vi iviSfSr NEWMARKET ERA JAN A 1 v Fro Med Jain a Co A A Co ioolli Co J J Etc Tender J Card J J VfVMcl IIRIQUTFR AHD WITH In Printed till at Homo actririi r- FRIDAY Toronto to Eta nut tiro Court I Mil Monday Jufli ratl held fti iht Monday principal w of of of the mi to the proportion loir aid by wanly of tan llt KloWcoko Khar of Hill of of forth iuo of i for Urn of York Co or in llio no for by a Urn win If an- lili brother of lo her If Ml trill jfOficulo for Ontario ft it of the next of under con ration not Jy fiicd In and well- known ara their way dally Huron hit Drifting of recent in the Province of Ontario and Quebec appears to have produced considerable trepidation in the Con- camp and the junior of the Administration in voicing the prevailing discontent hints at the necessity of deposing the present Cabinet end a general reconduction of an administration under a man not committed to and at least will not seek to force a measure through that to lotJi 11 Catholics and Protectants and directly antagonistic of a Rieat and growing province Heading be tween the lines now that Premier and his Cabinet are so fully committed to remedial legislation that retreat is impossible it looks as if Conservatives contemplated the over throw of the and the formation of another out of new ma terial a policy more in Accord public sentiment as evidenced by the result of bye Montreal Centre There is no mistaking the views of the junior organ Its hints arc too palpable lb be A crisis is evidently anticipated in the near future and the method avert ing a politic calamity to the party to enable it continue to retain power is made plain It may sound treason able in the ears of Premier Howell but for all that it has the ring of apprehended danger and betrays a readiness to make sacrifice of present political leaders in order to ensure retention of patronage and power In a political tense Old would have no difficulty in fore cast ing a cloud gathering about the Capitol destined lo be disastrous in iis results Should the Government apprehend they being crowded off Parliament Hill by internal jeal ousies the country need not be sur prised lo that dissolution and a general election has been determined upon But here is what the his to say and the suggestion it lias to make respecting retirement of the Government to hi for lit now the Catholic doctors of OrjtAiio and for they arc to if Ontario at their wd as tie uiajority of tloclri on IhU question In luint go they are tig trd to lint it Lot that lo will to of iht j jiu tie in a majority in thorough accord on ptitHc one It ly 10 a Ceo- a not kiittalign and at not io a through to Catholic directly of a great In have or Itilila iirtiiiiTKUU A The cloud for tome time pail lia been guther camp OlUna buret wilU unexpected on Saturday fast and culminated of no members of Cabinet via Hon Wood and Sir At be ouUet appearances indicated that the outcome of personal differ ences between Sir and lion Or Montague growing out of a couplo of anonymous letter Premier charging the Port Master General with having accepted 5ooq a bill during the session but sub sequent crent to indicate that the stampede wis part of a conspiracy to cnirt the Premier from office and Sir Charles Tup per as his suc- because they Sir Dowel not strong enough politically control the Conservative in the country that to fane a general election under his leader- imp would be simply to court defeat This view strengthened by the fact that on the very day that Poster Montague 6c Co tendered their resignations the organ editorially that the unuUled state of the political for many months past re cently by minora of alt kinds dissensions In the Cabinet pro spective changes and organization under a hoy Anil dining all these Cabinet Ministers have been going about the country denying these rumors and crying Peace I Peace What a Happy Family the Conserva tive camp on Parliament Hill have been I No wonder the veteran Premier declared his whilom col- a nest of traitors The whole transaction presents to view a deep- laid conspiracy to gel rid of a First Minister by knife ing In the house of supposed friends Up to hour of going to pros remained un changed It was thought however that Premier would yield to the inevitable during the day but whether he will recommend Juppcr senior or Laurie to His to form a Government is still matter of doubt Under any circumstances the old combination will not again be all in the same boat and Sir Mac kenzie afford to look on with complacency and ice thorn squirm York i moving to Imbranca Co on of tbo now by lh fltock A nil liU6a lul for an election Cbattsvoti to fill by of Mr polling tar It P for Ontario Ca tight on Irl of Ontario aro to for K to union of ocd IM ton ore tho of Mr htm to in cold whon noil comes off How Day of passed into of Mr now Mr J month to position on Iho Director 1 fctfojo Morton in Toronto l A Una lord ogam for Injoilci to wait and by baby carrlr landlord wit allowed fof and filr Charles Tapper nigh to to ho diked when bo In York It to that ho ought to bo by from Optima to that ha has bJl to in order to lh Government out a hole At ho in help ing Govern moot Yes lh of officii lvo form York on ifco day notion hit I peeling JJcnal and of ftlco Mil lo Ixltor llio In JIi Act of lut ration of tA Hon On- ifMI of to Board to to wind up of and pay off tlioy olio lent of llio block In Toronto by flio when the block burnt- It Ii a Baton On Cabinet at Ottawa down and out and left hind to hold iorl BC lizard from and gUci a ma jority- that hi it Cob Trior to hip of laal JudgoMO- practically hold in appeal Mm from Toronto that Act of land of over farming and market garden oWoand and In ddlcrrninhi appeal to bo by to of and accordingly The sixth annual Convention of the Township of Whitchurch will take place in the Friends Meeting House here on the Jan The Executive has been fortunate in securing a splendid array of talent for the program and everything point to one of the beat conventions ever held in the Town ship Among those to take part are Hon son Newmarket Scott of Hall Toronto J Holland of Aurora Lehman and L J market and Mm Jot of in tho Town ship to two or more delegates and nainci arc to he for warded to Walter Stephens Pine Orchard not later than A horse frightened at the people were coining out of the Temperance Hall lat Tuesday even ing the occupants of jumper were dumped out The away the hafts A Rood many be pu tried to who the Echo It welt I we will let them think it out sleighing although in places Among visitors noticed ground this on Nov day Miss Carrie Simpson of Wing- ham and gentleman Mr of Newmarket of Sharon Misi Daisy was at Home on Friday evening with a number of young people Echo Wr William of Rising Sun Ohio spent week with his brother of this place Skating Is the chief amusement The ice Is in good condition and since the snow the girl arc wonder ing why the dont hate pond Monday being election day brought many familiar faces around Among them noticed J Sinclair and J Dunning Holland Landing Mr returned to Toron to on Saturday to attend University Mr Thomas of Strange was badly hurt a few days ago owing to the horse tyjich lie was driving be coming unmanageable It ran away throwing him from the vehicle and injuring him so badly that he had to he left at King City arc pleas ed to hear of recovery Hi brother Arch with him but escap ed wilh Might up has gone to Manitoba The wishes of her friends go with her Veterinary State spent the holidays with his mother and other friends in this lo cality The funeral sermon of Mis Wm Elliott is to be preached on Sunday by the pastor in the Christian at the usual hour p in scholars had it cold for the opening day last Monday It took a strong wind blow the old year out Did not hear of any serious being done but it blew the top off one of the chimneys of the Christian Church Good since New Year and the pond has a lively appearance come evenings Always Ahead progressive popular practical CENTRAL TORONTO ONT 11 1 3 J EC v Wo heartily our hundrcdaof A AMD Ykah hno been a great year for Our grown Wo made of now and rcaeon to thank of Nowmaiket and surrounding country for placing this in very place fee that our well From very dawn of dawn of 1890 our energies been taxed buying cohtinuaUy and offering to our only the- and at that not been to compete with Wo upon 1890 with determination that it be beat year in history of this Why ahould it not bo We have beat facilities for buying beat and the caah to buy at rock bottom a very email profit in tho wo eel will bo enormous Keep your eye on this column for announcements every week SALE Mr J A again elected on Mon day over Mr but the was reduced The vote polled Monday was 133less than in and this is exactly the majority that Mr had over or and- Deputy Mr defeated Mr John for Deputy by votes Mr Aaron was ballots short for a seat at the Council Following is the vote lyatUcifo in VtooiJn to fill scat in ado vcul by iho mint of Col Prior Ivjk on Monday and r- to but Id insjority t general election in HOI to look upon Tot as victory in view tho the vo4 Mo 6 74 103 4J Fob Hi ft2 llollorn S3 ft GO CO IU 427 Tin evening th Kail at lout In will to Mr P at politicians bra to lift present and on occasion This I ft son of preliminary skirmish in or contest between Mr Mr ft represents in Com none Only a small vote was njlled the most interest being taken in division where ballots were cast Mr was elected for and Deputy by majority and Messrs frog art and Skinner for Councillor Following is the vote 211 No total linker 02 42 21 01 60 13248 CI 02 total 872 Ay La to appoint ft Col lator of for and Mr ft VfbUt rM P for got plviii our cotem ftLCODtosd that William dtUaUd Io to has called loth Senate aocl In Of Ike tort of to at Ottawa ViMoi fir Robin- J J iixiKrJValiice reeve After holding the office of Reeve for years Mr J Stokes was defeated by Mr Norman by majority Mr Stokes at tributes his defeat loan election cry which illness prevented him from ex plaining on nomination day Mr defeated Mr P for and Deputy by ma jority Following is the vote No total 85 76 30 81 CO 13168 02 23 Noma Mr defeated Mr by majority for Deputy Reeve and the Coun cillors elect are Messrs Silver Mor ton and Teuton No 60 71 Fob Morion Silver 80 Holland Landing Mr Wit- loughby elected reeve by majority and the councillors elected are Messrs Morninv and Goodwifi School Trus tees Messrs Rham and A hot fight resulted in tie between and and Henry The election depends upon ballot which was marked with a straight mark instead of a cross for If Judge Morgan to whom the ballot will be submitted declares it good then is probable as the two men will tie and Clerk of the Muni it is expected vote for Johnson reeve ScAKfcoko Reeve Lyman Ken nedy tit Dtp fas Lee and Cowan Reeve Slater and Deputies Scott and finite Reeve Evans Deputy Vaug ham Reeve High Deputies Arnold and York iV Rccvc Hill Deputies North Reeve Davis Deputies Feat Lawrence It thought by generally that Mr of would party norninntion as to in Autoibly got his reward by being appointed Registrar of Coun ty of but It appear to for wo now learn thai Liberal tbo of on latt xWarden a I is no ft and for many ha bit a an act worker for party is tit a now from th Toronto ttrua ftnnuin It Is very neatly printed and of tho to present ft popular that Interest everybody at a of and in regard lbs initial number a Wo it eon- doctor will re- and on- to of Can adian literature Wo lUUl Id munici pal election year botaftir and noils of tho away it that only new will Council Chamber by way of bngo io It It J Hewing and C fimall A J Hoc lead and It Aldermen however with chaug thus in the bat dont ropou drain ing Dim coo year and may look for lessor their barber aro turned Into patch Tim United has ap pointed a tku Vcnejjda a forth ado by Ills President The Ad will bo master of own pro- and thai United fitiu occupy Mr who lead lio and at Vaiblnglon bofirt and if an will bo mad of tho archive by found Holland and other countries A bo mad to British Qui lies end Vccezcila will not report for many moon Tint of at mad im portant to 1Ad Law Of other la a claocB ptovidei that prohibited liable lo a penally of firo to dol lar rather coincide with ibi meat Why not a a tbo who aelt liquor to men who buy la ft greater til who Kill for by or treioioinaoQbiaiijllitujyicJuco to la If left to would Dover Quebec cow la ftdikDCO arc over and our representative in the big Council It would have been wiser in his opponent to have let thy whole he returned by acclamation Quite a commotion was caused throughout the Township in the early of the wreV by the rumor that patties bavin- were notified to settle a big Toronto hank instead of Sutton A most unusual spectacle for this season of year to be seen near Keswick The ice shove caused the wind of Dec has heaped the ice in high mounds for roth or more in length A few rods from the shore and also at Fergusons where the old wharf is heaped with ice slabs sticks and debris of all in a most fantastic shape The oldest inhabitant cannot re member an occurence except in the general Spring breakup The shallow water causing the cakes of ice lo slick in the and to cause a wall alone saved the row of near Keswick road It said a young couple of Roachs Point took their and future in their own hands to New market on New Years Day That is IjcntraHy the season or recording good resolutions Once more our municipal elections have come and gone and many arc rejoicing and many sorrowing We are left without a representative from here this time but that we may not be forgotten by our Township fathers The teachers and students have again resumed their labors Mr Power and Miss Coombs take charge here for another year Mr J Turner has gone to Sharon and Miss Williams takes charge of the school north Those who failed to take in the view exhibition last week missed one of the finest treats we have ever in our midst It is too bad that more interest is not taken in Ji work by the parents es pecially as it requires money as well as energy and tact to carry on a successfully Mr Joseph Fidel and wile have been spending a few days in the city Rev Leonard spent a couple of days in the city last week and while there the Gen Assembly of Methodist of Toronto over scholars being present in the Music Hall He an excellent time Leap Year well started The wedding to which we referred some time ago took place on New Day as expected the contract ing parlies being Mr and Miss Mackic join in wishing them many years of happiness together Laddie KESWICK The election in this polling divi sion passed off very quietly The result in regard to the councillors was quite a surprise to a ijooel many but that is the way G acts in election one year give a man or voles and then another year elect him by a good majority Those new patent Down Draught Drums that arc being intioduced in this neighborhood just now is one of the main topics of conversation Mr Ira Crittenden in of Mr Crittenden returned home the Northwest last week- Mr Arthur left on Monday for another term of school at Owen Sound lie led the meeting in the Methodist Church on Sunday even ing The Methodist are busy ar ranging for their anniversary on the and Rev Mr Mc Donald of Mount Albert is to preach the sermons on Sunday The cold weather this week his frozen the lake up pretty solid Our genial teacher Mr Lloyd resumed his duties on Monday for another year One day last Keek Geo Arnold of was fined and costs or days for assaulting by Squire lie was not in clined to pay it until the Constable produced a warrant to him down Mr Gilbert was crush ed against the Bank of building by a team was in two places Ho v ill probably die Since the election is over there has very little stir only among the wood piles Edgar Draper left for Montana last week no snow during elec tion there not the usual tbattljere generally is Mr Jas Hartley has returned from city Montana At the school meeting last week Johnts was appointed caretaker has commenced again much to the sorrow of the children who lave had a pleasant time during vacation Mr Davidson left on Tues day Horning to attend business Col lege Toronto Mr J Ncwburn is calling on friends in Mr and Mrs Wilder have been in the village snow that came on Tuesday has enlivened things considerably HOLT Everything has assumed its nor mal attitude since the election has passed over McLean moved into the vil lage this week Surprise parties arc all the at present one to Mr Jilimnis on Tuesday night one to Mr McLeans en Thursday night and one to Mr Casts on Monday We must not forget the weddings Mr Jacob Hopkins and Miss and Miss Minnie Mr and Miss I Attic and Mr Isaac Johnston Miss Jennie Your Scribe joins in wishing them happi ness Miss Maine has returned to The fiends on the Con in- tend holding their Annual Church Party on Friday night Mrs and daughter Vet- ma of Toronto were at home for a few days below zero on Sunday night SUTTON Provincial Detective Greer been here investigating into an alleged robbery of the mails which took place on night last when the Post- office conducted by John who also carries on a private hank was entered and registered letters containing in money addressed to Toronto were stolen The Post- office is located in the same building as the fancy goods store of D On Friday night the Post master made up the mails and his assistant left the bags in store in order that the latter who is the mail carrier might to the station on the following morning On Saturday morning it was discover ed after mails had been taken to the train that a slit had been made in one of the Toronto and lour letters abstracted only one which contained money The bags were immediately returned to tbe Post- office Detective Greer after making inquiries found that in the rear of the store was a Small window which had apparently been broken and entered- Mr W I To ley and his son were up till oclock in the morn ing reading in the store sleeps in a room adjoining the store wilh his door open and a lamp burn ing all night it is probable that arrests will be made AT TUB Lending MADDOQK FOR GASH A A SPECIALTY call le at HEAD The programs arc issued for the Sunday lo be held in the Presbyterian Church here on I the and of Jan under auspices of the North Associa tion and the prospects are favorable for an exceptionally interesting gather ing The officers of South and Inniifil Associations have promised to assist in making the Con vention a and take part on the program The opening on Tuesday evening will be given by Rev Mr Locke of Bradford and the principal address the closing session will be by Mr Mcintosh of Allendale Rev Smith of Mr of and other York workers are on the program and an effort will be made to get the Township of West organized for work JOHN MOM Bill a on of of if to Win or ft ih iirctilt a If of lit It lit Iter by Mr Jiriti Of late At ihft AlfrfJ io Mitt AiiUttV ff A At toy At Win of jjiimr atfiir jei Aid JSdtyi At bit Mi id ircr KJT Ml to a it i4 it 111 fcaiJlca at VVfdoculaj Monday Jan at Oik HI iii4tu lClli k at Oik Ac ItevrtiMco lit I alder WttM and Vtllfi Dr Wit- J J Hunter Of tuttnirlj jtiierd Town on of llanloa ac4 On iltb Ifarj tltaor Iter Hiram la rear cards a Jit eto Or near llci ilToy I and a la SHARON Wedding bells unlike are not silenced by weather On Tuesday Miss Rose Kenton and Mr Storms were united in bonds and left by evening train for future borne Our best withes go with them Mrs- has been in our midst during the holidays Mrs Keam of Tottenham a week under the parental roof Mr was At Home with a number of eve The exhibition given by field in the very instructive and interesting and de served a crowded house Miss Mildred Phillips leaves Mon day for Whitby College and Miss returns to her- t Mr Kavaoagii left Monday for the School of The many of Mrs J Graham will be sorry to Icaro she ii seriously indisposed The were At on Tuesday evening Rev Mr Walker returned Brampton looking better fur skating in hapc rjd to Friday for bills v- fcii John Edwards old was killed In tie Grand Trunk yards el London BOA 5I0tf IB fURIimJBEll main All fcIur per barrel a J 0 a WtMtpciltuteK Wheat per so a Hurler on a bmbal a a o a I j CO o 11 a COCO 15 a Oil a a tig a ji Wool a lUy ton a CO a lb COS a 04 pilr a 0 a oeo a 1T0 ii vw Think of icto fct4 We til Itil ILiq jrli Vet tit W J- Cam i lot J JJ Iru ten Creole on COM ati totiLj on P Toronto Wba butt tivi Wheat par Puller bushel tita bag per Wool petit furijr4f lb Jan 3 a a a a 0i3 a IT a a IS a a 1 a 0 a a Oil W I to to ir- 1 rbtlr act ih 111 tlT Industrial home BEST VALUg OR LEAST roll soon be and we help you to make it ever much more enjoyable If there one season of the year e look for ward to with greater pleasure than another it is To make it all the more plcasxnt to find the of every- thing for the least possible coit will find China Hall- just the desirable to both ways Our stock of Fruits is large and we have ho less than Seven distinct qualities of Tor we give you as good as you will find jpr jtaihcTf then we have choice ue4 at least s- table a I IvA 0 lO3 Ken at4 lift Jiaaw Mr A IttVt eke or J MOTE LOST A not In Ibe SI for It ffuattr the- ten of ifasE yuiat cot a pa DRIVER Hah BULL Quarter lot In iho rh Cod A AfiduhhoiTUVilutr horns- to I h tni of A HAM away gEALEI Will ill Jan laelcilvt btli at J 1639 1 J Y License District of far Our Currants at 5c are as as any Currants in Town and at lbs for are Rood but for or for we give the finest layer figs In Extracts we are selling regular roc Bottles for and that Daisy Cream Baking Powder at is the both for quality and quantity ever offered in Town We have Croste Citron Orange and Lemon the finest quality picked Our are absolutely pure have new Dates Filberts Brazil nuts etc etc Alio mixed Candies at per pound California Evaporated Plums at for arc something Now just a word about Tea We hare the following in Packages one of ihe best packtd is a Blend of India and Ceylon at or per Telleys an- 1 will to and Ditto- ton A full If alto All j or Itl day NOTICE I for a itacif of AurCra- Ira CO pHKArnul I nj will In Council Newmarket OH Monday lb auj fcjiii a l4DC4noibfi2crl a icnoriuaortaua will coa 5i By SI W NEWMARKET DAIRY ASSOCIATION adjortvi will On pa rt SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALE Tit fg Ac or j pp And ltiC for an for TO firo DAVID LLOYD for tUl ir a low HOUSES ether India and Ceylon at fine Ram Say choice India and Ceylon pronounced fine by I use it sells at o and sec and last bet not Sal you all know it If you use Japan we can you a lb Caddie of choice quality for not asc per lb Dont overlook our Japan lbs for co as fine a tea as you nil now fcr the money Coffer our Excelsior of choice quality Surprise Sunlight Come and we will give you for have largest stock to and all marked in Mice A Dinner set of for 5 a Set ir 25 thoc are good fcr little Boots and Shots away down to clear out several line also price Wishing a Said of Aovm Lot t re sire it It In It places If win It lOpuftJMO and a lit 1L1 A SMITH a si a now NORTH YORK SOCIETY ar1 l lti Its Lata il C3 arJ tiaci la it fciy l- tt id Lay this Paper down Please place it with put advertisement top You ice always to at the lop and trust you will render us this favor Ill any case you always find PS OS and the leading Oval have not lost their medicinal qualities by Handing a lirrc on our toother with Complete Line of ANNUAL COUKOUCLAlIii OicTi if- A MEETING writ tin ib IS3 Merry to all p iro rice- AlioiI A ll jticir nil a in t 11 dot IOC ISC SC lb Ankle yt Every Day Bargains Our Chocolates and Creams per lb HomeMade Candy cent Candies and Con Pure Sugar Nuts any kind Christies Soda fresh 11 1 ice Shine Tea in Japan and Onions ice is III here and that remind us what we give Mother lather Sister brother Listen for or and quality in friend II It it JEWELRY STORE Iherc i no doubt about it lead in this line Give us a call No chaise examining our synods the place Main Si 1 lb fur ice 6 ai 3 J