r J IVV Ovcrcoaia Go Supremely Happy Roche Co- Bankrupt Tor Jobbing Homo Farm for Sale Gamble Stray Ram FmncU lo Creditor J Woodcock Wanted A Cattle Strayed Mania Store for Sale Farm for Sale George AUTOROWSDMOIITfft ADD WITH EACH She Era la all at Sou koimi NEWMARKET ERA NOV- FRIDAY MOV Oar Toronto ft hi Era L let it Pi Duo to of LUbopoC of lho A Wo liter of pCf to dmlfiUUnUoa of North Gull It not to Ibt for It vjlb fc1rl4 Id t Of at to for I fcld rtkucihKrx for If of J I to being Allow Per but It IK lo Ho It Hrtjuli a pilot iin of wider too And lit for lb JrilMutontnilfcroggholl North Yck it on a4 Jury a rat till for fire to biro 1 for Mr At i6intntltd for on fiUrfM lo boy Mr Monday aim Hoi 4VaV A Mil of lafltcra Atd bit iwrl In Aud AbovAdtlijtA And If Ml And And tea I AtniUt of AfO bo litcD IilAfid of Appelated to bo Crown of ibooouo ttnx And la 1 Urn bit for IAO Iff AI 10 rlrt- Jc a JpArjtio6AOuriKwcnuQOf filed AttUo Conn win Hit till AtA4litd4 o of Monday the Gov- policy on the Manitoba Taking it apparently for granted that the- Gov ernment nil not take fiction the Federal trill redeem pledge of last by Introduc ing a bill of relief for the Roman Catholics of Manitoba on tlic of parliament In many respects it will lie a compromise measure arc told and moderate In its provision Tire above correspondent cay It nil lively enact that ratepayer will be free to have taxes go to the support of Separate that they will be free lo select their own text books in and that ceruirt privileges will be conceded In the way of religious Instruction But outside of this any Separate thus created will be subject to public inspection teacher to be tent to tbo provincial examinations for certificates and textbooks used shall no the iced textbooks of the Province supposed to be the extent well informed political circles of the program respecting remedial legijlatlon and the reader will observe that it docs not proppie to reimpose the old Separate school system In with ils adrnillcd inefficiency but ft does create separate schools for Ro man Catholic In contradistinct ion to the existing public system Manitoba The foregoing may token a fair Outline according to the authority above quoted of the Federal Gov ernments policy and program and if so we may expect to find Ministe rial candidates in the for ihft Commons to be held before par meets to declare themselves of this form of remedial legislation It will follow in view of his past I hat the member for West York now occupy ing the position of Controller of Customs will either be obliged to eat his leek or step down and out- Meanwhile the Government is said to be very busy bringing its following Into line on the policy proposed A en- for a Mono p nbtcb for the wlUosm Tn Ntui Utile Ion al of bt a In lb caolfcr awn Is not Id I yore to bio am 80 Iraly h of only cailooal fttttJnracasfta bo to yores It It Mr to Amplify Mi to 1 10 it a mm fi ArrCAtoi for kept And aI Alto when a ArrotUd for of poet i bo bit doing fa- to or ho Ably County CoDitibUl vrilllrcAtbo After J Tin Qfobt of a Ad tint In to Khtm would repaired of AldormAnlo At election of it toyond Alt At f ftfltr for a ml upon AAfn a prlvAto company to loll of pAllon It Hon on of Ibo of Mm- In Ibo loop Jtii ortt- jnt ai own Monrty whft At to for Ma ft a Iibt car of Ibis ll from to with And tlmt could crowd Into it If truo bat a Alkonto not aI Alltobiicrodil Why or AcIaIa lor At fij of object Jo A of of Atcott4 by County to of And of their of tbt mat If If on of tbt of loUgAtcj trait no inOutnco will Of in of tbo municipal 1 1 let not to Iq tbo of At a political meeting held in Gait About three weeks ago and which addressed by Hon Mr and Opposition Mr of Quebec who in and for tome after was a prominent member of the Conservative parly turned Queens evidence making some remarkable disclosure respect fog connected with the Railway His story not only reveals the methods by leaders to election funds but fully confirms the charges preferred by the for West Ontario the House of Com mons When it is remembered that Mr was for years an and treasurer for the party in Quelxc bis revelations ate significantly important showing how it made possible for con tractors and to plunder the public treasury of thousands of dol lars in order that they might contri bute the requisite funds to bribe con stituencies and Wilt the peopled money to keep their friends in power Mr old his hearers that in he became a shareholder in the Company with three or our other friends The company got subsidies from lawa and Quebec They afterwards told out their interest for Mr Tarte goes on to ibst I got of it tbAt I bad tot ibt no bArwa loll I was my own cbAtltr it of ordinary of life I Atn not booed to know About ad un written fa tbe by tbt of the party Who wore money fa of kind to Arooyott of to men Wfcat did do out of After It I a word About It but to tbo In Thit unwritten law of which Mr by which those who jk fitted out of subsidy tlonj were bound to contribute to the fund reveals a concerted system to raid the public treasury to ensure the tenure in office of Conservative party and perpetuate a reign of extravagance and misgovern menu me win tour A of Toronto for their produce tton in ruuilo for piano It dont took cult And to not many of It At Albt re binding as ft a new policy had And the could not bo Avoided by of In AppHcatlon unlets a for for each pcArA on lit A Owen caw It ft now settled a property bolder to bit for lit- own liable In repair Apart Altogether from any there may bo on part of tbo municipal cor- to Approch proper And safe Saturday Day Canal a a And Toronto could well Afford lo a week of lbs of and on ft do to lh of the of tbo St- At cnt Convention It Booth Huron a wm Adoptvl Ifco prAClIco of of or to of Is a direct At for Hon Mr for IsaUo a broad to of Ontario In to fllltnu regit Co- mow to Clinton Vru Wo that a tbo noil of bo a privato bill will rod need debarring of the from At of out of pablio for a term of a bill of the fovorn meat It will bo In but ft will In In work to of A dint World holds that It it not for officer of And a rnonlcipallty to one and aaiao and dtoUrii of Municipal Act in its present form or illegal lor par ton to bold mors one of mentioned A wad one not rntbo proper for The Executive of the Whitchurch S will meet in the Methodist Church here at oclock next Saturday afternoon to arrange for the next Contention Pine Orchard and arc both looking after it and it hoped that a large attendance of the Executive from all parts of Township will present to decide on the place and formulate the program FRANKLIN The Christian Church here has been revived by a of special meetings conducted by the EM Cow Mr of alto valuable assist Since the pastor has five believers in Like Scott appoint rncnt and one hereand now six move have given in their names for christian baptism as a result of the special effort here KESWICK According lo ihe thai arc flying around of the Viihcty there Utile hope for you people to have any Inciter tuck with the trolling than you had hit Summer- The way ifiirS are running law- abiding citizens left every time charivari boys paid for fun It cost apiece On Monday Mr Manrli the with a party of made a tour of coo the principal points of observation Snake and Island Shuttle- worth took samples of water for the purpose test The water in the lake is lower than ever known and people are wondering if the proposed aqueduct to Toronto wilt not greatly effect navigation Who the to the remains of the old scow discovered off Wakes point is a question tome of our boy would like lo see long overdue Miiouli foundered In Lake Superior A week last after drift ing about in a helpless condition for two day The look to life boat were saved little the a half year old boy of Mr had way be termed a rather painful experience yesterday i the Ottaw Journal Monday tie not likely to forget for lime lie In the a cent and putting in accidentals it Dr called by after about an boor nuiuved to t cent out u it bid lodged to the child dote It Ji notice bit completed It Ant wttb a b9 vou by a Jftt Its In form it a e vital thought of tbo by tbe Co New York Copltt bo ftt office occupied by Toron to it fcekccflc4ci Id It o it bit t a leader of public It an tbit felt from one end of Dominion to other The WitAty varied com editorial and special botoo paper and popular in all parts of the conn try Department ot Inland data of of beer and per capita of population aid valeau there has conilderabU re TuctIon The capita of 6 74 against gallons i16 poinds The head from articles was On On MSti on cents cue of selling liquor to a minor was tbe Toronto Police several weeks ago lo action M the flraOlocasIoQ If hotel keeper w for selling tbs liquor to bat he prosed It an old man who par- ft for lbs hoy bote keeper was but the polios then lbs who tie and flndblmtttfferatlga4 agent ley Of Muni of at World It In flection quoted for 000 jetton to bold two offices of dark and treasurer If in terpretation of Act good many will have to go the no doubt bate to performance of da ties officials more to work it but If tbo tbero la no for the Cole or of council not to do what tbo of abet do fa another bint to farmers may be worth lo who ft about deal more coming to tbe Bat Ottawa Mr flamual far of Sooth March the year baa made that would seem to Indicate that can be grown in Lai be received a package of paanole from a Toronto package contained ten nuts He planted about middle of Bight of tan grew other two did not Four of did well and frora he aacured ft of He thinks the the did not do well that be did not with earth as abould have when the on But be baa gained and to do better year Now bare the hint of gallons of Into Canada year If they can be grown in tbe of South March climate ia more favorable for their cultivation North York be in halfadozen of to combine and sand to can market for a half of aeed and try Mr If crowns than enlarge the and profit by your experience Mr Reuben a business with his chopping and cider mill It pays to put an ad in the Our rcho1 have quite a holiday to the with of the teacher Mr hut the services of Mill Mc Galium of Aurora have been secured and the is going on in its usual way We hope to tee Mr Terry in good health again Wo are also sorry to say Mr- Tench is very much iiidiipbied Mf John had the misfor tune lo hit cow it found dead in the stable Miss Sarah has relumed from Kansas after being absent three years and taken up her residence with her sisterinlaw Mrs Mr Matt of Wilfrid spent over Sunday with his cousin Miss Alice Wasley Misses and Nellie Cowieson celebrated the anniversary ol their birthday with a few friends at The Chestnuts Mrs daughter Dorothy are having a much needed rest visiting relatives at Waterloo Several from our Sunday School attended ihe Convention at Bradford last Mr Charlc has- ry pulling atone vail under hod Mr Robert ha been typhoid fever but is getting around Tho meeting on Tuesday very tended arc to learn that Mr Stephen Is about to leave ui 4 KING CITY fc Mis Moore of visiting Mr Dr Norman Our villaw presents a brilliant appearance at to the addition of seven net lamps purchased Thanks to our City Father Bailiff who Is ever ready to help the progress of this town Rev of Lansing Mfcblun spent last Wednesday with his old Mr Doctor I a hunting In Dr has charge of the Doctor practice Rev the Rec tor of All Saint Churcb leaves short ly to fill the position of Curate In St Simon Church Toronto Ho will be being popular both a and Mr Geo ha secured the contract for lighting the street lamp at the corner of Mala and Hoop streets We notice that Mr Frank Bill Colt is developing Into a very speeds animal UNION STREET NORTH Rather an Interesting conversation occurred not far from th little place usually called on Thurs day of fast ceV between one of the fairer of and an young lady of this Street The Free Methodius intend hold ing their Quarterly meeting a week from Sunday M had the misfortune of losing a fine threeyearold steer one day last week by criofcfna with his halter Mr John Cunningham Is very low at present He is not expected to live Mr Jack Fetors ha left his farm and moved back to the old home stead Quite a number from this vicinity are trying their luck back North Mr John Rose occupied the pulpit at the Free Methodist Chapel last Sunday morning bespeak him a large congregation next Sunday Ve arc to have a new teacher this coming year MOUNT ALBERT Our population continue to Mrs in- crease Mrs her husband happy on Saturday by him with fine boy and ev Mr Dewey got a ibouncd dollar legacy In the shape of ft fino baby girl came up from the city to see her parent but while out In the back yard fell and broke her leg A party of young people went down to the Maria to give Mr surprise and they arrived home at daylight No doubt they had a good time J is laid up with a lame side Mrs V is very poorly again Doctor Forest got a new organ and piano last week The Royal Templars gave a con cert last Thursday evening to a full fteto It Id politic at Capital to fill the and will ftUo that to will a a to bit Cibtt or ftU lit IU4 At ImI on the York Ins got before to vt GUI York and tbtfr oiIiUi formed of a wiltod and It Irons lilt oclock lb agitation for has as it well on for many yeui and a short ilmi ago as a toward cod a was by Coo noil lbs of thua to lb inoo coo- Over bylaw time tcv3 and fo ft of It an booomt and die ly coma ol County to ai4 Ob HOLLAND LANDING The Mr of Queens- delivered an to of Chosen Friends last Sunday evening in the Methodist Church which greatly appreciat ed We understand Mrs Boyd in tends leaving this week accompanied by her three children for Spanish River to join husband there She will be greatly missed here es pecially from the Methodist choir She carries with her the good wishes of many Mr A Coornbs of Richmond Hill here Sunday the of M sister Mrs Mr Little tailor is seriously Miss P Stevenson of Glenvilte is visiting under parental domicile A number young people as sembled at the residence of Mr Chapman on Thursday evening last the in honor of Miss Nellies birthday understand a very pleasant true was spent by singing and other A fair share of the awards were brought to this locality from the King plowing match Messrs Frank Joseph Oscar J Ramsey jr and Dennis Shropshire taking prises The tax collector has made bis calls has been to dry of late that the water in many wells got very low and cistern became empty Last Friday and Saturday we got the cistern pretty well replenished and a few more good rains tike that would All the springs for a winter supply The whistle of the threshing can still be heard occasion ally Mr Pottage is coming to live on hi at the corner of at present occupied by Mr Win Visitor who have here late ly Mrs Charlotte Lloyd Toronto Miss Nettie Newmarket Mr J Sinclair Mr Joseph Lloyd Mr Vincent Fox York The social to finish up what wa left from home to take place last Friday night did not eventuate on account efit being very wet It came off on Monday night Mr and Mr Richard Dale and two children of were visit ing at lit Mr Dales over Sunday last Mr of Newmarket fill ed the pulpit here in the Christian Church last Sunday and gave a very instructive sermon Mrs Peter of Toronto is visiting here this week have been Mr iram sheep lately did not bear extent of damage done Mr Fred has improved their lane wilh a coat of gravel QUEKNSVILLE A troop of Indians is camping in Mr woods They employ themselves making baskets which they tell In the surrounding neighborhood They intend remain ing there all winter from these part attended lho ploughing match on Wednesday The winner of this pan were M J G and Bishop We learn that our present teacher is going to charge of the Public School here next year J who for tome time has been in the employ of Mr Davis hat gone to the Soo where we believe he has a situation The young lads the village were at their annual tricks on Halloween Many the not got their gates yet An intimation ought to be made as to where such property is as it saves a good deal of trouble for Mr J Bos tli who took ad vantage of the farmer excursion to the West returned last week- Miss has gone to live in King City A number from here intend seeing the football match at Newmarket on Thanksgiving Mr Piper returned Monday even ing after visiting friends in Hamilton and vicinity for over a week Marah hay is booming at present- two carloads were shipped this week to the City Mr Goodwin intend pressing some for shipment this week as it appears there is better demand lor pressed hay Mr Thos Gray who underwent a surgical operation Is rapidly recording and will be able to be out again shortly Mr Brown arrived here Wed nesday He intends repairing the tannery and making preparations for bushiest at Newmarket The Bridge ByLaw was carried by for aod against SxttttA The court will remove from Balmoral to Windsor Castle on Nov when Prince Kail of Denmark proposal to Princess Maud youngest daughter of Wale was recently announced will visit the Queen The and Princess of Prince Maud member of the family wil be The will then her to of Prince aod Frlncos Maud There is to be a Union Thanks giving Service in the Methodist Church here on Thanksgiving day at p Rev Mr of New- market is to take charge of the ser vice On Monday the Inst Rev J Sturgeon will he Inducted into the office of clergyman forthc Queens- ville Ml Pleasant and McMillan churches We are glad that he is going to stay in our midst The new store Is now ready for customer Mr Oliver Is the proprietor The T Concert last week was poorly attended the ball being only half full No doubt this was partly owing to it not being well ad vertised The program wa just fair although a few selections were well tendered It was too bad though to hear that a constable had to be brought In to keep the youths of some respectable parents quiet It is to be hoped that we do not hear of such or names may be mentioned f- are sorry to Mr John Clark could not bo wilh us to night but we believe coining in tbe future Particular later exercise seeus to take the lead just now Perhaps it will be of tbe bike yet Wright bad a bee lumber from this week He expects to erect a large tbe A few from here attended S Contention at Bradford report a good time is bid that more Interest la in tbe Sunday School work by the com munity Look out for Public enter- taJauientj taxX month Wo are to four all to 2 Mr George King was thrown out of a buggy at and illed KS- Five steamships have gone on the rocks this in the St Lawrence Geo Green a died near Owen Sound under suspici ous circumstances Inquest Writ bought bags of potatoes in Angus and Utopia on Friday and Monday at cents per bag The Knglish mission near Jerusalem was attacked by a mob The missionaries escaped but some the servant were killed A severe storm raged Mon day over Scotland and the northern parts of and Ireland Great damage is reported to shipping Win Anderson acd nine teen was killed yesterday at the flour mill while engaged putting on a belt caused an explo sion Monday at Ihe Winning colliery near in Derbyshire Seven miners are reported to have been killed The marriage of Charles Rivers Wilson president of the Grand Trunk Railway look on Saturday in to the Hon Beatrice KT In the Kingston Penitentiary are two men father and son each un der sentence of seven years the form er killing a man and the latter for killing a cow The steamship crashed into dock Monday at Montreal Fully forty of the wharf were cut through before the vessel was stopped Woodruff a resident of Sudbury met with a painful accident last week While westing on a bridge with an it slipped out and cut two his tees off Burglars blew open the in office of the Woodstok and carried off This is the first instance on record of money being found in a printing of fice A Toronto gentleman drove from Toronto to Bar lie hit week and stated that the worst piece of road he passed over in the sixtyfour miles was between Allandale and fcb While on a lake near on Tuesday of last week Wrn Simpson a young man about years of age was drowned Noth ing but his hat and his canoe have been found and it is supposed deer turned on him and upset his A young woman in Montreal charged on Saturday with mas- in male attire She lived with her sister had worked as a man for several years by this means supporting sister family The recorder her to one months imprisonment a fine of A to the London 2fYme from Rome referring to the gravity of Turkish affairs says that Italy is in perfect accord with Eng land and that the Italian fleet is ready to cooperate with English fleet whenever the interests of European peace may demand it is the name the latest thing for the teeth introduced Into Canada by the Aroma Chemical Co It seems to be meeting the appreciation of elite of Toronto at any rale owing no doubt to it having been endorsed by wellknown professional experts as much as recommendation from one to an other That it a good thig is be- question that it will rapidly be come popular is equally certain Toronto Sept 5 KIT The Fall deer hunters are a regular army this season On Monday they began to and every night since then our commodious hotels have filled spot available for a down has teen utilized and even then all could not be accom modated- the do fcic as numerous the It li that two leads of pasted north through here Tuesday even ing Thirty dog two unloaded at Monday evening Suit Sg We have today the Largest Stock of Good Clothing in Newmarket and guarantee our priceslower for good goods than anywhere else A of Overcoats tog overcrowed us and tliey must go quick Mens Frieze Ulsters good 00 Mens Extra Good Ulsters A Fine Tweed Overcoat with Velvet Collar Fine Beaver Overcoats regular- at Boys Overcoats good with Cape 75 Boys Frieze Ulsters Mens All Wool Double Breast Tveed Suits regular at 77J Mens Strong Suits Never look here for trashy Goods Our motto is Good Goods at the Very Lowest Price WE LEAD THE DRV TRADE J Advantages best In the Do minion CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE TORONTO ONT Id AW Etc FOR SALE Hz At of fllH rotnt IB lit tilth ft tor Vet furihtprt lo A comes from Sandur- Ohio hat no American boats while in Canadian were captured by the Canadian which more than of nets SALE OR TO Klrj ARM TO OR at Tin fouling AND House j FOR lot viDr033 RAM- A to yitAtiuiisrsDUAH ALL Alio with Ibt oilier rem wlH ibnktuUiecfvc4 filto fcr treats In KtiliickPO it Ik9 it- A SPECIALTY H NEWMARKET KG to Wirt truer il a Kir iivii a Tho Tomb on ti- line va Plot at fiiclft on Hit of iid icoia TcrcsO- LOus Par for a lit a tost ft jACiK i tciei to fl- Id tor HOUSES WANTED of this Seasun arrived early The quality good Vc in stock New Peel Hew Orange Peel Lemon Peel And our own direct import of kci 1 la wriw tit ltirirtrkit htLSirdt A niiiL have one line picked specially in caddie which are to sell for the caddie The best bit of Tea will find this season Alio our Trade Winner The Old Reliable 30c -OR- eii fii J ftUeatliD A Successful Entertainment ifcopt li riiUl cut jar jeer to It Lii tt get jca tkt it wo or Ye Notice to FOB IOO Is here this seasons This iea has caused rnorc trouble among the rnerchantito it in and have find its equal at the price Try a parcel SHOES AND 1 Cor Main I RytftiQctd 60 D4tUttitprlb t zvzr OH CO CO IT CO on OSS a a a a a a a CO a a IS a 11 a CO a a a a Utter if i oil lacu of J AlDliEfiFi to A tires to 1 thi Miller Roach Point j4t rtkiictt ttr ihOLauitcf fttjtbfMb ihiat fcrth tt Ibfcl will ivu nil Uiounctx to tetter will cot tit CI f Will Buy a fine of Steel Spectacle or Eye Glasses ITCH EN licit fcfcf Jul GIRL WANTED J la- VUBJACQKVS illi will llxl w itioaUllr IUT of 111 Hit ftita c CO MM CO CO CO a ft A WANTED- Totltia ANTED- A two I tfuttlwut WILLIAM 8M1TU let 1 1 tli a Up itch Auf pcattdcr uij feel Atf ftftifttUcCJci 1 w CHOPPING DONS EVERY DAY At per lbs Ktw now A If the Glasses are already wearing are not satisfactory visit us It take long to tell whither we Can im- prove the vision not SOLID GOLD from up Jeweler Optician NEWMARKET SALE-