Newmarket Era, 13 Sep 1895, p. 3

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TTTWi i- 7 yJ t J I TTTT i Ms 111 A ABOUT The election of will to It 1 Social A rKi1 will be held at on Vtlbj la lint ft will out for liar on It lobulliclioiUtday ll A Am Mr Lloyd Cftti ftjli ftnotbir to from Behoof It n ft woro the JCiiirus on ftltraoon ftnd ftn hid to hero for two boat ftiiothtrcoDo to taVe ilia on SArtry Valvcs War main Church to bo In of ft in ftiKt Jo lit Ward ft lime Two are to on A youth ft bono ftnd from but to for Ad thai a Ma by og Shut Chief tJ a off hie mouth Saturday tho cooler for ho wet out on bat Jj6 i in bait hour fttonw Too bids ttkof Agrlovllural Wand Hail Idt of oral Hall to other Mtt of tbabolld- log not go ofllwr tow of Hon And at led bo Baud a Friday and ft good hero will bay ft full Sunday Mr I over ihoOoiinl Temper irKjiji mid Ml of AcEAtcd ton ficto ft recitation Hit Monroe it reading Mr Ween Ibi good profit will The MeeilriK on Jot aa will bo for tegular til by of will bo aasiaUd by Win I and Win Allan Irf at 1 ftod iiutllo IritlUd It is no tin tho wood la low of every day week on an fcYirati cleaned very il will look vtry The tirur tckd Alarm day and found i in Mrs IS dr in ftftHOy for that it with won- lady it vn aft mas effect pro- dew J ho in and do work admirably fair you can easily make an ti lt out and In way tbo paya for its euro and Iry pair and you will bo at with alio rot to hit or break and ho The Voters List Have you to If in Vota I It very your to tola at it In Haw- of whim to auro Jurors la Ward a tboy US S33 votiri tO AnJrona lit Methodist Church Rev I tbo Hamilton Con fcrtno more fox of Holy and oxidtogljr Into In ovnfnf Ibopattor upon tbo of pro- Wall its to and municipal by for Bandana A man who through of cam won lint log by Yoa Coma Cricket on with oxptotatlon of cfcanlog us out but homo ft on Mr Wilton boy vbolifcd bun torn big work ho International In Toronto mad to birn and Mr lid Ano bonllng victory for by ram ft th 2nd noddy I a trail Campbell Wilton 11 Ob Wilton 4 9 not out So ion ft vridti 1 lit 2nd tuning runout Wilton b not out Clark 1 leg byes Mr an to bli on A collar toll and tbo aw completed will bo and Two Last Saturday an nadir flirt tBprlnWir a North Ball throning off nar rowly escaping carton to Jury tho or Mr lioadt at nearly omo It wai too heavily with and a lor not got packed MauircRV Dan- ford it hating their on Friday aodflotorday Department is chargo who and wall recommended goo- a aro now A Co department will any other now and cape A The his fccan for and It hoary of two or three bo a crop they brought to market by wagon load On Mr cent aptclrota from own It was well forme raeaoarcd Inobea around Ibi or and raignlflccnt It Arm and through- and Wo make no charge for campling all kinds of fruit and pasting our opinion upon It JouU 40 that will in playing lacrot all over tho whilo are in a of they will it aomo of days when thuy feast it Hughes Are the best In town call and ate thorn a League At close of regular Monday la of to hove a Social to that young who have lately to Town attend log the High and Model may acquainted with the and feel at homo in It fa my thoughtful of the and no doubt the opportunity wilt bo by Any other who feet inclined to attend Wetbcdiil will alw bo wel- Peculiar Accident While play- leg with a companion on aide- walk on Thursday evening fc May daughter of Mr Richard about of a fell fence end hurt her hip She nothing about It Saturday when she of it hurting her On it worto and Anally aid had to be Inflammation set in thinks that tha bono It It to be hoped that It wilt not turn to little girl to bed and A Welcome Death nil a happy to W If Row- loot afleicooo Harry was one of the old boys and pirently had a but for many years from bo bad give up work being to badly crippled and for over bo has the Homo for Incurables to Cerebral hemorrhage to certified of death remains to residence on and foUowed to Newmarket by a number of his old Mr conducting the aer- vice One sup- that the Toronto lixhiUtfou fa get ting to be such an old that people would ilia going bat such fa not In foot the tiaflo this year le greater than A rain has left Newmarket morning this week for City and a epoch I train up tickets cold hero on Wcdnuday e I year total number ol lloketa sold at Newmarket morning the total sale yea jut are a good many peruons who take advantage the cheap fares just to go to IbeOiiy Cakes Factory of of down East this week one going as far to gether with the email orders made quite a hole warehouse Next week will car of doors to the new at Niagara without flneit work ever tent of tha factory The contract calls and there ballot them finished are made of lied Oak Veneer a very grain and high Tho door Jams which are and vldo are to match the doors and the entire work Is a great credit to tbo factory Anybody interested In nice should ice before leave Town Factory fa well provided wlh machinery and good workmen to produce ro- season for the Agricultural Fairs come around Bo far arrange following are dates of lho our read ers are more particularly In at Hop to 21 Central at North Ontario at i A at ii SI to Northern at a Oct I North at York et Noun at Newmarket Hie Sutton Whitchurch at it ft AH 16 West York at Woodbridgc A 10 Rradford ftl l Industrial The Com- met Jut and monthly which to The new floor in the old eiitln room Is Included In this al ee for tent to Toronto Hoi- pvtat There la something about the charges for in- the Home week there a man tent here from York Town ship at a coat of the distance charged On Monday a man and woman was litre from and cost the Reeve of the certifying that the to Home 9 fit for the she has been her arrival but the man deserted the homer day making the thai he only went lose that the old properly White writhing at the Horns one day lata week fctm bad t pie- of fleilr ly no- euht in iho wiiuer ictkiaji a wound MoDEidTKS There are no than students in attendance at the Newmarket Model School Following Is the complete list with P and High School which they graduated from Cain Re I Gibson J Richard ion Henry Bchomberg kfaggio Newmarket Lehman MAda Porter Lloyd town I Ruth Mary A Aurora Wesley Newmarket Kathleen Williams Walter Graham Alfred Aurora Aha Ii Kettlsby Thomas Roee Tho3 Waller Rowland Win AAnrora Rutherford J Mabel Johnston Jennie A Aurora Kenny Pino Orchard Reerle Oak Ridges J a at Nellie Aurora Road Mend Webster Lois BICUK0U Hall Walker VMorla flquaro Kllnch Leonard L Davidson Etta BilbiveD On Friday were from the Education Department sixteen of Appleton for the at the tfodel School The book are the latest and Lett viewed from an stand If profit as they by work it will bo money expended on behalf of the community Getting them a Government has in largo quantities for It is all Model Schools have shared alike the money expended will farther than If by schools The Minister of Education credit for timely The In Town ft at Hughes a No On recount of another drop in no tiles on Market kit week of August Cbccio Is than before last ecaeon place In Barrio en day of next week at of which purpose the and of to In knowledginent ok tended to Hoard the part iomrrtr Court A man named Moulds from the of to Monday for hut In it coming to trial and ciro was withdrawn Jack Lyons was alto sum- mono to appear on Monday for a hot ho had left Town for a fewda His for an ad journment of a It would teem very It fox fruit lio tit A It of given to rows of in Mr A rail for par of tho tree Wo And on en that thoro no AH ft fa lht It quite thai to do that Missions The of the Missionary took place on Thursday after noon of week when following for current year IrealdantMre Wallace VlcIrctr Jetton J lr Mini Treasurer J A VlddlOeld and Mrs J and Mrs During past ladles raited for and Young Tho appointed a delegate to Contention to bo held in Tabernacle Toronto flnt for The barn to Mr Hugh about four hit of of ft of to- Of on prosily a aid of for arrol and of guilty took attar band and a to on of fifficittioirrnaUon bold a at King on re- lull of which mi that foil a mm Win Hay- bural of of Inn Co wont with In a Saturday to try and man A fur in a yig answered ho brought before wan and till Monday took on train and in ibo in of It will bo a feather in Mr cap if bo can Provision Maukkt wa In Town fiatorday and for a It juito a jam at Hatter tomatoes apple J pumping and all ordinary In live ilio rut ay follow l It to SELECT AND COMPLETE STOCK IN TOWN IS OUR NOBBY IN BUCK GOODS Serges Figured Figured Buy your Dress Now as Special Prices are being Offered 13 Cooks y lftyte8 QUI LAWN On Friday Init tie for the Championship of tree off at the ConrtV W A playing very fine all bat particularly In neatly all Mr vletor Following Is the WA lH beat A and In sit A II tr- LUND i WIS- HI 15 1 I at our nix LeifiC a- tvn or lrvti lriii slyllcU tlionn W Ivi J f neea meeting tlio fibool mas ten a to in Hue be ready for tended of training aben the term in School History of Education Mora applied to were by most Model private u the Hat w aro Is i Iviread by Canadian wbiwl fjKJM VWerii Last Saturday morn ing clipped on walk in front of tannery on Water end bis ankle which laid him up for two or three days Any taking op any eoiinal and neglecting to be advertis ed Is liable ton fine of Mr Meads is will more Into his new bouse next week Mr John Carrey deserves credit fer the way he has graded the street around bis earner and painted fence off the premises finely an editor printed all ho knew his paper would raise merry war every It Is a nice point to know where to draw ibere a partial of the Bon next but it Is not visible commend written notice in the Post Office to teacttr of Primary for a In spelling Any kid that cant do better than that aint fit to carry a Merchants manufacturers and bullous men order show Dont wait until the moment Mr A contract for two more new furnaces In Town for the resi dences of Id Lloyd and Ross Royal Templars went to Aurora last evening to attend service with Lodge there Nearly every meeting lately the A goat has to bo trotted out and still there anotbsr candidate for next Lodge night The Bona of have disbanded In Mr Ed on is building a Silo In shape of a a boot feet across it Canes Factory shot down on so many tba men to take In the Industrial War riors Band frightened Mr pooy down Town last Friday evening and itnpettbeoatt but little damage was done was nowhere down Town Saturday night for holding the crowd compared with the man Alderman Is mak ing a great Improvement by tearing down partitions and enlarging bis Show Booms The A his been covering ibe carps In their room with new had lodge of special instruction on Monday evening has that new milkman Is to atari In brickwork is completed at tha Clerks sew and scaffolding dp The beauty J the now Mr has room by remov ing bis front fence are S bo the roll at A good coating Of broken atone his been pot on Main Si from ihs Fire North Although there la cot grain yet Mr Land y seven of wheat and oats the past few day a Electricians are en gaged running concealed wires oyer the new for electric lights and hells Mr North shipped a of ibe Saturday IP JtifeO per l It each itccorl- io fliw fiJZfl aeea each fro a or per Corn torn la to i ii stiff Pickling Onions per quart Large peck Carrots per bunch Citrons each Potatoes per bag Apple not Apples pail for eat ing Apples for cooking per Crab icpail Live per pair rt Turkeys per lb Imported Grapes per basket Imported Peaches per basket A large number of were present the usual sprinkling of Towns people and there was no for a bid on ordinary prodooe 10 so 1160 10 25 CO Ask for Diamond Pipe Varnish and see you get It Nothing better Is made for Stove Pipes cans for A a Sale t and But 1 A Box Stoves 1 Box Stove SI in long W 60 A 14 Houses Dying Mr Robert who at BOQtb kit two on It ft they Mr Web alio Alt en kit Fri day above pot In typo Vet Lloyd that Mr died from or Putrid Fever to a ot fever Of blood not very which in roui And ase it by la arm people pi lo water at or that not bun oat for year We give a warning to and not aoy upon Mr or it jail what a good many probably doing- When tho Vet that yoQD bad watered at an old ho examined He eoro this the it be acttd and flllb tbUhad Lit The in fintor in the early ry latent or bidden Ii it when uAm J will bold the food in Ha uoatb by Locket of water a to it wU Into the flotd and ibfoob wallowing without any of the entering the atotnacb In ability to for ft from down and dUi tbe are ot until falli down why there to bo abort tcndi to low wry Now the lioot aocotnpauM by thirty their to the day to play the match In tin of Toronto York match played Canada Collie and trie the est In of ft played hue the previooi vxi tod our looked for the return match to The game played In 6 driving and much or It two called oat The ball rial than coo centre iom to play the bill through n its from game bat about gatn up the Umpired much to the and to a of ware positive that ball Mat a of to tba latter j of the wai to ninplraj but he With to ianil them od with and certainly did not variant looked pretty blue for JfoHiYtr our credit fortholr grit who had working hard on rfiftnoc brought upon homo von tin yarno for the o er than Clark ran it down field and vlio plytvl to and the through to and alter about rd to Manning at who fc ion five of the ball on andupueot the umpire Land rnado to each for the refining time tho play feat end rough Telaooj the and it rot long till Cain bit llgbtniogrum not ball through After for tallied making game again a lie I Ore more True again on top Cain another When time within onehall a joal though ball won folly 3 feet tbo flagi end own not lay it at a game there km no the in the halt play were given latt match e draw five hat lio gave the they being a match doroj attribute of tbe game to the Elm much to the action tho Toronto paper a aay it best and match cm played in Toronto and under tba can ffeH feel having wen of the worked bard for victor while each great vrorkdeiervcd He alar of Hilda on ret or a at tbe midnight train one can never forget Be- OO quite number of were A by tbo Band vi formed and the driven op The warm welcome the given more than made for of tbe game thoroughly the ranch of which member Bind Elms filed a ground that and bite played with other year and that e member tbo auaulud Umpire Fox- In all probability will bo played with Worth Champion week end will do bail to the to Newmarket year to e J Prices bare dwindled to the nothing point Genuine honest examples of thrown away If you arc intereitd in moneysaving for things you need note these Family Flour lb for Rolled 1 Windsor Salt sacks for Good Cheese only lb lb Powder in Canned Salmon only Aberdeen Herring for 10c Kra Quality Shirts for Towelling only yd for ace wide only 5c yd lb Box fox I Sec our Goods from yd Special in Hose and Underwear You should tec Price they will interest you Dont forget the for real 71 Main St and Huron St I WW We are offering Extra Inducements to clear out all oar Shoes many lines being offered for less money than they can be manu factured for today Ordered Clothing We can save you some money by ordering a Suit any time this month We carry the Largest of Tweeds in Town to select from and will Guarantee a FirstClass Fit You should ice that Beautiful Bright Yellow Sugar ft care selling at lor COFFEES Our Sensation has no equal TEA are sure to please you in cither Black Green or Japan have a snap in Square lb You will find our stock complied a good many different FRUITS Tills line specialty in Foreign and Fruits to best and to at possible price do not misrepresent our Fruit to here one day out of the week and tell that our Fruit is the best clis whim it i not CAKES We are pleased the way our Bread and Cake trade lias increased this- summer with all our opposition Our trade kepi within a few loaves of we were alone Our is Our Mr Lyons is kept very busy in the manufacture Candy This a branch in our business having lately refitted our premises for that GIVE US A CAM- REQUIREMENTS IN A ROBERTSON Leading Baker Greer Confectioner VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE for lltJ ihs jot eart Disturbance ft Si ihe of ViMt- Parcel toe otbuiLConibrar4 ircilir nr- III- Vlctorl Ike per coot on to W Ibcrof- to turicz ftt three Ho lj iM l to to to J Bread Bread the great cry in life body that buys felt pleated with it When you i iid of kind try another You can have a tow PitiiteircaciUik for Every Day jot P It French that ire make itgswUs tax a t tic swill W A A Y u ga FOR YOUR Watch -AND- of th romd and can every attic- vv latest recipes Tint i the full strength of Cider and White Our White is the Genuine Montreal Slancrd Gr proved by analysis to bi 09 per cent Pure Cane Our Tea Trace- ajriiirii large prop art ion in Young on and Japan 0r pounds of Japan for the crowd our at equals any Panics IVt in the maVet We give you instead of package It will be done in such a style aud for such a Price that you will be after us with all your Trade DAVISON CO NEWMARKET tOMGoMandBilva taken in New Goods or Wcik I AN I IS a Fresh arrival of Fall and Winter Goods for all classes of people Something for tall an the short the fat and the lean the crooked and straight for rich and the poor Call early and have your choice Next to I Atkinsons Store MY TAILOR is School NOV OPEN English French and Music That BOOTS AND have taken a Big Advance in Prices but you are still to get your Boots and Shoes at the Prices at tU trel llt rwulttUttwrtrtUc UJ3CQ1T5KCI FOR it MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES OK SALE JL J ri J I- As I had a Large Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at the Low Figures All Tan Goods them out we BOO are offering at Cost in order to clear NOW IS YOUR TIME a

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