Newmarket Era, 30 Aug 1895, p. 4

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mm p 1 -1- ft f 1 Advanced Years and Mood lo told Hood bun a of to Mid cold fa of Hood I ltd loir ttul A fro f com cough or tad for win ter And without ttom Mh or a wu J ft J Only Blood Purifier pub THE PERFECT TEA Kttaattca of Golden wih ib or After At coco foot ho li4 two mm which to to of la TB4iiVmf jmljihoiiuol wid nulled In pumir That of a of libt 10 tnd filled ft tndtiwfol fcrwk would lo to glAit In mil 11 otpUlq doubt I of border tpptiiucu tod recited txQxn him to bow bo Wtf MS TO Star toy If lo faivo of city nd In coo- Oily IN THE CUP tell I rr4 If CO At Exhibition your A To J Indoor 1IKAD AUIIIi To who now on villi to l troth If til fnftvor of no ftt Ottfttfft could In of Ibo ARTIFICIAL LIMBS hc fcOiHt iot ft lIdies WJIKNIftTofCtilO fur IU do Wo l lro of aU tti hold Jvcnftineot of IS lock a lot of cor- And UuMcf Toronto ft of AVtOUO a of County Council of J Bitter John to con I Id thi lino to Mr the IUIIkay Company and Mr IAcd titer ft of for Ktittta ftnd of lo In Moat tho loo In Hon ftlrady turning forthooouatry tit of find In thtt fltld wci full of them villi A U Wo A AlAtldlRg flofl td iHcUI lc fCnlrc Cried w oPJtooi Ihcra ihtin They Bt- IT to J would Of to ft uodr ibo M Any be lo To in lo prove this a de cide error in our pKpirttEon not it ttmoved but really by old cd It the Jul will restore health And run down rfiiriryg to pttjitittion will free to the in- fit I- it Toonto t Advices from Ma of dated the mil that the arc entrenched at and trc pre jatcd to offer a determined resist to the advance the French Jo UL iill l It IruMcily Ji 0ccuU At tt It la to that tbo upon tho North ft by which out of will bo ft to Agricultural of Hot and horde who And lo you You cant At Woni gullible An of To ronto A la biro for removal of hit to ho nil in law- Ho told bis hand- tome OtlavTA to Tapper Hon on of bit for hat not engel of lit or thai tort If bo from Government but ft Out And hit now Into hit to a jwlilt- Ho ont op ft fat to readily on iai for to I to d Ju rUtQ ALU flfit AKkt Ibtllwi per Or fijm lUtic ud Ii a pitrleca by WtAcd nud4erdliuMiii lvdiQ4UbftittbeNiwOHBarbotTtr from or I- WHO AM Or rapidly put and to order of day On lit at of May own feint a crowd to collect outside of Canadian they to ol lo the for help duct ware and crowd to into way Dm- Kllfcoro and out and In liont as bad ft nun and the other a ride hue they kepi for an hour and a hell for officii but none At a rum who laid were runner and three aotditf out And said they weald the to to Hie compound Id IheuiiaDtimo the mob Yemen andomuierced by loolin pulling dwelling to A ebot fired tbroogb the top of Into air the crowd off at broken paoele and sought refuge down but no give ft tbim erica of lodtat four And children Hey Into but surrendered out And Jdrt In they wade their way to the trail One of children was by a alUrvrarde found by ft an restored to woo on wall HI about and from they their way licit inoiologry rly two other of tbe U lUrtnelle and they Joined tU at hour Al Kirk to picple on laid You ten and done gd no one will you hi however was Do inobbtgn IqoqIIocX Mr Vale to the and bill tbt crowd wai atoae ftido of street by Cow Ir and Mrs Mr end Cor lo Yattn door with of eto but t oil by And ere long the lit a bouse And by three of Fit to of TOft- bed six odutle Aod For dared tool Abort ft cduucctlon At for AKD I I 1 F f long Bit Wool Soc mea Etc Mo jEnlM will bo fto fat taken a frit 9 I f a to 100 CO 1 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO a Oil on anj- a iti if I fl Kensington Panel of or color Water Color ftnysubloct Pencil Drawing fro J I Colored IS itti i i f f If MP 4 I aw a CO a a a a a a a aoo 4 4 4 4 Iff CO a It Collection member or not It Qui at By of Ktntt 16 Work 1 IwA CO Ideal Woik Bilk CO I Cotton ICO Prawn Work EmhtolStiai at a CO Embroidery Embroidery 1 givwi by Em lot ywr CO Work 11 by Co Toronto CO or cotton not then 18 work Collection Wool Work Worked Wlilik Holder of Collection Cotton of cotton or woolen CO J 100 CO CO CO CO 1 CO CO CO ICO CO CO CO ICO ICO CO CO to CO CO CO CO Pillow ny kind Apron Hand or 1 CO CO CO 60 CO CO CO JO to CO 60 Crazy Work Twins Work Caw SO Decorated Work Baikal Foot Ileal Carriage or Afghan jot Byfjoolay Irtu3 V Or I tit 1 I 5 let of Table or Cover band mtAo Parlor Work a S3 Hat Under leu than ami hell Cabinet by PcMiall valued at 1 1 mil hi 1 it pi hi 1 if 1 t0 and bo ai follow Fulton fiCJVtt aa JIomoHftro Biacultir one down with Baking Powder by A How- artl 1 1 1 1 1 f j vj Home Mad down with Baking given by Gold Mfg Co Front to East Toronto of 100 1 00 CO CO CO CO w 11 4 It It 11 a 4 I 4 111 I I and Directors lo to folio of who ao ablcd daring by Toronto tioo t t J Ontario Bank J K i King Bail Toronto Orchard Toronto A Joseph fiwl Co Front fit Toronto Co Wholesale IVont Toronto Geo Warren John A Co Whotttatb Christie Em V A Co Coal Bharifl Court Cull for If war i County Crown Attorney Black floret Hotel Front St has Brown Wot A King Bt and J Merchant Front Co Ontario Mailing Co dominion Browing Co- Wilton Toronto- and Hoist Bradford J VArdw King John London A Cigar Bemad Johnson KM Vtrnon Warwick A But lor Co Sol Id tor English Chop Hotto King Toronto A Burnt BarrlsHrir Woodcock J J Cordon Brown Toronto Dr Coulter JCaU York Court Geo Kabila Counly Clerk J Jones nigh Constable King WJ J flt A Wilson Hotel A WJ Hill IkovoofYorSt J Mayor Finn A at A Cane A Horn Mfg Co Ltd It lHo JleOrand Toronto J Mill and Empire Frir4lng Company Jeweler ISO Thomas Meredith King Kail Hall Hi Tt A Clothing fit Toronto A Miller Jack sou fl J Millard City Oil Co Front Toronto wing to DO jo to 00 CO 10 0 1 4 CO CO CO IS CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO a a CO CO CO ft ff M CO 4 CO F 4 1 1 0 CO CO CO CO GO 6 CO I 4 4 4 4 1 Ml 1 A W poixnaiklt 4 I 44 h 4 I lb Br John Benrttt A Atkinson Jobbing It A Co Kicg fclrwl Toronto J fi a CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO a Fort Gold Mfg Co Front East Montgomery A LiUU A lf IkoeUolau WUeoa -4- 1 1 a I I I SCO CO a to SCO a CO to CO to CO to a I hBiTlMntiJJ Iwolo CO a CO CO i rt v a to to of our men ft dollar have by honesty- can do the time Here are ft or getting world I Be honest rich and when it docs a cone There no thing as dishonest Work world not to pay you for nothing Ninety per cent of men call it only lent work Enter Into that business or which you like best and lor which nature to have fitted it is honorable- Be Independent Do not lean on to do your or to conquer your difficulties Be in the discharge of duly Do thoroughly No boy can rise who lights hit work Dont try begin at the top at the and you will have a chance to rise and will be surer of reaching the top to nothing but God and hard work on your banner luck a fool pluck is a hero Be punctual Keep your appoint ments Be a minute before time if you have to lose dinner to do It Be polite smile every bow is money in your pocket Be generous Meanness makes enemies and breeds distrust II Spend than you earn Do not Into debt Watch little leaks and you can live on your is Make all the money you can do all the good you can with it while you live and be own executor The district of the To ronto Methodist Conference met At Midland yesterday EST A tarantula was caught in a bunch of bananas In a Lindsay ice cream parlor by Miss Argue the lady clerk The varmint was chloro formed It was above the average size and of the whose bite Is said to he sure death The Tottenham Bond Head and Hectors cheese factories have closed down for the The dry weather in the early part of the year left the pasture In poof condition for the cows it was to procure a sufficiency of milk to continue the factories 1ST In the Imperial House Com mons last weak the President of the Board of in reply to a said he could not see the necessity of sending an expert lo Can ada to enquire into the of pleuropneumonia as the had actually been detected in some Cana dian cattle landed A fanner named A Kady was committed for trial at last week on the charge of a propria ting to hit own use a ewe and lamb which strayed on his premises This should be a lesson to farmers to advertise all animals that stray on to their farms only costs jr and saves any suspicion of wrongdoing iiiwou Aug A despatch from Naples says that at a political meeting in that city night the of people trial crowded the stairway leading to the hall was so great that the baluster gave way and many persons were pushed from stairs and fell to the floor below Three persons were killed outright and fully more were injured County Criminal Court was held at on Monday before His Honor fudge Win Milter who blabbed Dr on the boat at on June sand was given one year in the Central Many was found guilty of embezzlement of funds from the Georgian Bay Lumber Co at and will spend the next six months at Central Prison To the same abode will go for the next nine months Samuel Roberts alias Alexander convicted of larceny at Bradford but the place will seem familiar to him as this will be his fourth visit A Brazilian telegraph and cable company is at bottom of the terrible fuss repotted in Brazil over the acquirement of Trinidad by the It appears that the Brazilian Cable Company levies heavy toll upon all between Ar gentine and Great Britain since the development of the trade between the two count lies owing to the wheat exported to Gat by the Republic the is a very profitable on The British Cable by way Of Trinidad would rob the Brazilian cable of litis business the big fuss made over the British secure of the barren rock Cows milk Is almost the bottom of the lisi of the fcod sub- Stances contain iron As it is so lo infant life Prof has led to experiment on an imals to see in what proportion iron is present in the system at different ages He that the younger contain much moie lion than adults in a guinea pig or rabbit one hour old for instance there is more than four times as much iron as in the animals two and a half months old He infers from this that a long contin ued exclusive milk diet is not for babies but should he supplement ed by preparations- A William insurance agent of formerly a farmer Mount Albeit hired a horse from Me- livery stable and drove back to Smiths Mill in about twelve spiles He ar rived there about three p and left the horse advising one of Smiths men to feed it at five oclock as he intended going upon the rocks to pick berries and might not return un til late In passing Middle ton the last house below the rocks he left a coat hanging on the where it was found yesterday In the pocket was a letter to William About 5 oclock on Thursday evening he seen by a Mrs Mackle wandering down off the and Ibis was the last seen of mm A Urge number of friends from and vicinity formed a search party but no of the missing man He is about thirty years of age height about five feet eight inches slight build heavy moustache slight Impediment In his 10 Mat clothe J a while straw it- The coat that wis an one that he wills He lived with his mother is almost erased with trier- GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY U I A vp tf H s E BUSINESS COLLEGE ft rig ft iha or tor EST The C has reduced rates on butter cheese and eggs from Winnipeg to Montreal The Murphy family of alleged counterfeiters consisting of father and fiye sons were committed for trial at Lindsay Fierce forest fires arc racing in the vicinity of Spokane Washing ton An immense quantity of valu able timber has been destroyed and It is reported that four lives were lost Johnston an employe in Tudhopes carriage factory at had a narrow escape from death a few days ago He was clean ing an iron for a buggy the said iron being about three feet long on an belt when it became caught in the belt with the result that Johnston was struck on the neck with one end of the iron- A deep gash was made and his jugular vein almost cut Windsor Ont Aug- John a son of Manager of Brewery may die from injuries re ceived by being struck on the head by a baseball bat The Baseball Club and the Shamrock Club of Detroit were play ing and John was watching the game when a player named Henley threw his bat which the boy and broke skull The young sharper who went through Angus North Dumfries a few days days ago to the tune first tried his game on Blackwood on the In this case he told a plaus ible story about hunting up some land for a lady who had two sons she wished to on a good farm J Hack wood did not bite to suit and the young man went in search of a more gullible victim KA A SUNLIGHT EFFECT clear morning with it Sunlight Books for I It Hike bfljtiur to k ii sa nil by or JL HOLD AT SCOTTS JlOO HAIR E Soubo Sftiatesf fee laJ lttl i lt ft Kl1l-z- JrHeihtttta lri Hi IS FOR TWENTYFIVE YbAFiS lit TO Will Li 11 All OK wtvjiUJ tJUficrf JMLz2 Of tho marvelous success of Burdock Blood In its specific curative- every organ of the body Hie Livery tho Blood Bowels the Stomach Kidneys Skin In fact nil parts of the human system regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it CURES all diseases affecting or other parts of system Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant the assertion that is the BE8T SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING or Goods Of any kind when in Toronto ii will- pay you to call on us as arc the Largest Importers in Canada OF THE ABOVE LINES Griffiths Cycle Corporation Ltd LET AND SHO ACRES OK PASTURE Street Toronto Ont Catalogues Sent 4wJ0 r En Apjlyio J K J TO RENT CjcC1sbItocs lH OUSK AND LOT lor Is t KAVAIMOH- OR SALE Tito FARM FOR SALE I l JL lIpcrKMlQwllUntry THIS IS A BARGAIN to VM OR SAL wo- ih let it iuj Alj to Warm to rent US Kill tf- will TO KENT Kli a Twine the Market PROP fill tcrtJ to tt ARM FOR to i VUi2dIsCfi Jii to KM Jacks kept for hire- Newmarket Residence For Sale VIicU t o a TRY OUR PAILS TUBS ft sows TWO GOOD FARMS TO KENT OF NEWMARKET COM fiii Kir to W5 I- A If KOI Con I Wiftl fclivtl to CHKtllC li lo fall It 1M A NcrQktC J SALE Building Material PAIRS fiHVI up fcdfpiTlaiifll for if in AH New Elm into All another trc Wo will the it- wry llr cm it- SONS MFC CO Lid PORJALE rnwo S fir CO MONEY TO LOAN DAVID LLOYD fur tUle Ictiel teJtaJ FOR SALE jo 10 it HPorBtir flaiflii FARMS FOR SALE lit a i- A FOR SALE SPECIAL itlliiUuifaVJvcUif GREATLY RATES HARRISON BUSINESS UUm ftUl lallci if ill lVhAuiIuitUaAtiUfullxiitjCivf ci l South End Tannery TO

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