Newmarket Era , September 6, 1895, p. 3

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i if W I J ft toil In OK AVOUtTOVK Good bit lb cluoijIoaihlpct and iloMtfiy hop trill trio Toot The Unit Mr J of Mill to that on Friday kit got fait at Citizen CO and Co IfOipltal a What it fi garden jail Ing at there belt now Croat ptttlcuHtly touch credit upon of Ibo carcitfctr to trio town Mom l School Seven lytjll or for in J Hie i4Tmalo ueFcfl for loltloo at IB 1 Toronto iitl foil McrifODJr sub- by let wail for are and Jo fllf A Kill kt f to to ccatt a at the Dc inciting flvo4a J lha by and by tht wiidoct mil Visit a Co mM a to J J and At nd raada not and Horn not that Ihty la will bo The removal of at foot of Mala tit It totba neck and to ladling up front of Work a will lake ft lo properly front but Mhiu it it Town have a plot our to ol it ii of d Clerks uridine fidvr tenihttKdrafcontebirelut ttx Mb fcaj tot A for ajr a life 5y Church The new Mr ably by tbi Leak floaby Mr a Fall At a of the York A a Friday trite ibi acd for moil fir blood flnltfay La at ea fcoar than trill fbauorkof j afur 111 axt the will be aloud all Lain fair A and est W mi a at ilgbtylvo All jartlntliteVaad yutet wontbij AS juried of Ttm nl a of fan la anolbtr family la York to Itt Fall The for he A hip ini Ooi far at Wliwleg are til in Ud fltoU at at fitijroif at Nation II II St A St l- St P M IP H A ia J MtiiUcr on minx Vaiab for Ibi of Mojo a cloud vail opiintloqi of pliulln a have REVIVAL OK the lit Jfdty ihoold ham Woolen and and A filntilog to Into foot and a greater now baa boon and and cleaned out wMk A In dim About two ago and that hit addition to trade a op by to of ouitoifiira firm now woodworkm to upon the of Furniture A flue wook and tiun to do flooring watr power might out and lo chopping or delayed At ftrtt a lint a beautiful tint and off Aftir if hen of the total very and The moan lkaabll In air irUtcdoMlifortiirbrJbl fiat An cional fatliDg tur thi eel I it will tbing on atmotpliiflo an and boiler flow In old Coop and thoto removed at once and fitted tip for firm it and It hoped llitl way loro with iiuco Hosiery cud fill nd reived llogbos Of ot oa flow Salvation Army The Women under direction o Wolo who biro clout ft month drovr will Again in to Xhoy will Tons from by lax ted t oromlio to yiuj bind toor iwuis thiii trip baring will ftQd will by troupe it will go direct to Toronto FiotWii which vu deeded All good told Dor log no Iter thon of by officer will How- roit Tbutedky night Lawk the J JVanli Club their Annual Toe moment tho tho Iodic out in goodly to notch ploy oiro enjoy tbo lolcf- The is rh J beat boot Frank Lloyd A J but Heap boot Dr if Bronton boot a fi OJ boot Lloyd boot J wood A Fin L boot A Br onion olil to playoff or chon Hup iIoor Lloyd ond wood Lloyd Br Greenwood flcorlo and fl1 A J nd Wltmcr A beat Dr 00316 A and and Heap RY QtMao College who to 1 roit floado Day Monday not ok totted a holiday by nor In goattoJ and all had adranlsgo holi day It wi oit ft la any Try JtAa exchange A to mm In It tba Soma tin At ftroat Try It Touch Magistrate Jack- con of fa on Tiro fiot1 aotl costs lot at North a violation Act an flot4 and mi Ail Cask A charge criminal auiolt iMt Uonday and but itiUliMOn Id abiinca Mr Tcodoock Id aggflov1 Qfb at to An Inspector Andcr an Information a mi tor lngaao on Main HI and Mayor I to moving In longntgo oily on In hearing of ami rcn a of tbo for tbo or moral law of land Farm Us MmUtlon an Kood atUndanco pot a Into both buyer and toilet Following ruling Kffif to Ho to jcr Corn do- 0 and Co per bunch or a Cabbage per Co a to bug per to WW par pall Plum lo par lb and to per 45o- to and Owing to In Ilia Tom on a poorly attended Mayor loyal upon In In extol of morality and virtue not a total atotalntx admltlod that It at and to w many young Ho product Ivo of but ho to a in low yoara and could nay that for ab of IntoxtcvlM upon Ilia ft favorably with Iowa Kid an on and it Ability to homo and with and inline with to ttuiranoo lAnnar Mfn of voul itona villi Mr by family A dlalogao euro for ItdUi and trro young a the that Templar to Jo Hall proceeds not Try Mr W of cat by ibo moved to r On Wednesday for ait a a gt1 tbrcc In VetoateHiMf0 A T U M A Black Fred Button vilhanotbtr it on Monday A knot licit oil planar hi and la fact anaccldint bat laid HlAXIMO ojtotd morntDg Ills Honor Ufa Mayor vim at that I galling Tallica may coal fcilng fllHd again Fran amy month to far It chilly meat ara MOST SELECT AND COMPLETE STOCK IN TOWN ft El BOY EVERYTHING IN BUCK GOODS Tricots Figured Buy your Dress Now as Special Prices are being Offered Goon Cooks Hit Uayor and 0mlib Wo to Office Co broken brick for V Booghtrly Co labor for do daiGiAdo ipttfat to North York upon tht Town In Fair raporled In favor tht Maty controlling tit at tha to oaa coo tho Ijoclafy to an grant of of on Boards who a In Ingot to bo prof In accord patted to for of to Jot for at on tbo 18th and Mayor order for favor of for charity iwnOrfnad adjourned King A en on iho tan from the Hay Ridge and of the train to which at Park The car badly and ten killed and John of was committed Jail on Saturday on a of This spring Ion property by fire on which was an fniuraree of Mutual Company A fire he put on the tie Alliance Company Mr on of the Mutual that had vrhen bis clairni by there no So any other com pany could not disprove testimony against and was taken to Toronto jt a ftflbertiprlTjeDifio t FAMILY u j L a R A I kLVlh jft p You Front to by buying f at I Parlor Cook- oal 1 Parlor have pur In tbia town and vicinity and giving Us What could bo fort A A coat of paint Is to Mr- nlt only So taking of tUlrgatbtrcdprlaao do the atuama llaakati At In city on a it to at I o tbara Stat iba at of J Hall aul ajp of work nnanluooity from Mr JUUa at to tba at tba utUnf of tabard to ol Mr at and asking prcabyurlal oommlatioo iba J A Haiti do 00 A Jtaidoufrlba Altar acomttiltlfc vaa to Mti IHiiyUry wis bad Ha Mai arrival lUit bad iba- Lad not avaraor facttol and abat ml a at root ad inaatlnj ataud lied laid Iba i4klttLy an va tflflf to of goto hi in who IbiflroloKlog roportivi by vjj plainly One of truth folly of beat an editor aaalalacca lo for bfa la of job of moving Mr Park JatttttAk If boat you aUrtb prlUra Ink tbo an fori yog an earth and r attOOd row fcolldaya are ffco tboroad to tba a but a rn tba fiiiti one Mr Ontario itoocsnpyb it TJio water fit a liit week At about fix la tbo addition to by Town dandy Hi folly J of appelated I A Great On Saturday lat at Park about WOcititeof of our town to the local ibaMawo of Toronto tho of York wcro Championa of Midland fn tbo tninial Championship of Ontario of tho by of Lloyd proved a ateoug In flbortly after lining up In a fow more to orowd they act Not for faith Id lo nplika a or to opponent and it Jo abort and Cain each op laboring hard to otf now certain defeat homo and fltM of jalaylngan brilliant fina play aphtra and cent It fltljoi A lor fact off to atop a by Gallagher and tbe ball jittd another for No takan having to In favor of by play only thtra mora iV lined up tLf point Carr Lloyd 8td homo Montgomery i otitis Cam and fdcConarby of Midland did duty Por VTacdEobOt and panic dlailngnlibad and Glover uadt fiarooahotaoo and around thair Glinay gama of ihtr thai In fld for their Mot at Kattlaby all In tho following Mill paid It Kir ton A It to from Road Job a at CO Cook and Coo John i by by It that and la aothorlztl to aljb a favor of Urol of Ha u lion for aom of at tht Ontario lit day of May Carried A ByLaw antn of for par of for Indus trial Homo tbo of for general porpotw A w atao to collet sum of for Win J Walla t oftaxta for and Lloyd was apfintod for tho next of Council ha hold at Hotel King City Whtatpai Ji4rlej down l5uttertolpcrlb fcajt Wool per lb Hay pork tfer war lb lb AI 1 ii OH CO 1 I a a 0b a of the finest growth and purity an furnish every article mentioned cither ground or whole in of latest we recipes f hit commodity Vincgir can give you of the full of Cider and White Wine Our While Sugar the Genuine Montreal Standard proved by analysis to be per cent Pure Sugar Our Tea Trade is assuming large proportion in India Congou Young and Japan Our pounds of Japan for capture the crowd our India Blend at cents equals any ceot Package Tea in the give you Tea instead of package a l A ITfl a je Father They read the Advertisements every line in the the paper the Grandmother Children Then tend it Interested in the Town masters certify The Weekly lication in existence It which no Other gives to distant relatives as numerous the bestread the home arrival of Fall and Winter Goods suitable for all classes of people Something for tall and the short the fat and the lean the crooked and the straight for the rich and the poor Call early and have your choice ML MY TAILOR Next to Atkinsons Store read week Take The of pee DQUortQkpilb It North Council it 0 ID OSS lt0 QJI And All fore An advertisement of some account in this paper is tiire a 0 Oil Oil 0 cm Subscribe for Balance of for Commence ToDay That BOOTS AND SHOES have taken a Big Prices but you are still able to get your Boots and Shoes at the Old Prices at YIP all of approved Mr Oiler to Co Treat do Co Clcrt for Co from different for mono- A from to to tbo Co to Trim Lot North 19 BLj or Collector pit I Hon Q ted Kit Morton tad appointed a to lit Oriirci to to filling In pit work Hurt itillcMry I for 3t3lW WW boib fittpbeo Winch bill lco of by doi A ByLaw for year Rates A ea FOR YOUR i offering Extra Inducements to clear oat all our Summer Shoes many lints being offered for less money than they he manu factured for today As 1 had a Large Stock when the Advance in Prices took placebo it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at the Low All Tan Goods offering at Cost in order to clear them out NOW IS YOUR TIME SIGN RED BOOT mill flutU of NovtfoWr for all lb day A T Y u It done in suck a style and for such a Price that you will he after us with all your Trade- call Ordered in Bigger Value than Ever at OPPOSITE NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL We can save you some money by ordering a Suit any time this month- We carry the Largest of Tweeds in Town to select from and Guarantee a FirstClass Fit arrived laro stock Mens and Hon CLOTHING a thin ever and must be i our motto Small Profit and Special attention to Clearing of 5 in Grey iird JEWELER Old Gold and Silver laVen in Exchange for New or up from 5 Cotton Shirtings and CoHonadcs Vc at- dLtcririircd to our DEPARTMENT iho moil Popular in the jiicn this lint en Shotted taken by Telephone TO i 1 to tl etc by juUIc ai villi aatlje trnoli Jry jaTO Cop table Cain a JaVtoooafiatuMay tot an at dol Ho it Itit one A Mom a tbroant fan tQUbkdlylnUrcit UcCooacby Midland Till I likely iQ If Kill at a titan and fcivlc to tbo of our Id Salt lmvU3OU to ibfKtfal4JattMlIwpti ErtftnonlottpMJioOo KaAt tula uii Ktatjn tWiUfattlftJt8riDUHprtati4atthU la iiauo Salt SCHOOL REPORTS Of holt fir ClMiMioaUKay Jr Jr ViiXUid CiuFiWa OP OP BARS OP CUB KIDNDYS OP TUB STOMACH You may relieve should see that Beautiful Bright Yellow Sg weare idling at lor Senlliion Blend has no equal f Wc are sure to please you in either Black Often or Japan We in James Square Blue at IU You will find our stock composed of good different This line make a in 2nd We try to got the and to tell at the lowest price We do not ECiuepiCiCPt our to come hue one out of the you our is the best is not We are pleased the our Bread and Cake las increased this lUDJtot with all our opposition Our trade kept a few of when atone On Si4 Our Mr Lyons is kept very busy in the manufacture Candy This a new branch in our business biting lately refitted our prcraiiis for that purpose GIVE US A CALL M Wi A I BOOK AND DEPOT J AND Konnao ear il to tea ii cos- aytlirSi or ROBERTSON leading Baker Grocer and Confectioner iiCtUi- lUli tcm Hi a sjji NTOTICt TO ATtcrM4 EWtblic Ul lit f at Its X li China Glassware STARR

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