Weak and Nervous dltcftM it bo Tcre4wltb of of recover I la pilni fa heed which uzc4 of Very Thin ftnd flt mo lo It- I I now well I tnd I Hood Jit In houto for I Arc Toronto Oct Do Only Blood Prominently Ig4it THE THE In tut cup native Sir at It I A CO Fifty fears I Gray Syrup AND flAJU KEnnr Red Spruce Gum Co Hair VIGOR to alio It faille out A two yean uko and fall of of VIor my hair was restored to its original color ami falling out An occasional has kept the hair In vjyA condition Ilia Ayers Hair Vigor for years and it has restored hair hark to its natural color Has tirno J Hair Vigor cure Norway Pine Syrup A CURB POH AND COLDS WO DISEASES to lU 604 AA TAKE THE 0CUU4 Out AT I CURE FITS IB A ST til A feVJssl i jJU fc- fcR UOiiY i Gaul I Jam I lit now Intel for Abovl tea kingdom a court li Around Biol a Army Arranged fiilAMCfo AlF united Oat ilaW lor rolled Am- TOOQilbATo Iwn drtrin back to Aod fionUctt P bit not of IgQ ho In viAnolpngst 4 lbs f I the boor ha now to upon and dioculo flcroo Two buodrod nun rally at Ibo and tall upon people fnikad Wog as and poll tbo an raveled dlitojally lo Mi to to own Ilk It iUodatd of of If IHji of of ftd of Git doing It prevent at ho It In roc day At a of tin of wo other tint out canity WMJWflj of in ani It In lo It that a fatly will On- and deliver ad at Icidlnu Tbo not fiiod upon Hon Maui and at Pall at a Mr I- agf VIoo of of Toronto- Mr John by to That Melton of Toronto which M for without volo in favor to lit death of Mr Maury l tot Charlevofi anotliex fa In in Ontario and In Id for of will bo faiud in a few day All the acata vera by when pro rojacd at of irt Ottawa Application for fcllon wilt bo made lo Parliament by Huron Ontario pVMIlO build from Perry ford Dor- and bo Jo wai At a muting of this of WMki I to an Important In to bo held lbDC the baa been opened on Monday In fitp ttmbcr but year it will Monday In will County fain to their forward a week all of by tho Depart Ottawa entirely regard tbo polygamy among located In Not only It not under itrma of with that part ho firitltb bat practice of polygamy a criminal Id Tbo acting Id faith by tbo laws of day week Secretary of Health Mr WJ Dr and Dr loTorootoftomOravea- losing for atta forlboctunpttonboipltal After look ing many propoaed gentle men to reoenrceod a very favor- on what la known farm about two cut of of will donate to Ilia project If Ixtti re a ago New effort of and of party comUntd elements to and won a decided victory JJut that to been only a temporary for at local lection a antlTainiDaDy ticket defeated by a jiajority in the neighborhood lion ftnfmatcd by power of plunder 10 alrosg for moral reformer overcome la pleating to notice how many men taktti an activo fntercat Canadian literature lo Proud- foot of Toronto writes of of fit only by and that baa no foundation troth Attorn of fiioted by a roceot Madge Morton will faiua aro a very filly In Cede wbtcb wo am prone to not veil known to and tbrougboct that no penalty or llach4 to an enactment creat ing a duty or that It la of no ft or The Code In and or an IS Ktary and to jiiri who Act ilia wof by Aoing an cl which or lliuJt bLovoujlt4jvApcAaJt rod la JfKAHi A William lora Had for Thirty On of land Known Wen Prom Mr John is re markable one He of the beet in the county king a firmer of ample means and financial dealings hun dreds throughout townships We known him for over ten yews From him we glean ed the following facts in February last I was born Jn and of age aimed in Canada with my who sealed In Prince county and remain ed for three years then moved to township In he neighboring county of Hastings For thirty I was a resident of three years I ssided Seymour townihip and am t colj and have been for the past ten years resident of township For thirty years I have been a martyr to rheumatism- During that lime I have been treated by scores of doc tors and found partial relief from hut one I during the period tried innumerable remedies but all failed lo cure me Scarcely a month passes that I am not laid up and frequently I am confined to bed ifitQrny was or eight unable to move hand or foot and suffering untold agonies Two well known told one time that I would have to have an arm taken off save my life ell you I have been a sufferer in my time and I would anything to find relief My business causes a great deal of driving and netting fn and out of my rig is agony Knowing his story to be true and anxious that Dr Williams rink Mils should have a severe test wc prevail on Mr much against his will to give them a trial lie got six boxes and commenced to use them atari lie at our con fidence in the We him after he had used the first box and he admitted relief and be believed there was something in the remedy He continued use and by the time he had finished the six boxes be was as sound and n man as could be found in five counties A couple of months have since the cure was effected and deferred giving a history of the case in order that wc could sec for a certainly that the cure was perma nent We see him several Units a week actively attending to and at all times loud in his praise of Pink All who know Mr Frost know that his word is as good as bis bond said to him Now Mr do you really fed that you are cured of rheumatism Do you fee any twinges of the old trouble at alt lie replied I cured The Pink thoroughly routed ihc out of my system and I feet a new man The use of the pills has given mo new life and I telling I meet about the Such is the case and haying known Mr for years the sufferer he was and see ing him now active and almost youth again the rapid change from suffering to health almost a miracle- However we arc not at all surprised for on all sides we hear of the core effected by the use of Pink Pills The druggists remark their rapid sale and the satisfaction they give their customers AtacocotUgofatorOCOuoclthttdM Nor- foHawlDer ataovau ordrtditd WiDBovd scorching Pal- right of rraracrou aw HJ fMf of It John no retracted roll aawd south alio Iota ft St IMo Koitf A hut Homo Toronto lurns out some excellent home and general newspaper none that is superior in any respect The enterprise is well known and it re liability as a medium of information has always been its proud distinction No Canadian journal more space purely Canadian topics nor deals with Canadian affair more nor morn thoroughly Every Canadian home the belter for weekly visits of pajer The Kb and Qltbt for for only SCHOOL or iyj a V lJyflln Kay Kan May Jr Ill rjo II Unto WiUy Wo- fiajtitLlo Port Part jjjo Gold Ixaring his two islands of of find made by Smith an mining tlunVa la a continuation the The latter liVO out of To Or In for Ibcn brains our tho tiro In regards men a and fivo dollar more Initio what Ii No A a pair of from for flro tendering a Iwcoly dollir In hiving bill changed corner fcak A bio and to and Ibit bill a I toy J twenty In money How la by 1 tt WW flnt wnreotan- two eft Valao To linden tbo to two and opened In duo of glo a plated con iliUnfl placft vatne To of to In duo pott wo vfJUgfvoat Of lion competitor a four toco eel with tray a rjondropto or ft Valuo To tedder fltyflrrtoorroot answer lo tuorjocittom frj and opened In duo joat giro i and qualrujlo plated ell for fruit and To render correct arf to and opened In duo of poet wo wJII ftrjgidroplt Gold cako render of every lltb correct an- Ivo on opened In duo of wo will two of To render of firit correct an ewer lo the n duo of put morning who not entitled to ogift will bo ijiven rntnum decided W ro They rM you of life Indication and and Kidnoy Jtheurnatlo llilr Bad In Clio haggard look and bock the and buildup form do not only and all the but tbo cheapen lobuy a do not lako other with It nor do you have laho or four pills a pill Try a treatment of end you will no have no many dot lure PricoCOccutt a box PLEASE a correct answer will not bo rcnlroI with for a of It tho flrt day of Monday is Iccm not received day will bo turned charge fa cotnAtUori freight or of Trill Jhhcd from ending at to loott Into the working of bulnui at any ST Men lion a cwcxsioy Simmon you block head I Why didnt you trot that old woman aboard htr train She will haws to tuft now a did tell you only your confounded carelessness Siio Vou fool I What else could you of tier she any j she isnt on a very journey got a op ho ad to Til go and and if you her tonight if I dont make mincemeat you and our worthy ticket agent shook his fist menacingly at his subordinate youve mar in ho remark cfjmMi forward to a queer oVii4 in the corner A rawed that laded and the old mind said a vole Tiitnly wjll have to wait the night train which go until Very sir can wait you Ike to go to some hotel will show you the way thanjc yop sir One is as good as another any money Very well said ihe away indifferently- will tell you when its AH the forenoon she sal there so that I thought sometime must he asleep but when I looked mote could see every once irj a while great tear rolling down her cheek she would- wipe away hastily her chief- was bustle and hurry until 950 tram cast cam due then every passenger left old lady It is very rare that anyone lakes the and always after I hive struck ten the depot become and empty The tick pit PI t coat and keep nits biro once ro his life dcraiicd for But he bid no coner pone thn that upon the table as and to yocifouly light I before and never expect to The fire bad gono it was the IT- The lamps grew dim and flared catting cird shadows up on the nail heard sob from the corner then I looked in that direction risen from her sealand oh another She had the look of agony on the poor pinch face I cant believe she sobbed wringing her thin while hands Oh I cant believe it 1 my babies I Hon often held them in my and bow often they used to say back to me you mamma and now oh God turned against me Where am J going the poor house No I no no 1 1 cannot I I will not Oh ihc disgrace And sinking upon her- knees she sobbed out in prayer God I spare and lake mc home God spare me this disgrace I tore higher and swept ihrougn the icy cold How it moaned and seemed lo sob like something human that is hurt I be gan to shake the kneeling figure The thin shawl had dropped from her shoulders unheed ed Simmons turned over and drew his blanket more closely about him Oh how cold I Only one lamp burning dimly two had gone out for want I could hardly see ft was so dark At last she became and ceased to moan Then grew y and of lost the tun of things after I struck twelve when some thing entered the depot a bright light It was the brightest light I ever and seemed to fill the room full of glory I could tec it was a man Ha walked to the kneeling figure and her upon the Bent tllAH jTJfAnONOS A 1 Good fceslih Health f- taken It- It la ibe la world J I luo it it their onto tbc of tflwu All Is bat the fruit celt tied A cold A 11UI to to it to It It to It wont Hereof lledlttl ft for boa It out vtti nd op led ft cure It Into ftd illOD fttfd Bed oat ftU It will wr of ftU It ft purely c- work In perfect fainnoay with It tlje whole and pro- flesb of of had the of A wid of cared In jot tent or to strige ftcd world chccifulncss is always in place except at a funeral or a bed She lUrted up turned JC of Cod should be a face around heard him train time maam Come face Im ready she fthispcred Then give your She reached a worn old book he took and from it read aloud Come unto we that labor and arc heavy laden and I will you rest Thaftlhc pas over our maam- Ate you ready The light died away and darkness fell in in place My hand touched the stroke of one Simmons with a and matched his The whiitlc down The train due He ran to the corner and the old Wake up tis train time the heeded not gave one look at the white wt face and ping fill lantern fled The uptrain halted The con ductor shouted All But no one made a move that way The next morning- the ticket came he found her frozen to death They whispered among them- and the coroner out the verdict apoplexy and it was fn some way hushed They laid her out the depot and advertised for her friends but no So after the second day they buried her The look on the old face lighted up with a smile so un earthly I keep with me ye and when I think of the occurrence of that night I know she went on the other Wain that never stopped at the for a ul place and people should come with a grave but cheerful mien before the in the home in the presence of father mother all the children and where good cheer should be manifest in looks and speech So in Gods house the same thing becoming Under the beams of divine love corning into the heart there should be light and com fort and peace The 11 Im going to you for dam ages he said lira a loud voice as he entered store and shook his in the face of the proprietor- The angry mans trousers hung in ribbons about his feet his coat was torn siaight down his back and torn his justifies good cheer in Ihc soul there is nothing out of harmony the occasion and busy Death has been exceedingly this year in and has removed a number of wellknown and promi nent people A bicycle factory was recent ly in the Slate prison of Michigan and is now turning out an average of eighteen machines a day A special cable to The Mon treal says that the British Government wilt introduce a per- excluding all live stock except for slaughter at British ports This will finally close the market to live Canadian Word lias been received by Crown that to far there have been no infractions of the laws governing the shooting of deer Government has the northern well patrolled by game wardens and the moose and caribou arc veil protected Their liking for high latitudes keeps the caribou from the usual haunts of the hunters hut the moose wanders well south These giants of the pine have been under for three ears and have multiplied vty consider ably One of them was seen near other day The country around ibis point is well settled and the appearance of the moose shows lhat they have be come very lame I mud bespattered him all over and yifjy there several cuts and brums on his face and hands What do you mean the thus so rudely addressed What do I mean repealed the disreputablelooking one Ixk at me I Besides the injuries to my person and my clothes which you can see and the injury tomy which I cannot express I am quite certain that three or four ribs are broken and besides that ihe bicycle you sold me a quarter of an hour ago is now a wreck a fcrr feet from here my dear sir began ihe deal er now himself The irrate man Interrupted him The condemned thing ran away from me plunged into a telephone pole threw me the curbstone and now you may behold the re sult Hut how on earth do you mike me responsible for all this sold that confounded thing True but if you do not know how to tide am not responsible for what happens Not responsible you are responsible I asked you distinct it was a safety bicycle and you assurer me that it was I am now going to consult a and see if you are net your own ords lie eft to see if was any la jn and The ftijner is row busy turning his fields upside down and the systematic her house inside out while the man wonders who is going lo shake that carpet Our ate inclined to find fault at the low prices of produce this but low as they are they are high compared with ifje figures paid Western oats quoted at barley wheat IT MAKES HOME mm van BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP GLASS IN TOWN PROP GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY Steins- hitu Huh p- a Si 9 Wo IS J I ct flLK to AND SHOP lo JACKON WE IN A I NTS 0 J t IN ARREAR3 FOR TAXES OP YORK 1 BY VltlUOCf A 1 I forth ib ft6Vlci I i of IhBfVjif ftt MONDAY lOlli Day DECEMBER TV It JiMVJn Vlc- J lJ I UK Si lVjIjFlrFJ HOUSE LOT FOR SALfe At Id Ihb to IN It II I 14 II tllrifirf 9 Id I 4 ft I I r Si ACTCI ted ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED kill Kpaftf Nce4 ft EtK ft pirn KOUtb 4i vmiK4DFtfjos fiJ II I lJ a i i it IW j it Si ftH IV iii J a iCV w ft J J ft fill a i 1 iJ j I it W Sl 1 M IM J i lOWheilli Of WILLI IL llwcteii Wit tb 44P4I4 A 5cicr- A jjEtpiiJt t- part woth a KtorctHJ fart John Wm- Wikipiit put part 4 4il di f I 14 ft lllftMM MY Co A 40 a a I TOWNSHIP OF I It Coivrcll it i t 1 a a Curly a I lkzct Roccittrte KINO ii II MB V 111 It an sir ill r ill 3d CI Sl IMS 111 I J in i J IK J I SI I I S3 IW w J W IW 1 1 ID IW I w HI i J J i i tl 111 IS1 I teftllrtcVClvflljwa if a JS W va Deed I Kill IS atJAlCl to It KVLK For or to Rent J r Ota It a Ti to a I OK No I liewmarket Residence For Sale lvjI fec43 fes las ti J fruiterer County of York I- OR GALE OR TO if fli I OH lit NT i ft WILL CURE OR OF IIEARr acidity of stokach Of THE SKI HEADACHE every KtDKEYS OK 1 PI Keep Milch Cows go OF lift Li n- fccaiLjtrn lenn- is iLi fsh if 3 1 a m If Ml lo to FARMS FOR SALE on on i I I 1 j Wit fcfi lrtL9ltCV WM-cKtitcbhtr- AILWIItN THY OUR SO FOR YEARS Building Material YOLE IT UZC149MU fcw f it f Dicks Blood Purifier jnwvtLu tui it IMi cow jljIii IcJc J fiiiti up a with in All With TIIECOOKS BEST FRIEND SALE IM CANADA CM Wo Ai ttrAal