Newmarket Era, 6 Sep 1895, p. 4

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Weak Nervous Jim been weak- by ft bo built up by Hood Whflo I to In a and and wblcb I artsy with no di I Irr to euro no wall J pooia no I without Hood la my for anything AT flo the Only Purifier jui- our REWARD wboU lit God of to con- most difficult if do or In it ftbool the i 1 bat on la tbo At ibt wmtfof of lwd to lb pianUttVfoc hit lafcull- to of rniJoto him tbli lime J J- bo to oar upon willing to bit oat the re through of lo bo fto doabls In to QoJ- ttbolhaTUd SEPT a at THE TCA rt fJiflU PUNT A CUP in if 11 It Vtry lb Jii fiJiouif r not It iiismOiAYiKK 11 id j At the iMtlWt A iiv4fcTi of ho To- V UK tgt oSctlly of in of will hive to ft trillion of Hon Mr to Ibt will lo on tbo fob IQfinioUt Whom court Mold Hod tro bo by and of by ftkii And ft from crowd Wilton W A cow ft plot of bit la a lorni in a lift upon An fdta of a 1 lop lo fninioiltlfty LIMBS A IcRtound to l T TO THE LADIES Tor do I In If a man It lout bit ft a North America differ torn bit W fur time We lit of I forict SO I iOiii order loctut as it oh fro in tit Wo a 14 or at pilcoi Witt of in ho Midland to bout of a on I of to Combination for purpoKt t iho of tht and forty ctnli taxation on titty f valuation and ft high at that to run ft JtttTo town of inhabitants liriJKVfftTafOatovfaltCa ofcic Wo flout jet I J 04V0 a flout to to J lionet coira of at- lrko itd Keif Hovel of fltolcorbtar ihera ItJ fit roolo Many would lof It ONB whoa Cod Liver Oil value to tbo VktorlA Niagara now for anxiety ago Mr leaning an iron railing guard along the Niagara whoa rail away and alio Into giiDRbr a tAf for bar life Mow An Agaiott Park claiming ground tbal H va WORLDS A Had Hon of Smhllli Mr lo have been doing Fans during the winter and priori Dr reached home and on of Mi amral intcirlencd a reporter and lo an of Well lie ld in lo on of Ac France of course I isnt altogether an easy matter to In troduce a foreign article into a but dont think can coirtplaln of made and It gratifying to report that at least of the doctors arc open to recognize a of the can he One of the best of them VerEalllci where the to keep their court ha given favorable through the ureas of quite wonderful cures through the of I ink Pills in hit practice and the an order of Nuns like the Sisters of Charily have also wade an extensive Pink in their charitable work and given testimonials as to their good effect How do you find business all round good We have the twelve month a little over two three hundred and sixty thousand boxes of is a large order best twelve months of business yet Look for a minute at what the figures mean If oil he pills were turned out into a heap and a set to count them working ten a clay arid six days a week the job would lake I have reckoned it j years hours and minutes counting at the rate of a minute Or if you want statistics i is about two pills a head for the combined adult population of Canada Great Ireland and the United Stales I dont figures to glorify the business you will understand but to enable you to matte the feci tangible to an ordinary reader Docs do its share he business asked the reporter yes I think we have bad a re cord there The head of a leading advertising agency in to whom I showed my figures told me that no business of tbo kind had ever readied the same dimensions in land in as short for though we have only working in Eng land for Iwo years there are hut two medicines that have as large a sale as Pink Iills and on of these is over thirty years old while the other has been at work at least half of that time Won do you account for the way Pink hare jumped English market then I cannot attribute it in reasonable logic to anything but the merits of the pills Was everything lovely asked the or were any crumpled rose- leaves in Ihc couch Cant grumble except in one way Theres a certain amount of substitution in retail stores and there is a man in Manchester Eng land that I have had to prosecute on the criminal charge for it sihat do the do do they duplicate your an and never to be to 11 medicine at ail A druggist as as that Isnt fit to put up a prescription and will one day A prophetic feeling In out bones to tell us all summer tbat this town is too good a supporter of fakirs to miss a whole seasons seances and on night Is it of the fra ternity arrived and operated lie bad lust the same fake to a word has twice before been successful lure After lighting and Indulging in a little chaffing he an thai hit business adver tising- He jewellery made out of new metal which ha alleged hid been discovered near Denver and which is a little ahead of gold The name of this new and beautiful metal is goldlne and ho is merely advertis ing for a company which is making jewellery out of It He would not tell any of it hut merely wished to place a few articles where the scheme of advertising would be successful He- did not propose to let everybody have it merely of position He first Induced people by ominous and words to for a collar button and then gave each buyer his en cents back with the article Next he told them for a quarter and gave the quarter back Jfc went on to fifty cents each still promising surprise each buyer with a present but It was now watch chains that were being cold When the buying become slack he tied a knot in the chains and Ms talk thai a specially valuable would be given to people whoie chains had in them After a time he lied wo pots In his chains and got a tot mote to take them Then he displayed a shining geld watch and laid ft fn bis open valise among he anticipated Old mens eyes bulged out men of position in our churches and in roclcty They to covet that gold watch fakir tied three knots in the next few chains and the canny old chaps put up their dollars and kept their knotted chains away from the people happen to untie the precious whilst inspecting the jewellery Finally when every device bad been used by which vic tims could be induced to buy and when the cupidity of the most greedy and covetous had been satisfied the fakir promise that each should faayc a present by giving each a box of corn salve Then he gate those with knots in their a brass pen Thus they had a brass stud a pill full of grease and a brass pea each and the fakir had a pocket full of half dollars In an interview after wards the fakir said that he took at Iwo nights previously He says man he with knows he is a fakir but they always think the point in the sjarnc has not come yet for getting taken in fn other words they feel that they are so smart thai they can take a hand in bis game and he always takes comfort from the fact that he krioKs he is cheating men who would be as dis honest as lie is if they knew how Whitby The following are some of the re cent convictions effected by Inspector Millar James and John the Summcrvillc Cheese factory were summoned to appear before A Mcjarlane J were each fined costs the form er pleading guilty to the charge of sending milk from which the cream had been taken and the latter being deteriorated of serene troubles if your GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY rista J that family I didnt think is fat jolly and smiling It never about anything but head aches ana the door Is slammed continuously be sure that I didnt think has done it If pencils paper stamps pent or arc reirs- from your desk you can always find didnt thfnkspreiniscs your needles pins combs glover j and slippers have absconded look in the same place I didnt think is always so sorry ami- able people always are but mean time they keep on doing it all the same didnt tbink is remarkable for a memory When your hair Is standing on end and cold of perspiration from your brow and the are flying it never his seen what you are hunting for oh no I it never has the least Idea of what you mean It hands you a chair and you sweetly not to worry when youd just to over ils ami able bead It softly humming some little tunc when soul is Wound up to screaming pitch and you feel as if little ants were creeping from under your fingernails and as If somebody boiling a teakettle on top of your head I had rather sec foot himself horns hoof and tall than amiable person should feel a certain respect for him probably say Fanny I did take your pen or your paper and misplace it I dont know what the dickens I did with it and I dont care you may make of it Now be an enemy worth fighting one could match claw for claw with Mm but your amiable smirk who sneaks out of a dilemma with a Chtterfieldian smile and a fib well I dont know what choice specimens Lucifer may have in his keeping but I if cool dia bolism he can rival the amiable didnt think cttt Of ice t 1 doc4licn under some Other A bit of it that is the formula of sending milt Mile In to to fl mgM to To to lhal old Meal will wjitro to the va will SI Wellington I Dome Bay Jut week threshed 10 acre crop of wheal which yielded 515 of grain being upwards of per UK lUcuh ih Dr Axcawt C4- irUJ w tilt Ponder It ud tftUxbUolto tod Boold J6Lh Anuria JRtGiiviftCjr for lot d drat bolihf li WtlC Uclicd Id ilftrt U or iiMi in in tt If t4 4Uuh tf vtuaj in or tf la It If Johnson Dominion lit it lie it Ontario 7aKoi 47 02 JJrltidJ flgans ftre and fcpfarenlly mora on schools than any data la I tiding taking into count in the valoe Ontario v and bo obtained for ibtsliow- vr dots not detract from actual per capita in Manitoba Ontario more fcrviee for then Manitoba dots for hundred and of winter wheat have at Agricultural pelf ill years of have who double of other varictii bolide litem of kmie ana have faruiera and gives of liy find graintMroreoftbc winter wheat tesd daring Ibe iva oo On farms In 0 counilti grain I Chaff HI tons Glim Ml 123 Jones Fife Pride of American fiorpriie 135 278 Winter JUader 274 the popular variety the experimsut- in the and during It was chosen by over CO cent the who tent foil as among the tested fa tog table will bo found two eli of Inter varieties which will bo by mail in beltpound lot of each variety to firmer applying or them who will test tho Are kind Id lb set which and will report the ftr year will bo sent out in order in the application ere a long the supply Set Clawsoa Winter end American Bronze Bet of person of these sets writ lo the College meotioDiog at A furnace on in ihc steel- works killed eight men and burned Aug a ihat the on mis- ion in China continue not withstanding Imperial decrees lor A of the Alliance Mission the despatch was beaten and native lint floated nearly to death at the at fen near Wu In the of Wgan worst of the fraud No deal er can nosiibly know what is in and if he did he couldnt pre pare them in small quantities to nil at a profit They are not common and by no means cheap to make J suppose J have spent from ten to twelve thousand since I look ihe trade mark In trying if the formula could be improved and spent a share of it for nothing What do you mean by for After I acquired trade mark I saw that if the thing was to be made a success it was imperative that I should have the best tonic pill that could 15 gotten up Consequently I obtained the advice and opinion some of the most noted men in medi cine in Montreal New VorJc and expert advice of that came high I made changes in formula by so medical and the aver with which the public has received the medic demonstrates that is most per fect and nerve tonic I was anxious lo still further improve the formula if that could be done and have since spent a deal of money villi end in view On fcojng to two to place Pink Pills I went it again with the best medi cal men there and as you know ihe medical expert is not to friendly to proprietary medicines least of all to a good one and dont blame ihe doctors either ft isnt good for their business if a man can for fifty cents medicine that will do him mote good than in advice came high but obtained the best there is not only on this continent but in and Paris When I went to Paris last I placed my formula and a supply of Pink in the hands of one of the most noted doctors in that city for a three months trial in his practice with a view to getting suggestions for improvement at the end of that time his answer was Leave it alone it cannot be bettered You now blood and nerve medi cine This opinion coil me franc but J consider it money well spent as determines the fact that formula for Pink Pills is now as perfect a medical science can make it- And coming back lo the question of substitution and what have Just told you will show what a poor thing is tor a man who joes to a Pink Pills to let something else be pushed him In place of them more es pecially if it is a worn out like pills a formula in the J J Jerhiine Police Mag- isnato James and his John were convicted and fined 2500 and 10 costs each tor fending deteriorated milk Carthage Factory Mrs Ann JJrown and Ceo Towers patrons of the Grand Valley Cheese pleaded guilty before Squire of Grand Valley the charge of deteriorated milk and were each fined and costs At before A- Boomer IPJohn Hard pleaded guilty to the charge of tending deteriorated milk to the Crsta Springs Cheese Factory and was fined and costs John Miller pleaded before Police Magistrate Wood- the charge de teriorated milk to the Jlingrosville Cheese Factory and was fined and cost As A was cleaning the west plate ijlass in the store yesterday morning the step ladder which he stood slipped causing him to come against the glass and break it smoke covered the upper fial of store and on Investigation it lo cated in a box in the tailor shop The end was burned out of box and was badly charred It was discovered none loo as in a short time it would have burst into flames and made rapid progress The oat crop is turning out im mensely and the samples are extra fine we hear of some farmers The wheat yield is also good from up to bushels acre is talked of Potatoes are also going to give a very large yield and the tubers will be of great sir The bay crop teems to be the only failure in this of the country While the family of Adams living just south of Aurora were picking berries someone enter ed the house and took in money and a roll of J of purchased from Duncan of Stouffvillc of heavy limber Consisting of and hardwood on of Whitchurch for a hand some turn About a ago a place called Sandy Ann in town ship Mrs less Davis impounded a horse belonging to James Allan of Ihe same place aviho animal was run ning the highway and occasionally trespassing into her grain fields A few days after the impounding Davis misted her best cow and on making a search found her dead in the swamp A veterinary surgeon was summoned from and ho examined the contents of the stomach found pans and salt in considerable quantity Allen was subsequently arrested by County Constable and arraigned before Justice Parker who on due investigation of the charge laid com mitted Allen to stand his trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction Tribute I a a PC- J J Oh- It t a a BUSINESS J Call In or Km Do flies communicate disease Mr has proven that they do by a very ingenious experiment A certain microbe grows in a blood red color on the different culture media This microbe iho micro coccus Arodigiosus by name grows spontaneously on Ihc white of and on bread but is sometimes found by accident in gelatine cultures On potato it produces a pink spot which little by little becomes blood red Some flies were placed by Mr in contact for a few moments with a culture of this microbe and were then set free in a large room They were caught again in a few hours and made to walk for a few seconds on some slices of potato which were then set to generate It was then found that wherever those had been touched by Ihe flics they showed colonics characteristic of the red mi crobe What happened in this case might of course happen with any other microbe and it is therefore certain that flies arc a means of con tagion Where no contagious disease exists they can do no harm and as we all know they do a van amount of good in consuming substances likely to in sick chambers Key carefully trapped and destroyed V COLLEGE French arm sconce a that has been a back number for year until a few storekeeper tried to push it on she Strength of Pink Pill You can it from me a store keeper anyone thai pill which not a proprietary at all any one make it ibat want to is any way a substitute for Pink Pills ton Outside of the Iron trade few persons under stand to how great extent ihe of American iron and steel for the frames of large buildings has made good the loss of business occasioned by the comparative stoppage of rail road work is slated as an illustration of this of iron and steel that a new building which is in process of erection in New York city will re no lei than ions of iron and steel- One hundred such struc tures would use up and when the guat number of business blocks erected in ihe large cities of America this year is taken Into con sideration it will readily be perceived that a million ions of Iron and steel may be bidden behind the walls of large new buildings hi the chief cities of the United States without attracting much attention The consumption of ihv quantity of in form of rail fat new would talk of country and would make a deep impression in Europe Captain Hugh McKay says thai in he land at Squire Thompsons place and there plenty of water for a jolly boat where he could go no The water is about three feet lower- not shallower only lower than was then Ict Observer go with him along the Oro shore from this Narrows to Kempenfeldt Kay and he will show where he formerly landed where could not now get a boat within from twelve feet to three rods of the place formerly navigable He sailed up the Holland river from until with the Peter Rob- in son and laid the vessel at Johnsons Landing and now a skiff could hardly float there Captain McDonald informed him recently that dare not enter on ihe inside of Snake and Georpina is land where in the drawing from eight ten feet was regularly engaged in towing Since the Holland and filled in with weeds So likewise ihe lowering rt Couch- hasten- an ever incrc-s- Vegetation Ala fine hn the course of nature and the wrought by ihe clearing up of the country are lessening the water supply il is strange to find intelligent men helping these in the de struction of our beautiful lakes and their navigation by adding to the out lets whereby the water is to It would be reasonable lo con serve such valuable interests by main taining the lakes at a normal height at every season of the year Society Register AM or rail Ills Use Sunlight Soap TVfln in you to Scrub your wonderfully too Of tho marvelous success of Blood Bitters lies in curative power over every organ of the body The Liver tho Blood the Bowel Stomach tho Kidneys the Skin the Bladder in fact all of the human system arc regulated purified restored to perfect natural action this medicine Thus it CURES diseases affecting- these or other of fiyslcm Dyspepsia Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Sores Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of lesti- warrant the assertion that is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE YOUNG OR OLD IF YOU ARE OF BUYING J Spoking AND Of any kind when in Toronto it will pay you to call on us as are the Largest Importers in THIS LINES The Griffiths Corporation Ltd 1 Street Ont Catalogues Sent Free- I IS OK PASTURE- to TO RENT 10 Ilea la 1 If OK SALE ONTARIO FARM FOR SALE I me Books for Wrappers I l JT I THIS A BARGAIN Yet tilth CM V OK SAMS IlcVut la ths Vir Alio K y-J- let J J of Eimi VktciIiartTcftso TO RENT KulUltct it vjv Kill fcftl do villi to ARM TO Vwme the d Billing Market lleiYinarkel Residence For I J I I II rliATIrdLctfiLLrwiaiTt Mill J J J- zRX 14 Mil luroaUiniarrJwr- ID month ray Tada7CTCDl0ir A Jo In ifoctb GOOD FARMS TO OF NEWMARKET Kip All- L l U It Kv to Ntwurkc Building Material REPAIRS or A fc i MACK WTGtaato fiitKJ op a in car for lb c4 all sale OX I i if 3JJil- Km iwlrc Hun UadPtrcf YKKA E House FECIAL totH Wd ilJ firiooJ MfKr Mood id FOR TWENTYFIVE YEAHS POWDER FRIEND III CANADA AH Tilling PcltironKtw FARMS FOR SALE tit lift lists caWTWIEMk Convening Tiro into All 1- lfrc Isia arc all J to irtt- any f Wo will hut a Hadjis at I sons mh wan A I I K- acfi in avail Will A TOR BALI- MO WW ii ler I ail t aritfciajTiout tptn COPYRIGHTS CAN I OUTAIH A SALE SPECIAL COURSE -llli- -Jt- jr ltd It or PO A Ac 5 ri aiVUflilliCllf p a if t HATES ly BUSINESS wis South End Tannery- FAIIMEI1S 0UTC1IERS I iI of Kill I

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