Newmarket Era, 9 Aug 1895, p. 3

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WStow ft- i 25fBSTi5SyaiTOJWri NEWMARKET ERA ftsfellta vhai Atovr Town New Wheat Quite a bft of iho Mr having ft car Joed ligityd and market turnover a downward tendency Market At IjjJJ tho product Of SO factor I all Worth lb meeting on SCHOOL of the pro- rooted to IV elite jutlicrUiv The V A Kilt been to the Itoctorthlp of expected to of Me now ptriill on the t ISlti oil licit Mr of will conduct the In Six cars ft day Is the tow ban lately for Hie Mfg Co to I In the f tot to of They come from their in tho Boy odd loaded will lMofey Aug 10th to toy eJl fit horwt Bring you good A The tgooi veot to Hill on Hill tefoeed to allow them thing or aiptn toy oar boy declined 10 When the Hill bete they were for ex the trite for only to on thfl of the News porobMe of North IS Tenner by Mr of The firm will wra the cole Hither with ten men will heJooreiiOJ it will wtrronl The been Jut win lor end fell by Post From the Orel of jwtoje by between end the UflJtod be ute pound ond con le for oddtUouit ocnd A poet will be between Cenedo How Booth The role will be twenty tot the firet til- two for pound The mull VoQCOUvar Hit of A Is for a even- lug Mr Lea woi Jut dog bit hone ouil the could control it witti the Hum tg woj The who ibould fttttto the dmegej I regular of iIk- held on fiwit for The for oiling lbefAf wi given to A A to hold tone Wiftoriefidi to in otlboMvJch The for iho of Atelttant lor Una of Wat accepted A match on treaty C U Temper- onoe of thff Society fo to le The hid WodfliJ of through of And wet entirety A G von men arrived to be hero oil week pott fences making In A Had Mr A J left on Monday a blbtoandfJ El library which he found ft not a bad reflection on boy It might appear on It ft that new the V IBM Ah Dont w- y thoToiro bell The hoi arranged to have the bell rung at oclock to that will have no Miotics for not tip time to the train CUB The Invitee every perron that make a with at the Fark The Champfonihfp of the Midland for Jam beat to I and the today with they are tore of an wont lei have It If they can help It and they iron in the lael the only thai In League COLLEQE- of for Ihinxt term log Sep flrd ibo and a and home for men loklng depart mental of lo With Wo mead the of to careful of fnttretltd fn tbl Farther School Important learning Io North Hiding of York trill On Monday announcement in Intending be prompt their on when ore formed for yean put that nork ooat nf monthly with able combine io re- to with the connection all trad ed Ihehlghoit by the Provincial better be it of lit Bate Ssop pretty rod Ip In coming en the Holidays are drawing Boon bo A Pi Jon 70 loads of gravel bavo on Huron will find Fall work in Newmarket where ibe oonti mi a load of clay have been pat upon road further frit which greatly proved proem What kind of a will the weather in Echini to bo Road credit for ibe that have Huron whtoh bet any road enter- I There was a quiet Victoria avenue on Tuesday afternoon of tbie week when of Mary A Wilkin married to Mr Poller aoo Now The ceremony took place at the the mother of bride attended by and Mill groom ae bridunatdi while iho groom ported by hit brother relatives and friend the newly married down to the of them attended tbe happy to railway at to trip of or two after which Mr and Mm will Hod ibtta at home at neighboring The Is very thai of not reoeWed beta yet from of Toronto certainly not lie with tbe Rt hero will bo ottftrly by Jitter in another column They the work earlier than lett year and the report of Aurora by awcek ago It altogether to keep In ro The City on Monday contained of a melancholy Toronto Hoy evening the drowning of Phoebe In com with Mr I berber W fit Wool the young went rowing In boat Mate and ahout nine worn heard half ft Worth Weil of hotel Mate went to and found Garrison to the bottom of boat Ho arid that Mite wanted to and In the The waa In for the body about if of and hit for three brother Mr It Fireman for the Toronto Klectrio Co Con upon being not Add of the occurrence Me and two other men employed for to drag In vlolnlty not to find any of tody Exams following It tiff report of joint Hoard of of primary Inationa for III I Davie Goodwin A Low Martin Rub A ltogero Wit- Kama and ft the duly part of the examina tion but fitted In Commercial Davit Ferguioo J Johnston and Terry A Foiled in Com Celt J ton A Grove A A UeCall Foiled Coo- J Wolu The candidate and the jvlli bo to High and be after reeolU of the no wilt be reporltd tilted by the Department to the Condi who bare failed and who may tiro to appaat reoetUd to tbeyhiro received their of the examination before making a IK governing Town Hand wm finally by Monday fog and wo generally will bo Wo have Hand purchased at a of and they not only taken ore of Under Ihe la appoint- dJan4MMUrMtftl6wtality per year payable The of tbe Council Chamber ft given free for and Fidoy and the Hand ft to have at least praotUe daring tho year Band Jo to give ten open during the of July and and Hand Waiter rciponelblo He olio to report on and con- of the do each year to the of With end leader wo look for a progreailv Hand that a credit to Town Wilson I Holiday next ft grant in intertill of Firemen the hope that theyll re encouragement of our that they It 10 for to lo on point on reaeon to ltd that their no Impoilanoe crowd that attended after to trouble of making putting op new iuaronti public Ion the our patron ego provided for a at a very popular retort and it will Ik a day of and delight If one or two from each wlllonly help up arty Will you bo train will at a in dont get loft can made for frkndi to join tho party at Toronto and enjoy the call Ibo Lake Allan and Flromen are talking up the and pros 1 for crowd the inrticf who were caught looking in a window en fit on of tilt will bo for A of paint hoe Improved appearance of on Mr llfo building novated throughout and In condition for opening The now reatdenco ft getting move on week to have on Town la the brick vanriog la completed Clerk flotthed copy for on day ready for the printer The Flro Alarm Town have Lightened and now In ehape The Fly from Toronto to wharf on Saturday loaded to heavily two from plentiful In North Mr John new driver The School wee week mating Monday Hunter iotOouldTW I MO do fti Waller A of wat granted to tbe Fire Mr of be Klog Line CommUiIonert Ingthe for repilrt year of which bo charged alto focomrndlng in gravelling the winter the following ycer Report adopted TboByLavrto aid Town Bind adjourned To of Bia Kindly permit me Vfhloh think and Sutton natural by delay In the report to have led to tome on the local of As to to till after of hat of theregulatlona at of candidate or rocomrnended thall no be until the hag been received Now I that tame regulation ve do not to by to Garry out the given we ore trlth In defenoe of therefore I beg to the held at and w handed in by to the chief clerk of tho Department on July 2 page of at lent It ai followe report of together Yvfth the of the ohaU to tho Kdacation prepaid on or before July each It bo teen that carried out by tbat regret delay exceed wo ere not rcepontlble for it fjlncciclyyourtf J- Chairman everyone ho teuo M- v 3- 1 ffactovy pop yard Wool Towelling go at a much oho at Wo Wo you fco ad vance in at tlio cont k Use Aurora Aug About this the of the church by lightning set- ting fire to ihe woodwork causJ log damage of metal hundred 1 the firemen succeeded in the flic tome difficulty being In reaching it ow ing to the height of the fully covered By The Supreme body of iho Order of met biennial the worlds on Thurs day Aug act- Over 150 officers and present- All the the Dominion and some twenty of States of die Onion and Wales and Ireland were represented AH the Supreme Officers were present I It presided Aug A despatch from Shanghai the details of the reported of Chiulhnt at Kucheng The ladies arc suppos ed to have been killed are believed to have been members of the Church of England the and American Methodist Kspicopal missions the despatch they were butchered after out rages A number other mission aries including women and children were seriously wounded The de spatch declares that the Chinese officials connived at it they did not instigate the attack on the Christians The revival of outrages is to the apathy of the and American Minister despite the in creasing feeling that displayed ftJbeVfifffilijeofo We arc offering Extra Inducements to clear out all our Summer many lines being offered for less money than they can be manu factured for today IEiWbtai J hew wine iihe Market PROP Jacks kept for hire r We can save you some money by ordering a Suit any time this month We carry the Largest Stock of Tweeds in Town to select from and will Guarantee a FirstClass Fit arc once more in the of a Fruit all kind- of Foreign and Fruits We received a choice California Peaches and To lhoc ho have not bought what Hemes they vani for preserving better buy ibis this is the week to buy for preserving- Watermelons fresh every week Jennie How wbo to Wbflo Id corps arrived from ubtr lier tryico in A from Oat where 1 la wit low la duo all lb number were If Out Bit by of well ring which live ia who up Cmo4 brigade will teat W tbe 8ao tad llifa will by Xotooto Lbc- it I witt xUI iu tut ibtoabciii Cd4 liuwllUpwkOD Mm uvLt JtiditiultilbeNpitU- UJI lit the iioo- Luck Mr of of Ilibetriin la ft Iq od jQt got hold of It 1i how he it tip Utmgir bit baa of Ibt laeVJut put He be welt 1 ibe of the of Bet Dun ftpptert to la or lift bit wit la ft for joint to mi to York city wildcit of Toronto boom elory if In before of York fa lump torn oetb a nice flftyifx tore of leod it I of city Mr tlootgom- flti to Hew other Jolted ftnd to ioo ttrwNrdi of which cut ft elrikio flftoro of John Montgomery the Krtudffttbr wit end Oil ihtre come of the the la Ooibfttu which Y Ac A of took ftt the of lilt week arFftdTwot presided ftnd J Woodcock It wit decided to roake ftttrftctlooe on the of by of Oct The on first diy ftUo to be to About of IbePciM ft to In ftt ftto test ftttfctei offered this year ever coaUfQaeotly more OMb Tbe will ftfuicoon ftt oclock in the to complete tbe sit which the Pita List will be Immediately It hoped by gottfox oat people Fill hive ftttOpportaaUytoprcpftie for the prize ftoditftlto ftflojdt better opportunity for Directors to cell tickets of fttwftye ftftlM by fti Mi of thrift and Aberdeen visited received an ad dress and inspected the Indian In School Southamptons new graving dock said to he the In formally opened by the Prince of Woks At Mrs Watt John Shackle who was he In- lueucc of liquor and to climb into her window Hail last week damaged the J Owing in vicinity of Indian About acres of wheat suffered Yho quecit will give two banquets at in honour of Emperor William of Germany who if in attending- the assessed Bell Telephone Co and com pany appealed to Judge but appeal before tie matter came trial cracked Lacrosse has bad to pay into the sidewalk food some for assaulting Mr R A secretary of club on the street KT The Winnipeg Tribune it is not likely the Manitoba Go vernment will up the reconsider ation of the school question for a fortnight yet and perhaps consider ably later Yokohama Aug Continuous rains have ruined the rice crops io many parts of Japan and a famine is feared Many live have already been lost and the damage done is enormous The anniversaries of the bat tles of and were generally celebrated throughout Germany Tuesday with parades of the garrison of all the large cities A despatch from A sad drowning accident occurred at Lake on Saturday afternoon resulting in Fox the eleven-year- old son of Mr Fox farmer losing his life SECRETARY of locality give ft iuiirSito bat thsl the North York la Its ftgricob be well give ft lute of curly ISO There ftte fibepiAJd ome to but where Si by the soite will be eooagb in the property lomiktibe the who form Hew Mr Jul York wbtre he he beet lKidvirtflO d the fctlTi tflU whfttftv to property old ft out ftje Oor Roche Wale Mr of Mftrrlon etrlvtd by were nut by ibt officers ftnd of ftnd loet viiilOr end it fttrobltd the end shortly titer BL by crowd ftoiioottoget ft of An ud It was by lit crowd of hot time lluitcil A good greeted op ft rate by Mloe end log of Griffiths ftnd wilt who ltd the eloping very flos end is ft Xf to be whwe keying did tbtin credit ftodU ftt lluy ere will fcsv to ft dUorwjl tod when if Jirs owing to the id ftae The here on for Ltndtcg on ft our fts ftft Twelve million stamps are used every day by the inhabitants of the United States to conduct their correspondence There has a noticeable increase the weight of the mails in the last two months is taken as a sign of returning prosperity Aug a While threshers were at work for Archibald Dover Centre a spark engine set fire the stack and the entire slack and adjacent build ings were soon a mass of Everything was destroyed save the house no insurance As a result ol recent of missionaries in he Foreign office has instruct ed Mr OConnor the British Minister to demand the safety of all British subjects in the in the disturbed and to in sist upon full inquiry into the mass- acre Walter E Jones alto Winnipeg charged with victimising A a farmer of induced John ston to to Manitoba under pre of investing money a farm at Oka I Jke and on the of his representations procured an advance Of Daring the peat few Inspector of and to lbs Wftlih Victoria Bummer vllte Lyons lam and Carthago number of these visile made for the of milk While the hoe roach to do It lo give in irtftkfoKt s ft Jftrgosbireot time up jn the milk ftnd in making the teat Xo give prope in person should be la flavor end quality of the roitk when put into ftd to full of vat from the milk is till the cord ready for the bo ftbte to do instructor trill not bo able to hie pupils hot Milk should bo ftt various and to point oat Imiortaot as iho fKWrymen applying tor the vmot in tbo not to dococeh in fast recently with one or two they ell for milk inspection A Writoor for the ts as iiibokaat of the being tamper fitb expect a vitit from blm the next day Lji It not to visit for 1 couple of weeks Where possible ftppUca tloas should bo at be are required or If cannot dons should not ft a votk or so before the is ftrrsoging for a special exhibit cm in witb Block on 11th and 16S to the fttfioanl be be In five four pare bred daises one to awarded according to the points for cocstilutlon and 1 point for of rotlk- points for cb i points for each pound of solids cot fat tea day in after first days limit point ftill ihe total score for each peroeal fat in It sincerely that of dairy in Western Ontario will take an in forward nuintrous It be for a Winter dairy ilirv other be from Wade or from SOcslto The cheese last were Jul very sain taking Junta were disponed of at figures leas many filter yiaett prvferrleg to hold or ftublte though Julys were for not taken up by the NEWMARKET That c4nt Tea is gaining a far- fmed reputation Blend is name of our ledingline in Coffee Our Groceries always hive in our employ a firisclm candy maker for giving our customers Fresh Goods at Reasonable Prices GIVE US A CALL A ROBERTSON Jyfitir Grocer and If Low Prices Li AND China Suit or Fancy Now is your tune Trousers- A few Choice Patterns left and I wish to clear them out in order to make room for Fall and Winter Goods ware Central Telep O W STARR to J JewtUiy Sicrc MY TAILOR Dont to the incs you have- life PATENT SAFETY hid is a perfect Wcl- Bigger Values fchan fiver at OPPOSITE NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL Boots Call and see US- Bed Boot P to goo sod here SALE OF A 1 FARM to refuel iiis An to wreck the on ihe Trunk roide Friday night oclock John night atthe Wilkinson factory Toronto Junction a noise on the rails and going to investigate a mm too off He then that tvo had been accurely fattened across diamond ID ft with VkJtli til ii- pufraial titCtttci OMMPWlb r tt J Of Sal it itlrewiuuohtfvaireJ ltd Kottb c OH day at Co p folic w ID lib of tttUlaiSJ tfc TCUUdt iiEiJtrevaaow NOTICE to i toiler tiJi i7 Just arrived a large of Mens and Hoy ChK and must be old at as our motto is and Quick Returns Special attention given Great Clearing Sale of Or ess Prints up from 5 per yard Great Orivei in Grey Cotton Shirtings and Cotionadcs JWe are determined our GROCERY DEPARTMENT The moil the New Grcerici arriving every attention given to llus line Goods Delivered Shortest Notice by iLeruur 4ifl ii for EifllciUricr il4applo JHUT rti it IU ItsrcW WCWIDDtp J At the New Headquarters ill irPtii to this week cut low for we buy and sell for and under IfeM The of our goods sill be maintained at the Grade carry a full in every line Sugars We Chiiiticfc a Fruits Peels Spice Baking and Butter Han Vinar Coal Oil c WANTED uil Mea wilt li WiiJ-

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