Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1895, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA SEPT 1895 Ud4ocfc cod Toronto JbbLcj Hoots Hone A WITH Prints fill Homo bo FRIDAY WOT lotkn from to in Toronto Improved tatentlonto nil for homo Mtb tut Our Toronto ft County next On A Mill ltd by formed of now organ In lb Junta Kemp alleged blcyclt ifaUltoro Ml luo other for ft WMorrison to widow ono a Aurora who property and worth boot to hit widow and aro calendar brought from Araoog art of to Honor chit In column the appointment of Hon J fts of Manitoba was briefly announced without comment but now take occasion to say that minora then prevailed in political circles and are whisper ed about the effect that Ms nom precipitated in conic of of opinion between and the Federal Administration on the Manitoba school tumor or may not found ation m fact but one thing the newly installed large personal notion of his own capacity for compromise iatlon- also the Ottawa Government may have entertained the opinion thai it be useful l have such a man at this critical Juncture in the Province in the office over the In the question being whether the Hon Mr Patterson will become a more pliant official of the Federal Government than hit predecessor with respect to the remedial order and make a demand for compliance therewith or as has been has thechanxebeen hurried ly effected wilh the view of Hon Mr as a commit- to bring about a compromise on the line foreshadowed by Mail and Umpire as now prevails New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Id the latter provinces children of Roman Catholic parents arc taught in the Public Schools during certain hours but the schools In receipt of pubic money are under the supervision of the government and taught by certificated If a compromise is effected at it probably take this may be one thing is certain the appointment of Mr Patterson as above indicated leaves vacant the representation of West in the Commons and a new election must follow The late member won the constituency from the Liberals at a hi by a majority of hot another Premier At the head the Government in a stratht party fight the chances arc West Huron will again go Liberal Fearing this It Is reported the Government will not issue the necessity election writ but this is altogether improbable The odium attaching to the disfranchise of a Riding during an Important session of parliament would be more harmful than an election reverse It is aid that the Liberals of West Huron are prepared tor the contest with Mr Cameron a former member at their nominee for the vacancy In Winnipeg politic Governor bo good fat Job work will oyer a years The Qfob the report antrum On the lh lost of Lords bill for as to validity of Act Dominion lbs of a Speaker of ihaBcoate wheel EoQuUces ar to Do- allenlfoa to fact that for time In history for the of It It now that the do of tho Hi financial again after the first of lost AdoHrai3d proipta of are raid to bo lbs visit to lite In an do at ho Intimated that ntit general woold place lo Juno possible arise doc fog approving of lopreoIpUaUItiue of the writs to an early data irons and bie bid an In ease tbareovoot nd for two tars from a lha ground that a of for of with ticking fund A iUicnu Cabinet muling was held Tuesday In to consider re port from alleging that Canadian with wan on market A gram to Topper affirming to offset in Ii untrue and llbolloas Deputy Ulolslcr of rltuliura entertains notion that the Canadian cattle entering form ot fnoldcnt- In- is oven greater now than Mr proved that British ex ports wore In of diluted of years Hz retires from the Kingston Ntm lo Join with life broth It of The Kingston Nasi will under lbs firm of and will con to bo Conservative organ at without the conduct acrott Toronto shore to as to cause of break result In dis covering that the trouble was occasioned by aphnkgfcltlbg into and flow and of water plank was and Is thought to pirt ot tho wreck ago a break ooala No Public School Board to on Tuesday for a Sr Church Rev Mr Thompson Mr Lit tit of lul tad bis was appreciated The Office Special ty Co has prepared which will bo to Monday Mining for rati floal loo after which till enter upon premises the Co and com- VEDDiHOThcrc sras a happy at afternoon Mr Mr Pater formerly of East Ida of Toronto was and Iter P the knot being tied by Rot Mr nick father ot groom left by train f It Is a fact that many god Items lost to papers or cry by modesty of who fall to tell editor things concerning right way to do It to stop him on tbo street or any may lo moot him and tell yon bate been on visit relatives or friends that wife company or that Is In anyrray a matter Of news Wo aro always on lookout for and would yoir help to act It vox I To sty Is proud of the boys Is drawing It mild To sborr how tbslr efforts to predated a was last Friday to lbs boys In paying oipintee to for the match and other which bad post and no than raised When of Toronto match made known were lo Mid night train a TotohlRbl fasadsd by Hand along Main and awoke people from peaceful fllnmbsrs by the of victory I If In winning the there will to no holding them It bo a nice on part of throw lbs grounds open to to the Match and thus keep up an- Ihuslasm Wo stores a boors If Ibis was done Pali after the and or two Central Fairs oyer annual exhibitions of Hiding and Township societies will take place Now Is time lo lions Take a look over Worth York llsl as busy with dally routine of work about Hie farm and boosing your crops as you some worthy of take a nolo of It or place the tamo In or soma spot where you can find it when show day comes round- Wo to say there Is not a farmer within twenty miles of Newmarket but could bring something worthy of a prize tor ex so doing will add to the Interest the and do credit to nod Hiding In which you live your privilege but as a actor In contributing to ha general advantsgoof agriculture la atso a duly Directors of agricultural associations spend their own pergonal meant and give much In ondeavoring to make the various exhibitions under their charge and they have a right lo expect that tbo community will alio do part to lbs ef forts made in order to ensure a foil exhibition The The charge agiimt John Glen of Aurora of fire to the freight sheds in the town oa July was further investigated before County Justice Ellis Tuesday after- and for a week The only witness examined was ex- Councillor J Smith of ihc Junc tion who swore to a conversation with the in which the witness remarked that it was a bad thing for the town to have so fire replied that he thought he new who had aet them Witness said If he knew anything he ought to rive away and prisoner replied that he would tell the whole for a subsequent prisoner repeated this lit was not sober on either In cross- examination witness said that ihtj ere of at the Rut hut reference to site fire on July he had tost heavily in This was the only evidence the crown had ready and another adjournment was panted bail being accepted Mist fiefs own security for lis mothers A in Winnipeg John Governor of Manitoba Is to roceivo a but this Ii at prcunt as no vacancies In Manitoba and all Stats in Another rumor prevailing in Manitoba Is to that to next Conservative candidate for and this may true In case a on school question fa to it It mora than like ly exLieut Governor will bo a member King and Vaujheoand of Hill and Holland not yd the terms of the of toll gale York and she of that portion through itjonlcf- The wee l set a day for all parties con tec nod bat Deputy- Attorney General to delay ihehciticiglill of from County that if Govern Dteai refuse to act in the matter the toll will have to Ho She be to keep the roads In rtfr should pates bo removed otherwise they will And themselves liable for accidents a worse pliRbt than before It ft to bo that will Ms approval to by and put end to tbo question wbteb occupied to much time of each acsslon for the past ten years or mora Hie Valkyrie raof Cop sesiw by The Concert held last Thursday evening under the auspices of lhe Public library of this place was a grand in every pat titular The hsll was crowded 10 the The chief attraction of evening was Mr Ja humorist who entertained audience In his usual manner won heir good will by answer to the many encores which be received Jennie Houston elocutionist gave seytl readings which were loudly applaud ed MUi Maggie Huston soprano rendered Hood selections while Miss of Toronto at the piano Mr J- Davit P of King occupied the chaff to the taction of ail spoke In highest- terms f the flourishing condition of the Institution It having a of nearly with a library of about volumes congratulated the Directors The of an address and liasy to Mr on Mi the office of Superintendent of Sunday School at act of Commend Mr was a faithful laborer In work for years nod that the Infuwittea of age compel retire waa very Cuing aad Mrs is visiting Mrs has to Whitby a visit ItevOABelfryof King was in town last Friday Jamil wet bums from Acton over Mr Detroit was visiting friends hero list V- Two lidy friends a wilh Prospect ave llfry over Ijundey with brother at ltiyter Kesvrjck is Miss ibis Vr and city this Miss Ida returned week after monlbt in Taylor of Allendale ingai Mr week Mrs and a few days id the City Mr Fred and to last week in Mitt Boston is visit fog with Miss Murray Ibie Miss Lame lsxenby of Belle Is former Mrs Cox of was the guest of Mitt a coupled days of Aurora sras at parental home In town this wee Miss Maud has returned after spending in Toronto Mr and Met J Millard spent Duo- day fo Bradford with Mrs Allen A party joyed the Ity of liberty week Beaton of rnaraet Is Mrs Mrs Smith and sou from It Mrs John Chip- pello Mrs Albert West with her mother Mrs Worrit are In week Mark of Toronto in town on Monday of Hawick was a judge on heavy In dustrial Mrs Monro and family of us a with her Mrs T Lloyd Mr and Mrs of Ave Mtndt In last week Mr Sttwatt of wis on of Jcti at Ibi Mr of were tics Aldcruiati Ibli J P slfry his fo AliliSoa iJiji 3it wttt J ft Id W UiVd to aOjWiaU4by Us Mica of Bradford wm Sunday UI and Bnfth of visiting ft law Mr Peter of was In 1st Mrs Fred and were Mrs for ft week mow Mr and If return they Holmes of a former Vat student here was lewis a on visit this wwk Mrs sister of Mrs left for home In last Friday after a pleasant here Mr and Toronto Wood awn the home of pareulr Mr and Mrs Dense Miss Webster of Mrs Webster of Toronto are at J Lushs and friends In Mr Marshall Fort Huron on ft His Mr from Hew Mexico with him Mrs and Mrs Hi Andrews were called to day on of Mrs Evens and daughter lire White of are ft week ormoroatMr J Smiths and other frlsods Mr Up was to bis days last week to ft la grippe but It to bo out Mr Fred of Bound at tended Ms fathers funeral here on Bowden and children from Toronto and aUo Miss Thompson of were the Mrs V ot days last week and wife of Harmony who hare been spending ten days wilh their Mrs If for to day Mr John Watson of yesterday Ilia wife been mother Mrs In King for past Mr Bowk here on Vsdnssday to Canes Factory and other places luterett about town Ho was well Mayor Cameron wife aod of spent perl of two days at fit last week Ibo guests of Mr Miss left on to re- her duties at Buffalo accompanied by friend Mrs who was or with for a coop of visit Mr A of spent In town among old friends Evidently his lit at the Central with him Toronto faas been spending the past week with Mrs Bo en and calling on old friends Keith or Is to lako pert In the at King City on Tburcday of nail the Junior Work Mrs and from sisters of who bate vlslllcg for len for today Mr I J brother of Anted by bis and four ohlldren spent a hero home on BlrS Irwin returned from Boo wboro she bad a visit for with her daughter Mrs greatly by her trip Mrs John Wilton of Mich is of Mrs TJ Woodcock week loaves after a plesMot visit old in this vicinity Mr and 1st I for On Monday to attend wed ding of Mite Sidney formerly conductor It It Mr has been spending past two weeks around bis old boms County Mrs Roes has bun entertaining lady visitors J who fast Id lor hts decided to go Into Shoo Business for will leaving town a of weeks friends of Mr Frank be pleased to learn he pasted bit fil coming out nearly of bis lie attending at Pa Mrs Beech loll yesterday for home in Winnipeg spending a Month In Her Clara will remain In to a at the Music Mrs Cordon her Mas of ere spend ft few days with Mrs aro daughters lata 11 Gorbsrn end ft Is SO yesrs tbey visited the place Mr Burns spent Sunday at JTjo of Toronto who been visiting for ft of weeks left for home on Tuesday evening little Bobbie of Petrol la are goals pi The Cedars ibis week Herbert and of nephew and of Iff John Savage weak another nephew Mr Fred Rapids Mich with his sister lifts spent over with ancle Mrs Allison of Detroit daugbtir of Mr Let coots home fo very feeble and announcement of would not a at any time Her are Intense Mrs White of and Whiles also here with her A at street on Tcuday being of Jackson lo Webb of ceremony was by Its J Webb pastor of street Witt Toronto assisted by Van of Hamilton bride was uilikd by 01ule the groom by ale was Of and the ecd cosily were to were Mr- and Mrs Webb left on train for some points In Hew York camp ed on the point of View tut week The were Mr una Mil their lhi in nd Walter ton of Metbodttt that place The captured the young men In their stay and their return next year will be flnalouily GUM SWAMP ECHOES- NORTH wcksoioeonowas but they are cot lo Mr Roto- lots of that foot In and tome Poplar Iccii slevlli lately fcavs married class which the hopes to it HI led every A from while fair one home bad cols fortune to the abaft of bis bill Mies Hat tie pa- rental toot week Mr- Watson Is lor time ibis PLEASANT VALLEY vtclnliy by a itorra of rain accompanied hall thunder and lightning The bail did contlderablc damage to buck wheat Mr Joel Thompson had acre that were literally out The Jack Frost on the Ion landi very revere for the of the year Crops to the and hurt especially hie A large auanllly of was raised here this year It is yieldinz Mr and Son threshed bushels In a day for Mr John Taylor of Baldwin One woman and her three child ren earned picking berries hfs season not bad work that lightfingered are at their old game Mr Grahama Harden was raided and a quantity of pen jftapci and melons were one recently If he catches them he will embrace the opportunity of Introducing them to Chief Justice Dame rumor two fond hearts are toon to he made one There will be a two dollar look upon the face of the lucky minister who tics the I suppose there will be no hooting from the Owl this as he has flocked to the to see the Industrial how he will he returns Mock wo The farmers are not busy this week as have their harvest done and the wheat A large number from here have been attending the exhibition this week Mrs I M and family spent Sunday and Monday at Miss A Stephens of spent a few days last week visiting Miis Irwin Mrs Irwin is staying in Stouffviltc for a few weeks owing to the death of her sister There is a quitting almost every other day In the village now Must be a cold winter coming The heaviest rainfall of the visited us on Saturday afternoon It was accompanied by very high winds and come hail The rain was much needed however and little damage was done except to the ripening fruit Messrs Herbert Winch and Draper are visiting friends in Wood- bridge Mr Winch and Miss Winch are visiting relatives near Mount Forest At a committee meeting last week It was decided by the S School to hold a Basket Social the School room on the last Thursday in this month We have no particulars only that every lady is expected to a basket and every gentleman lots of cash The baskets will be sold by auction Mr I M Gilpin spent Sunday In The farmers ate harvesting heir clover They it is well loaded but very thin Mr and Mrs C are visiting with friends in Mount Forest Miis A is spending a few days with her sister Miss Bain A number of bicycles passed through the village on Sunday Some one tore the platform off the scales and didnt put it back Makes it rather awkward weighing on the work Miss Horner has been staying with Miss Arnold for a few weeks Mr Editor we noticed in your last talked of some big threshing and wants It beaten We can do ft Hold tour breath Mr Will threshed last Wednesday at Mr Joseph in half an hour bushels of oats and in five minutes bushels which would make over bushels in three hours They were Banner average yield bushels to acre Who beats now Mr Richard Home of spent over Sunday at Mr Joseph Lund A gathering of friends spent a very feasant evening Thursday with Miss whose has left our midst for the Southern States Rev Edwin- Scott who was sta tioned hero last summer preached in the Friends Meeting House Pine Orchard last Saturday evening lo a crowded house his cousin Free man Scott taking appointment at A number of young men from these parts left for the Northwest last week May good tuck be theirs HOLLAND LANDING Tho bride strut repaired Mr J has work in charge number villagers to Toronto Exhibition THIS WEEK Pairs Kids clear at each Pairs Ribbed Cashmere Hose Si I I EST IS OB We have engaged Miss Wilson of Toronto for the Fall Season and guarantee to even surpass our past efforts in the Millinery Department Miss Wilson has had a very large experience and has always catered to the best trade She is at present collecting ideas and styles from the largest markets of the continent and depend on it our Millinery will be FIRST IN STYLE FIRST IN QUALITY LOWEST IN PRICE Like everything else ve handle it will be firstclass and at lower prices than other people ask for second rate goods Wc are delighted with our trade has doubled the last six months and we are confident of a still larger increase Goods were never so nice and never so cheap and then you know do all our business on the principle of Honor Bright no wonder we are ahead El ronlo greater than any year vet Toronto Markets per SHARON iHBrftt Ho wit Em waiot to Sal tSffttmii Che the Point The wictd Che Our very quiet clrii week Mxny of its Inhabitants hare on ihe given by The Owl and flocked the city to get even with their cousins all the summer visitor bave decamped Mrs who has been wilh her mother Mrs through the warm weather started on Monday hit for htr home Mr P Phillips and grandchild of Ohio and Rev Mr of were of Mrs who been hcrcounn Mm A home Saluiday Another piano in the village the property of Mi A We understand that Mr Stephen- ton of Aurora purchased the farm lately owned by Tench and in tends removing to it this fall We extend a welcome and good wishes to him his new sphere and enterprise Mr J Tail and family the line ere sympathy of the village in the loss of another of their little ones The funeral services were conducted by the Rector of St fames Church Rev Little Rev Mr Walker called away regular on Sabbath to attend a funeral at Holland Landing Rev of Mr I Terry very ably officiated in his place Mr and Phillip spent Sunday with at Miss Florence Stammer las in the at Sudbury Sorry to part our for we think they favorably with the good ooia and know will Miss Kate is visiting Service at St Church Sunday morning at oclock Rev Mr of will ociate On the A of the Church Las been greatly fd for he bet we are to Improved health It Lceitcd ii0 e to docs not hard a iajn Wcdnci day of and Rov Mr formerly this circuit at A of diphtheria hero this to further has aympatby In her in a tea our by from Toronto by the company they vxto at- church on but other affirm tbey were for deck Hence the talking it hot Ho Kdcotc nioAeof notion a kill of hay Mr Jo3 in on looking up old This Is told for a truth but I am vU A of of in down town holt cat upon a chair which allow Mm to for homo and other contact with Ifttnpit thereto until mom and neither km Why practice Who runs town Who attends hit hot Where all big loads of Mr Char Fours very week of will bo preached In on next oh a now library for their In IliO future- KING CITY Extensive preparations are Ijcinj made for ihc Sunday School and wpttti Convention to be held here Sept and in connec tion with the Financial Meeting of the Bradford District of the Methodist Church Rev Ferguson of and Tottenham C Till man of Aurora Miss of Bradford of Aurora E J of King City Rev J of Bradford will each up a subject on Wednesday while on Thurtday the following will lake part Rev A Belfry of Kinp Miss Keith of Newmarket Miss Dan- brook of Aurora A of Rev I Brown of and Rev of Tot tenham Ancient Order of of this place intend a Football Tournament on Saturday Sept A of will he Riven to the best team An entrance fee of being charged to all comers It no doubt will be a good days sport and the Football team which takes money out of the village will require to play exceptionally good ball Come and try your luck Rev Son and Rev the evangel ist are visiting at the home of their brother Bailiff Mrs of Huron County is visiting her brother Mr AH popular tailor Mrs wife of our Imhip Clerk has returned from Meaford where she has been visiting for several Her two children also accompanied her and all are much benefited by the outing Mds Maulia Large is at present visiting in the city We pleased lo welcome back to the tillage Mr Dandy He finer who over on an excursion from Oil City Pennsylvania Dandy is still in the business and manages to make a success of it A good number of the Division here went to Schornberg on Tuesday night of last week to attend that lodge which they have lately been assisting in organising Al meeting of the and patrons of the Cheese company last Saturday evening it was decided to continue making cheese for a few weeks Mil ho has been laid up and under medical treatment for some lime is now about the house again A few from this pari went to To ronto exhibition this week and the passing through has been well filled Latest arrivals heard of Mil Wesley White a daughter Mrs Fred Webster a daughter Mrs John Cutting a daughter Queer Pea per i Pork per on Chiclet per lb 13 113J UK apt eta 1W OH CO ST OW OB Oil en 0 a Oil on a HALU at CO thing they couldnt make the raise of a boy among to many Dr Watson and wife can at his brothers Mr Watson Mr- J Elliott at the barn ot J on last thresh of oats in four and a half hours Considering the length of the ihichii said to be the longest in the neighborhood and the length of tun it is counted the best work yet heard of Five bushels a minute was counted some of the lime Mr has lately add- whit is said to be a great improve ment to a thresher- It is a de vice for collecting the dust around the machine which is then blown out of the barn through a long tinea tube do not remember the and crop of clover ever cut for seed so early as this year Most of it is cut and TO KENT 1 par 117 frtco Mr It 4 10 0 00 00 w WO COO 11 ow all CO a a a a on SAL K tfl Cat Cor in the barn some ago of it three steles crftic2 lot write to 11 a lift Kill DIG LOST I CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor Yongo Sts Toronto ont MWiKr ltd libit tfUltZ E la Wbll otter finit- d9rfrT to IdulwcKVrt A ASTRAY Mr It J No 1 Millards Block TO RENT Chit Lota Iko Uut JolA ONE EWE RAM LAMB Owcer to pro ftWf AT THE leading Furniture A House FOR CASH A SPECIALTY to t JOHN II NEWMARKET ins A large patty of Chinese including women MoUofthcmnHI attend cott in Georgia The steamer been auolc by a near Flushing with the Spanish Manila and of her crew were Jo Robin Hood powder mill at Winnipeg wag fifed by and John waa burned to Another etrployec Wfioi jy injured A young daughter of Mr Frank of Bay bidden in the field when the taper came Ion- jjd cut one lei on The oilier limb will to be Frances Gunning jeded m W of at London and sentenced lo aie result of her to live upon a rudlo J wife h Kit liter Jute lit A RED l teat allelic- io Ilia MORSES WANTED mil will to IM It W J J jcit lo it iicui 0J44 J ivwir ARM TO 1 tcrti p At lftiLii6l1u A tut tr flo l til I una If Wis V2 York Mum District Tomb Hi iIHtrvl fci Jcia4 tl JU 1 itr CHOPPING W41S 1 ttBrE tla lib Ac U a aj DONE i Rock Bottom Prices llklrlClj till maim TO PUBLIC Outside Work a Specialty A KT Guantd r Special General Clearing of all lines and more particularly Indies Misses Childrens and Mens Ox fords at away down prices Come and see them and get a Bargain We must clear You Can Save Money A few of those piece Dinner Sets left at Pointed White Tea Cup and Saucer Co rtt per dor and a lot odd lines at from 7 en pit dor also job line ol from 5 up A nice Lemonade Set Tumb lers Jug and Tray for FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS We have any Quantity at Rock Prices We are getting Stock in for the Fruit Preserving and Pickling Nothing but Pan Spcej kept Our Japan Tea or lb for 100 ii alt right do you drink it For a cup of choice Coffee try our a snap Cream Powder lb cans THE LEADING STORE Next to Post Office DRIVER Bill It OK III fc- lV it IfCVIvd to io U liwi PAIN VI Till UU IXO llEPAIBlIO Viitt4oTvllcoicHl liiltj Lies J A In w j a aw J i

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