Newmarket Era, 20 Sep 1895, p. 4

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V A S V A Nervous Prostration It now fact rocdIcftlrccncolli8tTJcrvpunenic1ni to blood Therefore way lo euro by jiurlfy- tag and enriching blood IM great blood purifier It Hood Head letter Forth two great and palpitation heart In nay limit and hid amotbared At iy to Hood which I and I aura happy to r that I and well I Hood aad would not bo without It I It to all who wllh and heart Toronto Oct f ooda Moods Is tho Only Blood Purifier In It It wit Hood tor- a j doa thai Iclh ho 1 THE PERFECT TEA Tut in the to thc TtA cur runny Li ll IT aiMiiuuirtwij Atf riiOfir a It In lib ret CO Websters row to V liovl nil com by fttl Standard A a with Una llie fur i iiathuO In for full iiillcil rfrWUt Ifarii A LIFE SAVED CHERRY PECTORAL allowed A frit my haul a time hole iollE I ro let if I tm liy Ave Cherry Pectoral von ant vote will 7tib For about ltclyfiro bat the and con Iff Canaan Pt of among Iht trlbci and by have been ih land bat not Idle or the the condition among lhtlr to be fttlt bit llut tome cite he to bind kcarle acew to Ji to end briefly God bad iiicmfoui be of Abraham to Out day not felled of enduarnetliecn Out Trill to villi In evil been to keep end upon them to nw their Covenant luoTifaL of have a It a at Son The religion which wit a character and true flod The of ten god of iMe world and for n to ft lo by Indi vidual without reft renco to people for before 1 what they It Ii for til not Only till upon oil- it to make a choice of but to an by pulling and tide and to oar end Verity loyal to I It let 11 B0Uf- Vila October a choice and varied of arti cles It authoritative lion of titer Jri men 93 old woman of for breach of prorata That Jew the editor of written a book for young men celled The book to cover ell the life I Ho aoclel re life and the hie It Uoke flrai book Mrs- StoppSj of met with a on Sunday evening While driving home the horse throwing her out and she was caught in the wheel and drag ged a considerable distance Betide severely injured about the face and one of bet ears com torn oft lulO to eOtuIaaUa eoIttd bottle ol Or- AKCwa the dtlribtfuttM It tttlltli Ik twi OOucti At fir Eootte a Day Couth or cut mat radically In to fitit ftjtd belt la SO Mlnutte Cure for tie Heart la all of or fijmpa Hurt IXuate In lor 1 1 11 of a Left Held by atttlltf Hour of exceed bvldcr of DaTiaary sA2e la iu It t La l It ftd by Ottawa been trutlcci have con firmed the dhtntuel of the ChrliUan from and order ed thi em of two and oho Jay teacher action la threat- by the Heard that under the of the Act there no binding claim they not not only making rapid common people are he coming with hew of have recently been utilised In rapidly The method If for a mother fever In a child at once patient In have dipped in milk and not wrung out In a time milk at- the bacilli and tbe patient on the road to Thui does to from report of Mr Canadian to at if Bit Mackenzie trade between this and Australia If likely to prove a failure better call Hi home and live Mi salary Aoitralian trying protection and reforming their the trade thereby clot log the door to the preferential Met of Canada It paying dearly for thete prefcrtntial Hon Mr Fetter tried to urate a of trade be tween tint country and the but after It tbe effort failed Mr had Utter home Sooth Ontario will want daring the next election the now found for aluminum In manufacture of An exchange all that of the roerlta of for to bo believed it to genera popularity for favor are that It dote not from the IcBq weather except very even In It la found to the action of bettor than puraallver tine Iron or It ib teal of water better tbao copper or The metal la not acted upon told oxide or la by antUeptlo ally adapted for where lutioni of la made from aluminum not heavy oak and only about one hundred pound moot material In thai far been iron and the from material Ae from while the Jatter Only about IbeSAea the beat Iron A AOYAIC IK JUDICAL A Which of Ilia With Care has long Medicine for ex and Internal use hat been pro duced platters experimented bathi and a thousand other but without avail still held the fort miking the lifcof one of and pain The firtt real step toward conquering made when known at Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People wat discovered and since that time thousands have testified to their wonderful efficacy this as well as In other troubles the origin of which may traced to the blood Among those who speak In of Williams Pink Pills Is Mr of this town who Is known not onlv to all our citizens but to of this teciion and he Is n as he widely known To the editor of thc Mr re cently I have reason to speak in terms of thc warmest praise of Dr Williams Pink as they not only saved me a doctors bill but have restored tolicalth which was im paired by rheumatism and neuralgia These troubles were I think the after effects of an attack of mcaslei After Utter trouble bad disappear ed I felt an awful pain in my head neck and down my back I tried a number of remedies but without effect I was then advised by Mrs of who hid been cured of paralysis by the use of Or Williams Pink Pills to them a trial I followed her advice and using a box or two began to feel much belter and with their continued use I constantly improved in health and now feeling better than I have done before m ten years I am satisfied that but for timely of Pink Pills I would to day have been a physical wreck living a life of constant pain and I cannot speak too highly of their curative power or recommend them loo strongly to oilier sufferers I cheerfully give per to publish my statement in hope that some other sufferer may read and profit by it Dr Williams Pink Pills strike at toot of the disease driving it from the system nd restoring the patient to health and strength In cases of paralysis rheumatism scrofulous troubles these pills arc superior to all other treatment They ore also a specific for troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden and speedily thc rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks Men broken down by overwork or excesses will find in Pink Pills a certain cure Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Company or Schenectady of imitations and substitutes alleged to bo just as good What Old Wax has to Say Let us all treat each other with kindness and gentle words it does not cost but little And yet often and we do not speak them To be pleasant is a beautiful study and will yield one who practices ii a rich recompense A woman who has a pleasant smile and a word of welcome will find that tender thoughts her are creeping down further and further into mans heart Girls you dont know what an effect continual pleasantness has upon a man A cheerful woman in the home is like a gleam of Gods brightest sunshine presence soothes comforts and cheers the heart of man- Sept Andrew Griffin of the fourth line his and outbuildings entirely consumed by fire about morning All this tons top was lost The stock was Slightly insured- Loss about Is thought the fire caused by a hot journal on the wind mill power close to the bars The probabilities of very large crop of potatoes not only on this continent but in soma of the countries of the world as well result in low prices for that commo dity In view of this and of the poorness of some of the grain crops places the coming winter will mi opportunity for feed ere to experiment cooked toes as for Aliening cattle MAY EXIST A ROUGH AND HOURLY One a beautiful Into a cable car and 4onn wiih her Her from Her loved held a white tied with a knot of ribbon The cat among Italian tho toujh of our great Some one of them lean- In to Catch the trap bent I am he Is vwr a mind to call conductor When the conductor around roolloned him you that man mote the Move up laid In ft tone the Italian hut tec oil I lady looked up She saw oil lamp had a leak and have dripped over her bid not mn arm her formed an had piotccted her drei and bonnet A Into her face her to him and the murmured to her friend It aihamed to think that while I him and he knew It he aliould have taken auch pains for roe a I not forfeit that at least of poor have than I have Ill never be scornful to One Im sure Ill Of A courier arrived from and announced the most terrible earth quake ever known In that The loss of life and property Is Three hundred people art to have perished On Sunday the shocks commenced lasting all and night at intervals causing much damage and the greatest fear among the inhabitants of the city and neigh borhood Monday the city contained people from the mountains and outlying villages During night sheet of appeared at points to the northwest rising to Im mense heights Tuesday morning shocks ceased quiet was restored and people led town for their homes At oclock that night however heavy rumbling noises were heard alter followed by a reappear ance of the flames in mountain which shot up several hundred Frightened people again flocked to town and about midnight the church tower fell carrying with it roofs of three houses Nine people were kill ed and wounded- which sounded like the heaviest can nonading commenced and lasting over an hour and a half the people isadly through the streets praying and crying before daylight another pro longed shock which is variously cal culated to have lasted from two and a quarter to three minutes rocked town as if it were a cradle Many were killed by tailing rocks AH KRUMIOM Smoke from the mountains to the northwest rose to an rnorrnous height followed shortly after by bunting of flames from the mountain sides and the throwing of rocks and lava Shortly after streams of molten lava set fire to a number of houses on the mountain side Cattle grazing near by fled and were killed being in the lava which continued flowing in im mense streams JTTr WHO ARE IDLERS AND Sac New York Sept The inter national series between Defender and Valkyrie for the Americas cup is ended On whole it has been an extraordinary series and while the is satisfactory to the American people two at least of the contests that went to make up the match were not Defender won in a clean race on Saturday on Tuesday last she crossed the line behind the English boat but was awarded the race on a foul today she walked over To days occurence was all more unfortunate not only because a great crowd had gathered to witness the struggle but because the weather conditions were such as to lead many to suppose that of all days Valkyrie would be in her element- joid had said last night that he would withdraw bis on the morrow if an absolutely clear course were not provided He claimed that during the previous races his boat had been greatly Interfered with and as everything depended upon the out come of third of the he adhered to that decision so closely that Valkyrie merely crossed the starting line and then retired torn the contest Pilot beat No was directly in course con- tinued on her Journey and went over the course well within the time limit By her three straight victories she retains the historic cup for America Though the foul on Tuesdays race was decided in favor of there was much strong evidence that the American was really at fault and brought about by tiowdinji the bo that the narrowly cleaned colliding mark boat- Lord how ever did not base his of yester day on the decision of the protest but the ground that the crowding of fleet wade racing both fever it- Sound that It ha There are thousands of young men whose lives are what may be calted a continuous vacation They have no employment They are loafers idlers drones Every town has a few and the larger ones scores of them They begin the vocation of idling and loaf- ins early They drop out of the schools to be idlers If they they would not keep it Unfortunately for them they nave relatives who support them while they spend the years between fifteen and twentyfive in Often ihey are a burden upon tbe industri ous and frugal parents who after tending them to for a while permit them to idle about waiting for something to turn up They be come elegant and loafers none less loafers because they wear line clothes and have money to spend No human being of the male gender has any right to be a his early years No principle in the divine economy is more positive than that all men should have a vocation which involves useful employment The man who lias spent his early years aimlessly lives to spend the period of manhood in poverty Even if he repents at twenty five he has passed the years of preparation for successful perform ance without acquiring knowledge and skill and consequently Is not wanted Friends get him situations but he is so hopelessly inefficient and so devoid of purpose that he soon gotten rid of Even if he inherits a fair amount of wealth he runs through with It and in ten years he is a genteel pauper and wears secondhand clothing To those who cannot afford mote than two weeks vacation or who can not be spared more by those who em ploy them or from their own business the may stem hud- They may envy the young man who it perpetual vacation and bemoan tbe fate which compels them In ilrae however if they note the career of those who Use idleness they will be thankful that they were not permitted to spend their early years ai leisu V7hy Not iopl ara Hoods to lb and at you not Wiien yog and l blood do you con itnnaioiofftf other act fills and a WITH v an1 Blind Pick tor RAND TRUNK RAILWAY a a end The Rev of Is one of the best known minimis in Day of conference of body he is President During the two years Mr Stratum has been stationed at both he and Mrs Stratum have won hosts of friends among all for their unassum ing and sincere christian work Some time ago Mrs Slralton was with partial paralysis and her restora tion having been attributed to use of Dr Williams Pink Pills a re porter was to in terview her In reply to the report er question Mis that tbe been benefited by Dr Williams Pink Pills and was per fectly willing to give her experience that those similarly afflicted might be benefited Mrs said hat before moving lo Selby she had been greatly troubled by a numbness com ing over her sides and arms partial paralysis which when moved felt though hundreds of needles were sticking in flesh For over a year the had been doubted In this way occasionally a spell She was becoming emaciated and easily fatigued and was unable to get sleep from this cause The trouble seemed to be worse at night time Mr Stratum had become greatly alarmed at her bad state of health was feared that complete paralysis would ensue as Mrs ton a mother late Mrs Weaver of had been similarly strick en at about tame age Knowing a young lady in Trenton where Mr had been previously station ed who hid been cured by Dr Wil liams Pink Pills it was determined to give them a fair trial When Stratton began using the Pink Pills she was very thin and her run down but after taking pills for a time all symrtons of paralysis disappeared and she found her health and strength renewed and her weight increased Mrs Is about years of age and a more healthy robust and younger looking lady is seldom at that ago In reply to the reporters inquiry as to what Pink Pills had done fr bis wife Mr said at her look at her doesnt she show and the reporter could not but admit the of ihe statement These pills are a positive cure all roubles arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system Sold by all dealers or by mail from the Dr Williams Medicine Company or Schenectady at cents a box or boxes for There are numerous imitations and substitutes against which the public are caution ed ft v v O a a a W s W t I 1 I SB p W E House Sftiates o Til CURES TV- I TT I HE ffliiiiiMfiiM air I Of tho marvelous success of Burdock Blood lies In its specific curative power over every organ of body Liver Blood Bowels the Stomach Kidneys Bladder in fact all parts of the human system regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this Thus it all diseases affecting or other parts of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate Humors Old Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant assertion that is tho BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR OR OLD HALE TO STYLE and SHAPE Ladies Dresses A bona Kitib toft and to foHi proper to or only that Celebrated corded With this material TO KsiLnl iriU tisMtl FaKJ0SR3 ii TOWELLING AND JACKSON OF by leading Dry BRADFORD students in attendance at the Bradford School are twenty- eight in number 15 and costs was the punishment inflicted by our J on a sporting man from Toronto named Clement for on ihe Holland River on Sunday Sept sat EST After a existence of less than one year the final number of the Advocate was published last An important feature in the export cattle trade from Canada this season is the increased number of fine fat cattle llut Manitoba is sending lo Ihe old country Last year a few hundred were exported but ibis year the shipments from Manitoba alone are expected to be in the neighbor hood of Messrs Gordon and Ironsides who arc the principal ship pers have made arrangements with ihe P whereby stock trains make fait time to Montreal ihe run ning time being much same as that of express Tbe cattle are fed and watered at Winnipeg and Schreibcr and in good condition Next to Post Office TO LOAN flttlipnwrt DAVID LLOYD lLo JO I YD OP NEWMARKET J HANK AND LOT to la apcito renter WOOD ipARMTORENi TRY OUR Building Material REPAIRS fcOtU It la on a fa lt KOLU AT 0dUcuui tor bo Hit A TltlGOG Soap In a bar for convenience for it la by peculiar for of Its work It fa A la tho world of demand in tho world It for tola of Less Conifott foi- tor pcovfib BUSINESS COLLEGE fcod Torero fcV Call fat HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE Wo fiitVl up ft in with our for pur of ftri all kinds it Kin I its cr liilt ARM TO RENT He Kin will Biro I ARM TO RENT J a All It Jilting Of Trains up Conc3 Co iv- Till Tim into bo AH Wbwll to before another W Art ftlio iIoof Wo will a ibe of ifca very it- THE CANE SONS MFC CO hi tot a ILd la ti fltwhtfctfttd lo proved FARM FOR SALE I THIS IS A lVfi Vet i- I Wl For Sale or It la- alfl St ATtro will for SALE a CO Society A A JI in t 1 ii P T1jay It A In I Mrs Baylys English French and Music is Ua Lot NEWMARKET MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES ALLAH HAIR FOR At ytat to A la the A A or tfUMMlEiyWJcJiy vrJ Wts ijti KcUltbyatfwryiuiiifiiiy tUM- idrTcAy KfivTrkcvcxy ji THE WHOLE FAMILY READS THE It A Father They read ihe Locals line in the Stories the piper the Mother Then ihty end it interested in the Certify to distant relatives numerous post- Grandfather Grandmother Children And AIL the is thc lication in existence It has home which no other Residence For Sale J Ala IK J- MiUlTiiietA W GOOD FARMS TO Ittfl It Atrtf IM Pith ft Z SALE OR TO KENT cf Kail al mo r faYKKA read by several Take Notice ihe ii of people ever An fore of tome account in this paper is there Subscribe for the ERA Usance of for South End Tannery to mm mm o rr yitEOIIAUTHY TVENTYFIVit YEARS UN NT COPYRIGHTS I A PATHS tcct to A fci to c liii Co J liu lcLJfiti to FARMS cub I ecru- crtjw Weal WtlUiuKllWACIl to INVOHllYIONfclrci ft itcicif I la a Kt4 THE COOKS BEST FRIEND IN aUl A v it en r lic tut COPY puuMdiiKDity Thj s artftu At a jet

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