Newmarket Era, 9 Aug 1895, p. 4

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fc r r W Catarrh in Head a dangerous It J I Jlablo lo mult In of or develop Into consumption following My a from tot four ILt hit to that for nearly a fat than Aft fit a time fiuffcitd In IhG head find at About cow tfifclmf find that of Hit Void to a cut I cannot I ilfl VVtMXR to Hoods Is Only True Blood Purifier fl tabor Golden up terpen lit ijo Hon of lilted up John HI For their and rt cam upon corneal Ho pleated lo them Lai In colli fidalt rode oat of Mi two ipfci thill hive children and for whom tborcxt iter bo and brought In to of del tin lorn- dual tU of villi they wirortdy to forth ril fiord not fltry fimooji which until Ihfi remedy prcicnl fiCOOKWOXi Ac ItceH of oln for As divinely lo two by ftfipofnlmcnl brought no wlwo wti lo em At Irfity find Ho pUft by of to At euro by find city Ho ft by repaired repent ance fird look for to for look to No Other Medicine GO A8 Saga moat of Known Doctor AVER No I I Ik lit lift ai Ayr0 Km aim Ilia Iff Admitted World Websters International Cover Phi iLcCcMltlfibd el KtlXllvAa jii by Jvhoi fUnntlatil Authority A vilicn Jor tilth vlilth In for to to 13 win ctclo other tt y10 io THE PERFECT TEA Tea to the cup IN irdrf s fr noro but ftt t i fi J ilt it if I Mm la If rot Veto flAVTiTK Rht Ifon baa fi to olio in which io bo Aocf4d p4t io can be to and tho Mother Country end to try to develop the of Die to inoccau trade ihti and Cult All bit bo will lo dovotid to In wltli Or rrlfcllVftdirdJirgf to It loetanily id Wcgi Ijjh ltd a4t4U la to dbDlhUCfiiiif no Dr ABifrCurfortblfcfii for- or fijmpi Mculogtci It li a fluioc In Left fiido oJ t of MOtlocet Bold Tblrturttdy i of the 4taAKi4 in lu The tains C people happy again I j St ok Messrs A and Mc- sold to Mr drove twelve tor lite sum of oo Missis Cherry and Sneddon horse buyers for die mar ket were in this vicinity last Tuesday Several liOises were purchased and notwithstanding hard times good prices paid J re ceiving or his tanner SUTTON The receipt of gar den parly were expenses net Mr Vrooinan on Tuesday the first load of new fall wheat for tins market or which was paid a bushel Jacksons Point and vicinity arc crowded with visitors there about at present We arc in formed hat every available collage and house have been secured besides many tents here and there year brings more pleasure seekers licrc KINO Fail wheat the crop hat been a one in ihis section- Rarity more or less colored too much rain will be a heavy crop and wine vwy good fields of oats can be seen in tins locality A serious accident happened to one of our residents last week Mr md Mrs Taylor were on ihcir when Ihcir hone lightened and ran away throwing Mr Hid Mil- Taylor and smashing he to pieces Ms- Taylor was the nearest house Mr and is at present ly ing there in a critical condition AURORA The Mayor and Councillor Wirie feet of hose and a new smoke for The and the Trinity Church Sunday at on Wednesday Tice a the folks There ai a at the on Thursday from to r6 It p iix rhlcns els pair rjspheiiK were a market and sold for els- The special commence to interview Mrs tiding her claim against Town for in juries by filling on the ride walk last spring reported and recom mended that she be paid the sun of in full of all claims Town There an Ml In And go Ufa flogfln wllhlo own no a friend Dot ft jsft to Tho pal our ftro At If wo void- hand lcVcdla To mftny ft ftloog I for fttjd And to My friend til A r Hot In under fttl ibtkfog A FROM AH and VJclIra of linking Appo Fit ly Going Into A A Cm of Every Mother In It a common thing in locality to people the bancfit they have rived from the use of Dr William link Pi 111 it is not to wondered at the find the of this medicine so laily and yet constantly increasing We could give any number of instances of following the but so many of these are well known to many of our not need recapitulation However now and a care of more than interest arises and will give the pari teuton of one of these for benefit of the public large borne year ago a young girl A daughter of Mr Leon a well known and resident of Cornwall began to show serious symptoms and caused her mother great anxiety She was at the critical period her life and medical called in and done ffnio This ft very peculiar world One is struggling for Justice and an other Is fleeing from Is Hy ing to build a house and another it trying to sell his for lest than It cost to gel rid fit One man Is spend ing all he can make In taking a girl to iheatfitj sending her with the hope lo make her hi wile while his neighbor is spending what gold ho has in gelling a One man escapes all that flesh Is heir lo and killed on the railroad- Another escapes scratch and dies with the cough One man stands off all his creditors and goes travelling while another pays hi and at home for In a certain town number of cure were established There wai a faith cure a hot water cure and a euro for Ihe I In these days of business depression and financial stringency when more or acute attacks of ihe blues ore so pre valent as to be almost epidemic a reliable remedy would be a delight one recommended lo this cure On Ms arrival at the cure for the bluet the patient was shown into ft small cilice where ft phy sician After patient a litllc he gave him ft amall box charging a small price for it and charging him keep the contents a close secret In the box was a slip of paper with these Let no day pass without doing something for someone This prescription care- full taken Is guaranteed lo the most of casts hope if anyone under whose eye lbs may chance to pass is suffering from this melancholy disuse he will give it a trial Old to Was a of far former to help her Hut it appeared to be useless and week after week she con tinued to grow worse until it was evident the was fast going into a de cline A hacking cough set in and Ihe poor girl who was formerly plump and with bright rosy cheeks to away and in a few month was merely a shadow of her former sell Her mother had about hope of saving the young the doctor being apparently to do anything to check live disease At length mother was directed lo Dr Williams Pink Pith and she decided lo give thorn a trial A box taken and as the girl did not show any visible signs of improvement her was on the point of discontinuing the when a neighbor persuaded that a single was not a fair trial and induced her to continue the Pills By the time a second bo vac com pleted there was tome improvement and ihtre was jay in that small household and no more per suasion was needed to continue the treatment The of the Pink Pills w their restricted was then continued fir months Joor light int- by which lime he young girl had for Hie seen- completely recovered her health and an annoyances from and It It always safe as a rule to do your with tople who think enough of to invite it through the of the newspaper The man who dot his advertising with a marking brush and the lid of a packing case will be found as narrow and close in deal as the stated indi cates The liberal advcrliser- will always be found a liberal dealer one who would rattier sell many goods at a small profit than hold a few for big profit Years As the electric road is only six years old and scarcely anything has been done as yet lowards oper ation of long distance railway by electricity it may be considered a little early venture any wellde fined on the subject The Indications arc however that within five years electricity will he generally accepted power for elevated and underground roads as well as for surface car that in ten years numerous inter urban road from ten to thirty miles in length will be electrically equip that in twenty years some of the railway enjoying the heaviest traffic will consider electric passenger service essential lo their that both for con venience of the public and economy of the tendency will be to wards more frequent and smaller trains that a maximum speed of miles and a schedule rate of miles per hour will not be considered remarkably arid that within the life of the present generation wilt ice the present long train of loosely Minnesota scientists hare tackled grasshopper pesl a new way Cmva and kerosene Is the comb tiro before which the liny hopper go Iheir Out ills known as a The State pay the expenses of the si aught- the slaughter Is terrific Think can of8ooo bushel- basket packed whh hoppers That was the average record In a day of killed and wounded insect at the height of the spurge Dr Olio Lugger MinneiOtacxprl on the man who utilized the cutiou hopperdozer There happened to be a Stat ap propriation for killing hoppers and this wa turned over to execution er had hopper after the most approved fashion aid Dr Lugger to a World cnl and purchased barnIs of kerosene oil All asked of the farmer that they run the ma chines That they were anxious to do this shown by the fact tjiaiihere was a fight for the machines Every in the wanted one and wanted it once could not get litem built fast enough to supply the demand The same thing done at Rush and other points estimate that these machines kilted about bushels a dry the llrnc thai they were all tunning What Is the nature of the machine he was asked It Is something of the of an duslpan and is made of tin It about eight feet long by two feet wide runs on three email runner and is ground by a horse At front of the machine is a trough Idled with coal oil and behind this at right angles a piece of canvas rises to height of three or four ft As this machine Is over the ground the hoppers jump into the preventing from jumping over They fall into the oil and that is the- end Some of Ihcin strike the oil head first and die instantly Others only much it with feel or bodies and arc able to jump again makes little difference in the end however as they cannot live over three min ute if they have even the smallest drop of the oil upon their bodies New York World Aurora Methodist Church was struck by lightning last Sunday morn ing doing about damages One of the great Masonic event of this year will be the meet ing of the Masonic Knight Templar Fraternity in the last week of month the occasion being the annual of that body and from every Stale in the Union and Canada will be present WiNosok July Light- played a trick svith Ontario Companys wells on Mallot farm in Township Saturday The bolt struck the gas and fired it ll was nearly an hour before men succeeded in it at risk of their lives Simultaneously a house in lon some three miles distant was struck the roof and wall being riddled as if they had suffered a bom bardment- The residents were stunned but escaped injury GRAND TRUNKRAILWAY p CO J The line Sunday School held their garden party on Mr R Archi balds lawn on evening of last week The attendance not very large but those present listened to a good program band was in attendance and delighted the audience with the sweetness of music Friday residence of Mr Snider was the scene a live ly barn raising Everything went on smoothly and without any accidents The barn which was a targe one was completed about oclock and the hungry workers made a rush for ihe tables id do hearty justice to the good things that Snider had provided rendered doubly attractive by the fait maidens who waited on the tables After tea the baud played a few selec tion and the and girl then be took themselves to the barn until the of the morning we to bear that Mr Humbly who hid hi leg broken In a football match here on the of May is now progressing favorably Al though tii confined to his bed Pickering bad a snowstorm the last Tuesday in July Aug afternoon the bouse and stable of Michael of were destroyed fire The loss is as follow bushel of wheat jo tons of hay bushels of oats two horses And a thrashing ma- owned by r Rankin Cook town The building were the Wesley pi Weal strength Today she is very picture of health and color in her cheeks is as bright as it was before her To those who Iter during the day of her and suffering her recovery Utile Jtt of a miracle Mis freely gave the Standard permission an account of her find She said she could enough toexpret for the cure fc- medicine bad in hi case and site hoped tSiiavory might be the other similarly afflicted to tise ihon a trial After the the report er aain called on Mrs and read to her asking her if is was entirely correct She replied that she would like lo give even stronger expressions to her appreciation of this wonderful medicine She further said thai Pink Tills had really help ed herself She had been suffering from the effect of an attack of la grippe and the Pink Pills had restor ed lo health Her daughter also expressed her gratitude for the ex traordinary change this medicine had wrought her health In the young girls who are pale and sallow listless troubled With a fluttering or palpitation of the heart weak and easily tired no should be lost in taking a course of Dr Williams Pink Pills which speed ily enrich the blood and bring a rosy glow of the cheek These pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated cdndition of the blood or a shattered nervous system They are a specific for troubles peculiar to females collect ing suppressions irregularities and all form of weakness Manufactured by Or William Medicine Co and and sold in box es never In loose form the or cent a bo or six boxes for May be had of ail druggists or direct by mail from William Medicine Company at either address cinders give way to a single car of liberal dimensions shaped on scien tific lints cleave at Irgb sliced with iiiinifliun resistance with electric motor free from disagreeable product of the steam designed to afford ihe an view in alt d by and capable of a sn cover ihp distance between hour The first of wheat cut- linn Manitoba comes where a farmer started last week on a fiftyacre crop tax rue for will be the same as last year diua white at a few mile further off Council raodetly ask the raupAycr to a on the leg are selling at cents doen in Ottawa but To ronto frog- tilers gladly pay cents per for Holland Some seasons the trade in his line is Urge and profitable columns of newspaper is no place for heralding a gaping world the little jar that transpire in every community Gossiper spread fast enough with out the local paper mixing In Be sides ihe publication of items of thi kind ii i of no interest to outride read ers and of no credit to the village It looks like history remarks to see a number of our exchanges in different counties wrestling with die poor house The matter has been thooughly settled in Waterloo nearly thirty years ago and for oyer a of a century had the model poor house add jndusinal farm in We doubt if a single ratepayer in this could be found who would vole to do away stith the institution A pathetic fatality occurred Thursday afternoon in Grand Trunk yards at in a bright Utile fouryearold boy mat with a cruel in I he of hi innocent play The child was nest Combs son of William Combs a blacksmith io the employ of Manufacturing Co- After having bid dinner ran out to play and was not misled tmiil About oclock then no of him could be discovered For hours the searched little one and a few before oclock the father suddenly come upon hi body lying of a pile of post In railway yard with of ihe cedar ione Acxo hi chest pinning to the ground and telling all too how the been crushed out Sunlight Soap mad in a twin box shown above for of quality li by cut for of work is at tho works 10 world fiafIy- In for Comfort for Wrappers of- IAlL SEPT A SCHOOL iliobmo lih it cJ AH Commcrclat Subjects ShortHand TypeWriling foil la Vocal Instrumental Music TBKMS Vot ill tit J JERSEY BULL I Thi Of the marvelous success of Burdock Blood Bitters lies in its specific curative power over every the body Liver the Blood Bowels the Stomach the Kidneys tho Skin the Bladder in fact all parts of the human system are regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it CURES all diseases affecting or other parts of the system Dyspepsia Constips Had Blood Biliousness Head- ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities the system caused by Bad Blood or ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that is tho BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLO ROACHS POINT me SIMMER RESORT AK0 PICNIC GROUNDS Fishing Boating Bathing BOATS FOR DIM Every accommodation for both man and All furnished on application to MOHTOil Out 1 TRY OUR PAILS TUBS Clot iks puis AHiJ WaMHOAKIi I ft MIC yon had oh to NEWMARKET Building Material BICYCLE AND SHOP JACKSON ACRES OK J I TO UOUSE Yet Silo of IAS- Wo up in cur Machine for All Colore villi Hat up tew Compute OR SALE Two l ho ONTARIO MASK- It CUM ftud AT STORK 1 HAIR QltEIllVllrcdTflCDfJ FOR SAL I A DA CO TO WMH At out DAVID LLOYD J KUUAgect Wttiict lb E Winter w Natural School hi tfth Jouln HEAD CATTLE nils ltd of cd J ikicitolJr bit not bo for ttotr into All WhH vcrhllM Wo ftrr to to order any rtyk will fainpo fit the very it- THE CANK SONS MIC CO ion FOR SALE- Airly to fc JKWK UUOHEf FARM FOR SALE lot Cos THIS IS A BARGAIN For further to f0t OR Alio of la vcai- TO THE WHOLE FAMILY THE A Father Mother cullvatlea 11 cifrIs to to i pttuiim f J Newmarket Residence For Sale VjtcU8 Kef 1 rf k TWO GOOD FARMS TO line in Grandfather Grandmother Children they if in id- Town a numerous will Local is pub lication in home which no The Kka is several every And All An advertisement in piper foie of seine account there 0i li J A Ms li I Tea Trbi fctrirfc- lit b titkuIrMAirl m Sale OR TO RENT lit of ill utua ii iw 1 Register or fcfrtfo fflW I frfgaol Albert Every treat curt-Jay- A A4lh ocdiJi Id Ito toolb lit A Friday to A lo Kef in ArJ of WtKmartKry 1- if AtumK4ry Kcg jrclfHi Jay llafJifyTtiiJay err fcUrdy Ick lVtjo4ay I TijnJj I r t4 3rd la la J Subscribe for Era in the Era NEWMARKET FARMERS- for lib Ca at DRIVER HON kilter AS Mi New fcp fcd FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS I fur FrcV It EfoinrW r II COPYRlGMTSs I A bxVltdlrjfU Ugh iol It It fitlt1 I vU lire ijf KaOMKjkiNlN W47 OF TAXES rat iVit lurifc a a licithcfiM Ceil llUuJI A7II0WWJV hCKtAr Blaoksmith Goal FOR SALE WANTED SEVEN BRIGHT MEN 01i lof iacL rr fa woJtArua South End Tannery telnet l3 i if Jfc BEST FRIEND f J WORK attics U Faiisrtdt JOUKltCLUOINK t Stove and Furnace Repairs l- i atl a ttvrw I to TO J Hid tJ Tallin Slrvtbta SPECIAL Ail Jkraitfj GREATLY REDUCED Jlss liiti HARRISON BUSINESS

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