NEWMARKET ERA FEB AjftviUcritta Wedding Notice Supper Shop Craig Shop J Pmer House for Eva DRIOII7BR WITH PACK Is Printed At era FEB Toronto DepMii to Hi lira Feb il Fro at York Ho- to stealing ah to thru In a your woman tided log from th wit ilia testimony of of htt My to bit If Mot for ffimljaifio If ft Ik whit about a lo ti of jrlrUrinocrIrvjriVriUP-cWOOOTCro- floats corridor J for mil en wed Amor Ifco Ac during Tin Georgian Com ota to Ontario end edition- ftl tn rHCt A now hit lo loAfxlcalorl strictly i frnt to Wert to 25 cub to virtual ly en now Hie in for To contluaca Print for Dominion likely Premier till announced In Mr from his In ParlUmcnt Oils embargo caused Canadian not having followed of lie Canada and Great It happened pneumonia being prevalent In the Stales it was between Canada Eng land as a condition of England not embargo on Canadian ft had upon Amcilcan cattle the Canadian Government agreed to totally prohibit Amcilcan cattle corn- inglmo except in can and then to be llirouh the country when through 0 in such way that there would be no lily of contagion for Canadian tingle exception not one American beau to be Into and It and Canadian that in order to compel the railway train men and other railway cflicials to conduct trade safely a Government guardian to be in charge of each train ice that the railway men did their duly This agreement was never lived up lo but the government issued and placed In hands of the railway companies blank appointments by the authorizing the railways to in sert the names of conductors rains to act as guardians to lli em selves them selves upon themselves and lead to their own dismissal This fraud led lo the traffic being conduct ed in a lax way Inspection of the cattle fell into dis use and be came a mere form The Inspector would go along at night sometimes with a lamp sometimes by the of the and in Egyptian darkness to inspect the cattle In the cars and report them all right and let them Canada 1 hen tome of the box cars were to badly constructed that of the cattle fell out on the track on the way the country Itadcd cattle cars were allowed to on tidings to Canadian cattle When unloaded- the care were turned to cleansed or disinfected for carry ing Canadian cattle through the ouoby Hone of things could have happened if the Government liAd complied with the agreement and led an honest faithful goreroment guardian each train and report the railway officials when their duties Morever for years cattle from the States where was prevalent were admitted into Canada by the thousand without quarantine or any precau tion and the Government reportshova that during these years there existed import a of American cattle and the Northwest so imported exceeding head and the cattle which the English Government declared from shlcb ltd to from ra lion Is if cvnle srere from pneumonia they got it by the laxity in question The result a direct loss to farmer of at lust head on beast sent lo which bade amounted lo about Lead meaning an lots of lo Canadian farmers in this branch of their busi ness hut s the embargo ham- pen our liade with England end gluts the market with Cana dian cattle it his had the of lowering the price In the Canadian mfjkttts well 10 today whether the Canadian farrntr tells for home consumption or for export lo ltrid he is suffering from ihe geuccofthe in having damaged this liide Dr violent blustering attack on ihc pub- lie platform upon Mr Living the negligence of the but he failed to meet the I his he bad his opportunity to disprove Ihem if they vereunjuc for Mr in his the floor of Parliament them quoting docu ments in of lUeui then fcjid there in ihe of the challenged Montague or wy one lo them attempted to do to Montague followed his speech of blus ter but aileot in regard lo the not aUeinujiig to disprove or that public may accept it as milted by the itsu that their bad faith brought the Canadian with all mUfprtunci It ihe muling of Peis look In Toronto and Friday In And was ly over fifty parts of loplea lateral to Mr of Iho Journal Pits- tot Mr of Parry filar formerly I Mrs Bolton who bfo vlilllng at for hops In cl of Winnipeg for- of bet In Udstoj Toronto Mrs Hamilton of It hero on of Mrs It who his from Mrs Merrick of Toronto of IT li Hires or four week with Town and In vlclnlly indObldtoy of Now matkot oko Mr County to pari In sbo Convention at Wlh and Is Pinter to joiltlon rocVJnjf of Co Ho lit Mrs went lo Ibo city of tbo retl- of lst Crown will a suoklrt Mr end and two children vliltlog It took them four hours lo go from to good span of drivers Mr on of lb work- on la boo ill In 1 1 If was an wilt bo iwcUy Id Mr J Millard Mailer Workman of A the City next and to this ot Ontario Over Mrs Borah was AS Home on Friday with a owing to of from and brother Intcodci to remain over but sadden death In family terminated tho villi rather abruptly turning their joy Into PIKE ORCHARD Meeting of the of Temperance Trill here on Friday the rth pi and pm The latter will be an meeting lo which the public arc In vited The Grand Worthy Patriarch and the Grand Secretary besides other noted speakers arc expected Miss Nugent was guest of Mrs Stephens last Saturday Too much snow however It snow use to grumble Mr and Mrs Kennedy of Quccns- were the guests of J on the 5th Philip who Lao been suffer ing from an affection of the throat for a is no better It is his intention to visit Toronto General Hospital for medical treat ment Two of our enterprising far mers vit Mr Albert Reynolds and having large contracts for furnishing cedar arc busily engaged getting out the some The sick ore very numerous this neighborhood Ii teems lo be that old tyrant the grip what milder type than usual a very pleasing sight if one happens lo be passing our school Just at play time to tee a bevy of happy laujihinfi children rush out for healthy romp in the snow The de portment of the children make on ex cellent index lo the character of the teacher Miss McCautey teems to have gained the and affec tions of her pupils People of Pine Orchard and vi cinity conduct yourselves circum spectly for A chfclf among ye tak ing notes and faith hell prent it Mr of Newmarket had the misfortune to or of flour while on lib way Brad ford last week The flour on and en up train It It tho for torn stance Mr Aaron of has Mr house and will move about the first of Match Mr John Public School teacher who hat been 111 the past month with la grippe Is slowly re covering and expects to resume duty In week or two The officers of North York Farmers Institute arc looking for a large attendance here next Tuesday when Important regarding the farm arc to he treated by Millars of fjcaforth A of New Dundee and Ktq of Afternoon commenced at 130 and evening at The public ore invited and have teen playing checker at both places on a side and after games Noble ton counts a ahead at Is to Corn mono on Mr J IloVlniOi by a majority of over Hon Peter who In provloao parliament woo fremenlly oh ludedloao Third Tarty lu realty nit thai ho was hide jrdtnl not any materlil In of parlltl many of cur Ibo of cur to jKTinll cur to prrslr It for tlrne to Well I tor l I feci the 111 In lift men con- loUruiathough allowing Miitt to Into tutu 1or a to lhror till and Act It provides for ft in tit further tlim vm of tho If to to tho hill for o It found fi when the hill up for reading will to further com- lo and of thlfitimnd mint Mr who the High School at Hill over Sunday with his here a at our Sunday on of he of una of gravel road in of Kin and from ippcaraucts is likely to remain so hundred and ictntyfive yards of gravel been put on it lately ihc ground has covering of Kravcl which viH make it much for the Our store hat made quite a reduction in and the jKOple of neighborhood ttCm very pleated VAfJJiV Mr John was a Twin Pine farm a few days week There to he tck in neighborhood Mi Mar Starr and Mitt ate poorly Mrs is at Mr Homer had a few friends in a quilting on Tuesday of last week Did the Insurance call on week The business the was small in attendance last Friday evening owing to A large attendance is at the 1 Ontario into The rt A for of Mr Lis Mr J iStht horns over Bon fey Mr In City ft Lire on ft Geo mi tho Ml for on to villi Mill of Roll lown wc-k- Mil Geo two children tie villi Bolt Moot of it J- A of tit teg or ft a Town fttUndtd of Toronto I other with tiood to with ltd for ft of with A of of Vu li a fr ft or two Mr of hit Mutlti lir of KVa A wlUd Aoutti ftlccel ft of ou of UxUitc thus or four dii Mr Jiilts doted lili better on Toronto ftjiUJ from iJo of who 11 or low IU4 JtlUidty a Neil Sunday of Newmarket is expected to preach the anniversary sermon to the Sunday School We hope there will be a large attendance The next event in will be the annual Oyster Supper in connection Church The Willing Workers arc noted for their liberality in cater ing and a good program of and addresses is to be given in connection Make a of the of February Mr David Peregrine is very poor ly Though in his year he has had very little sickness and present attack is going hard with Say Mr Editor did you bear about that of leading education alists of who paid a visit to the lake shore last Saturday and got dumped in the snow 1 warrant they were very mum about it when they got borne but ihc joke is too good to keep meeting ibis week which is held on Wednesday evening owing the the to held in Orchard Hall on Friday evening Mr Walter lives takes charge of the meeting The attendance at the S on Tinicsdiy last that business was posi tioned until a week later hoping for more weather 1st Sunday was a test fof weather Christians despite the storm there was an attendance of I sixty at line Orchard Sabbath School How about Arc those belli still ring ing at thought there an echo one day last week The many friends of Mr Freeman Scott were pleased to meet him again and learn that he was far recover as to occupy the pulpit last Sun day evening Mr Rogers of Toronto Sunday in our midst The second session of the eighth legislature of Ontario Mas opened at o clock afternoon all the glittering which at- tcrtds Slate functions Ihc presence of a and most represen tative from ibis city and various parts of the province The following is the the Speech from the Throne I have much pleasure in once more meeting you for despatch of busi ness It is wilh feelings of profound tor row that I refer o the of Her Majesty and Family in the death of Her oh in I lav Prince Henry of It gratifying to know that in case affecting ihc intcre is of mother country no sacrifice which the circumstances might de mand would be considered loo great by the people of Ontario should they be called upon to repel invasion or to defend the integrity of the Empire I am observe that not- depression from which lh farnai of are KKTriEIIY The pie social at Mr Waltons was well attended and a most enjoyable evening spent The revival meetings have been much belter attended ihc past Ivo weeks At the end of last week six teen had expressed desire to walk 10 the way The of Charily from Toron to paid this part their usual annual visit week Cheap I weed I pedlars were calling from house to house last week but farmers were rather shy of them Another hi addition to our on the pa the lev week now Two What feet will deep your Mr A very quiet and wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs on Wednesday evening the when their daughter Sophia was married Mr Frank Draper of this place The ceremony was preformed by Mr Moore of the Methodist Church assisted by the Rev Stewart Walker of Free Church Mr Loveless of acted as best man and Mis Jennie sister of the bride assist ed her Miss Pearl acted as maid of honor After the ceremony the company wero invited the din ing room where they sat dswn 10 an elaborate wedding breakfast The company were mostly relatives and intimate friends of the bride and numbered about thirty The bride received a number of valuable presents which convinces us that she has been a special favorite in her neighborhood Franks many friends here sail no doubt join with us in wishing him and his estimable bride long life and prosperity OAK RIDGES Our Bishop who has been for some lime is recovering Several of our young people took in Ike party at the Like on Friday night and report a Urge lime Miss of Aurora here last week friends Mrs Gregory bad a carpet bee one evening last week and be believe some of cur fair sex ere exerts with the Oaf captain who has been visiting in Toronto has relumed looks very much improved by bis trip Our village blacksmith has taken another apprentice T Webb of Holland Landing Mr Clancy has of ill health given up hii blacksmith- business in lie has out a patent on a machine for catching gram which is thraihed out by tinders He pitted through our last week with a model of bis invention The of saved by machine is to the interest of firmer The janitor of the is of the deepness of ihe rumor has a wedding Inch ed for Ihe future Michigan readers think of that Editor A letter from Detroit last week stated the were nice and green with grass Several invalids of long standing in this locality were induced to try the Concert medicines but those we have heard from stale they find no bene fit from it as yet The promise was that almost immediately good results would be obtained Guess people like to be Mr Hugh visit ing Irs brother here and other friends John gives such good sat isfaction that he gets work a long way around A call from King City ihc past week At ihc Mock Parliament on day evening after several motions had been disposed of ihe Minister of Finance delivered his budget speech The discussion was fast and furious up to hour of adjournment It is likely ihis subject will occupy the next sitting en Monday evening The leader of the opposition moved the adjournment of debate- A tot of important bills will receive their first reading next week including sub sidies to Certain railways HOLLAND LANDING School very inlla- on Mr lublic teacher at Amsterdam has been low for ihe past two weeks with His mother arrived Thursday last Miss Minnie of Toronto Is visiting at her fathers The Chosen Friends base engaged the Queens Concert Company to play here on Monday evening next It will be the first lime that this troupe called here and a full house expected fering they exhibit a growing inter est and enthusiasm in every depart ment of agriculture The number attending meetings during ihe year for discussion of agricultural matters and all the association aided by the blurt which specially depend for cess the of the farming classes arc a flourishing condition The Pioneer Farm established in Western promises lo prove highly successful The new established in Eastern and Western Ontario have greatly im proved the equipment of the province for dairy instruction- in fruit growing and orchard spraying have been successfully conducted during the past year and promise good for the future The of the pro vince continues the atten tion of prospector and miners and Ores been discover in that region over an area of two thousand square miles Several stamp mills have been erected in the districts of the of the Woods Rainy Lake and Seine and the prospect for the employment there of capital and labor in min ing is hopeful The nickel and mines have been fairly pro ductive durinx the past year the completion of a blast furnice at Ham ilton will i trust lead to the profit able working of our iron by providing A local market for their ores I regret to that there has been no marked improvement during the past year in the condition of the lum ber Irade While ihe sales and prices in the English markets have been fairly satisfactory ihe market for lumber in the United Slates has been in a depressed condition owing to a continuance there of business stagna tion and financial disturbance Among he hills in preparation and and lie promptly submitted for your consideration are a bill respect ing City Councils a bill reducing the number of members of County Coun cils a bill for increasing the useful ness of County Courts bills for re vising and consolidating acts re specting Public and Schools the Education Department and the University of Toronto and a bill foi further improviug the Agriculture and Your attention will proba bly be invited also a bill extend ing the provisions of the mechanics lien laws The time is near or the decennial revision and consolidation of the statutes of the province and vou will be called upon this session to lion the necessary preparations For several years brewers and distillers of the province have dis puted the fight of ihe Provincial Leg islature lo charge them with license fees To settle question of au thority a test case was at their in stance submitted to the Court of Ap peal and judgment has been given in favor of the province The brew ers and distilUvs have appealed from this judgmtnt to the Iriy Council There has been unusual and there fore unexpected on the part of the Right Honorable the Judicial Committee of Her Privy Council in a decision on the appeal the Supreme Court of Canada regard to prohibitory liquor legislation- This delay indi cates difficulty in agree ing as lo ihe proper conclusion on some of ibe involved in the may be ex pected any to whom were re ferred unsettled accounts be tween of Do Haiti Cohort The 6th Annual Convention of above Association was at Pine Orchard on Thursday and Friday and of Jan- The first cession commenced oclock on Thursday evening Af ter devotional an Open Conference on wuk was held in which several present took part There f no branch of christian work of greater importance than the Sab- School The child mind and heart Is most susceptible to Impres sions and it it that our in fluence be such as to lead them to put their In Christ Reft then called upon to give lheddrcs of the evening The three great factors in ihc education of people ore the press the pulpit and school Early impressions arc most lasting ihe memories of youth forever The School work I a root work com mences at the very foundation and according ihc strength of ihc root so is the Is a pleasure to watch growth in the natural world but a greater pleasure for ihc teacher to watch the spiritual growth of his scholars The text book ihe bible In secular life old meth ods keep place to new but the bible never grows old ihc world never beyond it is grand est literary work wc have Tenny- Works contains over quo lions from the bible ThrcefoMlV5 of the in the library of the Museum arc in way re lated to the bible The man can have no better precepts than he book of Proverb The promises comfort to the hearts of suffering humanity Let teachers cultivate the upward look and strive to their scholars like Christ and the reward will be place on thrones with all those who are worthy On Friday morning The Heed of and How to Obtain Convulsions our Sabbath Schools w as intro duced by Mr E Scott need conversions because of lost and fallen nature We need in the Sabbath Schools because it is easier to bring to trust in Christ than in after Conver sions helps in the- formation of and the perron brought to Christ in childhood is of much more use in ihc church How to this by attention to our personal makes of clean vessel- The teacher must be equipped with a knowledge of the bible faith in Cod that ho will some fruit from the teed which be has jammed us to so After a short discussion the lesson was then taken charge of by Mr Lehman A very interesting and profitable bible class was held for an hour and none could feel but what it was an hour spent in study of Gels word What Should be Taught in our Sabbath Schools was introduced Holland Teach the truths ol the word of God Many to children as if they were very bad teach that Jesus loves that belong to Christ and if they stray away them to a loving forgiving Saviour and friend Leave lesson helps at homes lake up references and not mix up stories with bible truth FRIDAY AI1KKKG0M The nominating committee report ed Ihe following President A M occupied by many lino and they villi go at the cut prices cents now 5 5 5 cents Wool Vests pike was now Ladles Wool Hose Wool the was no the Ten all Goods price Three Goods price was cents One piece Special Fluted Black Solid price was now Mens CardUan price was cents now Cardigan price was now Gents Scalettc Caps the price was cents now only Hoys Overcoats at half Ulster High Collar Tweed Lined price 3 now Boy Tweed secular now Ulster Mcna Fine Tweed Overcoat regular now Mens Fine Black now Mens Fine Venetian Overcoat regular now Mens Fine Fawn Colored Overcoats now Mens Suits something extra at now Hoys Suits real at now The above prices take effect Friday morning and in less than ten they will be out to come quick Big Reductions in Shoe Department Beit Goods always at by llluitraling from nature leading by itep from ihe natural to the should teach Cods and ever keep an eye on divine pattern Mr Rattan raid In dealing with the subject of Sabbath School Rules and how to carry them out it is a mistake to shout a boys name for ditordtr The most might be brought to the best ihc power of christian love His illustrations from life siere impressive The attendance during the lion was the largest the township had ever had and this most successful con was brought to a close by singing be with yon till meet again Will so in I Copper to ftreerfrMth4 Ufa SHARON The general topic of conversation the young people is the Valentine Carnival in Friday night They are all going Cupid will quite likely some arrows The annual meeting of the Kast Protection Society place here to morrow afternoon GOOD ENTERTAINMENT CGsthtlcgol ai la church NOTICE of toe IhoMUkdurUir it Atvxlfttloa Its ttuifi Milk Council Chamber Newmarket on Wednesday 26th day of Feb Toronto a a fil a a DC 0 I a a i on a a n ITS a a Of a SI CO all CO sis OW a w 00 a MI SCO Jr tCl rr mi letter ftl4r lb I i i Wool lb Duck ftlSocvrk Victor for to J to to d rains FOR- VMich arch ihh of it rather to is here Ladies so order your Wedding DO We have done a large trade In Wedding send- Tor have the best Biker in Unci North of Toronto Our Home- Bread Jlanuaiy We arc clearing off the balance of our Christmas Stock of Fancy China and Glassware Toilet Sets at Dinner Tea and We rt Miss is visiting friends in the Scotch Settlement and j and tic Provinces Mrs William and have during the put have been visiting in and Toronto Junction the week- Mr If Proctor master of Aurora was calling on fjitnds here last Saturday John has been loorly the past tome- belter find to be out again Miss Violet Sheppaid has been at the past months her is expected to return in a week or two Murphy days in the city week Miss Annie spent Sun day at Mr Phillips SIrco year several of the im portant referred to them Appeals been taken against come of dedsionf to the Su preme some of them srill go to the Prily Council The public accounts lor the year just closed be in your hands a early day You will to the total of was kept well the upiopriatiois snd thai the were considerably in excess of estimate The the current jtar will without subline J for your VicCPres J Secretary A Starr Treasurer Committee J Wallace W If Tarnmer J Stephens Isaac Pike Wilson Thos A and Tims Paisley Temperance and Sabbath School was very ably handled by Jos Young No man can be a drunkard and a christian at the same time harden spirits defile the temple of Cod The Sabbath School aims at the reformation and conversion of all people We can write ll unto the Lord in our Schools not on casks of rum The saloon want our boys and In Sabbath School let us reason with them of righteousness temperance and judgment to come In addressing the massmeeting of children Mr Young represented cigar- Cites rum and bad books as robbers hiding the rocks bad lawi These robbers demand your money and your life and your immortal soul The cigarette robs young men of employment No men wants to em ploy a person who smokes cigarettes- Hum blights and tears everything that it comes in contact with books squander precious time dwarf the are delusive and destructive We want to have decision of character to resist temptations of those who would lead us into the company of these robbers After singing Have courage my boy to say no Mr Jackson introduced subject The Ideal Teacher who commences prepar ation Sunday evening follows daily readings makes lesson a subject of prayer on behalf of himself and his scholars attends the teachers meet comes prepared to give and re ceive intoimation He knows his class their daily occupations letupta- and encouragements and is an active enemy of those amusements that tend to lead from Christ He visits his and enquires cause of absence confers with on any changes he wishes to make in bis class and provides a sub impassible to be present In school he is in bis place a minutes before lime uses bible class and avoids the use of crutches when teaching- He the scholars to ask and answer questions makes the of honest answer whether or and is not satisfied wilh any measure of short of conversion The President ft report of his work in connection with the Associ ation after which the President elect Mr A- M Hiker look charge hi duties Owing to ihc unavoidable absence of Mr Weaver ihe conven tion addressed by Mr Scott and Rev Rattan Mr Scott spoke on Christ our We to pat tern after Vim In His sur prising love- softens he believed earn he in the abolition of slavery in end men who believe in what they teach will Third of The truth in the Sermon on the a Ilka Business TORONTO IB IViit Id Or tut- Considered to have no equal in this put of the country Jive our Brown llrcad a triaL It is ro aiding sVuniiture AND FOR GASH Is where you get the Choicest Con of alt descriptions C S Main St have some nice remaining but want mkc room for s till BOOTS AND a TE HI A SPECIALTY Night calls at Street JOIIiV NEWMARKET iuilloi ML ihc 143 lb Sfirocr it lo iOayct itt Tho Tomb- Iti tut Alto IU sl fctp VIOau ipito JOMK Oil t IAI Ate well and away in price n moo eh will find as usual GIVE US A CM it J place it On You to be at the top render us this with our advertisement see always expect and Ire fior you will always you In any TUB LEADING Main Sit ihe lost leading their remedies that have ijualities standing a long time en our together a Line of Toittt Articles at Remember they arc priceless Y J Take care of them of hem for Executors BONDS LAKE HOTEL AND OTHER PROPERTY vcUabtJtUrnKcktir it i sicui lib it lib hear p gil er la cobtctUtq 0ULcJUmcUuc1 it Lvi lf fcrrit FOR BALE rill far 7 j- j jo J it J lAkt witch SiTKSf Il aditlM i i- for Windows or EyeGlasses call on us and get sour prices ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician 58 Main St Newmarket are the of Soul cantor incMgii est Lilt it a No- la Mount Iti j 1 WW l WANTED tiiltcU if- tIvVv