t Si Irticfly for A Site 4m rfftVERLETSUfl WITH EACH ISSUE Printed All lit Homo tic ERA SEPT VI FRIDAY Our Toronto to Am A IhfCtoooty Jill good for fit In wart after ftbontt60Jtittg kaQWAi with flytog of of on wit found Jin on Tec id a with ho Jo cm and Jim On JutoMo Jery fount bill In chirfcd Hot IJftDlc U fi A ffidlclmtnt Mayor Kennedy ft homo Mr Con- fbo cut Of with In Co out of by bad lb wool when now ftnd IbrU4b by a And bo attended it Toronto ot ream In Tbt tomfl cm bo rcUc4 on among Win do cot mere toi of to out day Jail to Kir health Impaired lam day Acllog raltt u aod atnaranco Mutt bit bcillb abroad- A from to J If la to Hod Mr al Of Jn Federal First a and not a lor Dominion tbo In that a practical tfonl know for of Hit neat ariAbroka over a latter by Mr J In to bo lb author of of colli led Ontario Ontario pun altrlbuUl to Mr J patent van at a Fair of tbolr Ins gtvao Ibvra wtthf in of the patty in 1 lie sister province of Quebec entertains strong convictions that tlic Dominion ill be upon the country before another ses sion parliament says lion from Ottawa can Jjc relied on gives almost positive assurance of Oils in the Government Among other reason the i inspired wilh ilic notion thai the Government is about to re new its to It that the Manitola difficulty can be more easily settled before than after the elections way of cop- firm a lion of Ibis action fact is jointed out that Mr J one as ired from Montreal to his paper in the AVtnernf that is lordly possible there will be a session tins fall Mr is going to keep back and delay bis reply 10 the rejoinder of ilic But while Quebec papers are agi tated over this aspect of a change of frori on the part of Ottawa au thorities press despatches from the capital to Ontario seem to indicate lliai will be summoned well on in December- an adjourn ment follow over the Christmas holi days when ihc work of Ilic session will take and immediately after prorogation in April or May the election to come off In view of the declarations made by Premier during bis lour in Ihe West ern provinces and of Ministerial as surances to the House last session the despatches to the Ontario press the most probable Under any circumstances while Ibis uncertainly prevails it would be well for the electors to prepare for emergencies At the furthest it will only lie a few short months before the campaign must take place and the Country constituencies should perfect their organisations for ihc struggle Well informed political circles appear inspired with the idea that the eminent is convinced that Mr Green- way and bis Cabinet will not recede from their position on the school que alio that consequently there can be no excuse for delay of the contemplated till January the probability of an early ses sion this connection too is suggested that the Federal Ministry entertain the thought that delay will Jeopardise ihe political advantage it is anticipated the enforce ment of the remedial order will create in their favor in the Province of Que bec Since the foregoing was first put to type we learn an important meeting of the Cabinet at Ottawa will be held today ihe Mail semi officially announces thai current ru mor is probably not far astray in as suming that matters of importance will engage he attention of ihe Cab inct and reading between the lines it almost certain that ihe outcome of the meeting will be that I iatnent will be summoned lor business by the of November Mondays storm was ihr severest experienced in Wisconsin for years and destroyed an Immense am ount of property Sept bam of Mr about one mile from here together with contents was totally dtsrojed by fire today caused by the threshing engine The threshing engine by Mr Geo Hamilton was also burned on bain and contents about No insurance on either barn or machine ihe will of pauick of Hut hit been filed consists of acres of land in lot con worth and in lot 5 worth this be bad to implements and stock in produce in debit and notes In household fleet and in miking a tots of His wife Julia Ann is the sole and inherits all lie At her the reality Is given to the son Daniel who to pay Ann The person- ally all fc to ton v dies Toe QUI to bo of forgo or of lo of for tUo of Id not who will not In of Inocnditry work ft a p to would a on totcuroa wfi1 A reward for conviction ftlUnd4 with A fftttiL from VInnlpa to Toronto QfoU Interview with Provincial fjoal ho llon of Mcit and that Man cider to Mr who cent It to a of which ho la Mr Cameron declare that Into of II had fioi by any one and by of Who now Ollaua I now ftnotlicr Ha box awlndlinn la A Mr hout of living Jo ltii lo tho Una of Jl tho old lory of money In a tin box to bind farm cold Mr Wright to hold and alio operator to hold tho koy torn up and on box It vaa found to old Surely thft could not be the fiovinclal jiajvtra iho fraud from end of country to other It to Frank that Premier Toronto on to Cabinet today He it that of Pajauentorderiiig a bye akcllon In h to All In Upper fjoutorecap Vaihiogtoni of tome go attention of during four or A full net Council bar and activity clrcUt of be of come pretty li an Manitoba mutt bo lift to work problem for All oat Interference will only Undtoham of much and will retard It would bo wall ft all keep their bands off Principal It Id make which In lo and generally and character of of our only to lo brfog and proloogJog of walor appiar Co lake into accooot poielbility we cot Jail II ft remit the like lav J J Night atteolloi directed to of Mr an to point out Torontos water that All tbo data be with the aa of lata of having to aid If the leu of lake bo lowered by tba outgoing of ftufljcleril for ntedt Jf what a report be true we rely on either id or of water there no rteea an any of Ml time fo the of the KraiialtcQachrae if the are lowered of land of and end King will drained to for If Id week- of Toronto Hill Mr of Bradford In Town Mr Geo Hewitt of a neck XfrWni Manna of Totonto In Tons Saturday Mr of Toronto day Mia and friend In and daughter IenovlIU weak UrabdUra wcro In Town week- I tow con led for to WrV of Toronto of Mr- Geo la homo on wat In Town kit Friday and avo Km call Huttn of aptntft ten woek Mm French of a town of la Sot a few MUi on to spend two or in city Mr Walter hat gone to to enlarge ai a runlet Hamilton of Barrio Monday at Mr Toronto of Cod over Sunday in Mr of otlon In Town lait old ao- of burg two or days with returned home a few around with friend Mr and of were vlillora funday Br had very attack of fait Mho la around again and of Mr A- a few ago of tiwlllior bury la spending couple of vIth J Mr Manning It the at gathering at week Mr and Mia I Cody left for ford to Yearly and will not bo lill after Band ay Mary and Annlo Hendry and Mia- Molten of City vlaillng with J P Hunter Millard Mr A on Wod- DCtday Into on avenue formerly occupied by Mr J MnJoaaph Hilling of Aurora and young daughter amending of Mr Park Avenue Mr and Mia P and child of Aurora a week at GpiJiitf Hill the Mr JhtMcJonaM Mrs Woodtuff of who her John for two left for home tuning Alter an of a of Mr- Arthur returned from to run Hour and feo van again having brought a with him Mr John of licit who been arldeotcf tba for over CO waa in Town Monday has come of moving lo the city ihortly Iliad ford Koala Car Toronto home on tail after five Jo Holland Landing aud Mr Thompson to market with bride and cordially at the by a few or Church who had iboOghtlolly for WU home tot a couple of daya week and returned to city on evening that Mr ia improvlcg ilowly to remain another month at Mr Harry andlfita Paul at tended Oxbridge and report an memo Harry won two fitati and two in poultry and Mies Paul won four finle In work Or tailed Saturday for where he to a native homo for tbo Mr of Toronto him 10 looking after practice week but after to day Webb will of The latter iaanepbewof of and Well J WOJrVJitrjioJ Tba jroriii York ficbool a valuable worker In week Its Pretldent to Col Mr Tillman baa agent at Aaron for yexri and telega worker good canto ha bad Ihe Ha will be greatly With promollon to a come but we feel that Mr Tillman a vortby him aucoeti fciifeS ELM VALE Those the parlor Robert a good time- Ma William haa wen very alck but are Rlxa to around Mra Martin and children of vlillfng around here HOLT On Monday forenoon Mr Henry house was burn frith nearly all contents a wind at the time which made It Im possible to get much out We there was a Insurance Mm Culver and Mr Tho youngest son are on a visit from Michigan They have their performing dog along with them Rumors are afloat that Mr John our general told out and intends leaving our midst shortly Everyone who has got corn we In shape for the winter Mr J A Hopkins is filling Ms silo this week Mrs of Toronlo is visiting her brother Mr John for a abort time Mr Mclean our teacher is mov ing his family here this week Mr Frank Mcftuland hat operations on his nan wish much success Mr John Hodge has leased Ms Vm farm Mr Henry Smart moved Into Mrs Hedges house since he got burnt out Mr Richard Harper has moved Into his Loot out for coon Goodwood spent Sunrjay with Mfs QUKENSVILLE The annual of No A will bo preached on Sunday Inst at oclock pm at the Presbyterian Church by Smith of Bradford Vislllog brethren cordially The Secretary of the Show says the Lists will be ready on Saturday The Concert In the evening wilt be a good one Further particulars later corn- farm HOLLAND LANDING With deep sorrow wo his week the very sudden death of Mrs West on Friday afternoon last remains were laid to on Sunday morning in the Church Cemetery here a fajge of sorrowing friends Surely in the midst of life ate in death new bridge is erected and traffic on Si has returned- Mrs Anderson for a number of a resident of Newmarket died at Mr Howards on Tuesday morning short illness borne by her characteristic chihtian grace She was buried in Aurora on Wed nesday afternoon Miss Lou McKensle has taken ft position in Toronto whither he went this week Mr J A tendered resignation to- the School Bond litre having engaged to take charge of a school early in Oct A very pleasant time was spent at the last Friday by the Sharon fok and some of our own arc sorry to hear of Mr Dailys illness and that of his child also Mr Wm Morris and but arc glad to all ate somewhat belter KESWICK While for Newmarket to sec the Match last Monday Mr Will Winch met with a to his faithful steed and found it necessary to have it conveyed home by the for repairs Mr Oil troys summer resort Or chard formally surveyed and divided into lots by ft competent surveyor Mr- from Toronto now a limited number may be accommodated with one of most little places on earth for a beautiful summer residence Mr L Jacksons summer presents a very neat and attract ive appearance Mr Joseph is also putting up V cottage neat to Saints Rest and understand Mr Jos Cattle who has orders ahead has the con tract of rough casting the aforesaid Saints Rest Mr is putting in a stone foundation and stable to his bam on the shore Mr A is ex tensive alterations and in prove men Is 10 bis domicile in Keswick but his movements arc badly handicapped at present owing to Mri severe attack of rheumatism understand hit tffo of our young men have postponed trip io the other side for the time Mr Stephens has been engaged or the balance of the yearns Teacher n Coles Settlement Mr John is creeling a large and commodious barn on his farm The Brown Hill and Won football teams played a friendly game on Saturday evening resulting in favor of the Utter by a too The Misses Yaxley of have been visiting with Mrs J Norm and Wesley are attend ant upon Mrs who Is very low with Jaundice Mr Edward Johnsons little boy Garnet met whh a tad and fatal accident While going put ft horse the Animal him a kick from he died the following day The remains were Interred at were followed by ft large number of friends The family have Our sympathy In their sad trial Mis Wayhng is slowly Im proving from a severe illness oc casioned by heart disease A slight disturbance took place in this vicinity last week the result of too much drink Mrs Sarah Glover is having a foundation built under her house Mr John Smiths little child is very low with consumption and not much hope entertained for its recovery SHARON Mr passed away on Sunday morning List after a brief illness of lew days She ill bo very much mired although the had passed her years of usefulness Rev Mr Leonard assisted by Mr Walker conducted the funeral ser vices and Ms discourse was not on death so much as how we should best live to lake and was very inspiring and appropriate- Surely cold weather must be Mar are going south Mrs Job- Hughes and babe hate returned to their southern home Mr Eyre Intends to stare next week for the land of Florida Wc wish you well Will Mrs expects to spend the winter In Texas again Notwithstanding the scarcity of apples In this locality the cider mill is running already ftC Good Grey Flannel lie yard All Wool Serge Dress Goods inches wide MOUNT The funeral of Mrs Joseph of Zephyr took place here last Friday the remains being Interred in Methodist Cemetery Mr Bell died of typhoid Just noon oh Wednesday It is only some three weeks since she attended the funeral of her sister Mrs Belt of Stouffville at which time she looking as hale and hearty as could be Mrs Geo of is a sister the two de ceased Kemp was arraigned before Judge in Toron to last Friday afternoon on a charge of having stolen a bicycle from Kd Sullivan on the evening of August A number of sriincsses swore to hav ing seen the prisoner on the wheel in Mount Albert and his own evidence of how be became possessed of convinced the jury that he was not lellinfl absolute truth He was accordingly found guilty of the of fence and will be sentenced by Judge MacdouxalK SEPT SEPT We are going to eclipse anything ever attempted before in this Department styles are new tasty and exactly correct The workmanship very best and the profits in this Department extremely We expect to sell a tremendous stock of this fall and to do so have marked everything at the very lowest margin of profit so de pend upon it that even though the goods are highclass and right up to date still you will not be asked to pay big prices Come early first orders Will be first filled Remember we have The Best Millinery The Cheapest Millinery The Prettiest Prices for Good goods Always the Low est The changing so hat caused several to have Maggie spent Sunday j Wasnt Sunday a KING CITY Mason of Toronto visiting at the home of Ms father Percy had a fill from his bicycle ago and received a bid cut the back has laid him up since- The are not yet with drawn Key Mr li the guest of Rev Mr Miss Nellie Moore of Lisiovrell and Mist Eva Large of the Junction are viiliin at the The Football Tournament on Saturday of last passed oil pleaiamly and aucceairully Three learnt entered Aurora Royals and King City Aurora and Kingf City Rovers played and the team scored five while the Visitors failed to one The Royals then Visitors and after minutes close in of Walker- ton twenty three fell eigh ty eel from an elevator in Winnipeg and killed- Gjekrva Sept Seven parsons were in lake here by the sinking of a yacht which vn run down by a steamer CHINA fleto BEDS A L L Usui linn Si thresh ers at wink on the farm of Mr Shannon about a mile couth of litre oin the engine fired the at oclock this morning and totally destroyed it together villi bushels of train all the crop With difficulty the thresher and live Clock in the barn woe got out A moot northwest blowing the and the tire iprcxd to the house About j it was burned to the The however were saved The fire brigade urube to render uiy The loss Khaonoa is a And is mated at bo luxjoo A man had to pay for to a man After warned not to do so If Holmes will be Hied at on October for the murder of the father of the family K- Sound on Monday Dixon years of age was to at Kingston Penitentiary for his own stable on fire which caused the deduction of a neighboring residence Jvxttnsirc bush firus have been ning tome day near IaIIs And Rivera immense damage has been done and- were Uied by Rev Mr Rogers is visiting friends in this vicinity week and Iias consented to preach in the Metho dist church next Sunday evening Mr Rogers was very popular when stationed litre and we bespeak for hint a full house Mr Isaac Morton of Brougham and Mr Moiton of Whitby spent a few days th week at their fathers Mr Ira Morion of Temperance Division have at ranged for an open Division on the first Saturday evening in when there will be a public install ation of offices Mr S II is on jury at Toronto This is the for hi in Although crops were light this sum we hear of some pretty good yields Marritt counted two heads of Red Clover and found seeds in one and in the other- Mr John a hill of potatoes which had jn it Mr Thomas on the con cession has counted a stock of buck wheat which had over grains on it Mr Prosier is threshing clover this week and a good yield is reported A case of trespass was heard Monday before Squire Marritt And Decision was reserved for one Rev P Addison left for home last Friday feeling wonderfully improved by his summer outing The day pre vious he to Snake for bat and had great success Rev Dr Young who was sijendinj a couple of week At Mr ac companied by his wife preached twice during his hero to large coo gre gat Ions with much acceptance Mr Harry Grose has iherume of being the fisherman this His catch of numbers under the parental roof Mi Rose Philips under the care The Misses of were visiting at Mr 1 Glovers Mr John brooks of Keswick it painting Edward house His work is veiy commendable KETTIEBY Mr Armstrong of the concession had three sheep worried by dogs on Monday night of last week Along in the fore part of summer Mr John Lloyd on con lost two Urge pigs And although as he thought looked in every part to find them he could not A few data ago he was cornewhat surprised to see borne and one ay hog fat and ready for market Mr naturally thinks that some one most accommodat ing to take in his and fatten them on share And that when they had got them in that condition cent one half home JU a good who was the feeder Perhaps the prodi gal just escaped by the skin of its teeth Some are having to draw water from ponds or creeks for domestic use Mi troves mill pond is getting such a small supply of hat he can only grind part of the time Our Band boys have resumed practice attain after a few weeks rest during harvest Met Wm Hughes of was visiting at Mr the put of the week Mr Sinclair got home from Ins City adventures on Saturday last Mr was kept in the house for a few days by an attack of bronchitis and other bad feelings Mr A S has return ed from the States and intends locat ing in shortly Mrs J Curtis and Master went down to ihe City fast Friday on a viit to her sister Mrs Kirk and returned the fore part of the week Miss Emily home from the City last Saturday on a visit A skunk that was shot while look ing in at the cellar window made a fasting disinfectant for that house Ha I Ha I Johnny you bad baiter net on those nice little spectacles be fore you lake out gun again to shoot the end off a rail in mistake for hawk Twentyfour groundhog hides have been converted into leather by J Ramsden this summer It is as soft as kid and equal to buckskin for toughness Mr our miller was taken very sick on Thursday afternoon of last week and hid to hare ihe phsi- calls in Mr J Sinclair who we spoke of in our last as being Arrested at the To ronto got clearance as any connection with the phonograph company after being put a big expense by calling several wit nesses The detective would not take Mr- Began word that Mr Sinclair hid been working for him and that they had only on the fab grounds a little over an hour but declaring that he had seen S on the ground ihe day before and that he had Also htm tome time before in Buffalo As toon as got his liberty the detective summoned as a witness against the phonograph company We should ihink that Mr ought to be able to gel compensation for the un just treatment he vas subjected to in the hands of that fast cop He raja the language used by him was much wort was emitted from the instrument to say nothing of the cell he was kept to where ha had to stand up the whole hours And was re fused Any food or a of And the weather almost roasting hot All that day Had he been a criminal- proof to hold him such of A re- ciiiienihal be then the could be overlooked Even a deserving CAje it be going too far to a prisoner a drinx of water on a boiling hot day a to i5tca Quite a bit of grain is mar keted just now The fanners that exhibit at the Fairs are beginning to look around for their best articles Our hotel is being covered with steel siding which a yast irn- The Basket Social held in the hall was a grand success Further par ticulars next week A number if in the village now Mrs Nash of Minnesota re lumed on Tuesday after a short her sister Mrs Neil Morton Miss Grose of 1cfroy i visiting with Mrs I M Gilpin Miss of Mies Bolton of ton and Mr A Winters of spent Sunday and Monday at Mr J ConneHs Mst Clement of Mount Forest is visiting relatives in this neighbor hood Mr J left for Rule City Montana on Monday ROACHS POINT Your typos made come bungling in the items of last week that relating to Mr Hells de parture And the presentation to him you have twice pasturage instead of pastorate a very different matter and nine instead of twenty nine In the the contract for opening up jo and instead of between these lots and instead of now travelled road Hope you will correct least the number of signatures as it gives a poor con ception of the general feeling toward the Rev gentleman ihc address was signed by the heads every household Mr Francis of is spending a week his grand parent at the The last of the visitors left this week Mrs Albert Roc presided at in Christs Church last Sun day We are to hear that Mrs Win Roe has been quite ill for some days Threshing is scarcely over and re port says hat turned out wclL Farmers are having a difficult job culling their buckwheat which was badly lodged Hope the fine weather will continue till it housed as rain would shell it badly in many cases Friend Morton of is the latest purchaser of a lot on the Morton front The job on the above alluded to not the lots is finished and looks well A double team and democrat drove in and out with all ease Hope the Council will he work by a ditch on both i the- was declared a draw dir neither teams scoring The was J M which the home team ably held their between the two learnt A game had been played at day before which also resulted in a draw This is four times the teams have tied one another t- Charles Dairy a had his arm crushed while coupling cars at Ml Bert Sept ft CENTRAL BUSINESS LOST will tec to I I I I A J Cor Yongc Sts j TTj TORONTO AND SArUHDAY CI twi la dsricit fiJIAV AT per lbs Etc FOR SALE PJlBCcrita2tl0l I r- the of Am J wiklotc4crt3f for Li AT Till Oua a is An baker hid day they were barn was atruck by lightning and burned together villi seasons crop Toronto vtosf ill JH Leading Furniture Viulertahitig Special FOR A SPECIALTY l at Klghl tilde- JOHN IS ho Ihc manner in which come in us for tell strongly I hat though hi dot not our many best quality and want something an 5flrnting of r5 re- and de livered C Main The first of this Season ctk The quality is good have now in New Citron Peel Orange Peel Kew Peel And our direct irdfoct HAM here The quality is have one line packed specially in IS which arc to iH for ihc caddie lt of Tea you ill find our Winner The Old Reliable Japan this pick Tea has caused mere trouble he merchant to qual ir of any ica in add they have filled to find equal at he jrcc Try a I parcel OK A Kr 5j L ASTRAY- Ik Crockery AND lit A JQHiVAOLtVEIU A i til- fiUftwiii too pit IV ur I 1 L Id DO OM rfis si 15 on J6 a a I a Old I I I rill lit loo lt f a I id Oil on w It 9C7 1 on DO a a a Oil OH a a OCO 0 a 13 l J iho Lo lUvTtCJ UufvfdOcL IK A Mr licit Oil a I- Oncer Its Jol I AnftxiCjTAf J Hub t i it Uua wkut4AteircotaUffudtiitr umm ted t 1 1 1 li lilt I Alt IM4C4VJ Skokomitli Goal FOR SALE and thy fits FOR YOUR -AND- It will be done in such a style and for such a Price that jou will be after us with all your Trade- A A Rock Prices HAVIKO til Outside a Specially Y U JEWELER Old Gold and In or DRIVER till A It OH t am Ai v Johnston fciKl