Newmarket Era, 27 Dec 1895, p. 1

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Every Friday LYMAN At And MoA4cUrsrcct SUBSCRIBERS IkfrOooMv- l Application tc Mil NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No pipers sent outside of York unless paid in advance I Vol XLtVNo Single Copies- Cents Each J Newmarket Friday Dec 27 Terras Strictly in Advance within or at end of year BRANCH Allowed AT drafts issued Kelt Not try IQtlllfti to on good if HE LEADING T AltltlBTJtH 80M0IT0K for I II Money Co A KATEtT to Homy all- J over For titer Mont to Jvo WOODCOCK Main lnfn 1fIYH13IAH far Count lt4 Comer c4 I J J 11 SAWS CHOPPING AXES LANTERNS COW CHAINS AND LEATHER HALTERS HORSE BLANKETS AND GIRTHS TEAM SHAFT AND BODY BELLS ACME CLUB SKATES HOCKEY SKATES AND ALL KINDS OF SKATE REPAIRS AND AMERICAN COAL OIL AiiOtuHWoori I 1roHKUuronttliTci6lo or J ll A J y tfvr- nil II call W J A J PAINTS OILS GLASS AND PUTTY ffJiOUMKiUY cult literal A I A AUCTIONKLIUI A fur YrkC0 1 J A W No an a CO MAIN STREET Wc will make things hum from now till Christmas If Attractive Stocks If Low Prices If Treatment Will do it Wo are the STOCK DEALER In Town Wo lioIfix ft AND or Ouh Leather Silver Plush and Celluloid SCOTTS PHARMACY Next Post Ofiice NEWMARKET fc WW ft jronlns W hour Thai ore MRS SIMPSON Main receive Iter t find a1 Of of or HI OK Vet ftn4 of Vet ift4lcn1 On fnwi f J dome ire tc4 If VAKrAFT VtlctlKftry d In till rovcntrl Cell a ltatMttoY4r34 Aorofi upon Itfl Vhlch In wining For no wti Into ibid Of It What they fain Of Ho r icf I Ihcy rolnIrvl lrcbt And Another With help to Of vihttli there Anollicr year Hi I wo from evil And prove by toying Our loyally to KAI A Hi iUnuxr ft ftTiktc mutt torn my to your tender with of do for your BUSINESS COLLEGE CkOItNKIt cljlrnrtlcUMlr4UI4tiAlIHrttllM JkH Iq or wrllo for I HARRISON BUSINESS Old Of yiuicooHt E House o lVlttiid door Hie pail of vie filtli Jftciflctf A FOR SALE Hi MARBLE WORKS MONUMENTS and HEAD STONES il fc ALIjAN- HIS was the that ruling iviih a face clouded brow New Yea morning not many yeai gentleman in question was just and talented of raodot means independent of his practice a favorite in society and had a goodly list lady friends upon whom he might call on New Years Day Upon the morning in question I Stevenson had gone his profes sional rounds early and had relumed make a proper toilet for the usual round of New Year calls when his office boy brought him the fjuoied above Confound it all he muttered Why couldnt wait until to morrow to sprain bis ankle And that a liii pneumonia Hem I hem hue one that sounds iMecesling Miss No street lung fnvdf Dear me what a detailed description of treatment and symptoms Je cidedly Godfrey is interested in Miss lung fever Well sup pose 1 must go and cut down my Vei Hiatal- I teen read it the man wai of hair and I told her maam awful tick Miss Daisy but the said I and might talk I asked Shes a proud one- Well Toe you can do no more But aint I to go for the and the wine Ho there mind It a Iragcdf Steveowns kind heart Was the mother seeking charity or did the blonde beauty haunted all bit dreams owe the rightful payment Hither way his was dimmed by the of the errandboy Yet he felt that from a stranger not be accept ed The face of the elder lady through all its sadness and was proud and every lone of the low voice showed education and No money not a pitiful dollar or tiro and the patient wanted medi cine stimulants A bright thought flashed over Charley mind Mrs- Graham he said turning delicately from the tearful face your a medi cine I do not like to rust a druggist to prepare from a written prescription- I will return in an hour and adminis ter the first dose myself Whether she understood the deli kindness or Mrs Grahams grateful eyes sufficiently thanked the physician vrho hurried avray soon returning with the medicine wine cleverly disguised by lion label pasted over the original one More than three hours slipped away white the doctor watched his patient studying the effect of Ms medicines and finally being rewarded by seeing her fall into a quiet slumber was quite too late when lie reached home again to make any calls and as he over his cheery dreamed not of Maudes golden cutis but of pale sweet face of Miss Graham It saddened him to think of a coffin lid hiding it forever from the eyes and yet he mothers knew that she was hovering very close to the borders of the future life His first call the next day was at the house of this patient and by the glad eyes of the mother he knew the Jifcgivints had been prolonged ana followed by consciousness Very weak and very ill she was yet but there was hope now and Charley Stevenson wondered that this fact should lighten his heart when hut hours before he had never even heard of Miss Gra ham in his morning travels a natty little phaeton passed him paused till he came up and Maude WOOD Ho That BOOTS AND SHOES- have taken a Big Advance in Prices but you are able to gel your Boots and Shoes the OK Prices at As I had a Large Stock when the Advance in Prices took place so it enables me to Sell to my many Customers at the Low All Tan Goods are offering at Cost in order to clear them out NOW IS YOUR TIME At fit tit on DAVID LLOYD Affidavit Qut of Jliiloa J Otflc out Ti A Life irostv loan At A A Nicasck UctoD 1olIau Uki A84UKASCE CO CANADIAN OAIITAl AND- FUNDS- DOLLARS Over SIGN RED BOOT 5tCOet0Ot4O Pine Drivers lb IcdUpuUtlo iwAtrtdeotofbojMittitajo of to a Blood Purifier iUoa la lh form of powder It tbo Weed luroi a loajh uj put gwlKit MILCH whole up be A the flow milk icacucd Blood Purifier will pay for mU rc0UU Ml i P Cos J I lector AI4DI Standard Life ftssuranceCo i lit J In over- LIVERY 1ST J MANNING SON- TUB FINEST l Taws VKUNOSd LI V BUY BONUS YEAR IbS dUMld J rtOiKIroOiTO UicitlrKitl W IHU4 ilikLNZIK Km rXrtOlOTlLflTufOuoJyttiif ftUfitUwUUtl fit PRIVATE MONEYS rgrlbrc4iinicilD ted iioYtdKHHGrrYK lowat jj ltd ROCHE MR A Chvrrl visits to a few ibis venm He to bis lor a brief lime and no longer in new attire but in be called bis doctors warranted fever In youthful btattj though the tender love that a life may not yet have come is one face one voice- upon which the fancy lingers as a little brighter a than other faces or voices can ever be- To Ch3iley Stevenson this face and voice was the memory of Maude a blonde beauty only child of one the leading lawyeis in the city As yet love bad to either heart yet the lovely blonde accepted the mention of the handsome doctor willingly and pave the sweetest smiles jo return Just a flirtation so far but one likely to become something more for Stevenson was heir expectant lo a wealthy maiden aunt and Maude bad been taught as to necessity of a handsome establishment with other matrimonial blessings The ripple of her golden hair the of her blue eye were the mag nets that hunted the in his round of calls till he stood at the door of the last patient Miss Graham who had the lung fever Into a darkened room where had set ugly seal yet where some of those rending relics of better lingered the doctor was red by an elderly woman a gentlewoman in the true English seme the who bore the of sorrow upon her sad free and looked with pitiful anxiety lor bis directions Sfce much worse since last she when the doctor had explained the accident kept his friend at home delirum though she is so weak she can hardly speak A enquiries folio led and the doctor approached the bed A tin yet exquisitely outline and feature fever flushed with large black eyes A face stricken by illness wasted wd worn yet the most beautiful In pain his had rested upon While he felt the lipid pulse at the delicate bent low to listen to the of the delirious a knock the door summoned mother away in the deep still ness of the to avoid bearing the p iu j the new comer Scott3 of M Graham DISEASED LUNGS BY TAiaNO Pec epirrtcd vWch n j at Is frdMWf tAy en wrnia a left iwgA ftvt to After 15 l I Pectoral Al7rd at i I I tea diseases of thinness ore scrofula in children consumption in grown people poverty of blood in either They thrive on leanness Fat is the best means of Everybody knows codliver oil makes the healthiest at J wot to vioiio io mm- kJnAftML- codliver oil the taste is hidden the oil is digested it is ready to make fat vrttPff h lb Ka tJ lub iQll4 SO You hive an answer to my note the Sidy laid maam for and couldnt bo bothered She cent me Joe a dollar or two No You mutt wail till Did note Middleton leaning forward held her hind to young physician You dont deserve to be spoken lo she said with blue merrily cordial for you should- have followed your bouquet day I was only loo I could not was the One of friends jined bis ankle and turned over bis to I kfiil with a shrug is a horrid bore am out now hunting up a substitute for my dress- mi who sends she has lunifevcr I dire say it ii only a cold but in the meantime I must find else Shocking aint it Do come to sec us soon And after a few more patting words Maude carried her golden curls from Chirlcys vision It was a dent then She owed the money she had heartlessly refused send to the sick girl AH the glamor at once and fore re r from Char ley Stevensons heart It was possible for a man whose every ac tion was controlled by honor and Christianity to Rive even admiration to a woman for whom he felt no respect and Charley Stevenson was conscious of a feeling of bitter con tempt for Maud as the phaeton bore her out of sight It was with a interest he found his way toward evening to Daisy sickroom and when her eyes met bis full of gratitude and in a thanked htm he wondered how be had ever seen any beauty in the face of Maude Rut young lady did not pro pose to lose her admirer easily Old Miss Stevenson the doctors aunt had taken the blonde upon her list of special favorites and it was as tonishing how often the gay beauty found an excuse to visit her elderly friend and often Charley was there ever courteous and pleasant but never again with that air and voice lhat had once tnd Maude her charms were Jig their way to the young doc tors heart It troubled Mm too that his aunt had evidently her heart upon a match and Maude for he dearly loved her was to cross any of wishes So not wishing to make any rupture cunning Charley one even irg in the early spring said Auntie you remember wish ing you could replace your old com- pinion Miss Yes but I And when you arc your wife will share our home Very In the meantime I have a patient who hii been very ill with lung fever and whose sole support is needle She is not along enough yet to follow her trade of dressmaking and was thinking if ray find a place lor her and make useful it would bo a and might prove a comfort her also Who is she Charley I Daisy Graham What Graham Her fathers name and I believe that they were at one time Grahams child was dress making I cried Aunt Stevenson Charley And Maria Mi wile I is she dead No but they very poor Do you know her Know he the my friend for years until she andwcot West Then light of for years Where arc they I will call today now You arc the dearest auntie in the world HmlYet you are fnteicstcd Dr Charles Is Daisy pretty and to penile and good Then Charlie told of his New Years call of the subsequent visits of hit pleading for and obtaining permission to mike social visits after professional ones were no longer necdedj and how each one deepened his Interett in the fair sweet girt Shes very delicate yet he said in conclusion and needs good food and freedom from wearing anxiety She shall have them And Charley if she is the refined sweet woman her mother was I will speed the wooing Only a to thank her and Charley was Off to order the carriage for the call Two weeks later Maude Middleton being about to prepare a wardrobe for her summer campaign bethought her of the fifty dollars she owed Daisy Graham resolved to pay and so pave the way for a new But Miss Graham was at home Gone with her mother to visit some friends her landlady told Miss Middleton who reentered her phae ton in no amiable frame of mind She had such exquisite taste and fitted to perfection and worked for a mere nothing thought ill- used young lady as she drove in the direction of Miss Stevensons Ill ask that old maid who mikes her dresses though I suppose they cost a small fortune Mia Stevenson was at home the servant informed and that young lady being a privileged visitor went at once to the sittingroom At the door she paused and in a low chair at Miss Stevensons feet sat Daisy Graham Oh Miss Graham she laid I have just been your house to see if you could make me some summer dresses and to pay you a trifle I owe you Miss Graham said Miss Steve son dryly has given up drcssmak- ing for the present but Die trifle will be quite convenient towaids pro tiding her Irousseiu You will be the first to hear of engagement Maude but you may say on my authority that are to have a wedding in the fall when Daisy become the wife of my nephew Charley Very sweetly Middleton made her congratulatory speech and paid her bill but in her phaeton the lady shed tears in the shadow of her veil muttering So that was the reason Charley Stevenson stayed away from my Years reception and has been so offish ever since And reader that was exactly lh reason With ft AH lbs tills el ma- jcar a Hills la a4 notes to The Act its soow on Its lire j la tin BIS tiU I tottsfaroMil Asltrallicaitiitlcitalri Hearer wltt Jfiowc4 tils trois4 tczcar To Its tern lo sUillt wij Its rata fall It trie a TO Ken WIM tbs tela nun to As it tails on th itulfxM I to fltlllrl2thflprA7r f y Dub wtlll my iho Ill icIojTtets chips more Ill Kirl to w f a bat I shall no look Ill My In I To a mm Acd iihii It to coed Im golog to Ibtcgi Aro And that that girl not jo en Has and Now for Yew us look over the rait- ygne days i and plan a new course of action for the future Where have been wrong us now be and where we have been right let us stick to that course going from to better and from better to best A word about the resolutions will be made today and broken to morrow do make them at all if you do not mean to keep thern The bears that is soon forgotten Make the covenant with your conscience and your Maker Do not your righteous i ments abroad but with sober sincerity of purpose watch out against the faults making a gallant fight against the foes of evil With such an incentive inspire you the year will gradually be come to a close friend bringing ay am happiness in its path and breathing into your heart messages will indctd give you prosperity Thoughts for Arothr year Anolhir i borne Its record to the year I Another lies Vfn hail its How thai I ftcal day What io Yew Vacant chairs Good wishes without number Change but January and others Mistakes fie date our letters wrong Friends Brown older and a few joy less bills of description but every one too large- Improvements lhat cause wonder and questionings variety all shrunk like old flannels New friends and worthy ones too How have rested without them Dont fail to receive New Yens day with a smiling lace Dont usher in that day by declar ing are old Wont send you are out be cause New Years calls arc out of fashion Dont receive en old friend gloom ily on that day trust to new and sland er old Dont fail to send New Years greetings to those far away Dont think you may meet your fate in Perhaps it will be bet ter to miss him Dont be unfriendly Do all good you can and dont dander any body Dont turn over too many new leaves for Dont be unhappy Be a philosopher Dont make the day unhappy Dont your temper Dont fall in love- Dont declare you hate men Dont celebrate too much I I A V New Years was in tended a calling day without motive or propriety into which it ultimately degenerated It was intended for a day men who had been prevented during tbc year by business or any condition of cir cumstances from keeping up their friendship or acquaintance with friends they liked or esteemed and should make social atonement for apparent neglect and renew their pleasant re lations The idea was and commendable as was the custom and before this city grew to be such a the calls were agreeable often delightful to makers and But the city became to big and the community assumed 10 represent society in some manner more or less remote became to The custom was abused- Many men and thought only of the number of calls ignoring quality for quantity and the indoois and outdoors were disreputable from over indulgence The belter son people repelled by the license prevalent refused to receive any longer The smart who bad long calling to com mon they declared wills their pie- tense of superiority that it bad vulgar set themselves and their in ftuence firmly against it They refused to see on that day and icon after shut up ibeir home and fld to the country thus setting the teal of fashion on their last decision which speedily met with social approval- The fact was that respectable folk had got tired of the extreme to had been carried and the coarse obJclionaMe class not it atone So the whole thing felt to pieces and is no probability of its reconstruction In the immediate future The custom Ions ago to other cities and is still followed Hut as the metropolis makes the mode its duration is doubtful New is yet a holiday holidays are always wholesome and business of all kinds Is suspended Sons husbands fa thers now stay at home tiring and thenistlves to little purpose they are gainers with their families by the Years in its old has passed away Bui Hew Years with its quiet domes tie has come to re main The moves And New is still New Years with its sense of freshness repose and re covered hope Charles count and dosing the book of 1895 is a hand We ling er its pages roiirg the many besings shotred from the hand of a merciful liberal sprinkling of sorrows Renew your Subscription Miss whose tragic liking off on the railroad at its lion occurred a short lime deeded site for an Anglican church at the night her Father a and mistakes many perhaps all readily traceable ignorant or wilful sins for neither of which can we offer the slightest excuse and the golden opportunities unheeded aidinur fellow creatures by look word deed or example Hut why should we pause con sider ihe marred and blurred pages of the old year or pure fresh ones of the new Because only the lives for the moment leading an ex istence of disconnected dots The brulClike man to whom the past has no stimulus and contains no warning and future no invitation passes without thought or regret The wise mans life is as a with a purpose in ii directed by lies behind at something ahead lab is permanent in its results because it before and after is cumulative has its solid foundations and its spires of desire And if we our Me work to have any meas ure of the Dimness and success of Creators great works it mud be made like His to grow with reason ableness out of ihe past and look with toward the years come Tiur are no times so fr she and linking meditation as beginnings and endings thcclcse of the year when reason has action with its lessons and it the when purpose has action fresh and unsullied it duly old year let us turn to the new this volume of three hundred and pages of which wo shall fill with some of a record As we wish it to be a satisfactory one let us aim to make the very best of life re- that we were created In the image of God and that through His promised we are able to do all things well that may be us to do in order to attain such success however we must keep each day the resolutions made at the dawnfns the year and make the best possible record on day thus opening tie way for an improve ment on the morrow so an Having formulated and crystallised our New Years resolutions us ever be mindful thai as Johnson says Hell is paved with good resolutions and unless we have resolution enough so our character- good solid resolution compounded of will and wisdom and raiatuie thoroughly permeated with Ibe grace of live them they will goto improve that pavement which is already kept in very good repair of lag Year has been just one stainless perfect on the earth and other True through a possession of a calm and even tempera- there have been those who possessed their souls in great peace and without the and trial that sooner or later overtake the great major men and women In this busy world here is bound to be emulation and unrest It is of family we think chiefly now all the mistakes and shortcomings the fading year help toward greater faithfulness and fidelity in the untrod den paths that be just ahead Glorify old familiar duties by meeting each and every one not as some mere happening or accident Heating to us for attention but as a direct appoint ment sent into cur lives from Cod Remember errors of the passing year merely to profit by tbem Unwhole some brooding never yet mended a fault never built a sound stair on which to ascend to better things Be strong be of good courage Take leave of the old year thank ful for its blessings thankful loo for its griefs and burdens thankful for the swift forgiveness its mistakes may thankful can leave its every day and trustingly in ibe hands of God Work of had a thumb taken off in Blacks factory list week Ten of Martiniheavy lines have arrived at and are how in possession of the local militia Walker aud Harry Drake were fined for smug gling dress goods Windsor to Detroit At SiuU Sic Marie Matthew Maltson and Jules were each sentenced ten years in for manslaughter Of theS7cotaietobecoi- in Orilia only nave been paid On the of January per cent will be added Ki the post at KingaviUe was by burglars on Monday night They cut open the island which had just arrived and the Utters Man Dec block occupied by stores and a tenement building by some of Winnipegs best families was badly seven oclock this morning- There ec about people asleep in the building Major burn ed to death Mr Mrs Baby seriously and snaoybtd narrow escapes The toss will be shout Dec About to oclock last night five out in a small house occupied by one of Maikhams old land mirk live firs man to enter the bouse found the old in bedroom lying on the floor burned recognition Ihe fiir had smouldering the room for considerable tunc- It soon after bunt flame In the past of but lb men it out A and ctam Mftjl A ii-

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