V 7 I i isoomo oh town Another Run The Hunt Club ltd morrow noon Iho reion- ihc to to let t oclock Co The regular meeting bo held In Tiro unlock All mem to bo if bail to ClltlftCfl A pre juratory bo W of A tor wLo 1 tfm noil lo the of llio A when and Curling who of for bind Of ipoit Jf promoters W of lb opinion It A move in dlrccllop coming morning Omnibus in with Iiotofc ft of slyloas Iho Win only credit Ton cid iba bo Too Much For It lb Told fell down In of Iht on wlitu bo Crying to turn wod A fur a Ilw uiImuUb Mil dor Jug which ft lit nod irAvtlled off iiolMui bur white Mr was In few by of iruichp off Ml JiftM And Arj cult tig lb bono was tot a couple of day JlCiCfiifUtlrig but ace No yUA I jit We a jiyc Jill with for v car and no lino fjrd know you you Mid will do m fteioU Ktti a by to public lu ftnd country WfiTKRH on- null to for next on id of Oct And return till of Oct it tbo Tori Huron and Detroit City and Chic- all rail or by boat AY I UK Wo arc lo learn that North not at To ronto Imbibition of Witwn of on hornet fr fj of on John of and of VbUchurcb on grain Mr Ihrco firti and Mr won ft toll and tbcro wo not of Fin Cad 11 well piori3d kfndiof livery Hod Ida a vory dooblo at Vernon flu at hi and ha omul- but will a a cHiflcd lb depot to Irevtlkra A Urge of fit In front Mr W A tona atoro broken Wooday coma add not for Only rtmovidt la of of Gomtiblo a boy a on A Mil fa ifng for firtontibonJH toll who Tim ftclion of the Court at Kail Toronto of three hat by of action fiat one will late of Of King The a daughter of the executor of the wore the The being thl will It to the or Indicated to day and after the cool weather preceded It lb felt eltneti wJadowaio and fanning to ilorri tailed pot Ma btad to alon with the thai for gotten Too aw One hundred judci of glato were Into wJndowa of the tbla men aay if all the Axd Ii tvoud take another hundred to do ft IM a I hi of to Ratify of who tike of the jiarlfu to tliofoolotyi In formation would to con viction of guilty would certainly be of the offender bo In the ot tbo well themiol MkUiODitr There a very at thi ainnoanooment In that John It Clerk the had the evening owing to hie train Using In arriving at To a good many were In view of Mr give a platform add ran next at tbo hour of The to announced for next morning will therefore bo pott- for a week The for evening la the early fall aro Iba tlioci of beauty In floral kingdom CO lover of will In varying of and tbe est fr bloom nearly color and i fie nt enough to ho tailed of tbo aro at alio admiration while lie overpowering in Jo the gardens too in the white bloeaoua and fragrance the moat choriah- ed floral Farm was a goodjuatket lut Jliuriey but the ttuo heat people like getting Town aa could tell no perceptible in pricta Hotter and Were plentiful Two or throe larnb It that Town I ot duty if be allows to lake ad vantage of people that our brica together for dlipoalnji wan whhoat lo tafco out a men or In to our only pay thtextaoa own property bit are fcUj for market premise Great Mr J of who ia a grandson the late Smith of tbii apiOiuttntt of general for the Hamilton He en Moaday even canvas fie bat to offer of jvogfeaaive paying in for can for delivery on tho lit of Die a cop of Tracheae of but for test or gS at reputable It well printed Willi piilnd type baa con taint latent and puiiiibvti are iota for take of work fa Canada in to the trade and an to a bible very occur St Pauls Social The school- room wao well packed fog and a aacceae Mayor prwlded and flrat on program an of church to V paator congratulating htm upon matrimonial tie Joel formed and them over in their new pariah Mr briefly tor the hearty reception accorded to Loth and tbo hope that bo might ever be found on doty at ft true watchman A ipHndhl program then followed the Rem of the evening fcelngaiolo by Mil of Niagara entitled The Holy City eang in a very Couldnt Hay No and duett rape and together in floott rendered valuable Wan In trio with Meter A and J A violin by of Aurora was with applause the pianoforte by and wero to with An of tea thin served by tad lei and after the national tho Pro- ceedj nearly Samples Of Clare famous are on exhibit at A Intending and In a Mr the feat bntr eight heavy laat the from CO ISO Coukit CotiVBujtou the Executive Heeling Toronto Jul decided to hold the Contention of the fn tbe Town of Newmarket next and the 6crttiry I now arrang ing tbo program I ft of day now and fire or alt pail arriving every day Two can of cattle wero from hero on On morning a special car officiate paired through on the way to Co J logwood Fair another containing Highland uniform Pair over the lino to morrow in ctly Saturday Cody bad a narrow from very Injary gaUing off a trolley car a ran into bar at foil peed Soma ptojlo Imminent danger that wet rnomtnt and A tried to her and partially her arm with ioch force It black and blue Had aha been attack back apparent to onlooker log what have boon The and with vobfolca demand that the ildere be erwedlngly At a inccttfl of the of Worth York appotnlmonta were made of gatckeeperi Ac and tbe action committee humorist and Fax alto Mr and for the to bo on the program the confirmed Already oniric coining fn to the retiry and a fol booth on theroundtfboul4 apply tboflicrotory ho will An adjourn taka Monday TupKhs Indication every where are favor of an potato crop Mr fltephen Howard with iirnpU of which a potato and doe not grow very large that weigh two each while ah tipped at lb ox Thcae were net out of tho field and had no aoial but like many of potatoea Oil a year require to cooked by the boiling to before oeotre cooked They are noihoHoW at ono from the alio bat solid throughout flatarday Mr left of the White and of the Valley They ware not extra largo in but table potato The well know In hut the tatter la a new variety Compared to- after there not to make a Mr lin ger will torn out to the acre well both in with Mr J I The Hughes Town Are and In W Crick The Newmarket Crlckci Turn vast In adding another victory to their Mat of thfe the match decided by for Want ortluietoptay it out Following if 2nd Innings fl Bird Dudley G Stewart McCor- Dudley Uarchlaon Dudley 1 fltephtni I Ibw TothilhbMcCormick Dudley 22 run ant Dudley Rate not bit itcCbIJuy i Extra The 17j fOR JioghtV have a nice tot and very cheap For that greeted Mr Jehu It Clarke remarkable the filled From beginning to end the el aUtotioQ like a magnet The lecture of ai might expect bet via realistic in of mighty in in define of true very literary ite makeup and yet with alia rein of goo running atari finfab Hit of of iwraonatiou ii particularly the Imp while ace fcr hearer with the to iLt human race He a noble tribute to the work the and any vibrated la be with and of of Iff It it kind of man up to do come and La when we bear of Mr life and ability which be oieearer A Co iluir for TUy a grand The Game a Draw At the Ex hibition 00 Moudy laat Champion of Midland and York played the of I adraw The lirce sod orderly gate receipt exceeded ball at oclock waa kept around the vitltor goal when Bob the old mud for the Talagoot Tbo crowd kept pretty well in hat later hen the ad aim did tbe trick again they throned tht ground from all direction body fait the game good won and the of third diitrkt Mat they were to The home of kept the bell on flag the trouble and in making a gnat of the defence- Unfortunately An clever dodging and acien tifio do not or the twelve would have a defeat With fine ability to get and keep the bell the borne mutt learn to make better dm of ft defeat too open game Glover and had no chance to live of the borne of the In and mtnntai made the gam a Ho to regret and of people fllkd the of heart by up Dickie to perfection tbe undoubted alar- dearly Mi check and proved addition to the field lodfcnow enough path whan he get the ball With to never Cain and their man and wJ exception to the did level to bring victory to With ao- other will more then credit for taking advantage every opportunity reported at our the aad vexation of knowing that beat team did Lot win Dr and of Brampton acted a umpire here Robert of the game and credit of in teem Ontario Wiihtuai Friday the have fceeo See Stock c Bird b Stephen Dudley Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Stewart Hodge not out i 1 Total Society in communication with proprietor of Waeh Lb crowd la going to attend free Dont mite It flqday Mr Cody gave a reading and Canoe Read logon the meet ing next Sunday again Atkinson Am named for acting on tbo Ground director determined to pot a atop to Anything that to property and have employed veto dettcttvo for thla take warning and govern CllAllCKS Quite ft tiko place In milk of Mr out to Mr lor and Mr Millard out to Mr J A both are new men wo probably romiln milk delivery Monday or last week whflo flcott pipe the holding theetep ladder in gave trey and he opon floor ho were broken but her back wai badly injured confine hot to bed for four or Ave day able to bo op on Wednesday j recovery la now anticipated i Dont believe all you hear but come and see for yourself- White Blankets 23 Yards for no Shoddy Goods you can alvays rely upon what you get from mob Black at worth Wc are never sold out of what ve advertise All Wool at inch Factory Cotton All Wool Shirts and Extra Heavy Lots of Bargains in Every Department All Cooks Use huh ton a Iovopk Old Vail Fairs The following are our it ad In Oct 12 i Mill York JJfiMfi if Hit ii A ll Whitchurch ll JlcbtOn A ftiQmemvlUq lr it Wp at IB ft IB Cpovdrd Out A budget from Goal of Church The annual of oat for Wait for The Aid of a Hum Oct ltr Mr Koch Mar Icflj by ft will Hotel ami driven Ho It to Ids Council Next land ay Fair net I llnely You See Those 50c lra at Q A MX to blow out a Library A meeting of fa luring Room on a tbocliafr The potted of the for foil amount iflio to for and with held id 161 on acoot of of and with receipt of all other duo tbe Library to the op to Oct and all to or vUitlng the Library and carry ley away certain Board felt that it vat to expend a to erect a whlcb the megarlnei attached to look after It to view Council with to inakiflgtba Wbrary and free to of itt to next regular mtetlug of tbo There fault found to when getting a arrange After the HI of Oct Library wilt only in the week aa from to and to j- from to pm and to pm Saturday from 10 to a daring which liroe the librarian el prcitnt The to be overy day and eamt at in the and both tbe front are to be t of tbe the year around nil crowding and ample room How Library fe free from debt the more It for the new for To tad it propoud to hold a la the future and the again report of Mil- ruction cot tbe houre for d piile it may be on gofng to Library Sofa the a mil W Tiik Si 10 the fir mer filling their but Mr it probably the In tble ft will hold between HO tore being ill led tbie at the rate of or tone per Ho hit for work would ordinary Ji conToyed hie by of underground plpca to where he all kind of For filling he a four knife that chops corn Into at the of a ton ten minute corn brought from in 1 intn to machine will cut An elevator cut corn to eilo Vhllo machine on Mr had a narrow losing hit band caught of hie leather nit and in an instant It cut into loose it alipjxd off band arm might drawn Lumly IV corn and iv abun dent that ha than he can do wilhp Talacoosat Over took of the cheap rake Friday and to The rnatcU very In and fliet ametsfitfti one hour and 46 actual pey much the and blocking of the goal kept thorn from tearing luck with hot shot from After minntei there only minute to and when time being up made a wide shot glenoid off a fooling and up wont umpire hand ended the match and boys book lo meet again hero Monday While nearly allot Tata put up excellent lacrosse Glover on defence and Cain on the homo fcurprltcd everybody who war playing borne had all way until bo revived a natty cut over tbo and was to re tire wae only about after play commenced and to mil- forlano well at to tbe tbe umpire boys attribute defeat Hughes Milliner Next forget date a It dark about supper time tija the idea the each a good advertieing rncdiouu has sold over ventilators weather been so eitrernely One almost think tbe hid made a and gone back Instead of lag lino Saturday 1ertoni flitting a printing in mind that It is as to read tbe copy or look at the proaf sheet la to go Into a and look Into and ceo what they are going AN OLD OLD STAR Y IS TALK Or In Prices yet New and Interesting to Careful Buyers especially so present when our prices nave been doubly cut Read our Low Prices then come and see Crowds and you will not be disappointed in Hie Prices For instance b Baking Powder- 1 make Canned Salmon c 1 5 12 Family Flour 25 Mixed lbs Rolled Oat Starch lb jc Granulated Suar 100 to or I St W55 Improved paraoa was lor hie brWe Industrial Home Commit ion to account meeting at tha Tuesday afternoon Ad man doti adfr Is a acd baa no advataca to A pott which a added lotba ixchaogc for of Soma tbat to a with or other not apt to by ivithout nil a forward that publicity it Ko wild bo made Editor are very fal for aal to ilo at any hot coDflJtolliJ i ircs or belli MM AUK fa a very adilloa to her ll- Abo ball the for Specially aro paid a tli a for wheal Lara and tot aat bra on Holland a couple of a break fa Leafy played tvith IS There a St Jut and It l id to over I watto on a senior team and got badly auitcboj It II ton addition la I al and tat ft ftt King The of the of Meihodln Church held Wednesday and Thursday of last was a decided success The first day disagree able and attendance was smaller ifian it otherwise would have been hut the sessions of Thursday were well attended and of a hit order Wednesday afternoon Ferguson Tillman Miss and con sidered the several allotted to litem and bandied them well In evening of the same day J Davis M1U on Mistakes and Consequent Failure in conncclicn with S work The speaker told of a visit he had paid to a Sunday Schoolsome miles from here we hope and forcibly hrought before the Convention mistakes he had noted there and else- J of Bradford discussed Ihe relation of the School to Church established a very close relationship indeed Thursday morning wis devoted to Financial District Meeting for mini iters and laymen only In the ftftcrnoon bus loads came from Newmarket blink ing delegates and there with other arrivals filed the church The Wedge was considered by A and he emphasized the necessity of every member not only taking but keeping the same Mem bers were not only to be sought for particularly ft hat we want is ihe members will therefore come necessity Miss Keith read an in struction paper on Junior League Work how to be successfully con ducted not only in but in Miss of also read a paper on The attitude the League as lo cards dancing and kindred amusements The subject was to ably handled by the young lady that it was decided to have published in the local papers and also inthe Onward Readers of the Era will tee it later Hie rest the afternoon was devoted to District League Miss was elected President for the coming yea Rev Mr Mat theftsbeingHonoraryPfes Ex officio Rev A occupies theposiiion of rst Vice Pies and the other officers also elected Three district organizers were also appoint ed J of Bradford fit Ike Central put Rev Kcarn for the Northern part and Key A Belfry of King for the Southern portion of the District The evening session was he most largely attended and probably the most enthusiastic The Methodist Choir of King City gave a fifteen minutes song service very creditably to themselves Brown of arid Rev of Tottenham discussed very ably ihe subjects allottd to them Mr I Jackson conducted a Con Meeting s a fitting wind up to the days proceedings Hi re marks sere and the feeling of the meeting More homes for delegates were provided than were needed and we ate safe In saying that all turned home pleasantly surprised td find that King City was not wine tittle country crossroads but that it could lay more claim to being City set upon a hill which cannot be hid and containing a warm hearted and hospitable people not baited a but dwelling together in peace and unity dun Akin St and Huron St I of Tweeds and Overcoatings TO mom In Consequence of having altogether too have decided to offer Price to reduce it in need of a Suit or call and examine our goods and you from Three to Five Dollars This is Way Wo Are Soiling Them en band we you will save A J FALL Suits for Suits for Suits for 13 oo Suits for Suits for Suits for 00 Overcoats for 20 Overcoats for oo Overcoats for 2o 17 00 So lo 00 1 00 Come early and all our Fall Goods the pick of the stock as have received S AUTU REQUIREMENTS OF BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE WOODEN WARE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENT 01 GLASS IN TOWN PROP WE LEAD IN READYMIXED PAINTS Van Spice of thy finest and purity cither ground or and can furnish every in any of the latest pickling recipes I Vinegar can give you of ihe of Cider and White Wine Our White i lhCtruine Montreal Standard Granulated proved by to be per cent Cane Down She Game Tea Trade is a Luge in and Japan pounds of Japan for captures the crod our India at cents equals any com Package Tea in the market We give you Tea initcad of package DAVISON GO ibis wee lowered iho of to Cents a Loaf ALL AND I MR O O 3D v Wedding made in all the and on ihorteu notice week sent one beyond Bradford- No come from all of llie country The reason is because we make Good goods reasonable See Our Pounds I IT IS A WONDER GRAPES VERY CHEAP A ROBERTSON and Confectioner I Hut At Mr Jftme dill in Mjdland a young mm named James Anderson was ought in the machinery and K Mr Murfay died at Winnipeg from injuries io tbe ponder works He a former of Hairy Lester a young was arreted at Hamilton for at tempt in fire to a room in which he had a of books were for Great have been adopted in Constantinople lot the protection of the palace of the Sub lime Porte a Macedonian to blow up the build- arid Carter of Pickering were arrested yesterday at the of Mr of on a of conspir acy and Gaud- cats will be Utile Ash colts LANDS tftier- i A l l la it atari ttrOtlr H Fresh arrival of Fall ami Winter Goods suitable for all classes of people Something for tall and the short the fat and the lean the crooked and the straight for the rich and the poor Call early and have your choice Next to Atkinsons JeweUry Store MY TAILOR NEWMARKET DEPOT ji itivtctcUAitt it tii ao e THE KIND THAT CURES k doUcM Ka a topariU- tor 10 gC1w ffB AND China glassware STARR