Newmarket Era, 27 Sep 1895, p. 4

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SEPT TO Great and thoroughly llablo medicine nerve tonic and Purifier Before tho people and which stands preeminently above all other medicines is MOOD It won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is not what we say but what Hoods does tells the story Cures Even when all other prescriptions fail of my I from old out and Utile of Jfoodfiffip4rllltc4H tow curd her to titnd Clinton Get Hoods Called oca of by Iba of rill no Ja A lborooh brill of Iba of Gabon pill on profit Pills unit IWebsters KcW from Cover Cover Yearly mi Warmly com by HUH Standard A trill W Co Of for in for for At fliiy at- tt W CO tmrMIjriUA9 idiuoii- The 14 IN w FROM MAN TO THE HA CUP in ire JtTtafiGvttiuittbJrJiiilbYfA a tin frUof uiu4 iKry u M t MM ft op I lb rJ toy la ml to Kt CO Notice to Creditors Matter At llttfL Itcroto til of J of Jul a U on- loelr chrlniM ao4 ur- fiireuu4 MdfCMM wltb auuoiuml of 19 tb lt4 a it of wlU tot JUU1 for gr nor of t IM b flf iu liitdo WW at J Jib Mr off a at Kingston 2nd was Municipalities have power to impose licences of per day who their poods windows far of trade For weeks past the name of yacht has leen on lip and its pronunciation at most as varied as the lips which P The name is pronounced with the accent on the second syllable The word chooser of the It comes the Icelandic more familiar in the German form In the Noise mythology it means one of the virgin attendants of Odin who carry to Valhalla heios slain- in battle la to Oil ibocl 40b of Or too Ld detUbUalto ui it pLaucisilrcaraCfttuib I Axe trie for dart flrtt par- of or WitaU la faido fc4i Wm r- B if Lour lUNfcWtllnJT l a f 1 txiti1 of J lck tuft part of pAxfic it UarctriiUcotf 0 to StoxoWa annual report of the Institutes of Ontario for full interest to the fanning community Consliiing largely it doc of from experienced who combined practice with It Is Of for those of less The paper by Mr JJcadte of Toronto In ft suggestive way respective importance of small fruit cultivation points out to the farmer ft new of profit and pleasure The term gar den he lays opens up to most minds a small nearlysquare piece of ground carefully fenced that be dug over with the spade harrow ed handrake cultivated with the hoe and seeded by hand Many farmers Imagine they have no time for work but they arc mistaken points out that in towns and villages gardens mutt be of moderate dimensions for the most jnit hand tillage but on the farm no such necessity exists There the garden can be laid out in such shape that the work of tilling may be nearly all done with the usual latin implements It can be made of such length that there need be no waste of time by frequent turning about and of sufficient breadth to admit the rows of plants being far enough apart to allow of the of cultivation In such form the ground can be broken up with the plow pulverized with the roller and harrow planted in rows four feet apart cultivated with the and requires no more hoeing and hand weeding than a crop of corn turnips or mangolds Replying to argument that far- men have not time for the lion and care of a fruit garden even in the manner by him Mr You have all the time there is and it is just a question of how it shall he used Of one thing be assured that a wellsup plied small fruit garden wilt always be a source of enjoyment and com fort your family especially to the children to whom it will be a link in the chain of endearments thai bind them to the home on the faun As the children become able to do something in the way of outdoor work they can easily be induced to gather the fruit and to assume ac cording to their strength their share in the of the plants allowed to sell the surplus after supplying the home consumption and to retain the proceeds or a fair proportion as their own pocketmoney the children will not only be gratified if judiciously guided will be learning important lessons of a business na ture that wit be of material advan tage in after life If more of our farmers would pro fit by object lessons supplied by the result of the operations of mar ketgardeners about Toronto they would be largely advantaged and as Mr Beadle very property thus supplying his home liberally from fruit garden he will find a surplus to sell to his less enterprising neighbors The small fruit garden becomes not only a source of gratifi cation to himself and family but also a very satisfactory pecuniary This is no picture of the imagination it is an actual experience of per sons who could be named If this allusion tbe Farmers Institute an nual report only results in inducing a moiety of our farmers to make a practical test of the fruit garden theories of men of experience shall feel well repaid for the space we hive given for these observations In conclusion we have pleasure in being able to state that in all proba bility Mr will be in attendance at the fall show of North York to be held in this Town on the and of October next tie Editor fiKts to will to the of of gun down iLft out It high Km lb In Ihil It ft lhi in bin mou4 to to tip ntXUt of wuf polling bit on Ihty lo by 4ippr in drive oyer live of It roal4 of in bit flu utvtfLUt4olditil4cilbCii lo l It too for Joa fiuti Farming locVt in CO of lint vtry 11 111 to HOW IT MRS op it ii A a 1 i Her by of Typhoid CM I ittilth Thai Dr Pink Pills are a favorite Kraotford and vicinity will be readily borne out by the local druggist and that much has been alleviated by the of this wonderful healer is amply shown by the number of strong statements in favor of Pink Pills n this And the number of cases is small In compar ison with the number thst have found benefit flic of this blood builder and nerve restor er It li true that Pink Pills ate used in many cases to tone up the system cnrlcluhe blood and stimu late the nerves where no serious ill ness Jills but It is equally true that in many ease in which they have been other medicines have fail ed and the result achieved by Pills may very iruly be as marvellous The editor of the came across just such a case recently It is that of Mrs a wellknown and highly respected resident of this city does not seek noto riety but is willing that a stale merit of what Pink Pills have done for her be made public In the hope that some other sufferer may he benefited there by My Illness at first said was a serious attack of typhoid fever Although I recovered It left lhalhave cauced me many years of misery The doctor said that my blood had In come Impregnated with poison and thai it would take a long time to eradicate it The trouble seemed to have its chief seat in my limbs which caused me a dear of pain For about ten years 1 continued doctor ing not continually but at times and iricd many remedies without perma nent results This went on until the end of 93 when I became so much crippled up that I despaired of getting seller I had read much of the re markable cures through the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills and liecamc Interested in him One day I asked my if I might try them He gave his permission and I began using them the time ihc third box was finished I found myself much Improved In fact the pain had en tirety left me and I was growing healthier and health than I had done for years I am sat isfied that to Williams Pink Pills I owe recovery ami have implicit confidence in their curative power and shall continue to recommend to Other sufferers Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine hut are a long tried prescription acting upon the Wood and nerves They arc of great value as a tonic during recovery from acute disease such as fever building up the blood and system preventing the often dis astrous effects of such troubles Sold by all dealers or sent paid paid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Wil liams Medicine Co Jirockvitle Oil Refuse all imitations and substitutes is Doomod- THE MEW The utilization of horseless wagons by retail merchants of New York is a possibility of the near future experiments in this line by Hilton Hughes Co one of the largest re tail dry goods houses in New with an automobile of the type now in general use Paris and manufactured in that city have de monstrated their practicability One of the waggons was purchased by the firm from Roger the and arrived in New York August It about the of a small delivery waggon and a public test was given it August Since then it has been run for many mites on the streets of New York without mishap of any kind Its movements are as noiseless as that of the bicycle and its speed rapid The motive power is obtained from rectified petroleum possessing a den sity of degrees From the com bination of air and oil a steam is ob tained which is stored in a cylinder through which A OS is conducted causing a rapid succes sion of explosions and creating a force which makes the work the motor The speed of the waggon is regulated from he drivers seat by means of a placed in front of the driver On each side of the suns a steellinked bicycle chain which connects with a on the front axletree It has an independ ent four horse power horizontal pe troleum engine and the oil is explod ed by the electricity at each stroke of the piston The cost of the warrgonwas and is the first of its kind to America Two thousand of its kind are said to he in use now in Paris for pleasure and business the de mand for them is so great that orders are not filled three to six months One curious feature of the waggon is the fact that the front axle does not turn nor do the front wheels turn like the hub wheels being joint ed to the axle THE INVENTOR CUIUS a speed to twenty miles an hour can be obtained The cost of operating Is less than one cent per mile and the reservoir tank has a capacity of fifty quarts of oil which would be sufficient for operating pur poses for five days of ten hours each The machinery in the a small space The test was con cluded by the inventor and his brother Roger in Washington Park before a large assemblage including a num ber of the leading retail merchants in the city who were much interested in the experiment They were re ally pleased wih success Hie wag gon can be turned around and in out among the vehicles on the crowd ed as easily as if drawn by horses Hilton Hughes have yet determined as yet to do away with horse reason has already presented itself against the adoption of the vehicle A represent ative of tin Was today the dura bility of the waygon liad not been duly cued and this an ant waiter iskeu in connection with I the The sails of the rcccrs probably the make up when her mainsail her jib lit jib lcil her si ay Sail and her working toptail Upcarries feci of can vat And when she for these working tails fcer balloon jib her club topsail and puts out her spinnaker she almost double thai area These cost thousands of dollars because there rnut sev eral of each in case of accident to one or another and for In the different kinds of wind that may pre vail a race There Is a heavy for of land cotton or cotton or ramie cloth while the jibs arc of lighter grades of the same material tint they come down to con stituency of a coarse kerchief One of spinna kers Is of Scotch linen In it was reported that one of the big spinnakers was of silk but it was not exceedingly flno Irish linen Taking all these matters into re count and considering that each boat must have from forty to fifty sailors man her It becomes evident that ihc building and maintaining of such yacht is a matter of no small Mr George Gould spent no than to put Vigilant in condition to with in the preliminary trials this year The crew has to be engaged and trained for weeks before the racer Is put Into commission and kept at work for a couple of months before the great contests for the Cup held These sailors of course can not live on yacht since there is no room tor bunks or lockcia or A galley on the modern racing machine Therefore both VaUiyric have Harper Table A paper devoted to the cigar trade wails over the decreasing- con sumption of cigars and figuring the decrease at several millions annually names cycling as the sole cause It having been reported that the Chinese officials at KuChcng arc not pushing the enquiry into the massacrec missionaries last Au gust with the seal that the circum stances demand two foreign gunboats are said to have been despatched up the river to up the officials to greater activity Mrs Alfred Duller of West aged met with a peculiar death on Tuesday night On her re turn home she endeavoured to enter the house through a aide window having lost her The sash fell on tho back of her neck and pinned her to the sill she being found thai condition on hour or two later by her husband She was then released hut died a few minutes afterwards At this time of the year the water in your cistern is be come rather rank Go to the drug store and buy a quarter of an ounce of permanganate of potash Dissolve it in a pail of water It will turn the water red Pour it Into a cistern and then Willi a pole stir up the water in the cistern from the bottom and by the time it settles that un pleasant will entirely removed It not only destroys the aroma hut the germs that produce it According to the annual re port of the Public School Inspector for North York the number of teach es employed in the towns villages and rural schools during the year was Of these held second class certificates from the Normal School and a from County Boards Of thirdciass certificates there were 58 distributed over the Inspectorate The number of male teachers employ ed was of female The average salary paid to male teachers was lo female The average salary paid to second class teachers thirdclass 114 A very serious accident hap pened Mr Joseph of Whitchurch last week Joe was en gaged at drawing manure from the barn to the field He had unloaded bis wagon and bad stepped upon the doublttrco to brush the flies from one of the horses when it begad to kick Although Joseph missed Wow he was upset and fell between the heels of the other horse By this time the team was in full run and after being considerably knocked about the river was crushed by the wagon both wheels passed over him Mr Win- Connor Mr David and Mr who were working in adjoining fields toon arrived on the spot and assistance was rendered in conveying Joseph to the house When picked up the young man was in a slate of but on examination it was learned other than severe bruises nothing more serious than a broken leg was the result Hears have been making great havoc of late among the sheep and swine in North During week Mr Caverley lost two sheep and Mr Sheridan his next neighbor two only about five miles from town On Monday the two men determined to watch through the night in hope of catching bruin on one of his raids In the evening Mr was going across pasture field to neigh bors house and when he got within three or four yards of what he hid supposed was a log discovered it to be the bear he was in quest but which he had hardly expected to meet so soon He retreated a few steps and the bear moved forward He then fired and bowled the big brute over dead with the first shot which just behind the ear The bear was a monster measuring over seven feet from snout to tail and weighing when dressed pounds which would make Its live weight to the neighborhood of Bruin excellent condition of fat being taken from his back alone and the skin was a good one for the time of year- Several other bear have been seen in the vicinity of Gray- church and there mutt be quite number in the vicinity On Ilia In Your Bleed la of widen filled you al iiwn lb ard baa iha arc to Purify voir Wlilcfc will yea illi fMlgontlsVour la Lit it ii a is not alcove relieved hlDffibsUawfco turning cither cotton- or or both port that Rev Mr Rogers while recently the on I the came on the sVcchn of ftlargc pre served also Ihs of a red deer fallen in the cave perhaps only year ago A of the neighborhood lately found a largo earthenware Jar quaintly carved and supposed to have belonged prehis toric Indians A Gait pastor in his congregation the other evening said that some who wire good christian mem bers of the community often coin- of the length of the sermon in our churches jit these selfsame while taking In a base ball match would sit on the thin edge of a plank for a couple hours with out a rnuirnur and the sun donn at More silos built more cutter I and carriers rold more fodder that wis wasted has gone Into more sock fed en It end more profit from such thats record of silo euro for this fall end winter It Is mighty Its twin brothers lunation alfal fa or crimson forage ate toward better firming and larger profit Business was never in a con dition to suit everybody lgfslalion cant help the man who wont work or the man prefers to growl at than to make an honest Industrious effort himself an exchange Legislation cannot prevent the daily demand for bread and butter and the first duty of every man is to earn that The times al ways when all hands go to Work with a will drop grumbling hunting for bright things of life rather than its unpleasant features Women are still clamoring for their vested rights and men say that they cant have them because even yet though they have donned cant throw a stone straight or drive a hen out of the yard In an orthodox fashion And what do they want vested rights for anyway for all this summer long and for the one before and before that theyve been going around neck- tied standingcollared shirt bosomed since bloomers came in trouser ed If they will only be patient vests will come in time Dont dodge a bicycle rider cither male or female Stand still and the rider will gat along all right Pests trees stones etc never dodge and only beginners ever run into then If see a bike coming straight you dont dodge if you do you may confuse the rider If you stand still in the middle of the road or wherever you may happen to be the rider will lake care to give you plenty of room but if you go dodg ing to get out of the way the chances are there will be a and you will be the hurt of Ihe two Noah Snake whose maiden name was Jane was born on the Kama Indian Re serve in the year and died on the Island Reserve Sept and She was converted God early life and has be a con member of the Methodist Church for over yean She has been a great sufferer for several years but she died in great peace and con fidently expected to join several children who had preceded her to the better lard She leaves a hus band and two daughters to mourn their loss Norwich Sept Mr and Mrs A Cresimana little daughter Flossie about seventeen months old died from drinking carbolic acid Between a and p the girl went down to the cellar to get her some milk and unknown to her the child followed and climbing up to a high shelf on which were several grasped one containing a small quan tity of carbolic acid and drank it The little thing just gave one then became unconscious Doctor Harvey was there in a very few mo ments but could save the one and in less lhao an hour life was instinct lis The Boston a few weeks ago a Maine young manbough a pair of socks containing a saying writer was an employee of the KenosbaWi knitting works and wanted a good husband She gave her name and requested buyer if an man to write with a view to matrimony The young man found the note considered matter in all its phases and decided to write to the girl He did Await ing the answer with considerable an xiety he was at last regarded with a letter stating lint the girl was now the mother of two children and had been married four years and the letter be had answered had been written to long ago It was a sock young man hunted for a solution He found it The merchant of whom he bought the cocks doesnt advertise GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY sen mm ft woiifjo VrV4 iUi Next Post Office TO DAVID LLOYD Alw teal for ih ted Wdwi SKIN J BOLD AT DItUO Hit I Iho trcEir- A It lattice loo for f 1 TRIOOeBNITOR Oft A It 11 la tor t ftJliCjf 170- BUSINESS COLLEGE fc- Id Itftdtycr tor HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE cla CIIAIILK tura to modern to FOR BALE i Secret Or the marvelous success of Burdock Bitters in its curative power over every organ of the both The Liver tho Wood the lionets the Stomach the Kidneys Skin the Bladder in fact oil parts of the human system regulated purified and restored to natural action by this medicine Thus CURES all affecting or other parts of Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Humors Old Sores Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous or General Debility and all irregularities of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of Stomach Bowel Liver or Kidneys Thousands of testi monials warrant assertion that is the BEST MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OK OLD Bone TO LET and to I A civile from It or irm fikfrl lest rcy ro corded TOWELLING AMD SHOP- ACRES AMK DUSK AND to ihpriii For by Dcj j Cfcfc TRY OUR PAILS TUBS CLOTlfESPIHS LET cottar f92l to fll ARM TO OF NEWMARKET Building Material REPAIRS Wo fcftve in with tor ho In AH fixes with lira up a crchirj A la tf text J it to bo A5 to forth FARM FOR SALE mil Km tat lot THIS IS A cither to WM For Sale or tc Rant J IA re 12 ID zV In JtrJwalt At to i9rr ii A Al Residence For Sale lift J into ftioiriatics AH to overhaul Vc alio picjirc4 to to or Wliwl Vhcol ILt Mr CaII THE SONS MFC CO wmw ARRET f icrm Vie 10 O TWO GOOD hi ft A lilt Let I lO LY K u At tl IM virh a- FARM FOR SALE OR TO THE WHOLrf FAMILY I Bui it a I I a ii CO Father tws I Ueuiaiik Kief lil4iJ7tcnaTt J Ucdtii In a and It to her out oft or any other needs a which It touches ajiythlo liter fat lie Books for i I lit kAY la A Wciitvi Id isoutb QttOAlJ M yJ71 A in IbD tnj Id J A ism AiOV r rtiit Grandfather READS THE ERA lx1t to Wtftts l If Power kf la If W he line in rend it 1 Children And All they in lh will certify in no other read by week- An advertisement gecoun lo relaliv a numerous lost- SAM I jtfc MS c i- la EQUAL TO THE BEST IN YORK COUNTY I It hii the the home Koike The Eva it there Ir for lift a for 25c Commence To I Ay 1 g iriiatfiiirf ls rr JCLUr Itifr fcyll uiO MH 7 jiihii t4 i r fcnd Tannery BUTGHEHS MiwsklM KM FARMS FOR SALE I ti flrl I Lot 13 QviUUtarrt At a I to t llcuVtf BEST I 14 weekly tfyciUi A ai t in I I liw COpyRIGHTS CAM I ObYAIN A rut CO tt4illlbuir a YGAfiS i iYmj amir f iiii

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