Newmarket Era, 9 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Uebta A ft ai High To tnn to j WITH RACK ISSUE la At Homo Toronto Ik Aug kbit Oily to It deeply Ho droppoi In bod Oily lb A old named killed on on rack Hallway of Council a meeting week ioburton from 10 JillDftton part from junction to buying provided for Ttndcrt were opened for a wnowtlnji York and over the of Hit Mayors proclamation Avjoii day Ontario thai bo a recount of the to decide or the county town of happen afternoon H the HI- mulling In of two men CI lion end and to third for iho time John on of picking ixAclf end given Urn of prUonmentthe cm in Central At a Meeting of Ontario Cabinet on appointment of Mr- It at of Upper College The employee of A Co oil bad a very out- on ibo cm mid were on lVorUcnyer Win- four bond then In eof elm a pro pritoneu Central prlwn more of of If here and will at out of otbt elded to over York four wltl bo Hon Mr- in fione on a TO in bat two filled by calling to Wood for We it urocele In of Mr Wood It fifty year of Bp Parliament and poitaJ Canadian re bal railway be Lain made will of it one dollar a par their American In being to light nobucnen of ibelroan Bo ere irexd lo murderer two Utile In Toronto chat It to difficult Co in wy however Hilt to in evidence it must se bo of Civil rite of ellbaire fntereeU of notoy Tblrty were on 13lh July into Toronto four in three St Joho five Id end two In many bate place he office fcJOiJTJb it Living grtit going place place in of To ell be repllte a rare la one of ibe old point Hit of womb end hell now year it to October since be appointed to carry on of then generation bat old men on u it be hid made op mind to ceo oat the And we ell lit It t thing to ft or or it etettd lo ibit clue of appear from Book luoed of the of ftltentb of Id very eciaelroporlion in of of of and theft lor the of cent a little leejtLuonebalaid a good iul Hut all the i of Jedaetry of ft or directly other of one- fourth lie cU of oar x4 third of of depends the of for wort lien of ere prodaciicrf the ft of a he of the ebe country WwjIiihmaUtr with The time that by tiro jcirt ego on flee fluid morning the IhelniorinofCompiny a the of ratify for the Commons were condemning the for of another centering both for men the to minor deferred has A P for He reputed to have il the of Com he the of of Winnipeg and the of ldiniqm been biro Mr trill find Utile long ago of the for the of the Valley Canst and hie let for e dollars thrown eirey TTie Trent Ji for email to Hastings It Is for slrnlfsf from fieldupto Perry- The from to field amply now for Hallway the coil per being only e few cents To cot the el end the lock will far more than enough to duplicate the railway If worth while to sptsk of for the cut after tit made The eipendltore Is simply huge bribe to the locality It hie teen ether plainly Intimated that pari of the alive will with probably one for of the provinces The Irish members accept the the that ot time to secure a grceter It undoubtedly do this would turnout to the the of Wales would at de- mend machinery for tbo purpose of local end their demand for It could not be resitted Many British have wrecked on the jaosllon of the nine century may Me the year of the action of tbo Minister of In reltAtln TJ- Welters from after putting In but live out of file term of mo has canted It forgotten end Connolly sfck after short time jail and were pirdord by their friends MeOreovy now in psrllamoiit In the Walters it Is fair to that the that a eh em In not being and man It now a end jig of tie SnlHrrfoy As the matter now stands Is to feel the only as a sort of depart menial Insubordination and frauds as that might go hot fox the prejudice of the general pub1Io which be humored a certain iso of the move now being In to settle in With the hope thai they will bo strong enough to force the Separate matter the Hamilton observes Ills Grace Arch bishop iw now to fill op all the vacant En Manitoba with that Isshoottog for fiuoday seven a may he and louder To make a French Canadian paradise of Manitoba the dream of the late ArchbUhop of fit Boniface But the outride spied out the land and the Then an made to plant a French Canadian province on the Baa- river hot the world moved too swiftly for Archbishop the again got the atari of him We do not the now plan will he It the Manitoba cot Mi welt this a there wont be much vacant In the province next year the habitant most agree with the following from Night It Is too bad the way vice is magnified end op by the evening City for the sake of aeasatlon end thus their street sales Night ij That the parleying of rcandal Is ike chief the dally well shown case of the women who died In the city some days ago At first It tsaa a pure and simple later as a remit apparently of became or the Crown to hold an Investigation The whole story is hat of a young woman who went the wrong way and died ye I the most take up the metier and treat It west matter national Importance Wherever the girt lived or was tell of wo may defend that the TorooCo papers sent end circulated and gloated oven was a girl and very likely carried her head high to that additional would be aroused the elcgulavty revelations made metropolitan dalles In regard to the case It not likely that soy menacing editor in this city to what Interest he served what duty he ditcher in this who are morally to with a girl of that sort end with would to are often tax ployed In of this to write of sin and to prat pictures grief that the of surviving partner In How sadly yet how note every detail gratify the curious or interest the whole la humbug to thought ot eaters into calculation ft Afiected a tot sake the one Is to fill with soma thai eye In this the pros bad no for is so reason why unfortunate should not to go to her gravs carrying with her or leaving ft only with who sympathlxe asd sorrow Ibreujrb It I losg slur years ftr3u A fitmane at About took IJfca Toronto in friends J litis Brandon lXanls a visit Mr It Ml to log laid up sir or coven weeks ffr Ales and daughter are our Detroit on a villi r with the If Bacon this wctk wss tag with If It oyer Monday Weil of Toronto spent Sunday with friends In Town- Hughes Toronto spending week at Mr If Watson and of Do troll are hereon a was op at Bay this wtk looking for Frank Wilton Mrs of Chicago sitter of hereon a month visit Alice apendlng her holfdajsat Farm Point A number from Morton last flu day J has to the or so with tit UafTord Urn A Crone of Buffalo Is a couple of months with Wna Mr and of Toronto are here on a with llrr Hoffmen of Berlin was visiting Mrs left for home Hit week and ot City were vltllora at Mr Hughes Mailer Fordle and Mil Annie are vlilllng their grandma at Harry Wilson of Toronto was a visitor at Mr camp Lake rtOTer MUeAIke Lloyd of King City has been visiting with Miss for tip put two weeks Mia Gladys Dennis Aurora spending or so Mr Charles Bonnie HI Coring who been the past month with at returned home last Orange and bar brother of Toronto are visiting for a few weeks at Mr Jf Ave Mr J Slights on Wednesday and other summer retorts of and her are occupy log the family on Main again of was hero test and his family home after a visit here two months Mr of Chicago and Mr Wilkinson of cousin of Mist Oslo of Toronto ami Miss Emily West Oak are visiting at this Mrs Mary of Fickering Village has spending a few weeks visiting friends and relative to Town and vicinity Mite Buck of sister of Mrs Bock and his Mies Buck of spent at his Mrs Harriott and her son Percy arrived In Town on Monday England and are with Mrs J Ave 3 Esq B A got homo from Toronto on Wednesday where ho has been reading papers for for Ibroe weeks daughter of Mr John home from a of visit with her sister Mrs Vernon of with her nephew Hoes Mr and Mrs Wm Caldwell of OKI the J- were here visiting for dayi last He looking hale and hearty although 0 years of age Mr and Mrs from their MacVinaotftp yesterday after a windy They took tea on Sat urday with Mr A and on with Mr at Its Boo Iter W who went to She Northern for the benefit of his returned home last week com pletely op with seasickness and hit been rationed to the house over since lie got safer as where he toads JT a visit happy load young people drawn by four spent Wednesday on lake shore our Point It was a private pic lo entertain 3 J got op by some of worth No doubt they had a jolly but they alto got a docking reathlDg the lake A smart shower pa tied over them a little north of Qoeensrllls Coming a wheel luck on the and delayed tbemorer an Alfred Day left On for Booth baying been invited to peak at the Blate Convention at and vill also attend the anneal muling the School and Conference Workers which meets at Chaotanoa Mr also to at tend the annosl of the North York el Bradford this Fell and wilt have to tell big following from the week has reference to for residents Newmarket and will be lead by their TieBev0ll sod home of this after having spent throe on the coast When oclock train they were met by a lere number of and friends at the to them wtloome After a log of hands and a few minutes jo friend ly chat lbs entire company Cor lbs When they to great of the tlder of finding bis hoots locked and ashe three weeks he open and fiUed to with bis many friers to give and Mrs a Ir the dinfeg room the lis eiiea and loaded with all things of eerlb After enjoying a repeat tails a few and night the Elder left Cor v slds trip the called at tie to bid villi ahAiitcs of scicy to finch c4 on a fttr X Howard Town Mr Frank of Toronto jat near Rend r Mark of the Laundry of Washington flSlb In writing lo the therefrom some goods to Victoria they were taken Into bond I to go op and take Is flret time have been Canada for over years and I did cot filings when I ray on the ground I noticed ths difference in the people and not try to ths customs Victoria people for anything Hark who to to In the employ Town and not the Is gtlticg to lo a Yankee We clip the from Voff Mr A worth was formerly a M Coins lime ego reference was to the that have arisen the of of the Son At a raceilng the directors called at that lime smtal the officers among J and were from Mr wet appointed secretary and took Mr Ash called melting of the as and hid a new appointed which reinstated he took poutitfon of the and to admit Mr and fall clerks A warm entced end the polios acting on warrants marched old ere on a charge of They wcro at admitted to ball Nearly all the parties concerned lawyers and a big wilt be the of the II writes from Harbor We are the iron trade between perls and ere pretty buy In the tciton of navigation as there are qoantlltee of ore tint to the Ohio to be forwarded by rail to the rolling mills At and other In Iron is to a great now and I think It will keep op doing so to a greater extent the nearer ths elections approach as dreed of and Free Trade which has been back est for the pastcOople of years Is diminishing and chances of the Democrats at next election axe thin We hare bad some remarkable fine wuthirln this part of the world Vol of worse It Is cooler oat on water on the Wo the trip from to days milts sod besides In that time with or tons of ore so you see we are going pretty lively There has not been much of life on the IbU flommer so far the Fall year the time the moat catastrophes take One of the boats belonging to tbo lino of the one I am on sank collision on and three lives were lost but was not a many considering the size of s told A held on Monday at when children and ilh relatives ant friends of Mr Joseph far and near at lire home of hit son Mr George WinUttlein Mr Win- has outlived the allotted of live having on that day completed his year- A happy afierooon was spent ly tht elders in chatting over times while the their Later tables were set the shaded lawn and full justice done to a bountiful repair fore an address of congiatu- was given by Mr and a prayer offered by hira thai the aged host till be spared and that his guests to live such live that the corning year would find them also among those whom men delight to honor relatives present from Hew- were Mr and Jos Wesley and Mrs My Wesley Mrs and daughter William was returning to Toronto evening on a bi cycle from Aurora where he bad been paying a visit to a friend When during the descent of a steep miles north of Oik Ridges the frame of his wheel and he was thrown with terrific violence to the ground and rendered He lay here lor nearly an hour when a bicyclist discovered him 2nd had removed to an adjacent Medical assistance was brought from Aurora and a tele phone message sent to his wife in Toronto He was moved to his friends residence in Aurora and Sunday evening Col- George Cooper of brought to his home on Markham Dr Mennie now Ira and he is in a fair way to re covery Hi affair very dim memory ceased simultaneously with the acci dent face la cot arid and a particularly of teeth is shattered His body is also suffering from the terrific of the fall KINO CITY a the evening service was held in lish Church of this place The Bishop of Toronto was present and about twenty persons were confirmed Rev Mr bat been a enthusiastic worker during hit pa and his proposed depaiiuie in the near future to fill a city pulpit be regretted by service held the Methodist Church last Sunday morn ing Larue congregations were present at the morning aod evening The anthem by the choir in eve ning well rendered A fawn in the interests of the was at the home of J Davis last Monday evening The weather kept many but in report a good lime Seven of eight of Ibht were at recent A five toil Attracted a good to the Saturday eleven rjdera entered In firs while of Toronto made Since the opening of the last has been a constant of rigs on Lake Shore road Rev of Toronto pending necks at Trio bus from Saturday at Morton Park Mr Kd Cane and farily struck lent On Sandy last Saturday Mr and family joined on Tuesday and Sir Edmonton of Bradford and A Esq of Aurora are among boarders at Morton Park The brought over on other excursion party from Carrie to Park on Saturday ferry brought people from Grass to the services on Sunday and the at Mor ion Park on Monday The wet has been quite a drawback to at Morton Park but still has been a good Camp Meeting Of the lar gest crowds on Sunday the being filled to overflow ing at all three services teems more than pleased with the accommodation which Mr Mortonbad provided All the cottages have been let and Boarding House has been pretty well laxed Mr Morton Is no less than a public benefactor and Morton Park Is lo be a popular summer retort the future The Camp Meeting has been a signal and after this Hist ex perience the arrangements will be All the principal workera in the Ontario Christian Conference have been present and lent their assistance Too much cannot be given to J Dales Esq A of Kingston the editor of Christian Magazine for his interest and executive ability ex ercised on this behalf Elder C I Chldity Percy Garbutt P Fletcher John Cowle J M Farrier and Messrs Rimer Lick and Ed Wilton were al ways ready to give their assistance while mention should be of the special tinging by Mr A A Mr J Wal ton of Kettleby present on Tem perance Day and a splendid address Hie papers by Mifs SUrk of and Mil W R Stone of were highly appre ciated The Camp Meeting closed on evening and the one next year will be looked forward to with great interest Cbidley will deliver a sermon to the Forresters the coming Sunday in the Methodist Church at the usual hour a pm The Chnsiian Sunday School will be held at on account of the Forresters sermon in the afternoon There will be no meeting at Christian Church Ibe dry spell has been broken and ihe earth is again moistened fields thai were brown have now got a shade and the pota toes will be enlarged Pretty cool list week overcoats were almost a necessity for driving and a fire was a comfort fur the sit tingroom Not often we have it so cool in July rains have greatly improved the berry crop and a quantity picked Mr J Elliott slatted bis grain thresher Saturday at the barn of the of the season Mr Vwi Proctor commenced on Monday at Mr Geo Wilsons Fall wheat is a good cample but considerably below the average per acre Barley harvest about over and oats are coming on fast Our junior football team played a match last Saturday evening with the Mount boys near that place The result was a tie each side pelting 3 goal A return match Is to be play ed shortly Quite a number drove up to the to attend the CampMeeting last Sunday Mr Isaac Proctor has got a new covering of shingles on roof his farm house and drivinghouse and other repairs These buildings are now looking quite new Mr occupied the pulpit in the Christian Church last Sunday in the absence of Chfdley Mr and Mrs John aud two children spent a fetrdats at Sut ton at hit brother Franks are turning ripe Some trees have as much as two plums on and others as many as a down- Some apple orchard have a few in others none Visitors we have heard of during the past two weeks Mr Mi Clement and two children of Union- at Mr T Mn Cle ment a of Mrs Muter Herman Kirk of Toronto at his aunt Mm J T Curtis Miss Toronto visiting among relatives and friends Mrs Joseph and son Toronto Junction at Mr Mr and Mil G Wilton and ton Holland Landing at Wen Messrs Mailer Wilfred Aurora the berry patch Elder and family of Newmarket are a- short visit Mr It Graham and wile formerly Miss Clara Stokea Ktemburg Mr Stokea and his mother of Mr Miss Phillips and of at ai Waller II P of Burka Falls at old home for a few The Township for the half year the roads and bridges aalarfea and allowances and sheep lax refunded miscellaneous So Net a big bill surety Mr Geo Wilson of the Landing was foreman while Mr Proctors The boys are reviving the ancient sport of kite flying something quite new w this locality as long I have lived here I dont remem ber ever a kite in the air last Tuesday evening Master Her man Kfik of Toronto has edited the port and no doubt most of our will now of fun for the rest holidays JessJe Gibson of Was Man was burned to death clothe fire while km baking order there The yield raid to be fair The Methodist Church here and nice appearance after having been plastered and paint ed Mr Grooms of Newmarket did tbe painting Rev P Addison of Toronto a good practical sermon to a large and attentive audience Jail Sunday opening here Tho services are ex pected to be regular now at a pm Geo Glover of was here for a few days on and Mm visiting heir con at for a few days this week Mr J Brooks of Keswick has just completed the painting of the Pres byterian Church at Pleasant Mrs of Toronto who has been visiting at Mr W in company with daughter Mrs Wilson has been confined to her bed for aome days but is slowly improving The frequent showers have been very beneficial to the berries there being enough for everyone around here I The at Morton Park attracted a large crowd and many this were among I he Mrs T of Hamilton has visiting with Mrs dill Mrs Willoughby of Toronto spent a few days of last week with Mm Draper Mr 0 1 of Orono spent Sunday at Mr Winchs Some aro complaining of too much wcl weather while a few weeks ago they were wishing rain to you it is impossible 10 please everybody Mr and Mann were in the neighborhood week Mr Edward Wilson of Brougham made his sister Mrs Neil Morton a flying visit this week The recent rains have greatly im proved vegetation and the late crops are ripening very fan It was a great disappointment to the many readers of this vicinity not to get the Baa on Friday last week Rev Mr Clark visiting friends In the village on Tuesday KESWICK The Camp Meeting at Morton Park makes a great increase in the traffic through here They closed on Wednesday after large and successful meetings Mrs Atkinson who is a sister of Mrs met with an accident last Wednesday white visiling down Union Mitel which might have proved more serious than it The horse a spirited animal upset the buggy ihrtwing its occupants out and pinning Mr Atkinson under buggy Mrs who was driving had great pretence mind and preferred to drasr the horse into the fence rather than let him run away down a long steep hill- It while the was plunging in the fence corner that Mrs Atkinson was badly bruised the feet and an kles but no bones were broken physician at immediate ly telegraphed for and she was re moved home on the following Friday Chid Icy and family were making a few friendly calls around here during the time of the Camp Meetings He has hosts of friends here deplore the loss of our harness maker He had a good trade and would like to have staid but he bad to get out of the shop to make room for the tailor and the tailors recent place of business is being fitted up for a dwelling house Dr Wesleys girt had a very narrow escape from drowning fast week one day There was a tub used for catching water out in the yard and it was nearly full of water The little one was playing in it and became overbalanced The Dr found her struggling in the tub with her head submerged in the water less than a minute would have proved fatal SHARON Mrs and daughter are visit ing her parents Mr and MrsOitoby They have gone to for a week before leaving for tbtir home in Chicago Master Fred had the tune break his aim while exer cising his pony one evening Ibis week One would think each Summer there was no person within one hun dred mites wno bad not the Temple but each week brings people to ice and learn of its history Mr Geo Stokes of Ml Albert was the guest of Mr Frank over Sunday Mr and Miss Stoddut Bradford were visiting Miss over Sun day Miss Jesse is confined to her room suffering from an attack of malarial fever lira spend ing a number of months at Fort Worth Texas also Miss after spending a month at Alexandria have returned home much benefitted by their trips Mr John having consider able repairs done to his blacksmith hop We are pleased to tee these it gives our village a milch better appearance There are a great many people pass through our village every day to tbe Lake The Christian ingmust be a great draw Miss Genie of Utile Brit ain with Miss Nellie Cowicson were calling on friends this week farmers basing a slick lime account of the frequent showers great deal of good to root crops We hope the grain crops will be better than at but fruit will be scarce ex raspberries there appears to be an abundance of them AndetsoQ of Decatur Neb is visiting with her mother Mm Moors of Toronto Is spend ing a few day with her Miss A number of our villagers took in Camp Meeting at Morton Park on Sunday and it attended Wo are bound to mvko buoy oaton Wo m and boo how are how wo will crowd with oagor on Mens Pants price reduced to Mens Suits price CO Summer Coats 11 11 Hoys Suits Mens Fine Straw worth Boys Straws Child Sailors Mens Fedora Hals Gems tec what have for it will save dollars Mens Kid 11 at 2SC 50c Lice worth now pa Y yards very it or by the web regular r of Hose at iU worth more money pair Childrens Silk and Wc arc telling Shoci at notmthitanding the advance but our present Stock heavy and w want the money for it reduced Cloth good Summer Goods Show Button Pebble Shoes worth Black Henrietta lovely at Cream Cream all Prims reduced Cream price Every- Parasol reduced Stock is large Tabic Linen worth 5175 at cc Ladies Razor Toe very style and turn 2c Ladies patent leather lovely stock r and the America made Lace Shoes the newest 35c Boys Strong Sheer MissesSiron at at There will be Bargains here come before Saturday if you can a NBWMARKET NORTH With we arc called upon to chronicle the death of Mrs Ceo Windrow who after a long illness passed peacefully last Saturday morning The remains were taken to Newtown on Monday for burial followed by a number sorrowing friends Mr and Mrs Asa Phillips attend a wedding in Toronto this week Little Ellis keen er traded horses last week It looks as if he made the fur fly Mrs I Willis returned from Michigan last week accompanied by her daughter Mrs David Jenkins Out of twenty five inmates in the at are simply as vagrant too poor and helpless lo for themselves Is it not too ad to have these poor people all kinds of ANTED a gill 10 In gOARDEllS- TO RENT C4 dj Ml to rt CHINA THK OK EAST I Luc J hralltLituo to en THE Newmarket High School CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor YongeGorrard Sis Monday Aug 1895 TORONTO ft Giber nit to 1 ilr No Millards Block TO RENT Special Clearing Safe of all lines and more particularly Mens Come in and wc them mint clear them ssx iu AN en mo I if Yon Can AT THE AND House POF2 GASH A SPECIALTY Klghl to lit JOHN MILLArtO NEWMARKET pfwrcurDJo Wait In ftlTcrr iM WOtuibc la if Ji J J ft two Notice to Creditors lio JXUorlUHt1 A IU fell wil l At fc Ulrica fit AAlnrdJixtibtlVtbdayQf lApfit fire ltlruttlori All I full held fCr f lS lt io iUuitia hi tdlttcIiEmilf In J tit cf tfeit Life DiUd iU Actf ItSi SeU it ASTRAY A few of piece left at Pointed Toilet White and do pi a lot of Unci front pec a job up A nice Set iornb- lers and Tray for worth FRUIT JAUS JA1W puiiit jails We oy Quinliiy UtjLflb event I Tho radio 13fb IU edacity Jo tit Prv Mr J U4 4 if it to kn Tomb J ftArlWtJ litdltOQlM Ana ai- Mt rrousETo LET no LET- J CUwell t tut tif W veiling in or the Fruit Preserving Season but Puce Slices kept Our Japan Tea or lbs for it all right do joj drink it For a cup of choice Coffee try snap Ponder lb for Cor Main and Su I at Tim I IT THE LEADING STORE alUeUca I Next Post What is our above til our loaves above previous Our Genuine equalled in quality It of Cikei that we manufacture McCAULEY Mai St S k

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