v- v NEWMARKET Ei 4 Witt IS Off a our Town licit public m At a 110 to tot Thorny Another hi- Mr who vm by no19 for It I HoWK Com- loci on to Hem lb nlttM tad If hteb fool u to Job The top hid to loro off tmk cor ner u catkin late collar- If Town Wouldf jr oddlooking kit watt Iron tU Ifb pouiou I tf iwopooodt tTen pound nd Utvt lb fltv Mam J WMooiJo Town on of Hi 1 ft out Cor htm to look and bit beck ft lacd ttlt to bop lb Attloll lb if or fUadl0df ixbtlUIQ Vciiy linc4 1 uid nd fid on to JhoJr hue TUG QUEKHVIU1PAIL On found lb t of Uij extort fcr totting lo A fltitctttt In lot ib following loooltobl o Mr Of Hid wjUj a to iftootity9iodoplo ft food Wr od will no doubt well o bun f Co may for doing of In lb cd ihU ppU4 not only to firm bat 10 pit lnribip or ftd In one of it It r of lb to to Aft it flriAi ro not tit of their Fair Co CRTS J- in it will If Id con lb only A liVcjiod liiu will pfogfAia Jim iho wtkiow3 liui nd bit manner nd J ftdiUoe o will la Mr o by Wright io Mr ft speaking of ihe ranch in up ragged 4f4oUUy the fitd and il ftti1 play of Went ihii an a wonld I all day lb A iter id lb did not allow jut oolU fcttpir id to top a of and flrtt Cam on of it lb did t High ford Co bad i ft great ibty and pric4i of by at low of tbt food Kbow look- If J all awl a oar of Fair ftnd too of lb fttUnftli two fttttrwardi Mr- Lag xpeodnj quit ft to on toot wo A tono I ncd of lb boat bailor will bo ftftT living lb of ft boot Tub Tfao of wamorlargly ftiuod9 Hon- Monday than for viral of Ji look ft In If tiling on lordy ftVtnfoB on ibo mailing On AiWAvl At It With lu Water- I ft of fa ftntfclpalion of Fair tatted Alum ftnd of ftt AtttndadtO A main on watftUo repaired on The block of wooden ft thriving vm bo ftnd editor ft Only beon partly for and mor or wk Into ft tot It ft lumber In Ucck ftcd ha of ft The mott dc- tut a of fa now at band After and bat ftnd befit cold of t In pals on loriHil atpeot What Hammer abort all otber in fcaoty ftnd green of 1 1 now to ft variety of bat wbtabftroft full to eye And nd the of to lb Hot time to In I put of country and he who can Afford to to enjoy Jl the In tlonwitUHl Cborch fair to excel Milon A ftrray of In t for lb wilb flowart i vecUUUj vine and aim in A Diponded of lb alto a pretty The aertnon mom log by Din- wae to leal night and the ladite of congregation were folly pre for ftblorowd a fit Toronto Wft laat tbt and was to bo by ft Rood report for Ill Vet bine Artbor Clara Pep- and Allan to a hull Aouft Fred Lorn Cray Annie fcUnu Mabel May fcIolmet Clay liarland Way ftul Vhlft VioloL Trent nd Pear Millard flhruan Tom toy fitlfry Lloyd PI1 Tut Nicest Millinery In town atC Id of the ladita who penicgi Neat a great many the will to exhibited Inipectfon faoK Home fiarlr Sunday Mr took filgbt Into weId to her but ft borne and from which aocaeUmi tailed upon to endure the Mr ThOi of Town bad been from two and came from Grand Rapid where bad Ibt relief after to her for five peacefully- away The fttliooe and with which an- dared ft benefit to all who Jfil to leafing bar littlo boy orphan b In Army and Bar at the funeral rlo to her effort while at Pickering remain were interred ftt Now market Cemetery on 5aps Stoves At G A l Parlor new now 1 Parlor tiler Parlor Cook wood Parlor Cook coal- The ftttrutlofttlbaUTt lb ringing of flute filrle of tho A of money tdf In frtnd ftCoi wajjoffttatdUel lady from who bare got ah Dot raid the CttAMiKO UpJTe Chairman of the la to for Main ftenpod firing a clou atd tidy forth ft walla to lb of Up AoAtlt- A of of aid by d on t Chamber on were dtcttlon till ftttemoon ftll com Into the hand of Taoluon of Worth York A a Society ft Grant to could be made Cheque war therefor on the member KLng tlt9 lit 11TjM Qor- la Office of tbt Ihf a year on ftfdftvit of mad by of on nitre a fair market no In prka except for potato a low ft A lady gold ft of bailor to ft pmon b did not and picked up Jn ft few minute for qaiUftwhlUp felted and fell the had not even fttked for the price of the bolter before Allowing her to bo beard farther ft and that the did In time return ft to ftlt ailing on tbt market to who are to Booth the produce fa paid for before ft to bo from building t- Pontic The Board met at the Jtetdlnj 3oorna onBatoidayerolngand approved of hold- IngftnenlerUlnment daring the month of pitiooUrof will ftononnocd might mention that of who took ft whit ft ha been to library theme In view of the fact that ftll membership ex pire on the let of and are for ticket Board decided to good till let of Deo- ftt email earn of each entitling bolder to of both and ft good many men glad of tljla opportunity where oh Illy le comfortably and profitably Dgpurv Surprised At the Toronto on Monday morn fog Alexander formerly of Wfti tented with a pretty marble clock with tollable by High behalf of of the Court of ft teetiinoml of appreciation of lb and dotitj of baa and bee foil for the firet owing to Widdffteld Alieka Mr Sutherland overcome with prise and emotion and be hardly knew bow to hie be bad to extend to on which every man entitled to he and Mr ftdded a few of the pleaunt who the presentation were J Belfry It Burnt Wilson J Brown A L J Tomer Hull J Tftylor J Taylor llwalo Our year will be to oar will to hate yon call and in- the and complete eiock Store in Ticca In ths rvirtl for A GRcat The trill 10 In Oneida from till and for The Co with hating ibtlr to and the pew Mr ft The Ciuiirtoirsiiipfn cross a i to a Orillla to von lutCftnciIttChxi3jirhIp Ontario Of A Fair Everything point to next If Already a good lilt of bun made and all op but ate on Priu lo which That ii a of for of Corn ought to bring Then prim for artisti cally Craina ftnd Id a die play and the boy on the farm a chance to hie feature of moat at the i Fair and ihculd an bate their work ftcll band and paicalakins fttiUUnte they ibat the year of not the fact lotLcptiaea I all tb ilJci and aca tee uutu j by the to kd of Fair f fc 3fer j- low in Rusiko Work booming el A car of door d ftt for legate on Mon day Boncy on to It of hex on of the work and of factory In if finlabltj a dollar block lo Detroit and opinion of om alno contractor and Mr Bunney ftlao contract to fecuieh Interior woodwork of a and at Coo- were lakn at lb Factory week for interior work on and They ping a car of of torehnoei I amply and one half wcMk leatill op An for calling pall bottom being in the bop audit to to week When work a of lief rigerator were inaoofao at the factory Some have bean lo ftnd a looakftod have a ft left and la to a in to clean total a they arc In lb way Any can re at bare price of calling neck FOR I At York Fair The Annual North n- for next and day and judging by the way the entries atooomlngfn to Secretary to the luteal and baa held for yean- Up to t at It Id lb ration bean made than at ponding for year an in and alio that the farming tbo made ago with regard to making thedliplay worthy of and of hare been gaged pretty inncbftU weak pnttlog everything to order and making mania to add to the comfort nudconyetfieittc of eiblbltora and villus piftTftll tbejn ftverjr tor aottci a Provincial Parliament of and the adjoining of may ex A number of prominent Toronto and On evening of lb Aral day will an opportunity inspection exhibit by brilliant lighw and of to lb inimitable vocftliat end Mr KlcUer ruder and the exhibition baa very for yral tit nd w neat evening ill be gratifying management A new yew the and Enter teinincM In the Town Hall enlng at Mr villa and Frank Wright ft vncaililand of render ft program ftcar to dona their of Id worthy one it tow for arrotog community to do part Id way of and the people generally to ftppv cotton by Apcally large ftdjiettce- Tbete ftnnnal gathtringa loth and in renewing old and forming and for making the ord better Laving in very mechanic every man Visir of lb A at In attend Chnrch They report n atrrno by Jcr of Bradford and by choir S- A Worth calk ltnorron In the Parlor of for to appoint to the Contention lAci Toronto On and at at Important It It that there will bo large The York Con vention will be held Chorch on ICthaad of Oct A meeting will be on prominent ftlltee lion en the program will be the name of of Toronto ftlway with lb of pltitr There will be no nd the ladieifookforftpMkt4hoa Horse The nawnoyciftmade lively on the Monday and Tr day no leu than hem Uriah apan for Bert got for majority of were bought for or The ftkosi In Town Ur at day and bought Fairs Tlic arc the daH of Ihw reader are more JnUroatod In at Oct Bolton Bolton h a Whitchurch at It Baton A ftt 15 York at Bradford A 18 At a large ftttendanoe l the At Horn n held ftt the of 9 An attractive of evening Art which jdayodtb ingenuity of in charge Various game were provided at a forming quite ft variety The edition by foar in old time greatly ftpplandaJ from Toronto afternoon picked ft patunger at fng and carried it to the on the to not of ran upon highway at do In bat being in a on morning be did not to take them to and In con- to Lave two milch cow killed instantly by the care a lucky thing that en thrown off tho track vrer at fa ft warning to poodle to cattle off tdrotd Drainage Made Fanners and Corporation Foremen may become by investing for a Patent I now mannfatotod at Factory It so in It combination any and it only It fold op compactly and nothing to out of adf It the market today for general levelling and ftd highly Engineer and Farmers for its It li adapted to til drains open ditches grading of having work to do En line call and the article Dont- believe all yoii and sec for yourself We keep no Shoddy Goods can rely upon what you get from us Mich Black worth arc never sold out of what we advertise Wool inch JjGctory Wool Extra Lois of Bargains in Every Department- 1 i J Be sure you call and see the Cheapest and filler Am Good Cooks Use y J ffioase -AND- The Largest and Best Local Paper in North York and the The Largest and Best City Weekly in Canada FROM NOW TILL JANUARY 1897 FOR ONLY As a Newspaper the Globe never stood so high or gave such universal satisfaction as it does today Acknowledged everywhere as the Leading Newspaper of Canada Now is the time to commence If you are taking either paper renew your Subscription for next year and get All Orders must be accompanied with the Cash This offer stands good till 1st of January Address G JACKSON Office Newmarket and Sivc Monty thai buy from NEWMARKET Arrived OVER ROLL To Office- L PARE at J per Roll STARR AN OLD OLD STORY lira vent loUko her in bonce other ml A a had beta be front verandah too ld tbat afier go lo the front of bone they he treated fa inaomr the oil the law IS TALK Or OtK- Spkcuujisat Heat Dont North Yorks Columbian Inhibition to be held in I hc lhc Cony and and be And when in Town dont forget that keen a veil print for Job lot of material for stock of Fresh Groceries and to have Our Mixed Tea is the in North York our Green and Japans cant beat You them no trouble to Ma si as Are When lam Fail call and la- Hoist your flags and booting neat and J of luo firete at Toronto and three fireU at Fair on The program of ihe to be on of of merits next It rut Cbl6allret Mr a flee new paint October was In by to- minding that the time for ex- changing and for and baa arrifid The eigne by the train vera ditooAtlnnoi Wonder how much they are Mr Groom the hat the for patting finishing Allan Howard on Union trees Ur Bert fa the pa- of canine being a aladoitnfatniliu are moving Town JhL a on Perk are Several of new lumber on lltcra lot of Timothy St tod Proa peel an- look In a new for Webb of elect Mr- an Mandator hie a foot The U1 another Sat afternoon and a loadol finished Work last week A Mr John Clarke that they to evening to boar him Templar are go ing to have a tent on the Fair milk ow at Cbu than ha the In keep op or they will fttitlng Into A had filled off by a lor Fair made by Satoday The Wit be In ooplel be ordered Yon At A Mo Tea copper bottom Qaire and Creamer cot Methodist There wts ft log aird the addreia by Hz John It- Clarke The of hichls to often regarded aa was in a practical form attd In faceinatlng oratory the was inraptaieat of iba map- Be for an hoar and moil hate felt time went altogether too fatt The Isle of miner a own are teaching to power of the the heart fothetvening the pulor tnroei ex- for the mastery by pay of teat Kelt Sunday morning the regular will commenting at be follow by An to children who the font you Give it a trial should caH and insect a quantity in Newmarket Fair Town Council neat Uondey are rattling Tax are on Wheat another week IlceoiUti are Another advance of two cents has taken place in Wheat In pails of Ontario there is a good second crop tame and wild In djiwir2 the off the of the mill a heap of silver skirt measuring our in from three lo a keep best Blend of Coffee in town that is the Blend Try and be convinced See our Toilet at Box- A Snip in Blue fames Square Blue arc a this but hate Stock the BREAD CAKES AND PASTRY Our Bread iscqual to anything made in Toronto Wedding a Specialty Bushel Chaff or Root at Give a Gall A K Orders by executed y Have respect enough for your personal appearance to always dress well for business as well as on special o ecus ions for a man is judged to a cer tain extent by the Clothes he wea r Every person r i Clothes here will be fitted up in the best possible manner and at prices that will suit the pockets of every man AUTUittlH REDUCTION In Prices yet Forever New and Interesting to Careful Buyers especially so at present when our prices have been doubly cut Read our Low Prices then come and see the Crowds and you will not be disappointed in the Prices For instance Hiking Powder Canned Salmon Sardines Mixed per ICC iC Cheese Newmarket Soda lb Boxes 18c Iks Flour lb- Rolled lbs St and Huron St We Can Supply With Dry Goods AT LESS THAU I Ur mkJ ftiWfTeAttrtM to Atkinsons Stoie MY Toronto Acta In Restoring Shtltetxd Nerves 1145 tin IJU i4t If J S www it Oil a ft OH Oi 1 of til SI KJir iJfivI Wt 61 Veil J OlUtultJ I- liitl tiiJ lii tiiiHf ij lZU4 P II illluln Oil II J lit IS ou IS II w Oil CO a CI W a 11 a II 11 Oil j II a AUTUMN REQUIREMENTS IN of fcflh end purity or ntg can of ibe full n Vi itienglh of Cider and Wins Ojf White Scir is Genuine J iod by to be Out Tea is Young the ootid our India o cents the Tea of of