v fi -i- Mi OCT Tired Nervous Women who to bo In rich healthy by Hood jiormationt relict find following It from known dial during Itil but I A friend in to I to iiltfi I Jut Iced rem anything my to tor to tan mot Mood Cumberland Toronto Ontario Only Blood Purifier In today THE PERFECT TEA TKI THE TO THE A CUP NATIVE ft Mi A j r Hat MM M 7MIIiwlif lb lib A to CO J la BIKE a lt THAT TAKE THE wfOES to til itfK Jilt on fc ft It AT Td3 Judaea Oct Qoldon Topi op of Book of Judge 1t to Hud of ond by DAmoel of out tot Hied thorn Church Id forgot tod cart of wotld tho of riches ho word to grow op ft luiQwIcdgo of God Ao3 In their WhM i do no ilnniij ikh to to fftttxtJt in friendship world ihoy COD formed to It nd to do mm follower now And od fAthtoo turn third falike To yoko ftod tight burden of nil tonlot guly of to ftt Ant but tnd It of thtt dot hid to them Bin tod with Jt God did not Hip MAdlttOBi but tent bring thorn to Hit which I liberty TO fonforcoco of Method III Church hot decided by HI to to ill ijKAk And vote In church work- City J In fI Another writ for An election to bun Ho net- filing one week Hon Mr- will bo tnd Toronto And Jtlchrnond Hill to will now tnd wilt In within of IO0 Hue for in Ibt week J- J who for charged with ftod who left matt not think thtt Ii ft inert WAtlor of Air irorktd op tho titled in tho to in working op John will bo two It will re lot of politic order to ftt election limn lento to corruption At which court thtt oat ft rcfttod which briber concealed under bed ft bind with money to entering room If 1 to If not Mr took titer FALL SEPT A BOARDING SCHOOL ltb eit MiOi ftdvbtftjtci High iiikdo Tor Alt a I Subjects TypeWriting in ShortHand Alto full Vocal jmcntal Music a TERMS PI Tire for plural At Cabinet meeting Mr or to the will not bo gAttttd until It hoi ftpprovtl one of And now ho hit ho of the tod A 7 is of the of Whitby on Friday tat when it thtt A firmer hold portfolio of iter of for tho Dominion They tbot ft protest AgAintt I for position but exhibited of etui to a of bo from Hiding a thoy hove Am to roporfp not 000 employees ft factory grippe their Immunity J to bo duo to effects of of which their world It It hint fnfgbt bo liken by others by of splpbur Abo at This Is til Carrying A tlio td bo fttpeoIHofor chloroform A euro core for or ft Jog compound Id who to ft wtlklng Apothcctry shop while Attending hit Toronto of who did doty pi Be to as which this week In ihobAbltof ditvlog of Toronto And ttore4 fa delving Into the city ftgtla with ft plunder from trip ftt Soutane tnd of pitta ono or both on on the third both wero found Jury them to drtwn from tbo conttinlog tome of who pleaded for two ft who was by lOYcrtl hit In pocket of ft number of women In a crowd found with An of anted in Ms own pockets If record Is continued ftt tbovt tented MOB ho If our jury system his not outlived lis noes A AI OK to tttliH Hit Into Now ill of iki There rc way people especi ally among lie of Kent County do not know Mr If the popular agent for agricultural of A was in conversation with Mr re cently when the subject of Dr Fink Pills touch ed upon Mr said he was a staunch believer in their curative properties and to justify tils opinion he related the cure of his Miss Warman aged who he said ad been almost wrested from the grave by Dr Williams Pink Pills Miss had been suffering for nearly a year with troubles incident to girlhood She suffered from severe riven by ii Ii It glo7 Of At of wh on ft cheerful Sunlight ondM evening Is fiocp clothes wjIy quietly out rubbing cor Twin Motto Booh for irappors lent to There arc convicts at Kingston palmer the defaulting teller of the Hamilton branch of the Hank of Commerce waj arrested Friday afternoon in a country hotel near Jordan rarles CAM of Hamil ton When he bad about in bills and gold tup to have been the he took from his desk before leaving the city hart throogh ud Co It tior Tbo Afot ao urIItrtooJici of or UtJJt Co ladnHtj iLd Uyoffuiacare It a to fctortctt of Jiuotb Lb all ro tit fc of IU 4 ol w Hold CON Meg tot tobftr Ii in flctlou Ilio doujb ft iQinufctotr Jo diplomatic ion at with of Amrlcin In Louie nd Is Mr of of daring bit story is ably Tat of How now hut of a political contest f2Ulstoro boon and a election ordered to take on the lb and lbs 16th October It said that at the last olectfoa the and other entered Into the but at time the fight will bo meat and Liberal Pre Mr Blair has an ad freu to the some of the important to tho la Phils- one of the desirable lbs city has fail by Hem The property Is at and which moans it Id the famous and ton Bloats fiootb The Indq4 five The will torn to room for a cottin bo by building sotuio two years la gold pieces of the to In lo and trade of sbe Province and they will fled rul fook for is to clever of a old are tad u4 to or Then ike op with gold and a good la coat the Cor Mcb piece so she profit of The col us ring true they Is A Picture of and Activity and almost constant headaches heart palpitation and was pale and bloodless and eventually became so weak arid emaciated her par ents thought that she was in consump tion and had all but given up hope of her recovery He father Mr who is a do firmer spared no expense to procure relief for the poor sufferer The best avail able medical advice was employed hut no relief came and although the parents were almost in despair they still strove to find the means of their loved one to health Mr Hire everybody else who reads the newspapers had read of the many marvellous cures by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills but like some others looked upon those as mere patent medicine advertisements However as else had failed he deter mined tbat Pink Pills should be given a trial with a result no less marvellous than that of many other cases related through the press Dr Williams Pink Pills have completely cured the young lady so that in a few months from a helpless and supposedly dying gist she has become a picture of health and activity The family is so well known in this part of the country that no one would think of disputing any statement by any of its members Air It on account of his business as sales man for agricultural machinery is personally acquainted with nearly everybody in the county and we feel assured any enquiries made of concerning the statements made above will be readily answered The gratifying results following the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills in the case of Miss prove that they are unequalled as a blood builder and nerve Wntc In he case of girls who are pale or sallow listless troubled with palpitation of the heart weak and easily tired time should be tost In taking a course of Dr Williams Pink Pills which will speedily enrich the blood and bring a rosy glow of health to the cheeks They are a specific for troubles peculiar to female such as suppressions irregularities and ail forms of weakness In wen effect a radical cure in all cases arising wenta worry overwork or ex cess of whatever nature Dr Williams Pink Pills are manu factured by he Dr Williams Medi cine Co and Schenectady and are sold in boxes never loose form the down or hundred at a or aix boxes for and may be bed of all druggists or direct by from Or Williams Medicine Company at either address if I Hid let IgrFrfcGrrrr 7nd by Ltd Driver lei by CO CO Society Sharon Kllcy CO a a a Pony It and under by A VaoHonnan Toronto a Pair Hoots valued and Speed lit by Iozq Qoccnivilie let by floold CO 2nd by or Filly in let a Collar by John Wallace 3rd 1 BOO You pride yourself on your You count yourself a well- mannered girl and would be In dignant If you Hold you were tacking in ordinary When you are invited out you arc careful not only to prompt but to be considerate of your hostess What consideration do you show God when you go to Hi house Too often you come in late seal yourself with a noise and do not jale turn and twill unlit vou feel your arranged exactly right and you are comfortable Then you a gh as you took the preacher He one whoie mons you do not admire to while he is trying to do his duly you coolly read your prayerbook or or took around the congregation and catching the eye of a friend give a shrug of When the sermon is over you live vent to a sigh of thankfulness and you never seem to realize this bad behavior on your part Is bad behavior not only to the clergyman but to that God whose he When the collection is taken up you look here and there and every where to sec who is depoiitfng a banknote the benediction is Mid you crane yourself like a bird with its plumage so that you will be ready to atari out the very minute It is ended I do not suppose you real ire for a moment how dreadful this is it is giving an oppor tunity to an unbeliever What can these Christians think of their God when they ate so impolite to Him Then you do something your church the pews are rented When you enter you close the door and give no poor tinner an opportunity to sit betide in the sight of God you are all alike and before the rich and the poor fcland together to he judged Home Journal i A of fihov HORSES Bum Draught Homos in let by J Plow valued at ata Winner to pay 2nd by If Lemon Clyde Hotel KiiiR oftit Toronto flfaro witb by by Hill a barrow valurd at 2nd by Lemon Clyde Hotel 4 iVoyoarord Gelding or Filly let by 2nd by J tioodall reli ant Toronto 2 Yearling or Filly by K J Davie CO AIt- Colt or Filly lit by age or let by Pine Orchard CO any 2nd 2 Boole given by lit 2nd it Toronto Wall by J aloore By Yearling Bull Bull Caff Mitel a given the bftdiug Tinware Depot Hot market J fjOC if By AlUrOb In Goods Pi 1 t given A A whole end Toronto e By under year Good by Pore Gold Co Toronto CO By THOIIOBBBD let 2nd Bull ICO Bull years old ICO Yearling by 100 ICO By Dull By Milch Cow by John Co Tororilo Heifer ware Yearling Heifer under I year old lit 2nd Ball anyego Pair Boots given by J A A Co To ronto valued at Milch Co by dock to of 2 By let My Wilton Toronto alon A Co Cloth ing Toronto Yearling Heifer by It John- Co Toronto By John Pal or by If P Co- Wholesale Grocer a Toronto Pat Cow or Heifer any brood by JfP A Co Toronto By John i 2nd W 1 2nd by bred 1st by A Co Toronto 2nd by the flpring Colt or by or Cecil heir Jit by by 3rd CO A CO 200 CO 3 CO Aged Bam CO 2nd 1 CO 2nd 1 CO Item tat by CO 2nd 1 CO Kho having this given by Dr 2 CO 2nd Dr 1 CO Two Yearling Dr CO 2nd 1 CO Two Latnlj CO 2nd CO Aged Barn by CO 2nd CO Ham CO 2nd by Dr ICO Ram Limb by C- 2nd CO given by J Taylor Toronto CO 2nd pi CO Yearling by Toronto CO 2nd by 1 CO I CO ai V Bam Gordon McKay ii Co CO 2nd CO Bam CO 2nd Bam Lamb CO a a a I vJ having 2 let Fad CO W 50 to AND VEGETABLES Beauty any kind Grey Mange Carrot Collection Swede loss Dr Scott MOO Worts 8 yellow by Dr Campbell CO Plat Egyptian Beets gircn by WarooroQQP8JlIo CO Co Selected Improved ICO Co VKGKTABLKO Bert Collection Garden conilitbig of rot leei than 10 and of each variety Society Cabbage Table Pari Table Carrots fl Table 2 Citrons Heidi Celery 12 Red Onion White Onions Pumpkins Hubbard Squash Mammoth Mammoth DAIRY no than lbs by John A Co Toronto valued At CO lbs in crock Toronto bailer lo become property of donor 5 CO Crock Jit by If Hotel Toronto butter to W Itr Crock Bolter lit by Bob Toronto butter to bo- GRIT r I f ifff 1 to CO 25 CO CO CO CO CO V 25 CO CO coma bolter to IhtlrtrTOTcriy Crock Butter- III by A Co Crock by King it To ronto butter to IhfrVAluoo Crock by Hotel Toronto butter COO A Crock Batter by Meredith it to butter to COO lit by 1 Grand Toronto butter to become fais lbs in Comb lit by Jtmvll honey to fi 9 a If I AGRICUMUBAfi OB in by CO 2nd by Brood Mara witb Colt by her lit by 2nd by J J ferry a vafucd at Gelding or Filly lit 2 CO 3 CO CO Toronto World for one 2nd by P Bradford Whip valued at Yearling Gelding or by A Co Toronto gAltona Oil value 3 CO 2nd by Toronto Jobbing House Newmarket Goods valued at CO Spring Colt or 1st by A A Co Toronto 2 CO 2nd by Society in Itt Daily Globe JO CO 2nd by Hotel Carriage 1st a flcr given by It valued at 3 CO to ad by John of valued at 2nd by John Tate CO CO CO CO CO CO CO A Newfound- dog a toad iad had Marc foal by her tide HI by Jaa Manned Toronto 2nd by BH Vernon Twoyearold Gelding or 1st by Society 2nd by Mesne Toronto Gelding or Filly by 2nd by Milne Spring Colt or Filly lit by John 2nd by Society Canadian bred Carriage Bullion any lit by A field a Cart made by val ued winner to CO 2nd by Qnoenavirle CO 1st a Steel Him Collar given by To- valued at 2nd by Society CO single Marc or Gelding lit by Lewis Boa Toronto Sad by Brood villi by her tide by J If PP Yearling tired by hone lit by J Bradford 2nd 2nd SWINE Boar aged by 2nd 2nd Boar Pig dTtjO i 1 a 2nd WIIITK Aged Boar McKay A Co 2nd Brood Bow Boar Pig 2nd 2nd Aged Boar 2nd Brood Sow 2nd Boar Pig Sad Bow Pig 2nd iiliiriiiiiiiiai On lilt a at 1 CO CO CO 42 CO 2 CO CO 2 CO CO 2 CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO Jar Strained Honey by Broi Toronto good Tea 2nd by Society Collection of Canned than varieties by Iba value at 2nd by Society Collection let by Bros Tea valued at 2nd by Society Maple 2nd loaves 1st by het a Cistern valuol at winner to pay Bread by John flloru Toronto PactoryCvCtorotl lhvri 2nd CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 3 2 CO CO CO Of manclous success of Burdock Blood Bitters In its specific curative power over every of body Liver Blood tho Bowels the Stomach Kidneys Skin the in fact all parts of the human are regulated purified and restored to perfect natural action by this medicine Thus it all diseases or other parts of system Dyspepsia Constipa tion Bad Blood Biliousness Head ache Kidney and Liver Complaint Obstinate- Humors Old Sors Scrofula Rheumatism Nervous of General Debility and all of the system caused by Bad Blood or dis ordered action of the Stomach Bowels Liver or Kidneys Thousands of warrant assertion thru is tho BEST medicine for young or old J ii ii 1 TO LET WELLING AND SHOP FALL 1 E T sir OP ACRES OF PASTURE- to LOT CO PO ORSALKORTOLET- to lilts WOOD IMPLEMENTS Wagon 2 CO CO ICO GI I CO CO CO ICO ICO ICO Wow CO CO CO Ret ICO CO Bet CO iiunt ICO SO Calf SO CO CO LADIES DEPARTMENT 1st by J 1 I I 9 I I I 44444 r I 1 CO CO 2 CO CO CO CO POULTRY CO CO CO Ore pair Air pair iVnlrh Drown CO CO C3 Wait 2CO C3 t 4 lit ii 0 CO CO CO SO CO CO CO SO CO CO SO SO W CO CO 76 75 1 I I J Slid by J CO Tilly la JIOfts by ticKcJlir Twooto or la by 4 A Rc4Attcx flullion- by by CO J CO CO Vibf t red Two Rowed Oitr 19 it CO lib fO CO I CO CO CO CO CO CO a co ICO CO ICO SO CO Northern It Wrorer to SI Toronto At Cotton Foiled 3Cirit for by I filirticn fcnittcl Wool Woe Warned xkh Flower a Pillow cay Drip Foot tvi Creche Work tilk or Work Work Pin any tied Work Work lv Oil tjct Co tay i Vthtt by Doll by girl Crocbet Work by J to SO CO so CO ICO ICO ICO CO ICO 1 I CO so so CO so so so CO so CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ICO CO CO CO CO CO CO SO SO CO so so so so BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE WOODEN WARE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST OF GLASS IN TOWN PROP LEAD IN PAINTS mm mm ft j WARM TO RENT lit D to bo lo ifc FARM FOR SALE rntlKvtii HI 11 THIS IS A BARGAIN to For Sale or to a ftUorcrHldaquiiliofdry to A- ROE No i r J J J- JO TO OP j TRY OUR TUBS Building Material i cycle Repairs Wo fiiiud op a In wiih cor fibcp lha IMccLicf I Residence For Sale tf yet Afto W TWO GOOD litTt4 Kiev iOlicr AN WASHBOARDS- Spoking in All W Tubing Ken with New iiio into All ftcvttr who lo iloc ill tite i Vhwltt It very tt THE SONS MFG CO Lid win rtilifeir Con I la lit Ait i WVWlltliriKtt NrnrjtVc FARM FOR SALE OX KENT Skirt Bone to CO CO a co 3 For ST and SHAPE to Ladies Dresses by lty A It I to The fiiixt ba On Saturday from have Intfi of 5Airi SAVED It LIFE luKillirit a iittt I riva or PrIoj75cli It Is on at dr W SS CO 13 far Jir per day rum inti HOOT Ken xVVW- FOR YCAR8 Notice to Creditors to I- AMtKLyvra VOU SALE jet flrteit tf US la Geo EQUAL TO THE BEST IN YORK COUNTY FARMS FOE SALE iai JiiH Oca W li t- li J iCviiJ XV A lu uc4 ito our lout Its lift aa it ttcrAl ltd Cf No THECOOKTSBESTFRIEND SALE Iff A lUCf lVKlLli cf dcMrc 11 jtt erects f t j- lo tier At tit rr Alt l Iitc4 At Atirjelllib J We do not alb any Office to outdo us in IMS either in or If you want any kind done ice and cm at the Office Our rontnciJ