Newmarket Era , August 16, 1895, p. 4

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Purified Blood In following CUO Ml other toll It makes blood con pa oLcri of Iho nil very At fcotrooH unltan to At dcMcd to try lit for homed ft hoitl Ms had ho could til little When ho had thro boil In of a J II Only True Blood Purifier lX- J CURE I I my J hut mm villi Kill itt- icwf I It l Free from ipiioiis W It J if lie to Vit I i lM A JulWi AyBrsSfiisaiiarilla Admitted j Aver Aon ly coin- fieri Oftc4tlUoUH he Quo A cvo with vovd fur of tloJif lor jet and working liny volume X THE PERFECT TEA Homo Golden XfOdlb God for thofiOodUnd which J Ho a 10 from iho fitry until vrhc49 territory of Iho Jordan vnd tho McabttnKrttopijUllo Jericho they for Xlicn of to cuico whom hftd bit Into by Hit to WnilillDgof tho wjfcl of JJouto III who in will to to tthcit In berry dlitikt week with of en yield It Weil of tired feeling of politick of country prclty correct ly In to with eoIim prohibition jucatton Of fid Bon OP A Tilth with A that can bo Vonctied For by Mr Nixon the proprietor of the Only hotel In- Village cf and to the whole a mm who thoroughly hit nd it companion It it well known in this part of Ontario that Mr destroyed by lite but with tbat energy which fa of him he decided to re build told a reporter the who recent ly had occasion to visit prove of help- lodiijoulthccellarhciaid and in the dampness and cold I contract ed rheumatism which edited in my right hip got bad that I couldnt sit in a chair without doub ling my leg back at the side of the and I couldnt ride in a buggy letting the kg hang out I luffctcd a great deal more from the trouble anyone who has not been timiUrly affected can worth of vaseline cure warts corn or Tim flOTOtnmcut bet a to of Columbia for thin tho to tho vlnco Cap I on en- during tho for grind on other In to bo pic tent And deliver of a pie for Thero arc before who with open and boy a penny warranted to for arc likely to a good aver age crop peaches arc to be a faff crop in tome I in late will be told moderate price The facility have for distributing fruits rJpIdly from one place to another tends to keep the market in a normal con dition ERA AUG ffihoViltejja VIA In to cup purity y Hut to lLc It voffLtciVJ lb don CO ix4 from Winot- tvukvo ln4 thofol htf it that will In In loin civil tho of If Smith of Dominion to to deputy of AirieoUuro Mr will Mr adJ Sir John It It In for the on to J iU- dtlljttitfolig It luUQtly ari lJiiitttGUTCJrcCitAfIJUjFcTcr lfijlActi od Ot0H Iho Mail and forbliiJwt Mr John Dtpoly o prciont In will bo on hit return ho Mr Winnie Mr J who lit boon of In with of It fct Mr will About tho of ftiJ the from Jet of July lut loUiHtliominyof over irnuin Xhft nurci In edition violation given by Hfr to country that to bo while liu left to of or money with haying no to It- 16 up for an to iho It reports that petition hj Controller landing Winder who hat aWJUIvcnnlnUiitolDanuuity groundi for petition aro to to to Mr having ban loyal of Crown in Willi In Mr la of ego- pit for pap If the of all loyfil adhtrontt of Crown In lltnta of Jacodon On Ian And fob lowing paragraph city pr however do not Ihe that 4cu I at ion in Toronto to next ro It that iiitfuibar bo county jadc vice who mail County Jub will bo JMdr wilt rank AWKbnil 19 All faMbei but It the nomination for for Vt radical la to Oral lctSe- fiuoU MbylrUlJCaj- llatfi4acMrtf to all boll JXtMlD and Madder IUvdlQtIiL9UfabrUWMSlTbOUTI atd rrj wit Ite is Eiit aieort print a d patch The of it UMl14b did not obey iho orivl to Itoman parochiai it would whipped Into aubjwtion by bitter- ntubna The the organ of lVtmitr an Manito ba will be into to that which posts It fa toxernloglbo country on I be it aubjoatlng that be no If Imperial at any time joriidictln and by doing to a Manitoba that may upon Manitoba la a truly and col a mock loyal Tree loyally no Iroo loyally la not itb to the Or diprlvitfoo of cunt- for- Jac i wr ikf llio bid hi lftwtyi ft Ibo oca reiflilrftt ftwovIciloQ ft tbe poilloo of but only at to ted wholly to Itvf all lLa Now two can of Ibo or d do tea utglc IrtUougbt aowe4 out in of a lb It rctlovt of cf Wo tha for Hid who f row of tit of iii to ei lULAnt wilt iiiduauco to Ixaroo aid larciy ibt it rfr 60f ffiaRtno How I vrai cured more One I a neighbor whom I knew had very bad running down this load I called him and what had cured Dr Williams he re plied and that try the remedy Well the result Iink cured and that is some thing other failed to do I dont know what it in them hut I do know that Pink Pills is a wonderful medicine And it is not only in my own case continued Mr Nixon 11 that I have to be grateful for what the medicine has done My son Fred about twelve years of age was with an attack of cold Inflammation of set in and as he was recovering from this other compilations followed which develop ed into St Vilus dance which got to bad that he not possibly aland still him Or Williams Pink the remit that he ii now thoroughly cured and looks as though he had never had a days in his life and if these which arc known to all the neighbors will lc of to anyone else you arc at liberty to publish hero lr Williams Pills arc a specific lor all diseases arising from an impoverished condition the Mood or a shattered condition the nervous forces such as St Vitus dance locomotor ataxia rheumatism paralysis sciatica the la grippe loss of appetite headache dizziness chronic erysipelas scrofula They arc alio a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female slcm correcting irregular itres suppressions and all forms of female weakness building anew the Wood and restor ing the glow of health to pale and checks the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry overwork or excess of any nature Dr Wil liams Pink Pills arc sold only in boxes beating the firms trade mark and wrapper printed in red ink and may be had of all druggists direct by mail from Dr Williams Medicine Company Oat or at cents A box or six boxes for An July Prof Stone Wiggins says the lake of Nor artf dcrrcasicg every a id the tnv near at hand when Niagara Pails will cease to be The laket were all one since man came the earth when the States Em A Mississippi were an At time stretched ihroujjh North America river Gulf of Mexico peltUer was part of tne Pacific One of cans of this cms lant in the of the ii the liven that tie weiring the and gainini a he- 1 in mi day it the constant in the rainfall em tlf of the The t lake region and the Provinces On tario and received the larger share of rain from the great air current that runt up from the Gulf of Mexico to the lake region and then turns Eastward down the valley of the St I jwrence Till within the la1 twentyfive years this was loaded with vapor and abundantly watered these provinces Twentyfive years ago this great East current was highly charged with electricity from time it left the mouth of the Mississippi till it reached the of the St Lawrence Now the tele- Rraph and telephone wires that form a wire across its pith over the Western Statesconduct off its energy and not only is the vapor it contains precipitated in those regions but it is unable to reload itself with vapor on reaching the ureal lakes There is no electricity the air and without it the humidity will not rise It It supported by two of the strongest tendencies In human nature animal end love of money It legislatures it Juries it breaks through the flimsy cob webs municipal lant it dictate po etical platforms it tramps under its cloven hoof the holy Sabbath and the law of God it grows on the wages of fat tens on the murdered sou It of men and titling In iis stately palace or founding in iis filthy den it laughs at the broken home sneers at the va tears and mocks the orphans for bread It steals the cons heart and robs mother of hit love It had through llicdm alley lothe haunts of bin ft transforms the fathers loving tenderness Into and hate It changes the once loved and loving bride into the drudging slave of the drunkards hut It sends the husband to the drunk aids hopeless doom and drags the orphaned babe away from home and friend cast into putrid of crime to float on down ward into worse than death Thus doei it sweep the smile from- child hoods sunny face it dims lustre of ambition in the eye of youth and with foul the hoary lock of age David OH to tin Who From Hi filched Cm Wriihlllhcm Utility ha church -r-ordrr-t- IHtho frm1itl In ir out ihpCK4 ltcliAl lifl In of Mm ADd to A Til 1 GRAND hub iittx ffiiWolaofthoPuff I wonder where these big puffed sleeves arc 10 end I dont j bicycle just now seem to wear them be tween ihe waist and knees I garden party under the auspices of the S line King was a fair success The was good and the speeches by Rev A Potter of Mono Road Rev King City and Mr Norman of Schomberg were exceedingly The music on the and by Miss Agar of was well received was also the singing of Miss Redmond who accompanied the organ not with Handing the fact ihtt has been her sight The singing by Mr Large aid was sery credit able and King has to be upon having auch musical talent as that by the family The staging re citations by of tehoi wit the entitled The was abty by the J- ictoMii A Japanese proverb sajs that a friend at hand is belter than all your relations at a distance so a money in your pocket better than all the credit in the world It is as tonishing sometimes how much a little money will buy and equally surprising how quickly a bill reaches a hundred and yet we may have little to show for it One purchasing on credit buys rashly and generously lie does not think of pay day which teems far certain like death but as remote and imajigilrlp- It is so easy to buy things in this way one hardly stops to count the cost by this method it almost seems as if all of the things we covet grew on trees and all wo had to do was to put out our hand seem to be fed and tlied as if by miracle and it surely miracle if we j ay the bills in due season To contract a bill is to contract an another the believe that half forger cs and embezzlements in country are ihu direct result of debt Half paralysis and heart disease which end nuns in their heyday may be traced to worry consequent upon debt worry kills more people than or love or any disease It writes wrinkles in the face it discolors the makes the hair fall out and encourages dyspep sia mutation In Scotia Aug terrible storm of wind accompanied by rain struck about three miles east of here Sunday evening It lasted fifteen minutes doing damage 10 a portion of of Clarence and Paradise through which the storm passed amounting to thous ands of dollars Large elms and other shade trees were snapped off like chimneys were blown down window panes broken and sashes driven into orchard torn up by the roos and incredible dis- fences levelled to the ground and stone watts demolished It and c of hay were t- arid The top story of lwr was car ried a A piece of seantTng two by three and about five feet long verticdly three feet i- earth Daniel MessengcVe farm was by full force of the tornado It juc was a las cr 1 a 111 The shic lle Vi the tHistvd and A which en a eve- is a wreck The cows were Jndvr six tons of bay hut were dug of the debris without The top story off scattering the hay it cor laired in all directions but leaving the loner part in which were several horses corn- uninjure1 His orchard contained trees well grown and bearing Some of the trees a in diameter were completely destroyed His potato root and cereal crops were ruined Edgar orchard trees torn up down or otherwise destroyed CIS- Ho the people who make it a practice to go into the fruit stores and cat whatever they take a fancy to ever consider how mean action is The fruit dealer does not care to quarrel with a customer or friend oyer a banana or a lew berrirs Vet in the aggregate the fruit lost by a large dealer through this petty pilfering makes a considerable item and is one two chief reasons for of the fruit business other being the large amount of And are com pelled to by and see their profit eaten up by who with coolest impudence fruit which have no of pay ing for before eyes of the owner meanwhile chatting affably a A fi Ctltrrb Ibinedy iowt any tfV Riuwiva cum Core ifce ewJtiicj Jis Ouly flo Children loH ftootta year Co ion irio jojr ftbl Km- iiii Aug August Iaught Of No James in the shops at walking through shop yesterday morning a from an oak plank was brown by a against his chin passing through his mouth and cheek Six or teeth carried away and all the rest loosened Four Mary VoII a 17yearold girl from Newton Per lb County was arrested here yester day on the charge of elopement it being alleged that she eloped with James a married man on July When funds ran low the secured employment in tins city and past two weeks has supported him with her wages left a wife and several small children in Canada and now has disappeared New July A despatch President Cleveland will not be a candidate for a third Though the president declines to the and not any one for him the hut reason tot ihut tie proper time Mr Cleveland will mkc an announcement lo he a he made Over his own and will he emphatic enough a I ipecd- as to he stands Mr would like to into history the man who refuted a third term He is awaiting an to make that record jSt fc f 1 art I love And tutu to it to Sunlight aSwys turn to it to her any other day when io ft pure hottest step it louche wfl either IC5S flrcatcr comfort fj A Si FALLTKRM BEGINS SEPT SCHOOL both ikorord com fa i1tnh5tro ltb It wep4rlca tot til la All Commercial SIorUHand TypeWriting Voqal Instrumental Music Jjf Aw It tVoftt Jo w to pickeitcK Oil li BULL marvelous success of Blood Bitters lies In its specific curii power over every of the Hid Liver Blood Bowels the Stomach tho Kidneys the Skin the Bladder in fact nil parts of the human system are regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action this medicine Thus it CURES j diseases affecting or other parts of system tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Liver or Kidneys Thousands of menials warrant the assertion is the SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG On OLD 1 If f SUAAER GROUNDS ting Bathing on All application to elation for both beast alien furnished on Out FOR OR OF TRY OUR IAILSTUBS MID J I Building up ft in car for of and lUirlr til Alia OF PASTURE t Kit TO UK In All rustling Wheel or Tubing AnAKoblofAiAtlv4dKKnviTOSa KO WO AT HAIR FORSAUi- FOR SALE into c Wo arc to Wo will llio it ceo it THE SONS MFC ARRET AND LOT Qilo or to la JAB jor sale cheap- two a DISK- FOR Agl flCNevitiikcC FARM FOR SALE lot THIS IS A BARGAIN 57 OriliO OR SALIv Alio Ailf to ARM TO 1 a TO Heard 1 DAVID LLOYD Cor or Mir iMfVlow McraiexUOote la I To too to JVUtijOccictxcf Wr E Painter c AtftMlvn ft f 14 door tf Mr die etc Hi if OK CM via a of IIm red mlnil All a to formalin I Millie 111 cot fir WHOLE Father Mother vtitlcf la fill l it J Newmarket Residence For Salt l They read ihe locals the Storks Advertisements line in the piper Then fend distant in Town numerous will Certify lL i- It It ifcc news no piper gists Grandmother o o Take Notice The Era is read by of every Children o And All An it pcji there of Kind account LANK lib for Era in the- I- ottcn Mciiy In Jay A M lu raootli- Aoofll A lit A lay fa month A OK wjoarkethl A It of hi ll fright Of i W4artlyi Irtl fiULi y iifbl KAwtcfc- Frtatecy I- lCtJirlMtWfuV-JVjiLbVdc- vay In Ma Ttscli Id l If l the If a DRIVER lit in 4 row ill and UarrloTocarocorc tJ FOR TWENTYFIVE YEARS Xo liilica fvr lie It lo He faaiIiAID iW Viccrfifi- GOOD FARMS TO Ceo fijril it Us I Li lit r iilti hlUow IlOu l97 irio lit ui fUIo fill lii to Goal FOR SALE WANtrED MEN 10 fit ccrift i fell f South End Tannery POWDER BEST FRIEND sale in all CAN I a ta ol to J5Ctl lr VtAjA4- la llnU Stove and Furnace Repairs Ivr jotir Irt fee i SPECIAL COURSE GREATLY RATES Una HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE FARMS KiMkii acres West half lot tiwillioibucy lot low ico inJ con lot con acrts con ls U tt

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