l flBrvVrifr 4t re NEWMARKET ERA Tt Hoi Dry WAitwa ft Go A Aijrcatto OEM A WITH EACH la Printed nil FEB County Hod Mr A- bill re duce lie number of members com County Councils not yet at ibis office but from In Toronto we learn It to question of reduction to the by resolution of council vote of ratcpayen thereon to be at lie municipal elections next January lie Act relates to the constitution of County Councils after it goes Into effect where electors of lie change Section a enacts that County Councils shall In counties containing not more than Inhabitant be composed of members In counties containing more than and of and In counties over or a greater number members My another provision the operations of this bill County Councillors fie to be elected second- Nominations shall be made In writing sailed by at least twenty five municipal electors in the county and deposited with the on or before the day of Decern her In each year In this respect the bill partakes of one presented to the legislature tome yean by the Hon- Commissioner of Crown but only passed the initial stage After nomination as above the pro of election Is aa follows Ala meeting of each municipal council in lie county held on he 3rd Monday of January the reeve and deputyreeve or deputies where more than one is elected aie to fill up and sign the voting papers Kuril or deputy is entitled to a number of voles equal to ihe number of County Councillors to be elected and by the introduc tion of the cumulative principle each may give all his votes to one candi date or he may distribute them over the entire number to be elected he deems The votes fire to be up and transmitted to the clerk of the county who is to open the packages end count ihc voles In the presence of the county judge or sheriff or in the absence of both of these officials in the presence of the county court clerk and to enter the votes given for each candidate in a book kept for that purpose and forthwith declare persons elected who have the highest number of votes Hie foregoing arc the main features of the bill to far as have been able to up to the present lime No doubt it will provoke very consider able discussion when it comes up for a second reading we heartily endorse the principle of reduction we are to the opinion that the present system Is more in touch with popular sentiment Instead of tend ing a deputy for every by chang ing the basis to a deputy for every a wholesome reduction would ha effected every municipality would have at one member at the Council Board and the people would still have a direct voice in he men charged with conducting heir affairs Failing in this method it strikes us rate- payers generally would rather have the county divided into as many districts as there to elect and vote direct for those who are to represent Possibly when the bill goes to the municipal committee Hon Mr Hardy may consent to the Ed option of one or other of the foregoing sug gestions which we favored by many members of the House We take Occasion to again re fer to ibis bill when the full reaches us and give more of its tail- under of XtllZMUvMto alien It by lit A from Audio to to being by firm to firms mill ca thai Dr Manna Arctic now return home Is cjn- Alined Lo of wn- at WotfJcr If Dr a as a enlr trip Ho tinil Is Wo tat wo not yet fll for an free rut or It that tho Patron members In will lhtJoitrn- to redeem tbonornberof mem bers of I appear to support to tuber but hay the propose In the bill pro- of shall bo appointed by eri the divided Into electoral dis tricts to at Is log to a ho el Aberdeen vc at fjbbtth and others away for fancy drees which took this In of frcl of talk abottl ineny about Ottawa being wry out SfoVtn In llitlrflenuneletlon put a prevailed In end In of that Mr I leader in plead by Mr J- Vliltney petty that any or any It now Mr ftfltr of Iho Jiiuijuv IiMJi it Keith Aifcflrea a II Hi Ad And tor VcnfutiAir Wilrtro M0 1 louts lo Lit J9 I oclock 1 1m 1st Kv abitbAocL Virtue JIIIIJ1llrUd fttlhf wIIIcocUoa jfi 1 i0 now Bill of Mr in Hill ho on i7lh foil It of hue Mr WaiU6ii the tli lU the hi depart by Jul lis Lie l- executor of the Dr It the lor U cud Ins will to the Board to iii Lfr It teuton en the at Hit at the he pLOKctica ihe tow Council at on pitttnt from I II J Wen JJror do a amount of township printing Dill from If J BiiHjs for the ro- for which finally audited and by ho J for printing aoitt4 by ByJAva of Health Council adjourned nut I at en March MOUNT PEASANT Our corner was cornered in by snowdrifts toil week- Mr jr of Toronto paid us a Hying visit last week Mr Lauder McDcrrnolt visited friends and relatives in and around Tottenham and as bound up there No Bible Class on account of the Those living on the Catering Road climb snow hanks Cot the rut of the winter master has refused to dig the road out and as there arc some who do not the people lo cross their fields they will have to take the con- Our village is deserted on account of the Sunday School Con vention at Keswick Mrs Stephens is staying with her mother Mis of who is very low Mr Date is doing a rushing business l A tabbing affray took place on Tuesday night in a bar at Peter- tiiA large portion of the church sheds at has cob lapsed from the weight of snow on roof blue Armenia was published In London Monday It contains a table prepar ed by a committee delegates from the of the powers thtt the total number of concerning whose fate ac curate information been obuined is twenty five thousand throwing a match into come rubbish a fire tinted In a and shirt waist factory at Troy be fore silt on Monday evening which nearly men and girls wire em the latter were tilled the windows and jxttons Were Injured- of property will atilkh It for ihe York toilette ly Couwil acMriiMl tic City I udWai4M It in twt tt- kiMii vi4 prMtLi leatp t Didnt tee has had a 1frttl J i- iCir tvf tfwia J3atUtilitbclb ACivVtLJ Willi tvJ 1IL ilik Haifa fccta M4 a OCT Oil is If flW so a fit jit a 15 PH a IW About the on Tuesday Mr of Aurora as- lined by V of St All the an nounced in attendance and be ing the meeting of ever held here of our to ihlntin all depend upon grain railing here VAIUFX Mr I of To ronto took charge of the morning and evening cervices Fine Orchard last Sabbath The entertainment question finally AH for the are blighted hut for the future arc The entertainment Is postponed until next winter to the of the teacher the school last ihurtday The pupil are all lively at work this week however Interesting events of the it week the latt Tuesday and the Temperance movement last Friday flag Mr sick driver look after Mr Jos Stephens of Pine Orchard vrcrc quests at Mr last Sunday Some people think know who our scribe but let ihcm please hear in mind thai the simplest look ing arc not always the most easily solved MOUNT ALBERT arc very hid Snow feet deep The Methodist Church has given Rev Dewey call lot another year He preaching Mr I121 decided to his More and J has wade an engagement there for a year Samuel List is A it in lo jt a license for the Oak Mrs in llic The woollen mill is to on tie of March The market was a today Trices away up in J accompanied his son has gone to Toronto to Ml A fct the J is wmerbal improved A small volcano in the shape of wedding is about to take place on Centre The ashes deposited Queen are not only tinililly hut scare many horses in passing Mr Rich Kay has Leon confined to his bed for the week with Rev has closed the revival cervices for the pvl week Our school fa improving under the construction of Mr J About noon Jiesday fire out in the formerly known s theMilacb and re- occupied by Mr Win Cooper The fire originated from the chimney and building totally Most of the contents were avod covered by Insurance It look ed at one time as though the residence portion of Main Street would be destroyed but Ihc wind being somewhat favorable tin fire was confined to the in it originated The property belonged to Mr A Travis Mis John Fee of Toronto a couple of days last week with her daughter Mrs McLean Mr John Hopkins preached in the Methodist Church on Sunday after noon Mr Richard Kay has been laid up during the past week with a severe attack of la grippe Two of our men attended the Sharon Carnival on Friday night lash below zero here Monday morn A YOUNG A week last Wednesday Miss started from home to drive to Kesuick a distance of two miles or more when the hone strik ing its shoe against the runner of the cutter started lo run away The young lady not being able to stop the hone had the presence of mind lo keep it in the track Two different parties during the runaway tried lo stop the beast which turned Manns comer so ra pidly it almost turned the cutter over the animal falling upon its knees but springing to its feet its journey fullspud lo Keswick tun a boys hand the hoy himself hustling out of the road just in lime The same lad about eveO when the young lady was re turning with an air of sugacious warning Youre not safe to drive that The tig came down the hill and round the corner at K wick on one runner and passing be tviccn the tie post and the building stopped short in front of Mahoneys store Damages a broken snap only bear that Mr of engaged in litigation against William of this vi cinity Great success has attended the revivals closed last week in the Free Church north of Much credit is due Rev- Mr Reynolds who himself in these revivals nor in vain for miny conversions have been through yaci fchd the and earnestness of the pastor of lifts ought a from the to his home Terry a serious Orougbt on initially by the recent death of an a Of Mis Terry Mrs Terry is yow- convalescent under the of but lit Mciritt to improve STRANGE Our mail carrier had to come for the null on foot mornings bit week on account of the drifts Mr Dickinsons little boy who has been sick with an of the 1 Mrr has been tick for about two with of the lungs The doctors arc afraid ft will turn Into quick consumption KING CITY Mr John McDonald who has been confined lo his bed the last few days able to attend lo his duties again A sleigh load of our people attended the tea Maple on Friday lash The Concert held in Horns Hall on Tuesday nth under the of Court Laurel fairly well at ended and were it not for snow drifts on the roads the attendance no doubt would been very large- Members from Court Laurel A F attended an Oyster Supper given in their hotor at Richmond A O Richmond Hill on Fifday last The boys were used well and arc loud of their Sitter Court A number of our young were the recipients of tome very pretty valentines on Saturday last Thanks Hill and Sadie Miss Martha Large who under gone a critical operation at Toronto progressing favorably Messrs Frank McDonald and Stoke spent Sunday at Mr Dan Mallows at A meeting of the Midland Division Western Football Association will bo held in Hill on Friday eve Feb mi HOLLAND LANDING SHARON Tuesday evening was a in The ice In condition srestcr rot loo cold plenty of rnuitc from the band and ftp Immense number of to en joy the spoil Quite a number appeared in various costumes which much The mill dam at Pine Hill Mills broke on Sunday a most thing this season of the yean Ash Wednesday cervices will he held week doting Union that evening In Church Monday morning was inhered in with below zero me glad to announce that Miss Is some belter She has been to ihc house over two weeks and her many friends will be pleased to hear of the change in her con dition Where is Cum Swamp Have not heard a him the past two weeks Is he froen up or south to a warmer climate are the death of Mr teacher of the Bradford Road eurred at Sunday morning Deceased was tick but a time with inflammation turning to pleurisy Much sympathy felt for the bereaved mother arrived a ittek before his death as tliii the hoy ihc ha lost within a few The remains were taken to horn in on thy Mr is very ill Mr Ltvrence John- fin Lurk of Toronto a dip The veil filled lt Mon- rLy nielli to hear the Queens Con Co and all were well plaed with this evenings Miss of has been vKitinjj at Mr Shields past week Thame of Toronto was in the village Wednesday Mis Van who has been in the past few weeks returned come from the Amsteidam Sunday School on the Bradford road that unruly conduct has been indulged in by in the vi cinity assisted by tome from the village Last Sunday the threatened to make art ex- if it continued We hope for own sake and for the lake of their parents that the boys will not carry their tricks any further and that heir behavior in school may improvement Ob but didnt Jack Frost make the house creak during the early hours of Sunday and Monday morn jo below zero Sunday and on Monday The veering round to south soon changed tem perature The heavy fall of snow which all day Thursday of last week with the great depth already on ihe roads accounts for the number who got 10 the band concert The entertainment given by Mr and Mrs and was said to A On Thursday last week the Christian Church shed collapsed un der the heavy weight of SHOW on its roof Also the old standing on the grounds of the exhotel down with a crash on Saturday The roads were iO filled snow in with the wind the early part of last it necessitated the shovel brigade being called out The mail was delayed for a time in consequence Mrs Geo Blackburn has been laid up with a severe attack of La Crip Miss Libbie Curtis is to improved a to about the house but her re CO very is not as rapid as could be wished VisitorsMr and Mrs T Walker and family of Toronto her mothers Mrs J fhrradell Mr and Mrs Dove and family of at her fathers Mr Splendid lime lor the snow shoe club to lake a little exercise Mrs Webster presented her husband with a ten pound boy on Monday the The could be een Valentines day but we did not hear of any valentines passing through our office On of the falling in of ihe Christian Church shed the revival meetings are now held at the Metho dist Church Mr of Newmarket filled Mr appointment here last Sunday evening Great interest is centered in the Mock Parliament There was a full attendance on Monday evening list and the galleries were crowded Af ter the order paper hid been cleared hilts advanced the fir the discussion of the was resumed fend the debate wAxtd lo ihc bid Mate of the roads last week the mails wctc delayed con siderably There it lots of snow now and considerable difficulty is ex perienced In meeting rigs It an organ instead of an order that was placed In the new ball Mr J lias had a new windmill erected on his bam by which he pumm and conveys from a well a long distance from the stable into a tank It is alto used for crushing grain cutting feed Mr Stile threshing machine was upset lvice within twenty rods Tuesday No particular damage was done but it was quite a bit of trouble right it up each time Mr and Mrs L Wilder spent a few days in the village this week Quarterly cervices commence in the North Church Friday even ing and continue until Sunday The members of Church intend holding entertainment rext Wednesday evening Mr Leslie lWur who has had an attack of inflammation i much better The three well paid for their trouble by being treat ed to a hot by the three lady skateis evening Careful is Year Miff Thos has home to her mothers illness Revival meetings are going on at Keswick up night in a sleigh load Sunday Convention at aolh and int io- froni litre gone to a VIRGINIA VIKKAIIONS McDonald passed through the village on Saturday He he nearly eighty head of cattle Some chore there for tome body Threshing is not finished liere the fanners arc holding their grain for higher prices and it looks as if their hopes arc Joint to be realized Mr Kays machine one day list breaking the ititlntss the air- Mr has just returned from a visit to Mr Frank Lyons is once again us alter a three years sojourn abroad Olid to you Frank Miss of Toronto is visiting at Mr Miss Nellie of Canning ton is the guest of Miss Tennyson A load 0 people from Vir ginia went to the basket at fast and although the foreign tacnt filled the young folks report a happy lime presume it was the they en joyed most We are pleased to tarn that Mr William who has been sick with inflammation is slowly Mr Hill of spent Sunday in people around here ire put tied to know what the Fieri Ccrrftrt Wli Oilftrto for llin tad li of lrntvillii wck for ftn In Add ftiw opening Girl Tho vcrt ftni iIUj in Hi toft fffn through which MVcr looked Atrnlotho of the col for a week Ihcro bring of detail to In working order flat KmplrOi without Hi effect upon flir Oliver ftod ho not when pstud tho retold loyally hot was fciW wit to point Oliver in mi do the th Ontario votil4 bo of In over the Vcntzatla Incident wm very rnto nodi ft war between tho tro great united to very determination to In tho but tinging Mr an to lion and Una I veto bo ft I one Kir Oliver iho wli lo motion pifcl in tho way to their feet then Mr tinging Rave the yawn not a they In an an In tiny inn National anthem the vau In alienee debate on paco due form on the day follovdriti the Is but irilerci in time resolution Hon Mr of abolition of County Council radical any rnuisirct govern it likely lo prove Mr who to from lo 6Vj failure vo but ho a vjsA Apr fusion fiir Oliver Mr tho oilier bill of faro which jfovldc for the and Mr briefly ft of bid warm of work Iho in eiporftnenU fruit tho in his admirably ho fititdbat6 r It run not i KT J S3 on olio io of inoa l do dull it to low enough to tempt you- to buy advance of your following you can on and lota of headway with your Spring Bowing Good Round Thread Bleached Cotton yard wide per yard- Best Bleached Factory for Shirts and Underwear Patterns JOOO Yards of New Prints from Jcto12lc The Freshest Stock of Dress Goods is here No old Goodsno Trash ashamed to offerour Customers the antiquated stuff that is sold in some stores remember GENERAL 60098 WE ALWAYS HAVE THE BEST STOCK IN TOWN OF it- ft BOYS BOOTS IE liM tot iho of c- to JACKCON aired dot The for moved ihe Si ex- petted thai this will concluded ihe tilting si it bill lo the fitid lQ ft id the ihc Co to be taken even- iftVe to earn If ihc government to North as of the the part of the Hiding let ihcm imlcd of killing time pass An It is an everlasting ibat in this Canada of ours- arc allowed deliberately lob neighbors and receive no other than an accusing conscience Verily justice prevail QUEENS VI ibis have chronicle of another of our highly respect ed citizens Mis She been a resident of this place for a goodly number of years and will be deeply iriistcd The sympathy ol the community extended all Ihc family The reat meet ing which wis lo have been held Friday was postponed The were Al Home to Sharon last and an time is Mr Tied Spfaue Is im proving and we hope to see him again in near future Great excitement was aroused here last over a boy who was sup- to have been lost in the storm but was found hearty and well in North Gwillirnbury Rev Mr Newmarket preached an excellent sermon lo Sabbath School last Sunday would be hear him Quite a ivjmlef from here ftltend- the carnival in Sharon on evening Mr of Toronto Mi aunt Mrs a few days week- Mr George Wright has been ill but at writing is slowly improving to he tire parlor poorly attended J bib been pending the pan under roof In con nection with Ihe Church lor ihtsr io be held Iho to Miss leaifoo has been with in City for lime lo Council wet fell pretext of previous ftnrt for printing received from od of the former tot the turn of to printing report wi to capita printed for for At meet ordered to A and of bliihvrji end 11 Jo from nod to f Ho Mr fthkr this litter ccEnoicilc5 Council to on May of a- g CHINA SERVANT re- to Jfcmiritt A L HO llrtl fcvlldtrgc BOARDERS North Bay Firemen hold a on May SOME DO SOME DONT a College I otftd rc till fcrdedinltlclnl ICAW A 5 Itewtlr A ror WANTED MEM Of ii kmti wrlfofcllj In llitiVj hill datlMLit pnl llnoppcwd and lilting of lilf ihit It pioiidcd for lo work done fiielfQW dtybiro op tro the public and inkjMS then tljs tb4 is irk full tod f irij- i Joc for f bat in of U the dty lbr for delay order ibo luro lo over The public that total province in a ircreits On oilier WV4ta Ital year ft having taken in At ibt lliii Itfcb ibo in erciirf from the Gov bank to and the by of ibtt wed to tho large year by thU now at ihc w do 30 rEc a total Of Bom chief for Civil for for of for a con- of for and for Of iho lilt which to fir Mr to number of County It i a which It arranged that in all whiro hat than ihe tec I hod 0 to that in tho tbe way aubltUdit v fi bziVcJ JtucLiihut iffiMtf U belli it Wcl CMcVtvr a frU a Oh SJ a a CO a is U WW II 0 a a en W y a 0 CO to A a a On J I TO WAN DAVIT for Real of lid 1L0 5 FOR A We arc clearing off balance our Stock Fancy China and GUttware Dinner Tea and Toilet at AT THE A House FOR CASH SOPH ijpr We have tome very goodi still remiining but want to make room for Iba Ian ill f 1 a GOOD ENTERTAINMENT tl will V2TMWRVAKZ2U A SPECIALTY Jed to i rI lArMIfiHJOr 4 ij cilia attibaat JOIIIV IKJ la o fertvubrmAi it a Ifcrficrfr Jilts en Mr i- At it wbrioii for i lornll a i feOTTiWictxiOXAtllaParv-ifiHl- iho lit 17 vicktrT y Afv 1 Jrcfku w it ir Newmarket OK 26th day of Feb l- to Kill to of Kvit it it scfipaf J For iwyayToTIs BOOTS J hrriTAirr 4E2171Q 11 itAit0CK 11 Year is here forget lu order your Wedding now We have trade the past YEAN In Wedding Cake tend- for iniUi We have in all lines of Our Made Considered to have in this part of the country Give our Bread a It is fine HERE If whew you get the Con of all descriptions C AV forth to J fcttxCuxt Av art it to UAKlslt to til t0 aieailM A GOOD tit AND Are vell aborted down in price- GROCER Vou will as GIVE OS A GALL THE GROCER Main ThsAhy Hit Remember they are priceless of them no one will take Tho Eyes the if Windows fyounee of Soul I Spectacles or on us and prices with out lop Von etc you Id ny CJit ATKINSON Jeweler and Optician Main St Newmarket The Secifil of Printing j W leading that hae a long I i on cur ahthet together Cucte Lire of Toilet Ankles at ihc not lost lt U at J Ilk l 4