Newmarket Era , September 13, 1895, p. 1

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A mm -V- J f THE 19 ME itf I GEO TEAM HO 17 BE i U Mellon In Ifcatoci TUB LIBERTY TO KNOW TO ABOVE OTHER TJH TO ACCORDING TOCOHECIEKCE ABOVE ALL OTHER LIBERTY NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER capital i J Sift P CHW V BINES outside of North paid in advance Vol I Single Cents Each Newmarket Ont 13 Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year A at mo mux DRAFTS ISSUED at fri Kelts JU7 TT Vrt Itftl4TKtl fcll loIjn- Ml J WOODCOCK P lor of It d I lAcoitj J4fi l iaI for c thing very fine n f in Cook Stover Hinge hd Wood cfTlwt ii r K A ss I riAtJrArioJf A lUfOtiJiu A ftllAKIC tilll IlKSHKIi For County on to A WOOD Mo ieri ft littler V- l W STARR f At loll el IK on A KIR cp or- BEGINS 3RD A BOARDING SCHOOL fltndCDtoOr llfh All Commercial Subjects ShortHand TypeWriting full Vocal Instrumental Music to si Toronto ritiroidf lIck VAMZANT Vitcrnry eel fo all atotho fcl0 fit II J Life AaurucOdliaaUf il SIV ISTKKCar lfSWftllJO Keif Kfiif Ail I INSURANCE of VaicHoUlfICocr J- Attul- Ave HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS READY MIXED CHURCHES VARMISHES CLASS AND BARREL AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE POLKS RAKES PORKS AND HOVMIS FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF WIRE I I do not lb line Wo Any Office outdo or iicc If you want any kind of Printing done sec what ami can gel Office before you order Our is J A W ALLAN MAIN street CO CANADIAN COMPANY OAWTAL AND FUNDS- 14000000 DOLLARS lot Jacks for Hire 7 AVERS Hair VIGOR natural hair and It out fl A ftl J lcUpuUV aV ftUr Standaid AiuU BONUS YEAR la HUNT w OH PAY AND YOUR CHOICE BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF NORTH OP TORONTO TO 19 TO BOY HODGE CO MAIN ST SOUTH WIVi mylia began to turn gray and fall out Af ter the of one of Hair Vigor my hair was restored to Its original and ceased falling out An occasional application has since kept the hair in good condition I used Hale Vigor for three years and it has restored hair which was fast back toils natural color If MANNING SON OHSIMPSON Main CAUL T SOMERVILLK- MR COHCERT of L THE TURNOUT in lj VKtlOMa LICENSES la Vi Oto AU0UOVULVOHOVO i6tUoa lor M bowk taut all PRIVATE MONEYS You tAU VJ was fast toils natural color J- Hair Vigor br dutys gqtsAe a We A preparation which enriches and purifies the blood and assists nature in repairing wasted tissue must have a wide range of usefulness Suck a preparation is Scotts Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with of Lime and Soda Die uses of Scottfa Emul sion are not confined to scrofula or They embrace nearly all those minor ail ments associated with of flesh ftflirfi A i old In room nil tort And Ml with JIUU him From homo phi fcw Whs it could medial wit Mi orderly And cvcrylblng lit couldnt kindly of Hit of a hand And lilt brow grew A lid forUw Well to ft But ft jfbt Soya la and ft fflmo- F Three people two girls and a boy sat on twining and weaving gar lands of evergreen for would be ihe anniversary of the Saviours birth I must have holly to make one more wreath said Grace Merlon for Miss Adams and the others will expect to find ready to put up when they from supper The old lady at the coiner may have come left said Lena run out and gel it Wrapped in their warm they started and as they stepped in to the lighted vestibule they stumbled over a crouching figure from whore lips came a mutter ing apology as he quickly moved out and shrank close to the church wall in the gathering Id like to know what that tramp- ish looking fellow was doing in there said Clay looking backward I suppose he was trying keep warm said Fry at limy reach ed the little corner store and looked in Not a sprig of holly left here but I know we can get some by going into the next block The wind was piercing cold and the snow came in sudden blinding whirls but they drew their wraps closer and stepped along briskly ThVtrampish fellow as Willis had called him again sought the friendly shelter of Ihe vestibule lie bad felt the warm air as they opened the inner door and all seem ed so still within that he felt sure no one was there He longed to go in for a lilt to while and get some warmth into his chilled frame Pushing open the door ho looked in A few side lights made very bright near the pulpit and seeing no one he entered and stood over the register until the numbness left his feet and hands and he fell quite warm Three years had passed since he- had entered thai church ihe front was the family pew where he had so often sat with his parents and he could catch the of the silver plate inscribed with his fathers Stepping over Ihe piles of ever green he went the chapel where he had not been to Sunday School since he was a liny in ihe primary class and until he was six teen years of age Now he was nine- teen and for ihrec yea is he had been better acquainted with the station- and ihe jail than with ihe house of The chapel was in darkness except for light which came from church and showing ihe decorations all in place On each end of the platform was a tall awaiting the candy bags and wax candles transform them into the Christmas tree so dear ihe childish heart As he stood ihore in dim silence breathing the spicy fragrance of ihe evergreens he remembered the limes when he used to in hanging he Christmas Ho remembered loo that none of his teachers had ever warned him to be ware of the ninecup and much- loved Superintendent whose child rens parlies he had so much enjoyed always colored the lemonade with a little dash of He remember ed that there was always a large bowl of on his mothers sideboard during the holidays fot everyone to sip from though no alcholiC drinks offered at any lime Oh if those Sunday School teach ers had taught me the strong lesson of total abstinence in Gods Word as faithfully as they tapght me the and the I should have known that the was dangerous and the lemonade a snare If had been instructed and warned by those who have done it when I was a little innocent child I should col be Ihe sinful wretched creature I am now He groaned in anguish and sink down on the floor rested his head on the cushioned seat while tears of sorrow and repentance fell from his eye He had eaten nothing but a crust during the day he was weak and tired As he lay there the warmth the stillness and ihe spicy him a slumber to deep that the merry voices of ihe young people reluming their boughs did not arouse him and he slept on after the arrival of others while the garlands were hung amid much gay chatter Grace had worked in grave silence to unusual for her that her com panions noticed it and one of the church deacons who had come to keep them in order kindly enquired if she were ill No lam only and over a question thai has filled my thoughts all evening and perhaps you can help to settle it she replied Herd is big warm church and a pretty chapel shut up in darkness about nights every week while there are hundreds of boys in the streets and in ibe keyshop for want of bright places where they can spend the evening There one the night and I wish I had asked him to Why Grace That tramp You would not had him here ex claimed Yes would said Grace with emphasis II had my way would chapel every evening and have nice games and ant music and sometimes sandwiches and coffee believe it would keep many from becoming tramps for they would find it much nicer here than in whiskey shops and other bad places You speak ihu solemn truth God knows you do Slatled by the strange voice and solemn words everyone turned and saw standing in ihe of the chapel a haggard shabby youth whom Grace recognized at once He told how he came in during and fell asleep awakening in time to hear her pleading for the boys Yea he continued boys will always go where they expect to have the best time and the know it and tempt them with Wight lights music and pool tables If could speak to every mother in Ihe city I would say Make your boys have such jolly times at home that that they would be ihere in the evenings than anywhere else The deacons house sheltered the young penitent thai night and he next day he returned home to receive a glad from his parents The official of the church held a long and earnest- discussion over ihe lo keep the chapel open four evenings every week for the benefit of boys and young men One said it would wear out Another said ii would increase the coal and gas bills But il was decided that boys were of more value than carpels and souls were worth more coal or gas Ihe young men of the church offered to take turns in caring for the visitors each evening The girls volunteered furnish music A special collection was taken to defray expenses The games and books and temperance mottoes were procured and within fifteen after the transparency was displayed which read HOYS IS Alt J HAVE A COOK There were two or three doen around the door arid within hour were inside attracted by the music and the sounds of merriment The happiest person there except ing Grace Merlon Has young Gray no longer a fellow but a reformed and converted who resolved on thai New Years night that he would do what he could lo bring he boys into that happy and helpful place As I look from window at this moment I see lined against the clear sky he spires of no less than a dozen within whose 173 1 Is arc only silence and while the multitude brilliant saloon echoing with music and mirth are tempting the to come in and have a time And they are going go going Into the jaw of death the mouth of hell once Sanntr AURORA have or- Stewart The School boys ginired a football club It Secretary Mr John Bond has succeeded in making a settlement his creditors and has resumed business On Saturday evening as Mr J Mackenzie our popular druggist ac companied by Mis Filch of Gall and Miss Hunter of Toronto were driving through town a the bolls by which the is attached to ihe sis broke and the pole drop against the horses legs Tris frightened he horses which broke into a run The occu pants thrown headlong into the ditch The Gladstone was a total wreck and it fortunate that the occupants escaped as slightly a they did tail MOUNT ALBERT do Wo find one who ore by bud all hinds are praising tit Sot wht it bis for lUsm and iu tiros fisrri- prevents by nd all ih la a healthy condition gee miliar the favorite ca thartic with who per boa His Honor Judge senior judge for held a conn of Appeal in to ihe appeal of Mr Joseph Wright against bylaw No of the corpor ation which bylaw exempts farm lands from a portion of water sidewalk and street lighting rates The total amount in dispute was in the neighborhood cents per Mr it was not a matter of the few rents involved but a matter of principle with him The judge dismissed ihe case with costs to the plaintiff We understand the case will cost Ihe parlies Interest ed between thirty and forty dollars So rnuch fruit has been raised in California hrs season that the local markets have been glutted and in San Francisco tons of melon pears and plums have been thrown into the sea The latter way of disposing of the fruit was one of wilful waste for it might have been given to the poor of the city people too poor even to buy the stuff cheap as it was But this course would not have been busi ness and probably would have pre vented sales on succeeding days One day recenlly were selling In San for ten cents a crate and watermelons could not be sold even at two to five cents each That same afternoon five hundred crates of iwo hundred watermelons and a great amount of plums and pears were dumped into the bay fl- A lao Cl fa first tier would Dreg CURB It ted Core It col Soil ft ROOT will jo a Blood jeet yoar bsd aid to- Ok Mr Hollands siller is staying her for a while Swain was driving in the Town Line Tuesday night ac companied by Mrs Hunter One of the wheels dropped off ihe buggy and the was thrown out upon her She was considerably cut and bruised and did not regain conscious ness for some time J Kemp was arrested on Fri day for stealing a bicycle in the city It was taken from the front of an hotel He came here on Wednesday night with it and some parties saw the ad in city paper Constable Steeper arrested him while he was at his breakfast and took htm down to stand his trial One of Joseph boys fell off a ladder in the barn upon bis head and was badly hurt Quite an exciting gsme of football was played here between and Zephyr It resulted in a draw each team scoring one goal It was a hard fight S Jewell of Mi Albert on Tuesday evening on his way to To ronto with a load of and came to a bridge in Town ship and it being down of course he had 10 drive through the creek In the creek his rig upset and a a re sult the creek from to the lake is a mixture of egg and water only one ingredient necessary to make egg no The load consisted of about lbs of butter of which lbs was destroyed and down egg well distributed This accident will Mr Jewell considerable and iwill be right that the township pay the whistle SUTTON The rate for year is fix at ji mills on the dollar The lacrosse match played here on Friday between lbs Checker of Beaver ton ant the Crescents of Sutton ended in a clean sweep for the former to Dr McMabon who for years represented York in the local leg islature a brother of Judge Mc- Mahon has been paying a visit lo his friend Major J Stevenson The interior of St James Church has been very improved this summer The walls and ceiling have been renovated and The memorial window has placed in the chancel A beautiful scroll hearing the text be within those walls a contribution from Miss Mac- Donald and Mr Geo of now surmounts it Be sides this to the energy and liberality of Mrs Dr aided by a few friends four tastefully de signed stained glass windows have been put in at a cost of each Our telegraph agent Town- ley had a great on Friday by appearance En our village of Mr Orr whom he had not seen for nearly years When Mr Townley first came lo Sutlon nearly years ago unmarried and having come from Newmarket became chums at once Mr Orr was doing business under the name of tiros in ihe slow now occupied by Howard Co This having been at a higher price than they thought it was worth the firm pur chased the opposite corner where store now stands and carried on a successful business for some lime For the last years Mr Orr has been located in Brechin and from what he says he must have been more successful than most of merchants here for he has bought a residence in and is talking of retiring from business and going he re to live Or has loaned us a news paper which is published weekly in Juneau Alaska and sent to him by is who is practicing medi cine in that city We suppose ihe general impression regarding thai country is very ranch like the Eng lishmens of Canada a frozen up re gion From the Juneau paper we learn that that is quite a thriv ing city containing many business places jewelry stores two drug stores opera house half a hotels a cigar factory sheet iron and copper works grocery and dry goods stores three lawyers four doctors Among other things note Juneau his a midwinter dub which has an that winter has both a beginning and an ending Towards end of May the summer warmth rids the valleys of Alaska of heir winter snow and a assortment of teasing in sects infest thai country as well as our Alaska is doubtless soon to develop greatest mineral ZEPHYR Our band concert was a great success Everything was good and everybody delighted Goodwood band sided greatly to the entertain ment Special mention must be made of Mr CfiSTionct Soloist of Slduffville Mr Slouffer and Mr Park Utile Artie re citations were good Sho tf Mill Evelyn Dates of air J Date forum- Class Cbti- tilth In the beginning of the middle ages the people did not profess much religion except in times sickness or great affliction Then the rude superstitious warriors jrerc very penitent and sometimes fought to cover guilt inline cloister But to the repentant mind of Ihe North it was more congenial for to encounter peril and fatigue there fore the clergy in eighth and ninth century made pilgrimage to Rome and Jerusalem to visit the shrines of the various saints During this time Saracans held Jerusalem but the Christians more or less in possession of the Holy Place on account of the revenue increased population brought to govern ment When one of ihe rulers at tempted lo destroy some of the Holy Places and at ihe same time perse cuted the Christians the anger of the Pope was aroused He openly look up cause and appointed the fol lowing spring as the time for ihe beginning of movement toward the East He decreed that all soldiers should wear a red cross on their armors Thus the war was called the Crusades which is a name meaning the War of be Cross before spring a concourse of pilgrims chiefly of lower classes consisting not men alone but of women and children thronged about Peter the Hermit and urged him as the original of the sacred enterprise to assume its He accepted this perilous underlak- and under his and lhat of a knight named Walter ihe Penniless the accumulat ing torrent began sweep over Ger many They accomplished nothing and by famine and fatigue a quarter of a million of individuals were swept out of existence In the mean time the real army was being collect ed It marched to the Holy City and capured it After this there were three Crusades which were to tally without value The fifth accom plished something lor the Christians As a result a treaty was made giving them free access to the Holy Land The next Crusade restored Jerusa lem to the Christians but this was not for long and the city was soon thrown into the hands of infidels again Two more which were without value to the Christians and at last the cause was given up while the Holy Land was yet in ihe power of the Mohammed ans Though these vast military expedi tions failed of their direct object they produced marked results By stay ing he tide of the Mohammedan conquest they Europe from he horrors of a invasion Commerce received a great impulse and a profitable trade sprang up be tween the Hast and West The Italian cities grew rich and powerful while the European staler coming in com act with more polished na tions of he East gained refinement and culture These Crusades led the dawn of social improvement in Europe the firm establishment of regal authority the gradual deliverance of the population from royal servitude and brought the earliest gleam of lighi dispel barbarism A severe thunderstorm flood ed juris of London on Satur day Traffic was suspended on the district railways Lee Wilson was arrested on Friday charged with having on he of July unlawfully thrown a stone at a T car al He was brought before Magistrates Wales Wilson and Van jr in Council Chamber on Saturday last pleaded guilty of having thrown he stone but not at the car having ihe at Albert Anthony to attract his at tention and the stone struck a rail and glanced the car window He was dismissed wiih aoo and costs The general reader will be surprised to learn lhat Indians are now engaged in farming slock raising and other pursuits in the United Stales Statistics received at the Indian Bureau show thai during the year ihey saised over bushels corn and other grain and vegetables in proportion They own head of cattle and sheep About Indians voted at the last election It is estimated that out of total Indian population of are church members Out of the are self supporting and pay Sept A ter ribly sad accident occurred about half a mile from here yesterday after noon by which a very estimable young man way lose his life Wil liam Watson was threshing for Wil liam Smith and Charles V Lang- fod wis feeding the separator What is called deck belt came off and Charley leaned over table to hold the belt on the cylinder while Silas Cook endeavored to put if on the deck pulley ibe belt entangled at the cylinder pulley and drawing lAngfords arm in smashed the bones below and above the el bow also causing a terrible wound in ihe head Doctors today right arm at he shoulder and piece of bone from the head of all ihe United States slight hopes are totcrUincd for Beechnuts THAT THE BOYS JUS HOT MOW author lies EST Cholera is reported on board British French Russian and Italian naval vessels at Japan Two colored men had a dif ference at and one named Taylor was seriously stabbed Two young women at named were poisoned by can ned They may recover EST Eight of Montreals men have been arrested on charge of setting fire to their stores Spain will make a naval de monstration at Trangier to enforce the terms of the treaty with Morocco Government numbers of ihe Newfoundland Legislature are said to be implicated in smug gling James sawmill at was fined and costs for allowing mill cubbish to run into Cold- water river At a boy years of age had his back broken in attempting to jump upon an elevator hoist while in motion in Mount Forest a a combined circus and menagerie will be taxed J70 a circus a week The Canadian have been notified that Holmes he multimurderer will shortly be placed on trial at Philadelphia for the mur der of Benjamin P Pitezel During the illumination at in honor of Sedan Day a shell supposed to empty exploded with great violence several persons and injuring four E27 A Muiis warehouse at Port and the steamer Si Magnus of Hamilton were burned Captain Becker of the St Magnus was badly burned and died in afternoon ESP worst disaster in ihe copper mining history of Michigan at Osceola mine where thirty men arc imprisoned in a burning mine with all hope af escape cut oft It is stated that the Japanese Government has contracted with a shipbuilding firm in Glasgow for he construction of five warships the cost of which will be nearly five mil lion pounds About the largest ever seen on the banks of the pond gathered there last Sunday morning to witness the ordinance of believers baptism which was admin istered seven candidates The new ship canal at Sic was in ally opened on Saturday on he steamship Canabianbuilt passenger boil being he first one locked through canal Sept 5- lire was discovered about last in Mtckle Dyment Sons shingle milt yard The fire brigade lived the mill but about million shingles were toyed Insurance unknown The indemnity of which Cliina has just granted the French missions of Szecbuen carries the promise of something equally as handsome for English and American sufferers from more recent Sept Lightning struck Mr John Prestons barns near here at oclock lasl evening lonly destroying with the crop and the implement 10 5r40o Insured tut Al the body of Mr David Mailin was found ihe railway wiih a bottle partly filled wiih whiskey in his pocket and shoulders were badly Mr Martin a wife and MM children Masonic temple one of the fines Masonic buddings in the United Stales was en tirely destroyed by fire The building was magnificently fum- and the less probably reach Kr Mr Peter Fails of Bradford lost a valuable horse on man was at the time and left the team standing in the field while he went for a drink water In he horse and one of animals got entangle J in the trace chain and broke its lex above the knee On Thursday last a dis tressing fatalily occurred al Port Credit- ihe fourteen daughter Mr John Bailey lives at bat place and works he rail a ay got into her posses si m a box of pills when her mother was out of the house for a few minutes and finding them sugarcoated sallowed The poor child died very shortly afterwards A couple of weeks ago we gave an account of how William Gib- had wandered In North and was supposed have committed suicide We see by the full the young man was in Midi last week I was a little bit out his head and in formed the parlies lhat detained him that he was hiding from the defec tives The Canadian Company has just had completed after many of labor two special or war trains which comprise fourteen for the men two cooking cars ij are filled up In luxurious and contain state roam log rooms etc of eleven car engine ample aceotd modal Ion our hundred- these fast war trains the P lo be able 10 cover the durance between Ibe lactic and flvfc and and has At- half MJ

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