Newmarket Era, 16 Aug 1895, p. 3

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k wMy NEWMARKET ERA AUG vj -5- v I V J- EOT X is oh Iter J Boll Church fa Iter Mr Toronto will preach morning and oven lug 1 Next Sun day j J J for ilio will of cod been ho of rT The had it Wg it Point of la it And di moil A And It After tea before Mr of Kant JwllHmbtiry Uh I kit week which Mr 1 to mtiot fiftTA tin nick foil Ho w op of did An which bled Had at work on Mr IfclJ met with on it ho not mora Injured Ho front roof to the hot thumb oat of joint working on iht uTnobulMlo Mr Pad flntdtr fell a And A rib Hod up day week Mr Will wtt with a for a long lLo lo go In root when ho cut ho Aollro off hftr left of mo Hie Ion of a will La a alt life The here with I ait wick proved In a root but won hi wlckela to lower flul being ooio And Alto of la 2nd Bio raid of 2nd id DftrrU whllo UcCormtok of rJjhl lor IS lit fen Army CaptRow the officer who tliA moling here IaiI And figAfdlng work for flnl Aro ft At following fit John fllofan Wlonl- and OIawa by on work re- who Add do IheSr work out of for I t for And temporal On Apoko J if I be North giving A of f living And worship during that the fill of pin could bo He reived a to to at hie tarUett The of Tiro took on The deywAi trip to Ontario and It a to call It a as not inoro than Ibuo tiro parly of tli lui than all told took fcionit a very outing wai all that JlctorDingto good bad tbrco hours light- ftboul city for homo to market v made in hour quarter reaching after jog it all all it wo a jolly the part about It being fad that to limited a number of our firtmeo and in afforded Look out for a of next A of ion and a occur on the day materially with but are the the product will product a crop of clover which will a long way towards making up the deficiency already bar wiled firlgleyA trip lo kit after Frank Wilton wig Information bos boy for conduct on on of Aug Club yatterday en Mr of the would appreciated la of factory almost any to quiet family for which intoxicauii Labor holiday at Bowery at Mr Jcnno lrepariug to build at End- It Stamps The Exhibition wblcb on 2nd will greatest fair afar held in The of Block and and In in all tbaltid- i facilitied provided in led and ax- to being oat id ably larger in those of any year will and gontral of the detail It f that It a epitome of and of the art and yroramiaeof special bit provided fcaturo which grcit And to be on epcloue lake grand with ItCutifal tableaux by vocal and order addiilou military id pcoccLlc pig4nt with a GwiLtiMaunY bHgbt light direction of on big ity thai bad the of Mr of Watt ft on flc Attached the bout and A farm aaved Loci 1700 G6bterf A very Ant family took weak At At of Mr And Tyrrell to golden warding from children and grAnd children aoui- Mr one of the County and long connection with Coaocllof York makes faroDIarlomany people In County oar cduca- Aug 1Mb at day forrtoelvlng Aug normal opcj Aug day for appllouttoefor to model icboolWylbalotptolor Aug high And re- model day for peali primary a very algncd Joatlc4hae rclcictd ItTrlU be colored by oar that mm convicted of In Sharon tfenteno la nil term next Eh homo on Monday looking In her loo Court A voudr named Foray from and a middle aged namtd from got a on Cottar on In Andercon board of their racial and had Jfackaon vliltlng la neighborhood of they found bat both Admitted bad Chin naa After guilty to their and good n future to girt another on condition toward Town bat In deliver ing judgment tho Intimated that unpleasant rotptot Ing and In oonvfotloni him of improper be to tho for No at Ac The Hon Milton forth of illot In Art of Lata for end Agfl- to tho Jurelo- j pJ 1 It not to on toy hois trftla of ftad of tin of da ting days ippoMtdfor kblMtloo by lb or within Hi 3j Any taction of a violation of chill upon luminary conviction in or in coinrnoa of for a not thirty days in fciotlon that lion raolog at ordinarily conducted to Inooa latent with be forth It la in awarding prailuDia for any dill thai or and bo and that no bono ahall bo placid ftrit for If In of apoid contoatlnj harm It It under to do k bat be anardid on aa ttou in above characlerfatloi sot lendsJ that all bo op of or riotry from of but that ho In the ordinary way operation this olaoio will do with ibo liorio at our the development and log of deuiand lo rat of world Civic Holiday The weather no all that bo for holiday who at bono ftioutl by on Fair the progfeta of Daze flail match Mr Ja root wllli ft acoldent which will lay hit off work for a of of a awlft attack tho aocond and flogor with foreo that apllt of The colored by two bar- on Friday night Mia Little law them op a window and i well tha boyi called tad ha at op- and fading after roaa good In by Jumping from the iter of fool The only tbfog lobaoco A lav Hotel of 7 bat kept until tho affair of general aatlos Sicouiu liic by of Trick in old at flonarUowo father of late Philip heroin and ho wild In tho to natural sail upon grouad During the war of became a dear article and Mr tank a troll from water wai taken and tolled dorm to obtain salt for ordinary purpose well cribbed with plno and hat edtbat aioaagood the Jay Hoy down years fact of Ijclng found In our vicinity not bo hy the rising generation A Sad Nothing proves IhB uncertainty of than ovenla that aro A who left a t Do- combar to a altuatton In Oily home a laet vaa a daughter of Mr Alex Caldwell of town bom on of Deo taken 111 abool of May and after confined lo her hod about weeks aha died In Toronto on happy Her father and four and Herbert of Hew York of and Arlhor of Newmarket at her during the hour which alto had blighted hopes to who hut alio to and pirod ftlnging two of Jeeua of my at Cemetery by Jos Toronto who her daring bar In during of that gentleman and he pleed to her to the caving power and hope of eternal llfo a largo at burial Viewing Ibouteeoi in which lady and cocao Ml dll bo hardly for In in nd Cain field fltycd iho our on fia nd hid during off for rock oilier Dot match ftll through It from I nd It ft of Wo by of hijoboy When homo an man irn I ruck by a thrown by the North Jittd la tried of Vt Hortth for 1 roatcb at ftUrkhim on retailed a olttfl game lrco victory club the Vo to Jlvcry rift engaged to golo Warkhamon took la match wcm ofi tho ground and A ladle coot land ion la bright baud playing tight about Dot theres no Joy For thamojt you want anything 6ooA and jo aeapathB I in factory pop yard All Wool oublo Width mom ho at anrt a at Wo you to WOW an in at ovor Oil Boo Trip Exams On Thursday of lait week of to Toronto to o about candidate protect and Sutton at the recent and School All tho Information bo could that the into over flatuiday mornlog approved list which ha waited for for tlirs or tout Frances Jania Poller 2attlt Ethel Hay Millard Mary Mill Mary ft Dora Coll David Carrey a Chat Fata comb frank Waller Jouia Klrby Harold May Wright Clifford Harry I Hiram lirfba Wright Chat Morion A teeaiuH4 bo put on each frk fciiug apcclil til during Fair Jlatidn PabUoKobl Leaving id at Button oehM Sklonar Kay on flchool unsay A Howard aia rot Hit hot that for third four ajcakj for Howard i vltb Enarka third with with w l Schawl candidaciootot lb that wroto for Friday a day or playing but having ib not nearly ro at would but a fair crowd went over to Inhibition to victory Thia to win of Midland IbaTalayooB tarn their by of with At and the ball faced off agatbin a Jaao match hut not tamo at match that look ago iwtin two in which by to only in a League match this year iho team up at follow jj Goal Haifa Kerr Covar UI Doyle fiodDcf Vantickle Contra Shape Nolan 3rd Hoolgomery 2nd Craig lit Home Ootaido Cain ball off tt wont donnon the Newmarket bat u soon at Bob got it It and on both tide wero vary bard but to it Shot after wet on flajt hut nice- ly by or tho coal- who wara doing grind work for Walton got bail and ran up iba fitld to it and by a bot by who the bill from Moot- firat for lain the long- cat of match and by of tbe crowd and tho rattle of and It to know who bad the ball In attond than who down to good combination and tha former In to think bad mora and went la for third and The lecood game the third one km taking a rut and the ball found to be on the defenca to be retnrnaj by Plank or Vyt and bull deface Manning and ahowed to play and put tbe ball again Finally to who the a good alter third game they a little play and the latt game not nearly It to el that in It bill from end end gacno viiitore to one bat Doyle Ot ball and shot on the the band vent up Time 11 Four fa favor yearn go by and inltin appllancta add to end con- the on retort of Bay and the lakct rapidly In popularity and the yearling to Tory largo proportion round trip grand and la and able that it bo In order to III full appreciation In addition to usual of a aUaraboitexcur the on thin joule obtain views tho on continent and travel throngh tha narrow and circuitous channels of aoy world Having determined on a holiday outing we Shore Co a trip the lilac Lino through the North of and Bay And just hero and now no In that the of largo and In all their appointment and manned by not and but to and recking cither or Leaving Now oarkfrt the train proccdtd to Vaubauihcte remained oyer night with Mr and John Ie emphatically a tora being the mill of Georgian Bay a number of and to uninitiated the way bo rna- of thUmillhauIa up out of water and them Into etc hi a The to an onlooker one of activity at Out place wo alto a but able vihlt with Nmrmarbal at her homo Leaving per Itafo we proceeded to Midland where ateamcr City Toronto la vailing to convoy to Parry Sound calling at no- on the route alio at Rose apd Fairy Harbour on the way As wind our among and channels very csqoo and Many of is lands are more or wooded and often times predating bold gfanilo cliffs and rocky chorea bare of huge granite altogether presenting er at her among or enter which lourikvt witboot a navigable pro land at different elation Eicj jolly gather at the docks to receive and and fiiren parting cheer a vctiel away on her journey Wo arrived At Tarry fioand at pro foe en- joyed the kind hospitality of ex Mayer and hit Bound greatly improved sine It the Conty of the enjoys the d a a On every bend of growth and thrift to or tight we to there It a great to to the old camp and Hay Mill and other of ic- and tho lino for hair and pike ia the Parry enjoyable for hotel ie pickerel and pike flthing boating to any place we have found on the Georgian Bay town affords all of frontier of it Juxoritt of life- Leaving point early log per City of Parry Bound an- other of Shore Co vuitle proceeded on our vestwerd journey calling at Point Am French to litre wo remained night to forfiauUBte Marie City of Parry Sound op tot route with etateroomt large all lighted inclodiog and Company bit pari to the combined add of leer while the all has in craving of made by the of To he League match played here the home beat goals to last Wednes day The by Jtiadford tics two teams for the Championship While come men boring for in a well on the of Mr on the 4th of Wett they suddenly struck a rem of natural The k a and a Mr Vcrnlc nho was about feet down in the well suffocated Mr Vtrnie difficulty top of the well and was rjuite overcome When heard from the still escaping rapidly as at first The well being near Mr Sutherland barns great care is being taken prevent the gat from being Ignited YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING a aObertisehieols BUSINESS COLLEGE Toronto fQifroclfcrwiae for If err J At the Exhibition DON have jour pcaave by To carry to your porta of the LIMBS warrant them to in at Fair COMFORTS OF HOME Goods Of any kind when in Toronto it pay you to call on us as ve are Largest Importers in Canada OF THE ABOVE LINES The Griffiths Cycle Corporation Ltd Yonge Street Toronto Catalogues Sent Free That BOOTS AND SHOES have taken Prices but you are stilt able to get your Boots and Shoes at the Old Prices at j pi FOR n tot it to livii it ItioyKh be ibouucd tot Mm to for J A and As I had a Large Stock when the Advance Prices place so it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at the Low Figures All Tan Goods we are offering at Cost in order to clear them NOW IS YOUR TIME -RED- BOOT yro no onto At the New WIflNlaToroCO tot it do to We tee a over U lcAdtKXftUlott rtfiflweUU to eider ail to a DC ai a of j- on of We a lot Co Ft of fia1lnfi We dJiplajotHio in td Musics to our New courier luti at TjMde Mow Hotel And OK of ttcotliem ihcrn them are 0 IT COSTS OHO to would of grtati value to fake it the ui to counteract it might le to To to thai dc error la oar wIthCodLiicrOiV bat is really ed by old It ia ideal and health And color the a item mo Sown Tooyoae to make trial the we will to the Milling CompiLDy Si additions to nock this week cut low for buy and sell for Cash and lipht The quality our goods will maintained at the Highest Grade We carry a full assortment in every line Sugary Coffees Fruits Peels Nuts Goods Hiking Ponder Biscuits plain and fancy Butter Coliolene Bacon Vinegai Coal Oil c a are offering Extra Inducements to clear out all oar Shoes ww offered for less money than they can manu factured for today JFe save money by ordering a SUli any time this month We carry the Largest of Tweeds in Town to select from and will Guarantee a FirstClass Fit me the Market JAS PROP ijt hire I j We ait once in the of a Fruit with of We a of and To had buy i this is to buy and week Illicit Tea is fining a firfaned name our tiding lir in Coffee Our re always CONFECTIONERY iiUi s firMcsSsi for givirgour ii Jrices US A CAM ina and Confcciontr 17 noes AND IM China So Central AMY Nov is your lime Trousers A few clear hem out Winter Goods- in to get a Slimmer Suit or Choice Patterns left ami I order to room for wish to all and Next to I Sct 1VIY TAILOR Notice to pts e ils fc LI 3 Act it all IT ACTS WITH ENERGY OH AND PORES OP THE SVIN All arc trkieiLadarcf tetiira fioliUftd fievrno or Vot j back Iticiblc did Tuesday morning Mr J W Uoul an in dustrious farmer when about a raUe from on Monday afternoon fell from his which loaded and the passed over his head and Li THE acre resHi tlui TO The Kind That TOu Kill hia 1 t til It ft- hhuu to Offiw Dont go to the Exhibition you the PAI EN I SAFETY POCKET which is a fchau at I iiJ J OPPOSITE NORTH a stock of Mens and Nov J fits thin 2nd mint be M once at our motto is Quick to On of Sutrtkc up fton 5 Cotton Sliiitinzi and arc to New Giocciita

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