1 j- NEWMARKET E iRotio ok in A belonging to Mr frightened on Church In Mid ren tuny doing to mi Rial Site Dr Hull hi In of a A Loss John a W3ji of lutilpn47M to cow fill Into Boll loth Ho ho of march bay til had tiling to do It f Home JJuiuat Jena en CD fcttbton la tilth far coma lmiand death SLomb tod In the Church Inn lor to rcaiorfni to her rbniilafl milk The Hall well and a fro- a of effect alcohol 1g iMa line at coDlrlbulc4 a alto Mil Coring and lilts of tf liltlo option and by Mela nd well udorcd Mr alio a for The ate of Tata of legal In follow fur appealed from of Court Vail new trial In action upon a lost alleged to en conditioned In the of landlord of a farm and ahoaelttd Venting plaintiff a of M credits and a bond In dcftndint aw tfC6 in dotibU Iheainouol of the Hon to abidt to the can vrai tec SCC but Court mono only to bo paid n provfitom a cite at li hot fur by allow id with lK decision Uorjjan In Court El and In favor of Mr I and play Buying what You dont Want tven if it is cheap is down right Roche Co dont allow any of sales people to push the of on any customer Suiting the customer villi the goods they do want the fuit consideration their employee to do ia he polite and show of that the customer may find what they are looking for belter and be obliged to buy what they dont because the fulhehoice of a large stock is given Some stores have small stocVs to show hut do a large of talking have the good to show with very little to cay They allow the low prices to speak and not the salespeople When you are in- goods you need not feel that you must buy Its not consider trouble on their part lo show you the often before you decide just what will suit you has an up to date but no Incandescent Electric Lighting at present They have and if as well managed as the WaterWorka Department it will pay because theres more moneys worth of that tliere is water For in stance Roches only buy worth water and ihe Electric amounts to per annum A larger business to be done its all a of good management and have enough Cash to on the business The Town can use money at a cost of A regular meeting evening Stfti reports Grand IfnUrWork man Another the liflon a aUTtrtnonntwl ally to District for Order of for tljat ftatnbr patted tba of to Bros- or I and In relative Hockey The match played on It Ink hut fiaiorday a afrctttoQ and malted fa 6 joiU fltnio played tilth ron a lho loo In condition log the tart of tin SO liri spud and tcr play Ifont Com try rtcltci knock arid 1 ltctlrc weakened bo forward En Good 1tiroi7gjotit for homo weHiltd with Carnival To The final match to hip of il tonight Clala Carnival HA fl of Ireland ana Africa Undo from acrcta will an Green and agreed upon will toil Patrick Utirpby Point Jerry Judy OToolt Tim Arnica Forward Uncle r dm Joo to at MoDRLKcifoOL Stand January and 111 Dink- ion Jaffcy Frank Frank Ford Jorge Velxna Aha Cora Prober Frank Marlon 4 Jj InUrmcdlato Willi lUnolaAllanltoborlion Arthur Iva Art Willi Walter Kelly A Awful The noon of aro to tor If fait train aloot J CO but not In Or SO and oat of the ear at train la fuxo that Height any nay ltcU hor fail alii and cm of man was aland plalton aiid net tha aad the par Mm on lido of lho if it had killed earrlid Into the and medical aid hitt ho uncOuacloua for Ho in the all and ho too neat day The doctor afraid of hut Jait was doing nicely Chamuravs- latnly and lho atylo la A Bra ton in Town anything like thorn and they not any more exasivo than a good Print THE wrvlco the uorring very impreriUa- feoling refortbco to the of an lifa to the of man and glory of God The of laal week At in ia ho wai over the kind loving and and many tribute a of affectionate regard have Mr I attended the fun oral at ill Toronto on wk read by Hey Mr Dr gate a addrei end prayer the van Ada mi en Menia and Rich- in hit acd on an and a Welcome They 11 lhat Ha out of and They Him aayioj Abide The were There ia a fountain Wlt a friend we hare io and Abide Mi lb me Sap get trie for Methodist Church lundayat lha Morn ing subject and a eh tip llDTtto Sale Mr Silver Bis going io a of at Repository In day Ha ftn at and left order al u The North End they prepared to play friendly flllh fitooralx a aide Barry to of all Iff In Libel Boll out of lad muni had to bo adjoarotd lat Friday for from all parti of lho and al far South The Ladies Aid of the Church and Modern In alio of church Vicd of week Homo of will to pork baked lighted ancient tal low and curved by ancient will all modern In and by Ho will ho spared lo a very and enjoyable affair la eat at or at both Tea from to rnado The at en Thundfty of week full of Interest record work lhat lho on Sunday largely attend than particularly in lho even when church well filled at lho day ovculng wai crowded an IntlUUon boon attended to Peoples tiles of Town each tdGoeedlirg Dr was with yroxlcit In- tho of being enlarged an more of and whkh foreign railed upon wo ro led the of day lo noon hour on Monday of Mr Starr of our wool and enter pr lain men and an equally and Wem- of to that home from whence traveller Here a of or four but folly prewired for a belter world and last hour a of Lor full of radiant never to be forgotten those present a lor tho Matter and greatly by many out Id faintly about llw years of eye which to ho only The funeral held in Ibe Christian Church afternoon which crowded to door out sympathy to bereav ed Dale of improved tuo by delivering an won and Mr in the Tree I This is an pur- get more than vatuo for ibeir money J II Millard made ar rangements to supply who pay for of a Life- Crayon and Ink Portrait Hr annum lower lhan any individual can do they have the property to build have a certain amount of help already they are the largest custo mer and they can in- create lo double what his hern doing without someone ing bad that tome one is doing too or more than their where is a in it towards reducing j resent taxation or going towards reducing of Electric House Lighting that a1 to have it in their own the Town should it The good to ihe whatever will make it y on and April lit and jih Wall Taper Window and Blockade The snow ait Saturday gave about of finow on the lovel in ad we pre followed by a high wind almost completely every diroction morning J Millard had a to attend tint and the be After apend- lag an hoar with trying to ahovel their way ooVorham obliged lo tfiandon the of gelling out with tht hear and finally reached an boor liwo in a cotter It J had to attend a ton fil of Bradford on Monday injt and ll took and to go to Holland Landing with lbs liaarae They bad to Wok road a of way down go through fields bat they got there without any damage- Tin enow la deep only track and experienced in heavy On route here and beaten track top of feet of anew and the pitch ate bad The palhwatlera will Lave a big contract If a thaw ocear of to a laaait acjxy of the not being tho a of A fine to Mr Frank valued at or got fait in the and fetlock cut by of other tho team Blood- potto lo bora a dial for a by the vet A biz crowd withered ihoreturn match between tho homo Icint afternoon result was another victory for Now market by to 3 game perhaps the heal played here this and from to feat and clean MeKlnalry in did while Campbell did food work On Ihe Forward line All of home team played ralUJnKCOod htefay and doiujj aplendid work on the For Walker two and one and for and Ed Doyle each Xho free from rough- ncii Bradford boys went heme all tatiafltd with tbefr treatment wore WeKinalry Point Vebh Cover Forwards Walk- Mi Camp bell J J Kelly Point A Jl Lloyd Forward tihupe Doyle Colored Warp a hunch at Toronto Jobbing Homo J The 3rd annlveriftryof llorKaiji7ltonof tko Junior in will be com memorated by an Interesting in Town Hell next Monday evening tork which the boys and the girls are in pure ly benevolent and undenominational They endeavoring to a col in the Hospital for Children at to and ainco the cot is iov by a child from their arc all the mere aroused The program will of singing by a Choir under the direction of Dumb recitations by recitations by Utile folks and instruments rauaic The admission is only j and It is con expected that the will en courage tbo children by a full house The at Home and are attractions the bills Social Royal Templars coanting on a full host good at their VyJt Friday of ttcck DeUY The train front Toronto ycitcitfay morning did tot fcelog for hours and a on tcoo of drifts and King As a a lot of mailer Intended for this to lato to this week On Friday night tried to affect an entrant to of lbs IS Haddock Co appear to bats disturbed frame along Ibe aide to allow a to bo In order to pry There la a Vacant cell In Central for of then fetfoiri lo occupy before long School Regular last evening Present Pretty and Report shotrs on roll and average attendant of Tho appointed at nutting reported that jo of education per pupil Is and mend that tbo feo for month noil f to trier Report adopted lo I20 being for Pour rcoclvot for position rendered vacant by running from for nd to for lit elm No thereon ran 10 purchase ft tor Primary Mr Geo Rose a accident on prtrn MS Oil lot hit to and it to ihe ho was ftbout the to it up the horn started to tun aahb Ha th on tad It eipcot lit hot It feel end it out lifting its it patted him It a hot and had no but It struck Mr lbs left fug bono Mr- for many years but to by of a couple of cants When kicked by lho ho unable to aoy- hear and had lo villi his hands It Is a compound fracturu and Jr Veley day bo was doing nicely To tht lull tor Of Era Home noticed In acme of Toronto aa local a big scare about County into heavy law suit and Governor appoint own County or cud of another to try the appeal of ejaallation and County Councillors for a under lho provisions of of Act sVjvr I prepared to an opinion on subject as I have not up any cues hut if might lure my idea I say that it inibe no County Council a or no says to fled may ajpesl and slaio whether appealing Is to the final of Uftdo by County Judge of tame in tut appeal has objected to of County JTude Hit to mi what good a re fiubaccioQ would do If tho party appealing aras not with the County Would not olur procedure bo new ay I pa as appealing with the County why alt compelled to take Ihe other courts If of your reidera aro verced In Law will explain this matter shall and until this dono I shall compelled to that all newspaper talk Has merely and that ait to iutico made by County sorely under Cab County Jodgo power to the alone And a word or two to Mr an the place it will be moil to diido lho County into seven ijkooven and ae or joining together apart Another that seems to wrong is voting It SQcnulativs is proper not adopt it in Par- Election I Federal and have two why not giro of cumulative voting Then I think the fdunicxpalcnaca should of Federal waa taken lix years ajo a great change plaia then par in southern districts IS needs it provides for 26Inch north Good Pins pen Todftt Fane Wool J An Muslin per yd nd colon ptt I 5c 2c A Red Salmon good 1 4 Good Broom Herring per box Sunlight Soap per box Surprise Soap Evaporated Peaches lb Flour Matches per box Herring in Tomato Sauce per tin Mixed Pickles bottle We have just received a large shipment in the latest styles of Hats We have the largest choose from and the prices are as low as others ask for old stock trA We Buy for Spot Cash and you get the Benefit between Spot Cash and Bad Credit V2i Goon Cwks York County Storey ji FOR TQF1L1DI mi- dimmer t J will surpass any former season We will show a larger slock have for the past five years Miss Oslrander who had charge of this department last sea son is again in charge She has devoted the past few weeks to studying the very latest productions of French English and American Millineryant the madeup Millinery that we will show this season will compare favorably with anything to be seen in Canada anywhere and ve believe much loweriin price than many places Newmarket Arriving every day And we are to sell foot wear at prices that will astonish you Remember that you can buy Shoes Cheaper here than any store in the Couuty THY or mixed The Cheapest and Freshest Groceries in Town ft my There never was such an opportunity to buy Dry Goods as at the present owing to demoralization in the market Some manufacturers lost courage others were obliged to sell at tremendous sacrifices We bought consequently we the Greatest Values ever placed before the public I Our f beats them all boxes Best Biscuits only Nice Fresh Lemons only ice doz Extra Fine Granges row Family Flour lor See our Factory Cotton inches wide for other houses advertise for and call it yard wide emphasize strongly the fact that we hive broken prices unmercifully Henriettas for See the New Prints from j cents up See Our Cent Table Great Value Great Value in Linens IN I Days will be Wednesday Thursday and Saturday April 1st 2nd and when invite you walk around our Show Room Come and bring your friends with you- 0 MAIN STREET LUNDY y AND HURON STREET ARE IN EC EI IT OF- J elector is ihe lit f two or thill for in tallty in be Pup the tiivilliiobvry district fca lector prior to the tco IrU lo tot It of in DO You know that those California Dried Plums are excellent you should try them We repeated our order again this week for mure Ve have received a slock of Brooms and intend to make a specialty of this line We can give YOU A good Broom for and that Up are handling Colling wood Meat Hams and e can assure the Public they the Best the Mildest and the Sweetest Hams us When you WANT A piece of Hani give us a call Our Grocery Stock veil assorted with fresh goods If you enjoy A Good Cup ot Tea ire can satisfy you Christies Sodas received Were you satisfied with Coffee your WIFE Made for Breakfast this morning If not tryour Sensation Blend AND made day If you intend to buy your Bread this Summer we would be ierc you and we can assure satisfaction A ROBERTSON ft I Spring will soon fce hero and those who like a Suit will find a 1 new to choose from have a variety of Suit- in all ll makes of Fresh Canned Salmon Lobster Sardines Chicken Soup Corn Peas Tomatoes Desert Teaches Solidified Jellies Mince Meat Honey California Dried Peaches Prunes and Apricots Bread of Finest Quality constantly on hand AT CLOSEST CASH PRICES DAVISON a ENGL ISM IRISH AND SCOTCH Neirt Tuesday is St the bill fife to In morning elector who Lit or more Dress Skihxs cdTwd Council itondiy effing enroling of Ilia Only Good it of tbxt will to ibfl It life incur- no ill their for fccol leu jifc ids by ike tow not in week Of fice Co over in wita list They pay have a io Ueibitit lodc finaaoiit to he t4 A cir culated at Vine Orckit A a man dag out enow near Vivian lUe no of no doubt tji a In Mr may lily Id oar day of a of l toiled doves lha latter got of rcderinjz to at the Friends lionet loco Wide Worth a it property in two to a Municipal s to the bill would to entitled to The of County an of for each to lit or an to each Tho two equalize- at a imputation of at and bin a of comes law North York properly be to if of SO bo carried may a may be practicable regard lobulation atsaiud valo and ox- tint of do in laying out now Mr Editor your ato I If a for or a fciunlctalitj tiio offer for Coonty Councillor cry will rafted that waul a be to And- ijfir alio and in my opinion bat ilJ over party In nose In If it tbetber they the of Bill or not I remain J Oct March in its history of nearly a century Town of been so and thrown into a of as it today noon by enactment in broad and on one of its leading thoroughfare of one of most awful tragedies ever occurring in the Dominion of Canada The lota of the tragic affair was one shot dead on the the Chief of Police mortally wounded another member of the injured an Indian badly hurt and six others suffering or from inflicted by a single man armed with a shotgun and the cause of all Ibe terrible destruction THING enter an yet t Q a TO SI put KM IS W tM tut el Wheat buttle per but el bethel at ihe point of wpundi inflicted by shod fired at him in order to put a stop to bis and effect fits capture The came of ail the rouble was a win named resides about mites north of ihe town He been looVed ujon as of not very but general ly inoffensive except when under the influence liquor He was a noted foxhunter and usually canted a about the country He and been tjit By the delay caused tilth the life- Co the only manufacturing in the totally destroyed by a fire irluch out fit oclock tioiiiing Thii of iirieren1i and the all Nobby Trouserings From up NO COB- WEBS ON OUR SHELVES You have always the lowest KEEPS BUSINESS HUMMING noticed a continual change stock and our prices are Our reputation for turning out A Needs no further comment our pit en Fork out fxU v per to 14 j OSS aw a a a a a SOW a to a OH a a CM a A a a Your it McDOUOALIi TAILOR- Next to I Atkinson MONEV TO DAVID LLOYD a liiiiu en SsloUr 311 J KMBlrik for Ctoteccr w a 53 IKittici lalWi New Print Diet Goods New Shillings are arriving Cottonidcs In theres a newness all around the MONEY SAVING STORE Spring Good W IVJ A 1 loifc ItVhwlcr It BOARDERS Kits AND SCHOOLSUPPI BTARR i