Newmarket Era, 20 Dec 1895, p. 4

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NEWMARKET ERA DEC rf THE OP Sleepless ft It condition which away strength Let Wood bo and enriched by Hood pari end will For two I to spoil not sleep at I did not do mo soy coed I about loUII bad tiro I total better and Iq a ahoit felt all right and fa fa in life W Only True Blood Purifier In today lis sure togit Hoods sad flood Do good of great joy At thoughts everybody lands aid torn fogtoTUid body knows for soisHjq duct but If proper tint wo ot Of our onto during bo year to In hit took place never vai birth lo many vara Jolt re ted Poor thousand yean took Go bad tbat lbs of woman Ij head a form underlies and girt to to- lorcittd In of prom- it and voro many aoaU la Farad and oven in olbarlandi who ailttba may try whoa allied to bayo fca not tan dob J QboIlftlog cm now ftttlio To to Given to With Rallied on I tipclla and at lait to Whan Other Mr P pblasion on about two from the town P took the trouble lo bring before the notice of the editor the particulars of the birth of cure of his daughter fnaw Mw- the use of Dr Pink The case is certainly remarkable and can not do better than give it In Mr own words l My eons wife been sick for seven years but jircvlou to that time was a healthy person about year ago took a cold which attacked her and from that time up to Hit their To alnaya thacura for When an lo born with welcome Kara of In ovary tin Marl filling aocouotoftha royal family aril the beginning of summer her health been feeble and billows flier Medicine CO AYERSS It of Doctor lilVt ilti I ft- 1 I hi to In Ma and A J it i flpVoJISarsaparilla AdiAtttJ Just his Four Quarters for a of Blood Bitters ffi i all jople he- V cures Con- Sick Had blood and all of ihc Stomach KfdncjSj Bowels andblood from a common it ibe worst Scrofulous Sore ilvas no and Coughs Grays Syrup Red Spruce Gum STANDARD von ASTHMA til Juns i vj kI Of Syrup JiiCftyi Hut a Kerry a Co CURES tdKOT for f ffHHE El THE it a PUNT TO CUF IIMTC lit MM tt witfrklo ft E Ml I rJ If 4x CO i Tit r dty from the Of from tha locnolimtilfjtt o rut nlcM through In tiring of among by a common love lo Chilli All people Hie know now Die every and raw- iliera a eeguctllon In mum wiiio flrl 0 and not jrioei or In altitude Of humble and ready at times we of Jiving her life It wis not her to give up cully occasions while engaged In the be a fainting would her 10 weak that she would be confined to her bed for several days in a slate More than once we thought dying There via a con tinual feeling of numbness in her limbs and almost a dtr old homes Gladly will warct thee a fail us thy rtlerntng ytir Oer hotnj are and a word he born on awKfttt wln wilt coming bring Oer will be rent a fend a WhitintielpiLIeDi to a climax drawn I thou wandering thy liit In the or Ij t thou been to or to Mara I Vliltlng the woplci of the mooo and Art thou acdooj do know name Of bounty earthly faint Thou wmo defying warp and pa all- slice wilt no slay fill lo binder thee thy alarm raay hottt aroood ibw ycl cannot harm eminently a fames- therefore to leprae for dlicanlon at the and tee mel In prcpirolhe far lopfci ibat be prtpre at ltil wtola before the the Coaicntlon a at the report to Co the follorfnig M of the ft Work M dlioDurigln r And that an opportunity W afforded the Convention of helpful to at It lo And that pey tbrir fro promptly Mr of Aurora win then oiti to and a Itev Mr then a Hies and of After ibo had another en them the and adopted It after paying tip the Astocletlon and all a of on hind bain double the amount year thin well The BcbooL Iter Mr answered Drawer the Choir with anlhtm and after for the different cJoivI wy County and Becrettry wtro preetnt Convention proved a Ihroughonl Hit WHAT UK TO In Toronto ilUkO It that Col of Norfolk will likely be appointed Controller of In ouoceitlen to il Vellaee to rumored of Vanlfomo of the It now ted It however that he tropes to drop oat of active tor vie long the non-corn- J offer bee been llemilton City Council by Mr A Vood the All road from to Toronto a and to put up J3000 a pledge fdtu The eoneUnctlon of a tti fa a new dejarluro from Of Ihey have a school jucetlon southern pari of the County between Katt Toronto and Mule appointed under authority of the Act by the County Council The appointment how ever made by resolution instead of by bylew before proceeding with the tlio toeblaln evident Count their procedure At County stone chart- shooting a llama Indian named In April 1891 at was convicted but deferred till the Inst According to the the Crown presented easo took bit pretence of dog bat fired at a with wbteb Indian wae Hob In the Severn Stiver The bullet pierced which in The Bradford Ifrfrrn soys Con thieving hat two going on of lete and the Are thing alaknow will be to behind tome iron bars at week a Suit of was etolcn out a cotter In hotel that of potty can be dealt by local rnsglslratcirner- In this way not about or will pot a atop to petty pilfering of this Tut Toronto Mr and Into control- Aaa man he Is wide ly known as terse writer end we have every confidence tbti Star his will lake rank among the journals of country In bis that the Star will Lot be an any nor the choreboy of any race or faction Ha takes to hew Star do everything In Hi power to prevent the of Mao- and to who are principle Mr continue to Can mw Wolfs toOhvrth consent pain in her which were only eased by a Hooping Added to this she was troubled with a hacking cough some times so severe at night that she did not obtain more than a few hours sleep About the end of we had Riven up nil hopes of her re covery and the neighbors were of the same opinion- She Wat reduced to almost a skeleton and could scarcely take any nourishment She had grown so weak that the could not walk across the bedroom floor with out help had heard and read of the great cures effected by Of Williams rink Pills and at this stage when nil else had failed I urged that Ihey he given a trial procured a hall dozen boxes After using them for about three weeks the could walk the bedroom floor without aid and from that time on she continued improving in from day to day She continued the Pink Pills for about four months the result that is now a healthy woman and it is now no trouble for her to walk to church a distance of two mile and the grate primes of herself and friends v i 1 1 always be given Dr Williams Pink Pills The experience of years has proved that there is absolutely no disease due to a vitiated condition of the blood or shattered nerves that Dr Williams Pink Pills will not promptly cure and those who arc suffering from such troubles would avoid much misery and save money by promptly re- treatment Gel the genuine Pink Pills every lime and do not be persuaded to take an imitation or some other remedy which a dealer for the sake of ihc extra profit him self may say is just as good Dr Williams Pink Pills cure when other medicines fail as old Father with When holy the flit Christines morn that born That a Bon did they tell promised Clod upon Ilia advent up a sonx of triumph men rejolco That a redemption hand Clod Jlimcelf Incarnate at Ills own corn- When the etching shepherds the Fearful and at sight Thou tbtro In noting the Of the Chlldi coming for tbe world won tent gifts by wire USD brought At adorning thought In Hrjwtuationo doit still remind us of gift to man On thy million Ihy cheerful presence giving avroet relief with thee gladneu aa the year homo oar fllM jn sorrow chat some aro not hero Who were wont to firoct when thou didst yinoot vaiuk tut least towers loudly yo send your Joyous Peal from lofty belle volley your echo oer Heading of Til heather nations Catch holy sire in loown Him as their King reign ltfchrnond At a political Friday night Mr McCarthy made an appeal to the Liberals of to withdrew order to straight xbtbetvuo friends eglilatton do beo made by the Liberal or bit It will be a contest If Liberal an It farther rumored that PA Clarke baa da to a candidate will take no part lb la the trade policy of IbeOovern- talf place on aspirants wilt have a cold thats sore JlYftiaenJiiitoi to ImI session of the Federal vauaolofroniijufitiwsor the or higher authority Por msy a Coda lu lb ct any and potion rret Out a a offence at be arreted uuit be be fore a Jciiieo to be dull act chance ibat Jeremiah McCarthy was sent to penitentiary for eight years by Judge Snider at Hamilton for high way robbery His three pals got six years each KtJL Miss Milter teacher in Mark- ham high School has resigned to a situation on the staff of the High School at a salary of 500 per annum An exchange says that laying on of hands for complaints espe cially in children is now taking the place of christian science A mother cured her boy of the cigarette habit one dose She laid her left hand on the neck her right hand on substantial slipper and then laid the slipper where it do the most good- Buns When there is aoid the Liniments and lotions will bi of no perm anent A cure can be accomplish ed only by neutralizing this acid and for thla purpose Is the became Hoods Is only true blood prominent ly the public eye Hoods easily yet promptly the liver and bowels On Saturday morning Mr Chioncey for the past ten years postmaster of died at his residence that village at the He a native of New foundland and came to Canada ago Several years before re ceiving the appointment of fer he owned and edited the For tiro yean past he his been afflicted kidney trouble and last summer he underwent a pain operation at the General Hospital from which he never rallied He leaves behind to mourn him a wife and stepdaughter- Captain Diego Cab says Catarrh Itemed the first I bait ever found do mo tvJ fti CORK the aud Cor in tweolyflv doles lovo old at KARLS HOOT will pat If your yovr rru lrLu aud mile your mud 1 ft At Annual minify Ann in tlio JVct Xliuictfty tet Key filogwn welcomed Mr Wright took clitic Mr Kiojr for on ChfM in inner Alter inns wis o a Iho oil air Opened by Mr Rev P of Albert paper on of in Kcboolo wot follow ed ly an for ben ought fa manner by Mr VfeKadgco of Ml following were appoint Vt Miller J J If W faoiky licit ard Mr 3 rfjoiv Large attecdanco Yew Lit Iheir gave a report of work in the titling are Tfco weio then reported Hope by Mr Tootle Holt by Mr Quteoa by Love Albert by Mr A Miller Ml Albert by Mr A villa by Time having for Mr A Aurora in- and with much tod entboiliiaiforSOmfoiHu hit tub- being fjcoa and Abuaei of Mr of gave a prtotletl on Import Missionary Work la were briefly for a few and after a Hot of the children on of atroog and each point by from lift In Mr Peregrine an anthem and a teitloa brought to a close the choir riaderod another anthem Chorcb wat again filltl Tbo report the Nominating Com cnltte hen den l Wright Qceentville VjcoPrtJ II JrtlrWrn J V rutin A IfOfkloi If Hon Miller A J A Bow of Jilotlon toot after that though Trill he here and now wc will you to make it ever to much more enjoyable Jf there one of the year look for ward to greater pleasure than another it is To make ft all Hit more pleasant one lo find the Wit of every thing for the least possible cost You will China Hall just ihc desirable spot lo suit both ways Our slock of Fruits is and wc have no lesi Seven distinct qualities of For give you as good as you find for elsewhere we hare choice a Ibj for Our Currants are as good as any Currants Town and cooking at for arc Rood but for for give the finest layer In Extracts arc selling regular roc lot and thai Daisy Cream at is best both for equality and offered in Town have Crosse and Peels the finest quality packed Our Spices are absolutely pure We have new Filberts nuts etc mixed at per pound California Evaporated Hums at a lbs for are something fine Now just a word about Tea We have the following in Packages beat packed is a Mend of India and Ceylon at or sec per lb an other India and Ceylon at and 50c fine flavor Ram Say another choice India and Ceylon Blend pronounced fine by those who use it sells at 40 and sec per lb and last but not you all know it If you use japan we can give you a 50 lb of choice quality for aac per lb Dont overlook our regular Japan lbs for at fine a tea as you will now get for the money Coffee our Blend of quality Surprise soap Sunlight CHI A Come and sec what trill give you for 15 and have the largest stock to from and all mar ted away down in price A Dinner id of pieces for 550 a Toilet Set or those are good goods for little money Boots and Shoes marked away down to clear out lines also Overshoes at closing out price Wishing all a Maty A SMITH The Leading Grocer The anniversary services in the church last Sunday and Monday were in every a grand success The meetings on the Sabbath were well attended preach ing morning and evening by the pas tor Rev C Hairier and at J Young A collection of up at the afternoon service in aid of the Armenian Be lief Fund The roast on Monday evening brought out a crowded house After paving all over remain ed An excellent programme was provided of solos by Miss of and Miss Tilly Baker of Hill selections by choir and addresses by Revs Percy and Kennedy On Friday evening list the Meth odists held a in regard to new church or buying the Hill They decided unan imously to buy the hall a little fixing It can be a very comfortable church at a ileal less cost than building a new one We are informed since the meeting that they have purchased the hall and expect to have it fixed and ready for vice by We record this week the death of ono of the landmark of the of King Township in ho ptiwn of Mr Mary relict of ihc John The hid been ailing some lime and as the living alorse it was thought advisable by her friend a to have her removed 10 the House of Providence Ttrunio at which she breathed last on Wednesday S I ivxc like cad point out the a tt IoiIp if ho he bill from to it rapidly At of the ft purr It Mi into the Ard putt the of Us it Trill do ll A tttdicfac rood to take in blood no it way fcTC The medicine to It It a It In of djujt It cures It pcuiUr effect on I of By puttie Mo COfloIUOD of the tad to proper it cot before it into excretory It firm flttb ted eyes bright Goldea Medical been in of tetter con or to Trout of WE a AURORA It ha been decided to move the post office from its present location to the south store in the Oddfellows block Mr Taylor has secured the con tract for and the Church Considerable alter- be made The Aurora Mechanics Institute have the Amusement Company to exhibit their Trip Around the World In the Mechanics Hall on Friday Owing the extensive alterations and repairs which arc bcin made in the Church it will be closed until the when the reopen ing will place and special ser mons will be preached by Chancellor C Wallace of Uni versity Toronto Last Sunday Miss McDonald daughter the late John of Toronto conducted the services in the church here morning and evening in the of the Missionary Society of that church Miss is a devout christian worfeer and her addresses on Sunday were listened to with the most mark ed attention Banner IS PALL 1 or Collins bad a pig cut in two by a locomotive on the flour mill siding one day last week Mis Stewart of Newmarket in town last week for a couple of days Mr Stewart was here on Sun day Sara will be in the Town Hall on Friday evening Dec aoth under the auspices of the Presbyterian Sabbath School Mr years has resigned the Managership of the Standard bank here Mr Peason steps out on the January and the new manager Mr KM to it of installed into his new the same day While engaged in drawing a load of marsh bay on Friday last Mr Paul Currier happened a very painful It appears that the was a colt and by slopping suddenly caused Mr Curlier to fall off the load alighting on his head and shoulders A dislocated shoulder and ft is feared internal injuries was the result Mr Wright the enterprising of the Patrons Shipping Warehouse Co has had I read mil I with an attachment to run the clover mill put into the storehouse to elevate the grain which previous to the burning of flour mill was elevated by steam power We under stand Mr Wright intends rebuilding the flour mil in ihe spring Mr John Church of the township died very suddenly at his residence on Wednesday night last During the day he was apparently in good health and when about ad dressed himself to his who has been quite ill for some time as to whether he should retire or sit by her bedside Her wish being that he should retire he complied but he had only been to bed a fesr minutes when his wife was unable arouse htm life having fled Heart failure was the cause of his death A fine entertainment was given by the pupils School Section No 4 on evening of Friday the insi by stay of opening the new school house lately built in that sec tion The building is a fine red brick with basement is healed by furnace and fitted up in the most approved way Miss Simpson ah elocutionist from Newmarket cave three recitations in excellent style which were very highly appreciated BAR BAND IRON STEEL CARRIAGE BUILDING PAPER TARRED FELT PITCH LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF GLASS IN TOWN J AS PROP IN PAINTS GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a in V r V P G y i W 7 fl S i 1 1 5 111 fl r- n Si Of ton Is Co J AS I TO RENT Mint to Mi to VAC lit fitarcn- tin- HEADQUARTERS FOR Central W Residence For Sale I far if VCWJDDIPIKIJ FARM FOR SALE ok 100 Jco Ore SHou Power for flAMUKkVKKi tH ft fJI Wo to outdo in style or price If you an done see whit work and can get at Ofice before Our is piu not alio this line kind I hi TRY OUR FAILS TUBS Clotkespihs and Washboards OP j Building Material CYCLE REPAIRS i A i a a in with of and in All JttpBiticgTird IfefilUcj with 17 Vfci Putticgcal- TWO Hot it if A Treasury of Information a I SUNLIGHT A tils ito into All unci ai3 to to aljto will a Wheel at of wry Call aad It THE CaNK SONS MIC CO wnVeracetja Citalitijli fi A 4cr Pith It I lfi trts Jtl tlilr lt KINO OIICKliL YOB MY HOBBY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE so Act to Ire- tit to a 1 j lotto Oourljto At lie with t to Jo a lOAVCUltltY0VNlllHVflUKB HOT IT COST YOU NOTHING TO EXAMINE THE re USERB Of qiveh free Sunlight soap LARGEST AND BEST STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO TO IS TO HODGE CO 21 MAIN ST SOUTH WIVi S DRIVER a A on- a a It New XIIIUlfrNti Mr FOR TVENTYFIVG YEARS bum we no tut Buy early A AuiMing operations lute- just now a Henry ait Ij3ls his rc5dtnc aTmoit Mr Travis out Hill out on day rei pupils of iht public school mil hold a public reception on ihc to extend a cordial ihtir An excellent music And is Mr David Gray of spent Sunday Mr Mclean and family Sf I PAT CANADA tei AT Division of itcul a conccn night COPYRIGHTS CAS A CO flh fc

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