Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1895, p. 1

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r a A THE NEWMARKET ERA 4 fc Friday Homing LYMAN SUBSCRIBERS In ih IS out and KNOW TO TO ABflySTJWr TO ABOVE NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No tent outside of North York paid in advance CAPITAL SIR P huMbtr Branch I Vol No Single Copies J Cents Newmarket Friday Oct Maid JA ji Terms Strictly in Advance within or at end of year A on AT DRAFTS ISSUED nrl told O O Of these Stores now in lu of sMisfaclion The Happy Thought y to lb Liter J lor Ibo IS a jr J and JL ilirtd My I i 3 Furnace Work a Specialty A BIN MS dct at for Women- of for Nek Toronto and Wdar A I A tf T- p altcutloa Will Wain I York on ablu Mile to A trial t GROOME That BOOTS AND SHOES have taken a Big Advance Prices but you are still able to get your Boots and Shoes at the Old Prices at in in imc7 As I had a Laryc Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so it enables me Sell to my many Customers at the Low Figures All Tan Goods are offering at Cost in order to clear them out NOW IS YOUR TIME RED BOOT LEADING Of bushier ati JlcVdancoijl door aid JIoutolioM A- ijlllI aivI Uvalde rf WOOD fiJn w -f- J A llrn Dud iik AT JiiT- J- Hoy AH fctrtt Low ICMtion fire insurance TOOLS PAINTS OILS VARNISHES GLASS AND IUTTY BARREL AND DASH ROYAL CANADIAN WRINGERS OPAQUE WINDOW SHADES CORNICE FOLKS RAKES FORKS SPADES AND FENCE PLIERS AND ALL KINDS PENCE J A W ALLAN lb CANADA IUHHLY OAK AD AN COMPANY AND DOLLARS TjOMCIKtt Agents lor Repairs Telephone No MAIN STREET Hire J I Life tdTAIilJallLD AND TAKE YOUR HUT IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE LARGEST PRETTIEST AND BEST STOCK OF STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO VO BOY WiVL CO IViAIN ST SOUTH 7 MANNING A SON AitW I In over BONUS YEAR DIVISION AH In divided- COYLE RS C SIMPSON Main lit VANZAWr Of i- FOR YOUR WitiQh -AND- A A done in a stylo and for such a Price that you will he after us with all your Trade CALL SOLICITED u LlSii JEWELER NEWMARKET Old Gold and Silver taken In Exchange for Goods or Work Q HE LEADING STORE Next to Post iAVifiOVi the Toronto of of for DRIVER a Ait oil hot It AH Now 1 IMIMISO nod I A call MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES a Call ft ALLAN Den- atiibtIo LIU HUNT 1 LYUAUOUO MUUtof fi Hotel MONEY TO LOAN At DAVID LLOYD for tateto rt fcc Alto KCal for Of oadoo acd j Montreal tiBCoofdwaUalJf TO PUBLIC I know ftcd jflar Art kind fro tried To think iTbcn no get to Id give Im fir know I Bl I How of lhlrii to mo I tjht lo ho galo Wftltlo and I too itPQ Bui bo I if I a ft1lihotQawHoQt mother will- ftcn I la Well knon acid many ft In up for III alol for fttODO wd lift to op In ilia of grctivbttalbronei Or tick low fti tank raj boy youd airbftW mold out bad f an good in bell Bat lb fto flcsb an men bind aro An I lell at it I it arn all ftlono mH iff walUn ft by Mil poll cia Moil they for bat Ihoy An work for ft different tort as over An that arc If other OnoDghl dal bought faira my boy en I laid iKo blood ft ilcct fljjbl on f the la hair He knew on or again An I grayed at ho by the an Ibo ifalle Ivo era all but yoa air that over there flod my boy again SVascy chicken money is money said sturdily l choose it for my own But wouldnt you like to give it to good my child said old Mr Holly 10 send out to the heathen to convert the pagan and cannibals and all those poor sinners wouldnt said an emphasis which it was in possible to AM sighed Mr J lolly can only pray my child that your heart of none may be softened And he went back to the little chaise where he had left Mr the young clergyman who was as yet nert to his having preached the miliary sermon the Sunday before in the little stone church under the hill distinctly heard through the open Hindoo screened only by the pink and blue cups of blossoms every word of the discus within I the depravity of the human heart said old Mr getting up into the chaise as if all his joints of cast iron You didnt oblain any subscrip tion then said with a smile The young has an in come of her own said Mr chirruping to his horse foolishly indulgent father allows her the butter money the poultry money the money from the fates of certain fruits in the orchard and yet she never gives us anything at all for tho Fund I Her re I J Dell by Mr I icooUoue urn 1 loicti toai3raVUtijet7Je name is said Mr Holly- Outside Work a Specially A or root Satisfaction Guaranteed FARMERS will be for Con- of Tonuses at iluoo itl7a it THE FINEST try VtttKOHdUVEUY At Ibe Kha MR A to Cohere WiOvM or PRIVATE MONEYS 113 lollO20ftrolbiny lvtkrtct In lea I With ADd Co jaIJ- tee VJ etc Uucbftrit I BUSINESS COLLEGE and Toronto city HARRISON I Emulsion is Codliver Oil emulsified or made easy digestion and as similation To this is added of and Soda aid in the of the Oil and increase the potency of both It is a fleshproducer Ema ciated anaemic and consumptive persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly The combination is a most happy one Physicians its su perior merit in nil conditions of wasting It has had en dorsement of the medical foe years Theyre an race the You could ell that by the girls name I Mr thoughtfully not bad I lYi unusual Mr Holly we are at Deacon The wife is truly a mainstay to the good cause We are sure of a subscription here While herself sitting on the back door stone with a gray kitten nestling up and audacious young white turkeys picking at the pattern of her which in their unaccustomed eyes resembled pink upon- a ground of white nodded her head at the garden wall and said out aloud No I wont neednt think it Ive got ray own poor people that I know all about and would they do Id like to know if I sept all my butter money and chicken money to the missionaries out in he Car rib- bean Islands or nobody knows where I Not all the old minister in creation shall make me change my mind on thai point Mr vent back to Lis study convinced from the neighbor hood gossip that was a thoroughly worldly and depraved young female and skimming cream in her little dairy made up her- mind that Mr was one the modern clergymen who do a great deal of talking take up ail the subscriptions they can get and thus make the par- do all the for wish he had never come she to herself Why- must old Phelps rudied could have my own way be should hare tired sure ibis iheological student will never amount to risoa ltj of danger too new the of the factory ilcam engine got badly hurt My Billy I cried when she heard the unwelcome news My cherrychecked lad that fitted out with new clothes for school out of the gillyflower apple profits must go to him at once The Mor risons area great deal Joo poor and friendless for Mr to trouble his head about them An accident among those factory Mr must investigate Not with in the limits of parish did you say Brother Holly I am not aware there is any geography in misfortune And Mr put on his black hat put a jiiaycrbojk Into his pocket and proceeded straight to the wretched bundle of houses where dwell the Widow Morrison and her children Little died In the clergyman arms The machinefiend had been too much for nervous sys tem And when he prayed truly and fervently with the poor mother and comforted her necessities with judicious alms Mr went bis way That was a beautiful girl whom I taw putting the little children to bed in the back room thought he It must have been Miss I know of no one else who would be at once so tender and self sacrificing Was that really Mr asked as she sewed away on poor Billys little shroud There isnt a particle of hypocrisy about him If he advocates the Mis sionary Fund There is an old saying that the poor arc always in trouble The very next week scarlatina broke venomously out among the colony of factory hands in Mill Hollow Miss Virginia I Ait lor who had enrolled herself among Mr Gray Sisters of Good Works hurried of to the city on a visit The deacons wife said that of course the poor creatures would have her prayers but the had her own family to think of and dare not venture into the contagion Even Helen kept away and Cooper a maid of si thirty who was always litre ecu Ling Mr for parish work opened her graygreen eyes when he mentioned Mill Hollow I couldnt reconcile it to sense of duty to go there said she Why it would be risking life 1 So that Mr met and her only at the sick beds of the poor creatures who were bank- in everything but Heavens mercy Are you afraid Miss said he for he had divined personality at last Afraid No said the simply I have taken every caution and my father that I was a good nurse But Mr What sort of a shepherd should I be he asked with a grave smile if I feared to face wolf among my flock Miss He is a saint on earth if ever there was one said to herself as the went home for more beef tea and wine jelly to strengthen the feeble sufferers She is an angel thought Mr as he sat alone by the bedside of poor Michael who was lying between life and death At last the epidemic passed away leaving alas 1 behind it the shadow of empty homes and many a green grave beside the churchyard waits But Heaven had spared Mr and albeit a trifle paler was as fair and beautiful as ever Miss said the young clergyman I do not what I should have done in this crisis but for your unfailing cooperation Be fore I taw you I must confess to hav ing been somewhat prejudiced against you Just my case in regard to you Mr blush fog like a daisy And I your pardon for my folly added he Miss Folliot Yes Mr It is perhaps a premature thing to do said he but I cannot resist the dictates of my heart Miss would the privations of a clergymans wife be too much for your endurance lifted her clear bright eyes to his and said Not if the were you I Dear wilt you marry me And she answered clear and low as if she were speaking out of the Marriage Service I will Miss Virginia was disgust ed beyond Coo per only hoped Mr wouldnt live to repent his folly Helen turned up her Gre cian nose and wondered severely what Mr could see In that little dairymaid of a thing and old Mr Holly feared Brother Pen- ruddoc had been too much by outward attractions I pre- you BRADFORD The new fence around the church adds greatly to the ap pearance of the grounds One of Mr John Harness children fell out a haytoft on Saturday and sustained some serious injuries aurora The members and friends of the Methodist Church at Snowball in tend holding their anniversary and harvest home on Sunday and Mon day the and of Oct The Rev Mr of Richmond Hill will preach morning and evening on Sunday A coat oil lamp exploded in the residence of Mr David Swnlon on Saturday evening setting fire to the building doing damage to the extent about lighted lamp had been left on the table in one of the rooms and the noire of the explosion attracted the attention of the family in the adjoining room who rushed to find the broken lamp on the floor and the room in flames Mr Scan- Ton succeeded in extinguishing the flames after considerable effort Mrs who is quite ill was very much affected by the fright Six weeks ago last Sunday morn ing while out in pasture one of Mr Edward Bas kick ed on one of its hind legs by another horse breaking both bones just be low the hock joint Mr thought the horse which is a valuable one would be of no use and would have to be shot however he sent for Veterinary Vanzant of this place who look charge of the animal the broken bones were set splints put on and properly bandaged and the is al most as sound as ever in fact it is difficult to tell which was broken Mr commenced working the horse on Monday and as might be expected speaks very highly of the skill of Veterinary For the past fifteen years Mr Jos Stephenson has been a member of the Methodist Church Choir in this place and for the past year Or so he has been leader In addition to this he has been a classleader and a good worker in the church and largely con tributed to its fundi Mr Stephen son was about removing to Sharon and on the eve of his departure the members of his class as well as several members of the congregation decided to make him the recipient of an ad dress and presentation which was done at the church on Wednesday He was presented with a handsome oak secretary and case combined accompanied an address Mr Stephenson replied briefly After was served short addresses were delivered by several present Banner GUM SWAMP WILL THE WISPS just Fortune Teller You may in time make a good income but you will never be rich Young nian Eh Why not Fortune Teller You arc not sav ingyou are wasteful Man My my Im afraid that Is true You have a wonderful gift did you know I was wasteful Fortune Teller You have wasted five shillings telling jour lune Class in Philosophy Teacher What are the properties of heat Willie Willie The properties of heat are to bake cook roast Teacher Stop next What ait the properties of heat Johnny The properties of heat is that jt expands bodies while cold contracts them Teacher Very good Can you give me an example Johnny Yes sir In summer When it is very hot the day is long in winter when it is cold it gets io be very short Harpers Table SWII X Hark whats that Ah the owl has to find the echoes of the swamp waken ed up by that rare bird the Mock ing bird Ah well every dog has and if the Mocking Bird an he more interesting than the Owl we will cheer fully resign our scribbling Mr a former swamp pedagogue was a guest of Graham last week- One of the twins thinks a man with lots of spondulix is the most desirable for a husband the other twin thinks a manly man is about correct thing What is your idsa Miss Mr and Mrs John and Mrs Geo have been ill but are or on tbe mend Old Gum Swamp though usually supposed to be a poky sort of a place to have charms for some A young teacher in the Northern sec tion of she township is a frequent visitor here Indeed I may say he fairly haunts the dales and rates of the swamp Mr Jim who lives with Tim Horner just round Ihe coiner a enjoyable day resting his weary self at Mr Smiths of Jersey Jim knows which aide his bread is buttered and dont you forget it Oh where in the is that Mr Wiggins Dont you so no new paper Let mighty well enough alone Stick to the Era Mr Kavanagh of Base Line School has severed his con nection with that institution to resume his studies at the School of Pedagogy Will of succeeds him Miss Burrows one of our jolly young ladies has taken a sit at Sudbury as nurse The greeneyed monster Oh me what shall do The Sharon girls of the protest earnestly against us speaking so flitleringly of the button lassies Hist was Just as if I could forget the Sharon girls the loveliest in the land Love in a tennis court Mr Smith of Weston and Miss Osborne cham pion tennis player of Canada of Children A Chicago kindergarten teacher J mothers corne to her often asking how they shall break their children from telling untruths hat she has almost come to think that lying is a national evil She divides childrens falsehoods into four classes The first is the lie of excessive imagination and the treatment is inculcation of exactness of observation cither by precept or in play The second is the lie of egotism the remedy for which objective work that will take thought from self A third class of lies is evolved through fear of punish ment and sympathy is the cure In all such cases the kindergarlner adds the child must be shown the justice his punishment The fourth division includes children ad dicted to the jealous lie as saying that they have which they have not because the boy around Iho cor ner has them The cure in this in stance is love and appreciation that the child may understand that he does not need these coveted possess ions to gain or keep his friends All mothers will be interested this matter as few are not called upon lo meet these childish prevaricators Imposed Judge when adminis tering sentences at the General Saturday morning look oc casion to condemn the overcrowding of the Central Prisoj and showed the virtue of consistency for he scoi only one man there all the rest being sent to for the terms which were unusually severe Fred the receiver of stolen goods in the Goldsmith Stock Co case was sent to Kingston Peniten tiary for two years Sydney J Clark received five years in Kingston Penitentiary for selling fire to his store on street the Judge remarking that there is a great deal too much of incendiarism The stealer of bicycles bo hard put to it to find a court which will not be positively unkind in its discouragement of his line of activity Colonel showed great severity to fraternity and in consequence when Lee Kemp came before him for taking three wheels he ejected to be tried by a jury He is probably sorry now for Judge McDougall gave him four years in penitentiary His Honor said that ihe case would not be any worse if he had stolen from a till and in addition he had perjured himself Willard the Central Prison convict who was convicted of burglar ies of tanneries and stores nut in the country is a professional criminal his record embracing a long list of convictions For some reason the jury recommended him to mercy hut the Judge pointedly ignored this sending the man to Kingston for years Kidd who assisted him but who Jjjs before been in trouble received a much lighter sent ence years less one day En the Central a severe lecture accompany ing ihe sentence Henry Parsons who was found of discharging a revolver at some persons whom he thought to be trespassing was treated- wiih less severity allowed to go on sus pended sentence giving surety lo appear when called upon William Foster the Central Prison convict who was convicted of an un mentionable crime was given fifteen years in the penitentiary Barry the proprietor of the phonograph containing objection able cylinders was not sentenced a reserve case having been granted A church was raided at Var na Bulgaria by a mob of Moslems and ten who resisted the raid were killed Palmer teller the Hamilton branch of the Canadian Branch of Commerce his disappear- and an investigation of bis books met and after a brief Mwiritnfn mine one last week Is being made Irregularities hare been discovered the shortage variously estimated at from coo to Belling on horse races was the cause of Palmers disgrace Ever Think Thai you cannot well yea par Wood If and tea down blood and lak The par rich blood It la truth tit bleed Hoods Pills oar liter courtship were made one last May their sorrows be few and their Soy 1 many Mr John of also wooed and wedded Miss evangelist of list week How many more wed dings are booked for the future know but tumor says their number is legion Mrs Grundy premises to keep me posted Mrs Gordon died of de cline on Monday and was buried at the wick burial ground The Owl John Holt a carpenter was killed at London by fall ing a A fouryearold boy who will not ell bis name or even speak a word had his leg taken off by a Grand Trunk railway train near Tuesday morning He was taken to the hospital at Berlin and never shed a tear of the pain be must hive felt Sunday a man slipped up to us and he would pay us every cent he owed us if he lived until Saturday We presume the man died- Another man said he would pay us a day or two as sure as we were born Query Did the man lie or were we ever born An other man said he would sure as shooting- We are led to ihe con clusion that shooting not very certain Another hoped to to the devil jf he did not pay it in three days seen him since poie he has gone but trust he has hoped in vaio Quite a number said they would tee us These have been stricken blind or else tomorrow has not come One man said be would pay us as soon as he got some money That man would hot lie so of course ho Ills hid a cent FOR FAIL The curfew works well at Milton Hiram Walaer spent trying to raise cranberries in Essex but failed K- The first white brick school house has just been built at Port Carling The mining lumbering and farming interests in ate said to be flourishing A son of Mr W of Rodney was killed by jumping from a wagon It is about as wise to sit on the limb of a tree and saw it off as it is things we cannot help 3i About boys aver aging eight of age went to on Friday last to be dis ributcd farmers An aged lady named Miss who was living with her niece at Port Dover was frightened to death by burglars who broke into the house A numbtr of Manitoba Men- established themselves at a place called DidsbJty miles north of Calgary and the settlement is ma- king good progress The Monument at Chryslers Farm to the memory of the heroes of the war of was unveiled hy Hon John in the presence of a large and enthusiastic gathering J Davis M P p and M P attended the garden parly under the auspicei of the Presbyterian Church King on Friday evening and delivered short addresses Wednesday night a ten ton stack of the best timothy hay belong ing to Mr Geo two miles cast of Laurel Wellington Co was fired and burned The slack is supposed to have been set on fire Mr Keirns went on a fishing excursion in township While walking the bank of the stream foot caught in a root and he was thrown violently against an old stump breaking two of his ribs Sept 7A new unfin ished brick house which was being erected on Bradford street by Mr Henry Martini baggage master at Allandale was burned to the ground about midnight last night It was a clear case of incendiarism Walson of Mb Albert died leaving two houses there worth acres of land in lot it concession East worth and in personalty It is all willed to the window her daughter and the grandchildren It will be just one hundred years next June since the Township was first settled in ac cordance with Governments sur vey and a movement is now on foot to hold a centennial anni versary to the fact Plants often exhibit some thing intelligence If a bucket of water during a dry season be placed a few inches from a growing pumpkin or melon vine the latter will turn from its course and in a ray or two will get one of its leaves in the water Bond Street Congregational Church Toronto has made serious reductions in the salaries of the officials The salary of the Rev Dr Sims ihe pastor was reduced from to that of the organ ist from to and thit of the sexton from to 8 a week A horrible accident occurred on the farm of Mr O Mills near Itcsper Waterloo Co whereby Mr lost a hand and a portion of an arm The unfortunate man was operating an cutter when his hand was caught between the tollers and drawn through the and cut into slices till above He at placed under medical care and sent to Gait hospital The Rat Portage The plan of the township of Haycock recently surveyed by Mr Deacon shows about acres of land and considerable water comprising 15 large sited lakes and a number of smaller ponds The township is six miles square but broken into by Sturgeon Lake on the northwest corner Game is plentiful in the township There is a stood there to start a beaver farm The new township is named Haycock after the leader of the Patrons of Industry in the Pro vincial legislature About Monday morning the Orillia fire alarm sounded for what turned out to be a serious fire on the Shannon farm Sir Shannon was having his seasons thrashing done and unfortunately had the en gine set in a direct line all ihe a spark from the smokestack ignited the straw and by the high wind at the time cau the and from that to the house All the seasons crop of about bushels grain was burned as well as almost all of the household furniture Total loss about with no insurance Remember my son you have to work Whether you handle a pick pen a a set dishes ditches or editing a ringing an auction bell or writing funny things you mutt work If vououk around you will see nun who the to live the work are men who work ihe hardest Don 1 be araid of killing yourself with over work It is your power Jo do that on the- side i sometime but It because fl don l they quit work go home a that iu-

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