re ceived shelter in the Drunkards ward of the Salvation Army It cue Home Toronto One has a ion who is a clergyman in a military college another is a ministers daughter a third his a son In a collegiate in stitute a fourth has a teachers cer tificate and a fifth tan through In five whilst A accident occurred at the farm of Mr Splan Toronto Gore on Wednesday of last week by which a man lost his life William ion of William butcher Claftville was a horse when the animal kicked strik ing hint In the bowels Medical aid was at once secured but the tad bad received Interna injuries which caused his death he following day De ceased wis In hit sixteenth year and was much respect Hot You lojinJi Si lo at ihla not do- Isgtkataisaf Whan by not is

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