Newmarket Era, 4 Oct 1895, p. 2

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S ETC- tsY v ERA OCT A floipt Jwltta IfoDigoraary Hollo to Creditor Heifer Joints ml for Jala- Kyi Bow Fig for Ed for Con for flat A GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY I I 8T I I I MAO I I I LETS HUT GROWS WITH BACH ISSUE Era at Homo me to forced ft no Iocs Mr tolled net to It ft hud knock have- neatly In raoat of Toronto work It to It tilth hit full 1 1 on for Wlnvlpcif On will bo At fiioocrBlr Xaa felt dfcUUeu A on ted lost oat in Jilt that Bon Mr in Lit pch com thtro It mont at cot only by Hi but ftleo by Ifr IfPi dm t inciting Toronto A Oot 1MB Oliver of I to of cuitoinc for September n over In coniioud log month of 161 Mr ft Hie newly Algonquin ft the Oil to of Crown A A from Sudbuty a ticket ft0mth1t place to To- and After arriving at Toronto he decided on other arrange ment and diposed his ticket For doing he was arrested and cent to jail for ten days The Telegram alluding to case de clares it outrage and he language is not loo strong It is an outrage of the gravest bind a bur lesque on common and a para- on private rights a disgrace to the parliament of the country that tol erates it and a exhibition of the power of railway corporations over the officials composing the government of the country If a company receives the full value claimed them under the law a passenger from Sud bury to Toronto or from Newmarket to Ottawa and return what difference who makes the trip The ticket calls for a journey and whether that journey be made by one or two or partly by a halfadoten persons for that matter should make no differ ence Why the restriction Simply that the railway company may squeeze the plunge who is in a hurry or changes his intentions or purpose after haying purchase- a ticket This is little short of rob bery by act of parliament If legis lation permitted a roan to demand of any station along the a re turn of the unearned portion of a ticket then prohibition to sell else where might be in order but under the present lav as worked by our railway magnates application has lo be made to and it is days sometimes montbr before the matter is As the system of refund is it is little short of a legalized swindle for where the difference between the actual amount paid for the ticket and its unearned is small the purchaser looses it rattier than incur the trouble of ad- juitment But now is the time to for needed amendments to just such oppressive and iniquitous Laws as the one above described An ap peal is about to lc made to the people conciliation and yielding to popular will at such times stems and in order f reported In political Daly Inland contesting in How lido forth to wrtl for Huron aod allow Hon from the to try hi It would a flrilcltis Biding for him to on On Monday render- en In cue of Anger for of condemned to pay damage and tost In Buperlor Court will amount to more A for a Tin If on of expedi tion ftclufclly tho Pol very rlw at to l up to lo extend on of merit a a to a In the Klng- It of Town of Perth a along a now lino of Our A Jo- known at ha been in forcible operation for time in Perth number a solemn obligation lo marry a man who moke or drink It wV ihocffeolthklft about to now will bo W till when will to aphold la I uUou til plf CO Ati flto from of ib Ihocleiiloa for lha mill April of year April term flva li0tDgoa of of I win a iira Arcing ftpplate4 la order tb twin that do for In fwl no tot a J bettor formtr to for toga ah lliulo to a After oflo bit only follow their It not bo of to Mat Premier to follow OMirtoGoftromtat la new lotion for by filrlog Of Huron ad3 to do ht think of Federal men who lb liiitllQtloa it op will M to impede lo bo In Hi nfiuenooou on j Al- ill And All rlgbt back a buck to to ot AgrlouHaro And Informed that portfolio was only open a lei ton by down At At a 1ai two man to- of Bolt them for And bad for tod 001U wholctomno jut SCHOOL T OW y AUTCtfAAS Ill CUM tfi AoltPr Mil tikkvood aUt Hut Wit- tic Eta tiiuoo aUwitlAti UcUa iii j U JvWc Ji JB t3 A aye KCivid for in ft lion Lai yielded of Vlctoy itcfdrng to fall of plain In All for Hon Mr- la p- ol for a politico fa fioprcmi Court- A Hon Mr butt Mil for Fonder At a a w ili who a tho Soprmc of Mr to to Attend hope id of the xA of doing for will to Aoarioj CoHlngwood mm on popi iv loDglcgly of om good torn of with by of a fanny for a I it let ft no bo grown la rocky btewiwhilo mm lection of ond will over lb Till orf of Dominion of Leon by filr High In bully li Altrftot AiUntton to MWtWpo with then of a coUtnd good lo there word kind of two-row- ArtielA ipeol our a aw Ago or of tin itW mftdfto further It to piopoiioo pl IV to of to kind of ia 1a lbl lOttbl0 JlOOZO for A muting AOjtaxotodj wm LDAVad All Ik La A rOord ft fi03Ub of I vUltlog v If of was In Town Mr W a with Of lb At Mill work Al Mlt4 lot or Toronto I a Mr Toronto her iltlcr day Bin of Midland iiilir Ja woek Mr Montgomery la from Hot lb a J ot Hull A of Mr Win for to lb fonerAt of bit mother Win of of Mil ot a low Mill Uflllo Mr And W- ol To ronto Mr Arrol- Mil a with Mr And Mr Mr V Arthur Oliver lo to a term At lb Mr returned froco And renwtd Al Mr Ed It from where bo ill Mr of Port a dyi At lut week to the BUUt rented by her Mr If week In Tow And vicinity Mr And Mr Toron to nd Mill of Picketing Attend- of Mr on Tow And Bon wire J Aveno Hit boy went loUApOQ to the foot Ml KoUllby dttntod tol Mr Oliver got on Monday from down And Mil Oliver In for a on Mr Helton for of f IbUwieklaTown a Mr bit to lo penl a week Mr Will who bit resident down of It a fa fall home a ion of Mr Mitchell who In lb Mr 7one from And I nuking Mr Irwin VlotorU Ave a vbll week her too Bin P formiTl of on of the At Mr J notion of ni If In Town a coop of bL vat Mb from her ranch met Mr who 0 MfM oot In the turn At Toronto of Mr lit down to on bU vii lire Mi to Icm At Oik And It Kid who electa KodvorJn the Church Mr Alt- Terry A tk xd to of olilUi of wwfc u a to lb ict lor u4ouH rip I PiiAcy Webb con ot KelnttoV WllioCwmsi I It Aboat SO fc fctilfi In WTI lb of thai wra only roetwltb At qoAlnlloO nd ftpMlot do order Hah In many of In dialect And py will Mr or lion pay At a copy following tag toon of oar former wk At Itan In And at aptly itzctlbyi With whtro bated good bo bo for And At Aim bar a At Ono leading Anna Mr In Iowa lx jrur following hi It till wM destroy by fit Ago v feci In alto ax cited Of front lb room c A ft loro rear A An loo parlor back of till room a in of fcrud plot bread well known In a to no x flo to ft beat bread tblbIlloa In competition with In despite Mo tic Adopted by wmi flrmi tho A dtoorallng for wedding bangtail tip Two wnitant bread from Iq week Mr friend trill to learn of nil Lift M in HOLLAND LANDING Christ Church will hold their liar- on Thurs day the 101b Inst There will he a celebration of the Holy Com munion at am and at pm The preacher at both ser vices will e the Rev holme A former Incumbent of ihe Mission BALDWIN Mr our genial miller ii do- a rushing Mr is busy Mrs John Prosier ife of the blacksmith here leaves this week for to assist in special services in the Christian Church there Our village can boast of a tailor Mr fa and Mr fine residences largely to the beauty of the village Mr is rejoicing his new son The congregation in the Christian church here is increasing special services are to Mr Yates our old resident still his enterprising spirit The Basket social on Thursday evening of last week success The new Sunday room was well filled bidding was and there was lot of fin The chair was well filled by Elder and a good program rendered Miss Buchanan relumed home last week after spending the summer here Mr Frank of Chatham returns home this week after a visit here of two months with his grand mother Miss A Senneit wul go with him and make a short visit with her sister theft Mr Silas Styles just east of here was vary unfortunate in having both barns burnt to the ground one night last week The fire started about oclock and the house came nearly going too- He had just threshed ihe day and everything in barns was burnt Oar Industry tannery hut dona ihix for the pur of cnIo boiler and making long sua a a tannery has been running a largo Tall summer the alterations the beginning of the proving effective very stcio constructed In an additional building for the new automatic pump ing process by which the tanning liquor Is changed in all at tho time Mr Davis Is fully alive to alt latest Improvements NORTH Bank Is of organ- In Iheir Sunday School The president of the township Mr visited the School on Sunday and he strongly it for the advancement of School Bertie Phillips is visiting in Toronto at Miss Annie Harrington of Toronto Is the guest of Mr Ellis Mils Mule Hopper and niece of paid a flying visit to St week Mrs relumed to her In Michigan this Quito a young enow storm on Mon day night a small hint to lift your One nice off went to the Montreal buyer on Tuesday By all accounts prices arc on the rise Too late to anything about but by the sound of the guns and ding it came off all right Report has It that they are going to You would think that girls were tea tec here If you happened along Sunday night There is generally two or three suiter for each girl Mr Tate who been in disposed Is recovering Foreman has erected a neat little stable at the tollgate Widk HUE The Sons arranged for of Temperance a splendid concert on Oct roth The Club Vrndorf Club the Oldham Band pnd others to P Brooks of Toronto is expected to give A full houte fa looked for MOUNT ALBERT The Methodist had a bee on Mon day drawing atone for repairs to the parsonage Miss Hughes was the guest of Miss Sunday Card playing teems to be quite a common game In some of our village houses until very late hours at night Mr Jos Harrison is a little on Ihe mend has bought Mr farm Mr Litilc was blasting atone and the fuse off while he was near His hand shattered one of his eves and the back of his head injured He a very narrow escape Mr from the City is calling on friends Owing to Mrs P Sinclairs con dition her hftd to be sent for He was working at Washington BC Rev Mr Dewey has suited special meetings at Shrubmcunt Mr Jewell who upsit at the bridge con of asked the Township Council for but he say he will settle for Councillor Scott recommends a compromise at A committee of Messrs Jar Laurie and K were appointed to try and settle the matter MOUNT PLEASANT Next Sunday is childrens day here Nine from here attended Canning- ton fair last week Misses A Stephens and Irwin visited Zephyr last week Our choir under the able leader ship of Mr Stephens was called to Union street last Tuesday and by reports did A valuable steer belonging to Mr Wax walked into a well last week and with great difficulty wu got our Some of our young people attend ed the reception given to Me Frank and bis bride and report having a good time Rev Smith of Bradford filled the pulpit here on Sunday last very acceptably The managers of the Presbyterian churches here and at held a joint meeting at Mr ftirsd- marshs adjust important affair of the church Mr Silts Stiles had bam crop burnt last Friday It will be a went loss to Mr Suit ha just started out for himself last spring Mrs- Robert HawHlor tome an Sunday last Wends lo our lis VAn- Base lino School for she rest of- the year Hew Mr fa our before going to Ceo Hamilton Mr Editor seeing that locals from our village are lacking at times we thought it advisable to take up our pen once more and help Oc casional and others who were afraid to sign in keeping the place repre sented Oncemoic we feel that our fair village is srearing a genuine air of respectability and it is to hoped that every Citiren will strive to keep it such Mr Vilmot Hill is confined to the house Ibis week with an attack We are glad to see that the streets of the village are beginning to be at tended to Maple avenue is receiving a coat of gravel this week Everybody is preparing for the Exhibition on the and every thing a big success forget concert in the evening Mr Fred Milne accompanied by Mr of Sharon left for the School of Pedagogy Toronto on Sunday Good luck boys We arc to tee that the cor respondents tailed to report the an niversary and Harvest Home services last week Rev Locke of Brad ford delivered two very able address es on Sunday morning and evening and leameeting on Monday was a in every way Net proceeds about The Harvest service was well conducted The church was beauti fully decorated with the produce of the farm and reflated great credit upon those who had the work in hand The church was filled which speaks well for the interest taken in Sunday School work place with several of the brethren attended divine service In the Pre Church last Sunday after noon and listened to an practical discourse by Res Smith of The Mayor proclaimed a civic holi day a week ago Monday and most of the availed themselves of tending the lacrosse match to help on the TalafcoM but very tony to see them defeated Last Tuesday evening the Chris tian Church Union St held one of their old time parties After satisfying the lone man about proceeded to church where a program was We especially the lion by of which was veil rendered The alto received her of comment would bete Mr Editor that we doubt if those who spoke in srucb respectful tell bloom er they taw them we heard of a men itching a coop of and a few of Ultra thought they wear ing bloomer and the rest thought sbs opposite UNION STREET The Tea given en Tues day evening of this week by the members and friends of Union Street Christian Church resulted in a grand The evening fine Ihe crowd large The tables were laden with luxuries and repeating the words of tome if not all who were they never fat down to belter provisions The program was excellent each one rendering their put to good Acceptance Time nor space not allow us to particu larize Proceed A large quantity of grain Is being taken to Mr lost large steer by falling into well The funeral of the late Mrs Bache was largely attended She was highly respected by all who knew her and the community extend their sympathy 0 the bereaved Mr is having an ad dition put to stables which is im proving to their general appearance Glover Jr has let a large job of clearing to Mr J which when completed will benefit the looks of the village very much Mr Edward is getting his house bricked After a lingering illness of about two months of To ronto who ha been at her brothers Mr died on Friday last The funeral was largely attend ed by relatives and friends of de ceased Departed was fiftyseven of age and widow of the lata of Keswick Mr of Mich was over for a few days Mrs and Miss who were wilh their mother dur ing her illness have returned to To ronto Mary wife of Mr Stephen son of Holland View Farm con passed peacefully away after a pain ful and lingering illness and was interred in the Cemetery Service was held at the house by the Rev Mr Robinson Methodist minister who delivered a brief but impressive to a large number surviving relatives and friends The cortege then proceeded to the last resting place five of the grandsons the deceas ed She leaves behind a widower over year age who last week thought only to be suffering from a severe cold that he soon would be all was taken worse and is now under the care of a physician and is seriously ill There will lie a Bong Service in the Christian Church a week from net Sunday evening Proceeds iji aid of choir Mr Job Kirton brother of Mr Richard who has for many years been a resident of this locality and of late has been making his home at Mr Stephensons departed this life on Friday last about p aged years The burial took place on Sunday afternoon in the Cemetery After inter ment a preached in the Methodist Church by the Rev Mr There was a large at tendance to pay the last respects to an resident and friend Mr J Boad way is sinking and furnishing a new well Tor Mr Sebe Mr Flanagan who went to Michigan to work at his trade has sent for bis wife to join him She took her departure the fore pari of the week The Methodist harvest home festi val of this place will be held on Thursday evening the roth Inst Everything shall be done that will help to make a pleasant and enjoy able party Mr and Mrs J Curtis drove out to Chinguacousy on Thursday of last week on a visit to relatives and to attend Brampton fair Mr Stephenson and hi sister Mrs Black came down from Manitoba to see their mother before she away Mr W Love the miller is about and at work again Mr is improving but only slowly Miss C Fox is away visiting relatives in Toronto aod Detroit Big srork with the poverty club Oo toe barn floor of Mr Geo Chappell between a m and threshed 1 bushels of peat Can you beat lhat ir of loulfo Is visiting in this vicinity We understand a wedding was booked for Wednesday of this week Mr Lloyd has cut iwo crops of clover for seed off the same ground this season The rain we have had the last week or to has fall wheat up finely First storm last day of Sep tember record it Pretty early for this part of Ontario Just time to house your apple ft full of the moon It woni be a long job for most farmer this Fall ploughing on farm a good many second time Mrs Lewis Mount vat away at- lending a sisters funeral last Sunday north of Newmarket a s A Maddocks 25c Japan Tea beats the World Binary in all moot and in Town a look at it J- MO BOOTS Si ffova It call artslcj tin ft do D do Par ft J- tirades fir cl o Job a cora xt I Ji to adapted fellow 10 bar keep So to pnnll a a t tk an asawOly w hi tint t2it w tcut3 tot Sear Editor of iht Bra nlfcUartftrtt4 to ittt to u to Allow italUfltad Suit ivtu Co to la Hot Kir Citf cLIr J-Tjct- P litis Purees XL fvv tl lfc b fil nI yen tow Ctsrrr the Kit bu to Jlowi4 tit tor So mi tit eta tot til MS con a hotel bitr and lo cell to a had notified landlord not lo do to ft5bvrtiseJieils A COWS CHIN Aw ALL IT Mrs Coborn was carrying a kettle full of hot water j other day when she stepped on the AND PIGS end of a which flew up and she fell The hot water over I fisxtmact spilled face and shoulder her badly Constantinople ism a state of over the Armenian riots and iheGoyernmcnthas made arrests It is believed that were wounded In the streets SALE OR TO LET during the riot which occurred on J Monday At acd d Frank has received a prixout fromthe Toronto Cily Council staling at their meeting they 1 will bring in a resolution appoint J a delegation to meet other muni- to consider the advisability of building the Moberly Air Line PO II CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO I Hi In attcd ae to LOtll5c Ifco but W inter talc at free filUW A He FOR SALE I itfl Oooli losrivlutlt of iGoiLokj IxAj AolUb for tin of or FURNITURE AT THE Leading Pur nit ore Undertailing Mouse FOR CASH A call mihMlA NEWMARKET EXCELLENT FARM to half lei WbUcborfti WKfU cf clay isira u iSVicatrit Kill Notice to Creditors en fc4ftta if J JC iDcrorlfitf T AnUctQtoi f Cstoditcir a a till OK No If ftX Octot If All COM to t IT 1 lo cm J AUCTION Picket tin Kilt B IT- tdat lUjiusJUi c to Rati la or Vnicritw ilt to aitiinstj lit la To wo Octet t ltiSkt lit laitifrixa if lS bf A lift f t to fiiiLJ J 4vc i J ff xio t Iti 4icl io cool rt Iwo tcci will I crTtrol fvi- tic- ill ACS li tot 0J Will lica I lietrcj lUrMTilft t itdilL I The of this Season arrived early hit wfielc quality i gorKl We hive in stock Raisins New Citron Peel Orange Peel New Lemon Peel And our direct import mm tea Is here The quality is fine We have one line packed specially in which we are oing to for caddie The tit of Tea you will fir J this our Trad The Old Reliable 30q Japan Ok Is this seasons pack- This Tea more the merchants 10 is of any Tea in town aid lave to find its equal at the Tiy a parcel BOOTS A SHOES Crockery AND Glassware On Or Ms if Hit prolet IouUra roUwlll take Pictured daring the Oct New tu just reached of the vlxb fiiftht- On Saturday last sod of Mr Peter of ihe fell off the top of ice and bexb of his just abort Sta Mich Oct 1 terrific northwest gale which fax raged here for da to do Meat to shipping It reported that two ateauser are ashore at Point A in S Saturday to fill the vacancy in the caused hy the of Tapper Liberal resulted in the return of Angus over Frank Jones Corner re by 50inajority sua lid as it team ie in which orders come in us for wed ding cakes tell s that we ate quite fir south distance hinder our custom- eis from obtaining the best quality jt I style an or- re cei ved with care CS Main St 19 icooduiom 1 to lit to kteun at til SALE- tail ftSotia Ml tit lltAM ace past la asjiio fIIl4Jt rft fct FEATHER KTiXIt CO li fill St ftcxsutt IS ii tit j T- All Ureacv k aKaastoa Goal FOR SALE DXMKat OG LOST tiJWUu Tex i aIiw will Li TO FARMERS CHOPPING TUESDAY lbs per I FOR SALE J j 1

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