mm H fe WB 7 KTri THE id X r Friday S2oruf rig GEO JACKSON PRINTING HOUSE REACHED And i ME LIBERTY TO KNOW TO AND ARGUE CONSCIENCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY X LIT- on with la till NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No papas cent of unless paid in advance Vol Single Gopies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday August 1895 CS l lO I Im If AltlllftTKP v to Ml J WOODCOCK Main 11 if lot llio YOUR NEIGHBORS When you can Buy a Large Quart Granite for 85c SlOO IRE P ittMltr OK mi if DISH COVKUS OVAL AND ROUND FLY TRAPS SCREEN WIRE SCREEN WINDOWS AND DOORS Loading Stove Depot to Main Newmarket A in to odtMfi Coot at for and is here soon be WAT A S o T Spectacle trade is increas ing evert week We have the Cheapest Spec tacles and Eye Glasses in town which we war ranted to be as represented Satisfaction guaranteed in every sale In our Jewelry Department we always lead ltepairini De partment All work done promptly and neatly at rea sonable prices for tht lira Somplo bo of Ilia Heaven will bo If or nor jncaoiogi for For raid HI beloved Hi John Ho Ho In hell How 1 hough ippaHngi nit neio l IT AI Iced Air for It acting A for York Mill to A 11 PAINTING IXtAVriUAL Hatter itlor A to l4 tflca t a TAJ A A A SSUJ1ASCK of Heir Kcjf All jut Torn I overly FIRE INSURANCE of Wit Waterloo of Wo cd trio fQDlouti of I Flannels White If ftnnd Sheeting All Wool Heavy IVceds worth 50 cents for Factories or not in it TO he THE LEADING Jeweller and Mam St Of I Vch flyrgtry In aII I In hi a relics 111 Jl Abortion not J BUILDERS MECHANICS TOOLS READY MIXED PAINTS CHURCHES AIAIJASTINI- OILS GLASS AND LIFE ASSURANCE CO CANADIAN COMPANY IN AND FUNDS- 14 DOLLARS over fcUolotely lriliuUUj Itii tin- J BARREL AN CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS HAKES HOPS FORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS PENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF PENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN GO any Office to outdo us cither in style or If you any of Printing done work and terms you at KKA Office before you order Our rotnplnes5 is pro verbial For by Ob I Not not jtrtytr ho on rtttUio prayer to Ho for pray llifi TO TRAVEL And IvIEl iftvti for Kcntkrnod Salary 78001 and Expenses a If fiittto THE NATIONAL ft 1 Agnls lor Repairs Telephone No 35 MAIN STREET Jacks for Hire pay AND TAKE YOUK CHOICE Standard Co unii la over BONUS YEAR VJHloNU ibioctiISli All if la HUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO THK LARGEST AND I- ri ijuht a Ak1- w NORTH OP iO SHE TO BOY WWi HODGE GO MAIN ST SOUTH CURE0 Kit JV wjia until I M If Main MANNING SON- OatAtlotH W WIR A COKQERT BAniTOUE or la Is tlcKUir Violin I ii hi At KeA Began taking Acers Pills long lwo with ill I Lot I Ml Awarded Medal J re nova itell tisx I lr Varsa2aWHa8 IcTuWo TURNOUT ir IWLed Aiuuio2tLIoo lor fit Ml PRIVATE MONEYS lcftltotU00trilncykii No AjJj 10 presenile Scott3 Emulsion of Codliver Oil and because they find their patients can tolerate it for long time as it does not upset stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil Scotts Emulsion is much to digest than the oil as milk is to digest than butter the fish taste is taken of and it is almost palatable way sickly children tnxacictcd consumptive adutts gain flesh very A f a lira Violet bo lb tangled grata own A a viottt Ho It fair It It to lift air Im iol a in A violet and low you Hut for my you know Jt Jar iny dead And fill grata my bed might in my pall mo Off in To fll Im a violet and low That tbo tlli grow I In fair hair I ujon They iilacfl ma In cold hand And tile tit thcrol all a dan do Ib to V A known as Tim and m Dr Tim not received letters addressed or Timothy M D which he into the wastebasket For he bad been Philip and the 1 was an abbreviation of Timothy hut of Timid a nickname lie bad won at school from his shy and to engage in a quarrel But he plucky enough on occasion as a little incident during his school days may serve to show The school was one of those mixed academies common enough previous to the coming of the common school system made up of pupils both icxcs and children of both and poor The rnaater was one of the old kind harsh and crabbed by fear of the rod was a good and Greek as well as a fait English scholar Most of the pupil were small and there for the rudiments hut there were two big boys each over sixteen whom ho had in charge to prepare for college One of these was Joseph as the boys nicknamed him behind his back He was the son of the richest man in the country so rich indeed thai besides his countryseat of the village he had a residence in New York city which he occupied about five months in the year was stouter and heavier Bold but less and active Philip could out run outjump and outwrestle him But Philips father the leading phy sician of the neighborhood though possessed of a fortune and constantly adding to it was not so rich as the elder On the strength his site and money Joe domineered over the smaller boys and even over Philip who gave way 10 him on occasions with a calm indifference which the rest thought to be fear One day we had a net pupil and a very Utile one a child of years a winsome blueeyed golden haired lassie who the pet of everyone except Her mother was a poor widow named who bad come to the village the year before whence no knew- She bad been bred a every word and feature showed ii It soon became that she was the daughter of a rich man had married against his will had been and that her husband had proved be worthless and drunken and then had died There was no foundation for the rumor but there it was However strove earn a living at dressmaking hav ing and in fitting and eked out her subsistence by keeping a little shop where she told needles thread tape and such things along with which had a great reputation with the boys for its and toothsomenesj She was a meek sadeyed woman frail and weak hut devoted her handsome and heaHbylookiog little daughter Joe who earned bis bully ing way around with bad been so insolent in hit Thrill to thewidow5 shop that the plucked up spirit enough to order bun never again to enter it He get satisfaction by picking at the child Sis at she was called and one day during carried it so the playground that the girls cried out Shame This only made him go on The child ran from him in fright and tripped on a stick and cut her head on a stone and the blood trickled down a Philip wished off the blood and staunched the flow by pressure It merely a skin wound though an inch more would have brought the blow over the temple We were all shocked and frightened tit first arid so I think wet Com ax but when he found the trifling of cut he began to chaff the child again and tell her it was bad blood being let out of her This made her tears flow afresh Philip stooped down and kissed her iben turning around he said Joe I think you arc the and meanest coward ever met Everyone was surprised to hear Timid up in that way and vie grouped around the two at a respect ful distance Joe reddened and slapped the other in the face Out shot right fist and I never drop quicker Joe He was up in a second and made a tush at his antagonist but went down again and time with such effect that the light ended The master came out and heard our verdict of the difficulty He decided not to decide and went in again Bui he lost his new pupil She went to school farther on for an old gentle man came to the place after and carried mother and child away The shop was closed and the whole affair forgotten two boys entered afterward at the college in lime pulled through alter a fashion Philip was graduated more creditably one of the college prizes and began the study of medicine When was he obtained his doctors Philips father was very proud of Iris son as well as fond Now he said Ill pave the way for your future Phil You know have leading practice here and I will take you into until I re lire father replied Philip it very kind and thoughtful of you hut if you reflect you will own that il will do Everybody ha known me a a boy and if I had the skill of a a they would rem me as a boy and as else Nobody has even called me doctor since J have been back It has been Phil or Tim according to his taste or fancy me go to New York and try to work my way up I have no objection said father after a little thought to let you try though youll be back in a year or so If you only walk the hospitals there the experience will be of ser vice As you are not extravagant Jet you have twelve hundred a year and if it be needed may stretch it a little Twelve hundred is liberal thank you sir can get on with that easily So Philip Hold went to New City hired in an office in an quarter and divided the time between his den and the hospitals He got a patient now and then but of trie poorer kind and at the end of the year counted his pro fessional income at thirtyfive dollars But he His lime come sometime he said- So it did At least a change in His life came and a step for him It seemed be accident and through an accident Philip ivas silling in office one day examining some notes of a re cent when he chanced to took up and out and saw an old whitehaired fall suddenly on the opposite sidewalk He ran out bareheaded crossed the street and the other who seemed helpless Are you much hurt sir inquired Philip Jarred a great deal That bana skin intended I should break my arm but yes he feeling his left it has compromised by throwing the bead of the humerus into the arm pit The bone to be intact You appear to be a doctor said Philip Then you know how much it is reduce a luxation early I an Doctor Bold and if you will my office across the road I will the head of that bone where it should be Doctor Not Doctor Tim Bold sir but Tim is a boyish nickname Wit had thought nearly lost Such things stick a long while Dr and a good sometimes that they do It was not long before the of Dr for that old name was in its proper place A cab was sent for Now said Dr as he was is my card You will come to me tomorrow morning look wise at my shoulder order a cooling lotion if required and then we will settle about the fee No fee on my account The code of medical ethics Does forbid a fee demanded from a professional brother but not the ac ceptance of when the colleague lias means And doctor chuckled as Philip helped him into the The next day Dr Bold called on bis patient lie bad often heard of Dr Barton as one who had retired from practice years before and bad swelled his fortune by fortunate in vestments and as having rep utation of being eccentric He had a granddaughter a beauty and a belle Her father and mother were both dead but she was the pet and presumptive heiress of the grand- her father il did not expect to see but got himself up the most becoming way which as he was a handsome fellow was proper enough He was into a library where he found his patient seated duly dressinggowned and with him a of about twenty who rose as entered I am glad to see you Doctor the old man heartily me pre sent you to my Miss This my dear Cecilia is I be Doctor Philip Bold who put my arm in place yesterday easily and scientific ally Philip bowed ruber awkwardly or for the young looked at him rube curious and d- and Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year CAPITAL bud Branch A at cvKaxT DRAFTS ISSUE AT ALL Drafts less with which was of a perfect blonde type off by irreproachable grace of manner The old doctor for some reason possibly because his arm be gan to feel comfortable teemed to chuckle occasionally and his eyes bad a gleam of amusement In the that ensued he pump ed Philip in a cheery way about the professional Philip admitted them not to be viry bril liant but said he was not without the hope of hi years and had confidence in his own energy You know the old proverb said Barton is a good dog but is a better It lakes lime o build up a practice in a great but when a man has skill tescver- ance and lact joined sympathy with suffering it will be built in time The talk became and Philip was charmed by Miss Bartons share of it In the height of all a servant brought in a card for Barton who took and threw il back on the salver Your big admirer Cecilia Ask Mr up James Yes it was Philips old College mate and quondam antagon ist The two knew each other at once there having been change in looks since they parted was as big and as blustering at ever but the redness which had extended from his cheeks to his face showed that he was fond of the pleasures of table especially the after dinner pan of them Miss Barton and her grandfather received him with cour tesy more formal than that dealt lo Philip I heard of your accident sir said and my interest and sym pathy led toe to call and inquire I hope it is not so serious as it was re ported Thank you Mr I am do- quite well and all will be tight in a day or two owing to the skill and attention of lit Bold here I con gratulate myself on ray very good fortune Good fortune Yes at my age I am over three score you know- and my bones lack gelatine My good fortune is thai my arm was not broken It might have snapped like a pipestem A banana has no conscience and never looks out for consequences more ihe brainless fool who drops it on pavement It was fortunate for me alto that the man- Irap was on the other side of ihe way from the doctors office to the luxa tion was reduced at once Lomax laughed I really beg your he card in reply Iheir looks but I was thinking of the needy surgeon who used to hire boys to drop orange peel near the surgery so as lo bring him patients Philip was not disturbed by the illtimed jest but the eyes of Miss flashed and the brows of her grandfather knitted lor a moment saw his error and in at tempting to retrieve himself made it worse Of course he said no one would attribute to Tim Dr anything like that No one relumed Dr Barton At least no gentleman would make such a charge or insinuate it had sense enough to change Ihe topic While am here he said let me ask of you a favor My mother is making upan opera party for Thurs day night and if your arm should not and I think not from what you have said there are two seats vacant in the box purposely held open for Miss Barton and your self We are very much obliged Mr- replied Barton It would be very pleasant but we have already a box for that evening and a party After a little while Ioraax left Doctor said the old man address ing Philip frankly now did you feel no inclination to knock that fellow down Not the slightest responded Philip I knew him when a boy I think be is improved and means well enough There is less malice than bad ad dress And the way continued Bar ton ignoring Philips excuse for have you an engagement for Thursday night that you can put off I have none at all sir We have just one vacant teat in our box and I wish you to fill it come and dine with us at five an hour before our usual time and you can go in our coach You will All tight What Are you going Here is in an envelope No I not fee merely which is duty to accept Dont forget to look in Philip did not think of the en velope on his way borne His mind was full of Cecilia Barton and her grandfather mainly Cecilia Certainly he said as he shifted his coat for his office gown the doc tor is very kind and courteous but it will not do to see too much of the young lady He means her no doubt for mate to a millionaire But isnt she As be lift ed his coat from the chair back in order to hang it up and the fell out of the breast pocket He tore open the Oh I this is he cheque for three hundred dol lars I Hang it I am at a loss bow to act The old man dont know that I have an allowance and keep within He hat a notion that I am in because of my poor prac tice I must disabuse hit mind And he did so the rooming and offered to return the cheque Dr Ballon shook hi bead negatively My dear young friend and league cannot be It would my The amount has no reference to your the slightest- It fair no more Put It In your and no about it though I joa no fa jow At the opera Philip saw Lomaxs party which directly opposite and caparisoned lie con jectured lhat they were talking Cecilia or himself or as from that made the Birton box a target He cared nothing for sat Cecilia who looked more dazzling daring in hut dress The light will draw the moth un conscious of the pent to it and so Philip drifted from acquaintance ship into intimacy He became a constant visitor and a welcome guest at least to Dr Barton Cecilia him courteously but there was at times a shyness at variance with her usual selfpoise that embarrassed him But he could tee her and hear her and admire her came frequentlyhe was an avowed suitor Without specially favoring him Cecilia was more at ease in his presence and poor Philip felt it would be a match all had wealth and prospects of more Philip had fair prospects but was poor So it went on for months At last Philip up resolution made his less frequent and then dropped off altogether About two weeks alter this Philip tat in his office over a medical jour- trying to disentangle Cecilias face from the printed lines his eyes when the door and Dr Barton came in What has been the matter with you young man sick No sir but I Have either Cecilia or I offended you Why havent you been to see us Doctor the fact is Well what is the fact I I have teen too much of Cecilia of Miss Barton for my own peace of mind I thought it better to get out of the sphere of her attraction while I could said Philip with an affectation of Indeed Is she so repulsive then You know better sir I love her as much as anyone but I have but a limited income and I would not abuse your hospitality by an en deavor to gain her without your consent It is true I have fair expectations but father is a hale vigorous man and long may he live to his wellearned competence Mr is wealthy as well as a rich mans son and is it he then Hit may be any interest lo you I may tell you he did me the honor to propose for Cecilias hand lasi week As It knew what the result would I sent him to her and she- sent him about his business Mr need not be a source of trouble Dr Barton may I hope Dont get into testacies Of course I would have admitted you lo my house had I any funicular aversion your in love with my granddaughter or she with you I do not know anything about Cecils feelings least she has given me no confidences in the matter lhat is your lookout But I miss you a great deal You neednt the grandfather because of despair the granddaughter Come to dinner this evening and plead your cause Philip went What else could he do He found the two in the draw ing room Dr Barton excused him self on the plea of having letters to It was evidently a terrained opportunity Cecilia re mained standing with her eyes cast down Philip trembled like an as pen leaf but he took hand Cecilia Philip Now my experience as an old is rather as a young man was and ray memory is keen far a veteran that when two of marriageable age a young man and young woman band hand murmur each others names in lhat way popping the ques tion formally is a waste of words the mischief has been done Dr was still writing in his library when the two came in look ing sheepishly happy Well said he inquiringly looking up Miss Cecilia has done me ihe honor to accept me sir with your ap proval Oh I gave my consent in advance I hardly Doctor how I have come by this happiness Let me enlighten you Philip Come to me Cecilia My only daughter was married without my ap proval sir my only granddaughter will he married with it My daught- died three years since but she often spoke of you Observe this faint scar I throw back the locks on Cecilias forehead There now lhai she is blushing to the roots of her hair it quite plainly Thai is the mark from Joe brutality This is Cissy Thorne though she has my name while me The girl never forgot it nor you The story has been told me so often thai I know it by heart and how yen trounced ihe cur And when I your name home Oh grandpa I Be quiet am only anticipating you Cissy Youd be lo tell him yourself You were Just wild to see him again Philip I have seen and had a talk with your father He will double your allowance and Cecilia will draw on my checkbook as usual When you two are married you to off for a month and cooing elsewhere Bui I lose my little girl en tirely nor do I wish lo lose This house is very large there enough servants and if you continue practice it will be good exercise for you to walk or between ibis and your office- There I haven Entitled my letters You go to Ihe drawingroom and gabble till din ner is Ml at the table ii I M The crop FROM OUR The steamer Longford struck a sunken log while passing Ihroucth the narrows a few days ago and broke off a flange of her wheel Rio Aug The boiler of the old exploded yesterday Sixteen men were killed or wounded in explosion- Rev had damages to extent of 20 granted to him by King council fur injuries to his horse received last win ter because of the of the roads The finishing touches have been pul on Wesley College Winnipeg ihe new Methodist structure which is Ihe largest building devoted to educa tional purposes in Province at a Of Men ate at work on the tower of the Sudbury Roman Catholic Church building it forty feet higher A large bell has been purchased which will be placed in the belfry when it is completed A large of men arc at work on the extension of ihe Toronto and Suburban railway from the Junc tion to Weston It is expected that the will be running on this new branch by the of September KTSix survivors of the sealing schooner White which was lost last spring in Alaska have arrived at Port Washington AH the sur vivors are horribly mutilated having lost loss fingers arms and feet from being frozen A meeting of Armenian sym pathisers held at Chester Tuesday Mr Gladstone addressed the meeting and offered a resolution calling upon British Government lo interfere on behalf of the oppressed subjects of the Porte Aug The wife of the- Rev died at Sanitarium here at half- past five oclock this Her husband and children were present at her deathbed The remains will be taken- to Brooklyn tonight The expert counterfeit err who for two years past have been en graving and printing United Stales gold certificates and flooding Canada with notes of denominations have been discovered and four of the gang of five are under arrest in Jersey North Bay Aug During a severe thunderstorm last Mr James Halfpennys house fas siruck by lightening and completely wreck ed The occupants miraculously escaped but the house wis racked in all direction and the joints were nearly all pulled open EST Thomas P McConni a fir mer of is having trouble on account of bemg oyer- generous his wife lie loaned 500 on mortgage to P and put it in Ms wifes name She afterwards with hired man took with her Midland will vote on a by law to raise by way of loan sum of to be expended for the pur pose of erecting a fire hall and coun cil chamber paying for a lank fire hose and hose repairs repairs to fire engine and fire appliances and for ihe furnishing of fire ball and council chamber Fire broke out in the sublet of Mr Springhill Mines S Tuesday morning and spread with great rapidity on account of the scarcity of water Forty or mere buildings have been destroyed and loss is estimated at insurance amounting to about Three men fell from a scaf fold at a few days ago Mr- Frank Pentone fell on his back across a piece and was to badly stunned lhat it was thought he was dead Mr A Rankin alighted on a pile of boards and broke two of his ribs Mr- Andy Rankin fell on his feel hut beyond Ibe jar to His ner vous system was On Island lait week had quite an ex perience with some bears The mother and one cub was killed but two cubs got away The old bear weighed lbs Mr Coulan his had eight sheep acd one hog killed this summer and the bears were In his pig pen when they were dis covered The half grown cubs got away It is now certain lhat ihe old nun who was found dead on a farm at last Sunday where he had been working and who was supposed to have com mined suicide was ihe victim of a foul murder and a Pole named August whom he had bad an quarrel some days previous ly has been arrested on the charge of being ihe murderer Aug About oclock yesterday fiie out in Mr saw mill at The firtf bad gained considerable headway before il was noticed aod nothing could be done to save the building which was totally destroyed also about feet of lumber Loss about parity covered by imuiance in the Perth Mutual Hie Insurance Company and the Water loo Mutual The fire is supposed to have been started by children with matches la Blood It lbs li cm by ill baa ilfca ana tM to i