THE NEWMARKET ERA iA1T GEO Helium In lUtcmu fttitrcoimpMtlYrliti rllUfl fa 111 Til YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER No tint outside of York unlets in advance Vol XUVNo I Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Jan 17 Terms Strictly in Advance within mos or at end of year capital a 1 interest on A 1 S AT aw Draft i prompt fJAMitlHrKKAo to on good sUturilJN ft Mont nil Of Court olid leg A to mi Raw if jj dally J I WIDIMFIICLD- Hone to J WOODCOCK 50 Main rT U I a itilq ImqlLf Boneless Codfish Genuine Lake Huron Trout Lake Huron White Fish AT TDK- VERT CASH PRICES DAVISON Ik at Ihft Toronto Homo J and AAtfdffH Afeolfcjrttf If p J itrcrt tuft to LqLEQ flrgii Knjlt III I kw Ai Urn Oh I llitrd j ft Who vry much would toon TIjo diamond a Who lias very afraid Thai would run his lay through Sped rapid To mill IoralioaTol bay- akvvcr when aho did What a I Oh a I boy had long And had off fall And Mood Iter lover and mild How much war 4Itrii of rover To her lad wu wfcli all id ftnd cruel lit ViUn JiCitj Jan i IN- fea AND AT ji NOW IS YOUH TIME At fur lUucf a fcitANU lull ill Kal York MY Kuobyo Xdoio hut SI AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE 1 COST YOU NOTHING TO AND STOVES NORTH OP TORONTO TO SEE 13 TO BUY CO MAIN ST SOUTH CI slaved a J wiicltvfc Hi Mo In SIMPSON Main lmijlfttVfiMdftetrtd t Mate o I 19 Ir of 1 Vie lotr I iry VKHK TURNOUT A prices It St de Blacksmith Goal for sale IWHHe HolUitkcl AT OUKtlHT J UN MANNING SON- KrloSf I iiLa rd AH AD A LIFE CANADIAN COMPANY OAPtTAh DOLLARS if to All nil Actio Jmoiw MR A CONCERT BARITONE How fiOUClj of tor of Voice Culture Ex Open to lieu WORKS Hair VIGOR color to hair fcud it out V yoavik If 0 A little thou Iwo years gray ArSa fall lk out- use of one rattle of Ayer Vigor my was restored to its original color ami put An application has since kept hair in good condition used AytVa Hair for tlirto and It has hair was fast becoming era toils natural color If W J AVERS IK euro Acfc MONUMENTS and onsymMtaOliil HEAD ST t Call BONUS YEAR IVM ili All BUSINESS COLLEGE unfortunate wiuiio unfortunate Codliver oil suggests consumption which is Irj j Ajtoul I IKK I A- I i vr- rtttvuirk- HARRISON BUSINESS COLLEGE 1 ill p WUi It liuii- iNttlJirj MISS I ivihni jilt Its best use is before you fear consumption when you begin to get thin weak down then is the dent time to begin 10 take tare and the best way to take care is to supply the needed fat and Joseph eyed the sky as he walked from to the house The tun veiled by a flccCy while loir in the hank of dark clouds was visible After his prolonged Mr pondered the mailer It not until he had washed his hands on the back kitchen porch and cd the room his vs tak ing up the breakfast he said like it might That ii what you jay if heres a cloud m he tartly Ill thank you to lift that boiler on just the same to wail I Its most certain it I havent any pa Hence I such weather rushed down cellar after a of cream Her husband never hurried He put the boiler carefully on tin built up a fire and in obedience to a gesture from bis wife took his place at the table Mr Itushy always before he spoke This time after a brief but bluing be him self potatoes lor five minutes before in his usual drawling voice That was a powerful sermon of elder yesterday I al ways thought that text about hern joined the idols might apply to some of us- Most everybody has idols of some sort or other Mrs stirred her golden brown coffee reflectively Perhaps so 1 the people who need it took Mr fine application As for me I one had idol but God it There wan a pause The thoughts of both husband and travelled to the parlor where hung a wee maiden with laughing blue eyes dimpled arms It was the picture of Leah their only child whose death twenty years before had left be old farm house desolate Mr heart loo deeply stirred by memories of his child to Hut when a dash of tain against the window pane his wife exclaimed crossly P Theres its raining And if I dont wash Monday nothing goes right all the week Taint an idol is it Mi randy The good man of the house pushed back from the table Nor it dont teem right to be so sot as you are on your work exactly as you want It pears to ne it might be an idol What idea Just look there Joseph See that dirty spot on the tablecloth where youve nibbed your coatsleeve This tablecloth was clean yesterday morning and now going in the wash making tins week I do wish be more careful rt Why now Mifandt I do try to be careful I you would use colored tablecloths bought you bought some turkey red ones Yes I did buy and a look of disgust crossed the face opposite Mr Bushy But I want it under stood I am not going to use em I wilt work fingers the bone he- fore Ill set my with but a white Cloth and she stroked the glossy linen approvingly 1 know Mi randy Hut maybe thats another idol You see you think a of such things Now Joseph Busby if you are going to talk such as that you had better gel lo work Just see there The sun is shining So you it was right for me to wash after Maybe so and the eyes of the simple man softened he through the east window the foliage from which he rail tfero yet falling Miybe so Mitandy You an an uncommon woman have been a good wile to me for twentyseven You haint got idols not half as as I But this always thinking your way is fote which the covered with a thick of glory vines A fer of the daintily twitted unheeding the threatening of had opened pink blue and white cups and peered in at the flushed face of the worker Hut Mrs was too busv by her husband to notice their beauty I dont tee what to say that said as began rubbing her clothe I gayo up the only idol ever had twenty years I She slopped abruptly Of its that letter the went on after a brief But he wrong It isnt Idols lhat keeps me from doing my Again she the had almost said duly A week before a letter had from a little town fn Kan- mi to Mr Busby The letter con tained the new of the death of Hale a distant cousin of Josephs Mrs Hale wai a widow and eft one child a boy wo year The writer a neighbor of the dead woman went on to she could care for the child no longer and If hit relatives did not come for him he be tent to the poor house Joseph pondered the matter a day and a night He then cosily proposed tending for child and adopting it wife flatly refuted What a child a baby to make litter clean floori and upset her orderly plan of life 11 You must be crazy Joseph said severely If it a girl now and big enough to be out from under foot I might think of it Hut there aint any use talking about it Busby rarely opposed his wife even in so small a matter as talking when she bade be silent However this time he laid We are grown old The baby would be tome I bin to love to ihc are not about Idols Joseph fasten a towel around neck in lieu of a bib but they overthrown Now 111 try and make an Idol of Joey You arc a remarkable woman Mr Busby wiping bis I have always you was a remarkable woman and Im a little afraid I am an idol of you New York t- us These words back to Mrs I Busby as she bent over the tub Did she and Joseph need something to love them She thought of Ihe rambling old house with id many rooms of the fertile it and of the comfortable bank ac count Then her mind wandered to the distant cemetery where a white marble cross marked her babys grave I couldnt Rive Leahs to another she whispered And yet he might make a place for himself Oh roy baby I miss her still- Withdrawing her hands from the cuds Mrs Busby crossed the silling room and entered the one knew not even her husband how many Irouhletome questions the mother settled before her childs picture She opened the blinds and looked long and earnestly into the babys face Do you want me to dear she asked tearfully Do you want lo lake a noisy troublesome hoy into house it an idol Leah my wanting everything so quiet and orderly Ten minutes later she back at her washing The parlor blinds were closed and all things were as they had been expecting Mrs Busbys eyes there was a new light in their grey depths At half past nine the last clothes were on the line Returning from hanging them out Mrs found a neighbor Vance at the door 1 have been down to the station he said and the eight oclock train brought a baby for sou or rather A what demanded Mrs Busby catching her breath It was plain to see that Mr Vance was enjoying the situation A woman who was going East on a visit brought it from Kan Said it belonged to some of Busbys folks She left it in care of the ticket agent and he sent it over to me Its down to the road in my wagon and a trunk too The little fellow has cried most ever the woman left him Mrs Busby took down her green gingham and prepared to follow out to the wagon without a void Was you expecting it Mr Arrangements are being completed for the reopening of the line Presbyterian Church which takei place on Sunday January Special services will be held on that date and on the Monday following a grand tea meeting will be held Among the attractions promised for thai evening will be Miss Marie Wheler soloist of the Toronto Con servatory of Music and Miss Ethel Toronto zephyr The Methodist Sabbath School anniversary took place on Sunday and Monday Jan rath and Rev of conducted Ihe Sunday afternoon and evening services and took part in program evening after the inner man was satisfied to the hearts content At a regular meeting of the of Division here the following were elected for the first quarter of the rear Pickering A Miss Bell Seymour Keller A Miss A Castor Treas Chip Joe Sudgen Con Frank Weir A Con Miss Walton 1 Miss Thompson On Wednesday afternoon Jin 1st the residence of Mr J Thompson lather of bride a mile south of here was filled to he doors with the elite of Egypt Mount Albert Newmarket Providence Zephyr and the vicinity in which the bride resides to witness the nuptials of Mr B Iepard of formerly of Zephyr and Miss Nellie filth daughter of Mr J Thompson Directors of Patrons Shipping Warehouse Co have declared a divi dend shareholders of jo per for Two of West oldest residents passed over to the majority the past week vie Mr Gil bert Robinson and Mr Edward Fisher A barn of Mr John E of was destroyed by fire on Tuesday night together with three seven calve several sheep and a quantity of feed Cause of fire unknown In on barn on contents The bain was neatly burned down when discovered at a Mr Will cashier for a number of years in the Standard Bank here has resigned his situation and accepted the position of Secy Treas in ihe Wander Bicycle Co Toronto Mrs will also be greatly missed especially by the choir of Methodist Church she tendered such excellent service- On Tuesday evening list the mem bers of the Womens Auxiliary of Trinity met together to gisre a surprise party to Mrs William Wood President of Association in a very concise and appropriate speech explained more fully the object of the assembly and after eulogizing Mrs Wood lor her prompt and regular attendance as or ganist of Trinity Church I AURORA The and freight tc completed cod official moved In The of neck havoc with- electric light which becoming displaced left the darkness for four The of Aurora society the Nen Years ball IoqW place on Wednesday evening week when benedicts of Aurora entertained friend Many from Toronto Newmarket and other places were present Glionnas orchestra furnished their usual delightful music The North York Farmers Insti tute hold their annual meeting In the hall here on Tuesday and The meet ing will be of great interest to engaged in farming and should well patronized by those engaged in that line of business The two young men and McMasier charged with stealing three geese from Mr McKcc north of thii place a few days before Christ mas were arrested on Thursday of last week one Toronto junction the other in Toronto Constable went down and brought here and they were brought before Yule who after hearing evidence committed them to jail to their trio at the next They were taken back to fait Friday evening iianrtr to lvy thtt On the thirtieth of br In Iho oar Lord there a in Town Hill In of tor the for ftbaut ell of Worth Now to it to fivo Ief3tri lo govern And It cam to whoa In their And it to whin ell the rd Iho lexers It found that the hid on let ho Wilg held of IcAOtrn M when it known various bad chosen they they did end wore merry behold there Pdcr to to ftRltut tender ftd two ar of SJioaffitesfflghGasa consult with chief priests tribal th all land County lor two ifl4eal of leadera victory tribes known ho it to for wtro ViurrintjiVa lion the i other I tit- the that had as a light to the honor any of tin it cairftlo ttit of tho the to upon hits Ltd Now ftlter had Chief lasting for at which lini lioy wtro all to toother cast their or the various ludcri after his own mind i through U and spread tha news to all to that might be bat at apjintod they all and cast lot from tfas In this There on the last evening of the year just pissed one of the most pleasing Incidents this neighborhood hii witnessed during the twelve month of The event the celebration of the anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Stone View Notwithstanding the Inclemency of the weather in which the yen ushered out and the new year in the residence of Mr Stone was a glean light and festi vity on this auspicious occasion The rooms were beautifully decorated- As each entered they meet with an evergreen arch across the hall above which was inscribed in large gold letters the word Welcome Pats- into the east over folding door was Ihe inscription Golden Wedding in gold letters surrounded fcy yellow And entering the room one was met with a eight which was the most pleasing of all Down the centre the was spread Ah immense beautifully with yellow silk and ferns overladen with edibles of description Above it and directly in the centre was a wedding bell decked with and evergreens and lined with gold under it being a magnificent cake beautifully decorated Running from the bell in the centre and diagonally across the room were streamers of evergreens lied lovers knots while on the opposite wall in plain prominence was a further inscription in and evergreen Happy New Shortly six oclock all were in the east parlor Prosier who had charge of proceedings led in prayer followed by some very appropriate remarks Mr K Wistner of then requested ihe bride and groom with their supporters Mr and Mrs A A of to rise up when he read to them an appropriate address Numerous presents presented by the children tiro magnificent chairs by friends outside family accompanied by another well written Sharp at seven oclock the folding doors between the east parlor and dining room were thrown open the family with a few friends ltd by the aged couple out to the sump tuous repast the bride and groom loolrin if anything ten years younger and with smiling countenances were seated in front of the goldlined hell while on each tide were placed Mr and Mrs and surround ing them were direct members of the family Mr Preiser said grace when one and all amid jokes and laughter did ample justice to the things spread before them This was followed in quick succession by three other full tables when all were satisfied After a few minutes intermission Rev again called order and announced that all would join in singing be the lie that binds The letters of congratula tions received from friends who were unable lobe present were then read by the Rev Percy Fletcher pastor of the Christian Church who follovr the to that they of the A It lil I J On 1nt v of cod liver tV will bring back to who lave lost it arid make where raw liver oil would be a burden- Ill I Vir to Sether Joseph there wa an ficrcen in voice I such twisting of Scriptures is sinful If lent l thats all and Mis Bushy strode into her ide do turned the kitchen fthc of the field had to Ms lime hc sniffed put her to carrying dishes into the unity washing ihcm Hit the frown on face told that The window be- Vance asked di2pponted at her quietness Not she replied briefly It w a hut link face that mot were great blue a rosy and curling hair Hut child was unmistak ably dirty and began crying again in a piteous fashion Mr Bushy held up her arms Come she coingly You want bread and mil dunc you and the dear chickens At the same leisurely of the morning Mr Busby again traversed the pith from ihc the house line ol while ctolhes drying in the sun brought to hi mind of morn- lr hut lit no reference to it from his wife A surprise awaited him The table was laid for three and at the guests place stood a clumsy little high chair for ty years had stood empty in an upper room And on ihe flsot a happy faced child surrounded by clothes empty a disused candle stick and a like collection of im playthings Who who is lhat Joey Hate Pushy Mirandas prompt and picking up the child she it in her husbands aims There Joey dear make friends with Uncle Joseph He is dearest Utile fellow went so cunning and a bit son vice president presented Mrs Wood a valuable gold watch which members of the congregation had obtained for her as a slight recognition of her val uable and unremitting services SUTTON The council for 1896 is composed Cole McLaughlin James Tay lor and A J Caintjron councillors As a sample of hoi much confidence many what titi thing would Kite to the varices Hot feo low to fcdi forth in atun- and farm an Electric Dot lo tL of leader to amoof choKn the let he cut ted they ihcuH rail ail great the fall But at day cause ihsre was all the IT1J to pita that the the vari ed wilh the childrens parents The chairman after making a few remarks on the above then called upon Mrs Sybil Stone- Smith the youngest daughter for ihe reading of an original poem on the celebrated anniversary which was of such went as to claim no small in ihe entertainment of the evening Miss Rogers gave a reading followed by remarks by most of the present In the midst of the speech making all were startled the of the belt which those gather that the old year had passed and the new fear had begun Mr Fletcher then led in prayer Mr and Mrs Stone in a few well word spokeiheirappicciattor in a most touching manner After ihe hearty singing of Lang Mr pronounced the benediction which cloud one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent in the neighborhood of Oibawa a bag all they ore pay or in oof has reduced its debt by in the past two years EST George Bruce a farmer 85 years of age burned In Ms house in East Tuesday morning John knocked by a C-P-R- train at the level in last week died Saturday evening Philadelphia gets a revenue of r a year from the street car gas water telephone and other franchises An fee bridge has falls at Niagara and many visitors and citizens crossed the ice Tuesday Only a a cry small blossom at a bit of wire and a feather twill snell hat probate issued Id case of John VanNo3trand lite of Whitchurch shows the total value of his estate to be Specialmeetings are being con ducted in Union church at by assisted by the Re Mr Cowle of Churchill There has been a up- riling in Formosa New Years day ien thouun rebels attacked but they were repulsed Queen Victoria finds her journey to the South so beneficial that she will shortly purchase villa on the shore of Rev G Robinson A is taking leave of his many warmhearted friends of preparatory to his as a mission to China severe causing the loss of lives have in the district in They completely destroy ed villages At a recent the Lindsay Town Council voted their Mayor and the reporters of the three local papers each for their services during the past year has been to discharge all the French ser vants at British Embassy in Paris as hey have repeatedly been discov ered tampering with despatch boxes If the states and county prisoners were put to work at road making our would be reduced to that extern would be improved and these prisoners put to useful service A despatch from Caracas the capital of Veneueli says that all is quiet there that the excitement has greatly subsided and that there has not been an act of violence toward British subjects A was held up on the at Monica at of pistol and forced ten Atceti- can Express Company cheques for fifty dollars each The Rev Father the Missionary as a New Years gift from Premier of land miles Edmonton to he laid apart as a Metis the on J and Busbys arms tenderly around the orphan The to in leer cud do he best we tin by litrn said by of Dinner is ea Joey rijU com placed in vows one candidate had promises but he received only votes We are sorry to learn that Messrs Miller bankets here have made an assignment- The business was managed by Mr Jiour- This Link his been in exist ence about seven years and a great convenience to the public Division Court was held here on Siluiday Judge Morgan presiding vs The action was on a Riven for a buggy Albeit Madill the maker of the note admitted same but brother Rob ert as joined owing to the latter as was a letter to plain tiff Haling that he Robert would be come good for the debt in case his brother was given lime At trial Robert denied having written the letter or et having given instruc tions to anyone to write same and went as to swear that he Robert could neither read or write judgment was given against Albeit for debt and and action dis united as against Robert with costs vs Sheppard Plaintiff sued defendant on a now or and deft put in act for re pairing house pasturing colts and wintering lime repairing putup and line fence and damage of qui tribes uA scvking their that they might not to among Iter cast out Lo behold it to piss that it a two sribej known as aeii had they in and strength wit chosen iteicie to pss thai ribCli- JiI a toll and pat tbtir leader lbs it the yortcil together they in to wen tbtir sera weighs were it came to pass went way fcbta the llacco they iho of bHn ft Among the seven which student in mechanical engineering must learn at Cornell is that of the blacksmith Occasionally there is a protest but it is heeded One dude ten years ago was unusually averse to soiling band But he had to work at the forge just the same List fill he went to Morris and thanked him for being compelled to Itaro blacksmith ing Why asked the professor Why you see replied the former dude I am now superintendent of a mine away in Colorado Last summer our main shift broke and there no one in the mine but myself could weld it didnt like the job but I took off my coat and welded that shaft It wasnt a pretty job but shes running now If I couldnt hue done it I would hate had to re the Chronicles the leaden jceicy Thai cutting limbs off apple trees in October before fruit was picked and the green peas amounting in all to 8175- will t to WW tor for New city never sleeps Besides policemen cabmen street and elevated railway bar tenders there is en army of news boys women There arc alb night drug stores bath houses and cigar stores A of in the heart of the city remain up all night are three den tal on Sixth avenue on Bowery and one on upper Third avenue tor the immediate re lief sufferers who can walk the floor no longer an aching tooth Row a notary can be found during every hour of ttistwdy for pack that shift en back and tend it mile over the mountains to be fixed and the mine shut down till it got back My ability to fit shaft raised me the eyes every man and the boss raised my Fred McKay of has sold his Hotter Prince lotom parlies near for One of the present day took place in New York recently The residence Isaac the millionaire proprietor af the Iron Works was entered while a portion of the family was absent at the opera Nearly worth of vis taken and no clue to the tUi A large and happy gathering took place at the home of Julius P lireuSs on Years day About fortyeight of the relatives friends ol Mr and Mrs who fifire married on Dec arrived to give them a l Alex Keith of Reach went to the night of the election hear the result Returning home he unhitched the horses and was driving them to the stable he slipped on an icy spot broke his right the ankle Inst t5 Josic of twelve who was abducted from October nth has been found at Ont She that to become a Protest ant and she ran away her father thrcattreJ lo put her in a con vent The efforts of any newspaper to up a town arc practically nullified unless they be backed up by business men A stranger the news columns of a paper to its pages and if he fails to flrd there the business card of the merchants and professional he copes to the conclusion lhat the pub lisher is not appreciated in which case it is a good place fwr him to keep town ever with out active assEtance of the Korean papers grow and build up their localities without the assistance of the town men should realize this and remember in giving support ihe newspaper ihcyare net only up their own business but helping that is the whole community widow it term anciently used in England to denote a woman who was a mother but no wife In this pail the world how- it is applied to a female who ifaouaU lawfully is living apart from her husband The of the phrase Used in that connect is as At the lime of god excitement in California many men left their homes to seek their in what is teemed the Golden State it was a general practice for these iuarritd place their wires children to board with fiitods or Then it laid IM hunters hid turned their to grass as when a united it is turned out pasture Very these wives ion the