Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1895, p. 3

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Mr FJ Col out Mr JoboiWn Mr tor tad ho frill toaVo to for Homo Id Toronto ft week owner la North York will do Hit id on Pashms There mil bo IMNorUi York Iti the Now On forth two to In Apron mil A Mll mo to o In of to SO united fc K mo to received WnJy It wm that lAtfttlftgl ul J Han MnHOhiVi Rev of occupied morning nod a Rich Iwtarcd on day Mr Iim the Mr JarlrofOnllU Smoking At the Muter IllId it on evening CO or lilt of to n Mr fjtttvrl won Mr J time of next In tend at to IaVq of moot- lull In Will bo will at for of pnSQAtd to meeting SCHOOL Of HI for November Jr III Glut Total Wphtr Thompson Clara 101 fir Mabol Jtogcti JJomrIIiHO W Aimte Vtoltl Rpolrl Lloyd IW Tommy K lielkr MilUrd WHlioNHu Clay Jtoylltlfry Karl Miller Hat Maim lOlRhstHiOiborAO wflliAyo up a Ana lot of holiday a Tin Kino Anson Cask As will On of Aug of Mr in by Dominion Mutual Co had propotlv to tniufry on ws hold at Kto City tha ruult of fluiplclon of raado last Jan out then went lo and wa not of after lagucil wheaflavagoar- From by Con to New York and a of ovidonco from farm on day of fir ind plana well and very but followed of OJUiiUnllal that could not bo broken A link Wis Irfcl on and was found jury only out mlnnUi crown by J A of who pro case ao as to command it and of Mr flavac in fcrlunato tbo of trial whereby bo tlic largo reward offered for of the party tbo of and the of IHpl- of Toronto will given on Saturday Tin of was favorably for ibo manner in A rocoxlnst of the tho Worth Ag- nUltOpUooU to triad up lb ballets for Ibaytar At Court on John by Mr of Oilng flood J OHll In to bo o a Jago it lat ind of m lit 3rd The following on evening for J liomtcr VOWK Chap fill A Km- Murray Duncan IftuHUtO A Winter I for yre Thoyotobaiy making prfiparallona oc a- Parly Hot Friday of IK a young vary active in tho About CO Royal wilkM in to a of and ho full of VM by Jf Own ind Hall draped on flunJay Ju to her dooctiod hold ing of for third pro- vlouily VlcaCountllor for term In mldit of ito fully and left If you in I a good Bull or anything In go to J la tolling at for Ho teepj tho 0 anyboutoln A call will a Fro BAutrk Roche Co largo to of old from latt Those Interested In in tor and flkatlng at Court tonight it 6 Pontic month SCO exchange largcit library ntt bid lo Now bolter than ato you got ShopLi On Friday a itoutad by of our mar party for tent to obtain an guilt no Iha tbo party into merchant did not with to cat in iwhllo kind thing up and wo not guilty of nridcrbanded w of will feel mill to boo In print Another On iocountol of it tcry laal wore obliged to tho wolldtojr doing to a olay and hu taints to It fa i contract Wis lot to Mr Worabini to for In of Mitotan flow hiving fountain at to la by nnd flowra all through A flowing tm on of Albert Col Una acoond lot of at ft depth of fcol it hit cleared up nicely Mr George Hamilton at day gonlloniio boon for a ptrJod to 10 death Ho for over twenty oonnocUd with willing in Toronto and for and aparinorln Jailing Co Uotliodlal and war a member Ibo Board Mil a member of Hoard of Arbitrator of AaiMlitlOn and a member of Toronto of raovJogto Toronto Mr Ifamlllon a of and in Mr mill at Icavta a eon and four daughtora tggZr Real Enjoyment iinics real enjoyment in wear foolwear When a Lts home at night off come his When he arrives al his business or Tabor chances are he out an old pair of that hive convenient cut to Thats the with some men The men who find in wearing pair of shots from morning are the men who buy footwear of We kui the and quality and at llio right in plain figures Shoes llat and that will give wear Shoes that you get in return your moneys worth These you buy from Co They also have for evening wear in goods at tow ibices shod there you never be It will be real en joymcnL lo between and at on Monday afternoon to what Mr Paw propositi Huron JClottrta hid lay further regarding On Major to act and J ao map on table showing and ford by way of and alio the addlllonal branch from to Mr explain Ills project and tuicd that visit hero ho had been to add to bio proposed lino a branch by pi WJaahija of has both ton and IVovIoclal granted to of a mile Ho did not to add the but that it attar mala road Ho to hit opinion roads confirmed by a recant article in railways 0 In tbo that tort thtafb find amllcr In with proposed road tool arc going on for a Ferry and by which to carry per ton and Ibiacoold at for a ton mora rates on road will bo than Mr florca from Grimcby railway to that It by power at per coot trninga and fa fiKQrM which bid boon ho log per operating with Ha the pro oxpanaes In woold ho allowed director on Pro and on the road would in paid up stock How could ho folly and dutfea of tho Board As to which card would run Mr would bo by through which road ran bat from to an hour Mr to opinion and ho ho was greatly in favor of and aak that it wooldbta largo benefit tbo only oh JctIon was that mm no from Mr farther than to obtain the Mr Paw read letter from a Naff dated V5 in which they that they to project favorabla con on of and profile agrood with promoter that la all things wo had to take certain that project very Paw laid that bo went West tba mora weto in Ha favor A motion ihcji piiici by tba favoring Mr project and at once Mr local and Mayor Mr Donna Major Lloyd an to remaining Mayor tub an agreuient ho bad pie promoter which ap proved aftefa addition had with to Point Mr Paw prcapects for branch and ho very favorably thought might to provailod to cop It fit that work the main line Ah eaprtiion of apprecia tion Mr waj thou by meeting by Mayor and Id reply Mr Pew hoped tbay would all live to have a ride on the weal liar and down pour of rain last Friday evening at at In Town Hall by young In connection the a in ar bo tableaux and initru mental ploceu are of notice Clara how Kennedy how Mr hung KUtedCockltoblnV waa now being Tio Drill by a of little and a drill by young were very and executed was wcro elaborate appropriate anil becoming All did part with net Try For and coal oil and aiicrg thfartnert wrrs Court Honor Morgan presided at the Court hero on but there a docket and attendance KittjMnn only a lUtloamqtement clocc4 by ft Toronto lawyer Ing bit understanding of an Interpleader ault which ho lo handle Court adjourned about Court The Bell Tele- Co axiciccd hero for pergonal properly and ho Company pal in appeiltotHo favor of corporation and Company appealed to On Tuesday Morgan heard oMoandaleo decided In favor of tho corporation Co will to pay Im or appeal to court There was a at rnccthm latt and ably ftlled chair and by and JlcllV by an addrcn by Mr Mr J lg program bo by Make a A Cam Friday noon a boy named cancel a good deal of on aocount of tho In which ho bad placed walking on track north of tho bridge that near Timothy atraet a train along Ho too to enough to to I off tha track whero ho and ho to tho Tbo boy taw would boon before bo fjot over yelled to tha with at that moment Everybody thought ho had fallen Into had only down to Injury and track fast carry him It was a moment of great however and will not boar ro pealing Merchants may bat public appreciate our Bargain Lists Buying for SPOT from Muses that are hard advantage over others who buy on credit Low Prices up give as an is secret of out can Twilled Flannelette wide width Double Fold Tweed Dress Goods Mens Woo Socks per pair Factory Cotton others sell for our price Mens Knitted Top Shirts worth for We keep everything in Dry Goods and Groceries We know save you TwentyFive Gents on every dollar you spend Ac advise before buying your v Air Cooks J mm To in and Ret our can do as for you if not any house in Town ate receiving New Raisins New Currants Peel J and New Extracts and the quality the Jiest That New Seasons Japan Tea of Ours is giving extra good satisfaction Give Jt a trial Our Blade Young Hyson Mixed and Japan Teas have no rival See our Sugars they are extra fine Christmas Cakes made up in all sizes and ornamented For a good 0stcr Stew fijvc us a call We would alio have you bear in mind that will have Ton Candies for and also a stock of and Nuts We manufacture our Candies So therefore we are in a titter to give cloer prices than ever Dont forget to coll if you dont buy and Fatally following death Mr W Mr an la Em latt wo clip Nttet IIIrtIfctivci a former Jla for Ibo past of has In A Mr lo to on journey with 5300 aod about in bond far be waa held up all bit valuables from from lbl bo lCO along to rttfn fall fconda would be returned waa wmpHcJ and bo Out but to arc yet knows It Ms death waadue loan by all who knew him here and all join Id regret lias i Cheap Stoves Coal flillrder ftyd order SO 1 Goal Parlor Cools I oecdono Parlor near new to nan Next Tuesday is the test day for lo 6i for holding nomination Foot ball turn of troupe by Mr tho artist and the picture iialkry in with Ibc Methodist Church clothing to CbrhUan a goods filllo and approach of is indicated heavy Monday a beautiful it to and riirabs to an At Home about tUo of the present Wednesday dainty window ting or bait Warren bid cold job putting in water meter on Fri day latt day broke two of tho fire alarm Messrs Allan tent a big load to Gilford on McDonald narrowly losing a flneer at Factory one day Week with Army and lusca Me their corn in Town on Monday Wo are pleated to notice that A Co are making a great Buouuef their grocery Mr Bert Cane built a cabin which he Intends tending to the lata on a a few day for a summer in often oclock firw at oclock Tut id ay mowing and of machinery arrive on for roa3 A llianfca alto 1 Co unload- to the Mayor for tha intonat ha had in llio matter and are now open to any person who it willing to con up for promotion of In Intercut ot and that Committee wilt no in raiting quired amount Hughes W from the new Xba another at aouth end of the town Factory receiving material and manufactured articles by the carload firm bat opened an town Church of England In are doing well Will find every thing they In rto at A a Mr J Silver hornet In bio hero but of them from Calgary Mr to much of Calgary lot vera eblppiyl to Toronto thoy admiration of every day four wuka vhlting of principal In tho found four and flvo flntil of both that tan buy Ho opwka torni of the quality of in Calgary Including heavy and light police many from the tamo ranch tint ho nine from hava ridden from Calory to in one day a grand- of Mr 60 In at Calgary claim that Mr local lot that oyer left the and expect to great thlngafrorn them at coming here In May AND etc for Hughes a Death or Hughes a thunder bolt fell the people and vicinity when it announced in that Mr Hughes wag dead Ho ick on Tuesday evening inlUmmatiou ret In And peace fully away on Thursday afternoon Nov being to born on of on tho 2Mb of Tun and the sixth child a family of aoven and daugbtora of whom three residing in at and C formerly of hut now of of deceased and Mary bom at Capo How in from Pennsylvania to Canada tho Journey being by wagon and occupying about ix wecki They near Aurora carrying on tor yean then moving near fichornberg whero ho a farm and resided there till his death in Jtf left homo when quite young and entered employ thclato of Aurora then in mercantile at Sharon After wards ho had charge of a store at Mono Mills for James of tbo It hit Town Then for time ho acted as Deputy fiber iff for Co under Sheriff Walker On Jan ho married daughter of the late John of Whitchurch and then a from which place he removed to Newmarket in Spring of lew conducting a then known as Hill now family residence In he down fit occupying the building next door of fitoroj four years he cold out lie was a man of sterling io quiet and by everybody For over 40 ho was auhouore4 ot Church and in death here losea an and willing worker Ever the death he ina been a Leader Ho on tbo Quarterly and before tho building licit A church edifice the of a floral wreath upon by official board a fitting tribute to For nearly years ho has Few for Hoard discharging the duties without and part of tamo Financial for the Quarterly Board At a meeting of tho Trustees on a lengthy of condolence For eighteen yean ho filial tbe of Town Collector as well as other municipal and at tho inciting of tho Council Monday a resolution con dolence Tho funeral on Saturday afur- noon service being by bit former and neighbor Jot of Toronto were J J A I liUrquhari and J P for the bereaved do and only aon rotol by a largo A homo the Were laid to rut the Mew market to await flrat A i if you Will be the better enjoyed and at less cost purchase your Supplies from efts Out of thdr fine of Oranges Unions Cranberries Figs Pec Flnvonng and Spicca Fine SelfRaising Flour Pure Leaf Almonds Choice Mixed Candle Pearl Soluble Cocoa Fine Java Coffee CUxions Mixed Pickles ICC lb IP 1 It cc IOC lbs 1 1 per lb DAVISON j l J is your Style and fight and will there garments are well Hewn and no or Suit in any belter made It has taken bard Midi a thinking and planning to make and keep the ho little at Departmental Store suit in Winter Weight Roche in Iovn to fit Call v to 11 l Sii ox Overcast J alio in the lave every garment fcyiiiiir- m BOOTS Si in every Man Child and GENTS In the Latest Styles i ReadyMade Clothing he Best Cheapest ALWAYS FRESH In Exchange for a iHTGOiBlY 1 l I iJiCir father Very JJcit Garment his side of Die Atlantic for a pound or for Heal Irish Potatoes at The Far mors The Departmental of I your up Of MEW A Low Indlgootlon to give Howis the I fia down I ii Of dyspepsia it the and is preying of It an condition of blood which weakens the them in- Hughes to or is And Li of it Acme lo Hockey id it pitta For you to your have Anything everything that you require that lino from common work excTtioQ Up to Wiflll Mr a prominent Inateturdated We buy in large nth ltiretneret totteUciuui Scott and celling at prices ana in a remark- in iy I liislancca lower have ever been the advance in all woollen All work IE To the fact Ihll I ho Bargain reliable at Prices ij Cured Hani Rolled Side Meat Pure lbs Family Four for illiKoUcr llour li4i some of oar i ice lb lb Sc lb ICC 5 Huron St and Ah in St Day Mens rune Mens Overcoats Mens Tweed Suits Mens Pants Mens Wool Hi Hone Value j Mr Daloe induced me to try Sal- and after four am ts formerly did and I to lay for benefit from and fed- in to starg flint completely knee Scotl all wal to under our own supervision on Call and Mantle Cloths at Lowest Prices on Record For it Visit TWO Huron until Sartiparilt Stir to healthy Uiof them to throw SoldbydroscJJtt but there for IV1Y tAcaMc IOfLigu the that Mr JofifiiOfiind his wife of In in A

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