s 1 I- i TUB NEWMARKET ERA GIVE ME THE LIBERTY TO UTTER AMU TO ARGUeEELyAQauiN3 TO ABOVE AH i- iV 37JnjI OTHER LIBERTY JiUfJSD BSvovy LYMAN GEO JACKSON FAINTING HOUSE And County- YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No tent of North York unlet paid in advance isrloj VolfflCLIV No I Single Copies J Cents Each J Newmarket Ont Friday Sept Strictly in Advance within or Si 50 at end of year bu sin Tuonan j Notary oWic if novo Co OFFICE inve st lo Mi WOODCOCK Main rr a IT a jp ft or a J and Unto it idberfipJocofo 82QOO Of ihcc Famous nor In of Happy Thptight Eauge 11 mi if on hi Wiii M I DbtUy 1 I in lAroy dwi Work a Specialty O0tMKIlty Children OfflojCofctrcfXImotby W ttiAff itloot at ftC AIUOfXINOHUEAU VieollcdAIrforPnlniaixtlUr tfATiarAoiioi A A far Co II tfrJtl told n j toHitcJ That BOOTS AND SHOES have token a Big Advance Prices but you arc still able get your and Shoes at the Old Prices at in j As I had a Large Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so enables to Sell to my many Customers at the Low retires- All Tan Goods ve are offering at Cost in order to clear them out NOW IS TIME SIGN RED BOOT if in or- A SCHOOL iron d lu I Huh of Ihookni- flower in jo In lit iHft WHt Of til with Armlci In tier ng Ardlhhojed fcrmtth from gr licn hit rdaihrI In vtM hit toll nor 111 In through I I no Ipo In I For of if our of bad lo blow hero I crown of her go flower lis 1 In wd corn Jn litis ill go only five with them now there angered Which the right the doctor So they accordingly turned that direction and began their stealthy march- stirring on the Island and the only that the of me cable and ihc flight rustling of leaves as they cre stirred by a soft breeze that came from off the water- Ten minutes and no erics had been the cap- who was ad nee of came upon a native hut All stood white the captain netted cautiously Into the hut to quite empty What does this mean p the If aid replied the captain f lark Didnt you hear tome thing cried Harold They held their breath to listen find could certainly hear to them coming from distance rising and falling a it be- I WritUn for KP1IA fit A Mi All Comrnorcial Subjects ShortHand TypeWriting full Vocal Instrumental Music ffTERAS MODERATE for apply n iKi lnj ftftt IfcfctilrK 1 IT A VI If from Ma to do till or for ii hi W WOOD 19a Main 1KHUKAKGK J AUAHTKII Life TO AT Vctcrrjirr a all Mid flt A- Kay Block f bo and ted oeicKoiPjciPMt A CO CANADIAN COMPANY HARDWARE MECHANICS READY MIXED PAINTS CHURCHES OILS VARNISHES CLASS AND BARREL AND DASH CHURNS ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUIi WINDOW SHAPES CORNICE POLES RAKES HOFS PORKS SPADES AND SHOVELS FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS OF PENCE WIRE J A W ALLAN CO lor Repair MAIN STREET No Jacks for Hire do not his lint We any Office to outdo either in style or price If you any kind of Priming done see what work and terms you get at lie Era can before you order Our promptness is pro verbial -CAPITAL- AND DOLLARS I- 1 Standard Life Assurance Co to pay mm AND TAKE YOUR BUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST AND Mr If iajlv Private NOW OPEN English French and Music I BONUS YEAR Yen Jcurti AfiA OF TORONTO ti HUH lO SHU WM GO SOUTH J MANNING SON 19 I SIMPSON J ML HI tide NEWMARKET IN MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES ALLAH HAIR FOR SALE A THOMPSON LIVERY CONCERT BARITONE limiHMAnTKH 117 P Ifilo OK THE AT iCfllC until I PRIVATE MONEYS if j en la- Apt to True The child that cannot digest milk can digest Godliver Oil as it is pre pared in Scotts Emul sion Careful scientific tests have proven it to be more easily digested than J milk butter or any other fat That is the reason why puny sickly chil dren and thin emaciated and persons grow fleshy so rapidly on Scotts Emulsion of Codliver Oil and when their ordinary food does nourish them Sua few Continued One Of ihtm chief tooV a fancy CO tjiaic and no wonder for lit was a wee girl tven a chief would fiti1 hard to abuse The was her nunc and he spared for childs you must visit is land at the riling in would have done so long but and other lnvc prevented rue going on for some time to his is he first voyage I have taken and by doing as you I will only be mil wlnl I any way do home If you do so at once I will pay you liberally said Dr Suddenly hit eyes fell on his wife who sat with Utile Gertie on her lap at the opposite of the deck talk ing to another lady then putting a restraint on his feelings he continued Nothing of this must come to her till we know what will he outcome you are quits Doctor tumed the captain she shall learn nothing from me and if I am not much mistaken young people to keep a secret as us Indeed we are said Mildred and the rest were as positive Well J must go and tee about shins course at once Then both gentlemen walked off having he folks to discuss will rat all had heard Two days after the passengers were walking about the deck in a slate of eager for the captain made it no secret lhat they were rear ing an island About noon the cry of land hoi was heard though none but the practiced of the sailors could discover the least sign land anywhere We will not approach very near till after dark for we must first see whether the natives are disposed to be friendly or otherwise before pulling ourselves in their power This was said by the captain Dr as they viewing the dimly land on the far array horizon Will it not be difficult to make a landing at night asked com panion A little perhaps j but we will have the moon to light us and though it may also reveal us to those on shore the rttk will not be so great as light That night when twilight had deep ened to darkness the ship approached the island till it was as near as the captain thought advisable and as the moor was now rising he ordered a boat to be lowered Ifcen two sailors got Tit stood beside his wife while all this was taking place and wondered what she would think when he tohJ that he going with them Irene he said at last I believe I will have a peep at this island my self She looked up at him with question ing Arc you becoming a boy again that you feel like risking you hie to have a few adventures Ho dearest he said gently i is noi for the sake of adventure I am going but for a different as for my life have no fear I shall be taken care and be pointed to the moonlit sky kissing his wife goodbye he hurried was no waiting for him Mrs- watching boat it receded till at last It seemed to juried in the waves that beat against the reef Then a strange restlessness took possession of her and for hours she paced deck await ing her husband return- But we must follow those In the boat As they had expected was found very difficult going through the break ers on the reef but at two were skilful this was accom plished and ihe waters within were reached The moon was shedding sufficient light on ihe to show ojr en that It was a par- they were Harold who had won a reluctant consent of I the to sccompany iherii on was in rapture at prospects of toon setting his feet on such an enchasing spot Silently rowed till their lai grated on sandy beech on shore but one of the who remained in the boat to tike ewe it came alternately louder and fainter I cant make out what it is said the captain but it certainly comes ll4tprt J froth in front so we had belter push on and try to find out They accordingly resumed their march Several more were en all empty as the firth The procession crept quietly along for sometime longer when that strange sound again fell on their earl Once they came to a standstill each looked at the other in won der as they listened Could it be possible their ears were not deceiving them or was it a re ality that ihey heard the strains of a grand hymn sung in the rich musical voice of the negroes Verse after verse came them as they stood there in moonlight till presently silence again reigned then without a word of com ment they moved forward After walking tome they say shining through the thick foliage right in front of them what happened to be a bright light Going nearer and pushing aside the large leave of the tropical plants they beheld a scene that ever remained in their memory There before them in a small clearing were gathered hun dreds of negroes their black forms dis tinctly visible in the flickering light of many torches Only one glance did the doctor give this curious crowd his eyes fol lowed theirs and became fastened for that region a still Hunger sight On a slightly elevated position and facing the people stood a young man of a somewhat delicate build but whose very motion seemed to be fill ore seven I think When ihe boat near enough Mm- icon recognized her husband as one of its occupants Then among the her eyes on unfamiliar figure Charlie Kingston She became so interested In his pleasant face and peculiar costume that not unlit they quite close 10 the ship was she that ihe boat had another stranger till ihen hall hidden by the form Jicr husband Now in deed she all attention Where could they possible have got that fan- Poof Mrs was quite bewildered she looked straight little one face it turned its head Iri her direction and for a moment her face a puirted- expression then suddenly that expression vanished but no passed tut Mildred brought her a camp chair and she silently seated evi dently feeling the need of support Soon the deck was swarming with their black visitors and presently from their emerged the till manly form of and by his tide her golden hair falling in wavy masses over her long flowing cloak walked the moit litlle girl Mildred thought she had ever seen Dr led her up to his wife and one cry of joy she threw her arms around her long lost darling vrho was more to feci the want of a mothers love After a- doctor told his wife all there was to tell the Charlie Kingston was brought forward and in troduced by the captain How Charlie he said after the first greeting were over I want you to tell me how it was that beggar of a sailor told me only three were left alive of all that boat lead He might easily think so replied Charlie When we first got on the idand Maidie and her muse were at once taken of by a big powerful chief and the rest of us were set aside to be killed but Johnson the sailor took to his heels and was fortunate enough to secure a good hiding place in the woods My flute saved my life I had luckily slipped it into my pocket before leav ing the wreck and hippening to think of this I took it out and began to play You may imagine what kind of an effect it had on the natives They crowded around me with eyes and mouths wide open and remained in lhat amusing till ceased playing- Then I was taken to the chiefs hut where my musical per formance had to be gone over again and his Majesty was so charmed with it that was at once given the with grace His dress was made of court musician A short time of ihe usual native nurse put to Intorcot Allowed op DRAFTS ISSUED at nd AmuScu Drafu fl EDITORS Natural gas has ben struck at Iberville Que tax rate is mills and Three men were burned to death in a fire The Michigan Central station at Windsor was by flre purpose building an iron bridge across the channel near Oritlia Councillor complains that the electric lights ate not paying The revenue was only a over a year or a week and the ex penditure was and he- thought ieoo was more than ihe village could afford The Speight Wagon Co have no reason to complain of tho success Ihc Industrial Fair The reports they took orders for iwo- car loads of wag ins for immediate de livery two hundred a street sweeper Oiawa come thirty single orders for wagons coal cans etc j 0N1OK STREET- It is about six since they had a TeaMeeting in connection with ihe Union Street there fore she one on Tuesday evening of next week is to be a grand affair Tea be nerved in the shed from to oclock after which an excel lent entertainment is Riven in the church Revs Leonard and Sturgeon of tile Eld of Eld of New- marker arc to give short addresses and Mist Winch of Bel haven graduates of College Whitby and are lo give Woodstock nearly died while songs and choir music will also be provided Proceeds will be used in repairing the church build ing and Ihere is every indication that the patty will he grand success One thing is certain the ladies are providing for a big crowd sixty fastened in a style of his and fll in loose folds around him The light of enthusiasm shone on his handsome fjee as he addressed those before him and to judge from the effect il had on ihe natives every word told Hut even then the doc tors eyes rested here only a minute for a liulc to one side of ihe speaker sat a small fairylike who presented such a striking com to all those around her that everything vanished from doctors but the fact of her presence She was seated in a curious constructed arm chair which had evidently been made for her special use To judge from appearances she had been carefully protected from the burning tropical sun for her skin was almost as fair as a Canadian girls She looked like a young princess flitting on her throne A wreath of blue flowers rested on be golden head setting off to per fection the of her face To complete her appear ance she wore a cloak skil fully woven from the feathers of beautiful birds Our ones are found and we must get to them at once exclaimed the captain suddenly And before anyone could object he had burst through their concealment and rushed boldly into the torch tight The rest followed and such a cry of surprise went up from the startled negroes that was immediately turned into confu sion Disregarding this they pushed through the crowd of excited negroes to the spot where the youn preacher slood When Captain stepped upon the rustic pulpit lliey regarded each other in silence a moment then the captain held out his hand and said Well Charlie Kingston you are your element at last I see But reader it is beyond my power tell of ihe exciting scene that followed- An interview was held with the Chief of the island and our adventurers were treated the most friendly manner when the young missionary explained the ob ject of their visit though great sorrow was shown at the prospect of losing their white princess and spiritual ben The first dawn of the day raw them on their journey to the ship accompanied by several canoes filled natives Very litlle sleep had Mrs Irving on been able to get that night After wailing in vain for the return of husband she at last sought her cabin but was again on deck at the appear ance of day when she was soon pin ed by Mildred who wis almost anxious lor boats return Mrs I suppose the boil cannot be laid stepping UP to that lady see some can- I cannot ether the bonis with ibem or no Mr Mildred looked towards ihe objects and as they became more dis tinct could easily distinguish a boat with them Gradually they came nearer And nearer and it it also be came lighter the forms of those with in could be Mrs leaned over the vessels side Surely Mildred she said Hie boat is fuller than when It out i Mildred there death having in some way displeased the chief So Maidie and I have had to be companions to each ever since And miracle did you work on the natives to act as ihey did last night the captain I told them the old gospel story and they believed it that was all re plied Charlie Just one more scene and Ibis story is ended A few years later at the alter in one of our splendid Canadian churches stand a young couple just about pledge themselves each other for life The bride looks very beautiful in her delicate wedding at tire and the noblefaced young roan at her side took well worthy of the trust she put in htm Reader you can easily guess that these friends Mildred Raymond and Charlie Kingston The latter is about to go forth as a fullfledged and Mildred has consent ed to be his companion THE END Mr of Montreal bought fine horses here last Tuesday Football match on evening last between Lloydlown and home club a draw neither side scoring a goal AURORA Mr Joseph Stsphcnson who some time ago retired from farming and came to lire town has decided again go to and 10 thai end will remove here 10 a farm near Sharon One night last week Mr Penrose Mr Arthur just north of this place hid a number of sheep worried by dogs Mr Penrose had one badly worried and Mr five In all most ol will die The many friends of Mr J will be to learn ifcat he is recovering very rapidly from the accident he met with a mo or weeks ago In which he bad one of bis legs broken On Wednesday of last week Mrs Cook wife of Congressman Cook Miss Christie and A Yule of Wisconsin arrived here with the intention of spending a week or so visiting friends in this vicinity On way here Mr was liken ill and soon is arrived al Mr A Vulshtrc Yin and were filled and to iinovc ard Tea LANDING The rain on Wednesday morning was very heavy and did much good The new iron bridge has unpre pared with the abutments 10 put it in place The con of the structure will be something over 500 We are sorry to report members of Mr family down with typhoid fever The diphtheria is not over yet and the Board Health would do well to investigate the more fully A fire on the marsh has burned some hay and quite an amount of wood One roan lost cords We hear there is to be a picnic from Sharon English on ihe this week It is a good local ion for picbiting Mr Fred who has been at for a couple of months returned home this week tank ing if Colling wood was a healthy town Mr J Brown paid a visit to his parents and frien Is here this week Miss Ida Luck has returned to Toronto after a six weeks stay under parental domicile The Cricket Club meon Wednes day night to arrange another match and other business Humor has it that Mr S Marsh of this village has purchased New market tannery and purposes opening it up for buiress in the near future The bridge on road is being repaired and traffic on that line is stopped for the present SUTTON A concert in aid of he Church will be held here on the and night Of the Fair OcL nth for which good talent from Toronto and elsewhere has been obtained Mrs- A who has been ailing during the summer left for Toronto Monday morning for treatment in the hospital We un derstand she is progressing nicely Miss Osborne returned of Satur day from a most successful tour hav ing beaten all the best tennis players of Canada and the United States on some ihe finest tennis courts at Buffalo Queens Royal Niagara Hamilton and Toronto She has brought eouie fine home and has the champions cut of sight On every occasion they have met losing the championship S Georges Church lake shore was filled to yesterday with a and interested throng ihe occasion being the rniniije of Miss Maud Delano Osborne the and lawn placer to Mr Eustace Smith of Weston The winsome bride was beautifully attired in cream serge veil and orange bktwrm carriing lovely of roses The brides maids were the Misses and Dorothy Osborne sisters of the bride and ihe bridegroom was supported by Mr The ceremony vas performed by Rev A- After the ceremony was over the entire party adjourned lo the resi dence of J Esq where a breakfast was set out The hippy couple left by tie steam yacht for where they took the train won in the Shorthorn at the Toronto Fair 3rd prfxe for bull 5 years old 3rd for heifer a years old tiro 3rd for herd consist hig bull and females A baby show traction at ilVatokr jt lb- A will V an St ic when her it Thursday morning 1 i Hon Mr Cook s a brother of Mrs John of Ketlleby a cousin of Mrs Yule here He has in and other pails of Ontario His family prior their removal to Wisconsin resided jo The Ihe ceased were liken to for in- Forty pounds of to ftlrs were taken from she Bank order ficensyw A BbllcVi the icsJIlcs I hit do wo say Ogd- too Seal CUIUS K Cere CHUra ha Is Balls will r a boy was drowned by falling foto the bay The annual match of will be held in Ueeton on Kepi church social was held at Tottenham a few days ago and the were fishermen and Ihelr are home and report a light catch this rvaton replied the proprietor of the livery stable cant use bicycles for funerals A number of persons at from eating toadstools in mistake for mushrooms A military train reluming to on Thursday night was wrecked and thirteen were killed and ipjured Nine oclock closing on Sat urday is row in full swing in and the merchant report il quite a success A lot of rifles and military stores intended for the Cuban insur gents have been discovered on the llriiish Island of Sneak thieves went through Ihc pockets of the lacrosse club while practising the other ingt and obtained some The Provincial Synod meet ing at Montreal rejected a motion to authorise the use of ihc New Testa ment in the Church England A Spanish warship was sunk in collision near Havana Admiral Captain Uaner three other officers and ihhty of the crew were drowned Mr Robert Moore of Stroud was thrown fioii his bjgy while driving ihrou anu had collarhone Iractured He is also hurt internally Ircsndesccni light has been put Church I he of ihc hand some fixtures and installation is be tween too and A landslide occurred at Si Que which carried away ihc house of Mr Normandm and hurried nine memoes his family The River is completely block ed had a variety of in the United States on Saturday The thermometer stood at over a hundred in several of the cities while in Wyoming and Utah snow fell ail day It is reported thai Coin and Japan are fairly alive with germs and that more than seventeen thousand persons have died of the plague in Japan its start in Pes cadores Policeman Alex Wright Brock fell dead while chasing some tramps who were suspected of breaking open Mr James safe and stealing on Wednes day rifle team of ten men won first honors and a massive cup at the association matches the Canadian Military Rifle league re cently held The second prise went to Montreal last football match at resulted in a draw each team scoring but goaL It was the moat interesting played Ihere this and was by a very Fred another of the old boys itaker Hill has gone to make hit home in Milwaukee On Friday evening last a number of the young people met at his home to bid him goodbye The steamer New York to Amsterdam collided the iteainshp and furred south Eng land in a fog The crew and enters were saved The Parson meeting Johnny who is just reluming Iron a Johnny can yuu leli me where Imle boys who bathe on Surdays to Johnny Yep come along me and Ill show Miss Mary Bell of East Oro while driving a restive team horses lilt Tuesday jumped the rig and the wheels passed over ankle causing a severe and dislo cation Her fears that am putation will be necessary The aaya The bonde of To- of re defunct in smoke the Hill i a Fnr jicrJriebl ijht ilcrdMe A Wj sirii MX it hod one fttiulllc cut diets to ui boil until lisiy in iifj Hid A iVunk a for to in one of the at Public J In hit iij Jjlicir When Ibc was odor CI