Newmarket Era, 27 Mar 1896, p. 3

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telfa OH l Machine One of the Improved arrived for end la op All the Ave who rot Ion to fltuf St to Witt Coder Holidays The Jtomlilcg for Tickets April WJbOlh In to return or 4 third to period A of it to on IVtiJfy night for covered ttuonotooff fc I jj I held In the of the under lb no if of lit OK of L and a nod Am AUftrjlorlUd Ad rat I A and If Murrey IU Mr I mo of Toronto give regarding of loUt nut News A city thai bit made An addition built to laro factory at Aurora of alio county Ilia thtt lory located at to announcing 1 at How- for tho The action by of all bclri Wilton to let atldc a of I Hon The social Friday lira fairly well attended jirlor and taffy by UtfCMToit A travelling In fbo Ball atnt that in farmed by pre Ho an on ptoplo for their not baying any from city tboTbun- day It a J to bsilncj and ojbtrfl and it to of Ibat At Hour- At a meeting of the In ycnlOffi rtri that refreshment of llutr bold on first amount sutrill offering and ft thtfe- for decided to drop refreshment and bava The Fun Received for this Fond put a JjV d ar hundred arid children a condition crying to for help Farther will and duly lory was located at they will that I 3 atclrlrig to set a V- left In Icgtclee to Canada and Church at or who not sufficiently iM and adjourned fur to ihc Fits mid at a During the paat fgor from homo of flalurday bis Mr a rljo old ago of marly f after an of tbici from In forties and In pari of King bo tor half a fca to bis aged to with bis ton did last ammtr Mr Donald brother In brought for end lln father other fainil patby of puhllo In their Ar ATcDoaldi tfdi In at 111 Ho vm an old soldier and fought In fjoudau of Ilia was ah trail Ji part of fiiPiuiKSjokifibetiJOWttonn of to tho In this action add ailing of SO Li liafilo was for four pVdryi iho It was elf vat not largo of fell on of tail as pitaIIt4on lit ad ay and Friday piling snow Into roads lanes from Friday was an iooeUnjy day la Town no and all In direction A sowilow with two a attached at Thursday and through during the hour Friday but running Into big drill Aurora and King It got off track It tan oclock on day morning tack Doting lbs afternoon we rehired that tha road trot and tb trains wero running in evening on schedule Um a Not A man gothero from Orchard noon and bo said tbo Was feet deep In wins place and bo chanted nut a of a lulls and a quarter Town Lino East from to and a road bod In opened from ilforrlaoni to Corporation a number war for two days out On Saturday aftsrnooo tko veto to tturroaodlng Foal by Indivlduliptoplo feet lug without for two days Court The ma crowded on Wednesday Ills Honor Judgo on bench Tbsohlof of Interest Walker vs Hark and Township of East In eight or wan called In- eluding engine- UolLorn damages water trolling street and nor lb of diverted from Us natural by a dam built by which turned the water along road and Ms properly r authorities folly fact that bad taken all precaution and action was dismissed Cor poration A of damages and costs was Mr dam which turn water from original channel Other were Minor Importing bat kept the Court till oclock A verdict of given On tario for HUM of obargee by April fino display of Hats and will bo on that day bate more in shortly NEWMARKET ERA MARCH 1 Ai Saturday day Band of fcp cordially Invito parents end friends of the children prctioton that echelon Band putobtta hundred and Trill the siorksra to know that the parents are Its wclfaro- The Junior of A of fit Church Intend the school on tboovnlog of April of do at traction lo by the Indian maid In bar Vjsitohs Monday some IB member of the at Bradford paid a visit to Miller was In chair and after Mr ftn ad dress of to tho to trblch President of flredford replied This was by a by Ferris addrci by Mr by and It Intended to fill program by a debate but storm Interrupted did not bate time to prepare Before trc and evening enjoyed by tbo young Huns Fresh filx days of the at week W Mktjsodist Church Key- Mr two grand torment last In morning toil If It well find bo many ftp plications In t it i to ft man and a tianj and as a side entered a strong plea for early closing of rnotlo by choir of both morning and evening and congregations largo tianday morning pastor V a sermon to children of Japan trill pledge their children with them Evening subject All of people always The bill to Incorporate the Huron and Ontario to tun from Fori Ferry to Kincardine patted by tho Hallway on Toeday It wtsopyedby Mr I faggot on ground that It an charter It really fncorratM a lot of small which should by tho FrovJneo The promoter Sir Fw declare that the road could not he txeept Dominion charter In o of of bill Thin is Hallway In which arc Interested Immfllatn ly concerned will bo pleaded to know there Is a charter lug tho present If you the Oread In Town at filar Right lliis itiim in it We fight in it We have the ktock we had for the jst five you ate looking for the of the new This morning we opened three raore cases of good some very goods and only of a and we will not repeal the so thai no other lady in own will have a just like yours so you will be right in it too In the Department it quires ability to trim every hat and Ixrnntl different We ftie light in We the Milliner who can that I the Shoe Department the latest In at the very price ylio lover iu Canada The opening neat Thursday and to the Millinery Department the Walk through it end tnpect tie Dinner There a by set the re on the end the table worth at Right under the end you enong Curtains Shades and a roll The Store of Dan- Co IRl At quarter after wind whittling around at a gale of nerd from alarm whittle and the of a railway that for already glare minutes after the aUrmprasireuoo and It never rung bettor many In tha part of Town nothing of till owing to lrong wind frorn tba Hying In many of the Town it tbo Co ve6 on Ate but fortunately this was not it was a stable on lees of Mr of the Factory wu coming out of roof when alarm was given being a building it In when arrived The reel was tbe flnt op the bill but tbe Clipper were first to throw iuiuuUj the the first alaren Had tbre a Prosit Ave alcut five could been saved My this kitchen at lb of Mr was on fire as roof op the main building a calid However as soon as was turned on all danger of tbe fire spreading avert ed Considering the high wind and the Start fire got it ivai well man aged by the firemen and tho streams of scon checked Its progress In a little over an hour whistle fire crowd who remain after the danger over wended their way In darkle js SO of the fireensu luncUl bakery fore going borne Joked about inauaglog the fire without Chic Engineer The stable was a tug on which there an Insurance of Nothing was got then was contents which com prised a good cow cutter two loss on l at The tiro nick of lime to lbs adjoining propyl corn lwoidtrcJoa the and tit as well as Mr I orlgtu the fire Is a mystery the third tbl win ter and it is alto third fire that gleser Warren He ti up on Sunday to fit Is bis and looting of the be lie gave the alarm after taUli ran up ibo bill l- abut on Aa to en tbe it fo Into tie Dp there lbs train bis return Mew whistle are to tbo kits flr wliwoU ok Mrs The many friends of Canon Vrcfrayne rector of Church will earn with of death morn lady Jiad been In her up to last andlierdemleo name as a terrible shock to the com to whom she bad bo greatly by many of active Work among all of husband addition to able and revered husband children to mourn their Her- of iBlfngton Mr Frank of flat ton Dr A for Mr- Mm rctldca in the end When will the cold weather be over It was 10 on Monday morning and fl Tuesday morning On account of the fedjoarned again till yesterday after A of Workmen ar- ranged to to night Library Hoard irr to night new Catalogue are ready A from Fine Or took train here on night The pood rink is no Ibeluinber boa all it moved for flood A yauut filore down Town by glasrbloirertf A gang of wereordcrci out yesterday to the Town Kuti will distributed In Town on Thursday vack Friday holiday Mr Win Winters obliged to Ins fiogcr again tblawuk It Injured at tbe Factory tome weeks Free I This is an age when chirrs get mo than for their money Mr J Millard made to who pay cash for worth of furniture Life- Air Crayon and charge Cricket All Interested iueitt4 to rn for coming fc coats lolongicg to Deport the fiift the Friends and bay not Will the tbathaTatbcm In prD to lb care of starch V- ru malted St Pauls The special which fccld bare char th having to churched In Asia will Irtcoollnudon end Good Friday moil aicred day of christian WlU morning and COHCBRT The Willing Workers of Church have scoured of La Dell for an In the Town Hall on comes very highly as an and from fchoolsof Oratory at and The Pus rays This Is and critics have referred to as the of Mrs as that end the largo audience the hilt was recalled amid In and jatbo3f and time her ftudllon In or In tears At A Dions the Leading J tore and Tinware Having had for a article In paint decided to keep complete tbe celebrated Walsr srd Veatb paint which we to be of higher grade and quality than bos been for tbo market Every can guaranteed to satisfaction Vbtn wanting such giro it atrial a On even between CO and CO people gathered at on and gave the family a genuine aurjirik During was ptutanlly the follewing rev to Mr and Mrs If who to remove to of town frboolboois very abortly Vjtttb3 We your neighbor knowing that your ill iar tore from among us near at hind have this evening to our re gretatlbat departure alw iQtuuu In a ellght bat tangible way our for you as end having al ways foond hind and obliging and ever ready to do neighborly act when- ever opportunity affords Wo would therefore you to accept Limp not for its but a slight and for May you and yours long to In Its light and while we hope and that your re moval front our will bo to year ad In prosperity or adversity may rays to an emblem of The 111 Jgbler Light to all Rood ready to give than we toretdo- May He bo your helper at all times and wherever you may reside and should we not all meet here again wo know that if we are faithful we shall meet meeting and parting bo no more on behalf of the friends Hugh A eau and Mr made an appropriate reply and the will long bo en 26Inch Print for VftHt Vint for Good per Curling Ton for Weal SocU An Muslin per Inch Serge colon 5c 5C 8c A Good box Sunlight lb a lb Flour Mctchc3 do Jfuifn In Tomato Mixed Be Buy for Spot Cash and you get the Benefit between Spot Cash and Dad Credit aw Cooks Povdkr k York County Departmental Stores r Wednesday Thursday and Saturday April 1st 2nd and BE SURE AND COME Tu Council lomercow Next Is Is Schools Joed tt week Millinery next will tap tf s sot j OIL KDGE BOOK First Reader Part 2nd cents Second Reader Third Reader Fourth Reader High School Reader a lot at cents I HE J Beside the Bonnie Brier Bush by Jan for 75c usual 125 A Complete stock of Books and Stationery in a few days WALL PAPE61DEPf 1 J IS J cents CHINA AND GLASSWARE Dinner Sets up to J0 Shov Room on 2nd Floor Suits for Spring open today and more coming ftflEWS fluiiw BOUGHT OUT THE Ch it til id Branch cf IG5 tod no effort to dons w Wo We have just received a large shipment in the latest styles of Hats We have the largest assortment to choose from and the prices are as low as others ask for old stock AND Arriving every day And we are determiner to sell foot wear at prices that will astonish you Remember that you can buy Shoes Cheaper here any in the Comity I ii The Cheapest and Freshest Groceries in Town N to carry on business at Aurora Equalization Homo County representing jjufiini to Wirrilt ftDd of books about chsrttr on morning will likely cost the County of York ft pretty ft Is ficltbcd will mbury by If art dud tba work of the County for was til when complied Willi com tbe lt J irtUit out prim show- log tbt am or If wss thowa then ho would into of laanlclpslUy In Ihft county On Of is It tbu County Only coo vs llfel tbo tbft scccciiti uUUisbitg litis till ILd Owing to the Wockfdc til in tbo city till Digbli till lbs to slid fijcus Hit Horror lo much ttKUDitiit Is iiiftde up of bow of diuitlcg tl tuiiitaLtjt of property it will lbs of is it low lAccais JO- web met on par- scant to Lltor IJoptity and Councillors Hunter Cody sod Following bills pitied csrliog by work do do Alex do Win Andrew Hunter do ibovcliloy snow on roads A sboelling snow to lots of ltnnlo taking for of MOO or of bocks granted on ft bo refunded toon Govt Is foiucr of Council grant- ISO to lit Ait mating en tho of up for thit point on street on lino from tbo boundary of tba Specialty building nd Westerly of tbo bridge crowing tint enliro tender of Head and Reflect values for High Class Goods Vhy cat and cook Pure Food NOTE A FEW PRICES Herrings per box Sea Herrings per dor Fresh Laid per dot Fine Lemons per dor- Worlds Blend Tea per lb Shoe Salmon per Herrings per can Extra Fine Clear per lb Biscuits lb box lbs Roller Flour tor Fine Potatoes per are not tome remarkable values in and and ojtned up a fine line of Tweeds for Spring wear THE NEVER LOWER Note our and Telephone your Odes if to visit our Stores in person 71 MAIN STREET AND 10 HURON STREET 6 HUOHtiS Suit Spring will toon be hue those who would like a New ill fird tier lo have variel of Suit- in of lor IjIntliigftaddYcrtlttagfor adopted Coui liif re- p9rt4d they to j re a vMtrhig fee ftud tikt1 tho ism to Tin Fire the tlo Lis on duly Tint foot La to the cd the of jyllD reduced That tts of to tie bat the lei to the tdtilv3 the A feptjlftlioa P J pi A lfcv At ljt quirt only JO i lvylhli2 la ley lr On the the Gaines once so much le- in ancient Greece will be Hie which they were anciently held in the valley of Kits in and which for has bun in ruin has been by Grdtk It ft long feet wide and teats and will The seal tups built of the and marble The will be of an in ternational and will include both and inodorn The it the of the of will continue for five day end will be presided by theCfOro On Wednesday Russell Coibetf a fiveyearold boy his right thigh He fell a sleigh and a companion who was with him fell over him Two brothers George and mas living in the west end were tried Tuesday before Ross and sent up for trial on a charge of counterfeit roc and pieces The coins were detected at J grocery and were Riven to Detective ho prosecuted tbe al leged of the mint They will be tried at the in April to the whether the relatives will be entitled to the accident insurance on Straths life view of a verdict of murder being returned against it appears that all accident poli cies contain the following chute This insurance dots not death from intentional injuries by the injured or any other per son Thus in a case of murder which is intentional the ruins relatives would not be en titled to claim the case of manslaughter they would be able to obtain the money FARMERS- Usui tut nit to tax ikf Wtilctcrtb OF AllANKS- Vic to cur tor fclM u to la OF the iJt to lie w- kit tad l lictXNAJO ti death could then dental be called fiClfiU- erf IRIS AND Trouserings From 250 up WEDNESDAY APRIL 1ST ADAMS of keeping the LEAD ING MILLINERY Our stock CORSETS Hosiery c is complete- Customers are delighted with our Premium fitiutlfol Get a ticket have your punched in it and when they reach you receive one Fart She Our for turning out Pi Heeds no further our part on Your patronage Neat to Oat Lt t4 if l- J tiejAitS SO tad fc4 til tit Hotel lf5ifJfaci I I A UU f A lit Ii LtitOyrVli fcUlOJllCJ- j w U ti U 1 a tilU tL- ft Mr WdW2L Aa4it3 A J Lirti an a A IS liiVJ a Ill a Oil f a I fc a I J iftil a tjui ii lit a fclSlti ltfrit4Ci a IS a US a 111 a IU teittiiu a VttfIV 1 a 111 I- t nit a on a IO fclwillt- 1 It 13 all AA A Li a It a ifQ r5 Makes more Bread to the Barrel and better than any other Flour on the Market MANUFACTURED V- SON NEWMARKET OF tavo ycnohGiJ and Apiieota Bread of Finest Quality constantly on hand All WIBOW J

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