Newmarket Era, 6 Dec 1895, p. 4

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I JV a 4 jmA rrr NEWMARKET ERA DEC 6 Tito silly Great and thoroughly re liable buildingup medicine nerve tonic ana load Purifier Before the people today and which preeminently all other medicines is It has won its hold upon the hearts of the people by its own absolute intrinsic merit It is not Bay but what Hoods does that tells the story Moods Cures Even when all other and prescriptions of my Bid lio mo old out and Of It com- cured Hood Clinton Ontario to Get Hoods wit mil lio Goliath IBamaild6i acrlalalpg with of at and brought prominently before la the working of Oct been brought court to Ilia In mailo priori to hi conltit Goliath ho bid returned to homo and Iila father flock activity and excitement Incident to war bad Haul temporary from hi evil him form f to well known that It la not necessary lo detail It In every child of la to to a champion for and to fight for of orchard The Utile taken Into a heart of faith will secure victory for ix did fer David victory certain for la with bad inA thank and Vlotoryli assured though to tho of contest Let each aim and In a mailer everybody ill was n young out the Wo cur Ufa and thought will hi to them of triumph waa that lib acted at right how ho conquered world not delaying waa Ma enquiry of tbo fated at athorttlmo go by which an plooge d Into that tho waa rain and that bo did not open car about thirty foot then lurntd oil cat bnko la different from flat printed frightful Tux at baa loan notified an Order to effcot that Imported Into from Canada and lbs United bo at port of on and Jan order not by Department la fact It could not boon at coat of a Araerl can aheap at on frontier action would followed by two I In Canada and what of great Im portance an Immediate from lb United In of Department la on polil hat for a long and taken the tha chance now taken In the of Jotiah children bad been up to Ibink tin of any it bad In a man ft In it woman and any place of bad for a to go bad for a man Now when wit a Hide ho bewitched to go to and tild Belter lei go Samantbaj It haint no for women and It wont hurt a hoy I JosiiruAHcn the Iml wade Thomas Jefferson with pure a hear Ann and no eat andcyes and IfThomn JefTcrton to Ann goes too That that And then he was bewitched to get with oilier that amoVcd and chewed tobacco and that that caw turn that he would let him go with cm But lays I answer Faith of prominent Ho rotted In faiael and not In aim and hard ho felt that with him J CURED TAKING AVERS Free from tttrt My It 10 A i Whats fclie time you In tukivfi SYRUP of GUM Till OLD VOW COCCUS COLDS I lithe Kenny Co 8 MONTI At Just spend his Four Quarters for a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters as all Semitic people do be It cures Dyspepsia Con stipation Biliousness Sick Headache Bad Blood and all Diseases of be Liter Kidneys Bowels and Blood from a common Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore ft hoy Wont Go to the action of the County Council on the motion of the somewhat erratic member fox coke in favor of abolishing County Councils the calls attention to the of composing for interfering with they should let alone Not a nan occupying a Seal at the council hoard venture to elect ed to that body aulhotited speak for the in favor of any such Had Mr pro- posed to petition the legislature in favor of abolishing and thus lessen the numbers do County it would be along lines previously discussed at Town meetings hut to move for total abolition and thereby centralis still greater power in the hands of the Provincial Government is not in har mony with the spirit or genius of our institutions of government by the people and smacks too much of rank Apart from the principle such a proposition implies therefore the countiy would also suffer the dis advantages tainted out by Hole observations viz Were the duties of the County Council transferred to the Provincial Legislature there would be a most expensive agitation for local public works The fact that each County now pays for its local works reduces them to a business basis administration at pres ent requires union of townships or permanent and it is doubtful if anything belter than the County Councils has yet been de vised the Ik WHAT MM IO ABOUT Tun y for the tor Kitting tor Imo fti next No for Mayor- ally r now in the field Mr Con- In Ontario fttill when In Mr of tho In hit In on of July lot the it lrojovl In If tho IhUlmo will bo pro patrol ftnd pre to cluiloniQch IfgltHtlon will on relief to minority the of of of the With of Mr to loundctittnd Hon Mr and to to to tall the of Ontario ho will In regard to In Mo of hit to pirlUrncnt It to Wl lo vntt to too bill and weak at thai A ft Attached with A Hacking Unci and Keeling of lkatored Health At th ChorMtifotcn Times without number have read of cures effected by Ufa Williams rink Tills but generally the testimonials telling the had bid the in some of the other provinces This lime however the matter is brought directly home and the testimony comes from a much resected and Christian woman Mm Sarah Strickland now in the suburbs of has been married many years and bleat with a family and although never enjoying a robust constitution had until a year ago been in compar atively good health About that time she began to feel ion down her blood became thin and a general feci- lassitude took possession of both her mind and body- Her family and friends viewed with alarm the gradual development of her illness and when a cough at first incipient hut afterwards almost constant at nights set in doctor were summoned and everything that tender care and medical skill could do was resorted in order to save the affectionate wife and mother whose days appeared to be numbered Her appetite was almost completely Allen if ton goes with and to chewing and tobacco I buy Ann a pipe And that that And about I Thomas it be the will of Providence to change you to a wild bear I will chain you up and do the best I can with you Jlut if you do it yourself Into a wild beast by drinking I till run away for I could never aland it never And I continued If ever I sec you hanging around and tavern doors Ann thai hang too argued with mc ho It took so bad for a boy at it docs for a girl Says J Custom makes the dil- and tic are more to seeing he men Hut when liquor goes to work to make A fool and a brute of anybody it dont atop to ask about and makes a beast and idiot of a man or and to look down from heaven guess a man looks looks as bad lay dead drunk as a woman does Says I Thing look differently from up there than what they do to us it is a more tightly place And you talk about looks Allen I dont go on clear good looks I go on principle the Lord say to in the last day Allens wife how is it with the tout of Ann at for Thomat he be ing a boy it haint of no account No I shall have to give an account to Him for my dealings both of these and female And I should feel if I brought hint Up to think what was impure for a woman was pure lor a man If a man hat a greater 10 do wrong which I wont dilute I looking keenly onto lie has greater strength temptation And so says I in mild accents but Arm as old Ply mouth Rock if Jefferson hangs Tina It Ann shall hang too I have brought Thomas Jefferson up to think that it was as bad for him to listen to a bad story or songs as for a girl or worse for he had more to run away and Out it was a disgrace for him to talk or listen to any stuff he would be ashamed have Ann or to bear I have brought up to think that manliness didnt consist In having a cigar in his mouth and his Editor won ill way of alt ether in popularity in ibt part prevailed on merit for Costs but bo by ol most aiy or ai of year and to Stlod of field on pinch for practice at la ulcUy which an an4 player a tanning cricket or fcto- ball where player ban an hour or wo at a for now tha and roiltlpllcd to formation of a In Ibis advantages tint tvJIt by each a mote It tall It the of regular a odd now bold practteet clubs bavo and feeling and will playOra players will bo and will tola a upon an oven bus at every club would to III own and weight limits for learns whfeh la only can to in ado fair and With duly and a of WGotd bo laid down approved by and thereby of could bo fairly determined and year trophy would bo anda7ardod to winners I will bo to from ell or who a club to bo formed in their local In county of York not Toronto If fielent number of club wouill call a of two represents ivetfeotaeith for a central In County to bo held In January when will end alt for of a adoption of 165 Kftlteby end health la rt and The of life and perfect alt even a place a bright and hippy Tile thing about disease Is that of It of it can be subdued by very simple Even dreadful a- can be cured In a out of a hundred If it be treated tarty atageavrlth Dr Pierced Gotdca Medical Li a caucd by impurity blood and the thing to done Iu treatment to make the Wood pure and wholesome That Is half The other half the Impregnation of the fhe Golden Medical cry both It fint wboto digestive Into perfect order rids It of alt ground to reaches out to every fiber of body and restores to perfect vigor cure many bemuse many dittoes spring a of common The toe lead to different symptoms ONE In people- be only a In may combine wim a slight cold In Not Guilty and result In A treatment up the whole la alwaya the A that la good for the general health auretocuro Thirtyone cent In tent lo Ical It Y briny a large doctor conlnlns and letter who hare been cured by Dr Golden Medical Discovery arc interesting themselves in the project of an electric street railway in Argen tine Republic The cit has inhabitant and there arc only t streets in which the electric company has not the right to lay tracks It not he known generally that the Canadian export trade the Argentine which ten ago was only is now more than a year Al most all the agricultural implements and machinery used in the republic and many other manufactured good that should be made and exported from the United States more cheaply are obtained fiom Ontario and this trade is increasing annually although those prisons who arc interested in it arc careful to say as little possible about it fear of Will buy a tine of Stee Spectacles or Bye Glasses A 1 If the Glasses arc already wearing A are not satisfactory visit us It wont A take long to tell you whither we can imA prove the vision or-J- I SOLID GOLD FRAMES from JJO up aVX it lb Jeweler Optician NEWMARKET BAR BAND HOOP IRON STEEL CARRIAGE WOODENWARE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENF OF GLASS IN TOWN ft hat on one tide and swearing and slang phrases and a knowledge of questionable amusements but hold of every duly that comes him with a brave and a cheerful face helping to the wrong and protect the weak and making moil and best of the mind and soul God had given him In short I hare brought him up to think that purity and virtue are both feminine and masculine ami that Gods are not necessarily all she ones Jonah AIM Wife A Treasury of Information THE SUULI6HY Q1VEI1 FREE in tut we to PUNT TO ITS At be In of re from to will ubitt4 to electors A J of Ita I IS ASYHIVIA a mm in It growing Already salt it ruolt Why people egrto to differ without Promotion tike Id York on tlit fupoivltion York It lot ground not continu ing Uniform letter from to Faciei Premier ftintt policy of In Hon tut A don aid bit of kicker In Ibe A T 1 on sain AT w A l- it I I lOV4t ctih ainufO It fa Hated Toronto paper that Mr W Clarke of Joncttoo at solicitation Cooservatlvc in York lo a data for next general alKtloa for la that Mr tba eot member will alao bo Id Mr la tha Kaat York to appear- fljht when ne he-ma- sol tU quetlonno tot It la a matter It aaa It not to for to lo lb of by it Federal a da to to of afaJ col to to agaloal it Oof la to that of soma ftlj0 faid at lofoioalbem Wo lo lloc thai Ontario la a good bat mo not with to 1 1 auy Joking thtir mother on her AfpttUt gone- Food was partaken of relish and Mrs Strickland tin- to do even the ordinary lighter work of the household She greatly emaciated and in order lake even the most dainty nourish ment a atimulant had at first he administered While hung over the home and the mother sorrow fully thought of how coon the would have to say farewell to her young family she was induced by a friend to try Dr Williams Pink Pills Though utterly discouraged and al most disgusted medicine she yielded more in a friendly way than in a hopeful spirit After using the pills for a short time a glean of hope a wish to get well again took posses sion of and the treatment was cheerfully continued It was no false feeling but a genuine ntture was making to reassert and be fore many boxes were used the family were Joking their mother on her appetite her disap and the fright she had given The use of Pink Pills was continued for some time longer and now Mr Stricklands clastic step and general excellent health would lead you to imagine that you were gazing upon a different woman not one who had snitched from the very jaws of death She was never in better health and spirits and no matter what Ohers say she is firm in he that Pink Pills her life and re stored her her wonted health and strength Dr Pink Pills are an un failing cute for all troubles resulting from poverty of the or shatter nerves and where given a fair trial they never fail In cases like that above related by all dealers or sent a or si by addressing Williams Medicine Co ville or Sec that the registered trade mirk on all packages A of a Boy n4 The venerable and familiar moral talc ol the bad boy who offered the circus elephant a chew of tobacco is far in ethical force by the net and strictly truthful elevenyearold Manning of Masachuset Harry has learning to smoke cigarette and one about a fortnight ago he was silting on a barrel behind grocery practising when he heard caring to in company he politely drop ped his lighted cigarette into the bung- hole of the barrel on which he sat The iiatemtnt is that when the moral elephant in the other story received the chew of tobacco he seized Tommy the evildoer by the coat collar with the thumb finger of his trunk and threw him harshly out through ihc roof of the circus tent The event in Harrys case was still mote precipitous and surprising The he sat on had contained naph tha and rejected the lighted cigarette with an instantaneous burst of emotion which sundered hoops and gave Harry the symptoms experienced by ihe boy who stood on the burn ing deck whence all but he had fled Happily Harry came down in the same township in which he went up and was identified and is slil living with his but another time he will drop bis nose into an empty barrel before be drops his cigarette into it The narrative of bis adven ture is here cheerfully recorded as a to who smoke cigarettes and for use In Harper to A After days of tedious considera tion of the murder case ihc prisoners were found not guilty on Saturday afternoon and on the capital charge were discharged from custody They had scarcely stepped out of the dock before they were rearrested by Detective Cuddy on charges of at tempting to Ihc insurance companies and of conspiring to mur der Mrs Harry P addi lion these charges against both Harry stands under the accu sation of forgery The twin accepted the woTiantsprestiitcl to them with tin ling faces evidently feeling that after their escape from the dreadful fate which so long had been a possibility any other misfor tune which could happen them would he of no account in comparison They were taken over to the central lolice station and from there were removed to their old apartments in The womanly woman is type of woman under the tun Site i the woman whose influence makes She maybe a new wo man or a voting woman or a cling She may be brilliant vilty or wise but if she be not womanly is in old scriptural a or a tinkling cymbal To be at her she intm be thoroughly womanly- If womanliness will go hand in hand with her fads her whims her ambitions then they will net hurt If she loses the woman out her soul she has lost her chance to he her best self The wo manly woman is solace trouble and a pattern when the ate fair Women are brave sometime and is good they arc forgiving and forgiveness is they are u- an J is lo be in Maya tint OUSKAKDLOT or la villas el OR SALE Oil TO Wfa4lW I Af to in at fi Krai Ira ni PROP I LEAL IN PAINTS- CJ IN ARREARS FOR TAXES INITHEfCOUNTY OF YORK WC For or pit Ciiav Acnifr Buy rnilATdriVlV6jny ft of Geo IS 10 A K IIOK So I tthftlwyA Residence For Sale J- VKfOrUK or o W C FOR SALE OR Vrdcncf Twlchdyc Aciiit r4 on Villus a KUit to with If MONDAY lGth Day of mifirtMtocKfciflhfcrEoatifca J CITY TO thereof ftirniy to dtHrotht ALL THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE PATENTED fcrdl Wtt letter ri i of JI 1 t cutters K rt VHhxorict I I- 15 19 a- i I J r fill I 111 Easy Im Say did ever notice he great difference in way every person steps fijiii from home a neighbours riousc and whin home No Pat can tell the differ ence Any enough they always step the opposite way York an Ionian year old confined in the is dying of yingrenc lie Jul month of Mi sentence yet to put the authorities at he- asked to hi and let him to Chief Canoe and bin w die for Intelligent dairy farmers know that it is possible to have a stable light and sell ventilated and at the same time so warm that water will not In it during the coldest weather Plenty of windows are needed and it it well to whitewash the whole Interior at leas a year To this at the least expense of time make a whole barrel of white and apny it very thick with a broom Begin by sweeping the sides parti tion and celling Where the it uneven a force pomp with a excellent for applying the whitewash The whitewash mutt fust be rubbed through a sieve to remove the lumps or they will dog the valve of the pump Keep the win- being splashed by bag or blankets and makes it easier to keep the clean and in order Another reason for provid ing abundant light is to promote tbc health and animal A cow the winter dairy Is like a person engaged in a employment She receive the stimulus to her vitality that a for instance get from lab in the A con cannot do best the made comfortable In a ruble A proclamation has been submitting the Scott Act to the electors of Westmoreland on sixth of January next More than onefourth of all the electors of the county recently that they be given an opportunity pass again upon the measure Westmore land has stood by Scon Act iirxc The following story Scotch honesty ought to be as it comes from Yankee land A boy had a for an exceptionally well map After the examination the teacher a little doubtful to ascertain the truth Hence the dia logue Who helped you with ibis map James Nobody Sir Come now tell the truth Did ot your brother help you No Sir lie did it all A husband In home late one night frorn a trip to village To avoid bis wife he off his Kots and quietly stole into the house on tiptoe but he heard his begin to yawn Quietly he ran to the cradle of his nisi born and begins to rock it singing a dumber as he- did o Whatever are you there William I am fog to get the baby to sleep and have been for two hours replied the husband Why William Ive got him In bed with inc nit to fatidrtvl VI tiitl to fiz l iLDtt4UotlLiiOTtrit W OSfiOrtull ft TtArt LtOrXTt ft cA3 lor pit euro for Cuu Ailfamt Cfovpi Coiiib all 1biot Mil ul ltLtt Tfclwlls Moo Liikrc with J Chef other oc4 to pS of s3 Harpers Magazine IN llilaels Willi lit ell tatter wtllkrowo Jilt it lt6T A durlrg It It lit of Aro coc Mini fttd UtM Other totiftuoUy Tom iLrctviwi iiu from fUsoo siUoit br t JVLIIN ftOl ftfiJtkaiTfl v50UilQtO tic tti bll If or ufttiflliuvicloroJrlXitJtoitrfttMtT tVtDVilLV wilt bo Ibrougb 1 fit U4 W to ti by W villi bcupufd GtoscJi wcOl rid Un WiiiiifT lLed Kir it 1 witli Number of Jl rciJ J IMN If oo I i lntt4Ully to o xVAtadis Adfin J Co CO CO Acre llo tit Ixir all IU for It i LQUaitrCC for nil sVLOVO l4t ft I Mil tfoilccrr If Ten liilLf i tfc I ft Ih PiilHcitalcC Aft 10 lifclO If With to Port la In IJftt otV ri Of t Jfrdfcrd a car to Iu ittcb rd KIccMIco In licfcz 4td GMirtcJi 4ll ito Act Toronto fir Join If IU TbmsPpr I A iiuh tut xr W Win do a I I- la Itll iKrrrr t fci K tid I II 1 it or a 8 IM I MM Ill Ccro fiii lllllt t it it it it til it il ISober J Dildt it 1 si It IW W W J art 16 IV 1 I lv I to a iis S3 a IS ll IS at J County York TENDERS F SUPPLIES 1896 ritEudcriUlKUl 3fJi lo JUL batter floor At a AifUifcribi la lb left for fo I fr til 5 ii it if Lit it itlfti tic I Is Ml to OF f TRY OUR PAILS TUBS AND Building Material REPAIRS W I Well Wo in with iirirg CI as afi 4t VaUSlffC tiJiriiiti JruJii jr r run a no Fin at is A- All New lire tultiroi Man or I TUX Converting Tito Into SMttwatlcfl fto Ail agouti actaco Wo an any W a at and CASK SONS MFG CO Lid iii

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